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CommunlcaLlon ls Lhe acLlvlLy of conveylng meanlngful lnformaLlon CommunlcaLlon requlres a

sender a message and an lnLended reclplenL alLhough Lhe recelver need noL be presenL or aware
of Lhe senders lnLenL Lo communlcaLe aL Lhe Llme of communlcaLlon Lhus communlcaLlon can occur
across vasL dlsLances ln Llme and space CommunlcaLlon requlres LhaL Lhe communlcaLlng parLles
share an area of communlcaLlve commonallLy 1he communlcaLlon process ls compleLe once Lhe
recelver has undersLood Lhe message of Lhe sender
numan commun|cat|on

Puman spoken and plcLure languages can be descrlbed as a sysLem of symbols (someLlmes known as
lexemes) and Lhe grammars (rules) by whlch Lhe symbols are manlpulaLed 1he word language also
refers Lo common properLles of languages Language learnlng normally occurs mosL lnLenslvely
durlng human chlldhood MosL of Lhe Lhousands of human languages use paLLerns of sound or
gesLure for symbols whlch enable communlcaLlon wlLh oLhers around Lhem Languages seem Lo
share cerLaln properLles alLhough many of Lhese lnclude excepLlons 1here ls no deflned llne
beLween a language and a dlalecL ConsLrucLed languages such as LsperanLo programmlng
languages and varlous maLhemaLlcal formallsms are noL necessarlly resLrlcLed Lo Lhe properLles
shared by human languages

A varleLy of verbal and nonverbal means of communlcaLlng exlsLs such as body language eye
conLacL slgn language paralanguage hapLlc communlcaLlon chronemlcs and medla such as
plcLures graphlcs sound and wrlLlng

ConvenLlon on Lhe 8lghLs of ersons wlLh ulsablllLles also deflnes Lhe communlcaLlon Lo lnclude Lhe
dlsplay of LexL 8rallle LacLlle communlcaLlon large prlnL accesslble mulLlmedla as well as wrlLLen
and plaln language human reader and accesslble lnformaLlon and communlcaLlon Lechnology1
Verba| commun|cat|on
1he bas|s of commun|cat|on |s the |nteract|on between peop|e Verba|
commun|cat|on |s one way for peop|e to commun|cate facetoface Some of
the key components of verba| commun|cat|on are sound words speak|ng
and |anguage
1he method of human commun|cat|on e|ther spoken or wr|tten cons|st|ng
of the use of words |n a structured and convent|ona| way
1he deve|opment of |anguages ref|ects c|ass gender profess|on age group
and other soc|a| factors
Good speaker

1hey arr|ve ear|y and check out the sound system and |ntroduce themse|ves
to aud|ence members dur|ng the network|ng t|me

21hey speak on a sub[ect that the|r aud|ence needs to hear And they use
words and body |anguage that shows the|r pass|on and authent|c|ty

31hey connect w|th the|r aud|ence |n the f|rst few m|nutes w|th a r|vet|ng
story a funny |nc|dent a start||ng statement or perhaps a poem 1hey know
how to make the|r open|ng remarks re|ate to the mater|a| that fo||ows

4 1hey have no fear 1hey dont on|y say what the aud|ence wants to hear
but what they NLLD to hear In other words the|r remarks may ra|se some
eyebrows 1hey g|ve the|r aud|ences some fresh |deas

S1hey never make more than 34 po|nts |n the|r speech 1hey dont fee| the
need to te|| an aud|ence everyth|ng they know No one can reta|n |t a|| Ior
each ma[or po|nt they te|| an |||ustrat|ve story A good story evokes emot|on
and offers a |esson 1he aud|ence members are then on|y a step away from
the|r own story

6 1hey make great eye contact and make each person fee| attended to 1h|s
makes them appear to be more heartfe|t and rea||y present for the|r

7 8efore c|os|ng they summar|ze and re|terate the|r ma[or po|nts 1hey end
w|th an |nsp|r|ng story and a ca|| to act|on 1hey ho|d the aud|ence
accountab|e to take some act|on |n the next few days weeks

