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Risk Assessment Doc No LGC-RA-1001-

004-08 -
Rev 0
BACKFILLING Date 23-11-2023

Nature of Risk Assessment: LGC-MS-1001-004-08 - BACKFILLING

Plant Equipment Process Layout Other: Site Operations
Type of Assessment: Construction Work Risk Assessment
General Specific New Revision – Rev 00
Reason for Assessment Exposure to Construction Work

Designation Name Signature Date

Risk Assessor Ronald Henery
Construction Manager Johnny Lightfoot
Richard Sebueng

Highest Final Sign-off

Designation Name Signature Date
SIB Construction
Jimmy Kukard
SIB HSE William Mateboge

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Risk Rating Table

Date: 25 Jan 2023
Project: UK 20007 PLC and Server Room Upgrade
What you need to do:
1. Consider what can go wrong that can hurt someone
2. Determine what the most likely outcome would be - Consequences
3. Determine how likely those consequences are - Likelihood
4. Calculate the risk rating
5. Required action

Consequences: (How severely could someone be hurt)

Severe death or permanent disability to one or more persons
Major hospital admission required
Moderate medical treatment required
Minor first aid required
Insignificant injuries not requiring first aid

Likelihood: (How likely are those consequences)

Almost certain expected to occur in most circumstances
Likely will probably occur in most circumstances
Possible could occur at some time
Unlikely is not likely to occur in normal circumstances
Rare may occur only in exceptional circumstances

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LIKELIHOOD Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Severe
1 2 3 4 5
Almost certain

Required action Decision Level Code
Ext/High The proposed task or process activity must not proceed. Steps must be taken to lower General Manger GM
the risk level to as low as reasonably practicable using the hierarchy of risk controls.

High The proposed activity can only proceed, provided that: Project Manager PM

(i) the risk level has been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable using the
hierarchy of risk controls;

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(iv) A Safe Working Procedure or Safe Work Method has been prepared.

(v) The supervisor must review and document the effectiveness of the implemented risk

Medium The proposed task or process can proceed, provided that: Line Manager/Site LM
(I) the risk level has been reduced to as low as reasonably practicable using the
hierarchy of risk controls;

(ii) The risk assessment has been reviewed.

(iii) A Safe Working Procedure or Safe Work Method has been prepared.

Low Managed by local documented routine procedures which must include application of the Engineer/ ENG/SUP
hierarchy of controls. Supervisor

Step Task Step / Hazard Potential Harm Risk Rating Existing / Required Risk Controls (Apply Risk Rating
Process Step Before the hierarchy of Risk Controls After
Implementing Implementing
Controls Controls
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L C Risk L C Risk
Level Level
All employees to follow onboarding processes
related to gaining access to AAP Mortimer
Security related Time loss/ Financial The onboarding process and requirement will be
C 1 L
impact A 3 H conducted in line with the AAP Onboarding
Guide (GSML-ALL-SHE-STD-006-GUI-0001)
and Contractor Management (GSML-ALL-SHE-
All employees to receive Anglo American
Employees not Injuries/ Time loss/ A 3 H Platinum HSE Induction - AFRS training will be
informed of Hazards in Financial impact included before the onboarding process can be C 1 L
Site Access the work area comleted
and Egress
All tools and equipment to be declared before
access is granted on to AAP Mortimer Smelter -
Tool/ material lists to be generated and signed
off by the required employees - including
security officials.
Tools and Equipment
Time loss/ Financial B 3 H C 1 L
not declared
impact The said tool/ equipment list to be available
upon request and shall be handed back to the
security official once the tools/ equipment will be
taken off site.

When employees enter the entry turnstiles –

employees to make their way to the PDS office
container, situated on the right hand side of the
site entrance.

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Employees to undergo the required AFRS

training with regards to the PDS system used on
AAP Mortimer Smelter (Schauenburg system).

Employees to ensure that PDS’s are received

and activated/ calibrated before entering work

Employees to ensure to have the PDS unit on

person at all times – ensure that the PDS unit is
placed/ attached in such a way not to block the
audible sound and vibrating function of the PDS
2 Employees Employee and SME Injuries/ Fatalities/ unit (warning system).
walking on interface Financial Impact A 5 EH C 2 M
site/ in work Employees to ensure to inspect the PDS system
areas during the day to ensure that it still functions
correctly and to monitor the battery level.

Employees to ensure that the PDS system are

returned to the PDS office container before
exiting AAP Mortimer Smelter.

Employees to ensure that acknowledgement is

obtained from SME (Surface Mobile Equipment)
operators when waiting at pedestrian crossings
or when moving around in work areas (2 way
acknowledgement to be obtained).

All vehicles entering Mortimer Smelter will be

fitted with a VDS system.

PDS/ VDS systems that do not function as

required need to be reported and changed
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before work may commence.

Employees to ensure to cross all roads in

designated areas (black and white zebra
crossing) only.

Employees to ensure to inspect the road that

they need to cross – be on the look-out for
Employees crossing Injuries/ Fatalities/ SME’s.
roads in non- Financial Impact A 5 EH
designated areas Employees to ensure to follow the correct steps
when crossing roads:
1. Stop at the boom gates C 2 M
2. Press the green pedestrian button
3. Wait for the boom gates to close
4. Wait for the green light to illuminate
5. Only when the abovementioned steps
has been followed, the employee may
cross the road

Employees to be on the look-out for the

following areas:
1. Pooled water areas
2. Muddy areas
3. Drainage areas (equipment drainage in
4. Walkways with an incline/ decline
5. Loose stones C 2 M
Slippery surfaces/ Slip, Trip and Fall 6. Damaged walkways (cracked concrete
uneven surfaces/ Poor Injuries A 3 H surfaces causing uneven surfaces)
ground conditions 7. Painted walkways with pooled water
causing slippery surfaces
8. Walking areas with loose sand/ slag with
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protruding items
9. Walking on tied rebar/ mesh sections

Proper workplace inspections to be conducted to

identify such areas.

All employees to be made aware of the

abovementioned areas.

Walkways to be kept clean and free of debris at

all times.

Dedicated walkways that have over run water/

muddy sections to be reported to AAP HSE
Department and should be avoided.

Employees to be aware of their surroundings at

all times.

Employees to inspect pedestrian crossing for

overspill mud/ slippery substances from plant
outlets etc, before crossing.
Do not store material in front of emergency C 1 L
doors and exit routes or close to edges.

Ensure that ample space is available between

stacked material and equipment for egress in
case of emergencies.
Obstructed Walk- Injuries A 3 H
ways/ working areas When entering a working area ensure that you
without walkways and make time to familiarise yourself with temporary/
emergency exit routes permanent obstructions such as cables, temp
electrical boxes, loose stones etc. on floors that
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can pose a tripping hazard.

Emergency exit routes signs to be installed/

posted in work areas.

Emergency exits to be indicated on site plot


Employees to familiarise themselves with the

permanently installed emergency exit signs,
routes and assembly/ muster points.

3 Housekeeping/ Ensure that a high standard of housekeeping is

Stacking and Poor housekeeping/ Trip and Fall Injuries maintained at all times (before/ during/ after).
Storage stacking & storage A 2 H
C 1 L
All material and equipment to be stacked in
designated storage areas – all required safety
signage to be posted.
Ensure that a high standard of housekeeping is
maintained at all times (before/ during/ after).
Empty boxes must be removed from the office
and placed in the designated area or in the
correct waste bin/ skip.
Poor housekeeping/ Injuries/ Property
C 1 L
stacking & storage in Damage A 2 H Ensure that no material is protruding from edges
offices of office desks.

No stacking of items allowed on top of

cupboards, items are to be placed inside the
cupboard or other alternative.
Work areas are barricaded to keep employees
out of harm’s way. All barricades to be
respected by employees. No employee except
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team members, part of the activity or employees

placing barricade allowed.

"Unauthorised entry" safety signage to be

posted on the barricading.

New walkways to be determined and marked

Not respecting Injuries/ time loss/ A 4 EH should the existing walkways close due to
barricaded areas. work stoppages barricading requirements.

No employee may climb over or underneath

C 1 L
Barricading may not be placed in areas that
obstructs any emergency evacuation route and
emergency equipment (e.g. fire extinguishers).

Solid barricading shall be erected for

excavations and trenches.

Employees should take care of their health and C 1 L

4 should practice proper hygiene practices when
Health and conducting their work in any work environment
The following measures must be taken when
coughing or sneezing:
1. Take other employees into consideration
2. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue,
handkerchief or use the raised elbow method
A 4 EH 3. Throw the used handkerchief or tissue in a
dustbin/ waste bin
4. Clean your sleeve (when you used the raised
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elbow method) with sanitiser

5. Wash your hands with soap and water – use
sanitiser if soap and water is not readily
6. Avoid touching your face (eyes, mouth, nose
Employees not Time Loss/ Financial and ears)
conducting proper Impact/ Fatalities
personal hygiene Employees should encourage one another to
practices. perform hygiene self-checks.

Employees who has the following symptoms,

should stay at home and consult their medical

1. A persistent cough
2. A fever (38℃ ) Flu-Like
3. Body aches and pains Symptoms
4. Sore Throat

Employees to ensure that their work stations/

desks are clean at all times.

When utilising a toilet - ensure that the toilet is

cleaned after use - leave the toilet cleaned for
the next user.

Do not flush plastic, hardened paper,

polystyrene or any other material other than
toilet paper down the toilet - blockages may
occur that will put the toilets out of commission
for some time.

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Ensure that there are hand wash soap available

- use the hand wash soap to ensure that your
hands are properly washed every time you
utilise the sanitary/ ablution facilities.
Hygiene - sanitary/ Ill Health/ financial A 4 EH
ablution facility usage impact Ensure that ample toilets are available for
employees to use - should toilets not work –
report the matter to the relevant department
C 1 L
When using alcohol based sanitiser - please
avoid contact with eyes, DO NOT DRINK -
spray/ apply the substance on your hand and
rub your hands (as if you are washing your
hands) until the substance has dried/
evaporated. Liquid sanitiser will only be placed
in purpose made bottles - no water bottles or
any other container will be used

All employees to be made aware of the signs C 2 M

and symptoms of dehydration/ sun stroke/ heat

 tiredness
 dizziness
 headache
 feeling sick or being sick
 excessive sweating and skin becoming
pale and clammy or getting a heat rash
 cramps in the arms, legs and stomach
 fast breathing or heartbeat
Dehydration/ sun Ill Health/ Fatalities A 4 EH
 a high temperature
stroke/ heat stroke
 being very thirsty
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 weakness

Management to ensure that ample potable water

is available for employees to drink.

Employees to ensure to drink a lot of water

during the day.

Employees to report to their respective

supervisors/ managers when the feel ill/ unwell.
Employees to ensure that they wear warm
clothes during winter months/ cold weather –
wearing of warm clothes to be in line with AAP
PPE requirements (e.g. winter jackets to be
Cold weather flame retardant etc.)
conditions (Winter Ill Health A 3 H
Months) Employees to ensure that air-conditioning units
are set to a comfortable temperature that suits C 1 L
every employees in the office – in general, air-
conditioning units are not to be set at 30°C.
Legislation, Standards & Procedures to be C 1 L
complied with at all times.
Supervision, Training & awareness to be in
place and proof of communication to be

Risk assessments, Occupational Hygiene

inspection and illumination surveys to be
conducted. (Such inspections/ Surveys to be
Poor illumination in Ill Health/ Work A 2 H conducted by the office/ building owner)
offices/ general work Stoppages/ Financial
areas Impact Lights that does not work properly (flickers)

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needs to be reported and repaired.

Site Management to ensure that ample

illumination is available for employees to
perform their work safely.

Dark or darker areas to be identified and

additional lights to be installed.

No one is allowed to perform any work in open

areas during lightning or rain.

Lightning will be monitored by the Site

Management – management to make the
decision to evacuate the immediate work area
and for employees to make their way to the
office/ stores containers (office/ stores are
properly earthed and will provide the required
protection for employees)

Never run in open areas during lightning storms.

No electrical work is allowed to be performed

during rainfall or lightning.
5 Season Employees struck by Ill Health/ Fatalities A 4 EH C 2 M
changes and lightning. No work of scaffolds or open structures (Roof
inclement Work) is allowed during rain or lightning.
weather Sun Burn
No lifting and rigging activities will be allowed
during heavy rain or lightning storms.

Weather Apps (Accu-weather etc) to be utilised

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to monitor weather changes.

Employees to ensure that sun screen are

applied to avoid sun burn.
Installation of site offices to be conducted in
such a way to minimize the possibility of pooling
water – Container offices to be installed on
designed concrete blocks/ plinths (to be
obtained from container supplier).

Severe rainfall and Property Damage/ B 4 H AAP Mortimer Smelter officials to indicate the
Hail – flooding of office Injuries location where the container office may be
and Work areas installed/ off-loaded – ground conditions to be
C 1 L

Employees to remain indoors during hail storms

– employees to be made aware of slip, trip and
fall risks related to slippery surfaces.

Employees to be made aware of the possibility

of being struck by hail – large hail may cause
serious injuries to employees.

6 Working at Employees to receive the required AFRS C 2 M

heights/ training related to working at heights.
positions All employees that performs work in elevated
positions (employees that will be required to
wear fall protection/ prevention equipment) will
be trained and found competent by a SETA/
SAQA approved training facility.

All employees will be trained in according to US

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Untrained employees Injuries/ Fatalities A 5 EH All work conducted in elevated positions will be
conducted in line with the procedural
requirements stipulated in the Working at
Heights/ Fall Protection Procedure.

The Working at Heights/ Fall Protection

Procedure will be conducted by a competent Fall
Protection Planner or Construction Manager.

All employees performing work in elevated

positions/ working at heights to be conversant
with the AAP Working at Heights Procedure and
has the required AFRS Training.
Always wear a safety harness when working at a
height of 2.0m or higher or when any fall
exposure is present (unprotected edges, open
holes, floor openings etc.)

Potential fall Hazards:

1. Unprotected Sides and Edges
2. Floor Openings
3. Wall Openings
4. Pipe Racks and Cable Racks
5. Scaffolds
6. Ladders
7. Pits, Shafts and Manholes

Solid Barricading (Scaffolding) will be installed in

areas that have open or exposed edges –
scaffold barricading will be installed 1.8m away
from the edge – 100% tie off/ safety harness
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required safety signage to be installed on

scaffold barricading.

All hole covers (wall and floor) shall be capable

of supporting, without failure, at least twice the
weight of employees, equipment, and materials
that may be imposed on the cover at any one
time. All covers shall be secured when installed
to prevent accidental displacement by the wind,
equipment, or employees. All covers shall be
marked with the words "HOLE COVER - DO
Employees falling Injuries/ Fatlities A 5 EH NOT REMOVE" to provide adequate warning of C 2 M
the hazard.

Employees working in such areas will be

required to attach their safety harnesses to the
highest point to ensure that should a fall occur,
the employee will be safeguarded from the fall.

If solid barricading cannot be installed or the

barricading will be in the way of the installation
or cause additional hazards, inertia reels/
retractable lifelines will be installed by a
competent person. The inertia reels/ retractable
lifelines will be attached to a solid structure (e.g.
beams, trusses, lugs etc). The integrity of the
solid structure will be determined by an
Engineer, Master Rigger or authorised AAP
Mortimer Smelter official/ SIB Management

Employees must apply the 3 point contact rule

when climbing to higher positions.
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Employees must apply the 3 point contact rule

when ascending or descending steps, ladders,
ramps etc.

All employees must be attached to one point at

all times (100% tie off).

Only competent and medically fit employees will

work at heights.

Construction Management will conduct work

place inspections to ensure that the work area is
free from loose/ uncontrolled items that has the
potential to fall to lower levels. All items found or
identified will be removed from the work area
and will be placed in designated waste
receptacles/ skips or stacking and storage

Employees to ensure that tie-off points/ anchor

points are available and that such tie-off points/
anchor points are suitable. Tie-off/ anchor points
to be verified by supervision on a daily basis
(e.g. mobile scaffolding with low hand rails –
additional scaffold uprights to be installed to
ensure that employees tie-off to the highest

Workplace inspections to be conducted by site

management to ensure that all open/ exposed
edges are closed and that tie-off points are in
place for areas where handrails need to be
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removed for material offloading/ installation.

All small objects such as bolts, nuts and small C 2 M

tools, will be stored in bolt bags or containers.
Bolt Bags or Containers used to store small
objects will be fitted with a fit for purpose lanyard
– the lanyard will be attached to a solid structure
at all times.

All employees working at heights will be wearing

a chin strap fitted to their hard hats to avoid the
hard hat from falling.

Falling objects Injuries/ Fatalities/ A 5 EH Openings to be adequately closed preventing

Property Damage fall exposure.

Housekeeping to be performed before during

and after activity to prevent loose objects
remaining behind in the workplace.

All tools and equipment used in an elevated

position will be fitted with a fit for purpose tool

All tools and equipment will be attached to the

person (e.g. hand tools). Large/ heavy (e.g.
exceeding the weight of a 4lp hammer) tools and
equipment will be attached to a solid structure.

Employees making use of tools and equipment

in elevated positions will inspect lanyards on a
daily basis before work commences.

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Scaffold barricading installed around/ in front of

open/ exposed edges/ holes will be fitted with
toe boards to ensure that loose items cannot fall
to lower levels.
Ensure that the area below the work area is
barricaded – ensure that ample space is
provided for a drop zone/ exclusion zone.
Other employees Injuries/ Fatalities A 4 EH C 2 M
working below Ensure that the relevant safety signage is
posted on the barricading (e.g.. No
Unauthorised Entry/ men working overhead).
Work will only be done on scaffold that has been
green tagged (safe for use).

No work will be done on wet scaffolding.

Scaffolding will be inspected on a daily basis or

after heavy rainfall or after high winds.

Scaffolding will be inspected by a certified and

appointed scaffold inspector.

Scaffolding will only be erected by certified and

appointed scaffold erectors.
C 2 M
Unsafe Scaffolding Injuries/ Fatalities/ A 5 EH No employee, other than a scaffold erector, may
Property Damage do alterations on any scaffolding.

When climbing onto scaffold access/ ladders,

ensure to maintain 100% tie-off.

