Pokemon (Old) White Beta 1.2 (18 January 2023 HRM Fix) Walkthrough

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Pokemon (Old) White Beta 1.

2 [18 January 2023 Hacksrepaiman Fix]


Hack of: FireRed

Type: Gameboy Advance
Language: English
Creator: Foullump
Source: https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=142585
Hacksrepairman's site: https://hacksrepairman.blogspot.com/

**NOTE: to search for a specific place, route or Mythical/Legendary Pokemon press

CTRL and F then type in the short code that's in the brackets e.g. CTRL F westa for
West Academy.



[westa] West Academy

[rt70] Route 70
[rtrp] Ragged Path
[rt71] Route 71
[rtsw] Seaside Woods
[rt72] Route 72
[seav] Seaside Village
[rtsc] Seaside Cavern
[rt73] Route 73
[rt74] Route 74
[solc] Sol City
- Rocket Warehouse
[rtls] Lake Sol
[rt75] Route 75
[rtms] Mt. Sol
[003] Steel City
[g1] Steel City Gym
- Steel City Sewers
- Birmin Studios
- Poke Park
[rtui] Unknown Island


[rtwi] Whirl Islands

[olivc] Olivine City
[g2] Olivine City Gym
[rt38-39] Route 38-39
[ecruc] Ecruteak City
- Ecruteak Dance Theatre
[g3] Ecruteak City Gym
[burnt] Burned Tower
[brass] Tin Tower
[rt37] Route 37
[rt36] Route 36
[rt35] Route 35
[rtnp] National Park
[goldc] Goldenrod City
- Goldenrod City Dept. Store
- Goldenrod City Underground
- Goldenrod City Game Corner
[g4] Goldenrod City Gym
[rt40] Route 40
[cianc] Cianwood City
[g5] Cianwood City Gym
[rt34] Route 34
[rtif] Ilex Forest
[azalt] Azalea Town
[g6] Azalea Town Gym
[sloww] Slowpoke Well
[rt33] Route 33
[rtuc] Union Cave
[rt32] Route 32
[rtra] Ruins of Alph
[violc] Violet City
[sprt] Sprout Tower
[g7] Violet City Gym
[rt31] Route 31
[rtdc] Dark Cave
[rtdc2] Dark Cave -Northeastern Area-
[rt30] Route 30
[cherrc] Cherrygrove City
[rt29] Route 29
[newbt] New Bark Town
[rt42] Route 42
[rtmm] Mt. Mortar
[mahot] Mahogany Town
[g8] Mahogany Town Gym
[rt43] Route 43
[rtlr] Lake of Rage
[rt44] Route 44
[rtip] Ice Path
[blktc] Blackthorn City
[g9] Blackthorn City Gym
[rt45] Route 45
[rt46] Route 46


[rustc] Rustboro City

[g10] Rustboro City Gym
[lilyc] Lilycove City
- Lilycove Department Store


[saffc] Saffron City

[g11] Saffron City Gym
[rt05] Route 5
[ceruc] Cerulean City
[g12] Cerulean City Gym
[rt24] Route 24
[rt25] Route 25
[rt09] Route 9
[rt10] Route 10
[powp] Power Plant
[rtrt] Rock Tunnel
[lavent] Lavender Town
[rt08] Route 8
[rt07] Route 7
[celac] Celadon City
- Celadon Department Store
- Rocket Game Corner
[g13] Celadon City Gym
[rt06] Route 6
[vermc] Vermilion City
[g14] Vermilion City Gym
[rt11] Route 11
[rtdg] Diglett's Cave
[rt02] Route 2
[pewc] Pewter City
[g15] Pewter City Gym
[rt03] Route 3
[rtmo] Mt. Moon
[rt04] Route 4
[rt12] Route 12
[rt13] Route 13
[rt14] Route 14
[rt15] Route 15
[fushc] Fuchsia City
[g16] Fuchsia City Gym
- New Rocket Hideout
[rtsf] Safari Zone
[rt18] Route 18
[rt17] Route 17 (Cycling Road)
[rt16] Route 16
[rt19] Route 19
[rt20] Route 20
[rtsi] Seafoam Islands
[g17] Cinnabar Island Gym
[021] Viridian City
[g18] Viridian City Gym
[traih] Trainer House
[rt01] Route 1
[paleto] Pallet Town
[rt21] Route 21
[cinni] Cinnabar Island
[rt22] Route 22
[rt26] Route 26
[rt26c] Route 26 Cave
[rt27] Route 27
[rttj] Tohjo Falls
[rtvr] Victory Road
[rt23] Route 23
[rtip] Indigo Plateau


[aquat] Team Aqua Hideout

[souti] Southern Island
[ar150] Area KA-150
[mtsi] Mt. Silver


[lugo] Lugia
[suie] Suicune
[celei] Celebi
[jirai] Jirachi
[raio] Raikou
[entie] Entei
[artio] Articuno
[zapo] Zapdos
[molts] Moltres
[mew1] Mew
[hoho] Ho-Oh
[grodu] Groudon
[kyor] Kyogre
[lata] Latias
[lato] Latios
[mew2] Mewtwo


Azurill -> (Level Up with High Friendship)

Porygon -> Porygon2 (at Lv42)
Golbat -> Crobat (at Lv50)
Kadabra -> Alakazam (at Lv42)
Graveler -> Golem (at Lv42)
Onix -> Steelix (at Lv42)
Togepi -> Togetic (Level Up with High Friendship)
Pichu -> Pikachu (Level Up with High Friendship)
Haunter -> Gengar (at Lv42)
Poliwhirl -> Politoed (at Lv46)
Scyther -> Scizor (at Lv42)
Slowpoke -> Slowking (Trade with Water Stone)
Feebas -> Milotic (Level Up with High Friendship)
Clefa -> Clefairy (Level Up with High Friendship)
Igglybuff -> Jigglypuff (Level Up with High Friendship)

[xzx] Final Section & Other Ramblings


Hello hello, how are you? My name is Allen and this is my walkthrough of Pokemon
(Old) White Beta 1.2, specifically the most recent fix update that was made by
Hacksrepairman. I wasn't aware of it until a few months later when I visited his
site to see if he had put anything out, because it had been a while since I last
worked on a walkthrough that covered one of his releases. This one is mainly a bug
fixes update but with a few extras thrown in so as far as the walkthrough goes it
will be a polish up of the 2019 guide which I did. If you are new to (Old) White,
welcome, but if you've played it before then welcome back :) let's dive right in,
shall we?

