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Created by : HASSAN ZEB


CONDUCTED BY HEC ON 21-07-2019 (Morning)

1. The first martial was imposed in Pakistan On?
a) 1948 b) 1951 c) 1956 d) 1971

2. The federal and supreme legislative of Pakistan is?

a) Parliament b) Senate c) National Assembly d) Presidency

3. Who was the first Governor General of Pakistan?

a) M Ali Bogra b) Liaqat Ali Khan c) Sikandar Mirza d) M Ali Jinnah

4. Which one is the upper house in Parliament?

a) Senate b) National Assembly c) none of these

5. The ancient civilization in Pakistan?

a) Harappa b) Gandhara c) Mohenjo Daro d) Maher Garh

6. Pakistan Noble Prize winner?

a) Salimuzzaman Siddique b) Malala Yousafzai c) Dr Abdul Qadeer

7. National anthem of Pakistan?

a) Allama Iqbal b) Hafiz Jhalandhari c) Amjad Islam d) Faiz Ahmad

8. Pakistan become nuclear power in?

a) 1973 b) 1988 c) 1998 d) 1999

LAT : 21-07-2019 (Morning) 1

Created by : HASSAN ZEB
9. In Pakistan highest energy is generated through?
a) Hydel b) Coal c) Windmill d) Gas

10. Pakistan most important and major crop is?

a) Rice b) Wheat c) Cotton d) Tobacco

11. 35×0.75 =
a) 14.50 b) 26.25 c) 16.50 d) 15.50

12. (x+y) (2x + 2y) =

a) 2x² + Zy + 4xy b) 2Y²+4+5x c) 4xy+2x2+2y2 d) Y²+x+4xy

13. (10) + (10) =

a) (1020) b) (10) c) (10)² d) (100)

14. 2/4 + 7/5-1/4?

a) 4/5 b) 0.9 c) 0.5 d) 0.25

15. A boy walked 2km towards north and then 3 km towards West and them
One km south and then 3km east. How far the boy from starting point?
a) 2km b) 8km c) 4km d) 3km

‫• اردو‬
‫• الفاظ کے درست معنی کا انتخاب کریں‬
‫عجلت‬ ‫۔‬16
‫د) دلیل‬ ‫ج) پیشمان‬ ‫ب) ہم آہنگی‬ ‫ا) تیزی‬

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‫‪Created by : HASSAN ZEB‬‬

‫وحشت‬ ‫‪17‬۔‬
‫د) وہم‬ ‫ج) صفت‬ ‫ب) دیوانگی‬ ‫ا) سیاست‬

‫پختہ‬ ‫‪18‬۔‬
‫د) جزوی‬ ‫ج) پکا‬ ‫ب) زمین‬ ‫ا) پہل‬

‫وصال‬ ‫‪19‬۔‬
‫د) مالقات‬ ‫ج) کرختگی‬ ‫ب) قاتل‬ ‫ا) دوستانہ‬

‫‪20‬۔ شفا‬
‫د) صورت‬ ‫ج) مشعل‬ ‫ب) ماحول‬ ‫ا) تندرست‬

‫‪21‬۔ تاثیر‬
‫د) تخمینہ‬ ‫ج) تاش‬ ‫ب) اثر کرنا‬ ‫ا) تنگی‬

‫‪22‬۔ تسخیر‬
‫د) مروت‬ ‫ج) فتح‬ ‫ب) پناہ‬ ‫ا۔ پہنچ‬

‫‪23‬۔ نشیمن‬
‫د) گھر‬ ‫ج) ساحل‬ ‫ب) دور اندیشی‬ ‫ا) اونچائی‬

‫‪24‬۔ بادنسیم‬
‫د) بادبانی‬ ‫ج) بحر‬ ‫ب) ٹھنڈی ہوا‬ ‫ا) سماں‬

‫)‪LAT : 21-07-2019 (Morning‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬

Created by : HASSAN ZEB

‫فراغت‬ ‫۔‬25
‫د) مروت‬ ‫ج) فرصت‬ ‫ب) دوستانہ‬ ‫ا) محفل‬

• Select the similar word
26. Random
a) specific b) ordinary c) Regular d) Casual