When climbing through scaffold trap doors,

ensure to close the trap door when you are the
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last person passing through the trap door.

Alterations made to scaffolds (due to operational

requirements) will be highlighted on the scaffold
hand-over document. Additional mitigations to
be implemented for changes to any scaffold.

Authorisation to be obtained from the AAP

Engineering Manager for the use of mobile
scaffold towers.
Employees to ensure to maintain 3 point contact
– one foot, one hand and eye contact (watch
where you are going).

Ensure to be aware of your surrounding at all

times – inspect staircases for possible loose
steps or for wet/ slippery conditions.

Ascending and Injuries/ Property A 4 EH Be on the look-out for possible snag points/
D 2 L
descending staircases Damage sharp edges on hand rails that might cause
hand injuries.

Employees to clean their boots, after walking in

muddy conditions, before climbing stairs/ access
scaffold stairs.
Ladders must always have skid free footing

Ladders footing must be on firm level base

Ladders must always be tied down at the top or

held below by a second person.

Ladders must protrude >1000mm (1m) beyond

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top rest.

The ladder’s bottom rest may not be further

away than ¼ of the height to the top rest.

When working on a ladder at a height of 2m a

safety harness must be worn and be attached to
Incorrect use of Injuries/ Property A 4 EH a solid point. C 1 L
stepladders/ ladders Damage
Use both hands to ascend or descend a ladder.

Carry tools and equipment in tool bags or on the

person (Tool Belts).

Hand tools must have lanyards and be attached

to the person when working on/ from a ladder.
No work may be done on ladders in wet weather

Daily inspections of ladders must be conducted

by the user and recorded on an inspection

Inspect ladders for loose/broken rungs before


Ladders will be stored in designated areas/

stores only.

All defective ladders will be tagged "DO NOT

USE" and will be removed from service and will
be placed in quarantine or will be destroyed and
removed from site.
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All "cat" ladders have been manufactured and

installed according to specifications and that the
ladder has been signed off and declared safe for
use. Ensure that the external shield/back rest/
barrier of the "cat" ladder have been installed

7 Contractor All AAP contractors to submit a HSE File with all C 1 L

Management - requirements stipulated in GMSL-ALL-SHE-
Indirect/ STD-0006-GUI-0001 that will be reviewed and
Design approved (if compliant) before work may
Failure to ensure
compliance and Contractor HSE Files will be approved before
conformance with site establishment may commence.
Anglo American
Platinum HSE All AAP contractors/ employees to ensure that
Requirements which the Onboarding Process has been completed
includes HSE Time loss/ Work and that all the required signatures are obtained.
Specification, Stoppages/ Financial A 3 H
Mortimer Smelter Impacts AAP Contractors deviating from design
requirements, requirements or deviating from applicable AAP
Applicable legislations and SANS Standards to be notified of such
and SANS standards. deviations and the client to be notified

Construction Management and HSE Personnel

to ensure that deviations/ non-compliances
noted are reported to the client.

Work Stoppages will be initiated by the client or

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client representatives.
Relevant AAP Standards and Procedures to be
submitted to all contractors – Contractors to
ensure that the AAP Standards and Procedures
are communicated to all their employees.

Contractors to ensure that all AAP Standards

and Procedural requirements are met and
adhered too.

EHL employees/ Visitors/ Contractors to ensure C 1 L

to follow all HSE Requirements for AAP
Mortimer Smelter at all times

Design Inspections (including HSE Inspections)

and verifications to be conducted to ensure that
site conditions are safe, and that site condition
changes are reported and managed accordingly.

AAP Contractors to ensure that they provide

safe and hazards free working environment to
their employees (as far as reasonably
Exposure to Time loss/ Work A 3 H practicable).
construction health Stoppages/ Financial
and safety risks and Impacts Contractors Supervision to ensure that all
creation of unsafe employees follow the task specific Method
work conditions. Statement, JRA’s and Safe Work Procedures at
all times.

Contractors Supervision to ensure that the

SLAM process includes all employees involved
in the task and that workplace condition
changes, tools and equipment requirements are
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Contractors Supervision to ensure that the

correct tools and equipment are available for
employees to utilise to complete the task safely

Employees not following task specific Method

Statement, JRA’s or Safe Work Procedures will
be stopped. The Construction Manager/
Supervisor/ HSE Officer will coach the employee
on the correct way/ manner to perform the task
safely and will remind the employee of his duties
and responsibilities regarding safety in the

Unsafe work conditions to be addressed

immediately – the client or client representative
to be notified of all unsafe work conditions.

Proper/ positive communication to be C 1 L

established between all contractors – morning
coordination meetings to be held to ensure that
contractors know where different teams will be

Contractor supervision to ensure to inspect work

areas to ensure that ample space is available to
Contractor Interface – Injuries/ Property E 4 EH conduct their work.
congested work areas Damage/ Work
Stoppages/ Financial Barricading to be installed (where possible) to
Loss split work areas to ensure that contractors do
not work together in specific work area –
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congestion in work areas to be avoided at all


Proper work planning to be conducted for priority


The following numbers to be available to work C 1 L

crews at all times (displayed in work areas/

Anglo American Platinum (Mortimer Smelter)

1. Production Manager - Lerato Sithole -
(014) 344 0835 /066 248 6517
2. Section Engineering Manager -
Onalenna Makgwe - (014) 344 0814 /
073 250 4337
Emergency 3. Plant Manager - Simba Kambewa - 060
8 Preparedness 989 8190
4. Process Overseer - Sipho Mkhonto -
(014) 344 0845 / 083 5645952
5. Safety Officer - Elias Mathebula –
(014) 344 0856 / 078 429 5964
6. Safety Officer -Edward Mechile -
Emergency Contact Time loss/ Work A 3 H (014) 344 0837 / 066 289 6191
numbers not known/ Stoppages/ Financial 7. Safety Officer - Claudette Kruger -
available Impacts (014) 344 0821 / 063 6222 066
8. ERT Captain - Teboho Sebata -
078 6078511 / 081 497 8616
9. Senior SHE Specialist – Jaques
Dreyer (014) 344 0842 / 060 550


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1. Doctor - (083) 543 2231

2. Doctor - (071) 537 4450

EHL Management:
Francois Knoetze – 072 326 5523
Bertus Green – 074 699 2123
Roux Bruyns – 082 704 7128
Marius Binneman – 079 236 0075
George Swanepoel – 083 570 7986
Jaco Richards – 071 688 1104

SIB Management
Wimpie Engelbrecht – 082 335 4939
Jimmy Kukard – 076 170 2558
William Mataboge – 076 029 8767
Jacob Molomo – 076 966 4419
All incident shall be reported. C 1 L

Incidents to be reported to the following

employees/ officials:
1. AAP Mortimer Smelter Control Room
2. Responsible Section Engineer
3. Responsible Project Manager
4. Responsible Construction Manager
Incident Reporting Time loss/ Work A 3 H 5. Responsible HSE Officer
requirements not Stoppages/ Financial
followed Impacts Incidents to be reported as soon as possible.
The incident scene to be preserved (Barricaded
if required) and the required information to be

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Obtain Assistance from bystanders to preserve

the incident scene.
All the required documentation for incident
reporting to be completed and submitted:
Incident Time loss/ Work 1. Incident Flash Report
Documentation not Stoppages/ Financial A 3 H 2. Witness Statements
completed Impacts 3. Photos
C 1 L
All incidents will be handled as a first/top priority.

Incident management to be conducted; the

incident scene shall be preserved (nothing
moved out of the way, unless instructed by the
ERT team/ HSE/ Construction management)

Legislation, Standards & Procedures, C 1 L

9 Ergonomics Supervision, Training & awareness, Risk
assessments, Occupational Hygiene & safety
inspections & assessments.

Employees not to place their body in

uncomfortable positions.

Supervision to ensure that work areas are

inspected and that ample space is available for
employees to conduct the work in a safe

Employees to not over stretch, work areas to be

Poor Office and Ill Health/ Injuries A 3 H set up for employees to perform their work in
Construction work comfortable positions.
conditions and Employees to lift with their legs and not with
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locations their backs – employees to bend their knees to

perform a lift (manual handling) – do not lift with
their backs.

Employees not allowed to lift or carry a load

more than 25 kg, buddy system to be used.

Offices to be set up in such a way to allow free

movement of employees.

Comfortable chairs and suitable tables to be

purchased for office use.

10 Ensure that the relevant SDS (Safety Data

Sheets) are available for all Hazardous C 2 M
Chemical Substances used by all contractors.
Exposure to Proof of communication to be available.
Chemical Handling and storage of Hazardous Chemical
Agents Substances to be in line with the SDS

Hazardous Chemical Substances shall not be

stored in stores/ storage containers that are not
designated for Hazardous Chemical

Hazardous Chemical Substance Storage areas

will be clearly marked and will have the required
fire-fighting equipment and first aid facilities as
Incorrect Handling and Ill Health/ Injuries/ B 4 H prescribed by the SDS.
Storage of Hazardous Financial Impact/
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Chemical Substances Work Stoppages No “hot work” will be conducted in areas where
Hazardous Chemical Substances are used or

Ensure that combustible materials, or material

that might have a chemical reaction to
Hazardous Chemical Substances, are removed
from the direct work area.

Ensure that different Hazardous Chemical

Substances are stored correctly – please seek
advice from suppliers and the Emergency
Response team when storing different types of

Employees making use of hazardous chemical

agents will wear the correct PPE as prescribed
in the SDS.

All employees working in the Mortimer Smelter

site will be in possession of a respirator (Filter
type ABE 1 or ABEK). C 2 M

The respirator will be on person at all times.

Employees to ensure that the respirator pouch is
in a good condition (no tears/ open sections)
and that the strap is fully functional.

Respirator cartridge registers will be completed

Exposure to gasses Ill Health/ Injuries/ B 4 H for each employee – the date of issue to be
(So2 -Mortimer Financial Impact/ captured for each issue of respirator cartridges.
Smelter) Work Stoppages Respirators to be inspected on a daily basis.

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Old/ used respirator filters will be replaced on a

new for old basis – old/ used filters fill be
discarded in hazardous waste bins only.

All leaks/ exposure to be reported to the control

room immediately.

Office doors that is left open unsecured (not

fasten by a latch) create a pinch point where
your finders, hands and body can be injured
C 1 L
Not securing doors Injuries A 3 H when the door is blown closed during gusts of
wind. It is important to always secure the doors
with a latch when it is left in an open position.
The thermal comforts for temperatures & C 1 L
Relative humidity are as follows:
Summer conditions: 23 - 26°C
Winter conditions: 20.5 – 25.5°C
Relative humidity: 30 -60 %

*Please note that these temperatures can be

changed to suit employees in individual offices
or with the permission of other employees.

When temperatures exceed the above

recommendations, the working environment gets
uncomfortable. This can increase drowsiness
and lethargy and contribute to a lack of
concentration and productivity.
11 Office Air conditioners in Ill Health A 3 H
Operations/ office blocks Not only are you creating an unhealthy working
Office Facilities environment for other people by turning up the
temperatures, but you are also aiding in creating
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an atmosphere where germs can flourish.

Ensure that the air conditioner settings are

always within these parameters.
Air Conditioners to be serviced as prescribed by
the manufacturer or as per recommendations
from the Occupational Hygienist.

All deviations with regards to the general

operation of the air conditioners (poor cooling/
heating, bad smell/ odour, noise, water leaking
etc.) to be reported to the HSE department.
Employees to ensure to keep their work areas
clean and tidy at all times.



Stacking and storage within offices to be kept to

standard – no stacking of items on top of
Poor housekeeping Injuries/ Work A 2 H cupboards – no stacking of items in walkways/
standards/ stacking Stoppages/ Financial isles – no stacking of items underneath desks.
and storage in offices Impact
Offices floors to be kept clean at all times.
C 1 L
Office dust bins to be cleaned regularly – bins
may not overflow

Electrical cords must be placed in such a way to

avoid possible tripping hazards.
Staircases with landings leading to elevated
office containers will be constructed according to C 1 L
the Building Regulations – the pitch of the
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staircase and the width of the stairs/ treads to be

in line with the requirements of the Building
Regulations and Engineering design.

Casted plinths/ landings to have the required

hand rails. Scaffolding handrails will be installed
No/ Poorly constructed Injuries/ Work A 2 H in such a way that it will withstand side pressure
stairs/ landings leading Stoppages to eliminate the possibility of toppling over.
to offices
No wooden pallets/ wood constructed landings
will be allowed.

Staircases and landings constructed out of steel

will be fitted with non-skid devices.

12 Any change in the method that the task is

Management of performed (deviating from the method
Change statement), changes to tools used (additional C 2 M
tools not mentioned in the method statement)
and or changes in site conditions; Management
to be made aware of such changes.

After changes have been identified; the task will

stop, the work area/ site conditions, tools &
equipment and methods will be reassessed - the
Failure to identify Injuries/ Fatalities/ B 5 EH changes are to be made on the SLAM/ JRA -
changes in Method, Work Stoppages/ The changes noted will then be taken to
Tools and or Financial Impacts management for approval.
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Management to inform the HSE Department of

any changes so that the relevant changes and
associated mitigations can be added to current
method statements, procedures, forms and risk
All changes in the method that the task is
performed (deviating from the method
statement), changes to tools used (additional
tools not mentioned in the method statement)
and or changes in site conditions will be noted,
mitigations implemented and management to be
informed before the task can continue.

The supervisor and foreman to perform a

Identified changes not Injuries/ Fatalities/ B 5 EH Planned Task Observation related directly to the
mitigated Work Stoppages/ work performed - a detailed account of the task
Financial Impacts to be listed when noting/ identifying changes. C 2 M

Changes in method used, tools used and or site

condition changes not identified can lead to
serious incidents. Employees performing tasks
that involves changes are to notify the
responsible foreman/ supervisor immediately so
that the required actions can be taken.

13 Site AAP Mortimer Smelter/ SIB Management shall

Establishment indicate the correct designated location for the
Incorrect area located Time Loss/ Financial A 3 H office laydown/ container laydown area. The
C 1 L
for container laydown Impact location of the office laydown/ container laydown
to be highlighted on a drawing/ confirmation to
be given.
The truck, loaded with container/s, will be D 1 L
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Container loaded Time Loss/ Financial A 2 H inspected before it will enter site – poorly/
incorrectly Impact incorrectly loaded trucks will be sent back to its
office/ company for reloading.
Site Management to ensure that the lifting
machine/s are allocated and organised before C 1 L
Lifting device/ aid not Time Loss/ Financial A 2 H
the containers arrive on site.
allocated. Impact
Lifting machine operators to have the required
training/ proof of competence for the lifting
machine used.

Incompetent Injuries/ Fatalities/ B 5 EH Lifting machine operator to have the required

D 2 L
operator/s Property Damage/ License and carry cards on person at all times.
Financial Impact
Lifting machine operators will be medically fit to
Lifting machines to be inspected and approved
before it can enter site.

All deviations found to be reported to the Lifting

machine Hiring company and rigging department
– deviations/ defects to be repaired immediately.

Crane/ lifting machine documents (Load test

certificates, calibration certificates, rope
Lifting Machine not Injuries/ Fatalities/ B 5 EH inspection, hook block inspection, 6 monthly C 2 M
inspected Property Damage/ inspection and rigging gear inspections) to be
Financial Impact readily available in the crane cab at all times.

When the crane is not in operation and the

crane operator is not in attendance; the crane
main and operating cabin (when applicable) will
be locked and the keys will be stored in a
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designated lock box or will be kept by the

operator (on person)
All lifting activities will be in line with the Anglo
American Lifting Operations Guideline AA TS
103 002.

Lifting plans/ rigging studies will be approved by

Lifting plan/ rigging Time Loss/ Work B 4 H AAP Mortimer Smelter Engineering Department/
study not available Stoppages/ Financial SIB Master Rigger before crane setup can D 2 L
Impact commence.

Lifting plans/ rigging studies to be

communicated to all parties involved in the task
(employees, rigger/s, crane operator, HSE
officer and Site Management)
Ensure that the loading chart is taken into
consideration and the tonnage of the load being
lifted is known and the correct crane is being
used for the task.

Ensure that the footing of the crane is secure

and that the correct dunnage is used for the
outriggers of the crane (crane pads/ slippers or
sleepers fitted with nylon straps). Ensure that
the outriggers is not on top of underground
trenches covered with concrete slabs, concrete
plinths or any material that cannot withstand the
Incorrect crane setup Injuries/ Fatalities/ A 5 EH pressure - steel plates to be utilised when the C 2 M
Property Damage/ crane needs to be set up over or on top of a
Financial Impact trench/ concrete lids/ pipes.

The crane operator must be informed about the

rigging plan/ study. The operator to sign
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acknowledgement of the lift on the lifting


Ensure that the crane is set up in the correct

position - the crane to have ample space to slew
without making contact with other equipment
and or structures
Ensure that the lifting area is barricaded. A
suitable amount of spotters to be utilised if
barricading cannot be installed.

Spotters to be placed in areas where other

contractors (contractor interface) are busy
conducting work to ensure that all employees
are made aware of the hazards pertaining to the
task at hand.

Contractor interface meetings to be held to

highlight the requirements and implement
effective mitigations for lifting activities in the
work area where multiple contractors are
Poor lifting practices Injuries/ Fatalities/ A 5 EH C 2 M
Property Damage/ Ensure that all relevant safety signage is
Financial Impact displayed on the barricading to inform other
employees of the risks related to the activity.

Ensure that only a competent rigger is

overseeing all lifting activities, the rigger must
maintain eye contact with the lifting machine
operator and the load at all times. The load must
be under control of the rigger at all times. Eye
contact must be maintained between the rigger
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and the lifting machine operator, the lifting

activity will stop if eye contact cannot be

Working or walking below a suspended load is


All lifting equipment will be inspected by a

competent person, on a daily basis, before work

Defective lifting and rigging equipment will be

removed from the work area. Defective rigging
gear will be tagged "DO NOT USE". The
defective lifting and rigging equipment will be
taken to the main store where it will be replaced
or repaired. The foreman will inspect all rigging
gear attachments before the lift can commence.

