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Fundación 基礎

Fondation основы
Nền tảng Gründung
основы ‫تاساسأ‬
Foundation 基礎
Fundación Fondation
‫تاساسأ‬ Fondazione

55 yoyef eIan i ars rs

Fundament Gründung
Stiftelse Nền tảng
基礎 Fundación
tiatives Założenie
o f I n i t i a t i vFondation

1 2 3
Saint-Gobain Initiatives
As a global leader in habitat, Saint-Gobain is committed
to using its expertise to help disadvantaged communities.

The international foundation Saint-Gobain Initiatives was
established for this purpose.
“These three objectives are at
the heart of the business and
strategy of our Group, and our
aim is to make environmentally-
Initiatives friendly, energy-efficient and
attractive housing accessible to
the greatest possible number
The Foundation relies on the commitment of of people,” says Pierre-André de
Saint-Gobain’s employees. All Group employees Chalendar, chairman and CEO of
and retirees are given the opportunity to sponsor Saint-Gobain. “We believe that
charitable initiatives in the three areas that relate access to appealing and healthy
to Saint-Gobain’s strategy: homes that maximize natural
light have a social value. This
helping young adults into employment represents genuine assistance for
(p. 05) the most disadvantaged people
in our society.”
building, improving or renovating
social housing (p. 09)
reducing energy consumption and pro-
tecting the environment around social
housing (p. 13)

03 • Presentation
Projects must be led by a non-profit In some cases, an opportunity
organization and located near to arises for local employees to get
one of the Group’s sites. involved with the association
leading the initiative and participate
The Foundation provides financial on a voluntary basis.
support for the projects it selects.
In addition, Saint-Gobain Group
companies may supply the materials
and/or technical expertise.

Each project is proposed and 15 members, including two
sponsored by a Saint-Gobain employee representatives and
employee or retiree. A presentation five experts in the fields of
package for the project is
prepared by the sponsor and
construction, architecture and
helping people into employment. 67 projects supported
in 19 countries
then reviewed by the Selection Project coordination and monitoring
Committee, and if approved, by
the Executive Board. These two
is carried out by the Director
of Responsible Development 185 projects proposed
80 sponsors
committees comprise current Department.
and retired employees of the

62 associations
Saint-Gobain Group. The Foundation is funded by
Compagnie de Saint-Gobain
The Board of Directors of the and the Innovative Materials, supported
Foundation approves general Construction Products and Building
policy and the main areas for Distribution Sectors. Its budget is
action. It is chaired by Pierre-André EUR 1 million per year.
de Chalendar, and comprises

04 • Presentation
Training in the building trades in
Spain ( p. 06 )
Renovation of housing in France
( p. 06 )
Practical workshop in northern

France ( p. 07 )
ith almost 193,000
employees world-
wide in 64 coun-
Feature Young people
tries, located in
rapidly-growing regions and Insulation specialists in
developed countries, Saint-Gobain
Germany ( p. 08 )
is well aware of the challenges

issued by unemployment and
aims to help the most disad-
vantaged to become more

Alongside specialized organizations,

the Foundation helps prepare

people with little chance of
employment for work in housing
construction, renovation and

05 • Help into employment

Training in Spain Budget :
the building EUR
trades Pedro Romero 12,720

The Yrichen Foundation helps building trades provided by the

people with drug addiction Yrichen Foundation.
problems to find jobs after The Saint-Gobain Weber teams
following detox programs and also hosted a group of young
training courses. Saint-Gobain people at their factory for six days
Initiatives funded the purchase of of training in mortar application.
materials for plumbing workshops
and plaster assembly as part of Quality of the training
a training course in the various Support of Saint-Gobain Weber

Renovation of
France Budget :
Georges Boutinot

The Foundation funded the work access to training in the building

needed to adapt their accom- trades. The main aim of the ren-
modation center for vulnerable ovation was to create individual
people, many of whom are home- rooms, so as to offer more dignity
less. This initiative was led by and security to residents.
Mas de Carles, an association
that works to combat social Overview of the organization
exclusion and help people into Residents participate in ma-
employment, which provides sonry work

06 • Help into employment

France Budget :
in northern Sponsors:
Ludovic Delourme 20,000
and François Fresnay

