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Example 1

A single stage reciprocating compressor takes 1 m3 of air per minutes at

1.013 bar and 15°C and delivers it at 7 bar. Assuming that the law of
compression is pV1.35=constant, and that clearance is negligible. R is a gas
constant at 0.287 kJ/kgK. 1 bar = 100kPa.

i) Calculate the indicated power (kW)

ii) If the compressor is a single acting and to be driven at 300 rpm,

calculate the cylinder bore required if stroke to bore ratio is 1.5/1

iii) Calculate the power of the motor required to drive the compressor if
the mechanical efficiency of the compressor is 85% and that of the
motor transmission is 90% (kW)
(4.238kW; 141.4mm; 5.54kW)
A single stage reciprocating compressor takes 1 m3 of air per minutes at 1.013 bar and 15°C and
delivers it at 7 bar. Assuming that the law of compression is pV1.35=constant, and that clearance
is negligible. R is a gas constant at 0.287 kJ/kgK. 1 bar = 100kPa

i) Calculate the indicated power (kW)

 n −1
 =  (T2 − T1 )
n  p  n
*Remember, n −1
 1  2  − 1
n −1  p1   1 bar = 1kPa & n −1
  1.35 −1

kJ=kPa.m =3  p2  n
 7  1.35
3 T2 T=1  288 K  =  475.4 K
pV 101.3kPa *1 m  p1   1.013 
= m= 1 1= min = 1.226kg / min
RT1 0.287 kJ / kgK * 288 K n
=  (T2 − T1 )
n −1
= m= 1.226kg / min= 0.0204kg / s 1.35
= 0.0204kg / s *0.287 kJ / kgK ( 475.4 − 288 ) K
1.35 − 1
 n −1
 = 0.079kg / s *0.287 kJ / kgK *187.4 K
n p n
 1  2  − 1
mRT = 4.25kW
n −1  p1  
 
 1.35 −1

1.35   7  1.35
0.0204kg / s *0.287 kJ / kgK * 288 K   − 1
1.35 − 1  1.013  
 
3.857 *1.686
= kJ / s [1.65 − 1] 4.23kW
A single stage reciprocating compressor takes 1 m3 of air per minutes at 1.013 bar and 15°C and
delivers it at 7 bar. Assuming that the law of compression is pV1.35=constant, and that clearance
is negligible. R is a gas constant at 0.287 kJ/kgK. 1 bar = 100kPa

ii) If the compressor is a single acting and to be driven at 300 rpm, calculate the
cylinder bore required if stroke to bore ratio is 1.5/1 (mm).

Hence; π
d 2 L = 0.00333m3
Where d =bore and L=stroke. Therefore;
d 2 (1.5* d ) = 0.00333m3
d 3 = 0.00283m3
d 0.1414
= m 141.4mm
Assume air R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K

For case of isentropic, n=ϒ=1.4;

1.4 −1
 7  1.4
T2 288
= K  500.3K
 1.013 
p1V1 101.3kPa *0.3 m
= = min
= 0.368kg / min = 0.00613kg / s
RT1 0.287 kJ / kgK * 288 K
 kg   kJ 
1.4 × 0.368  × 0.287  kg .K 
n  min    500.3 − 288 [ K ]
=IP  (T=
mR 2 − T1 ) ( )
n −1  sec 
0.4 × 60 
 min 
= 1.31kW

Remember, isentropic represent the largest indicated power required by the compressor
Assume air R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K

For case of reversible isothermal, n=1;

T2 = 288 K
 m3 
101.3kPa × 0.3  
 p2   min =  7 
ln 
IP p=V
1 a    0.98kW
 p1   sec   1.013 
60 
 min 

Remember, reversible isothermal represent the smallest indicated power required by the
Assume air R = 0.287 kJ/kg·K

For case of isentropic, n=1.25;

1.25 −1
 7  1.25
T2 288
= K  424 K
 1.013 

 kg   kJ 
1.25 × 0.368  × 0.287  kg .K 
n  min    424 − 288 [ K ]
=IP  (T=
mR 2 − T1 ) ( )
n −1  sec 
0.25 × 60 
 min 
= 3kW

