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Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Chromatography

Tai-Tung Yip and T. William Hutchens*

1. Introduction
Immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) (1,2) is also
referred to as metal chelate chromatography, metal ion interaction chroma-
tography, and ligand-exchange chromatography, We view this affinity sepa-
ration technique as an intermediate between highly specific, high-affinity
bioaffinity separation methods, and wider spectrum, low-specificity adsorp-
tion methods, such as ion exchange. The IMAC stationary phases are
designed to chelate certain metal ions that have selectivity for specific
groups (e.g., His residues) in peptides (e.g., 3-7) and on protein surfaces
(8-13). The number of stationary phases that can be synthesized for effi-
cient chelation of metal ions is unlimited, but the critical consideration is
that there must be enough exposure of the metal ion to interact with the
proteins, preferably in a biospecific manner. Several examples are presented
in Fig. 1. The challenge to produce new immobilized chelating groups,
including protein surface metal-binding domains (14,15) is being explored
continuously. Table 1 presents a list of published procedures for the syn-
thesis and use of stationary phases with immobilized chelating groups. This

*Author to whom all correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed. Department of Food
Science and Technology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616.
Molecular Biotechnology 9 HumanaPress Inc. All rights of any nature whatsoever reserved. 1073-6085/1994/1:2/13-26/53.80
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Stationary phase
I (gel particles)
CH= % I


o\/,, ,.o.o
I p-,o.


o~ "--'''= OH=

0 • X

A) Tds(carboxymothyl)ethylonedlamlne(TED) 13)Imlnodlacetate

C) Immobilizedmetal-bindingpeptidee

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of several types of immobilized metal-chelating

groups, including, iminodiacetate(IDA), tris(carboxymethyl)ethylenediamine(TED),
and the metal-binding peptides (GHHPH)~G (where n = 1,2,3, and 5) (14,15).

is by no means exhaustive, and is intended only to give an idea of the scope

and versatility of IMAC.
The number and spectrum of different proteins (Fig, 2) and peptides (Fig.
3) characterized or purified by use of immobilized metal ions are increas-
ing at an incredible rate. The three reviews listed (8,18,19) barely present
the full scope of activities in this field. Beyond the use of immobilized metal
ions for protein purification are several analytical applications, including
mapping proteolytic digestion products (5), analyses of peptide amino acid
composition (e.g., 5,6), evaluation of protein surface structure (e.g., 8-11),
monitoring ligand-dependent alterations in protein surface structure (Fig.
4) (12,20), and metal ion exchange or transfer (e.g., 14,21).
The versatility of IMAC is one of its greatest assets. However, this feature is
also confusing to the uninitiated. The choice of stationary phases and the metal
ion to be immobilized is actually not complicated. If there is no information on
the behavior of the particular protein or peptide on IMAC in the literature, use
a commercially available stationary phase (immobilized iminodiacetate), and
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Table 1
Immobilized Chelating Groups and Metal Ions
Used for Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Chromatography
Suitable Commercial
Chelating group metal ions Reference source
Iminodiacetate Transitional 1,2 Pharmacia LKB,
Pierce, Sigma
2-Hydroxy-3 [N- (2-pyridylmethyl) Transitional 3 Not available
ot-Alkyl nitrilotriacetic acid Transitional 4 Not available
Carboxymethylated aspartic acid Ca(II) 13 Not available
Tris (carboxymethyl) ethylene diamine Transitional 2 Not available
(GHHPH)nG* Transitional 14,15 Not available
*Letters represent standard 1-Letter amino acid codes (G = glycine; H = histidine; P = proline).
The number of internal repeat units is given by n (n = 1, 2, 3, and 5)

pick the relatively stronger affinity transitional metal ion, Cu(]I), to immobi-
lize. If the interaction with the sample is found to be too strong, try other metal
ions in the series, such as Ni(II) or Zn(II), or try an immobilized metal
chelating group with a lower affinity for proteins (2,22). An important con-
tribution to the correct use of IMAC for protein purification is a simplified
presentation of the various sample elution procedures. This is especially
important to the first-time user. There are many ways to decrease the inter-
action between an immobilized metal ion and the adsorbed protein. Two of
these methods are efficient and easily controlled; they will be presented in
detail in this chapter. Interpretation of IMAC results for purposes other
than separation (i.e., analysis of surface topography and metal ion transfer)
has been discussed elsewhere and is beyond the scope of this contribution.
2. Materials
The following list of materials and reagents is only representative. Other
stationary phases, metal ions, affinity reagents, and mobile phase modifiers
are used routinely.
2.1. Stationary Phase for IMAC
2.1.1. Conventional Open Column Stationary Phases (Agarose)
One example is Chelating Sepharose Fast Flow (Pharmacia), which uses
the IDA (iminodiacetate) chelating group. Another example is Tris (carboxy-
methyl)ethylenediamine (TED) (see Table 1 and Fig. 1). This staionary phase
is used for proteins whose affinity for IDA-metal groups is too high (2,22).
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I I I t I