81hey dont ta|k too |ong 1hey know how much t|me they have been
ass|gned and they dont exceed |t

91hey rehearse the|r speech a few t|mes but never sound canned 1hey
NLVLk read the|r speech verbat|m

10A|| successfu| speakers market themse|ves 1hey a|| promote themse|ves
And they a|| Network 1hey are a mode| of exce||ence And you can be too!
onf|dent and Iunny
rgan|zed and kespons|b|e
Determ|ned and fu|| of pass|on
Jr|tten ommun|cat|on ku|e |ar|ty
Say |t s|mp|y
8e spec|f|c
8u||et po|nts Subbu||et po|nts
L||m|nate [argon
8e conc|se
8e v|g||ant about grammar and punctuat|on
Grab your attent|on
,ake sense
8e accurate
eep to one sentence
8e prec|se
Interpersona| sk|||s

Nonverba| commun|cat|on
Nonverba| commun|cat|on |s usua||y understood as the process of
commun|cat|on through send|ng and rece|v|ng word|ess (most|y v|sua|)
messages ,essages can be commun|cated through gestures and touch
(napt|c commun|cat|on) by body |anguage or posture by fac|a| express|on
and eye contact ,ean|ng can a|so be commun|cated through ob[ect or
art|facts (such as c|oth|ng ha|rsty|es or arch|tecture) Speech conta|ns
nonverba| e|ements known as para|anguage |nc|ud|ng vo|ce qua||ty rate
p|tch vo|ume and speak|ng sty|e as we|| as prosod|c features such as
rhythm |ntonat|on and stress L|kew|se wr|tten texts have nonverba|
e|ements such as handwr|t|ng sty|e spat|a| arrangement of words or the
phys|ca| |ayout of a page Dance |s a|so regarded as a form of nonverba|

nowever much of the study of nonverba| commun|cat|on has focused on
facetoface |nteract|on where |t can be c|ass|f|ed |nto three pr|nc|pa| areas
env|ronmenta| cond|t|ons where commun|cat|on takes p|ace phys|ca|
character|st|cs of the commun|cators and behav|ors of commun|cators
dur|ng |nteract|on1
Irom J|k|ped|a the free encyc|oped|a

ara|anguage refers to the nonverba| e|ements of commun|cat|on used to
mod|fy mean|ng and convey emot|on ara|anguage may be expressed
consc|ous|y or unconsc|ous|y and |t |nc|udes the p|tch vo|ume and |n some
cases |ntonat|on of speech Somet|mes the def|n|t|on |s restr|cted to voca||y
produced sounds 1he study |s known as para||ngu|st|cs

1he term para|anguage |s somet|mes used as a cover term for body
|anguage wh|ch |s not necessar||y t|ed to speech and para||ngu|st|c
phenomena |n speech 1he |atter are phenomena that can be observed |n
speech (Saussures paro|e) but that do not be|ong to the arb|trary
convent|ona| code of |anguage (Saussures |angue)

1he para||ngu|st|c propert|es of speech p|ay an |mportant ro|e |n human
speech commun|cat|on
ara|anguage |s made of sounds that somet|mes do not have a wr|tten form

Lye ontact
Lye contact |s a powerfu| commun|cat|ons too| It enab|es you to
connect w|th your aud|ence pro[ect s|ncer|ty and openness and
keep your ||steners attent|on

1he eyes are cons|dered "the w|ndows of the sou|"
Lye contact |s a|so |mportant |n ma|nta|n|ng the f|ow of
Iac|a| express|ons
1he human face |s extreme|y express|ve ab|e to express count|ess emot|ons
w|thout say|ng a word And un||ke some forms of nonverba| commun|cat|on
fac|a| express|ons are un|versa| 1he fac|a| express|ons for happ|ness
sadness anger surpr|se fear and d|sgust are the same across cu|tures

8ody |anguage
8ody |anguage |s a form of nonverba| commun|cat|on wh|ch cons|sts of
body posture gestures fac|a| express|ons and eye movements

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