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Chapter 7 Human Nutrition (Objective)

1. Which row shows where starch is digested in the alimentary canal?

2. The diagram shows the alimentary canal.

Which label shows where bile is stored?

3. Which process is defined as taking substances into the body through the mouth?
A absorption
B digestion
C egestion
D ingestion

4. Digestion can be defined as the breakdown of

A large insoluble molecules to small soluble molecules.
B small insoluble molecules to large soluble molecules.
C large soluble molecules to small insoluble molecules.
D small soluble molecules to large insoluble molecules.
5. Vegetarians do not eat meat.
Which nutrient in meat do vegetarians need to get from other kinds of food?

A fibre
B protein
C starch
D vitamin C

6. The diagram shows the arrangement of part of the small intestine and a capillary.

What does arrow X represent?

A absorption
B digestion
C ingestion
D osmosis

7. Which diagram represents the digestion of food molecules in the alimentary canal?
8. The diagram shows the alimentary canal

Which processes take place in the region marked X?

A absorption and digestion
B digestion and egestion
C egestion and ingestion
D ingestion and absorption

9. Which two nutrients are needed for healthy bone and tooth development?

A calcium and iron

B fibre and vitamin C
C fibre and vitamin D
D vitamin D and calcium

10. The table names some places where processes involved in animal nutrition may take place.
Which row is correct?

11. Which nutrients are needed in the diet to produce strong bones?
12. What helps maintain healthy gums?

A calcium
B iron
C vitamin C
D vitamin D

13. What is a function of the small intestine?

A It cuts food into small pieces.

B It provides a large surface area for absorption.
C It provides space for the storage of faeces.
D It stores food.

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