The Lille Sud Insertion associa- meet the RT 2012 energy effi-
tion organized a workshop to ciency regulations. Saint-Gobain
coincide with the refurbishment Group subsidiary POINT.P moni-
of its premises, to provide some tored the progress of the works
unemployed young people and advised the association
with the opportunity to train in on obtaining effective thermal
eco-renovation techniques. The insulation.
Foundation financed part of the
electrical system and the installa- Teaching methods to prepare
tion of a dual flow ventilation sys- people for employment
tem. The systems installed and The three areas in which the
materials used were required to Foundation operates

In these difficult economic
times, this is a clear demon-
stration of the socially-
responsible values that we
“ Painting, partitions, flooring...
our workshops prepare
people for employment
every day.
uphold on a daily basis
within our Group.
Ben Belmehdi,
Ludovic Delourme, Building Techniques Supervisor,
sponsor Lille Sud Insertion association

I already had experience of the building trade, but
here we do something different every day. I’ve
been here five months, and I’m very happy with
what I’m doing and what I’ve been able to
07 • Help into employment
Feature Feature
Insulation Germany Budget :
specialists Sponsor: EUR
Manuela Hocek
The Foundation contributed to Saint-Gobain ISOVER employees
funding training for young participated in the initiative,
unemployed people, under the helping the young people during
aegis of the AAW (Arbeitskreis the theory classes, construction
für Aus und Weiterbildung or workshops and installation phase,
working group for training and mainly in conjunction with the
development). The practical ISOVER Akademie.
part of the course focuses on
improving the soundproofing The high quality of the training
of a kindergarten. A number of The contribution of ISOVER


I was really looking forward

to working with this particular
group of future craftsmen. After Above all, we try to under- multicultural approach with regard
the theory classes, they de- stand the initiative in its en- to the initiatives presented.
signed soundproofing proto- tirety: its purpose and viability, We aim to get the projects we
types for their own classrooms. the involvement of the sponsor choose approved by the Executive
I was very impressed by their and Group companies and the Board, and we have to be as
enthusiasm and professional objectives of the association. fair as possible.
approach. Some of them are We don’t want to spread the
hoping to start their own Foundation’s budget too thinly, Agnès Deltenre,
businesses. by choosing over ambitious member of the Selection
projects. We strive to take a Committee
Gueven Kodas,
Director of ISOVER Akademie

Help into employment

08 • Help into employment
Renovation of an orphanage in Brazil
( p. 10 )
Campus for students from low-income
backgrounds in Vietnam ( p. 10 )
A residence for disabled people in
Romania ( p. 11 )

A self-sufficient farm in
inding decent housing in
the Czech Republic
both rural and urban areas ( p. 11 )
is a problem for the most
disadvantaged people in

the countries where Saint-Gobain

One of the Foundation’s objectives

is to support the construction,
improvement or renovation of
social housing.
09 • Social housing
Renovation Brazil Budget :
of an EUR
orphanage Aymeric Mautin 13,600

The Foundation funded repair have suffered neglect. The

work to the roof, maintenance accommodation, which was built
work on a water tank, and the about 15 years ago, was badly in
installation of a guttering system need of renovation.
and a septic tank for Fazenda do
Natal, a home managed by the
NGO Pontos Coraçao for chil- Improving the living
dren and young people that conditions of beneficiaries

A campus for Vietnam

students from Sponsor:
a low-income Thuy Ngo Budget :
The Enfants du Vietnam asso- Teams from Saint-Gobain Vietnam
ciation and the congregation participated by reviewing the
of Dominican sisters from the construction methods and ad-
Saigon diocese have undertaken vising the congregation on the
the construction of accommoda- selection of project manager.
tion to house around 40 young
women from all over the country
who are from poor or rural back- Enabling young women to
grounds. Saint-Gobain Initiatives study in good conditions
provided full funding for the The expertise of
construction of the building. Saint-Gobain

10 • Social housing
A residence for
Romania Budget :
people Sponsor:
Irina Lada 32,278

Habitat for Humanity Romania other Group companies also got

has undertaken the construction involved.
of an adapted house for disabled
people with the aim of impro- The contribution of all local
ving the social inclusion of the entities
residents by housing them in A humanitarian project aimed
the community. The Foundation at improving the situation of
funded part of the work, while disabled people

This project has strengthened the
Group’s reputation for social respon-
Zamfir Todor,
Habitat for Humanity

sibility in our country. It has also
brought Saint-Gobain’s teams closer
together and enabled us to under-
stand what is meant by solidarity. After an initial partnership
We all contributed to its imple- with Saint-Gobain ISOVER,
mentation, from Marketing, then with donations of mate-
Sales and Accounting, right up rials from Saint-Gobain Weber,
to the Head of Operations Saint-Gobain Rigips and
and Country Manager. Saint-Gobain Glass for the
construction of houses for the
poorest people in our society,
the support of Saint-Gobain
Irina Lada,
Initiatives is another way in
which the Group is finding out
more about our people and their
need for comfort and security.

