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Conrention Date (Bermany): Dec.
27, T927. 3. 03 ,0 65
) : Dec. 24 , T928 . No. 38,0 97/ 28.
Application Date Un United Kingdom

Complete Accepted: May 26, T930.


id Me tals par tic ula rly for
Ele ctr ody nam ic Mo vem ent of Flu
Re frig era tin g Ma chi nes .
r be wee n the iron
E1:.- TEI.N , of Swi ss dric al ann ular cha mbe
\V e, l'ro f. ALD E1lT 1. und er the infl uen ce
erla ncle r tra. e, core and the tuhP
Xat iona lit.v , of :), llab
Szrl ,ARJ J, of the mag·nptic·
fi,•lds prod ucer ] hy the 55
).lpr lin, Ger man y, and Dr. L.Eo :t.J e- win din g-, .f ..), li <llld 7. in the dirl 'l'fio n
~ atio uali ty of 95, l'rin
or Hullg":IJ 'iau ,d u:..i~ ol thr ' ylin cler
sdo d', Ger - of the long itud !J,
:1 geu ten. tra~-~P, JJer lin- \Vil mer natu re of and , if the pola1 ,~, hp '" 11:1h l.' ·hos l'n.
man y, do here by dec lare the '' 111d1n!!~ ·:1: to 7
ner the fn>JJJ top to bott on!. Till' til It'll' ,,·hi ch 60
thi:; inY cuti on and in wha t man Th, •
sam e i- to he perf onn ed, l .
b pan it'11 - . uno11ncl tlH' tuhl.' 1.1 11 dl'llll~, .~:,. abo ut
in <lntl 1,_1 tlo11 in the aclj: wen
larl y cles nibe d nnd a:.c erta ined !)() 0 out o phn se reln t j, ,.]
, ''> ,.,, .. <>ther,
iO the foll owi ng :;lat emP nt :- o her Ita n d t lw w 1 " d 11. !..!'S 4
to nppa nlluo.; 111 w hi lr , m t h p t
Thi inve ntio n r elat rR IYin clil t!..!.,.. .-, .t n. 7-
d undPI and fj. lik t• wi~e the
11·hi('\i fluid J.wt al moYe. 01 w;u 011 the lll<~\ J,., •IIIIIICdetJ up ]n '1 '1 I'• oll<l! ) 65·
the influ PIH' C of a mag neti c fi(·ld rs sho\\ '11 111 ,,, at cl
c·11JTE'Il! i~ ar, ·h1·l't 111111 plat
liqu id throa~h whi1 h :rdr i(' flu1d £(1 ; 111 on thc · ,p,· tion line .\ - H \\ i th P
p::n tlf·u hrly in "hi l'h , w. 11<ti1
15 pa s~i ng, mor e
J th at i- pola rity i~ c·on Pcll
y cho t'll : I••
mt>tal i. pun qwd hnJ11 .1 !'h:nnhP •r fipjcJ in tiH' llH'I TIII' \' in lllt ' • ,li n IIC:Jl
preo. ;-<lll 't' 11d o a c·hnm lw1 und 1:" 11 p tn 70
und er low r Phtu nlt•l i ... · mo,-rd it
high er prt> sure . 111'1• app al at 11~ (·an hp <IJIJIHla tlw r;liP of cha nge ot th.• mng·-
td in10 a hol tnn1:
emp loye d for pou nn g lllOitt•u rnl' r;,: i n~· III'tic' fiPlt! i, ol•tninPcl h_y mul ti pl.' in~ thr
•d 111 r frig-
20 mou lrl or it ma.\ h,, u,c iden tity r]i,1anf·p apn d
or nt hPr fiJ'(JUPn :·.\ ],_, th,..
m:w hinr :. for frpding- mrn ·ur.\ wind ing: ,.. ln th mf'J'!' Ill'\ aJI c•IPc-
irl 111P 1a], to thr drYi c·c. I thP ,'lt>r - oi thr ced whi ch ·cin ulat r 75
liqu indu
thr liqu id tric · rnrr ent i-,
tric !'lll l•'l11 i~ not pa~ .· p(] 111tn h iron r·orr 2. , uch ,, l111e of
ug-h ,•Jp,• t rot!• '~ hut i inrl urrc l in it in nno~1ncl 1 figu re ot 1, · clrn ll -
