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"Seriously, Bakugou that's how you rejected her," Kirishima nodded in disapproval.

"That's way harsh Bakugou," Denki chimed in.

"Well if I even had time for a relationship I would just use it for Hero training instead," Katsuki

"Oh come on man there's got to be a better way to reject them chicks are really sensitive!"
Kirishima tried pointing out.

"What's the point of being nice when I don't even like or care about there feelings," Katsuki
said getting up to throw his dinner tray away.

"This girl told you she was in love with you and thats really the route you went, wow
Bakugou," Ochako finally spoke up.

"I don't get what's so wrong with it!" Katsuki said clearly frustrated.

"Izuku can you believe him," Ochako said looking to her left.

"Kacchan has always rejected girls like that and I don't think he'll stop doing it his way anytime
soon," Izuku added.

Katsuki pulled at Deku's hair and gave him a death glare.

"He turned her down pretty okay actually and he told her his real reasonings behind it so it
fine. Plus there would be trouble for you as well right Midoriya," Jirou put her input into the
situation since she over heard the conversation.

"The real reason? Trouble for me?" Izuku questioned same with Katsuki.

"But aren't you two...?" Tsu started to say when Mina yelled from behind her.

"Shut your mouth!"

The two looked a bit confused.

"Ah nevermind," Tsu and Jirou said getting up to leave.

"Clean up and go to bed!" Aizawa came out of no where to yell at his students.

"Yes, Sensei!" The whole class responded.


Katsuki and Izuku walked to there dorms together.

"I still can't believe you reject girls like that Kacchan."

"Huh you act like I care how they feel," Katsuki rolled his eyes and grunted.

"I don't want anything or anyone distracting me from becoming stronger!" Katsuki huffed out.

"You could of still be nicer to them..." Izuku mumbled.

"Then what should I say to them then Deku?" Katsuki asked eyeing him.

"Eh?!" Izuku was shocked a little not quiet sure what to say.

"What about ummm..."

"Spit it out nerd!" Katsuki huffed out.

"How about...I want to work with Deku on becoming better so I can be the number one hero!"
Izuku smiled at Katsuki.

"Alright I'll say that from now on then nerd," Katsuki opened his dorm room door.

"W-wait just a second," Izuku grabbed his wrist.

"What Deku," Katsuki gave a tired death glare.

"Nothing just wanted to say goodnight," Izuku smiled brightly and Katsuki even heard a little
tee-hee out of him.

Cute Katsuki face earned a cute pink tint


"Shhh! Kacchan be quiet!"

"Don't bullshit me by shushing me don't tell me you like one of these girls here Deku!" Katsuki
hissed. "Dating is not what you think its like!" He continued to yell at Izuku.

"Well I think I might actually want to date someon

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