Only the rigging crew, Rigging foreman and

rigging manager will be allowed to enter the
lifting area.

Ensure that two tag ropes/ lines is attached to

the load at all times during the lifting process.

Softeners (In accordance with the AAP Lifting

Standard) to be installed for all sling
configurations (steel wire rope/ endless round/
flat webbing/ chain etc) to eliminate possible
damage (safety best practices).

Riggers to ensure that they are conversant with

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the weight of loads lifted.

Ensure to utilise the correct Shackles for the

task - Ensure that shackle pins fit correctly.

When off loading park-home type container

ensure that the following is in place:
1. The correct lifting pins are used –
certificate for lifting pins to be valid and
available on site.
2. Ensure that the under carriage of the
park home is inspected for possible
3. Ensure that the lifting equipment
attached to the lifting pins are in the
correct location.
4. Ensure that the chain block/ coffin hoist
are inspected and has valid certificates.
5. Ensure that there are ample space to off
load the park-home.
6. Ensure to place the park-home on a
level compacted surface.
7. Ensure to place the correct size and
amount plinth blocks to level the park-

Crane operators may not climb out of the

operators cabin when there is a load attached to
the hook of the crane.

Crane operators, when sitting in the operating

cabin, may not use their cell phones (no calls,
no messaging)
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All electrical terminations will be conducted by

qualified electrical technicians (Electricians).

Electrical supplies to the containers will be

connected to AAP Mortimer Smelter distribution
boxes by AAP Mortimer Smelter Electricians.

Electrical connections Injuries/ Property A 3 H All electrical connections/ terminations will be C 1 L

not to standard Damage/ Financial tested – testing records to be kept on site for
Impact review purposes

COC’s will be issued for all connections/

installations. The COC’s will be displayed in
each office.
All hand tools will be inspected by the "USER"
on a daily basis, before work commences.

All defective tools will be removed from site. C 1 L

Hand tools will only be used for the purpose it

was designed for.
Use of damaged/ Injuries/ Property A 3 H
incorrect hand tools. Damage/ Financial No makeshift tools will be allowed on site.
Purpose made/ Engineered Tools to be
approved by an engineer - approved drawings to
be available and the said tools to be placed on a
inspection register.

Please remember to take STORED ENERGY

into consideration when using hand tools (e.g.
when loosening bolts, the sudden movement of
the nut when applying excessive pressure etc.).
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Please remember to take additional/

uncontrolled movement of steel members,
fittings, doors, lids, mechanical parts etc. into
consideration when loosening/ removing bolts/
pins with hand tools.

All OEM/ Specialised and purpose made tools to

be registered on a separate hand tools register.

All OEM/ Specialised and purpose made tools to

be inspected by a competent person - deviations
to be noted and supervision to be informed.

All OEM/ Specialised and purpose made tool

design drawings or certificates to be available at
all times.

All OEM/ Specialised and purpose made tools to

be utilised as stated in the OEM or as per the
design (fit for purpose).
All portable electrical equipment will be
inspected daily by the user before work
commences. The required daily inspection
register to be completed. The said register will
be available in the HSE Working File.

Defective equipment will be removed from

service and will be sent back to the store for
safe keeping or repair. Equipment that cannot
be repaired shall be marked with a tag and will
be placed in quarantine.

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All portable electrical equipment will be

inspected and tagged according to AAP
Mortimer Smelter requirements/ specifications/

Use of damaged/ Injuries/ Property A 3 H Only competent employees to use portable

incorrect Portable Damage/ Financial electrical equipment. (Employees that have the
Electrical Equipment Impact required trade and or training etc.).

Cables/ Extensions will be placed in such a way

that it does not become a tripping hazard.

Cable will be placed in such a way that it does

not become a tripping hazards.
C 1 L
Electrical tools will be used for what it was
designed for - according to manufacturer’s

Additional fittings (discs, bits, shafts, blades etc.)

to be fitted correctly - fittings to be fitted in a
area where, should the fitting dislodge, the
possibility of falling objects can be eliminated.

14 Use of Hand All hand tools will be inspected by the "USER" C 1 L

Tools Tools not inspected Injuries/ property A 3 H on a daily basis, before work commences. All
damage hand tools to be fitted with a lanyard.

All deviations will be reported to the relevant


All defective tools will be removed from site (Red

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Tag - "DO NOT USE" to be fitted to the defective


All hand tools will be colour coded monthly

according to project requirements.
Hand tools will only be used for the purpose it
was designed for.

No makeshift tools will be allowed on site.

Purpose made/ Engineered Tools to be

approved by an engineer - approved drawings to
be available and the said tools to be placed on a
inspection register.
Incorrect use of hand Injuries/ property A 3 H
C 1 L
tools damage Please remember to take STORED ENERGY
into consideration when using hand tools (e.g.
when loosening bolts, the sudden movement of
the nut when applying excessive pressure etc.).

Please remember to take additional/

uncontrolled movement of steel members,
fittings, doors, lids, mechanical parts etc. into
consideration when loosening/ removing bolts/
pins with hand tools.
All employees will wear eye protection, overalls
and gloves when working with hand tools.
Not wearing P.P.E Injuries A 3 H C 1 L
Specialised PPE will be worn as per instruction
by the OEM for specialised tools and equipment.
All OEM/ Specialised and purpose made tools to C 1 L
be registered on a separate hand tools register.

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All OEM/ Specialised and purpose made tools to

be inspected by a competent person - deviations
to be noted and supervision to be informed.
Specialised/ OEM/ Injuries/ Property A 3 H
purpose made tools Damage All OEM/ Specialised and purpose made tool
design drawings or certificates to be available at
all times.

All OEM/ Specialised and purpose made tools to

be utilised as stated in the OEM or as per the
design (fit for purpose).

All portable electrical equipment will be

inspected daily by the user before work
commences. The required daily inspection
15 register to be completed. The said register will C 1 L
Use of Portable be available in the store.
Electrical Tools
Deviations will be reported to the direct

Defective equipment will be removed from

Use of defective Injuries A 3 H service and will be sent to the main store for
equipment safe keeping (Red Tag - "DO NOT USE" to be
fitted to the defective equipment).

All portable electrical equipment will be colour

coded according to AAP Electricians.

AAP Electrical department will perform the

required initial inspection and will attach the
required inspection tag.
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Only competent employees to use portable

electrical equipment. (Employees that have the
required trade and or training etc.).

A supervisor will oversee all portable electrical

equipment's works.

Authorisation from AAP Mortimer Smelter

Incompetent employee Injuries/ property A 3 H Engineer to be obtained for all employees C 1 L
operating the portable damage working with portable grinders fitted with a
electrical equipment cutting disc.

Employees utilising specialised equipment (e.g.

mag-base drills, core drills, electrical concrete
breakers etc) will have the required training
certificate for the said equipment.
Cable will be placed in such a way that it does
not become a tripping hazards, cables will be
route above employees heads/ next to handrails.

Cables will not be placed across roadways –

cable routing to be planned to minimise possible
Poor cable Injuries/ property A 3 H cable damage.
C 1 L
management damage
Portable Electrical tools may not be picked up,
to elevated positions, by the cord.

Knots may not be tied in cords

Electrical tools will be used for what it was
designed for - according to manufacturer’s

Guards, handles and other safety attachments

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Using incorrect tools Injuries/ property A 3 H may not be removed.

Additional fittings (discs, bits, shafts, blades etc.)
C 1 L
to be fitted correctly - fittings to be fitted in a
area where, should the fitting dislodge, the
possibility of falling objects can be eliminated.
All electrical tools that will be used in elevated
positions will be fitted with a fit for purpose

Lanyards will be inspected on a daily basis, by

Portable electrical Injuries/ property A 3 H the user, before work commences. C 1 L
tools used in elevated damage
positions Portable electrical tools not in use must be taken
to the store, or, must be tied by means of
lanyard, to a solid structure (e.g. handrail or
scaffold tube)(Not in a hanging position).

16 Manual Always wear gloves when handling materials.

Handling and Rough surfaces/ sharp Injuries A 3 H
C 1 L
Lifting edges Ensure that the correct cut resistant glove is
worn when working with thin sharp materials.
The correct lifting application will apply. Lift with
legs, not with your back.

Employees to ensure to take ergonomic factors

into consideration when moving (forward,
backwards and from side to side) (twisting
motion of body parts).

Ergonomic factors to be taken into consideration

when employees receive material and
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equipment from a higher level (passing material

from one area to the next)(e.g. pulling cable) –
employees to ensure that the ground conditions
are suitable for the activity and that ample space
is available to conduct the activity.
Heavy objects Injuries A 4 EH
It is advisable that teams perform warm up
stretches when conducting strenuous activities
that will be performed for an entire shift. (e.g.
pulling heavy cables into position)

Obtain help from fellow employees if the object

is too heavy (25kg per person). Do not attempt C 1 L
to lift or move objects that you know is very
heavy or objects that are to large for one person
to handle.

Mechanical equipment to be considered for the

handling of large, heavy objects (Tele-handlers,
cranes, forklifts etc)
Always carry objects in such a way that you can
see where you are going.

Stack and store material in designated areas C 1 L

only – never stack materials in walkways or
access points.

Stack material is such a way that no corners or

objects stick out of the stack.
Protruding objects Injuries A 3 H
Exposed corners must be barricaded or edge
protection must be installed.
Always use appropriate dunnage when stacking
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material on the ground.

Protruding objects that forms part of an

installation (incomplete installation) to be clearly
identified (making use of barricading tape) and
employees working in the area to be made
aware of the protruding objects.
Incorrect P.P.E Injuries A 3 H Employees will wear the relevant P.P.E for the
C 1 L
task at all times.
When manual handling any equipment/
material, care to be taken for any pinch points
between the material/ equipment that are
moved/ handled and other objects - Never place
any body part in the line of fire.

Please remember to take STORED ENERGY

into consideration when using hand tools (e.g.
when loosening bolts, the sudden movement of
the nut when applying excessive pressure etc.).

Pinch points/ Injuries A 4 EH Please remember to take additional/

C 2 M
equipment movement uncontrolled movement of steel members,
fittings, doors, lids, mechanical/ electrical parts
etc. into consideration when loosening/
removing bolts/ pins/ shafts/ handles with hand

Please ensure to take possible sudden

movements of doors/ panel doors, tools and
equipment into consideration.

Hydraulic Refer to Hydraulic Equipment Procedure. All C 1 L

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Equipment – Equipment to be inspected, by a competent

17 Crimping Equipment not Injuries/ Property A 4 EH person, before work commences.
Tools/ jacks inspected Damage
Defective equipment to be removed from the
work area - the supervisor to be informed - the
defective equipment to be tagged with a "DO
NOT USE" tag. The defective equipment to be
placed in quarantine.
All operators of hydraulic equipment (crimping
tools, jacks) to be competent and competence
certification to be available.

Familiarisation training to be conducted should

employees utilised different equipment.

Operators of hydraulic equipment to ensure that

Incompetent Operators Injuries A 4 EH hydraulic equipment are utilised according to C 1 L
manufacturer’s specification.

Operators to ensure that the hydraulic

equipment are set up correct (level surfaces,
surfaces that will withstand the pressure etc)
and that there are ample space to conduct the
work safely.
All relevant pressure test and calibration C 2 M
certificates will be available for all hydraulic

No certification for Injuries/ Property A 4 EH Equipment certification will be conducted by

equipment Damage Accredited service providers only.

Ensure that the correct certificates are issued

from the service provider – match serial
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numbers on the equipment to the serial numbers

of the certificates.
Ensure that all hydraulic equipment are
inspected before work commences.

Do not kink or tightly bend hoses. This will

damage the wire braid. The most sensitive part
of the hose is at the fitting. To reduce damage,
do not bend the hose at the fitting. Never carry
the crimper by its hose.

Always discard damaged hoses to eliminate the

risk of someone else using the hose. The next
user might not notice the damage until the hose
is pressurized. A leak in a hose can cause high
pressure oil to penetrate your skin. Defective
hoses to be identified, clearly marked and
Incorrect fittings used Injuries/ Property A 4 EH removed from site. Defective hoses to be placed C 1 L
(Hoses and Couplers) Damage in the quarantine area.

Make sure couplers are clean before making

any connections. Use dust caps to keep
couplers clean. If a dust cap was not used, clean
the coupler by means of cloth or other soft

Tighten couplers hand tight only; do not use

wrenches. The threads must be fully engaged to
allow for proper oil flow.

Couplers are designed to be pressurized only

when they are connected together. Never
pressurize half couplers.
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Ensure that the correct fittings (low or high

pressure) are selected for the specific system.

Oil Spills Environmental A 3 H Ensure that a spill kit is readily available for
impact accidental spills. C 1 L

Oil spills to be reported to the AAP

Environmental Department and SIB HSE
Employees utilising crimping tools to be aware
of pinch points when inserting the crimping head
in panels/ tight spaces.
Pinch points when Injuries A 4 EH
C 2 M
crimping lugs Employees to ensure that the do not place their
fingers in between the crimping head dice and
the lug – never place any body part in the line of

18 Ensure that all testing equipment are inspected

Testing by a competent person before commencement
Equipment – of any task.
Megger/ Earth Defective testing equipment to be removed from
Tester/ Polarity Equipment not Injuries/ Property A 3 H the work area.
C 1 L
tester/ inspected Damage
Thumper Defective testing equipment to be tagged “DO
NOT USE” and shall be placed in quarantine.

Calibration certificates to be in place and valid

for all testing equipment.
Only competent employees to make use of any C 1 L
testing equipment.
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Equipment used by Injuries A 3 H

untrained person Respective trade certificates/ adequate
qualifications to be provided as proof of
Testing equipment will be utilised as per
manufacturer’s specification.

Testing equipment will be used for its intended

purpose only.

Incorrect use of testing Injuries A 4 EH Employees making use of testing equipment to

equipment ensure that the correct cords/ leads are utilised.

Employees making use of a Megger to ensure C 2 M

that the tester is de-energised before attempting
to hand it to fellow employees or for storage

A isolation/ lock out will be done to test for zero

electricity, movement and or pressure inside the
pump, pipes, electrical lines, valves, actuators,
wheels etc. before work commence. Isolation/
Lock out must be done before testing starts.

The lock out procedure will be communicated to C 2 M

19 Isolation and all employees involved with the task. This
Lock out include the AAP Isolation Standard and AAP
Mortimer Smelter Isolation/ Lock out

The control room and shift overseer/ shift

supervisor to be informed of the intent to
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No isolation/ lock out Injuries/ property A 5 EH perform an isolation or lock out.

conducted damage The shift overseer/ shift supervisor will notify te
AAP electrical department of the requirement to
perform an isolation/ lock out. AAP Electrical
Department will perform the required lock-out,
test for dead and related cable tracing.

The Lock Out Master will apply his/ her lock first.
All employees, involved in the task, will attach
their respective personal locks on the lock out
device/ calliper and the key carried on the
person that have applied his lock. All employees
to sign the lockout register.

The lock out device/ calliper will only be

removed once all employees locks have been

No tampering of any lock out systems/ safety

device will be tolerated.

All locks / lock out devices will be numbered for

traceability purposes. No locks may be used that
is not numbered.

Ensure that the correct Lock-out level and lock

out duration has been determined before
attempting any lock-out/ Isolation
Locks (personal/ lock out master) will not be C 2 M
combination locks, not have an unauthorised
second-party master override key, be kept under
the exclusive control of the owning individual,
and key(s) shall not be transferred to another
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person for lock removal.

Incorrect locks used Injuries A 4 EH Lock out locks will not be tampered with.
for isolation/ lock out
Lock out locks found unattended will be taken to
the control room for safekeeping.

Ensure that the correct colour locks have been

applied for the lock-out:
1. Green - Master Lock-out
2. Silver - Personal Locks
3. Purple - Service Locks - Electrical
4. Orange - Service Locks - Mechanical
5. Red - Service Locks - Contractor not reporting
to an Engineer
6. Yellow - Service Locks - Persons who fall
under the direct supervision of the Production
Foreman/ Supervisor
A lock-out tag will be fitted to all lock-out/ C 1 L
isolation points.

The following information will be displayed on

the tag:
1. Which Smelter
2. Relevant Section of the Smelter
3. Equipment that is locked out/ isolated
4. The reason for lock-out/ isolation
5. Date of the lock-out/ isolation
6. Responsible Person Contact Number
7. Name and Surname of the person that
performed the lock out/ isolation.
8. Signature of the responsible person
Isolation Tag not fitted Injuries A 4 EH
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to isolation point

Approved Energy Isolation Points shall have:

1. Name of machine or system to isolate
2. Name of energy to isolate
3.. Isolation TAG to check on isolation points
4. Name of the isolation device/system,
including a unique code to match labels.
5. Test for dead location.
6. Energy diversion required and installation
point on machine if exist.
7. Shall be in the main energy path
8. Lockable
9. Clear in the state of isolation (On or Off) &
10. Recorded in a central register

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Isolation Critical Injuries A 4 EH

Please see table below for Electrical Isolations C 1 L
Controls not followed

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Site Management, Shift Overseer/ Shift

Supervisor, Lock-out master and control room C 1 L
attendants will be notified of all lock-outs being
performed on site.

The foreman/ supervisor in charge of the lock-

Poor Communication Injuries/ Property A 4 EH out will ensure that communication is maintained
maintained Damage between the said foreman/ supervisor and the
employees performing the work.

The foreman/ supervisor will inform Site

Management, Shift Overseer/ Shift Supervisor,
Lock-out master and control room attendants
when the lock-out has been completed and that
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the required inspection can be conducted.

Requirements as per: Technical Instruction – C 2 M
Cable Cutting and Buried Cables Scanning
Equipment Standard

Cable Spiking and Cutting

PICOUP 250 Hydraulic Spiking

Incorrect testing and Fatalities/ Property A 5 EH and Cutting Kit:
cutting equipment Damage
used to test and cut Accessories:
cables 1. Hydraulic Cutter
2. Earthing Cable & Clamp
3. 24V Battery
4. Battery Charger
5. Remote Case
6. Remote Control
7. Insulation Mat

The PICOUP 250 will be utilised by trained/

competent and authorised employees only –
training to be provided by the OEM – the OEM
to conduct a PTO on the employee before the

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said employee will be certified.