It is in the opening credits that Foullump says that the reason the original
version didn't carry on beyond Beta 1.2 is because he didn't like it and he started
another one, which he doesn't name. After those credits we meet Prof. Oak for the
standard professor intro. We also get to name our friendly Rival, I'll be calling
him Gary to keep things simple but feel free to name him anything.

You'll wake up in your dormroom, which is in a place called West Academy according
to the Town Map. Boot up the computer to find a Potion in Storage. Exit the
dormroom and head for the stairs at the end of the hallway, all the other rooms are
locked. Good news though: it's Graduation Day! On the bottom floor you'll meet your
roommate Gary, he's annoyed with you because apparently you locked him out last
night haha. Won't happen again, promise. He says you should follow him to find
Professor Pine so you can take the graduation test. Leave the building.

Places of Interest
- Dormitory
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Prof. Pine's Lab
- Prof. Oak's Quarters
- Field Building
- Colosseum
- West Academy Library
- Gym

Head to the left and meet Prof. Spruce, she tells you that Gary went to the
northwest part of the campus, that's where Prof. Pine is. Spruce also says that she
will test you at the Field Building when the time comes. After she leaves you'll
talk to Jack, since he got all the answers to one of the tests he helps you out by
showing you the Pokemon Center. There's nobody inside except for the "Profile"
woman. Let's look around before going northwest:

South from the PokeCenter is the beach, you'll find a Rare Candy on the west side.
Go all the way east then north, after climbing the first set of steps turn right
and go into the area between the trees to pick up a Potion. A little further to the
right is the Mart. Above the second set of steps check behind the trees on the
right for a Revive. On the left from there is a pair of locked buildings and Prof.
Oak's Quarters, he's there but is too busy for you to talk to yet. North of the
Quarters is the Field Building, if you go through it you'll reach a grassy area
where a pair of Beauties will tell you that the person in charge here, Clare/Prof.
Spruce, doesn't want anyone there. Head for the Mart, this is what's available:

Potion P300
Full Heal P600
Repel P350
Escape Rope P550
Revive P1500

At the top of the hill right next to the Mart is the Colosseum but no entry yet.
South from the Mart is the West Academy Library but no entry until you have Prof.
Pine's signature. North from the Mart is the Gym, here you'll find the Gym
Instructor Prof. Ceader and he won't see you until you've been to Prof. Spruce's.
Further east is blocked off to students so now let's head over to Prof. Pine's

When you reach the lab Gary is stepping out of it and going to the Library. Inside
the lab chat with Prof. Pine and choose your Starter from a selection of the Kanto,
Johto and Hoenn Pokemon:

BULBASAUR - The Seed Pokemon

Level: 5
Type: Grass/Poison
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Tackle, Growl, ---, ---
Item Held: Oran Berry

CHARMANDER - The Lizard Pokemon

Level: 5
Type: Fire
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Scratch, Growl, ---, ---
Item Held: Oran Berry

SQUIRTLE - The Tiny Turtle Pokemon

Level: 5
Type: Water
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, ---, ---
Item Held: Oran Berry

CHIKORITA - The Leaf Pokemon

Level: 5
Type: Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll
Moves: Tackle, Ingrain, ---, ---
Item Held: Oran Berry

CYNDAQUIL - The Fire Mouse Pokemon

Level: 5
Type: Fire
Ability: Flash Fire
Moves: Tackle, Ignite, ---, ---
Item Held: Oran Berry

TOTODILE - The Big Jaw Pokemon

Level: 5
Type: Water
Ability: Rough Skin
Moves: Scratch, Aqua Ring, Tail Whip, ---
Item Held: Oran Berry

TREECKO - The Wood Gecko Pokemon

Level: 5
Type: Grass
Ability: Overgrow
Moves: Pound, Bullet Seed, ---, ---
Item Held: Oran Berry

TORCHIC - The Chick Pokemon

Level: 5
Type: Fire
Ability: Blaze
Moves: Scratch, Growl, ---, ---
Item Held: Oran Berry

MUDKIP - The Mud Fish Pokemon

Level: 5
Type: Water
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Tackle, Growl, ---, ---
Item Held: Oran Berry

Just so you know, in this game Tackle is 35/95 and not 40 or even 50/100 BUT Tail
Whip is 40/100 AND hits both opponent targets in Double Battles :) After you've
chosen, Prof. Pine will sign your exam card and says that the next person you
should see is Prof. Fur at the Library. Exit the lab and get ready because there
are other Graduates roaming around the campus now and they are eager to test out
their Starters. First one you'll find is Bill near the Pokemon Center.
Graduate Bill
- Lv5 Charmander [Fire]
Prize: P20

Outside the Field Building is Shane.

Graduate Shane
- Lv5 Squirtle [Water]
Prize: P20

Just to the east from the locked buildings is Casey.

Graduate Casey
- Lv5 Torchic [Fire]
Prize: P20

Max is along the way to the Mart, he's not yet graduating.

Beginner Max
- Lv5 Treecko [Grass]
Prize: P400

The man outside the Library sees that you've got Pine's signature and lets you




Nothing of note here, continue on upstairs.


The guy in green on the east side of the room is the Seismic Toss Tutor, he only
teaches the move once though. Head for the stairs in the northeast corner.


