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Refinery of the future: bankable,

flexible, and sustainable

Efficient use of molecular precision across an integrated refining and petrochemical
operation uncovers the best roadmap for refiners to meet their changing objectives

Keith Couch
Honeywell UOP

s firms work to realise their vision of how they want digital, we learn more about the inefficiencies associated with
to engage the market across the energy transition, such entitlements. Connected and digital themselves do not
implementing those plans requires an investment fix inefficient business models. As China has been the world
strategy that is simultaneously bankable, flexible, and sus- leader in integrated R&P complexes, it drives step-change
tainable. In a business where investment opportunities are higher efficiency in the ‘Chairman’s Model’, in which each
aligned with three-to-five-year maintenance turnaround internal business is driven towards the same goal: the best
schedules, opportunities span from smaller, highly tactical overall profitability of the firm, not just their domain.
investments to longer-term strategies. Any digital or connected approach will simply mirror the
While smaller investments can be funded out of cash flow, inefficiencies of a fractured business model. Several major
bolder projects often require access to external financing. firms are realising this fundamental inefficiency and have
These projects face increased challenges to secure the cash started their journey to improvement – leadership structures
needed to bridge the energy transition. Simply responding are being modified, incentives are being realigned, and ben-
to changes in the marketplace risks being too late and an efits are being realised. The first step in creating a future-for-
inability to invest fast enough to maintain a going concern. ward refinery is to ensure the organisational structure reflects
The fundamental challenge is to invest in profitable invest- an integrated business model approach. When we consider
ments aligned with society’s increasing focus on environ- decarbonisation and driving efficiencies, it is imperative to
mental, social and governance (ESG) goals. Rising to these consider the whole operation.
challenges is how Honeywell UOP helps its customers realise
their refinery of the future. Efficient integration with molecular precision
As we look at ways to increase a plant’s efficiency, we start at
Healing a fractured business model the macro level, but very quickly dig deeper into what is hap-
Please, get rid of transfer pricing. Whether a firm operates a pening at the most micro level. It is no longer good enough
basic oil refinery or the most highly integrated refinery and to talk about boiling ranges of feedstocks or even individual
petrochemicals complex, entitlements are pervasive in the carbon numbers. Strategies for molecule management have
form of transfer pricing between internal lines of business. matured to one of true molecular precision. Latest technology
These can be west-side vs east-side, conversion units vs advancements manage operating efficiency at the level of
others, and refinery vs aromatics vs olefins, to name a few. individual isomers as we drive to minimise the work intensity
As the industry looks to drive efficiencies via connected and for each component.
As engineers and chemists, we can take almost any mol-
Carbon ecule and convert it into almost any other molecule. But
Putting the right
molecules in the right place certain molecules want to be certain things. For example, by
exerting energy (work) and capital, we can convert propane
C all the way to BTX. But what should we convert it into? The
answer is: the thing that creates the highest value with the
Hydrogen Utilities least amount of work and capital. To do that, we need to
Optimising Doing more
the sources H Capital with less integrate efficiently across the entire enterprise. Less efficient
and uses operations are systematically losing their right to participate
$ in future markets.
Driving for the most
bankable project
How to measure efficiency?
Emissions Water At Honeywell UOP, we focus on six fundamental efficiency
Providing for a CO₂ H₂O Treated as a
better tomorrow scarce resource
metrics (see Figure 1). The five on the outside ring (carbon,
hydrogen, utilities, emissions, and water – treated as a scarce
Figure 1 Focus on six fundamental efficiency metrics resource) are in tension with each other and with capital at