The user to ensure that the correct operational

safe working procedure, method statement and
risk assessment is in place (approved).

The user to inspect the equipment for general

damage visually, before work commences, using
an approved checklist.
The user will perform functionality testing to
ensure the equipment operates as intended.

After the visual inspection and functionality test

has been completed, the equipment may be

The earthing cable and clamp must be

applied to a good known earth prior to any
spiking or cutting can take place.

Scanning and Testing Equipment

RIDGID SeekTech SR-24 Line

Locator/ RIDGID SeekTech SR-60 Locator
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1. SeekTech ST-305 Transmitter (5 Watts)
2. SeekTech ST-510 Transmitter (10 Watts)
3. SeekTech ST-33QR Transmitter (5 Watts)
4. SeekTech 4” Inductive Signal Clamp

Merytronic MRT-700 cable locator

and tracer

1. Merytronic MRT-700X(Transmitter)
2. Merytronic MRT-700 RX(Receiver)
3. Merytronic MRT-700 CI
underground cable locator with
cable identification.

Supplier and training:

HV Test
Johans Haarhof
011 782 1010
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The user to follow the correct operational safe

working procedure, method statement and risk

The user will inspect the equipment for general

damage/general condition visually using
approved checklist.

The user to always test against a known cable

location/ energised cable prior to scanning the
required area to confirm the equipment
is functional.

The user will ensure that the equipment is tested

and that a valid calibration certificate is available
for the equipment.

After conducting the required visual inspection,

testing the equipment and ensuring that the
equipment has the required calibration
certificate; the Equipment may then be used
according to the operational safe working
procedure and OEM requirements.

**Note that in all cases, where required, the

equipment, cables and/or lines shall be
locked out, isolated, and tested for dead
(ISITLEB) where required in line with
Site/operational safe operational working
procedure and OEM requirements:
1. This may include situations where signal
generating sources are connected to
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cables, lines, or equipment, or

2. Other occasions where, to work safely,
the power shall be locked out, isolated,
and tested for dead.

Ensure that more than one employee is involved

in the task. Ensure that there are enough
employees available for the task - ergonomics to
be taken into consideration.
C 2 M
Ensure that the cable drum is in a good
condition and that the cable drum will not give
Electrical/ C&I way/ break when moved.
Installations -
20 Pulling Cables, Place two steel plates in front of the cable drum
Glanding and to allow for a smoother, safer repositioning
Termination process.

Employees to wear gloves when handling the

cable drum.

Ensure that the area where the cable drum

needs to be positioned/ repositioned is flat and
Rolling the cable drum/ Injuries/ Property A 4 EH stable.
repositioning the cable Damage
drum Employees to ensure that the area where the
cable drum is place, are clean and debris free
and that the required barricading and safety
signs are in place.

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Ensure that one employee is stationed at the

cable drum at all times to ensure/ brake the
drum to keep the correct amount of tension on
the cable and to stop possible overwinds on the
cable drum.

Ensure that the employees repositioning the

cable drum are aware of their surroundings and
that they have stoppers (chocks) readily
available to avoid the cable drum from rolling
away or moving from its position.

Ensure that the path of the cable (puling area) is

clear and that the required safety signage are
posted to warn other employees of the hazard in
the work area.

Ensure that ample amount of rollers are

available for the cable pulling to ensure that
most of the cable weight is on the rollers.
The cable route will be inspected and walked-
through to determine whether the cable can be
safely pulled into the required location.
C 2 M
Site Management to take the weight and the
complexity of the route into consideration when
determining the amount of employees that will
be required to pull the cable.

Cable pulling orientation to be given to

employees that are new to the activity –
seasoned/ competent crew members to be
staggered within the line to ensure that skills/
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Pulling cables into the Injuries/ Property A 4 EH knowledge transfers are conducted.
required location Damage
For very long pulls/ heavy cables (e.g. 300mm
cable) employees to perform some kind of warm
up exercises to ensure that limbs and or
muscles are loose before attempting to pull the

Site Management to ensure that the required

cable socks and rollers are available and
installed before the cable pulling activity may

When pulling cables in elevated positions – Site

Management to ensure that the work area below
is barricaded, and where barricading cannot be
installed, spotters are placed in position to warn
other employees/ contractors of the hazards in
the work area.

When pulling cables in elevated positions – Site

Management to ensure that safeguards are in
place to ensure that cables cannot fall to lower
Only Group 1, 2 and 3 knives are allowed to be
Group 3 knives will be utilised for the application
of cable installation and termination “(Fully-
automatic blade retraction knives – these do not
rely on the operator to retract the blade. It
doesn’t matter whether the thumb slider or C 1 L
squeeze lever is held in the blade extend
position; when the blade leaves the material
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being cut it auto- retracts into the handle)”.

Ensure that the stanley knife/ carpet knife is

inspected before use.
Use of stanley Knife/ Injuries A 4 EH
cable Knife for Ensure that the blade is clean and free from
terminating cables debris and that the blade is sharp.

Ensure to position yourself to enable to cut away

from your body - slips can cause serious injuries
to hands, legs and torso.

Do not use a stanley knife/ carpet knife to

remove insulation on small cable (rolling the
insulation over the stanley knife/ carpet knife
blade) - Only use a stanley knife/ carpet knife to
clean large cable strands where cable strippers
cannot be utilised.
Ensure that the correct cable gland is selected C 1 L
for the size of cable that needs to be installed.

Ensure that the gland has all the parts required

for installation.

Ensure that the correct shroud is selected to

cover the gland.

Ensure that the correct size spanners are

selected for the task (Flat ring spanners or
adjustable wrenches).

Take care when placing the spanners on the

Glanding cables Injuries A 3 H tread nuts - ensure to position yourself in a way
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(Pinch points) to eliminate possible pinch points between

spanners/ adjustable wrenches, between
spanners/ adjustable wrenches and the body of
the panel/ DB board/ connection boxes/ buzz
bars/ switch gear and between spanners/
adjustable wrenches and other cables.

Ensure to allow for excess cable when glanding

takes place - additional weight on the cable
pulling downwards might cause cable slipping
through the gland when the gland is fastened.

Ensure to fasted the base nut of the gland

Ensure that all tools and equipment needed to
install and terminate cables are inspected by the
user before work commences.

Ensure that the work areas are inspected and

that cable routing are taken into consideration -
poor cable routing might lead to obstruction and
or tripping hazards.
Terminating cables Injuries/ Property A 3 H C 1 L
Damage Ensure that cable connections are inspected
and that all required glands, shrouds, lugs,
contactors, circuit brakers, switch gear and
connection boxes are in a good state or repair -
loose connections can lead to "hot" connections
that might lead to possible electrical fires or
electrical flashes.
Ensure that all crimping tools are inspected by C 1 L
the user before work commences.

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Ensure that the correct size crimping tool and

dice are selected for the application.

Crimping cables/ lugs Injuries A 3 H Ensure that two employees are involved when
crimping large strand of cable/ lugs - hand slips
and twists (whilst crimping) might lead to injuries
to hands and wrists.

Ensure that ergonomic factors are taken into

consideration when crimping cables/ lugs.
Ensure that the correct size cable ties/ banded
straps are selected for the size of cable that is
installed – ensure that the correct type of straps
are utilised as per AAP requirements.

Ensure that the cable tie/ band-it strap heads

are positioned in such a way that it cannot cause
Strapping/ Fastening Injuries A 3 H possible hooking points (Sharp edges causing C 1 L
cables to cable racks possible injuries).

Ensure to cut the cable tie pulling section as

close to the tie head as possible (sharp/ jagged
edges might cause lacerations to hands/ arms).

Banded straps to be utilised for large cables

(heavy cables) - be aware of possible pinch
points between the handle and close proximity

Employees to ensure that the correct hand

gloves are used when strapping takes place.

Ensure to maintain the spacing in between

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straps/ ties.
Ensure that the correct size cable joint kit are
selected for the task.

Ensure that employees are wearing the required C 1 L

hand gloves (in case of cable joint fluid leaks).

Ensure that the cable in placed horizontally on

dunnages/ trestles to keep the cable straight and
Joining cables (Joint Injuries A 3 H suspended.
When placing the cable joint covers on the cable
- ensure to apply ample insulation tape to both
ends to ensure that the cable joint fluid does not

Ensure that the cable strands are staggered to

avoid possible contact points on the ferrules.

Ensure to apply ample insulation tape/ insulation

material/ heat shrink to connection points.

Leave the cable joint to dry completely before

attempting to re-energize the cable.

An insulation resistance test to be performed for

all joints.

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Large cable joints will be conducted by

competent employees and will be witnessed by
a third party as per requirement.

Employees conducting large cable joint to

ensure that there are ample space for them to
work safely – taking into consideration the
location of the joint, scaffolding requirements,
footing and possible tripping hazards and
strapping requirements.

A “hot work” permit to be in place for the location

where heat shrink will be applied to the joint. All
relevant “hot work” procedures and processes to
be followed.

All heat shrink equipment to be inspected and

the relevant inspection register to be completed.
All work conducted in Elevated positions will C 2 M
require a work permit.

Supervision to ensure that the employees are

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competent to perform work in elevated positions.

Supervision to ensure that routing of cables are

pre planned and that all employees are made
aware of te route/s that needs to be followed.

Supervision to ensure that scaffolding requests

are submitted a few days before the cables will
be pulled into position; this will allow for
supervision to ensure that scaffolds are built
Cable installations in Falling objects/ A 4 EH according to the requirements for safe access to
elevated positions Employees falling/ cable routes (elimination of possible
scaffold collapse modifications to scaffolding that will cause
delays or work stoppages).
Injuries/ Property
Damage All modifications required due to operational
requirements to be conducted by scaffold
erectors and will be noted on the hand over

All scaffolding will be inspected by a competent

scaffold inspector – the scaffold will be green
tagged before any work on the scaffold may

Supervision to ensure that the bottom section of

the scaffold are barricaded and that exclusion
zones/ drop zones are determined, barricaded
and safety signage posted indicated “Men
working overhead”.

Supervision to ensure that the correct amount of

employees are available for the pulling of the
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cable in elevated positions. Supervision to take

ergonomic factors into consideration when
pulling cables in elevated positions (e.g.
Employee body position/ ample space for
employees to conduct the work etc).

Supervision to ensure that the cable sock is the

correct size and that it is fitted correctly before
instructions will be given to employees to start
pulling the cable into position.

All tools and equipment used in elevated

positions will be fitted with fit for purpose
lanyards – lanyards will be attached to solid
structures (e.g. rollers) and or to the employee
(e.g. knives/ pliers etc).

Supervision to ensure that the mitigations

stipulated in section 6 are followed and adhered
too at all times.

When receiving cable from elevated positions to

ground level:
- Ensure that ground conditions are taken
into consideration – employees
receiving the cable might slip or the
ground may be uneven – this might lead
to employees twisting their bodies.
- Ensure that the correct amount of
employees are assigned to the activity
to ensure that the task can be
conducted safely.
- Cables to be lowered in a controlled
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manner – cable ends may not be pulled

to ground level uncontrolled.

21 Installation of Ensure that all Panels are installed on flat and

Panels, even surfaces – ensure that the floor is level and
Switchgear and finished within the allowable tolerance (25mm).
Buzz Bars Panels will be installed on designed frames or
Uneven surfaces Injuries/ Property A 2 H C 1 L
Damage Switchgear will be installed as per design only.
Switchgear certification to be available and shall
be severely scrutinised.

Panels to be fastened to the surface as

indicated by the OEM or as per design.
Ensure that Panels are lifted with a crane/
forklift/ tele-handler or any other mechanical

Ensure that the panel is protected (softeners

Heavy sections/ Injuries/ Property A 3 H installed) before attempting to lift it into position.
panels Damage
Ensure that employees ask for assistance when C 1 L
moving panels into the correct position.

Ensure that employees ask for assistance when

installing switchgear – slippage of switchgear
can cause hand injuries and cause damage to
Ensure that the correct switchgear are installed C 1 L
in panels – as per design or OEM specifications
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Incorrect Switchgear Work Stoppages A 2 H

installed QA/QC inspections to be conducted to ensure
that the correct switchgear are installed as per
approved design.
QA/QC Inspections to be conducted before any
switchgear may be installed into panels.

Defective Switchgear to be clearly marked and

Defective Switchgear Injuries/ Work A 5 EH removed from the work area. C 2 M
Defective Switchgear to be placed in quarantine
and thereafter be removed from AAP Mortimer
Supervision to ensure that the correct sections
of buzz bar are available and are inspected
before installation.

Supervision to ensure that the correct tools and

equipment are available for the installation.

Employees to take care when installing buzz

Incorrect method Pinch Points – pinch A 2 H bars – employees to wear the correct PPE
followed to install/ in between buzz bar (gloves) for the task. C 1 L
connect buzz bars sections
Employees may not place their hands/ fingers in
between the connection points – no body part
may be placed in the line of fire.

Proper communication between employees to

be established so that employees know exactly
what to do during the installation.
Signed off/ Approved FAT (Factory Acceptance C 1 L
Test) certificates/ documentation and release
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note to be submitted before any Electrical

Equipment may be brought to site.

SAT’s (Site Acceptance Test) will be conducted

by the installation contractor/ OEM and will be
witnessed by the EHL Commissioning Engineer
and the Client/ Client Representative..

The Installation Contractor/ OEM to ensure that

a detailed inspection/ testing equipment list has
been submitted to the commissioning engineer
for approval.

The test equipment shall be able to complete all

SAT inspection not Possible unsafe A 4 EH the routine, special and type tests as required in
conducted for installation before the MCP specification and SANS standards.
installations energization –
Possible electrical The Installation Contractor/ OEM will ensure that
flashes/ arcs, injuries valid calibration certificates are available for all
and property damage the test equipment prior to the SAT.

All required test equipment is to be provided by

the Installation Contractor/ OEM.

The following inspections and tests will be

conducted during the SAT (LV):
1. General Mechanical Inspection
2. General Electrical Inspection
3. Electrical Contact Resistance Test
4. Earth Continuity Test
5. Insulation Resistance Test
6. LV Withstand Test
7. Primary Injection Test
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8. Bus-Tie Phasing Test

9. Functional Test

The following inspections and tests will be

conducted during the SAT (MV):
1. General Mechanical Inspection
2. General Electrical Inspection
3. Electrical Contact Resistance Test
4. Insulation Resistance Test
5. Earth Continuity Test (Bonding)
6. Primary Injection Test

Additional Tests might be required as per the

OEM and design specifications.

22 Ensure that all electrical and C&I testing C 1 L

equipment are in a good state of repair and that
the calibration certificates are available and up
Testing/ to date.
Electrical/ C&I Testing equipment will be used for its intended
Installations purpose only.
Testing equipment not Injuries/ Property A 3 H
calibrated/ incorrect Damage Ensure that the correct testing equipment are
equipment used utilized for the application (multi-meter, tong
tester, megger, network testers etc).

Ensure that only trained, competent and

appointed employees utilize testing equipment.

Employees making use of a Megger/ Thumper

or any other testing equipment that might have
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stored energy, to ensure that the tester is de-

energised before attempting to hand it to fellow
employees or for storage purposes.
Ensure that a thorough inspection is conducted C 2 M
on all electrical installations before testing

Ensure that all inspections are conducted

according to the requirements stipulated in the
relevant legislation and inspection registers.

The required commissioning, over inspection

and verification documentation to be completed
by a competent person.

The required quality control (QC) documentation

to be completed and will form part of the data
pack that is required for formal hand-over.
Installation not Injuries A 4 EH
inspected before During inspections the following needs to be
testing commences inspected:
1. Connection points - loose connections (Hot
2. Shrouds and Glands in good condition and
fastened correctly
3. Cable damage (nicks, damaged casings,
protruding/ exposed wires
4. Flash marks/ Hot connections
5. Condition of fittings/ doors etc.
6. Anchorage
7. Bus Bars and earth connections
8. Switchgear condition
9. Switchgear Alignment
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10. Electrical installation exposure (weather/

construction elements/ mobile plant and
equipment exposure etc.
11. Pressure regulation
12. Anybus Converters
13. Network Switches
14. Fibre Splice Boxes
15. Fibre Connections
16. Network Points/ Installations
Ensure that the Electrical and C&I testing
requirements are communicated to affected
teams/ areas before testing commences.

Ensure that the required certificate of

compliance are issued/ submitted to the client.
All employees performing the commissioning
work to ensure that all relevant processes and
procedures are adhered to.

OEM specifications to be followed and the

competent person to ensure that the
specifications are adhered to.
Employee performing Injuries/ Property A 5 EH C 2 M
the commissioning Damage/ Work The required test certificates to be completed
work not following Stoppages and submitted to the client.
processes/ procedures
Contractors performing commissioning work to
have the required documentation (Permits,
works order, SLAM, JRA) to perform the work.

The commissioning manager/ supervisor will

ensure that all relevant documentation is
obtained and approved before any
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commissioning activity may take place.

Work permits, including lock out and isolation

requirements will be strictly adhered too.

The commissioning manager/ supervisor will

Documentation for Injuries/ Property A 5 EH ensure that all commissioning team members
work not obtained – Damage are made aware of the permit, JRA, SLAM and
No work permits/ job procedural requirements - proof of
cards/ isolations etc. communication to be at the point of work.

The AAP Electrical and Engineering department C 2 M

to be advised of the commissioning activity that
will take place.

Additional safety signage to be posted in the

area where commissioning will be conducted.
The commissioning manager/ supervisor will
conduct a thorough PPE inspection for each
employee that will be entering the area where
commissioning will be conducted.

