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Metro Manila

Developmental Screening

Lacaba, Crezl Ann Victoria G.
Reblando, Twilight Moon
Samillano, Nicole Frich
Tacbil, Hajjar
(BSN -2C)

Clinical Instructor:
Ms. Juvy Lynn Fortaleza, RN,MN,LPT,MAEd

The Metro Manila Developmental Screening Test (MMDST) is a screening

test to note for normalcy of the child’s development and to determine
any delays as well in children 6 ½ years old and below. Modified and
standardized by Dr. Phoebe Williams from the original Denver
Developmental Screening Test (DDST) by Dr. William K. Frankenburg,
MMDST evaluates 4 sectors of development:

 Personal-Social –tasks which indicate the child’s ability to get

along with people and to take care of himself

 Fine-Motor Adaptive – tasks which indicate the child’s ability to

see and use his hands to pick up objects and to draw

 Language – tasks which indicate the child’s ability to hear,

follow directions and to speak

 Gross-Motor – tasks which indicate the child’s ability to sit,

walk and jump

Explaining the procedure to the Parents/Care givers:

First is to establish rapport to the mother, so it is easier for the

child to cooperate during the activity. Then, explain the procedure to
the mother and emphasize that this test is not an IQ test but a
developmental skill test to assess the child if he or she is advance
or delay.
Computation of child’s age:

 Child’s Birthdate: May 12, 2020

 Date conducted: March 4, 2024
Personal Social Result Remarks
1. Buttons up Delay The child was not able to buttoned his shirt
2. Puts on clothing Delay The child was not able to puts on clothing
without supervision
3.Washes and dries hands Passed The child was able to wash his hands with
soap and water and dried his hands using the
3. Dresses with supervision Passed The child was able to wear clothing with his
mother’s supervision

4. Separates from mother easily Passed The child separates from his mother as soon
as he saw the toys which made him curious
and excited to play during the assessment.
5. Dresses without supervision Delay The child was not able to wear his clothing
on his own.

Fine Motor Adaptive

1. Copies + Passes The child was not able to copy the written
“+” on the paper.
2. Copies o Passed The child was able to copy and write an “o”
on the paper
3. Imitates bridge Passed The child was able to made a bridge
4. Picks longer line passed The child was able to differentiate the
longer line from the short one
1. Comprehends cold, tired and Passed The child was able to comprehend cold, tired
hungry and hungry.
2. Comprehends 3 preposition Passed The child was able to understand “back, over
and under”
3. Uses plurals Passed The child was able to use plurals
4. Gives 1st and last name Passed The child was able to sight his first and
last name
Gross Motor
1. Hops on 1 foot Passed The child was able to hop on 1 foot
2. Balance on 1 foot for 1 sec Passed The child was able to balance on 1 foot for
a second on his first attempt
3. Catches bounced ball Passed The child was able to catch a bounced ball
4. Pedals tricycle Passed The child was able to paddle the pedal of a
5. Balance on 1 foot (3 sec) Passed The child was able to balance on 1 foot for
3 seconds at 3rd attempt

 Personal Social

The child was having a diffuclty wearing clothes on his own but
able to wear his clothing with his mother’s supervision.

The child was able to wash his hands using soap and water and he
also dried his hands using the towel, he done this activity with
 Fine Motor Adaptive

The child was able to copy and write “O” on the paper using
crayons with ease.

The child was able to identify the longer line and the short line
using the blocks.
The child was able to made a bridge using his toy blocks.

The child was able to copy the “+” written on the paper.
 Gross Motor

The child was able to balance on 1 foot for 1 second is his first
attempt, while he was able to balance on 1 foot for 3 seconds in
his 3rd attempt.

The child was able to catch a bounced ball in his 2 nd attempt.


After conducting the Metro Manila Development Screening Test

(MMDST) on a 3-year-old child, he performed age- appropriate
tasks, while in other tasks the child’s results are delay but
mostly the child’s results are passed. The child participated
actively during the test and shows signs of enjoyment such as
singing and laughing while performing the activities. He shows
affection with familiar individuals and shyness towards
unfamiliar faces, occasionally he is showing frustrations when he
cannot perform the other task, but respond positively when being
praised and rewarded.

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