16 PTQ Q2 2023

the centre. Whether a firm or an investor is focused on finan-
cial or ESG measures, doing this well, aligned with each firm’s Fossil fuel
Green projects
goals, is critical in securing access to the cash required to industry $10B

realise their vision. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
With carbon, we want to put the right molecules in the
right place. This can be the right process unit or separating J P Morgan
the right product pool. With hydrogen, we want to optimise
the sources and uses – put it on to do good things, take it off Wells Fargo
to do good things, and do that as few times as possible. With
utilities, we want to do more with less and minimise utility
usage. When we are successful with utilities, emissions also
come down. But emissions can also be favourably reduced B of A
when we employ the proper molecular management and
RBC Capital
drive towards smaller equipment to carry out the objectives. Markets
Water is critical. We want to treat water as a scarce Note: Includes top five largest lenders to fossil fuel industry since 2016
Source: Bloomberg league tables
resource because it is. There is a growing competition for
water between civil, social, societal, agricultural, and other Figure 2 Greening of the big banks
industrial uses. We need to minimise new water consump-
tion and strive for zero water discharge. tools to quantify processes and understand how to get the
Finally, it must be noted that the approach to securing most out of their assets every day, across every shift.
capital has shifted dramatically over the past few years. At a slightly higher cost, operators can consider using
Large banks have shifted their lending profiles towards higher activity catalysts. These reduce reactor temperatures,
green projects (see Figure 2). Financial portfolio manage- leading to a reduction in the amount of fuel used and a subse-
ment is extending beyond traditional measures, such as net quent reduction in the CO2 footprint. Operators can optimise
present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and debt pump efficiencies by properly sizing impellers and control
service coverage ratio (DSCR), and increasingly focusing on valves or improving the compressor anti-surge control sys-
sustainability measures, such as CO2 per tonne of product tem hardware, software, and programming.
and CO2 per dollar invested. Boards of directors are also driv- Moderate- to high-cost options might include adding to the
ing this proliferation. As this communication cascades down heat exchanger network, optimising hydrogen and electrifica-
organisations, project managers at the individual site level tion networks, monitoring and mitigating fugitive emissions,
are increasingly asking us to help them achieve the financial and replacing exchangers with higher efficiency systems.
measures, but also the ESG measures. When we engage with the customer to start this journey,
we start with a Concept Development Workshop – effectively
Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions a voice-of-the-customer exercise where we align our listen-
Scope 1 emissions, commonly known as direct emissions, ing skill set to understand where the firm wants to transition
are produced as part of day-to-day business. These include or improve across time. It helps us identify the right ideas to
emissions exiting process units and heater stacks, emissions assess. Then, working with the current value of carbon in
from on-site generation of utilities, fugitive emissions from the global region, we create a carbon abatement curve for
flanges and valves, and company vehicle emissions. the customer, in which carbon reduction opportunities and
Scope 2 emissions frequently are referred to as indirect their CO2 impact are paired with the cost per tonne of CO2
emissions. These are associated with the generation of reduced. This provides a roadmap through which a firm can
energy needed to run a facility that is produced by and pur- plan its journey.
chased from someone else.
Scope 3 emissions arise primarily from the ultimate com- Cost of hydrogen production drives regional
bustion of fuels that a refinery produces and sells. Scope 3 technology selections
also includes emissions associated with disposing of waste The cost to produce hydrogen varies from region to region
streams and emissions generated when others fabricate, around the globe and has a profound impact on the types
manufacture, and deliver such things as catalyst, specialty of technologies employed and market participation. For
equipment, vessels, exchangers, and pumps on the facil- example, the cost of hydrogen in China out of a steam meth-
ity’s behalf. Scope 3 encompasses everything upstream and ane reformer (SMR) is approximately $2,000/t compared to
downstream of the facility, making this the largest compo- $750/t in the Middle East. As a result, China drives crude oil to
nent of its carbon footprint. aromatics projects; when they search for olefins projects, they
There are several ways an existing enterprise can reduce end up importing propane (effectively as a hydrogen source)
emissions. These range from low-cost tactical ‘just go do’ to feed their propane dehydrogenation units.
activities to the most strategic shifts, such as pivoting from Lower energy prices result in a cost advantage for produc-
fuel to petrochemicals production. ing light olefins in the US, the Middle East, and places that
No- or low-cost solutions include reducing slops reprocess- have a similar cost structure, while places that have a high
ing, reducing or eliminating flaring, and avoiding over-reflux- hydrogen cost structure (China, SEA, India) are looking more
ing columns. These can often be solved through visualisation towards aromatics production and/or imported feedstocks. PTQ Q2 2023 17