thro OITP j, ..,]l!l\\'11 in thi,;
linr.., nf thr
25 fmch mnnnc•1 that 1hr o.;trrnm liqu id ing·~ Thf' 1HII H'lrr omo tivp nrc·• ' thut in -
CUI Trnt arr who lly in thr 1s at all noint"o
elec tric flur n c·p, thP llH'J'('IIl'\'
diflic ·ulli P
and form do . . rd linf'~ lher rin. ~f 1deJ : and 80
tlw tram - par~lliPI to th,, nxiR the cd11
are a\·o irlrd that an· inhe rrnt in ·frorlP and tlw pon clrr onw tive fielcl i~ p1~cticnl1-.,: free
mi,- ;ion n•,is lanc ·f' hf'(wpen p]p, ·
g'<'IH 'ra lh n. fip]t l n1 JHll liiPro- from cldiP'< ph!lH E' hC'l WP PJ1
30 liqu id . •Ill
1d ''hil 'l1 .\ !)00 displr!C'E'llll' nt of
mo( i,,. '"n· , ;, ,·rra lrd inlh P liqu... fiPid of th.• ··urr Pnt" in adja rt>n ! win din g,, i pro-
i not I JP•· t rom pr]clir~. Tf t hi nn rr ns ha~ hern pro- 85
fref' from d uc·,•d in kno wn mn
forc ·p in thr fluirl met al is not rnPrg-y ]Hl't'cl lnr fhr prod u:'lionmol or . uc·t of thp arti fici a l
llwn • i.., a g-rr: 1t los,.. of
rddir~. pha .. e for no.,ync·hrono
thp liqu icl.
35 <lll·in:.r In usrlt> 'l ag-i tatio n of '> in Fi g- Ill<' ~ illu ·trait> diag-rnJ !l!11.l to the
lic·n lh· :1
'l'hr inn nlio n reln l f'' to n:>pnratn forr r i rr rigr >rat ing mnr ·hin P nrro rdin "·
whi r·h thr firld of pon dero mot i.vr ; ac·r·orcl- inve ntio n in whi ch 10 i. n dpvi /ro r cau" - 90
in tlw liqu id
fn•r fifnl l rd,] ips with UlOYe by rlec lro- dvn nmi r
tlw firlc l ,1f pon rlcr o- ing mPr cury to
in:.r ' " tltP inYf 'ni ion rury iR forc· r d i1;to t hP
n tl1r liqu id, mra n .. The mer
40 mo liq' forPf'. whi ch act. upn of whi• ·l1 the t~b ,' 1 and feel to thr mPI'_I' Hry .irt p11mp
rp u]l-; from a mng nrli c· fic•lrl L rhr Y:lpOilr of a rooiJJtCl' ;J<r(' Jlf
lin!'~ o forTf' rut or ern . an ann ular r:..an1ple. met hyl alro hol o~ ; ~uitahlr 95
iri litrPnm
cha mb er thro ugh ~~-hirh tht> !iqu lwin g h ,]lol 'arh on) is draw
n ofl' thro ug-h thr
. the mng neti r field :1 vert ir.n llr rx-
is raus crl to flow I'Oll1 IHE'R eel in
ucrr l hy at lenR t two or morP !'Oi ls PIJI•' 13. erl inio thr \";lpour
45 prod trnclin~ pipe , and forr
energi:r.ed h.Y elec tric curr ent. dra~~· ­ sep arat i ng cha mbe r lfi ., hr mer rury
Fig urr 1 of the acc omp any ing rhn mhr r. t hmu~rh th.r lOO
ll a form pnss es out of
ing. illu stra tes diag ram mat ica ntio n, dow nwa rd ly dire rter l pip r 1() , and bark
arat us acco rdi ng to th e inve le th ,-np our of
of app
, into th e_ dev ice 10. whi
l't() by way of exa mpl e. thro ugh the rip
an iron the coo hn~ age nt fl owA
An iron cor e 2 is inse rted into cool ed con den ser 11 whc>re
the cyli n- 19 into the air- '
evli ude r 1. :Mercur,v flow~ in
[Pri r.e l /-l

, '
): i 1/
~ rt r
30J,OG5 '~
c-o.• -
)<t..- . ..