Incorrect PPE worn by Injuries A 4 EH Special attention to be given to overall C 1 L

employees conducting specifications - CHARNAUD ARC 12.4 Cal.
activities Specialised PPE will be required as indicated/
specified by procedural and AAP standard
The commissioning manager/ supervisor will C 1 L
ensure that all relevant specifications, as
stipulated in OEM specifications and procedural
Quality control Work Stoppages/ A 3 H requirements, are met.
requirements not Property Damage
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adhered too All settings will be verified and data will be

captured on the correct data capturing sheets.
The commissioning manager/ supervisor and
AAP Electrician/ lock out master will ensure that
the work area is well supervised and that the
required safety signage and barriers are in place
Unauthorised Injuries A 4 EH to worn other employees of the commissioning
employees entering activity that will be conducted in the work area.
the work area where
commissioning will be Safety signage will include:
conducted 1. Prohibitory signs "Unauthorised entry C 1 L
2. Information Signs "Contact numbers and
emergency exit signs"
3. Danger Signs "Electrical exposure"

A competent person will be appointed in writing
to supervise/ oversee all demolition work. The
work – Roof Un-supervised work Injuries/ Property A 3 H C 1 L
appointed supervisor will be in the direct work
Sections, Brick Damage
area at all times.
walls, concrete
slabs and A detailed structural survey will be conducted by
plinths a Structural Engineer to ascertain which method C 1 L
will be used to perform the demolition of
buildings/ structures.

A Structural Engineer will also perform

No structural survey Work stoppages/ A 3 H inspections during the demolition, in stages, to
conducted Financial Impacts ensure that the demolition work is conducted
correctly and to ensure that the current method
statement is still valid.

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A detailed Method Statement and WRAC will be

in place for all demolition work.
All roof work will be properly planned.

Removal of roof sheeting, dismantling of roof

sections and removal (lifting out of position) of
roof sections will be conducted by competent

The weight of roof sheets and roof sections will

be determined by a competent person – weights
of roof sheets and sections will be shared with
the construction team – a detailed method
Incorrect method Structure falling, A 4 EH statement and JRA to be conducted for roof
followed – removal of falling employees, work activities.
roof section employees being
struck by material The structural integrity will be determined by a
competent person before any work (including
the installation of fall prevention equipment) may
C 2 M

The removal of any part/ section of the roof will

be conducted in methodically from top to bottom
and side to side.

Rigging/ lifting Site Management to ensure that the lifting

activities for Lifting device/ aid not Time Loss/ Financial A 2 H machine/s are allocated and organised before C 1 L
removal of roof allocated. Impact the containers arrive on site.
sections Lifting machine operators to have the required D 2 L
training/ proof of competence for the lifting
machine used.

Incompetent Injuries/ Fatalities/ B 5 EH Lifting machine operator to have the required

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operator/s Property Damage/ License and carry cards on person at all times.
Financial Impact
Lifting machine operators will be medically fit to
Lifting machines to be inspected and approved
before it can enter site.

All deviations found to be reported to the Lifting

machine Hiring company and rigging department
– deviations/ defects to be repaired immediately.

Crane/ lifting machine documents (Load test

certificates, calibration certificates, rope
Lifting Machine not Injuries/ Fatalities/ B 5 EH inspection, hook block inspection, 6 monthly
inspected Property Damage/ inspection and rigging gear inspections) to be
Financial Impact readily available in the crane cab at all times.

When the crane is not in operation and the

C 2 M
crane operator is not in attendance; the crane
main and operating cabin (when applicable) will
be locked and the keys will be stored in a
designated lock box or will be kept by the
operator (on person)
All lifting activities will be in line with the Anglo D 2 L
American Lifting Operations Guideline AA TS
103 002.

Lifting plans/ rigging studies will be approved by

AAP Mortimer Smelter Engineering Department/
Lifting plan/ rigging Time Loss/ Work B 4 H SIB Master Rigger before crane setup can
study not available Stoppages/ Financial commence.
Lifting plans/ rigging studies to be
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communicated to all parties involved in the task

(employees, rigger/s, crane operator, HSE
officer and Site Management)
Ensure that the loading chart is taken into
consideration and the tonnage of the load being
lifted is known and the correct crane is being
used for the task.

Ensure that the footing of the crane is secure

and that the correct dunnage is used for the
outriggers of the crane (crane pads/ slippers or
sleepers fitted with nylon straps). Ensure that
the outriggers is not on top of underground
trenches covered with concrete slabs, concrete
plinths or any material that cannot withstand the
Incorrect crane setup Injuries/ Fatalities/ A 5 EH pressure - steel plates to be utilised when the
Property Damage/ crane needs to be set up over or on top of a
Financial Impact trench/ concrete lids/ pipes.

The crane operator must be informed about the

rigging plan/ study. The operator to sign
acknowledgement of the lift on the lifting C 2 M

Ensure that the crane is set up in the correct

position - the crane to have ample space to slew
without making contact with other equipment
and or structures
Ensure that the lifting area is barricaded. A
suitable amount of spotters to be utilised if
barricading cannot be installed.
C 2 M
Spotters to be placed in areas where other
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contractors (contractor interface) are busy

conducting work to ensure that all employees
are made aware of the hazards pertaining to the
task at hand.
Poor lifting practices Injuries/ Fatalities/ A 5 EH
Property Damage/ Contractor interface meetings to be held to
Financial Impact highlight the requirements and implement
effective mitigations for lifting activities in the
work area where multiple contractors are

Ensure that all relevant safety signage is

displayed on the barricading to inform other
employees of the risks related to the activity.

Ensure that only a competent rigger is

overseeing all lifting activities, the rigger must
maintain eye contact with the lifting machine
operator and the load at all times. The load must
be under control of the rigger at all times. Eye
contact must be maintained between the rigger
and the lifting machine operator, the lifting
activity will stop if eye contact cannot be

Working or walking below a suspended load is


All lifting equipment will be inspected by a

competent person, on a daily basis, before work

Defective lifting and rigging equipment will be

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removed from the work area. Defective rigging

gear will be tagged "DO NOT USE". The
defective lifting and rigging equipment will be
taken to the main store where it will be replaced
or repaired. The foreman will inspect all rigging
gear attachments before the lift can commence.

Only the rigging crew, Rigging foreman and

rigging manager will be allowed to enter the
lifting area.

Ensure that two tag ropes/ lines is attached to

the load at all times during the lifting process.

Softeners (In accordance with the AAP Lifting

Standard) to be installed for all sling
configurations (steel wire rope/ endless round/
flat webbing/ chain etc) to eliminate possible
damage (safety best practices).

Riggers to ensure that they are conversant with

the weight of loads lifted.

Ensure to utilise the correct Shackles for the

task - Ensure that shackle pins fit correctly.

Crane operators may not climb out of the

operators cabin when there is a load attached to
the hook of the crane.

Crane operators, when sitting in the operating

cabin, may not use their cell phones (no calls,
no messaging)
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The approved method statement will be followed

to ensure that all relevant steps are taking to
ensure that employees are safeguarded from

Brick walls will be demolished from the top

downwards – the work area will be barricaded
(Inside and outside of the brick wall) with safety
signage posted to warn other employees of the
hazards in the work area. Unauthorised entry to
the work area is prohibited whilst demolition of
Incorrect method Injuries, employees brick wall takes place.
followed – breaking struck by falling
down brick walls objects A 4 EH Demolition of the brick wall will be conducted C 2 M
from one side at a time – employees may not
work on both sides of the wall as bricks might
dislodge from its position and fall onto/ make
contact with employees on the other side.

Bricks that are removed will be removed

individually and will be stacked and stored in a
designated area.

Employees removing bricks will wear the

required PPE for the task – rubber gloves will be
used to ensure that employee are protected
from sharp/ jagged edges. Dust masks will be
worn to ensure that employees are safeguarded
from dust generated from the demolition activity.

Employees making use of hammers and chisels

to remove bricks – hammers and chisels to be
inspected prior to the task commencing. Chisels
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may not have any burrs and needs to be fitted

with the rubber type hand protection to protect
employee’s hand when striking with a hammer.

Brick-force in between brick layers will be

removed once the brick wall has been broken
down. The brick-force will be cut off by means of
pliers or adequate wire cutters. The sharp ends
of the brick-force will be bent inwards or will be
struck into the wall by means of a hammer.

The work area will be cleaned after the brick wall

has been broken down, or, after each shift.
Building rubble will be stacked and stored in
designated barricaded areas.
A detailed method statement and JRA to be C 2 M
conducted and be approved for the activity.

Authorisation to be obtained for the use of

specialised equipment to break concrete.

All employees making use of specialised

equipment to break concrete will receive the
required training and will be found competent
before such equipment will be utilised.

The area where concrete plinths and slabs will

be broken will be barricaded at all times – safety
Incorrect method Injuries/ Property A 4 H signage will be posted on the barricading to
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followed – breaking Damage warn other employees of the hazards pertaining

concrete plinths/ slabs to the task performed.

Tools and equipment, including specialised

tools, will be inspected before use. Defective
tools and equipment will be tagged “DO NOT
USE” and will be removed from the work area.

Employees will wear the prescribed PPE for the

task. Specialised PPE will be used as indicated
by the OEM.

Ergonomic factors to be considered for the

selection of employees that will be conducting
the activity

24 Building brick Incompetent Injuries/ Property Only competent and authorised employees may
walls and employees performing Damage/ Work perform brick work.
Plastering the work Stoppages/ Financial A 4 EH C 2 M
Impacts Competence certificates to be available for all
employees performing brick work
All lifting activities will be in line with the Anglo C 1 L
American Lifting Operations Guideline AA TS
103 002.

All lifting activities will be performed by

authorised and competent employees.

All lifting equipment used will be inspected and

colour coded according to legislative and AAP
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Lifting of material and equipment will be done by

means of mobile crane or Tele-handler.
Lifting building material Injuries/ Property A 4 EH
into position – onto the Damage/ Work Palletised equipment (Palletised bricks) or
required level by Stoppages/ Financial construction buckets will be used to lift building
Crane or Tele-Handler Impacts material (Bricks/ sand/ cement) into the correct

AAP rigging department/ SIB Master Rigger/

AAP Engineering Department to be contacted
before any lift will take place

Lifting Plans/ Rigging studies to be conducted

for all lifts when utilising lifting machines.

All lift plans will be approved before any lift may


Lifting plans/ rigging studies to be

communicated to all parties involved in the task
(employees, rigger/s, crane operator, HSE
officer and Site Management)

The working platform/ deck to be barricaded and

only when offloading the material will the
barricading be removed – suitable anchor
points/ hook-on points to be provided to
employees that will be exposed to the open

Material and equipment will be stacked away

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from edges to ensure that it cannot fall to lower

All building material will be stacked and stored in
pre-determined areas.
Stacking and storage of material and equipment
to be conducted according to the relevant
procedure and AAP Mortimer Smelter

Safety signage to be posted on the barricading –

Incorrect stacking and Injuries/ Work A 3 H safety signage to indicate the following:
storage of building stoppages/ financial  Responsible person name, surname
C 1 L
material. impacts and contact details.

Material and equipment may not be stacked

close to open/ exposed edges.
Material and equipment will be placed on pallets
or adequate dunnage’s.

Material and Equipment will be stacked in such

a way to ensure that it does not obstruct
walkways or roadways
Cement bags will be lifted onto the deck/ floor by
means of mobile crane or tele-handler
C 1 L
Cement bags will be stacked and stored in a
pre-determined location.

A tarpaulin/ builders plastic will be placed on the

ground before mixing of mortar will be
conducted. Small amounts/ mixes will be made
to ensure that mortar is not wasted.

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Alternatively, mixing buckets to be used to

eliminate spillages and wastage.

Shovels will be inspected by the user before

work commences – defective shovels will be
Incorrect methods Injuries A 3 H marked “do not use” and will be removed from
used to mix mortar the work area.

Employees will wear the required PPE when

mixing mortar.

Employees to consider their body position when

mixing mortar - Ergonomic factors to be

Ensure that ample space is available for mixing

of mortar – employees to be staggered to
ensure that shovels do not make contact with
Supervision to ensure that adequate access are
provided for employee performing brick work.

Scaffolding will be erected by an approved and

authorised contractor.

Scaffolding landings to be spaced correctly to

ensure that brick layers do not over reach. Brick
laying may not be conducted from ladders.

Supervision to ensure that the correct bricks are

used – bricks specifications to be supplied by
the client.

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Brick work will be conducted by competent

Incorrect method used Injuries A 4 EH employees. C 1 L
to build walls
Although very difficult - supervision to ensure
that all tools and equipment used in elevated
positions are fitted with fit for purpose lanyards
or that additional precautions have been
implemented to safeguard falling objects
(Installation of additional platforms/ enclosed
work areas/ drop zones/ exclusion zones etc)

Profiles and clamps to be set up correctly

according to processes and procedures. Profiles
to be placed in such a way that it does not
obstruct employees in the work area –
employees making contact with profiles,
dislodging profiles from its position.

Care to be taken when fitting the profile clamps -

profile clamps are made of rebar and bent in
such a way to clamp the profiles to the columns
- the clamps can be struck by material or contact
can be made by employees; this will cause the
clamp to dislodge and fall to the ground/ lower

Brick layer to ensure to cut and place damp core

in the correct area - the roll of damp core can
easily be knocked off the edge (correct storage)
of the concrete slab and can cause harm to
fellow employees.

Brick layers to ensure that the work area has

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been inspected and that other employees are

informed of the task that will commence.

Bricks that are placed on brick force to keep the

brick force in position, needs to be placed in
such a way that it cannot dislodge from its
position and fall to lower levels.

The required Quality inspections and

documentation to be completed, section by
Employees applying plastering to ensure that C 1 L
they are wearing the correct PPE for the task.
Special precaution to be taken for eye protection
as plaster spatter may enter the eyes of

Supervision to ensure that ample space is

Incorrect method used Injuries A 3 H provided to employees who apply plaster. The
to plaster walls area where plastering takes place to be
controlled - employee movement to be

Management to ensure that the correct material

are purchased and used for plaster mixes.

Supervision to ensure that the scaffold platform

are installed/ constructed at the correct levels to
ensure that employee applying plaster do not
over reach.

Proper housekeeping to be conducted by the

employee mixing mortar.
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The work area will be cleaned before the end of

every shift - supervision to conduct regular

Redundant material to be removed from the

work area, placed in a designated area for
adequate disposal.
The work area will be clean and debris free at all

Bricks and material will be stacked as close to

the work area as possible.

All material and equipment will be stacked and

stored in such a way not to obstruct walk ways
or create tripping hazards.
Congested work area Injuries A 2 H C 1 L
The lay-out of the paste floor needs to be
considered to ensure that material are stacked
in the correct location.

Equipment and material may not be placed

behind working crews - such equipment and
material may cause tripping hazards

25 Painting All hazardous chemicals agents used (paint and C 1 L

solvents) will be accompanied by the SDS for
each product – 16 point SDS with a South
SDS not available Health/ illness/ A 4 EH African contact number and may not be older
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injuries than 5 years.

SDS information/ contents will be communicated

to all employees involved in the task.
Employees performing painting will wear the
required PPE as prescribed by the SDS.

Incorrect PPE for the Health/ illness/ A 4 EH Supervision to ensure that the correct PPE is
C 1 L
task injuries available and worn by all employees. Regular
inspections to be conducted to ensure that the
PPE is in a good state and that the PPE is
adequate for the task.
Supervision to ensure that a natural air flow
(draft) is maintained by opening all doors/
windows/ vents when employees are painting
areas that are enclosed. At no stage may
Poor ventilation Health/ Illness/ A 4 EH painting be conducted if the doors/ windows/ C 2 M
disorientation/ vents are not fully opened.
Doors and vents to be opened when painting of
walls are conducted.
All hazardous chemical agents will be stored in
the AAP Mortimer Smelter storage facilities –
authorisation/ permission for storage to be
obtained from the AAP Mortimer Smelter
Section Engineer/ Engineering Manager.
Ample fire extinguishers to be available and
placed in the work area.

Possible ignition sources to be identified and

Fire – ignition sources Property damage/ A 5 EH isolated before work may commence. C 1 L
financial impacts/ Pre work inspections to be conducted by
injuries/ fatalities supervision to ensure that ignition sources are
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isolated – the work area to be clean and free

from debris.
The AAP ERT (Emergency Response Team)
supervisor/ captain to be informed of the use of
hazardous chemical substances/ agents in the
work area – SDS’s to be provided.

Only competent appointed employees may

extinguish fires.
Site Management to ensure that the correct
tools and equipment are supplied and that
ample amount of tools and equipment are
available in the stores.

Defective tools and equipment will be removed

Incorrect tools/ Injuries/ Work A 3 H from site and will be discarded in designated C 1 L
equipment used for Stoppages hazardous waste bins.
Site Management to ensure that tarpaulins/
plastic cover sheets are placed on floors/ over
panels/ equipment to eliminate possible damage
or spillages.
All hazardous chemical agents will be stored in
the AAP Mortimer Smelter storage facilities –
authorisation/ permission for storage to be
obtained from the AAP Mortimer Smelter
Section Engineer/ Engineering Manager.
No hazardous chemical substances/ agents may
be left unattended in the workplace.

Incorrect storage and Environmental Used/ empty hazardous chemical substances/

disposal of Hazardous impacts/ Fires A 4 EH agents containers or tools/ equipment to be C 1 L
Chemical Substances/ discarded in designated hazardous waste bins –
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Agents AAP Mortimer Smelter Environmental

department to be contacted should hazardous
waste bins not be available.

26 Installation of All doors supplied to be as per specification from

doors the client.

Site Management to ensure that the correct

doors are delivered to site – Quality inspections
Incorrect doors/ Work Stoppages/ A 2 H to be performed before the doors/ hinges/ C 1 L
hinges/ handles/ Financial Impacts handles/ emergency push bars will be accepted
emergency push bars and brought onto site.
Site Management to ensure that the correct size
doors are delivered to site.
Site Management to ensure that the correct
tools are available for the installation of doors/
handles/ emergency push bars. C 1 L

All tools and equipment used for the installation

of doors will be inspected by a competent
person and will be colour coded according to
Incorrect tools used for Injuries/ Property A 3 H AAP Mortimer Smelter requirements. The user
the installation damage of tools and equipment will conduct a visual
inspection before work commences.

Defective tools and equipment will be marked

“do not use” and will be removed from the work
area and will be placed in quarantine.
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Site Management to ensure that the correct

Portable Electrical tools (Inspected and colour
coded/ tagged) are available for employees to
Site Management to ensure that the power
source/ socket is close by and fully functional –
Site Management to consult with AAP Mortimer
Smelter Electrical department should electrical
sockets not work.