1.2 b 1 i 2 3

1.0 '~=" d v v k v I 7

~ h - 6

~ 0.6
~ - 5
~: 0.4- '
:it tl ix.,

0.0 ~ 3
0 20 40 60 80 1 O0 1 20

Fraction Number

Fig. 2. Protein elution from immobilized (IDA) Cu(II) ions as a function of decreas-
ing pH and increasing imidazole concentration. Proteins were eluted in the following
order: chymotrypsinogen (a), chymotrypsin (b), cytochrome c (c), lysozyme (d), ribo-
nuclease A (e), ovalbumin (f), soybean trypsin inhibitor (g), human lactoferrin
(h), bovine serum albumin (i), porcine serum albumin (j), myoglobin (k), and trans-
formed (DNA-binding) estrogen receptor (1). Open triangles represents pH values
of collected fractions. Arrows 1-3 mark the introduction of 20 mM, 50 raM, and 100
mM imidazole, respectively, to elute high-affinity proteins resistant to elution by
decreasing~H. Protein elution was evaluated by absorbance at 280 rim. In the case
of the [3H]estradiol-receptor complex, receptor protein elution was determined by
liquid scintillation counting. Except for the estrogen receptor (1), protein recovery
exceeded 90%. Only 50-60% of the DNA-binding estrogen receptor protein applied
at pH 7.0 was eluted with 100-200 mM imidazole. Reproduced with permission
from ref. 16.
2. 1.2. High-Performance Stationary Phases (Rigid Polymer)
One example is TSK Chelate 5PW (TosoHaas) (iminodiacetate chelat-
ing group).
2. 1.3. Immobilized Synthetic Peptides as Biospecific Stationary Phases
Stationary phases of this type are designed based upon the known
sequence of protein surface metal-binding domains (14,15). The metal-
binding sequence of amino acids is first identified (e.g., 14,23). The syn-
thetic protein surface metal-binding domain is then prepared by solid-phase
methods of peptide synthesis (14) and verified to have metal-binding prop-
erties in solution (14,24). Finally, the peptides are immobilized (e.g., to
agarose) using chemical coupling procedures consistent with the retention
of metal-binding properties (15) (Table 1 and Fig. 1).
The procedures outlined in this chapter emphasize the specific use of
agarose-immobilized iminodiacetate metal chelating groups. In general,
however, these procedures are all acceptable for use with a wide variety of
different immobilized metal chelate affinity adsorbents.
2.2. Metal Ion Solutions in Water
1. 50 mM CuSO 4.
2. 50 mM ZnSO4.
3. 50 mM NiSO4.
2.3. Buffers
1. 20 mM Sodium phosphate (or HEPES), 0.5M sodium chloride, pH 7.0.
2. 0.1M Sodium acetate, 0.5M sodium chloride, pH 5.8.
3. 0.1M Sodium acetate, 0.5M sodium chloride, pH 3.8.
4. 50 mM Sodium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.5M sodium chloride. Add concen-
trated HC1 until pH is 4.0.
5. 20 mM Imidazole (use the purest grade or pretreat with charcoal), 20 mM sodium
dihydrogen phosphate (or HEPES), 0.5M NaC1. Adjust pH to 7 with HCI.
6. 50 mM EDTA, 20 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.
7. 200 mM Imidazole, 20 mM sodium phosphate, 0.5M sodium chloride, pH 7.
8. Milli-Q (Millipore) water or glass distilled, deionized water.
Urea (1-3M) and ethylene glycol (up to 50%) have been found useful as
additives to the abovementioned buffers. (See Notes 7,8.)
2.4. Columns and Equipment
1. 1 cm inner diameter columns, 5-10 cm long for analytical and micro-pre-
parative scale procedures.
2. 5-10 cm inner diameter columns, 10-50 cm long for preparative scale
3. Peristaltic pump.

