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1. An ideal gas is compressed at constant temperature. Will its internal energy

increase or decrease?

2. If external energy is not supplied to an expanding gas, will the gas do any
external work? Explain.

3. The temperature of a gas rises during an adiabatic compression, although no

heat is given to the gas from outside. Explain.

4. Can specific heat of a substance be (i) zero (ii) infinite (iii) negative?

5. Why cp is greater than cv?

6. If an inflated tyre bursts, the air escaping out is cooled, why?

7. Why air pressure in a car tyre increases during driving?

8. State first law of thermodynamics and use it to derive the relation

cp - cv = R

9. Is the super heating of steam an isobaric process or an isothermal process,

and why?

10. What are the limitations of the first law of thermodynamics?

11. Which physical quantity is described by first law?

12. What is the value of work done in a cyclic process?

13. What do you mean by internal energy of a gas? Name a thermodynamic

process in which internal energy remains constant,

14. What is the “zeroth” law of thermodynamics? How does it help us in

defining the temperature?

16. What do you mean by isothermal and adiabatic process?

17. Derive the expression of the work done during an isothermal process.

18. Derive the expression for the work done during the adiabatic process.

19.State the second law of thermodynamics in its two usual forms.

20.A quantity of diatomic gas at 27oC is compressed (i) slowly and (II)
suddenly to one third of its volume. Find the change in temperature in
each case.


1.. We know that, an adiabatic process is that in which

a)ΔP =0 b)ΔQ =0 c)ΔT =0 d) ΔV =0

2.. A gas perform maximum work when it expands

a) isothermally b) adiabatically c) at a non-uniform rate


3. A thermos flask contains hot tea. It is vigorously shaken. If the tea is

considered as the system, then its temperature will

a) not change b) rise c) fall d) first fall and then rise

4. Heating of water under atmospheric pressure is an

a) isothermal process b)isobaric process c)adiabatic processd)isochoric


5. The first law of thermodynamics is a restatement of the

a) Law of conservation of energy

b) Law of conservation of mass

c) Stefan’s law

d) Newton’s law of cooling

6. In a cyclic process, the change in internal energy of a system over one

complete cycle is

a) depends on the path b) positive c)negative d)zero


1. When an ideal gas is compressed at a constant temperature, its internal

energy will not change. This is because internal energy is only dependent
on temperature

2. Yes, the gas will do work in expansion. Energy spent comes from internal
energy of the gas. To an expanding gas, no external energy is suppiled.

3. No heat goes out, the work done on the system increases the internal
energy, hence temperature of the gas increases.

4. YES

5. Specific heat at constant pressure (Cp) is greater than specific heat at

constant volume (Cv). This is because when a gas is heated at constant
volume, all of the heat is used to increase the temperature. However,
when a gas is heated at constant pressure, the heat is used to increase both
the temperature and volume of the gas

6. The pressure inside the tyre is higher than the atmospheric pressure, when
the tire is inflated the air inside the tyre comes in contact with the
surrounding and it works against the surrounding. As a result internal
energy decreases and the temperature drops down. Due to this the air
escaping out will be cooled.

7. Temperature of air in the tyre increases due to friction of tyre with road.
Increase in temperature results in an increase in pressure

8. A

9. Superheating of steam is isbaric process because temperature of steam

increase in this process at constant pressure.

10.The limitation of the first law of thermodynamics is that it does not say
anything about the direction of flow of heat. It does not say anything
whether the process is a spontaneous process or not. The reverse process
is not possible. In actual practice, the heat doesn't convert completely into

11.Internal energy

12.heat given
13. KE + PE .
internal energy remains constant for an "Isothermal" process as
temperature remains constant in isothermal process


2. d

3. b

4. b

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