Site Management to ensure that all cordless

(battery operated) tools are fully charged and
that spare batteries are available to complete
the task. Battery chargers to be inspected and
colour coded accordingly.

Fastening devices (screws/ pozi-drive/ anchors/

rivets) will be used in accordance with the
requirements stipulated by the client.
Site Management to ensure that the work area is
clean and free from debris before the installation
of the doors may commence.

Measurements to be taken of the doors and

door frame before the doors will be moved into

The correct amount (as per design/ OEM

Specification) of hinges to be fitted to the doors
to ensure that the doors open and closes
correctly and that the doors do not become to
Incorrect method Injuries/ Property heavy over a period of time.
followed for the Damage A 4 EH Employees installing doors to be aware of C 2 M
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installation of doors possible pinch points in between the door and

door frame – employees may not place any
body part in the line of fire.

Small packer plates/ wood chisels to be used

when aligning the doors before final fitment to
the door frame.

One employee will hold the door in place whilst

the other employee fasten the door to the door
frame. Employees to maintain positive
communication during the activity.

Employees installing doors to be aware of doors

opening or closing during a sudden rush of air/
wind – doors to be left open and tied by means
of a door latch, or, be left closed. Door stoppers
shall be used in areas where door latches are
not available.

Door handles/ locks/ emergency push-bars will

be installed as per design/ client/ manufacturer

Quality inspections to be conducted for all

installations – QCP not be updated and placed
in a file for final hand over.

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27 Installation of All lifting equipment used will be inspected and

Air colour coded according to legislative and AAP
Conditioning requirements.
All lifting activities will be in line with the Anglo
American Lifting Operations Guideline AA TS
103 002.

Lifting of material and equipment will be done by

means of mobile crane or Tele-handler.

Lifting Plans/ Rigging studies to be conducted

Lifting air conditioning Injuries/ Property A 4 EH for all lifts when utilising lifting machines. C 1 L
units into position – Damage
onto the required level/ All lifts will be planned – Site Management to
platform ensure that rigging gear and lifting machines are
available for the lift

All lift plans will be approved before any lift may


Lifting plans/ rigging studies to be

communicated to all parties involved in the task
(employees, rigger/s, crane operator, HSE
officer and Site Management)
Employees to ensure that they ask for C 1 L
assistance when handling/ lifting heavy air
conditioning units.

Manual handling Injuries A 3 H Ergonomic factors to be considered when

handling/ lifting heavy equipment.
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Employees to be aware of possible pinch points

in between the air conditioning units and walls/
doors/ door frames
Site Management to ensure that all the required C 2 M
tools and equipment are available for the
installation of the air conditioning units.

Site Management to ensure that the air

conditioning installation points are clearly
marked and is in line with the design

Evaporator brackets to be removed from the

evaporator to ensure that the correct markings
are made before the holes are drilled to install
the evaporator.

Whilst the markings are made for the drilling; the

hole location for the condenser pipes needs to
Incorrect method used Injuries/ Property A 4 EH be marked.
to install air Damage
conditioning units Supervision to ensure that the correct size core-
drill bit (hole saw) are selected for the drilling of
the condenser pipe cavity/ hole.

Employees installing the evaporator need to

ensure that the condenser pipes (fitted to the
evaporator) are closed with end caps to
eliminate the possibility of dust entering the

When installing the condenser brackets/ uni-

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struts; employees to ensure that the correct

measurements are taken (centre to centre of the
condenser footing) before marks are made on
the outside wall.

Supervision to ensure that the correct wall

anchors/ rawl-bolts are selected for the
installation of the evaporator and condenser

Employees performing drilling activities to

ensure that the correct PPE are worn.

Employees installing the condenser to ensure

that cut resistant gloves are worn – condenser
coils are very sharp and may cause lacerations
on hands/ fingers.

Air conditioners will be installed by competent C 1 L

employees only (Aircon Technicians/ Artisans)
Applicable SANS Standards will be followed for
all air conditioning installations.

Connecting the pipes from the evaporator to the

condenser shall be made by means of supplied
flare nuts or by means of copper welding/

Connecting Injuries/ A 4 EH Supervision to ensure that the correct flaring kit

evaporator/ condenser Environmental are available for the flaring of the copper pipes.
pipes – incorrect impact
method followed For copper welding/ brazing – a hot work permit
to be obtained before any work may commence.
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Only authorised and competent employees may

operate a porta-pack (oxygen/ acetylene pack)
for the copper welding/ brazing.

Employees making use of porta-packs will wear

the appropriate PPE for the task.
Only authorised, competent and appointed
electricians will make the required electrical
connections for the air conditioners.

The authorised, competent and appointed

electrician will ensure that the energy source are
isolated before attempting to make any electrical
Incompetent Electrocution – A 4 EH connection.
C 2 M
employees making Injuries/ Fatalities
electrical connections Supervision to ensure that the AAP Mortimer
Smelter isolation/ lock out requirements are met.
The test before touch rule to apply for all
electrical connections/ terminations.

Supervision to ensure that mitigation are

followed/ adhered too as per section 19.

28 All mobile plant and equipment (SME’s) is C 1 L

subject to an inspection by AAP Officials before
Mobile Plant it can gain access to site. Authorisation for use
and Equipment will be given by the AAP Official performing the
(SME) inspection.

The operator/ driver of the mobile plant and

Equipment not Injuries/ Property A 4 EH equipment will perform the required pre-use
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inspected Damage/ Work inspection prior to entering site – the pre-use

Stoppages inspection will be conducted on a daily basis
before work commences once the mobile plant
and equipment in on site.

Deviations found during the initial inspection or

pre-use inspections will be reported to site
management; the mobile plant and equipment
will be parked in the designated parking area
and will be taken out of service.

The control room will be notified regarding the

mobile plant and equipment that has been taken
out of service – the key/s will be locked in the
control room for safekeeping.

Additional visual inspections to be conducted on

weight bearing and moving parts (e.g. TLB
backhoe section, roller drum extensions etc)

Inspections to be conducted on the access steps

leading to the SME operating cabin – operators
to ensure that the steps are straight/ in line and
fitted with non-skid devices to ensure that
operators do not slip, trip and fall.
Only trained, certified and authorised employees C 2 M
to operate mobile plant and equipment.

All operator certification to be verified by means

of MIE verification.

All operators to be authorised by AAP to operate

mobile plant and equipment on Mortimer
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Incompetent/ untrained Injuries/ Property A 4 EH Smelter.

employees operating Damage/ Work All mobile plant and equipment operators to be
mobile plant and Stoppages appointed (legal appointment e.g. CR 23, DMR
equipment 18(11) etc).

Site Management to perform Planned Task

Observations to ensure that Operators operate
mobile plant and equipment according to OEM
specifications and Procedural requirements.
Mobile plant and equipment will only be used as
per the OEM specifications.
All employees to undergo the required AFRS
training with regards to the PDS system used on C 2 M
AAP Mortimer Smelter (Schauenburg system).

Employees to ensure that PDS’s are received

and activated/ calibrated before entering work

Employees to ensure to have the PDS unit on

person at all times – ensure that the PDS unit is
placed/ attached in such a way not to block the
audible sound and vibrating function of the PDS
unit (warning system).

Employees to ensure to inspect the PDS system

during the day to ensure that it still functions
Mobile Plant and Injuries/ Property E 5 EH correctly and to monitor the battery level.
Equipment and Damage/ Work
employee interface Stoppages/ Financial Employees to ensure that the PDS system are
Loss returned to the PDS office container before
exiting AAP Mortimer Smelter.

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Employees to ensure that acknowledgement is

obtained from Mobile Plant and equipment
(Surface Mobile Equipment) operators when
waiting at pedestrian crossings or when moving
around in work areas (2 way acknowledgement
to be obtained). SME/ TMM’s have right of way
and employees need to ensure that SME/
TMM’s move into/ from work areas before
employees may continue to walk or pass by
work areas.

All vehicles entering Mortimer Smelter will be

fitted with a VDS system.

PDS/ VDS systems that do not function as

required need to be reported and changed
before work may commence.

Employees to not rely solely on the PDS/ VDS

system – employees to be vigilant and be on the
look-out for mobile plant and equipment in the
work areas.

Site Specific/ Mortimer Smelter Traffic

Management Plan to be communicated to all
employees – mitigations/ processes and
procedural requirements to be adhered to at all
times. Deviations or corrections to the Traffic
Management Plan to be reported to AAP
Engineering and HSE Department.

Spotters to be utilised in congested work areas –

spotters to ensure to remain visible at all times
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and good communication to be maintained

between the mobile plant and equipment
operator, the spotter and pedestrians/
employees in the work area.
Additional fittings will be fitted to mobile plant
and equipment by the operator (when trained
and authorised) or designated mechanic
(Authorised person) – fittings will be fitted in-line
with the requirements stipulated by the OEM.

Sub Standard fittings will not be fitted to any

mobile plant and equipment – all additional
Fitting additional Injuries/ Property fittings will be thoroughly inspected by a
fittings to the mobile Damage/ Work E 4 EH competent person/ authorised person.
plant and equipment – Stoppages/ Financial
procedure not followed Loss Employees to ensure that hydraulic lines are
purged before attempting to fit new fittings. C 1 L

Employees to ensure not to place any body part

in the line of fire.
All mobile plant and equipment will be refuelled C 1 L
in designated areas only.

Drip trays will be placed underneath the

refuelling point of mobile plant and equipment.

Fire Extinguishers will be placed in the area

where refuelling takes place (place at least 3m
Incorrect method Environmental E 4 EH away from the refuelling point)
followed to refuel impacts/ Fires/
mobile plant and Property Damage Mobile Plant and Equipment will be de-
equipment energised/ switched off when refuelling takes
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Smoking and cell phone use is strictly prohibited

during refuelling of mobile plant and equipment.
Mobile plant and equipment will be parked in
designated areas only – mobile plant and
equipment not in use to be parked in the
designated parking area situated next to the
Mortimer cable yard.

Incorrect parking of Property Damage/ E 4 EH Chock blocks to be placed in front and at the
Mobile Plant and Work Stoppages/ back of a wheel to ensure that the mobile plant
Equipment Financial Loss and equipment does not move from its original
parked position should the park break
disengage/ break. C 1 L

Operators will ensure that the keys are not left in

the ignition of the mobile plant and equipment
when not in use or when left unattended. Mobile
Plant and equipment keys to be taken to the
control room for safekeeping and control.

Written authorisation to be obtained for the use

of SME’s or any other equipment from the

No Authorisation Work Stoppages, E 4 EH The AAP Engineering Manager, Mechanical C 1 L

obtained to utilise Legal Implications Specialist and Operator to be informed of the
SME’s from the Client requirement to utilise the Client’s SME/
Equipment – authorisation will be approved by
the AAP Engineering Manager/ Plant Manager.

Only competent employees to install form and

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support work – employees to be in possession

of the required training certificates.

Form and support work will be conducted under

strict supervision (temporary work supervisor).
Design/ Engineering drawings to be followed
when installing form and support work.
29 Form and Incompetent persons Injuries/ Property E 4 EH
C 1 L
support work installing form and Damage/ Work Soffits to be installed after the inspection of the
(including support work Stoppages support work has been completed – the datum
steel-fixing) to be followed when determining the level of the

A Temporary Works Supervisor to be appointed

to supervise all form and support work (CR
Form and support work will be inspected by a
competent person at pre-determined intervals.
Documented inspections to be placed in the
C 1 L
Lack of inspections Work Stoppages A 3 H HSE file for safekeeping.

Design drawings will accompany all installations.

Supervision to ensure that the support work C 1 L
(scaffolding material used for support work/ bird
cages) has been inspected by a competent
person and that the required hand-over
certificate/ engineer sign off has been obtained
before the soffit may be installed.

Once the hand over certificate/ engineer sign off

has been obtained, the surveyor will give the
correct heigh of the soffit.

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The correct soffit supports will be installed

(yellow beams etc) before the soffit will be
Incorrect installation of Work Stoppages/ A 4 EH
the soffit deck collapses/ Employees installing the soffit to remain hooked
Injuries/ Property up/ 100% tied off all the time.
All tools and equipment to be fitted with fit for
purpose lanyards.

The bottom section of the work area to be

barricaded – a drop zone/ exclusion zone to be
established to ensure that falling objects does
not ricochet out of the barricaded area.

Employees installing the soffit to ensure that

nails and small items are placed in designated
containers when working in elevated positions.

Nails will be used to secure shutter-boards to

the soffit supports – employees to be aware of
the possibility of striking their hands with
All shutters (economy form and purpose made/ C 1 L
shutter board shutters) will be inspected before

Supervision to ensure that the shutters are clean

and that the tie bar holes are closed off as

Shutters will be installed/ erected in the location

indicated by the supervisor or surveyor –
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detailed chalk lines to be placed on soffits/

blinding/ apron to indicate the line where
shutters are to be installed.

Installation of shutters Injuries/ Property E 4 EH Keys and wedges are to be used for the
– incorrect method Damage installation of economy form (EF) panels –
followed employees to ensure that the keys and wedges
are straight. Gang form type shutters will be
fastened together by means of keys and wedges
and scaffold tube tied by means of “C” clamps.
(Creating a “strongback”)

Wooden shutters will be fastened to te soffit by

means of Cleat installation by making use of
nails. Additional stays will be installed (45°) to
ensure that shutters do not move out of position

Employees to ensure that all keys, wedges and

C clamps are placed in containers when working
in elevated positions – limiting the possibility of
items falling to lower levels.

Supervision to ensure that all shutters are

installed square and level.

Supports to be installed to ensure that the

shutters do not “kick” when the concrete is
agitated with a poker.

Employees working on the soffit/ shutters to take

the supports into consideration when moving
around as the support can become a tripping
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hazard – employees to be aware of their

surroundings at all times.

All shutter work will be inspected and signed off

before steel-fixing will commence.
Only trained and competent employees to utilise C 1 L
portable electrical tools.

Only trained/ competent employees to perform

cutting activities with a circular saw.

Supervision to ensure that the employees

working/ utilising the circular saw is familiar with
Cutting Shutter-board/ Injuries/ Property A 4 EH the equipment and that the said equipment is
wooden shutters with a Damage the correct type and size for the cutting
circular saw - use of application
portable electrical tools
The area where cutting will take place will be
controlled and supervised at all times.

A dedicated work area will be allocated for

cutting of wooden shutters/ wooden stays.
Supervision to ensure that the work surface
where cutting will take place is elevated to
ensure that the blade does not make contact
with other material/ steel or floor sections.

A pre-work inspection will be carried out by the

supervisor to ensure that the cutting area is
clean and free from debris and that the required
elevation is in place to ensure safe cutting
practices are followed.

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Employees cutting wooden shutters/ stays with a

circular saw to ensure that the y do not place
any body part in the line of fire - employees
cutting with the circular saw to ensure that they
keep their hands away from the cutting blade
(bottom section of the wooden shutter/ stay.
Employees to steady themselves and place their
free hand on top of the wooden shutter/ stay
when cutting commences.
Supervision to ensure that the SDS for shutter C 1 L
release oil is available and communicated to all
employees that will be making use of the shutter
release oil.

Employees to ensure that the shutters/ soffit is

free from debris – shutters and soffit to be
inspected by supervision before shutter release
Incorrect application of Slip, Trip and Fall/ A 4 EH oil is applied.
shutter release oil Injuries/
Environmental Safety notices and signs to be installed in the
impacts work area, warning other employees of the
shutter release oil application. Shutters to be
placed in designated areas – employees to not
walk on oiled shutters.

Shutter release oil will be decanted into

designated containers – containers will be
placed away from open edges.

Shutter release oil will be stored in the

designated HCA or Flammable Liquid store.

Shutter release oil will be placed in a drip tray

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when using it on site.

Shutter release oil will be applied by means of

roller or paint brush.
Steel fixing will be conducted by competent C 1 L
persons only.

Rebar will be sorted and placed in a designated

stacking and storage area – the storage area will
be barricaded with the required safety signage

Supervision to ensure that the correct

Steel Fixing – incorrect Injuries/ Property A 4 EH engineering drawing is utilised when setting out
method used Damage/ Work the rebar for steel fixing.
Rebar will be moved by hand (manual handling
and lifting) to and from the storage area to the
work front – proper communication to be
established between employees that will be
moving the rebar. Employees to take possible
pinch points into consideration when handling

Rebar will be lifted to elevated positions by

crane or will be placed on the soffit by means of
tele handler.

Employees performing steel fixing to be aware

of their surrounding at all times – rebar might
become tripping hazards when not stored/
stacked correctly – multiple rebar sections might
be placed in one area for caging to take place.
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Cut resistant gloves to be worn by employees

performing steel fixing.

The correct pliers to be utilised for tying and

cutting the binding wires.
Cut of pieces of binding wires to be removed
from the work area – cut of pieces to be placed
in the designated waste bins for disposal.

Ergonomic factors to be considered when

performing steel fixing – bending/ standing/
movement in a bent position etc.
Only trained, competent and authorised
employees are permitted to cut with an angle C 2 M

A hot work permit to be obtained for cutting

rebar/ mesh with a grinder. Hot Work Permit
Cutting rebar with a Injuries/ Property A 4 EH conditions to be adhered to at all times.
grinder (hot work) Damage
The work area to be inspected and all
combustible material to be removed from the
work area.

The area where rebar/ mesh cutting will take

place will be screened off and a fire extinguisher
will be placed in the work area.

The employee performing cutting activities with

a grinder will wear the required PPE for the task
(Face Shield, hearing protection, eye
protections, apron, spats and flame proof
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The grinder (4 inch) will be inspected and

tagged according to client requirements - the
user will inspect the grinder before work
commences and a grinder inspection register
will be completed.

Supervision to ensure that the disc of the grinder

is inspected for possible cracks and will ensure
that the disc rating is higher than the rating of
the grinder - the disc to be installed facing the
correct direction. cutting discs will be used for
cutting and grinding discs for grinding.

Supervision to ensure that ample space is

provided so that cutting activities can be
conducted safely.

Used/ damaged grinder discs will be discarded

into the correct waste bins - no used/ damaged
grinder discs to be stored in the tool store.