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Ef,. 13
tt3 7.0
I 4a ". 1
J .11 6.0

0.06 !~ ~ t
9 9
@ 9 . 4 @a
! 14b
(..) 5.0
m 0.04
n- 4.0
I I I I i I I i I

0 20 40 60 80

TIME (rain)
Fig. 3. Separation of bioactive peptide hormones by immobilized metal ion affinity
chromatography (IMAC). The pH-dependent separation of a synthetic peptide
hormone mixture (19 peptides) was accomplished using a TSK chelate-5PW column
(8 • 75 mm, 10fftm particle diameter) loaded with Cu(II). A 20-~tL sample (1-4 I-tg of
each peptide) was applied to the column equilibrated in 20 mM sodium phosphate
containing 0.5M NaC1, pH 7.0. After 10 min of isocratic elution, pH-dependent elution
was initiated with a 50-min gradient to pH 3.8 using 0.1M sodium phosphate contain-
ing 0.5M NaC1 at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Peptide detection during elution was by UV
absorance at 215 nm (0.32 AUFS). The pH profile of effluent is indicated by the
dotted line. Sample elution peaks were identified as: 1, neurotensin; 4a, sulfated [leu 5]
enkephalin; 3, oxytocin; 4, [leu5] enkephalin; 5, mastoparan; 6a, tyr-bradykinin; 7,
substance P; 8, somatostatin; 9c, [Asu 1"7]eel calcitonin; 9d, eel calcitonin (11-32); 9a,
[Asu 1"7] human calcitonin; 9b, human calcitonin (17-32); 10, bombesin; 9, human
calcitonin; 11, angiotensin II; 12a, [Trp (for) 25,26]human GIP (21-42); 13, LH-RH; 14b,
human PTH (13-34); 15, angiotensin I. Reproduced with permission from ref. 17.

4. Simple gradient forming device to hold a vol 10-20X column bed vol (if
stepwise elution is unsuitable).
5. Flow-through UV detector (280 nm) and pH monitor.
6. Fraction collector.
3. M e t h o d s
3.1. Loading the Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Gel
with Metal Ions and Column Packing Procedures
(Agarose-Based Iminodiacetate Chelating Gel)
1. Suspend the iminodiacetate (IDA) gel slurry well in the bottle supplied. Pour
an adequate portion into a sintered glass funnel. Wash with 10 bed vol of
water to remove the alcohol preservative.
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2. Add 2-3 bed vol of 50 mM metal ion solution in water. Mix well.
3. Wash with 3 bed vol of water (use 0.1M sodium acetate, 0.5M NaC1, pH 3.8
for IDA-Cu 2§ to remove excess metal ions.
4. Equilibrate gel with 5 bed vol of starting buffer.
5. Suspend the gel and transfer to a suction flask. Degas the gel slurry.
6. Add the gel slurry to column with the column outlet closed. Allow the gel to
settle for several minutes; then open the outlet to begin flow.
7. When the desired volume of gel has been packed, insert the column adaptor.
Pump buffer through the column at twice the desired end flow rate for several
minutes. Readjust the column adapter until it just touches the settled gel bed.
Reequilibrate the column at a linear flow rate (volumetric flow rate/cross-
sectional area of column) of approx 30 cm/h.
3.2. Elution of Adsorbed Proteins
3.2. 1. pH Gradient Elution (Discontinuous Buffer System)
1. After sample application, elute with 5 bed vol of 20 mM phosphate, 0.5M
NaCI, pH 7.
2. Change buffer to 0.1M sodium acetate, 0.5M NaC1, pH 5.8, and elute with 5
bed vol (see Note 1).
3. Elute with a linear gradient of 0.1M sodium acetate, 0.5M NaC1, pH 5.8 to
0.1M sodium acetate, 0.5M NaC1, pH 3.8. Total gradient vol should be equal
to 10-20 bed vol.
4. Finally, elute with additional pH 3.8 buffer until column effluent pH is stable
and all protein has eluted (recovery should exceed 90%).
3.2.2. pH Gradient Elution (Continuous Buffer System)
1. After sample application, elute with 2.5 bed vol of 20 mM sodium phosphate,
0.5M NaC1, pH 7.
2. Start a linear pH gradient of 20 mM sodium phosphate, 0.5M NaC1, pH 7 to
50 mM sodium phosphate, 0.5M NaC1, pH 4. Total gradient vol should be
equal to approx 15 bed vol (see Note 2).
3. Elute with additional pH 4 buffer until the column effluent pH is stable.
4. If the total quantity of added protein is not completely recovered, elute with a
small vol (<5 bed vol) of the 50 mM phosphate buffer adjusted to pH 3.5.
3.2.3. Affinity Gradient Elution with Imidazole
1. Equilibrate the column first with 5 bed vol of 20 mM sodium phosphate (or
HEPES), 0.5M NaC1, pH 7, containing 20 mM imidazole. Now, equilibrate the
column with 5-10 bed vol of 2 mM imidazole in the same buffer. (See Note 3.)
2. After sample application, elute with 2.5 bed vol of 2 mM imidazole in 20 mM
sodium phosphate (or HEPES), 0.5M NaC1, pH 7.
3. Now elute with a linear gradient to 20 mM imidazole in 20 mM sodium phos-
phate (or HEPES), 0.5M NaC1, pH 7. Total imidazole gradient vol should
equal 15 bed vols. (See Notes 4,5.)
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3.3. Evaluation of Metal Ion Exchange or Transfer