Reducing emissions through carbon capture
250 Another way firms can reduce emissions is to implement car-
bon capture, sequestration, and utilisation. To address CO2
capture, Honeywell UOP offers an Advanced Solvent for
150 $130 NPV10 Carbon Capture (ASCC) system.
An advanced solvent allows for a higher mass transfer rate,

$120 NPV10
which enables regeneration at a higher pressure, delivering
50 CO2 at 5-6 bar(g) instead of just 1 bar(g). As a result, the unit
$20 NPV10
$2 NPV10 is smaller for lower Capex, while the higher pressure sub-
12% 26% 69% 73% stantially reduces Opex – up to $10-15 per tonne captured.
-50 Adding an advanced solvent for carbon capture to the four
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
Discount rate key stacks in a refinery that produce 93% of the CO2 emis-
30 mol% $5 Gas - $0/MT CO2 50 mol% $20 Gas - $0/MT CO2 sions for the entire complex, we were able to reduce net CO2
50 mol% $5 Gas - $0/MT CO2 50 mol% $20 Gas - $100/MT CO2 by 81% (see Figure 4). The economics behind CCUS are
dramatically impacted by government policy. It is important
Figure 3 NPV sensitivity to discount rate to understand the regional tax benefits, carbon credits, and
traded carbon market values associated with carbon capture.
How does this impact the ways in which we try to improve Another way to improve the CO2 footprint for many refiners
carbon efficiencies and operations costs? It means there is a is to bury the petroleum coke (petcoke) produced rather than
huge argument for capturing the hydrogen that refiners have reselling it as a high-carbon fuel. Petcoke traditionally com-
already made. petes with coal in the fuel market. In a decarbonising world,
governments will set coal policy. Refiners can only impact
Capturing stray hydrogen what they control, and that is the decision of whether to sell
A survey of operating sites showed that many facilities petcoke as a fuel, or to sequester that carbon in solid form.
operate in the range of 30-50 mol% H2 in their fuel gas This avoids the high Scope 3 CO2 footprint created when the
headers; some even higher. This is due in large part to solu- eventual end user burns it and has a net cost of CO2 avoid-
tion losses. The higher the operating pressure of a unit, ance of $10-40 per tonne.
such as a hydrocracker, the higher the solution and purge
losses into the fuel gas. If one assumes 30 mol% H2 in the Pivoting from refined fuel products toward
fuel gas in a region with a (low) cost of $5 per million BTUs petrochemicals
with no CO2 credit, you can see that hydrogen recovery can Finally, an effective strategy to increase the internal rate of
lead to a 12% IRR)(see Figure 3). If the hydrogen content return of a facility and reduce Scope 3 emissions is to con-
in the fuel gas is 50 mol% at the same cost of $5, you see sider a pivot from refined fuel products toward petrochemi-
an IRR of 26% by recovering this grey hydrogen that is oth- cals. It is not a question of immediately and forever getting
erwise lost to fuel. out of fuels; it is simply considering a migration across time
When you move to Europe and Asia, where you typically that may align with the business plan of your firm.
see fuel costs closer to $20 per million BTUs, you start to see The production of petrochemicals centres around the
IRRs in the range of 69-73%, depending on the amount of mixed feed steam cracker, or naphtha cracker, commonly
CO2 credit available. In a typical 100K b/d refinery, the invest- the heart of an integrated facility’s operation. One can feed
ment to recover the hydrogen you have already made is $15- a broad range of hydrocarbons into a steam cracker, with the
$18M. The chemical value of the hydrogen so far exceeds the preferred output being ethylene. All other products, while
fuel value of the hydrogen. It is clearly worth recovering, given useful, are not the primary aim of this process. In fact, while
the IRRs previously discussed. heavier products (propylene, butadiene, benzene, and mixed

