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Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (Choose the correct answer) (1X10 = 10 Marks)

1. What does Grandma Kamlong do to make the broth taste better?

- A) Adds vegetables
- B) Adds salt
- C) Adds sugar
- D) Adds spices

2. Why does Grandma Kamlong say their village was rich in the past?
- A) They had gold
- B) They had a salt-spring
- C) They had fertile soil
- D) They had a large population

4. What did the villagers use to carry salt to the plains each winter?
- A) Pots
- B) Bamboo tubes
- C) Wooden boxes
- D) Metal containers

5. How did Thenyak and Changun find the furrow where the salt-spring flowed?
- A) By asking the villagers
- B) By following animal tracks
- C) By observing the plants and creepers
- D) By using a map

6. What obstacle did Thenyak and Changun encounter in the forest?

- A) A large river
- B) A steep cliff
- C) A large python
- D) A group of wild elephants

7. What did Thenyak taste to confirm it was salt?

- A) A crystal from the cave
- B) Water from the river
- C) A piece of rock
- D) Soil from the ground


8. What can you build with blocks according to the poem?
- A) Roads and bridges
- B) Castles and palaces
- C) Schools and hospitals
- D) Parks and gardens

9. What does the poet use the sofa to represent?

- A) A carpet
- B) A mountain
- C) A city
- D) A river

10. What does the poet use the carpet to represent?

- A) A mountain
- B) A sea
- C) A forest
- D) A desert

Section B: Value-Based Long Questions (3 Questions)**

11. Discuss how the discovery of the salt-spring impacts the village and the lives of Thenyak
and Changun?

12. Analyze the character of Thenyak and Changun. What qualities do they show throughout
their journey, and how do these qualities contribute to their success?

13. How does the poet use ordinary objects to create an imaginary city? What does this suggest
about the power of imagination?

14. How does the poet express a sense of happiness and fulfillment despite the rainy weather?

Section C: Short Questions (7 Questions)

15. Why did the village become poor according to Grandma Kamlong?

16. What do Thenyak and Changun discover in the cave?

17. How do the villagers react to the children's discovery?

18. What does the term "self-sufficient village" mean as used in the story?

19. How does the poet feel about staying indoors during the rain?


20. Why does the poet establish a city for himself?

21. What is the significance of the harbor in the poet's imaginary city?


## Part A: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1. Identify the type of sentences.

a. How old are you? ……………………………
b. I have two dogs. ……………………………
c. Please sit down. ……………………………
d. What a beautiful view! ……………………………

2. Identify the correct sentence:

a. She go to school every day.
b. She goes to school every day.
c. She going to school every day.
d. She gone to school every day.

4. What type of noun is "bravery"?

a. Proper noun.
b. Common noun.
c. Collective noun.
d. Abstract noun.

Part B: Correct the Jumbled Sentences

1. is / tallest / he / the / class / in / the / student


2. dog / the / brown / is / a / puppy


3. playing / the / children / in / are / park / the


4. went / the / for / we / a / beach / walk / to



Answer Key

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

1. B) Adds salt
2. B) They had a salt-spring
4. B) Bamboo tubes
5. C) By observing the plants and creepers
6. D) A group of wild elephants
7. A) A crystal from the cave
8. B) Castles and palaces
9. B) A mountain
10. B) A sea

Section B: Value-Based Long Questions

11. Salt is shown as a valuable resource in the story, necessary for the taste of food and for the
prosperity of the village. The discovery of the salt-spring revives the hope of the villagers and
promises economic improvement, thus significantly impacting their lives.

12. Grandma uses her traditional knowledge about salt-making and the old salt-spring to guide
the children. This knowledge not only helps solve immediate problems but also connects the
children to their heritage and teaches them about their cultural history.

13. The poet uses everyday objects like a sofa and carpet to create an entire city, demonstrating
the vast potential of imagination. This suggests that with creativity, one can transform mundane
surroundings into exciting adventures and places of wonder, highlighting the boundless nature
of a child's imagination.

14. Despite the rainy weather, the poet finds joy and fulfillment in building and imagining at
home. This conveys a message that happiness can be found within oneself and one's
immediate surroundings, regardless of external conditions, promoting a sense of contentment
and self-sufficiency.

Section C: Short Questions

15. The village became poor when their salt-spring dried up, which forced them to buy salt from
other places.

16. Thenyak and Changun discover a natural salt mine inside the cave.


17. The villagers were happy and celebrated the discovery of the salt-spring, seeing it as a
promise of prosperity.

18. A self-sufficient village is one that can meet its own needs without external assistance. In the
story, this term highlights the village's past ability to produce its own salt.

19. The poet is content and happy building at home while it rains outside.

20. The poet establishes a city for himself to create a space of joy and imagination where he
can play and be happy.

21. The harbor serves as a place for the poet's toy vessels, adding to the realism and
completeness of his imaginary city.

Aradhya Agarwal


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