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English Language - XI IPA 6

Cause &
02 11 25
Amalia Fitria Dinda Syahnaz Naiara Syifa
Affandi Hafidzani
Apa Itu
Cause &
Cause & Effect
Cause (noun/verb)
Selalu disimpan setelah signal words
- The cause (noun) of fire was the electrical short.
- The short caused (verb) the fire.

Effect/Affect (noun/verb)
Akibat dari suatu tindakan; Menyebabkan perubahan
- Did the noise have an effect (noun) on your concentration?
- Did the noise affect (verb) your concentration?
Signal Word + Cause + Effect
Effect + Signal Word + Cause

Signal Word selalu diikuti oleh Cause

Cause & Effect
yang diikuti Noun
(Frasa Noun)
Mempunyai arti yang sama
Due to dan Because of
dengan due to dan because of.
memiliki arti yang sama. Mempunyai arti berkat.
Owing to biasa digunakan
Due to berarti
dalam untuk menyusun kalimat
yang lebih formal.

Due to heavy I didn't attend the Thanks to your

rain (cause), we practice (effect) help (cause), we
can't go to the owing to the were succesful
concert (effect) headache (cause) (effect)

Signal Word + Cause + Effect Effect + Signal Word + Cause Signal Word + Cause + Effect
Digunakan sebelum noun atau
Menjelaskan suatu alasan Memiliki arti yang sama dengan as
pronoun. Because of memiliki arti
terjadinya sesuatu secara a consequence of, dan biasanya
by reason of (dengan alasan)
spesifik. Biasanya terletak pada diikuti oleh noun, dan biasanya
pertengahan kalimat. yang diikuti dengan object noun,
terletak pada awal kalimat.
pronoun, lalu verb -ing

As a result of
He can't take the He got good grades
illegal (cause), the
exam (effect) as number of wild (effect) because
a consequence of animals began to of his study habits
cheating (cause) decrease (effect) (cause)

Effect + Signal Word + Cause Signal Word + Cause + Effect Effect + Signal Word + Cause
Cause & Effect yang
diikuti Subject +
Verb (Frasa Verb)

Merupakan kata penghubung Biasanya digunakan untuk

yang digunakan diawal klausa menerangkan sesuatu yang
sebelum subject dan verb. sudah diketahui akibatnya.

Because he was The concert was

sick (cause), he canceled (effect),
did not cook well since it's raining
(effect) (cause)

Signal Word + Cause + Effect Effect + Signal Word + Cause

Menjelaskan effect seperti
Menjelaskan alasan akan
because namun pada pelafalan
terjadinya sesuatu, dan biasanya
yang berbeda. For tidak bisa
sudah diketahui akibatnya.
diletakkan pada awal kalimat.

As it is raining I decided to call it

again (cause), we a day (effect) for
will have to stay I was feeling
at home (effect) tired (cause)

Signal Word + Cause + Effect Effect + Signal Word + Cause

Thank you
for listening!
Literary discourse is a form of reading and writing
that uses literary techniques such as metaphors,
similes, personification, and imagery to explore a
topic in a creative and meaningful way.

Literary discourse is often used to discuss

abstract concepts and ideas, as well as to
analyze literature. It is often used in literary
criticism and literary theory.
Let's Share
Literary discourse can be classified into different types such as expressive, transactional, dramatic, and
persuasive. With your group, brainstorm and share your thoughts on these types of literary discourse.

Expressive Transactional

Narrative Persuasive
Expressive discourse is a type of communication that focuses
on an individual's thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. This type
of discourse encourages individuals to express their thoughts
and feelings openly and honestly.

It is typically used in informal conversations and allows people

to share their personal views, opinions, and stories. Diaries,
journals, blogs or any writing that involves personal entries
can be considered as expressive discourse.
Transactional discourse is a type of
communication that is used to exchange
information or ideas in order to accomplish a goal
or task.

The purpose of transactional discourse is to

achieve a specific outcome, such as an agreement
or sale. It often takes the form of questions and
answers, and may involve persuasion and
persuasion techniques.
Narrative discourse is a form of discourse that tells a story
and is used to communicate a sequence of events. It is a way
of conveying information through a narrative, often with a
focus on the characters and their actions.

Narrative discourse can be used to inform, entertain, or

persuade an audience. It is often used in literature, film,
theater, and television.
Persuasive discourse is a form of communication
that attempts to influence the beliefs or actions
of an audience by presenting an argument in
favor of a particular point of view. It is often used
in advertising, politics, and other forms of public

It can be used to convince an audience to accept a

particular idea, buy a product, or take a certain
The power of discourse lies in its
ability to shape our
understanding of the world and
to bring people together.

It is through discourse that we discover and articulate our values, aspirations

and beliefs, and it is through discourse that we learn to understand and
respect the perspectives of others.
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