11 • Social housing
A self-sufficient Czech Republic Budget:
Sponsor: EUR
Jana Kalaskova
Saint-Gobain Initiatives funded works, which were partly carried
the renovation of a residence out by the residents, included
belonging to the Kvetna Zahrada the installation of a cheese
association, which provides workshop and a bakery.
accommodation for troubled
children and young people. All Learning self-sufficiency
of the Group companies present The valuable co-operation
in the country participated. The of Group companies

The buildings were adapted to
the needs of the children looked
after by Kvetna Zahrada.
The adult beneficiaries wilbe
able to work in the new work-
We are delighted to have
supported Kvetna Zahrada’s
halfway house project, with the
shops. The community is almost involvement of the Foundation
self-sufficient and produces and seven Saint-Gobain Group Tomas Rosak,
most of the food it needs. It also companies in the Czech republic. General Delegate
farms animals and grows crops. Support for these troubled young for Czech Republic,
Without the donation from the people is an expression of the Slovakia, Hungary,
Foundation, it would have taken respect we give to others in our and eastern Adriatic
the association five years to daily work. countries
complete the renovation.

Jana Kalaskova,

12 • Social housing
Reducing energy bills in Hungary
( p. 14)
Solar energy in India ( p. 14 )

Affordable comfort in France ( p. 15 )
he Saint-Gobain
Initiatives Foundation is
committed to reducing
energy consumption Raising awareness
and making social housing more
environmentally-friendly. Feature
Learning to be
The aim is to reduce energy costs,
which take up a larger proportion independent
of the budgets of low-income
households, while at the same
in France ( p. 16 )
time benefiting the environment.
This is achieved through technical
expertise, assistance in using
materials with a lower impact on
the environment, and
awareness-raising work and
educational campaigns led by
the associations.

Environment 13 • Energy efficiency

Hungary Budget :

Sponsor: 80,000
Beatrix Bartha

In Hungary, Habitat for Humanity raising awareness of residents

have implemented projects in with regard to sustainable ener-
the Vác area, to help the most gy management. The residents
impoverished households to pay have been involved in each
their energy bills, by renovating assignment, and have carried
their housing. The Foundation out part of the works themselves,
funded insulation for twelve with the technical support of a
houses. Saint-Gobain supervisor.
Habitat for Humanity’s project
will continue with modest im-
provements to the accommoda- Residents are involved at
tion of 150 Romany families and every stage

Solar India Budget :

energy EUR
P. Padmakumar 20,000

The Foundation funded the pur- involved in the construction of

chase of tools to build a center the panels. This project may be
for the assembly of solar panels carried out in other villages, with
for the NGO Trust for Village the aim of increasing the use of
Governance, which aims to solar energy.
provide isolated rural families
with access to direct current in a
village near Chennai. The inha- Improvement of living
bitants of the village are directly conditions in rural areas

14 • Energy efficiency
Comfort France Budget :
for all EUR
Joséphine Lacroix 115,000

Saint-Gobain Initiatives played Group supported the project,

a part in the renovation of the particularly during the diagnostic
Mont-Louis housing center, phase. Saint-Gobain ISOVER and
which is managed by the Bail Lapeyre both made contributions
pour Tous association. The aim to the project, mainly through
of the works was to reduce the the donation of materials.
building’s energy consumption
and increase the residents’ Raising residents’ awareness of
comfort by giving them energy costs
responsibility for managing A socially-responsible initia-
energy consumption more tive by Saint-Gobain ISOVER
efficiently. An expert from the and Lapeyre

I was able to apply my exper-
tise and participate in this
“ The role of the Executive Board is to
give final approval for an initiative,
which must demonstrate the involve-
ment, commitment and dedication
Foundation project by work- of the participants. We now know
ing with the association more about the associations and how
and the project’s partners. they operate. We are then happy to
It was a very enriching monitor the initiative selected, and
experience. to visit the associations and meet the
people working there. We try to follow
the guidelines set out by the Board of
Sylvie Charbonnier, Directors, and our decisions, which are
Head of Technical Policy and Sustain- always taken on a democratic basis, are
able Housing - Insulation, Gypsum and governed by the Foundation’s rules. Olivier Ricard,
Industrial Mortars - France Both professional and convivial, these member of the Executive
meetings are quite different from the Board

