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Air Fryer Vs Deep Frying

I guess Air Fryer has become, A must to have appliance in every household, since in Malaysia, frying food
never has been so easy. I must say even my husband start pestering to buy one for home. It’s like having
your fried stuff everyday with guilt free. Is it what is this all about? Let’s look a little closer to understand

Deep Frying has been here for generation, where we deep/ submerge the ingredient that we want to fry
in hot oil/ fats which is around 177°C to 191°C for 5 – 15 min when the outer layer turns into crispy
texture ready to serve. And any pot that can contain certain amount of oil can be used for deep frying.

2010, Air frying came to market introduced by Philips through their Rapid Air Technology. Which has
become one of the famous appliances to own in house. How it works? You need to preheat by adjusting
the temperature and time. After that place the food in the tray, coated the food with a thin layer of oil,
to create crispy texture, then wait for it to cook. Occasionally, you must flip the food while cooking to
enhance even cooking.

Generally, you see from here air fryer reduce the uptake of 70-80% of the oil compare to deep frying,
and taste and flavor wise is also on par with deep frying. You would not have to worried about fried oil
storage and cleaning. From here you should understand why more and more household are opting for
air fryer. Anyone can cook fried food to perfection without hassle.

When the intake of excessive fried product becomes your daily diet, you prone to health risk such as
cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, stroke and other complication. No matter you are using Air Fryer
or Deep fryer. Deep fryer has many studies done, that shows that it can cause health complication, but
for Air fryer there is less or no side effect studies that has been conducted, this does not indicate that
consuming fried product daily is fine.

In my opinion, no matter which one you are using for household, never make it a daily diet menu, it will
still cause your health risk sooner or later. Before buying, thinking whether Air Fryer is going to change
your style of eating or excessive eating? We will look at microwave oven that has been unpopular for
the harm that it can do to us, next.

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