Go all the way to the east side of the room and inspect the bookshelf that is
second from right, you'll shelve some books that are sticking out and reveal a door
that leads to Prof. Fur's room. He'll give you a lecture about Pokemon types and
battles. If you say No to his questions he'll just explain what Types and battles
are. After that he gives you the Teachy TV and signs your exam card. Exit the
Library and go back to the Field Building's grassy area.

**NOTE: I don't have any Pokemon (Old) White documents e.g. Pokemon Location guide,
Items & TM Location guide etc because I didn't find any that are offered together
with the game, so my Pokemon Found lists are only going to show Pokemon that I am
lucky enough to encounter. For any Pokemon which I've left out please contact me so
that I include them. Either leave a comment on my blog site
(mrtkallen.blogspot.com), email me (allenchngnzh22@gmail.com) or message me on the
Pokemon Community forums site (Allen Ceedos) or on Reddit (Allen_Cee07).

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 4||)

Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Taillow [Normal/Flying]

Follow the path all the way to the top left side where you'll see Prof. Spruce.
She'll teach you about wild Pokemon and then gives you 5 Poke Balls. We haven't
received the PokeDex yet so don't go catching anything. When you're done battling
the Pokemon here follow after Spruce to the northeast side where she'll teach you
about Berry Trees. Pick Berries from all the trees then speak to Spruce and get the
exam card signed. Leave this area and prepare to tackle the Gym. You can buy Poke
Balls from the Mart now too.



Leading Professor: Prof. Ceader

He sees your signed card and will then explain what Gyms are. After that he tells
you to solve the Gym puzzle and he'll meet you when you're done. Step on the
spinner tile pointing up and get sent right next to Collin.

Graduate Collin
- Lv5 Bulbasaur [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P20

Step on the spinner tile that is pointing to the right directly next to you, this
will take you to the free tile southwest from Collin. Move down and step on the
spinner tile pointing to the right and reach Ceader for the first Gym Battle (?) of
the game.


Pokemon Prof. Ceader

- Lv10 Ditto [Normal] {Limber}
Prize: P1000


DITTO: Transform

No fancy Badge given out but you do get Ceader's signature and he tells you that
the graduation ceremony is about to begin. Exit the Gym and heal up if you need to
because you're going to be stopped by Gary after passing the Mart. It's almost time
for the graduation ceremony but now that you've both defeated Prof. Ceader he wants
to battle you. Doesn't matter if you say No, he wants to fight! The first Rival
Battle, here we go.


Old Friend Gary

- Lv12 Eevee [Normal] {Run Away}
Prize: P432


Eevee Moves: Sand-Attack, Tail Whip, Tackle, ---

Doesn't go well for Gary but he accepts the loss and leaves for the Colosseum,
follow him and get to the port for the ceremony. Not only is Prof. Oak present to
preside over the ceremony but Prof. Elm is here too to announce that the graduating
students are now officially Trainers. Oak thanks everyone and wishes them good luck
as they leave West Academy, then he says you and Gary should see him because he has
a special mission for both of you - to fill up the PokeDex :) yup, that old special
mission. Oak gives you the Beginning Trainer package, which contains the essential
basics. At first Oak wants you to travel to Kanto (reached by going east to Denta
Port and departing from there) but because Elm needs his help in Johto you are to
head over there instead, New Bark Town specifically. You'll be collecting Gym
Badges as usual, starting with the 2 Gyms that are in the Denta region. Wow, just
2? But that's on top of the Gyms in the 3 other regions that you'll be travelling
through so there's a lot of work be done, damn. After the professors and Gary leave
you can return to the Field Building garden and catch some Pokemon or just head
east to Route 70.

[rt70a] ROUTE 70


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 10||)

Sentret [Normal]
Taillow [Normal/Flying]
Rattata [Normal]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Lotad [Water/Grass]
Zigzagoon [Normal]

It's a straightforward path going all the way north to section B.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 10||)

Jigglypuff [Normal] (no Fairy-type in this game sadly)
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Aron [Steel/Rock]
Rattata [Normal]
Abra [Psychic]

The path heads east, you'll find a Max Revive before reaching a Gate occupied by a
guard who heals your Pokemon. Beyond that is a cave entrance which leads to Ragged



-PART 1-

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 10||)

Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Aron [Steel/Rock]
Jigglypuff [Normal]
Abra [Psychic]

Head to right then up to go through an opening on the left, in the next area go all
the way to the northeast corner to pick up a Nugget then return to the first are
via the other entrance and continue to the exit.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 9||)

Sentret [Normal]
Caterpie [Bug]
Weedle [Bug/Poison]
Ledyba [Bug/Flying]
Nidoran(both) [Poison]

Praise the Lord, we finally find someone!

Youngster Billy
- Lv9 Sandshrew [Ground]
Prize: P324

Man, where are the people? Usually by now you would've found some out and about
besides Billy. Continue on into the next area of Ragged Path.

-PART 2-

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 10||)

Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Abra [Psychic]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]

You'll find the exit on the eastern side, another short path.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 9||)

Caterpie [Bug]
Nidoran(both) [Poison]
Ledyba [Bug/Flying]
Weedle [Bug/Poison]

Carry on down then west to meet Ben.

Bug Catcher Ben

- Lv10 Butterfree [Bug/Flying]
Prize: P480

The path leads to an area of ledges, you go south and find Edna.

Beginner Edna
- Lv11 Nidoran(M) [Poison]
Prize: P880

Weave along them ledges to reach Jonson and then that TM03 Aqua Jet on the right.

Officer Jonson
- Lv10 Growlithe [Fire]
Prize: P200

TMs are not reusable in this game :/ on top of the absence of Fairy-type and
Physical/Special. Anyway, head south onto the path between mountains and you're
suddenly stopped by a new character named Eddy. He doesn't believe that you're a
Trainer because your clothes aren't dirty enough xD, time to prove him wrong. Rival
#2 maybe?