Retrofit 4 key stacks that produce 93% of complex CO2 emissions Complex CO2 emissions by area 3,100 KMt/y cr ude LP 530
1. Steam cracker 16,000
2. SMR hydrogen plant CCPP (steam & power)
14,000 NViro (steam)
3. NViro - SDA pitch and steam cracker pyoil to steam
H2 plant
4. Combined cycle power plant 12,000
Steam cracker
ASCC on 4
Capture additional CO2 produced from power and steam needed 10,000 PDH
CO2 t/d

for ASCC units1 MaxEne

AroFlex NS
15,073 t⁄d CO2 captured
6,000 Pygas NS
8% more than base emissions
81% CO2 HCU
4,000 reduction SDA
Economic burden on the project was (4%) IRR with no
government support 2,000
Notes: 0
1. 75 MW power, 730 MT/hr MP steam and 30,000 m3/h CW needed for case Base Complex ASCC Complex
2. ‘NS’ is naphtha splitter

Figure 4 Impact of ASCC on 3,100 KMt/y crude case

18 PTQ Q2 2023

aromatics) have some potentially attractive market value, Next generation IOS does not require a steam cracker to cre-
there are much more efficient and clean ways of achieving ate value. It will also enable refiners to pivot naphtha out of
those particular products. Recall the discussion on molecular the gasoline pool and convert it to propane at quantities to
precision and management. The least useful products, fuel support a PDH investment. As we have seen with high pro-
gas and pyrolysis oil (pyoil), are generally to be avoided. pylene FCC units, propylene is the easiest petchem product
UOP has a suite of tools – MaxEne, IsoFlex, AroFlex, and market for most refiners to enter.
OCP – that allow the mixed feed steam cracker complex to
handle a variety of feedstocks more efficiently. Steam crack- Conclusion
ers prefer lighter feedstocks. They also prefer normal paraf- Today’s refiners can achieve bankable, ESG-aligned goals by
fins to iso paraffins, and naphthenes to aromatics. managing feedstocks to meet their target product objectives.
An Integrated Olefins Suite (IOS), combined with a pro- As an industry, we must start thinking and acting differently
pane dehydrogenation (PDH) unit (Oleflex) to process the to survive in a decarbonising world across the energy transi-
propane, can be applied to an embedded mixed feed steam tion. Through efficient use of molecular precision across an
cracker, with MaxEne and IsoFlex process units upstream entire integrated refining and petrochemical operation, lever-
and AroFlex and OCP process units downstream of the aging the economic value of CO2, operating firms can cre-
steam cracker. In one customer case, application of the IOS ate the best roadmap to meet their changing objectives and
enabled the light olefin yield to increase by 57%. The crude oil become the refinery of the future today.
consumption of the complex was reduced by 9%. Petchem
MaxEne, IsoFlex, AroFlex, and Oleflex are marks of Honeywell UOP.
operations earn cash by minimising the quantity of feedstock
required to make the target products. The 9% reduction in Keith A. Couch is Senior Director of Global Technology Sales and In-
crude oil enabled the sizing of all associated equipment to tegrated Projects within UOP’s Process Technologies business. He has
be reduced. Improved feedstock management to the steam over 28 years’ experience in manufacturing, R&D, field service, techni-
cracker enabled multiple furnaces to be removed from the cal service, technical sales, and business management. He holds a BS
design. This design eliminates net pyrolysis gas, butanes, degree in chemical engineering from Louisiana Tech University and a
and butylenes while decreasing pyoil production by 95%. Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago, Booth
The net CO2 production per tonne of light olefin is reduced School of Business. Email:

by 40%. Processing propane in a PDH unit rather than a

steam cracker reduces the CO2 footprint per tonne of pro- LINKS
pylene by 94%.
In brief, putting the right molecules through the right pro- More articles from: Honeywell UOP
cesses will more efficiently make the right products. UOP’s
next generation of IOS will enable the elimination of mixed
More articles from the following categories:
feed steam crackers, allowing that technology to operate Economics
where it is most efficient: the conversion of ethane feedstock. PTQ Q2 2023 19

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