from the Stationary Phase to the Eluted Peptide/Protein
1. Use trace quantities of radioactive metal ions (e.g., 65Zn) to label the station-
ary phase (i.e., immobilized) metal ion pool (see Section 3.1 .). After elution
of adsorbed proteins (see Section 3.2.), determine the total quantity of radio-
active metal ions transferred to eluted proteins from the stationary phase (by
use of a gamma counter).
2. To avoid the use of radioactive metal ions, the transfer of metal ions from the
stationary phase to apo (metal-free) peptides present initially in the starting
sample may be determined by either of two methods of soft ionization mass
spectrometry. Both electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (25) and
matrix-assisted UV laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry (14,
23-25) have been used to detect peptide-metal ion complexes (Fig. 5). Both
techniques are rapid (<10 min), sensitive (pmoles), and are able to address
metal-binding stoichiometry.
3.4. Column Regeneration
1. Wash with 5 bed vol of 50 mM EDTA (EDTA should be dissolved in 20 mM
sodium phosphate, 0.5M NaC1, pH 7).
2. Wash with 10 bed vol of water. The column is now ready for reloading with
metal ions.
3.5, High-Performance IMAC
For example, use a T S K chelate 5 P W c o l u m n (7.5 m m id • 750 m m ) 10
ktm particle size.
1. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) pump system status.
a. Flow rate: 1 mL/min.
b. Upper pressure limit: 250 psi.
2. Metal ion loading.
a. Wash the column with 5 bed vol of water.
b. 'Inject 1 mL of 0.2M metal sulfate in water.
c. Wash away excess metal ion with 3 bed vol of water; for Cu(II), wash
with 3 bed vol of 0.1M sodium acetate, 0.5M NaC1, pH 3.8.
3. pH gradient elution: phosphate buffers pH 7.0 (A) and pH 4.0 (B).
a. 100% A, 5-10 min.
b. 0-80% B, duration 25 min.
c. 80-100% B, duration 20 min.
d. 100% B until column effluent pH is constant or until all proteins have
been eluted.
4. pH gradient elution in 3M urea: phosphate buffers pH 7.5 (A) to pH 3.8 (B).
a. 100% A, 5 min.
b. 0-10% B, duration 10 min.
c. 10-80% B, duration 18 min.

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GHHPHG (1-met)

500 2.2

1.2 3

~oo 10'00 ~'oo ~o'oo


Fig. 5. Matrix-assisted UV laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry

(LDTOF) of a mixture of three synthetic metal-binding peptides (1-mer, 2-mer, and 3-
mer) after elution from a column of immobilized GHHPHGHHPHG (2-mer) loaded
with Cu(II) ions (14). The synthetic peptide-metal ion affinity column used for metal
ion transfer was prepared by coupling GHHPHGHHPHG (2-mer) to Affi-10 (Bio-
Rad). CU(II) ions were loaded as described in Section 3.1. The column was equili-
brated with 20 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) with 0.5M NaC1. An equimolar
mixture of the three different synthetic peptides (free of bound metal ions) was passed
through the column unretained. Flow-through peptide fractions were anaylzed directly
by LDTOF (23-25). The metal ion-free peptides GHHPHG (1-mer peak 1.0),
GHHPHGHHPHG (2-mer peak 2.0), and GHHPHGHHPHGHI-IPHG (3-mer peak 3.0)
are observed along with peptides with 1, 2, 3, or 4 bound Cu(II) ions (e.g., 3.1, 3.2.,
3.3., 3.4). The small peaks marked by an asterisk indicate the presence of a peptide-
sodium adduct ion. A detailed description of these results is provided in ref. 14 (repro-
duced with permission).

d. 80-100% B, duration 25 min.

e. 100% B until eluent pH is constant or all proteins have been eluted.
. Imidazole gradient elution: 1 mM imidazole (5% B in A) to 20 mM imidazole
(100% B). (See Notes 5,6.)
a. 5-10% B, immediately after sample injection, duration 10 min.