Employees making use of grinders to ensure

that they do not have any loose clothing or
jewellery that can become entangled or caught
by the rotating disc - jewellery to be removed
and loose clothing to be tucked in.

The area where excavations and trenches are C L

required will be inspected by a competent 1
person before any such work will commence.
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A competent person to be appointed as the

Excavation Supervisor to supervise all
excavation work (CR 13(1))

30 Excavations Ground conditions will be inspected to ensure

and trenches that the ground is stable and will be adequate for
Ground conditions Environmental E 4 EH excavating/ trenching activities.
inspections/ surveys Impacts/ Injuries/
not conducted Property Damage/ A survey to be conducted by a competent
Work Stoppages person to establish whether underground
services are present (water pipes, electrical
cables, fibre cables, gas lines etc)

A detailed report will be submitted by the

competent person to site management declaring
the area safe or suitable for excavations/
trenching to commence.
Excavations will be adequately shored/ braced/ C 2 M
sloped to ensure that employees are not buried
or trapped by a fall or dislodgement of material.
The depth and width of the excavation to be
taken into account.
Unsafe Excavations Injuries/ Property E 5 EH
Damage/ Work A professional engineer/ professional
Stoppages technologist will determine the requirements for
an excavation if the soil/ ground conditions are
not stable.
Solid/ Hard barricading (scaffold type material)
to be utilised to barricade all excavations. Safety
notices and signs to be posted on the
barricading. The excavation supervisor name
and contact details will be displayed on the
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barricading of the excavations.

Safe access and egress will be available for

employees working in excavations – access and
egress to and from excavations will in the form
of a stepladder placed at the ends of the
excavation/s. Access to and from excavations to
be inspected to ensure that employees have
safe access to and from excavations - the
landing section of the access provided to be flat
- no uneven sections with no stones or other
material present that might cause employees to
slip, trip and fall. When using stepladders/
straight ladders for access - the ladder will
protrude 1m above the surface of the excavation
and will be secured by an employee whilst the
other employee gains access to the excavation.
Scaffold access to be provided as access in
deep excavations.

Excavations will be inspected by the Appointed

excavation supervisor on a daily basis.
Additional inspections will be conducted after
any blasting operation, after every unexpected
fall of ground, after damage to supports and
after any rainfall.

Deep excavations will be deemed to be a

confined space – Confined spaces mitigations to
be in line with the requirements stipulated in
General Safety Regulations 5 (Confined
The excavation supervisor to conduct a C 2 M
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thorough inspection to determine the conditions

close to buildings and roads where excavations
will be made.

Sufficient shoring and bracing to be installed in

Excavating close to Injuries/ Property A 4 EH all excavations close to adjacent building - such
other buildings/ plant Damage excavation shoring and bracing to be designed
or road by an engineer.

The required drawings/ engineering drawings/

approvals to be in place before excavations are
made close to buildings or roads.

31 Ground
Compaction –
Making use of
a rammer/
wacker Rammers/ Wackers will be inspected and
approved for site entry by AAP officials.

Rammers/ Wackers will be inspected by a

Rammer/ Wacker not Property Damage/ A 3 H competent person on a daily basis before
C 1 L
inspected Injuries commencement of work.

An inspection register will be completed by the

person that conducts the inspection
Supervision to be informed of any deviation/
defect noted during the pre-start inspection.

Defective/ damaged rammers/ wackers will not

be used on site
Operators to ensure that the following PPE is C 1 L
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worn when operating a rammer/ wacker:

1. Hard Hat with chin strap
Incorrect PPE for the Injuries A 3 H 2. Eye Protection
task 3. Hearing Protection
4. Overall
5. Safety Boots
6. Gloves
All rammer/ wacker operators will be competent
to operate the equipment.
Incompetent operator Injuries/ Property A 3 H C 1 L
Damage Familiarisation training to be provided for new
equipment (different make hired)
Rammers/ wackers will only be operated as C 1 L
prescribed by the manufacturer

Do not stand to far from the rammer/ wacker

when it is in operation - over reaching may
cause the equipment to run out of control, or,
operators may lose balance and fall.

Ensure that the correct employee (job man

spec) are selected to operate the rammer/
Unsafe Operation of Injuries/ Property A 4 EH wacker.
rammer/ wacker Damage/ Work
Stoppages Never leave the rammer/ wacker unattended
whilst the equipment is still on (switched on).

Never use a rammer/ wacker for any other

application than compacting.
Never stand on the foot of the rammer/ wacker
during operation - be aware of possible foot
slippages that may cause the rammer/ wacker to
pound on the operator's feet.
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Ensure that a drip tray is available to place the

rammer/ wacker in when refuelling.

Refuelling to take place in areas where ignition

sources has been removed/ not present.
C 1 L
Incorrect method Environmental A 4 EH Ensure that the correct container (jerry can) is
followed when impact/ injuries used for refuelling purposes.
Ensure that ample fire extinguishers are
available in the work area where refuelling will
take place.
Ergonomic factors - Employees to ensure to take enough breaks
vibrating/ continuous throughout the day when utilising the rammer/
wrist movement Long term health A 4 EH wacker for long periods of time.
implications C 1 L
Employees to ensure to drink enough water
during the day to ensure that hydration levels
are maintained.
Ground Rollers will be inspected and approved for site C 1 L
Compaction – entry by AAP officials.
Making use of
a roller/ bomag Rollers will be inspected by a competent person
(Walk behind) on a daily basis before commencement of work.

An inspection register will be completed by the

A 3 H person that conducts the inspection.

Roller not inspected Property Damage/ Supervision to be informed of any deviation/

Injuries defect noted during the pre-start inspection.

Defective/ damaged rammers/ wackers will not

be used on site.
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Roller operator to ensure that the roller is

switched off/ when performing the routine
inspections - Operators to be aware of possible
pinch points when conducting the inspections.
Operators to ensure that the following PPE is
worn when operating a rammer/ wacker:
1. Hard Hat with chin strap
Correct PPE not worn Injuries A 3 H 2. Eye Protection
C 1 L
3. Hearing Protection
4. Overall
5. Safety Boots
6. Gloves
All roller operators will be competent to operate
the equipment - certificate to be available.
Incompetent operator Injuries/ Property A 3 H C 1 L
Damage Supervision to ensure that the operating manual
is discussed with all operators
Slopes greater than the recommendations of the
Equipment out of manufacturer may not be exceeded.
Operating roller on control - Injuries/ A 3 H C 1 L
slopes Property Damage No employee may be in the excavation/ trench
that are being compacted
Ensure that a drip tray is available to place the C 1 L
rammer/ wacker in when refuelling.

Refuelling to take place in areas where ignition

sources has been removed/ not present.

Incorrect method Environmental A 4 EH Ensure that the correct container (jerry can) is
followed when impact/ injuries used for refuelling purposes.

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Ensure that ample fire extinguishers are

available in the work area where refuelling will
take place.
Employees to ensure to take enough breaks
throughout the day when utilising the roller for
long periods of time.
Ergonomic factors - Long term health A 4 EH C 1 L
vibrating/ continuous implications Employees to ensure to drink enough water
wrist movement during the day to ensure that hydration levels
are maintained.
Operators to ensure that a pre-determined route
has been set out to move the roller from the
work area to the storage area.

Operators to ensure that the pre-determined

Incorrect storage of Property Damage/ route is clear and free from debris - be on the
Roller Injuries A 2 H look-out for services and other equipment that C 1 L
might be in the way.

The roller will be stored empty (no petrol inside

the tank) and will be covered with a tarpaulin
Ground Rollers will be inspected and approved for site C 1 L
Compaction – entry by AAP officials.
making use of
sit-on/ ride on Rollers will be inspected by a competent person
roller on a daily basis before commencement of work.

An inspection register will be completed by the

person that conducts the inspection.
Roller not inspected Injuries/ Property A 4 EH Supervision to be informed of any deviation/
Damage defect noted during the pre-start inspection.

Defective/ damaged rollers will not be used on

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Roller operator to ensure that the roller is

switched off/ when performing the routine

The operator to ensure that special attention is

given to the roller section/ drive unit when
conducting the inspection.

Access ladders/ stair to be inspected to ensure

that the operator has safe access and egress
from the operating cabin.

All roller operators will be competent to operate

the equipment - certificate to be available (MIE

Incompetent/ untrained Unauthorised use – A 4 EH The operator will be authorised by AAP Mortimer C 1 L
operator Injuries/ Property Smelter Engineering department (Appointment).
Supervision to ensure that the operating manual
is discussed with all operators
The site supervisor to inspect the work area
where the SME/ mobile plant and equipment will
be utilised.
Work area not Property Damage/ A 3 H
inspected Injuries The supervisor to ensure that ample space is C 1 L
available for the SME/ Mobile Plant and
equipment can perform the work safely without
making contact with material, plant, buildings or
The site supervisor to inspect the ground C 1 L
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conditions where the SME/ Mobile Plant and

Equipment will work - ground surfaces to be
compacted and as level as possible. A ramp to
be made with suitable material to accommodate
safe access and egress for the roller into the
required area where compaction will be

Uneven/ Unstable Property Damage/ A 3 H The site supervisor to ensure that the area
surfaces Injuries where the SME/ Mobile Plant and Equipment will
work, are adequate barricaded. Where
barricading cannot be installed - spotters to be in
place to guide the SME/ Mobile Plant and
Equipment and to warn other employees of the
hazard in the work area.

No employee may stand close to the SME/

Mobile plant and equipment whilst it is in
SME/ Mobile Plant and Equipment operators to C 2 M
be familiar with the equipment being operated.
Operators to ensure that they inform site
supervisor of the equipment blind spots and
ensure that good communication is established
between the operator, site supervision and
Operators not aware of Property Damage/ A 4 EH spotters/ flagman.
blind spots when Injuries
operating the SME/ Team members working in the same working
Mobile Plant and area to be made aware of the blind spots for
Equipment SME/ Mobile Plant and Equipment working in
the work area - employees to not rely solely on
the PDS/ VDS system as noisy work areas will
decrease the effectiveness of the VDS/ PDS.
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Spotters to be in place in noisy areas to ensure

that employees are made aware of the SME in
the workplace - the spotter will be issued with a
whistle - the whistle to be used when the SME is

Cameras to be installed to eliminate blind spots

for operators – screens to be installed so that
the operator can have a 360 view around the
Site Management to ensure that the soil/ ground
surface area is suitable for the compactor to
operate safely.

Should the roller get stuck in the soil, the roller

will be switched off and the activity will be
Ground conditions not Property Damage A 3 H stopped.
C 1 L
suitable for the
compactor The Construction Manager will notify the client of
the roller that is stuck and that arrangements
need to be made (in consultation with the AAP
Rigging Department and Engineering
Department) for the safe retrieval/ removal of the
SME/ Mobile Plant and Equipment operators to C 1 L
ensure that there are ample space for the
equipment to operate safely.

Congested work areas to be closely monitored

and all work conducted in congested work areas
will be supervised at all times.

Employees to be made aware of the hazards

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Working in Congested Property Damage A 4 EH pertaining to SME/ Mobile Plant and equipment
areas movement within the work area.

Spotters to be in place when SME's/ Mobile

Plant and Equipment works in areas where
employees walk or conduct other work.

All SME/ TMM and employee interface will be

controlled by an approved traffic management
plan for the work area.

Supervision to ensure to inspect work areas

before concrete will be casted. Proper walk
ways to be established, material to be stacked in
designated areas (barricaded areas) –
Casting Work Area not Slip, trip and falls – E 4 EH supervision to ensure that ample space is
32 C 1 L
Concrete inspected poor access to work available for the task to be completed safely.
areas – work
stoppages Employees involved in the task to ensure not to
place tools and equipment behind other team
members – this might cause tripping hazards.
Casting The static concrete pump is subject to an
Concrete with a inspection by AAP Officials before it may enter
static pump Static concrete pump Work stoppages/ A 4 EH site
C 1 L
not inspected upon financial impacts
site entry Pre-use inspections/ registers to be completed
by the pump operator before work commences
The work area where the static concrete pump C 1 L
are to be positioned to be clean and free from
debris - the ground to be level and compacted.

Work Area/ location for Work stoppages/ A 4 EH Supervision to ensure that the ground conditions
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concrete pump setup financial impacts/ are inspected before instructing the pump
incorrect Property Damage operator to set up the pump.

Ensure that ample space is available for the

concrete pump to be set up correctly
Supervision to ensure that the correct tools and
equipment are readily available for the team
members to use when setting up the concrete
Incorrect tools and Injuries/ Property A 3 H pump.
equipment used during Damage
the setup Supervision to ensure that the correct tools are C 1 L
used according to manufacturer specification.

All tools and equipment to be inspected prior to

commencement of the task - inspection registers
to be completed
The pump operator will assess the work area
and identify the correct area and position where
pipes are to be installed/ placed

Concrete pump pipes will be installed by the

concrete pump team.

Installation/ placing Injuries/ Property A 3 H The pipes to be laid out in sequence to ensure C 1 L
pipes in position Damage/ work that the correct amount of pipes are installed to
stoppages pump the concrete to the required location.

Employees to wear the correct PPE (gloves)

when inserting the rubber seal and when
connecting the pipes with the clamps -
employees to be aware of possible pinch points
The pump operator and supervisor will inspect C 1 L
the installation and ensure that all the fittings/
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clamps, rubber inserts and rubber hose has

been installed correctly.
Installation inspection Injuries/ Property A 3 H
(concrete pump and Damage/ work The concrete pumping may only commence
piping) not conducted stoppages once the operator and supervisor are satisfied
that the installation has been completed and that
all fittings have been installed.
Work area not Unauthorised entry/ A 3 H Supervision to ensure that the work area is
C 1 L
barricaded injuries barricaded - unauthorised entry prohibited.
Casting The static concrete pump is subject to an
concrete with an inspection by AAP Officials before it may enter
overhead Overhead concrete Work stoppages/ A 3 H site
C 1 L
concrete pump pump not inspected financial impacts
upon site entry Pre-use inspections/ registers to be completed
by the pump operator before work commences
The work area where the overhead concrete C 1 L
pump are to be positioned to be clean and free
from debris - the ground to be level and
compacted. No underground surfaces to be
present in the area where the overhead concrete
pump outriggers are to be placed.

Supervision to ensure that the ground conditions

are inspected before instructing the pump
operator to set up the pump.
Work Area/ location for Work stoppages/ A 4 EH
overhead concrete financial impacts/ Ensure that ample space is available for the
pump setup incorrect Property Damage concrete pump to be set up correctly – the boom
sections to have ample space to manoeuvre into
position as required to cast the concrete in the
correct location.

Overhead obstructions (power lines/ cable

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gantries/ walkways/ plant etc.) to be taken into

consideration when setting up the overhead
concrete pump.
A detailed lifting plan to be conducted for the
setup of the overhead concrete pump.

The lifting plan to be approved by the AAP

No lifting plan for the Property Damage/ A 4 EH section engineer/ engineering manager
overhead concrete Injuries
pump Supervision to ensure that the overhead C 2 M
concrete pump is setup according to the lifting

The reach of the overhead concrete pump boom

sections to be taken into account to ensure that
the concrete can be casted in the required area.
Site management to ensure that the concrete
pump operator has the required operator
C 1 L
Overhead concrete Property Damage/ A 4 EH
pump operator not Injuries Certification verification to be conducted before
competent work commences
The overhead concrete pump operator to C 2 M
conduct a thorough inspection and test of the
remote control/ controls of the pump.

Malfunction of the Property Damage/ A 5 EH A test run/ setup test to be conducted by the
remote control/ Injuries operator to ensure that the remote control/
controls of the controls are fully operational.
overhead concrete
pump Site management to be informed should any
deviation or defect are noticed by the operator

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The shutter hand/ concrete hand manoeuvring

the head pipe to be made aware of the following:
1. Communication/ notification to the concrete
pump operator to pump or to stop pumping
concrete – time delay
2. Movement of the head pipe whilst pumping
Employee moving Injuries A 4 EH concrete (up and down movement of the head
C 2 M
head pipe whilst pipe)
casting/ pumping 3. Excess concrete in the pipes/ boom sections
concrete – not aware of the concrete pump – delay in receiving
of operational concrete
requirements 4. Movement of the head pipe to a new location
whilst pumping concrete – concrete spatter or
overflow falling to lower levels
The concrete casting team working in elevated
positions/ working at heights to follow the
Casting concrete to Injuries/ fatalities A 5 EH requirements and mitigations for working in
elevated areas – elevated positions.
C 2 M
working at heights
controls not in place Please see section 6 of this document.
The traffic Management Plan to be
communicated to all employees involved in the C 2 M
All employees in the work area to be made
aware of the SME's that will be present and
moving in and out of the work area

Supervision to ensure that spotters are available

to give direction to SME's that will enter and
move out of the work area

Supervision to ensure that no employees are

Receiving Employee and SME Injuries/ Property A 5 EH conducting any work in the area where the pump
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concrete from interface damage is situated - concrete trucks (SME's) will move in
concrete trucks and out of the area during the casting of the

Employees and SME operators are not to rely

on the PDS/VDS system only - positive
acknowledgement are to be obtained from both
the employee and SME operator - employees
and SME operators are to be aware of their
surrounding and must pay attention when
entering and exiting work areas
Supervision to ensure that ample space is
available in the work area where the pump is
situated/ where the concrete truck needs to
Inadequate space Time delays/ work A 3 H discharge the concrete
available for the stoppages/ property
concrete truck to damage Concrete trucks entering the work area will be
deliver the concrete guided by spotters and will be conducted under C 1 L
strict supervision

Concrete truck operators to place wheel chocks

behind the wheels when the concrete truck is

The concrete pump operator to guide the truck

into the correct position so that the chute can be
positioned in the correct location for the concrete
to be discharged.
C 2 M
The chute to be handled by the concrete truck
operator or shutter hand/ concrete hand.

Employees handling the chute to be aware of

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sudden unforeseen movement of the chute and

for possible pinch points in between chute
sections, the chute and the concrete pump grill
and when repositioning the chute back to the
concrete truck
Discharging concrete Time delays/ work A 4 EH
from the concrete truck stoppages/ property Employees assisting with the concrete discharge
- extension shoot used damage/ Injuries to wear the required PPE
to discharge into the
concrete pump Employees assisting with the concrete discharge
to pay attention to the pump operator - clear
communication to be established between the
pump operator and the employee discharging
the concrete.