Pokemon Trainer Eddy

- Lv9 Elekid [Electric] {Static}
- Lv9 Krabby [Water] {Hyper Cutter}
Prize: P180


ELEKID: ThunderPunch, Quick Attack, Leer, ---

KRABBY: Bubble, Leer, ---, ---

Yup, Rival #2 and he's the classic obnoxious type too, lovely. He can't believe he
lost, so you can bet there will be a next time. Afterwards continue south to cover
the last bit of this route and reach the next one.

[rt71] ROUTE 71


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 13||)

Sentret [Normal]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Nidoran(F) [Poison]
Zigzagoon [Normal]
Spinarak [Bug/Poison]
Teddiursa [Normal]

First person we find here is Dave in the grassy path between trees on the right.

Backpacker Dave
- Lv12 Teddiursa [Normal]
Prize: P432

He's got a full bag so he is cool enough to give you TM01 AncientPower. The way
forward is to continue along that path going northeast from Dave, but let's cover
the southeast way first. Head south from Dave and east onto a mountain road where
you'll meet Gusto.
Bug Catcher Gusto
- Lv13 Yanma [Bug/Flying]
Prize: P624

Continue eastward to cross a bridge and then turn south to find a signpost warning
that the next bridge is out. From the signpost go back up then follow the path
going right, it will lead you all the way round to another bridge that you can
cross. Thomas is on the other side.

Bug Catcher Thomas

- Lv12 Heracross [Bug/Fighting]
Prize: P144

Head south to jump a ledge and go to the cave entrance on the right. It's dark in
this cave but there are no wild Pokemon. Move to the right, head up some stairs and
follow the passage as it goes west then
round to the northeast exit. You'll step out on the opposite side of the broken
bridge, Jamie is here.

Beginner Jamie
- Lv14 Smoochum [Ice/Psychic]
Prize: P1120

Continue east, you'll see a curious looking hole in the cliff wall (what would
normally be the spot for a potential Secret Base) but just make a note of it for
now and proceed to a dirt road below. It leads to a junction on the right, the Lass
standing there can't get to Sol City further north because of an earthquake-created
ledge. If you look above the ledge you'll see what she's talking about - the
alternative path she used is blocked by a familiar "tree". Darn it :S we'll
probably have to deal with that too at some point. Go back to the Secret Base spot,
this time there's an entrance which leads into a small cave that has one Zinc. Back
to the junction, continue east to the next part of this route and the next battle
against Borris.


**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 13||)

Abra [Psychic]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Mareep [Electric]
Skitty [Normal]
Teddiursa [Normal]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 24||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Krabby [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Magikarp [Water]
Krabby [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Corsola [Water/Rock]
Krabby [Water]
Pokemon Trainer Borris
- Lv15 Zigzagoon [Normal]
Prize: P300

Past him is a travelling salesman standing outside a PokeCenter:

Potion P300
Poke Ball P200
Antidote P100
Revive P1500
Escape Rope P550
Repel P350
Oran Berry P20

After that there's Greg just up ahead.

Backpacker Greg
- Lv14 Wynaut [Psychic]
Prize: P504

He gives you one Rare Candy afterwards. There's a path going southwest but don't
mind it for now because it's the path which has the "tree" roadblock, so carry on
north to find Kelsey and then Sean.

Hottie Kelsey
- Lv15 Togepi [Normal]
Prize: P600

Pokemon Ranger Sean

- Lv15 Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P720

Just before touching down on the beach, check behind the upper right side trees to
find a Super Potion. Go east along the beach, the rain should end to signal the
final part of this route.


**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 14||)

Ralts [Psychic]
Mudkip [Water]
Illumise [Bug]
Volbeat [Bug]
Squirtle [Water]
Lotad [Water/Grass]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 24||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Krabby [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Krabby [Water]
Corsola [Water/Rock]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Krabby [Water]

Look at that, a couple of Starters out in the wild :) nice. At the end of this path
is the entrance to the Seaside Woods, but also present are a pair of Team Aqua
Grunts! Our journey has only just started and already we've found some trouble.
Sneak up on either of them to catch their conversation: these two are stuck out
here while their fellow Grunts have gone into the woods in search of Celebi! Things
didn't exactly go well for the sea-loving organisation last time when they were in
the business of pursuing Legendary Pokemon but here they are at it again. The
Grunts see you and it's battle time. One on one, back to back fights.

Team Aqua Grunt 1

- Lv12 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
Prize: P288

He runs off, not wanting their boss Axis to find out.

Team Aqua Grunt 2

- Lv12 Krabby [Water]
Prize: P288

And he too runs off, same reason xD. Follow them!



Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 12||)

Caterpie [Bug]
Wurmple [Bug]
Weedle [Bug/Poison]
Pichu [Electric]
Treecko [Grass]
Pikachu [Electric]
Spinarak [Bug/Poison]
Stantler [Normal]
Cascoon [Bug]

Go all the way north to find another Grunt, I wonder how many more are here?

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv15 Poochyena [Dark]
Prize: P360

Go southwest because north has a deadend from this side.

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv16 Poochyena [Dark]
Prize: P384

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv17 Poochyena [Dark]
Prize: P408

Past him is a split in the path, face or ignore that next Grunt on the right and
continue along the left side. The right side leads to the deadend from earlier.

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv16 Poochyena [Dark]
Prize: P384

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv15 Poochyena [Dark]
Prize: P360

Circle round to the northeast where we see a lone Grunt facing forward, sneak up on
him and find out that this Celebi mission has become a failure and Boss of Bosses
Giovanni will have to be told. Damn, Gio is working with Team Aqua now? The Grunt
sees you - he identifies himself as the second commander of Team Aqua! First Double
Battle of the game, here we go.


Aqua Admin ???

