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ICC Workshop for OSA Connectors’ Notes

Here is a summary of the key learning/teaching points as a handy reference.

Workshop Task ICC Points

Part 1 A Ice breaker – Show ONE Object and sentences are really just a way to introduce
object that represents self and yourself indirectly, by listening carefully to each person, you
explain why in two sentences. will be able to tell if someone is arty, prac�cal, likes food etc.

In this task, we wanted to explore two important ICC

concepts that affect discussion behaviour. These are whether
Part 1 B Par�cipants imagine they are someone comes from a highly hierarchical culture and
stuck on a desert island and whether they are from an individualis�c or a collec�vist
have to use those objects they culture. In a highly hierarchical culture, people do not speak
presented on to help them get un�l the highest-ranking member invites them to do so. In an
off the island. individualis�c culture, anyone can say anything even to
disagree with the most important person in the group.

In a cross-cultural se�ng, there is some�mes

miscommunica�on as it is unclear which cultural values to

Therefore, in a mixed group:

• It is useful to establish some sort of protocol so that all
know what the rules of engagement are, e.g., “Shall we
agree that everyone should feel free to express their
view without wai�ng to be asked to contribute? Please
feel free to say what you feel or think. We remind you
just to say it politely and respec�ully.”
• It is possible to have a mix of free for all, but also help
those who are shy to par�cipate by occasionally invi�ng
them in, e.g., “XX, what do you think?”
• Remember that NUS courses o�en have class
par�cipa�on marks, and it is important to speak up.
Speaking up shows engagement and is part of how we
show learning and understanding. An important job of
a connector is to orientate incoming par�cipants to our
academic culture.

Part 2 Main room – authen�c Main ICC principles and values in brief in the list below.
examples will be used to • Rules of engagement in discussion behaviour – as
illustrate key ICC explained above.
principles/values. • Use of language e.g., acronyms such as PIE/NUS/OSA;
idioma�c phrases can be puzzling e.g., eat snake/two
shakes of a lamb’s tail or raining cats and dogs; academic
vocabulary vs informal words e.g. plagiarism vs copycat.
• E�quete e.g., who pays when going out, how to phrase
requests/asking favours/topics of conversa�on for small
talk – ok in some cultures to ask about family or what
parents work as but not ok in other cultures.
• Hap�cs or gestures differ in cultures, how to show
numbers using fingers e.g., 2 fingers ok in Singapore but
means F* off in UK. Handshake vs non-contact gree�ng.

Only universal gesture is to smile, so smile a lot to show
Two fingers aka victory sig friendliness!
• Dietary considera�on is useful, e.g., Muslims do not
drink alcohol nor eat pork, so take them to halal places,
and offer non-alcoholic drinks. Hindus do not eat beef, so
don’t expect them to enjoy a steak restaurant even if it
serves chicken. It is a good idea to ask what dietary
requirements need to be met when organising a group
• General knowledge is useful, e.g., how to dress for
formal occasions, what some expressions mean “black
Two fingers aka *F* Off! �e” vs “smart-casual”. Where in doubt, check it up.
• Other cultural values less easily seen, and we cannot
know everything – so what to do?
Key Strategy • SOAP
o Suspension of judgement – taking an interest in
people and new ideas; not imposing our own
beliefs and values when making sense of
someone’s ac�ons
o Openness to uncertainty – the ability to deal
with ambiguity.
o Aten�on to communica�on – focusing on
shared knowledge/ prac�ces as well as both
verbal and non-verbal cues.
Picture credit- Wikimedia o Perspec�ve-taking – understanding why they
Crea�ve commons are perceiving things in a certain way helps in
reducing bias i.e., empathy.

• Always use SOAP to keep clean! Remember:

SOAP up!

Part 3 Group Discussion  Link what you see to SOAP protocol above.
Each group will be provided  Deconstruct scenarios or issues by asking ques�ons –
with a scenario to discuss what puzzles you? Is it the
using the strategies learnt. ac�on/outcome/language/reac�on?
Role-Play o The primary ques�on is “WHY?” why this
phrase? Why this response? Why this outcome?
A few connectors will assume o In working on an improvement, ask WHAT –
the role of specific characters what is the desired outcome? HOW might it be
and apply the strategies to achieved?
achieve a desired outcome  Keep thinking of how the SOAP protocol is applied.
while the rest as the audience  If you have any questions that you would really like an
will observe and provide answer to, please write to us at:
feedback on the effectiveness
of the communication In the subject line write: Aten�on Dr Yurni/Ms Lee – ICC
strategies used. connectors’ workshop ques�on.

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