Employees and the pump operator may not

place their hands in the mixer or any other part
when the pump is switched on - an isolation and
lock out is required when the concrete pump
incurs any problems or break downs

The pump operator to inform site management

of any problem or break down immediately.

Pumping Clear/ positive communication to be established

Concrete between the pump operator, Concrete truck
Poor communication Injuries/ Property A 3 H operator, spotters and the concrete placing team
between parties Damage C 1 L
Site Management to ensure that proper
communication channels are established before
any work may commence
The correct concrete pump and pipe priming C 1 L
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method to be followed as per the instruction

from the concrete pump operator

Concrete pump and pipe installation to be

inspected during the priming to identify possible
leakages or for pipes that have not been
connected correctly
Concrete pump not Property Damage/ A 4 EH
primed correctly Work Stoppages/ Once the priming has been completed, the
Financial impact concrete pump operator will give the go-ahead
for the concrete trucks to move into position

The concrete pump operator to check the slump

of the concrete before commencing with the
pumping activity - incorrect slump might lead to
The rubber hose/ pipe will be handled by
competent persons only - concrete/ shutter
hands or the concrete pump assistants

Employees to take the movement of the rubber

hose/ pipe into consideration - employees to not
place themselves in the line of fire (employees
to not place themselves in between the hose/
pipe and concrete columns)

Employees to be aware of their surroundings -

employees to take the steel mesh, concrete
plinths and shutters into consideration as these
Rubber hose/ pipe not Injuries A 4 EH items can cause slip, trip and fall incidents C 2 M
handled correctly
Site Management to take ergonomic factors into
consideration when selecting team members for
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the placement or movement of the concrete (Job

Man Spec)

Other ergonomic factors to consider is the body

positioning of employees placing the concrete,
pulling and pushing motion to get the concrete
into the correct location and the movement of
the employees when walking in the placed
Site management to ensure that all concrete
spills have been cleaned and redundant/ waste
C 1 L
Concrete spills made - Environmental A 2 H concrete has been placed in the designated
spills not cleaned impact waste bins/ locations
The pressure inside the pipes to be release by
means of retracting the concrete from the
system - the pump to be placed in reverse

Pressure inside the Injuries A 4 EH Instructions from the pump operator will be given C 1 L
pipes not released to the pump assistants/ concrete/ shutter hands
when the pressure has been released and for
Cleaning of
the said employees to disconnect the pipes
concrete pump
Concrete residue to be removed from all
and attachments
components before it will be rinsed/ washed - a
dedicated washing area to be allocated

Concrete waste may not be left in the work area.

Cleaning components Injuries/ Property A 3 H
C 1 L
- incorrect method Damage/ Concrete waste may not be placed in general
followed Environmental waste skips or any other waste skip that is not
Impacts designated for hazardous waste

Concrete waste may not be dumped in or near

water ways (trenches)
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Casting All hand tools used for concrete casting/

concrete by placement to be inspected by the user before
hand work commences.
Tools and Equipment Injuries A 2 H C 1 L
not inspected Defective hand tools to be removed from site –
defective hand tools to be tagged “DO NOT
USE” and must be placed in quarantine.
Employees moving the concrete truck chute by
hand to ensure to take the pivot movement of
the chute into consideration – possible pinch
C 1 L
Moving concrete truck Injuries A 4 EH
chute by hand Team members to ensure that they are aware of
the movement of the chute – contact made by
the chute might lead to injuries to employees.
The traffic Management Plan to be
communicated to all employees involved in the

All employees in the work area to be made

aware of the SME's that will be present and
moving in and out of the work area

Supervision to ensure that spotters are available

to give direction to SME's that will enter and
move out of the work area
Concrete truck and Injuries/ Fatalities A 4 EH C 2 M
employee interface Supervision to ensure that employees are
controlled and supervised at all times – special
attention to be given where the concrete truck
will constantly move into required positions to
dump concrete.

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Employees and SME operators are not to rely

on the PDS/VDS system only - positive
acknowledgement are to be obtained from both
the employee and SME operator - employees
and SME operators are to be aware of their
surrounding and must pay attention when
entering and exiting work areas
Placing/ moving All hand tools used for concrete casting/
casted concrete placement to be inspected by the user before
by hand work commences.
Tools and Equipment Injuries A 2 H C 1 L
not inspected Defective hand tools to be removed from site –
defective hand tools to be tagged “DO NOT
USE” and must be placed in quarantine.
Employees to ensure that they are aware of their
Walking on/ in casted
concrete – uneven Slip, trip and fall A 3 H Employees to walk slowly, taking smaller steps C 1 L
surfaces – not able to injuries to ensure that their footing is correct and to
see rebar or mesh avoid possible strains to their legs and feet.
(Assist to maintain good balance)
Supervision to ensure that enough employees
are available to complete the task safely.

Supervision to ensure that employees are

spaced correctly – not allowing employees to
over reach to get the concrete into the correct
area/ location.
Overexertion – body Injuries A 3 H C 1 L
position or posture Employees to ensure that they maintain a good
body position/ posture when pulling or pushing
Ergonomic concrete to or from them – poor body positions
considerations can lead to injuries (musculoskeletal)
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Employees to maintain good communication

between them at all times.
Use of petrol Drive units will be inspected by a competent
driven drive unit person before work commences.
and poker to
agitate concrete Drive unit pre-use inspection registers will be
completed when equipment is used.

Drive unit not Injuries/ property A 3 H Deviations noted to be reported to the

C 1 L
inspected damage supervisor immediately.

Defective drive units to be removed from the

work area and will be placed in quarantine.

“DO NOT USE” tag to be fitted to defective drive

Safety guard not in Supervision to ensure that the safety guard is
place – pull start Injuries A 4 EH fitted correctly over the pull start sprocket and C 1 L
sprocket exposed that the pull start rope is intact
Employees fitting the poker to the drive unit to
take care to not place their hands/ fingers in
Poker not attached Injuries A 3 H between the drive unit inlet and the poker
correctly attachment head. C 1 L

Employees to ensure that the poker is fitted

correctly before starting the drive unit.
Employees refuelling the drive unit to ensure C 1 L
that the drive unit is placed in a drip tray/ pan
before attempting to refuel the drive unit.
Petrol spills Environmental A 4 EH
impacts/ fires Employees refuelling the drive unit to ensure

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that the lid is placed back onto the inlet and that
the lid is secured/ fastened.
Floating Power Float equipment will be inspected by AAP
concrete with a officials before it will enter site.
power float
Power float equipment will be inspected by the
user before work commences.

The inspection register will be completed before

work commences.

Equipment not Injuries/ Property A 3 H Employees making use of the power float/ C 1 L
inspected Damage operating the power float to ensure that a
thorough inspection is conducted to ensure that
the blades are fastened correctly and that the
guardrail is in place and in a good condition.

Defects to the equipment will be reported to the

supervisor – equipment to be removed from site,
marked “DO NOT USE” and will be placed in
All employees operating/ using the power floats
will have the required training – proof of
Incompetent Injuries A 4 EH competence to be readily available.
C 1 L
employees operating
the Power Float Authorisation to use the equipment will be
obtained from AAP officials
Supervision to inspect the work area where C 1 L
floating is required, the following to be taken into
1. Is there enough space to perform the task
2. Is there any lose items that can be caught by
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Work area not Property damage/ A 4 EH the blades of the power float.
inspected where Injuries 3. How many employees will be allowed in the
floating is required work area.
4. Ergonomics to be considered (job man spec)
– choosing the correct employee to perform the
5. Is the barricading in place where power
floating will be conducted close to open edges.
Employees operating/ using the power float to
ensure that the power float is switched off when
conducting the pre-use inspection.

The power float will be operated according to the

manufacturers specification and according to the
training that was rendered.

Incorrect operation of Injuries A 4 EH Power floating operations will be conducted C 1 L

the power float under strict supervision.

The power float to be switched off when not in

use – idling power floats can accidentally be
engaged, rendering the power float out of

33 Steel Erection Supervision to ensure that the Method statement C 1 L

– Pre has been approved and communicated to the
Assembling Incorrect method Injuries/ Property A 3 H team that will be performing the activity.
Steel Sections followed Damage
Supervision to ensure that competent/
experienced employees perform the task.
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All steel sections will be placed on solid/ firm

levelled areas. Dunnages will be used to stack
material on.

Care to be taken when placing steel sections in

work areas - correct dunnages to be utilised to
avoid steel slipping/ moving.
Incorrect placement of Injuries/ Property A 4 EH C 1 L
steel sections Damage Site Management to ensure that a dedicated lay-
down area has been allocated for stacking and
storage of steel sections/ members.
Steel sections/ members will be stacked size by
size/ type by type and ample space will be left in
between stacks to ensure that employees can
move safely through the lay-down area.
Supervision to ensure that the correct tools and
equipment are readily available for the team
members to use.

Supervision to ensure that the correct tools are

used according to manufacturer specification.
C 1 L
Incorrect tools and Injuries/ Property A 3 H
equipment used Damage Supervision to ensure that all tools and
equipment used for pre assembling of steel
sections are inspected before use on a daily
basis and that the relevant inspections register/s
are completed.
Management, Supervision and QC Inspector to
ensure that the correct size and grade bolts are
used as per design or engineering
Incorrect grade and Injuries/ Property A 4 EH recommendation. C 2 M
size bolts used Damage/ work
stoppages Bolts, nuts and washers to be stored in a store
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room when not in use and in separate

containers/ bags when in use on site
Supervision to ensure that drifts/ spikes are
used to align holes - employees may not place
or use their fingers to align holes.
C 1 L
Drifts/ Spikes not used Injuries A 3 H Drifts/ spikes to be inspected to ensure that it
for alignment does not have any burrs. In the case where the
drift/ spike has burrs – the burrs to be grinded off
and re-inspected before use.
Employees to be aware of pinch points -
between sections of steel and steel section on
top of dunnages.

Employees to be aware of steel movement and

Pinch points/ Injuries A 4 EH stored energy when pre assembling steel
C 2 M
equipment movement sections.

Good communication to be established between

all parties involved in the pre-assembling
activity. Clear instructions to be given from
supervision to employees.
Supervision to ensure that the correct sections
are place together and that the correct sections
are assembled.
Poor connection points Injuries/ property A 4 EH
damage Supervision to ensure that all connections have
been completed and signed off (QC Inspected) C 1 L
before the section can be move/ lifted.

Supervision to ensure that all connections are

made in accordance with the specification/s and
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Bolting All bolts and nuts must be kept in containers or

closable bolt bags when conducting bolting
activities in elevated positions.

All tools must be tethered (Lanyard) - the

lanyard to be of a suitable material – Fit for
purpose lanyards to be utilised. Lanyards to be
Falling objects Injuries/ Property A 5 EH inspected on a daily basis before work C 2 M
damage commences.

The area below will be barricaded and

unauthorised entry is prohibited – drop zone/
exclusion zone will be in place for areas where
bolting activities are performed in elevated
Ensure to use the correct size spanner for the C 1 L

Ensure that the spanner is correctly inserted

before loosening or tightening bolts.

The relevant P.P.E will be worn for the task, at

all times.
Spanner/ equipment Injuries A 3 H
slips/ movement Please remember to take STORED ENERGY
into consideration when using hand tools (e.g.
when loosening bolts, the sudden movement of
the nut when applying excessive pressure etc.)

Please remember to take additional/

uncontrolled movement of steel members,
fittings, flanges, purloins etc. into consideration
when loosening/ removing bolts/ pins with hand
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All tools and equipment will be inspected on a
daily basis before work commences.

Defective equipment Injuries A 3 H All deviations on tools and equipment must be

C 1 L
reported to the relevant supervisor.

All defective tools and equipment must be

removed from service.
Only spikes/ drifters will be used when aligning

No employee will insert their finger to align

Alignment of Holes Injuries A 3 H holes. C 1 L
Spikes will be fitted with lanyards.

A certified bolt/ tool bag will be strapped below

the area where the drifter will be inserted.

34 Lifting and Ensure that the lifting area, including the slew C 2 M
Rigging radius of the lifting machine, is under
Activities supervision at all times. No person allowed
underneath a suspended load.

Ensure that only a competent rigger is

overseeing all lifting activities, the rigger must
Poor lifting practices Property damage/ A 5 EH maintain eye contact with the lifting machine
lifting machine operator and the load at all times.
toppling over/ injuries
Ensure that two tag ropes/ lines are attached to
the load at all times during the lifting process.
Employees may not move the load with their
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Only riggers and rigger assistants will attach

lifting equipment to the hook of the lifting
machine and the load.

All lifting/ rigging equipment will be inspected by

a competent person; the gear will be logged
onto an inspection register and will be tagged/
colour coded according to AAP Mortimer
Smelter requirements.

All lifting equipment will be re-inspected by a

competent person, on a daily basis, before work
Ensure that the correct lifting equipment/ gear
are selected for the task - ensure that the correct
size shackles are selected to fit in the lifting
points/ lugs.

Defective lifting and rigging equipment will be

removed from the work area. The defective
lifting and rigging equipment will be taken to the
rigging store where it will be red tagged
(quarantined) - inspection registers will be
removed from the file and will be placed in the
quarantined equipment file.

Appropriate/ fit for purpose softeners/ edge

protectors to be installed for all sharp/ jagged
edges where rigging gear might have a chance
to come into contact with.

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A detailed lifting plan/ rigging study will be

conducted for all lifts. All lifting plans/ rigging
studies to be approved by AAP Engineering
Lifting machine operators to have the required
training/ proof of competence for the lifting
machine used. AAP to authorise operators
before any lift may commence.

MIE verification to be conducted for lifting

machine operator certification/ qualifications.
D 2 L
Incompetent Injuries/ Fatalities/ B 5 EH
operator/s Property Damage/ Lifting machine operator to have the required
Financial Impact License and carry cards on person at all times.

Lifting machine operators will be medically fit to

Lifting machines to be inspected and approved C 2 M
before it can enter site.

All deviations found to be reported to the Lifting

machine Hiring company and rigging department
– deviations/ defects to be repaired immediately.

Crane/ lifting machine documents (Load test

certificates, calibration certificates, rope
inspection, hook block inspection, 6 monthly
Lifting Machine not Injuries/ Fatalities/ B 5 EH inspection and rigging gear inspections) to be
inspected Property Damage/ readily available in the lifting machine/ crane cab
Financial Impact at all times.

When the crane is not in operation and the lifting

machine/ crane operator is not in attendance;
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the crane main and operating cabin (when

applicable) will be locked and the keys will be
stored in a designated lock box or will be kept by
the operator (on person)
All lifting activities will be in line with the Anglo
American Lifting Operations Guideline AA TS
103 002.

Lifting plans/ rigging studies will be approved by

AAP Mortimer Smelter Engineering Department/
Lifting plan/ rigging Time Loss/ Work B 4 H SIB Master Rigger before crane setup can D 2 L
study not available Stoppages/ Financial commence.
Lifting plans/ rigging studies to be
communicated to all parties involved in the task
(employees, rigger/s, crane operator, HSE
officer and Site Management)
Ensure that the loading chart is taken into C 2 M
consideration and the tonnage of the load being
lifted is known and the correct size lifting
machine is being used for the task.

Ensure that the footing of the crane is secure

and that the correct dunnage is used for the
outriggers of the crane. (crane pads or sleepers
fitted with nylon straps).

Incorrect lifting Property damage/ B 5 EH Ensure that the outriggers are not placed/on top
machine setup crane truck toppling of underground trenches covered with concrete
over/ injuries slabs, concrete plinths or any material that
cannot withstand the pressure - steel plates to
be utilised when the crane needs to be set up
over or on top of a trench/ concrete lids
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004-08 -
Rev 0
BACKFILLING Date 23-11-2023

Cranes will be set up according to a detailed

approved rigging study.

The crane operator must be informed about the

rigging plan/ study. The operator to sign
acknowledgement of the lift on the lifting plan/
rigging study.

Ensure that the crane is set up in the correct

position - the crane to have ample space to slew
without making contact with other equipment
and or structures.

Hot Work
35 Activities -

35 Reptiles, Informing/ training & awareness of employees C 1 L

arachnids and prior to any lifting/ stacking/ storing activities
insects where you need to put your hands in underneath
(snakes, pallets/ tarpaulins/ crates/ panels etc.
scorpions &
bees) Wear gloves at all times when handling
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004-08 -
Rev 0
BACKFILLING Date 23-11-2023

Please remember that no fauna or flora may be

harmed on site.

Please ensure the following when encountering/

Accidental contact/ Injuries A 2 H noticing a snake:
encounters with a 1. Do not try to catch the snake - Please contact
snake the HSE Department/ AAP Control Room/ AAP
Environmental Department who will notify the
trained snake catcher.
2. Do not try to cover the snake or move it out of
the way; this might aggravate the snake.
3. Ensure that you keep an eye on the snake,
but keep a safe distance until the snake catcher
4. Keep other employees away from the area -
notify other employees that there is a snake in
the area.
Do not try to remove the bee/s or wasps in the C 1 L
work area.

Accidental contact/ Injuries A 2 H Please contact the HSE Department/ AAP

encounters with bees/ Environmental Department; the mentioned
wasps etc. Department will contact the bee catcher to
remove the bees.
DO NOT USE Doom or other insect killers to
disperse or kill bees.

Should a swarm of bees be present in a specific

work area; Barricade the area and place
adequate notices/ signs.

Employee to notify their management if they are

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004-08 -
Rev 0
BACKFILLING Date 23-11-2023

allergic to bee stings – the information will be

relayed to the Emergency Response Team in
case of an emergency.
Do not attempt to move the spiders/ scorpions/

Spiders/ scorpions tend to move out of the way

C 1 L
Accidental contact/ Injuries A 2 H of danger by themselves. If nests are present in
encounters with the work area; please contact the HSE
spiders/ scorpions and Department/ AAP Environmental Department for
other insects assistance.

Names of workers with whom the above risks have been discussed and to whom specific tasks have been assigned:
Name Signature Date

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004-08 -
Rev 0
BACKFILLING Date 23-11-2023

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