27. Rigid
a) Friendly b) Inflexible c) Welcoming d) Warm

28. Arrogant
a) Conceited b) Humble c) Progressive d) Noble

29. Camouflage
a) Aggressive b) Deception c) Vigilant d) Honor

30. Contemporary
a) Recent b) Old c) sort of dance d) Hindrance

31. Coward
a) Fear b) Brave c) Fighter d) Thankful

• Find opposite word

32. Embracing
a) Hug b) Grab c) Clasp d) Free

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Created by : HASSAN ZEB

33. Drought
a) Lack b) Need c) Privation d) Surplus

34. Ancestors
a) Forefather b) Founder c) Originator d) Descendants

35. Terrible
a) Soothing b) Scaring c) Horrible d) awful

36. Fertile
a) Productive b) Lush c) Rich d) Barren

37. Starvation
a) Hunger b) Famine c) Shortage d) Abundance

38. Extensive
a) Expensive b) Spread c) Abstract d) Narrow

39. Faisalabad is famous _____ its textile mills.

a) In b) For c) On d) At

40. The train departs ______ 5 PM.

a) From b) At c) On d) Within

41. He does not leave his house ______ 9 Am.

a) Before b) On c) By d) In

42. He ran twelve miles ______ two hours.

a) In b) It c) On d) For

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Created by : HASSAN ZEB

43. He is afraid ______ the sea.

a) With b) To c) For d) Of

44. If we go to the park, _____ you like to come too?

a) Shall b) Are c) Would d) Am

45. You are eligible ______ this post.

a) For b) To c) At d) On

46. River Nile flows through which country?
a) Jorden b) Syria c) Egypt d) Iraq

47. Euro is the currency of

a) America b) Russian c) England d) European Union

48. Which Country has no ocean?

a) Jorden b) Nepal c) Turkey d) Indonesia

49. Which country is the part of both Europe and Asia?

a) China b) Hungry c) Russia d) Indonesia

50. The Headquarters of United Nations is in?

a) Geneva b) New York c) London d) Paris

51. Which country is hosting summer Olympics of 2020?

a) Brazil b) Russia c) Korea d) Japan

52. Which Country was not part of the British Colony?

a) Russia b) Australia c) Sudan d) Burma
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Created by : HASSAN ZEB

53. Which country is on the West of Pakistan?

a) India b) Afghanistan c) Oman d) China

54. The Largest country area wise?

a) Canada b) Russia c) Australia d) Brazil

55. The largest rainforest is in which country?

a) France b) North America c) Brazil d) Indonesia

56. 9/11 incident happened in which country?

a) Japan b) Canada c) England d) America

57. Mughal Emperor Zahir Ud Din Babar buried in

a) Kabul b) Agra c) Delhi d) Lahore

58. Which city is called forbidden city?

a) Shanghai b) Beijing c) Tokyo d) Nairobi

59. OIC stands for

a) Organization of International Countries
b) Organization of the Islamic Corporation
c) Oil Investment Countries

60. Taj Mahal built by?

a) Shah Jehan b) Jehangir c) Akbar d) Babur

61. European union headquarters is in which country?

a) Germany b) France c) Belgium d) Italy

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Created by : HASSAN ZEB

62. Which country has no king ship?

a) Japan b) Denmark c) Saudi Arab d) France

63. Pyramids were build by?

a) Julius Caesar b) Napoleon c) Pharaoh d) Turkey

64. George Washington was the _____ President of USA?

a) First b) sixteen c) Twenty d) Fifteen

65. Muslim League was established in

a) 1906 b) 1939 c) 1916 d) 1876

66. Hazrat Abu Bakar was merchant of?
a) Steel b) Cloth c) Coal d) Wheat

67. Hazrat _______ established department of Police.

a) Hazrat Abu Bakar b) Hazrat Umar c)Hazrat Usman d)Hazrat Ali

68. Ghani was the title of Hazrat ______ (RA)

a) Abu Bakar b) Umar c) Usman d) Ali

69. Namaz commanded in Quran for _____ times.

a) 500 b) 600 c) 700 d) 800

70. Ghazwa e Hudabiya was fought in ______?

a) 7AH b) 8AH c) 9AH d) 10AH

71. How many Muslims participated in the battle of Hunain?

a) 1400 b) 1400 c) 1200 d) 12000
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Created by : HASSAN ZEB

72. In which Ghazwa Muslims were in majority as compared to enemy

a) Badar b) Ohad c) Khyber d) Hunain

73. In how many battles The Holy Prophet (PBUH) took part?
a) 29 b) 27 c) 28 d) 15

74. Who proposed to dig a trench (khandaq) in battle of Khandaq?

a) Hazrat Salman Farsi b) Hazrat Ali
c) Hazrat Usman d) Hazrat Umar

75. What is charged on agricultural land?

a) Zakat b) Ushar c) Jazia d) Kharaj

• Personal Statement (10 marks) maximum 200 words

Why you want to choose Law Profession?

• Essay Topics write only one essay ( 15 Marks) maximum 200 words
° Why Justice is important for any civilized society?
° Primary Disadvantages of Democracy
° How youth can be engaged in community?

Note : Essay / Personal statement ; both must be written either in English or

Urdu, (cannot write one in Urdu and other in English)


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