- Lv19 Mightyena [Dark] {Intimidate}
- Lv21 Mantine [Water/Flying] {Swift Swim}
Prize: P840


Mightyena Moves: Sand-Attack, Howl, Odor Sleuth, Bite

Mantine Moves: Supersonic, Bubble, Bubblebeam, Tackle

With nothing else he can do now, the mysterious Admin leaves. Who was guy anyway?
And what happened to Archie?? I thought maybe he's the Axis person that other
Grunts mentioned. Continue east to the exit at the end of the path.

[rt72] ROUTE 72


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 16||)

Paras [Bug/Grass]
Aipom [Normal]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Sentret [Normal]
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Abra [Psychic]
Teddiursa [Normal]

Another peaceful route, still going all the way east until you pass a pair of fence
poles and you'll be in the next section.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 16||)

Yanma [Bug/Flying]
Mareep [Electric]
Poochyena [Dark]
Heracross [Bug/Fighting]
Zigzagoon [Normal]

Carry on until you see a dirt road going south, follow it all the way southeast and
hike up a hill path. It leads to a bridge heading west to the final section and
then at long last - Seaside Village. Civilisation!

(Section C)

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 16||)

Sentret [Normal]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Aipom [Normal]
Teddiursa [Normal]
Abra [Psychic]



"A Place of the Sea"

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Seaside Cavern

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 24||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Chinchou [Water/Electric]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Krabby [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Krabby [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Krabby [Water]
Staryu [Water]


Poke Ball P200
Potion P300
Escape Rope P550
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal
Awakening P250
Repel P350
Sitrus Berry P100
Lum Berry P100
Leppa Berry P100

If you continue north along the dirt road you'll reach a trio of boulders that are
blocking access to the village's northeast side for now. The Beauty walking about
near them will give you a Rare Candy. On the northwest beach there's an unhappy
Cooltrainer who is thinking about someone named Dani. Make a note of this guy for
later. Nothing else is going on here so when you're ready go south to the Seaside



**HMs Needed: Surf.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 18||)

Kadabra [Psychic]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Abra [Psychic]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Tyrogue [Fighting]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 22||)
Goldeen [Water]
Seaking [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Goldeen [Water]
Seaking [Water]

Go straight up, you'll see an opening in the rock wall. It leads to a small area
outside where you pick up a Potion. Back inside, follow the path as it goes west.
Along the way you'll find an Ice Heal. Ignore the next opening on the right after
passing the pool of water, it leads to a deadend the basement. Head northeast for a
ladder leading below.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 18||)

Abra [Psychic]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Kadabra [Psychic]
Tyrogue [Fighting]
Aron [Steel/Rock]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 24||)
Goldeen [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Goldeen [Water]
Seaking [Water]

Follow the path as it goes west onto a rocky platform, then once you get off of it
head straight down to find a Revive. Then go all the way round to the southeast
area where you'll find a Water Stone and a ladder back to 1F. Once you're back
there just go all the way south to the exit.

[rt73] ROUTE 73


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 14||)

Furret [Normal]
Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic]
Sentret [Normal]
Mareep [Electric]
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]

**NOTE: For reasons unknown, fishing and Surfing can't be done here.

Head east then north to meet Jessica.

Cooltrainer Jessica
- Lv17 Snubbull [Normal]
- Lv16 Kadabra [Psychic]
Prize: P576

Continue all the way up to find a PokeCenter then carry on southwest to a bridge
and Carlos.

Cooltrainer Carlos
- Lv16 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
- Lv17 Magby [Fire]
- Lv17 Marill [Water]
Prize: P612

The next person you'll find further up is Artie (the strongest Psychic...in the
world!). If you got that old reference, congratulations :)

Psychic Artie
- Lv20 Kirlia [Psychic]
Prize: P400

You'll reach a signpost indicating that the next destination is Seashore Village.
Below the signpost is Double Battler Simon.

Officer Simon
- Lv19 Growlithe [Fire]
- Lv20 Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P800

You'll end up back in Seaside Village, coming in from the northeast side! Those
boulders are only blocking access to a shortcut haha, well played :) Carry on north
for the next part of Route 73.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Venonat [Bug/Poison]
Spinarak [Bug/Poison]
Slakoth [Normal]
Kecleon [Normal]

Catch an extra Bellsprout if you want an Onix early, we'll meet someone later who
wants to trade. Going all the way north until you reach a ledge, then turn south,
southeast to cross a bridge and north to enter the next section.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Spinarak [Bug/Poison]
Venonat [Bug/Poison]
Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Slakoth [Normal]
Ariados [Bug/Poison]

A brief section, follow the path until you cross a bridge heading west and reach
Section D.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Venonat [Bug/Poison]
Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Ariados [Bug/Poison]
Electrike [Electric]

**NOTE: Make sure to SAVE and prepare your team because we've got two major back to
back battles coming up.

At the end of Section D you'll find a big ledge that prevents you from getting to
Sol City and Steel City. Gary is here too, noting the ledge as well. He figures out
how you can reach Sol City: you must go back to Route 71 then north. Great. But
while he's here Gary wants to show off the results of his training, so...


Old Friend Gary

- Lv19 Tyrogue [Fighting] {Guts}
- Lv22 Nidorina [Poison] {Poison Point}
- Lv21 Elekid [Electric] {Static}
- Lv24 Eevee [Normal] {Run Away}
Prize: P864


TYROGUE: Tackle, ---, ---, ---

NIDORINA: Bite, Tail Whip, Double Kick, Poison Sting
ELEKID: Quick Attack, Light Screen, Leer, ThunderPunch
EEVEE: Sand-Attack, Growl, Quick Attack, ---
Maybe next time Gary will win xD. Maybe. As soon as one Rival leaves, the next one
drops in - Eddy! And it looks like he's coming from Steel City. He still isn't
convinced that you're a Trainer - I sense a running Rival gag in the making - and
so you gotta show him again.