15 • Energy efficiency
Learning France Budget :
to be
Sponsor: EUR
independent Isaure de Chateauneuf
The Foundation participated in in the area of thermal insulation
the renovation of a housing and will reduce the energy consump-
social inclusion center run by tion of the renovated building. In
Emmaüs Solidarité in the Paris addition, Saint-Gobain Technical
area. The aim was to increase the Services donated around a dozen
number of residents that can be computers to the center.
hosted at the site, mainly with
the creation of studio accommo- The expertise of Saint-Gobain
dation. Saint-Gobain’s expertise applied to social housing

The standard of housing and
social inclusion centers has great-
ly improved. This center also
needed to improve its use of the
space to carry out its activities
Guillermo Balestrino,
Project Manager
Having a nice place in which to
house our residents contributes to
the respect that we show them.
Every day, the center’s instruc-
more effectively, with different tors work closely with residents
areas organized according to the to teach them how to be inde-
needs of residents. We therefore pendent. The provision of studio
had some work to do, and the accommodation with washing
architect was very receptive, par- facilities and kitchenettes helps
ticularly when we discussed how Brigitte Rigal, them to do this. The residents also
to improve the energy efficiency Center Manager like to get together in the com-
of the building with Saint-Gobain. mon room, which is a new place
for them to socialize.

Energy efficiency
16 • Energy efficiency

Since the Saint-Gobain Initiatives

Foundation was established in 2008,
67 projects have been supported
in 19 countries to help people into
work, improve social housing and
protect the environment around
social housing. All of these projects
are covered on the following pages.

17 • Projects all over the world

Project Country Project leader Description

AAW-Isover Akademie Germany AAW Training for young people in sound and thermal insulation
workshops, see page 08
Fabota Belgium T Lampeke Construction of a center for disadvantaged children
Yrichen Foundation Spain Yrichen Foundation Training in building trade skills, see page 06
Manufacturing line for components used to build wooden
Vraie maison Emmaüs France Emmaüs Gironde
houses for the urgent accomodation of vulnerable people

Mas de Carles France Mas de Carles Renovation of accommodation with the participation of the
residents, see page 06
Lille Sud Insertion France Lille Sud Insertion Practical workshop in northern France, see page 07
Employment of young people on the renovation of
Acta Vista France Acta Vista
historic buildings
Renovation of 10 dwellings for people being helped into
REALISE Aubervilliers France REALISE
Fondation d’Auteuil,
France Fondation d’Auteuil Training for young people in building trade skills
training for young people
Initiatives 77 France Initiatives 77 Employment preparation workshop

Résidences Chalon France Résidences Chalon Employment preparation workshop on the refurbishment
Jeunes Jeunes for young working people
Social residence, France Habitat Solidaire Renovation of four dwellings for unemployed people
École Métiers de Haiti FASEP Establishment of a training facility specializing in water and
l’Eau sewerage management

Future Hope India Future Hope Establishment of a training center for the building trades
for street children in Kolkata (Calcutta)

Free Children Casa di Carità Arti e Employment of young offenders on the construction of a
Italy building that will be used to house prisoners’ families
(Casa di Carita) Mestieri Onlus

Health, education and Renovation of a clinic, school and library for a

Romania Habitat for Humanity
culture in Vizuresti marginalized community

Habitat for Humanity South Construction of 90 houses for poor families; work carried out
Habitat for Humanity by Saint-Gobain Gypsum Academy
South Africa Africa

Poblaki-MaeWae Thailand Charity projects Refurbishment of a school and construction of a kinder-

charity projects garten

Habitat for Humanity Poland Habitat for Humanity Refurbishment of apartments for unemployed young adults
Warsaw with training in energy efficiency
Project Country Project leader Description
LEO Club Germany LEO Club Construction of a playroom for disadvantaged children

Pro Juventute Austria Pro Juventute Refurbishment of an orphanage

ASBL Constellations Belgium Constellations Refurbishment of a care home for young adults with
learning disabilities

Fazenda do Natal Brazil Pontos Coraçao Renovation of an orphanage in Brazil, see page 10