it is liquefieJ; the cooling medium then 2G through the valves 27 and 28 into the
flows through a throttle 20 into the ,cylinders 2J and 22.
vaporise r 18. Ha...-iug now particularly described and
a sce rtained the nature o{ our aid invrn~
lf a three phase current is aYailable, the 50
5 apparatus hown in li'igure 1 i t·onnected tion and in what manner the same is tu
to the so urce of current in such manner be perform ed, '"e declare that. what we
that a uniformly moving magnetic field claim i - : -
is produ ced-that is to sa y, the w indings 1. Apparatu s fo r moving fluid metal., 55
4. 5 et(!. are connec ted in similar manner intenrled more parti cularly for use with
10 to the ,...-inclings of a three phn e c unent refrigerating ma c hine , in which a mng-
m0tor and th e re i produced a mngnetic n e ti · field influen ces metal tranr ed bv
field moving in a straight lice in s tead of electric •tu'J'en t. characterised in that ~
a rotating field. s tream of the liquid metal is ca use d to
Th e tran mi siou of energy from the flow through an annular c hamber whi ch is
15 mer · ury lo the Yapour that i to be com - cut or cro · ed by th line of f or ce of a
pres. ed may he variously effected in the magn e ti · field produ eel by at lea t two
r ef r·igerating ma c hine. Fo1 e xample or more coil eucr:..ris d hy electric ur-
wat e r may be drawn in bv mean s of a rPnt, the maf!n e ti r field inrlucing electri 65
m e r c ury .1et pump and the. vapour com- c urre n t. in the annular l' hamb er, whi c h
20 Pl'!:'Fsed hv tl1 e water. Alter11ntivelv hv c un e nt s ci r ·ulnt e aronnd the axis of the
in term i tte n tly reversing the cl irecti~n o'f cham her.
motion of the magnetic field the mercury 2. Apparatu s ar'('Ortlinf!' lo clai m .l,
ra n bP cau d to flow intermi,Uentl into a rharacterii'Pd in that the (' llrrenL in two 70
v es~e l whi ch communicates by valv ~ with a d.ia(' nt coiL ha\·e a phase ditYerence,
25 two chamber that are under different thu s produC'in g a magnetic fie ld whic h
press ure!', ~o that the m Prc urv c·omo r e~ e movP:-. in a ~traight line parallel to the
the vapour , a nd forces it int o'thP C' l{a m hp r axis of t h e annula r c hamber in the
1rnd!:'r the hi,..\' her pre. s ure, whilP t he m an n er that t h c fi ld in a poly-pha e 75
,•apour i. drawn off bv the mercury from m otor move. i n a circ ular path.
30 the chamber whi h ·i. und e r tJ,e· luw er :i . ..;\.ppa ratu s aecorcling to claim .l or
pres ure. claim 2, co mpri . ing a tub having an
In orrler that thi s a c tion mav h e better iro n c re eli , po erl th Preiu, an annular
under. tood one form of s u C' h an· apparatus space !wing form ed around th e ·orp and 80
is h ereinafter more fully de crih ed by way iron . h ePL di Rpo:-;e cl outside th annuln,r
~5 of example and illu t rated diagrammati- space.
r all.v in Figur 0 of th arrnmpnnying 4. A pparahtR according to rlairu l.
dra wings. rla im 2 . or rln im 3, rbnraderi . ed in that
10 i. the elertro -m agnetic devi rP in in a r frigerating machine mercury is 85
which th e direr ti o n of mov e ment o f ,hp moYe d by the apparatus.
40 fluid m e tal i r pve rsNl hy f' hnn g- ing thP 5 . Apparatu ;; ac cording to claim l
polarity of onp pari of th e windin g. Tn claim 2 or rlaim 3 , chnrarleri ed in that
thi wa y the fluid m eta l i. drawn out of fluid m eta l is p o ured into a mould by the
the ryl i.nd er s 2 1 and 22, o r is fore d into apparatu. . · ~
them. altc>rnately. The vnhes 21 and 24 Dated thi s 24th dnv of December 1928.
45 permit the comprPssed vapour t o pa ss into EDWARD E.VANS & o.,'
the pressure pip e 2i) . while the vapour is 27, ChancPry Lane, London, W .. 2,
drawn by suction out of the uction pipe Agents for the Applicants.

Roo hill: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by J,ove & Malcomson, Ltd,-1980.


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