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Columnar Database
Nikitha V M
BE CSE 5TH sem
Assistant professor Dept. Of CS&E,BGSIT
What is a columnar database?
A columnar database is a database management system
(DBMS) that stores data in columns instead of rows. The
purpose of a columnar database is to efficiently write
and read data to and from hard disk storage in order to
speed up the time it takes to return a query. Columnar
databases store data in a way that greatly improves disk
I/O performance. They are particularly helpful for data
analytics and data warehousing.
Columnar database vs. row-oriented
Column-oriented databases and row-oriented databases are both methods
for processing data in data warehouses. However, they have different approaches:
While column-oriented databases store data in columns, row-oriented databases
store data in rows. Instead of keeping a record of every column in a table in a single
row, a column-oriented database will store the data for each column in a single
The main benefit of a columnar database is faster performance compared to a row-
oriented one. That's because it accesses less memory to output data. Because a
columnar database stores data by columns instead of rows, it can store more data
in a smaller amount of memory. And because the initial data retrieval is done on a
column-by-column basis, only the columns that need to be used are retrieved. This
makes it possible for a columnar database to scale efficiently and handle large
amounts of data.
Benefits of using a columnar database
Multipurpose. Columnar databases receive a lot of attention with big data applications.
They're also used for other purposes: running online analytical processing (OLAP)
cubes, storing metadata and doing real-time analytics. Columnar databases are efficient
for these tasks because they excel at loading new data quickly.
Compressible data. Data can be highly compressed in a columnar database. The
compression permits columnar operations -- like MIN, MAX, SUM, COUNT and AVG -
- to be performed fast.
Self-indexing. Another benefit of a column-based DBMS is self-indexing, which uses
less disk space than a relational database management system containing the same data.
Speed and efficiency. Columnar databases perform analytical queries faster than other
database methodologies. They are also quick and efficient at performing joins, a way of
combining data from two tables in a relational database. Although it's a standard way of
combining data, a join can be inefficient and slow performance. A columnar database can
join any number of data sets quickly, and it can aggregate the results of a query into a
single output.
Columnar database example

Account First name Last name Purchase (in

number dollars)

0411 Moriarty Angela 52.35

0412 Richards Jason 325.82

0413 Diamond Samantha 25.50

Advantages of Columnar Database
Columnar databases receive a lot of attention with big data
Compressible data. Data can be highly compressed in a
columnar database. ...
Self-indexing. ...
Speed and efficiency.
Columnar database limitations
• Traditional databases are more suitable for incremental data loading than
columnar databases. Incremental data loading is a technique that implements a
bulk data load into a database by loading only a subset of the data.

• The data is loaded according to a trigger, which is a point where the data can be
loaded more efficiently. An example of a trigger is when another user adds data or
when a certain time of the day occurs.

• This technique is ideal for loading historical data or recently updated or created

• Online transaction processing (OLTP) applications are also not suitable in column-
oriented databases. Row-oriented databases work better for OLTP applications
because they have better concurrent processing and isolation capabilities, and
they use disk space more efficiently.

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