Pokemon Trainer Eddy

- Lv21 Elekid [Electric] {Static}
- Lv21 Breloom [Grass/Fighting] {Effect Spore}
- Lv22 Krabby [Water] {Hyper Cutter}
- Lv23 Houndour [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird}
Prize: P460


ELEKID: Brick Break, ThunderPunch, Quick Attack, ---

BRELOOM: Mach Punch, Quick Attack, Sleep Powder, Mega Drain
KRABBY: Bubblebeam, Aqua Ring, Mud Shot, Vice Grip
HOUNDOUR: Ember, Bite, Ignite, Take Down

This time he name-drops a friend of his, some fellow named Zach who sounds like
quite the big deal. Interesting to note that Zach is so skilled as a Trainer that
he entered an organisation called the Elite Trainers' Guild. Eddy will only
recognise you after you defeat Zach, so until that happens you're a loser in his
eyes. Lovely xD. Let's return to Route 71, where the PokeCenter is located. Them
boulders in Seaside Village aren't there now, nice.

.....Several Hours Later.....

Go west from the Route 71 PokeCenter, cross a bridge and get to the policeman and
Sudowoodo. Approach Sudowoodo and either catch or defeat it.

SUDOWOODO - The Imitation Pokemon

Level: 17
Type: Rock/Grass
Ability: Sturdy
Moves Known: Rock Throw, Mimic, Flail, Low Kick

Indeed, Sudo's a Grass-type too in this universe :) makes some sense since it likes
to pretend that it's a tree. The path to Sol City is finally open, carry on north
to finish off this route and enter Route 74.

[rt74] ROUTE 74

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 20||)

Zigzagoon [Normal]
Butterfree [Bug/Flying]
Beautifly [Bug/Flying]
Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Linoone [Normal]
Poochyena [Dark]
Follow the path as it goes west (ignore the northeast turn) and eventually you'll
meet Candy. Well, alias Candy.

Lass Candy
- Lv19 Marill [Water]
Prize: P684

The girl forgot her own damn name xD what's going on here? SAVE and get ready
because just up ahead you will be stopped by another new face who's looking to
fight. Who is this??


Pokemon Trainer ???

- Lv25 Golbat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv27 Kirlia [Psychic] {Synchronize}
- Lv26 Flaaffy [Electric] {Static}
- Lv24 Weepinbell [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
Prize: P540


- Kirlia's Hidden Power Type is Fighting.

GOLBAT: Confuse Ray, Wing Attack, Bite, Supersonic

KIRLIA: Psychic, Teleport, Hidden Power, Calm Mind
FLAAFFY: Growl, Tackle, Thunder Wave, Thundershock
WEEPINBELL: Stun Spore, Razor Leaf, Synthesis, Poisonpowder

The rise in Trainer team levels is real in this game, no Badge yet but here is an
opponent with a team that is just under Level 30! Insane. This guy turns out to be
Eddy's friend Zach! Well, well. He had been on an undefeated streak until you
happened :) unlike Eddy he seems to be on the cooler side, so we can add him to the
Rival Rolodex as #3. So will Senpai Eddy finally notice you now that you've
defeated Zach? Good question. Continue all the way north then northeast to a path
between mountains then south to cross a pair of bridges. North from there is

Crush Girl Brianne

- Lv18 Nidorina [Poison]
Prize: P432

You'll continue going north until you circle round the hill and end up southwest to
face Buckly in a Double Battle.

Bird Freak Buckly

- Lv19 Swellow [Normal/Flying]
- Lv20 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1280

He'll ask if you're a bird hater, say No to receive TM33 Roost. Cross over to the
other hill, go north then descend the hill. Straight south until you're in a
section of Route 71 then going north again back on Route 74 for another mountain
trail. You'll cross a bridge going east and reach a pool, make a note to NOT fish
in there when you've got the Fishing Rods later. The game freezes when you try to
fish. Same story for the bigger pool that comes next after you circle round. Cross
the next bridge going west then south to see little Timmy.

Youngster Tim
- Lv20 Machop [Fighting]
- Lv19 Slowpoke [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P304

From the south you'll circle round to the northeast back onto the hill then
northwest to cross a couple of bridges until reaching a signpost with some good

[solc] SOL CITY


"The City of the Sun"

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Healing House
- Rocket Warehouse (!)
- Lake Sol
- Sol City Cave


Charcoal P9800 Antidote P100
Poke Ball P200 Parlyz Heal P200
Potion P300 Tropic Mail P50
Super Potion P700
Escape Rope P550
Repel P350

The travelling salesman is the first person you'll see upon arrival:

Potion P300
Poke Ball P200
Antidote P100
Revive P1500
Escape Rope P550
Repel P350
Oran Berry P20

If you need to visit the PokeCenter go straight west from the town entrance. Also
found on this side, just above the PokeCenter, is the home of Kyle who wants to
trade his Onix Rocky for a Bellsprout. Rocky is holding a Persim Berry, has the
Rock Head Ability and knows Tackle, Screech, Bind and Rock Throw. When you try to
go north you'll be stopped by a girl who tells you that her father has been taken
by Team Rocket! They haven't given up their search for Celebi and for some reason
this girl's father has become involved. To find Team Rocket we must head over to
their warehouse in the northeast corner of town, but let's look around the
northwest area first.

The first house we reach is where you can get your Pokemon healed. In the west
house next to the Mart there's a note from Monica written to her siblings, if
you've played the Gen 2 games you may still remember these Item-giving characters:

Monica (Monday) on Route 40

Tuscany (Tuesday) on Route 29
Wesley (Wednesday) at the Lake of Rage
Arthur (Thursday) on Route 36
Frieda (Friday) on Route 32
Santos (Saturday) in Blackthorn City
Sunny (Sunday) on Route 37

No problem in the Gen 2 games but in this game there's no Real Time Clock function.
We'll check around Johto for them when we're there, maybe they are in this game
regardless. Further west from town is Lake Sol, we'll explore that after we're done
with Team Rocket.

The pair of Grunts blocking the path going east aren't letting people through until
their boss says so. Let's go and find their boss then.



First Grunt immediately spotted.