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~ I :" ~ . . . :~.~'. . ~ : ~ ' . ~~i ~ : ~ , " ..

b. 10-100% B, duration 30 min.

c. 100% B until all samples have been eluted.
4. N o t e s
1. The discontinuous buffer pH gradient is ideal for the pH 6 to 3.5 range. We
have observed that acetate is also a stronger eluent than phosphate.
2. The phosphate buffer pH gradient is good for the pH 7-4.5 range. It has the
advan-tage of UV transparency and is particularly suitable for peptide
analysis (17).
3. HEPES can be used instead of phosphate for both discontinuous buffer pH
gradients and in the imidazole gradient elution mode. HEPES is a weaker
metal ion "stripping" buffer than is phosphate. HEPES is also good for
preserving the metal binding capacity of some carrier proteins such as
transferrin (12).
4. For well-characterized proteins, a stepwise gradient of either pH or imida-
zole can be used to eliminate the need for a gradient-forming device.
5. For the affinity elution method with imidazole, the imidazole gradient actu-
ally formed must be monitored by, e.g., absorbance at 230 nm or by chemical
assay, if reproducible results are desired. Even when the column is presatu-
rated with concentrated imidazole, and then equilibrated with buffers containing
a substantial amount (2 mM) of imidazole, the immobilized metal ions can
still bind additional imidazole when the affinity elution gradient is introduced.
As a result, when simple (nonprogrammable) gradient-forming devices (typi-
cal for open-column chromatography) are used, a linear imidazole gradient is
not produced; a small imidazole elution front (peak) at the beginning of the
gradient will cause some proteins to elute "prematurely." The multistep gra-
dient described for use with the high-performance chromatography systems
is designed to overcome this problem. However, we emphasize that this par-
ticular program is custom designed only for the high-performance immobi-
lized metal ion column of given dimensions and capacity. The program must
be adjusted for other column types.
6. The imidazole gradient of up to 20 mM is only an example. Quite often, much
higher concentrations (up to 100 mM) are required to elute higher affinity
proteins (9,10,16) (see Fig. 2).
7. To facilitate the elution of some proteins, mobile phase modifiers (additives),
such as urea, ethylene glycol, detergents, and alcohols, can be included in the
column equilibration and elution buffers (10,16,17,26).
8. To ensure reproducible column performance for Several runs without a com-
plete column regeneration in between, low concentrations of free metal ions
can be included in the buffers to maintain a fully metal-charged stationary
phase. This will not affect the resolution and elution position of the proteins
(7,16,27). On the other hand, if free metal ions are not desired in the protein
eluent, a separate metal ion scavenger column (e.g., a blank or metal-free
IDA-gel or TED-gel column) may be connected in series.
: ,~:::::::: :~ : :.: :::::: :.~.~.%,'...'~: : ~:~;:::.,~::: :::::: ~ : :::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::::::: , : :::::: ~,~:: +:,::: :::7:::::::::: ::::::::: ::::.:::.~::::::?~;:~ ~ :~:~::
9. Batch-type (i.e., nonchromatographic) equilibrium binding assays have been
described (16,28). This is useful in screening different types of immobilized
metal ion-protein interaction variables. These variables include the selection
of appropriate immobilized metal ion type (16), the effects of temperature
and mobile phase conditions (16,26), and free metal ions (7) on protein-immo-
bilized metal ion interaction capacity and affinity.
10. Immobilized metal ions may be useful for the reversible site- or domain-spe-
cific immobilization of functional receptor proteins or enzymes. Data col-
lected with the estrogen receptor protein suggest that receptor immobilization
on IDA-Zn(II) (29) and IDA-Cu(II) (unpublished) does not impair receptor
function (ligand-binding activity).
11. The use of immobilized synthetic peptides as biospecific stationary phase is
briefly described in Section 2.1.3. The detail strategy and some examples for
construction and utilization of immobilized protein surface domains to inves-
tigate biologically relevant, sequence-specific metal ion recognition and
transfer events can be found in recent publications (30,31).
12. Immobilized metal ion surface has been coupled with soft ionization mass
spectrometry to generate a very powerful analytical technique that may
change the course of development in biotechnology and clinical diagnostics.
Some of the fundamental concepts and applications can be found in recent
publications (32,.~3).

This work was supported, in part, by the US Department of Agriculture,
Agricultural Research Service Agreement No. 58-6250-1-003. The contents
of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the US
Department of Agriculture, nor does mention of trade names, commercial
products, or organizations imply endorsement by the US Government.

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