Construction of 12 houses for young mothers from margin-

Lua Nova Brazil Lua Nova alized backgrounds

Jesus Caminante Spain Jesus Caminante Construction of an accommodation center for margin-
alized people
Habitat et Humanisme Renovation of live social dwellings and construction of
France Habitat et Humanisme
IDF two houses in accordance with low energy consumption
criteria (BBC)
Le Perreux housing and Creation of a care home for people with learning
employment for disabled France APEI l’espoir
Rungis shared house France Simon de Cyrène Creation of shared houses for disabled people

Emmaüs Saintes France Emmaüs Reconstruction of a community center

Le moulin vert France Le moulin vert Construction of a hostel for unemployed people

Nancy kindergarten France FALC (franco-Germain Refurbishment of a retirement home and a kindergarten
Association pour Creation of accommodation for 69 people to house
Shared housing project France
l’Amitié homeless people and volunteers
Emmaüs Bernes-sur-Oise France Emmaüs Construction of a housing center

SNL Fondation France Solidarités Nouvelles Construction of accommodation in a hostel for young
Ste Geneviève pour le Logement women

Emmaüs Servas France Emmaüs Creation of a new sales room for the Compagnons d’Emmaüs

Social residence, France Habitat et Humanisme Renovation and construction of 19 studio apartments
Association de Gestion et Refurbishment of rooms in a hostel for migrant workers
Hostel, France d’Animation du Foyer des
Pont-à-Mousson and unemployed people
Travailleurs de Procheville

Simon de Cyrène Construction of a house for disabled adults

France Fondation Abbé Pierre
Project Country Project leader Description

PEP71 France Les PEP71 Construction of a seminar room for a center providing
help into work for disabled people

Emmaüs Agora France Emmaüs Renovation of an accommodation center for homeless

A roof for the les Chantiers du Père
India Construction of accommodation for disadvantaged families
Untouchables Ceyrac
Malaysian orphanage Al-Munirah Charity
Malaysia Extension of an orphanage
extension Home

GADI/Manos de
Mexico GADI Extension of a school for children with Down’s syndrome

Adoption center in Poland Public Adoptive Renovation of a building housing an adoption center
Poland Guardian

Casa Santo Antonio Portugal CPASA Reconstruction and renovation of a housing center for
disadvantaged children

Ostrava - Czech Renovation and extension of accommodation for

Dvorecek Center disabled people, people with autism and marginalized
Dvorecek Center Republic

Czech Renovation of a farm that provides accommodation for

Halfway House Kvetna Zahrada
Republic young marginalized people, see page 12

Casa Mihail Romania Habitat for Humanity Construction of an adapted house for disabled people in
Romania, see page 11

Public housing in Ana & Vlade Divac Construction of accommodation for vulnerable people
Serbia Foundation

Rescue Children USA USA Rescue the Children Refurbishment of accommodation at a center for trou-
bled children

Water for Long An Vietnam Enfants du Vietnam Installation of a drinking water distribution system in a

Thu Duc boarding Vietnam Enfants du Vietnam Construction of a hostel for young students, see page 10
Project Country Project leader Description
ITEP Rivehaute
France Les EVENTS Renovation of a games room for disturbed young people
Refurbishment of an accommodation center for
Péniche du Cœur France Restos du Cœur
vulnerable people

Travail et Vie France Travail et Vie Refurbishment of an accommodation and

help-into-employment center
HAPA France HAPA Refurbishment of a social residence

Construction of a new building in accordance with low

Maison Michelet France AEIM ADAPEI 54 energy consumption (BBC) standards for people with
learning disabilities
Les Compagnons Compagnons Training and accommodation for people in financial
Bâtisseurs Bâtisseurs hardship

Linguetta Italy Lega del Filo d’Oro Extension and renovation of a center providing accommoda-
tion, training and help into employment for disabled people

Habitat for Humanity Habitat para la Construction of 335 houses and renovation of 480 houses in
Mexico Humanidad Mexico rural areas for poor families

Inspiration Russia Russia Inspiration center Renovation of an orphanage roof

Construction of energy-efficient houses for vulnerable

Matthew 25 USA Matthew 25 Inc

Bail Pour Tous France Bail Pour Tous Thermal insulation for a housing center, see page 15

Trust For Village Self Construction of a center for assembling solar panels to
Solar energy India
Governance provide electricity in rural areas, see page 14

Habitat for Humanity Insulation and renovation work for disadvantaged

Hungary Habitat for Humanity households, see page 14

Renovation and thermal insulation for a care home for

APHISA Spain APHISA people with learning disabilities

Pré Saint Gervais France Emmaüs Solidarité Refurbishment of an accommodation and help-into-
employment center, see page 16
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