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv21 Gulpin [Poison]
Prize: P504

The next one is near the stairs in the southwest area.

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv21 Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P504


Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv23 Arbok [Poison]
Prize: P552

SAVE and get ready, because just up ahead you'll see Axis meeting with the big G.
It's not going well for Axis because he has to explain to Giovanni why the Seaside
Woods operation failed. When Giovanni sees that you are now present, Axis takes
this chance to redeem himself. Another Double Battle against another Aqua Admin,
watch out.


Aqua Admin Axis

- Lv29 Mightyena [Dark] {Intimidate}
- Lv28 Sharpedo [Water/Dark] {Rough Skin}
- Lv30 Mantine [Water/Flying] {Swift Swim}
Prize: P1200


Mightyena Moves: Roar, Swagger, Odor Sleuth, Bite

Sharpedo Moves: Scary Face, Crunch, Screech, Focus Energy
Mantine Moves: Supersonic, Take Down, Agility, Bubblebeam
Axis has failed Giovanni, who won't fight you this time because he would rather
leave just in case you notified the police before entering the warehouse. After
Team Rocket leaves you'll find the girl's father, he's unharmed fortunately and
reveals why Team Rocket got him - he encountered Celebi at some point in the past.
But he didn't help Team Rocket so it's all good. He'll give you a Rare Candy as
thanks and makes his way out of the warehouse. Exit as well and let's go west to
see Lake Sol.

[rtls] LAKE SOL


**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 16||)

Charmander [Fire]
Psyduck [Water]
Ledyba [Bug/Flying]
Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Pineco [Bug]
Poliwag [Water]
Weepinbell [Grass/Poison]

We'll come back with Surf to explore the western side of the lake, the eastern side
has fast currents. Hike up the mountain and follow the path to a cave entrance back
in Sol City. There are a couple of ladders to be climbed until you get to an area
that has a shiny looking grey slab with an inscription:

"From the POINT OF ORDER, follow the path appointed:

Left, Up, Down, Up, Right, Left, Down.

Doing this will lead you BEYOND LIFE."

Hmm. I tried tapping each of those directions so my character just turns

accordingly and also moving in those directions too but nothing happens, whether
you stand on the north face of the slab or south face. Maybe the Point of Order is
at some other place? For now just make a note of that inscription, hopefully we'll
find the answers later on. Exit the cave, head back to town and go east.

[rt75] ROUTE 75


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 20||)

Farfetch'd [Normal/Flying]
Pineco [Bug]
Cubone [Ground]
Sunkern [Grass]
Togepi [Normal]
Elekid [Electric]

You'll find a south way, go along it until you get to a entrance into the mountain.
[rtms] MT. SOL

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Aron [Steel/Rock]
Lairon [Steel/Rock]


Get to the ladder which you'll find in the southeast corridor.


Go south, as you do that you'll see a corridor on the right which leads to a ladder
- ignore that because it leads to a deadend. Get to the second ladder which is at
the end of the southwest passage.


Drop down the next ladder back to 2F, then all the way east to another ladder
taking us back to 3F. This time go south and circle round to the southeast to a
ladder going to 2F. Follow the path south then southeast to exit.


Just to the north is a signpost pointing out that Denta Port is further up while
Steel City and Seaside Village are to the east. Also to the east is the portion of
Route 73 which is above the ledge where we found Gary.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Ariados [Bug/Poison]
Kecleon [Normal]
Venonat [Bug/Poison]
Electrike [Electric]

Nothing much here, just don't accidentally take a leap of faith off the ledge :) we
go north.



"The Largest City in the World!"

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Steel City Gym
- Lighthouse
- Mr Psychic's House (xD, his twin brother?)
- Eva's House
- Poke Park
- Docks
- Birmin Studios
- Magnet Train Station
- Bike Shop

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 27||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Krabby [Water]
Corsola [Water/Rock]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Corsola [Water/Rock]
Krabby [Water]


Claim Ticket P9000
Super Potion P700
Revive P1500
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Burn Heal P250
Ice Heal P250
Escape Rope P550
Super Repel P500

The second city we've stepped into and Team Rocket's presence has the police on
high alert. They've blocked entry into a couple of buildings and access to the
western portion of the city. Let's explore this eastern half:

As soon as you arrive, you should see a guy in green near the city signboard - say
Yes to him and receive the ItemFinder. Go north and speak to the roaming Youngster
near the PokeCenter and Mart, say you'll help him and he gives you a Key that we
must deliver to his roommate who has probably locked himself out. Their house is by
the Lighthouse. In the Mart be sure to get 1 of those curious-looking (but pricey)
Claim Tickets, you'll use it to get one of two early game Pokemon soon. Continue
north to the building just above 3 trees, that's where Mr Psychic lives if you want
a TM29. Next door from there is Eva's house, she'll give you a Level 20 Eevee that
is holding a Soothe Bell, has Run Away and knows Helping Hand, Sand-Attack, Growl,
Quick Attack. In this game Eevee evolves into Espeon by Sun Stone or into Umbreon
by Moon Stone, nice and convenient. No Leafeon, no Glaceon and obviously no Sylveon

SAVE and be ready before proceeding to the northern side of town because up there
you'll find Gary. He had read up about Steel City back in the school days but it's
bigger than he expected. After comparing PokeDexes he tells you that he'll be
travelling across water in search of Lugia (!) wow, that early game ambition level
though xD. The journey has only just begun and this guy's already chasing after a
Legendary! Tremendous. Before he leaves Gary asks for a battle. If you say No he'll
accept that and aim for next time, but if you think you're ready for him now


Old Friend Gary

- Lv29 Hitmontop [Fighting] {Intimidate}
- Lv33 Vaporeon [Water] {Water Absorb}
- Lv28 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
- Lv28 Magmar [Fire] {Flame Body}
- Lv30 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point}
Prize: P1188


- In a previous version I thought his Eevee evolved depending on the type of your
chosen Starter (like what happened with Blue/Gary in Yellow), but that seems to not
be the case because I've got a different Starter now and he still ends up with a

