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Cranfield University

Gas Turbine Combustion and Emissions Short Course

17th – 21st June 2024
Venue: TBC

Monday 17
09.00-09.50 Welcome and Course Intended Learning Outcomes VS
10.00-10.50 Introduction to Design Considerations VS
11.10-12.00 Introduction to Sizing Methodologies VS
12.10-13.00 Combustors for Aero-Derivative Engines 1 PG
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
14.00-14.50 Combustors for Aero-Derivative Engines 2 PG
15.00-15.50 Combustion Efficiency VS
16.10-17.00 Overview of Gas Turbine Generated Emissions 1 VS

Tuesday 18
09.00-09.50 Overview of Gas Turbine Generated Emissions 2 VS
10.00-10.50 Overview of Gas Turbine Generated Emissions 3 VS
11.10-12.00 Low NOx Hydrogen Combustion – Opportunities and Challenges XS
12.10-13.00 Fuel Molecular Structures EG
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
14.00-14.50 Conventional and Alternative Fuel Properties EG
15.00-1550 Low Emission Combustion Technologies for Industrial GTs PG
16.00-1700 Tour of Cranfield University’s High Temperature and High GS, XS
Pressure and Altitude Relight Combustion Rigs
Wednesday 19
09.00-09.50 Dealing with Industrial GT Combustor Thermoacoustics 1 DA
10.00-10.50 Dealing with Industrial GT Combustor Thermoacoustics 2 DA
11.10-12.00 Contrail Formation Mechanisms TN
12.10-13.00 Contrail Mitigation Strategies TN
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
14.00-14.50 Combustion Temperature Calculation EG
15.00-15.50 Combustion Challenges: Changing Fuel Gas Compositions DA
16.00-17.00 Combustion Challenges: New, Renewable and Low Carbon Fuels DA

Thursday 20
09.00-09.50 Combustor Heat Transfer and Cooling 1 VS
10.00-10.50 Combustor Heat Transfer and Cooling 2 VS
11.10-12.00 Role of CFD in Combustor Design and Development 1 PG
12.10-13.00 Role of CFD in Combustor Design and Development 2 PG
13.00-14.10 LUNCH
14.10-14.15 Course Photograph – Coffee Forum
14.15-15.30 Aero Gas Turbine Combustor Thermoacoustics MZ
15.50-17:05 CFD for Aero-Engine Combustion Applications MZ

19.00 – 22.00 Course Dinner at Mitchell Hall

Friday 21
09.00-09.50 Axially-Staged Combustion 1 KS
10.00-10.50 Axially-Staged Combustion 2 KS
11.10-12.00 Combustion CFD Workshop PG, XS
12.10-13.00 Wrap up, Feedback and Final Q&A Session VS
13.00-14.15 LUNCH
Cranfield University Staff

TN Dr. Theoklis Nikolaidis, Reader in Gas Turbine Performance and Numerical Simulation

GS Mr. Gaurav Singh, Research Assistant in Low Emissions Aircraft Propulsion System

KS Mrs. Karen Swan, Course Administrator

VS Prof. Vishal (Bobby) Sethi, Course Director and Head of the Low Emissions
Technologies and Combustion Group

XS Dr. Xiaoxiao Sun, Lecturer in Low Emissions Gas Turbine Combustion

Visiting Staff

DA Dr. Dave Abbott, Cranfield University Visiting Fellow – Combustion Thermoacoustics


EG Dr. Eric Goodger, Cranfield University Visiting Fellow - Fuels Specialist

PG Prof. Pierre Gauthier, Senior Key Expert and Global Technical Focal Point for
Combustion CFD, Siemens Energy, Canada & RAEng Visiting Professor in Low
Emissions Combustion Modelling, Cranfield University

KS Dr. Khawar Syed, Senior Engineering Manager - Infosys

MZ Dr. Marco Zedda, Combustion Aerothermal Specialist – Core Engineering,

Rolls-Royce UK

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