Case 1 (isentropic); T2=500.3K(227oC); IP=1.31kW

Case 2 (rev. isothermal); T2=288K (15oC); IP=0.98kW
Case 3 (polytropic process); T2= 424K (151oC); IP=1.19kW
Example 3

A single stage, double acting air compressor is required to deliver 14 m3 of

air per minute measured at 1.013 bar and 15°C. The delivery pressure is 7
bar and speed of 300 rev/min. Take the clearance volume as 5% of the
swept volume with a compression and re-expansion index of n=1.3.
Calculate the swept volume of the cylinder, the delivery temperature and
the indicated power. R is a gas constant at 0.287 kJ/kgK. 1 bar = 100kPa.

(0.0281m3; 450K; 57.6kW)

In this case…

The conditions of pressure and temperature in the cylinder during the induction stroke
are identical with those of the free air

A single stage, double acting air compressor is required to deliver 14 m3 of air per minute
measured at 1.013 bar and 15°C. The delivery pressure is 7 bar and speed of 300 rev/min. Take
the clearance volume as 5% of the swept volume with a compression and re-expansion index
of n=1.3. Calculate the swept volume of the cylinder, the delivery temperature and the
indicated power.

Mass still missing in the equation. You can find mass or replace mRT with pV

Or find mass before calculating IP

 101.3kPa *14 m3
pV min= 17.15kg / min= 0.286kg / sec
= m= 1 1=
RT1 0.287 kJ / kgK * 288 K

=  (T2 − T1 )
n −1
0.286kg / s *0.287 kJ / kgK ( 450 − 288 ) K
1.3 − 1
= 1.24kg / s *0.287 kJ / kgK *162 K
= 57.6kW 69
Example 4

A single stage, double acting air compressor has a FAD of 14 m3/min

measured at 1.013 bar and 15°C. The pressure and temperature in the
cylinder during induction are 0.95 bar and 32°C. The delivery pressure is 7
bar and the index of compression and expansion, n is equal to 1.3. Calculate
the indicated power required and the volumetric efficiency. The clearance
volume is 5% of the swept volume. R is a gas constant at 0.287 kJ/kgK. 1 bar
= 100kPa.

(63.5kW; 72.4%)

A single stage, double acting air compressor has a FAD of 14 m3/min measured at 1.013 bar and
15°C. The pressure and temperature in the cylinder during induction are 0.95 bar and 32°C. The
delivery pressure is 7 bar and the index of compression and expansion, n is equal to 1.3.
Calculate the indicated power required and the volumetric efficiency. The clearance volume is
5% of the swept volume. R is a gas constant at 0.287 kJ/kgK. 1 bar = 100kPa.
In this case, To<T1 and po>p1 – case no 2
Mass delivered per unit time (calculation using p and T of FAD)
 101.3kPa *14 m3
pV min= 17.15kg / min= 0.286kg / sec
= m= 1 1=
RT1 0.287 kJ / kgK * 288 K
Remember, To<T1 and po>p1 so calculation of IP need to use correct values of T1 and p1
n −1
T2  p2  n
= 
T1  p1 
n −1 1.3−1
 p2  n
 7  1.3
T2 T=
1  305 K *  =  483.6 K
 1  0.95 
 (T2 − T1 )
n −1
0.286kg / s *0.287 kJ / kgK ( 483.6 − 305 ) K
1.3 − 1
= 1.24kg / s *0.287 kJ / kgK *178.6 K
= 63.5kW
Remember, the volume induced,
𝑇𝑇𝑜𝑜 𝑝𝑝1
𝑉𝑉𝑜𝑜 = 𝑉𝑉𝑎𝑎 − 𝑉𝑉𝑑𝑑
𝑇𝑇1 𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑜

To p1  288  0.95 
(Va − Vd )
V0 = 0.818Vs 
=  =0.724Vs
T1 po  305  1.013 
𝑉𝑉𝑜𝑜 𝑉𝑉𝑎𝑎 −𝑉𝑉𝑑𝑑 𝑇𝑇𝑜𝑜 𝑝𝑝1
η𝑣𝑣 = = �
𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 𝑉𝑉𝑠𝑠 𝑇𝑇1 𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑜

Vo 0.724Vs
V = = 0.724
Vs Vs

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