HITMONTOP: Counter, CloseCombat, Triple Kick, Mega Kick

VAPOREON: Water Pulse, Quick Attack, Aurora Beam, Water Gun
ELECTABUZZ: Body Slam, Shock Wave, CloseCombat, Thunderbolt
MAGMAR: CloseCombat, Smog, Fire Punch, Leer
NIDOQUEEN: Toxic, Stomp, ---, ---

Gary says he'll call you if anything comes up. I wonder how long it will be until
we see him again, seems like he'll be away for a while. Continue west until you see
the top side of a stream flowing south, you'll find a man in green standing on the
southwest side - if you have 50 or more Pokemon he'll give you a Master Ball! Just
like that, the Master Ball being introduced this early in the game, what's up with
that? Might be something to worry about, xD. If you go north of the stream you'll
reach a Gate which leads to Poke Park, but the guards tell you to come back later
because the park is currently closed. The stairs in the Gate take you to an
underground passage that connects the Gate to another one. There are some hidden
items scattered in that passage so be sure to make use of the Itemfinder if you are
interested in getting these:

Burn Heal
Ice Heal
Parlyz Heal

Once you're in the next Gate go through the north exit to arrive in the north side
of town. Head up to find a woman in pink, she'll ask if you are a Trainer and if
you say Yes she will battle you.

Pokemon Trainer Cindy

- Lv24 Feebas [Water] {Swift Swim}
Prize: P1440

You can battle her more than once for some extra EXP. Nothing else here because the
cops are in the way so return to the stream and continue southwest. You'll find a
Sailor along the way who tells you about a certain Legendary that he once saw -
Kyogre! Lucky him :) by the way, speaking to the Sailor will add Kyogre to your
PokeDex as Seen. Lugia was added thanks to Gary. South from the Sailor is a guy in
green who has a short story about a girl he really likes, the interesting thing to
note is the highlighted Garden where he usually sees her. In the building just on
the left from him we find some Rocket Grunts, not the kind we can battle but the
kind with Pokemon to sell. Those Claim Tickets will get you either a Larvitar or a
Houndour this early in the game. Decisions, decisions.

We can't go further north yet so head down to the docks & catch a bad situation in
progress: a trio of Aqua Grunts hijack a ship and high tail it! Without that ship
no travel to other regions is possible, damn. Follow after the Captain, the next
ship that you'll see is the S.S. Tide but you don't have a Ticket for it yet so
just leave it for now. The Captain is with a man named Mr. Jim who will help you
chase after the Grunts with his own boat. He'll wait for you there, which gives us
a chance to check this part of town first.

The next person we find is another guy in green, he'll trade you his Leftovers for
a Moon Stone so remember him when you get one. The Gym is located here too but
unfortunately it's closed. What the...? So now there's only ONE Gym remaining in
this entire region?? Wow :S that's rather depressing. Next to the Gym is the Garden
we heard about, the girl is here too and after you tell her about the admirer at
first she isn't sure but then concludes by revealing that she has a boyfriend. Oh
snap :/ return to the guy, you have 2 options: you'll either have to be honest by
saying No or lie to him by saying Yes. If you say Yes he'll be super happy, gives
you a Rare Candy, and then disappears. Say No and he'll still disappear but
disappointed now. When you're ready go back to meet with Mr. Jim and let's chase
after those fools in blue.



No Fishing possible here but when you get to the top of the island you'll see a
cave entrance below on the western side. Hopefully we can come back here later to
check that out when you can Surf. Enter the Rocket Warehouse and descend to the


....and behold - spinner tiles! No warehouse worth its salt comes without them :S
but no worries, I will record a short video clip showing the solution to this
puzzle and include that video in a zipped file containing this walkthrough so
please watch that video. If you don't have the video, here is the solution in text

Just below, you should be seeing 2 rows of eastward facing tiles, go for the bottom
row and spin over to a right side lone tile. Go up and reach the northeast lone
tile. One step to the right then step on the southward tile directly below you,
that should take you to a lone tile which is on the left side of an orange
container. Below you are 2 eastward tiles, step on the bottom one, that should send
you to a lone tile in the southeast. Of the 2 southward tiles directly below you,
step on the left one and finally reach those next stairs, phew....


.....wait, another spinner tile area?! There'll be video solution for this too, the
aim is to reach the staircase on the south side. They lead to a small corridor
where you'll find an exit. Here's the solution in text form:

From the staircase you'll see 2 short rows of eastward tiles, go for the bottom row
and end up on a lone tile that's between 2 southward tiles. Step on the right side
one and once on the next lone tile step on the southward tiles on your left,
they'll take you to a lone tile that's to the right of an orange container. Take
one step to the left and get on the southward tile directly below you, that'll send
you to the staircase we're aiming for. The other room is currently empty but maybe
we'll come back much later on for it.

No wild Pokemon in the grass here. Go south, you'll see the path head to the left -
it leads to an empty dock. Continue south until you circle round to the northeast


Spinner Tiles 3: Revolutions - a fitting movie title right there. Before we tackle
this new puzzle go up to the room on 3F and read the papers on the clipboard -
there's a notice about a ship which will depart for the Whirl Islands. Hmm, perhaps
it has already sailed because there's nobody left on this island from the looks of
things. Now let's go back and get over them tiles:

Go stand on the lone tile below and step on the westward tile that's on your left,
that sends you to the much lower lone tile. On your right are 3 columns of
northward tiles, step on the middle one and end up in the top right corner of the
room. Go for the westward tiles that lead to the next lone tile and then just walk
on down to the stairs.

-1F - AREA 2-

Go through the open doorway on the right, march through the next room and back
outside. Go on up to see Giovanni warning Axis before they board a ship, we get on
it just in time. Where to?

>>-=-=-=-=-JOHTO REGION-=-=-=-=-<<



**HMs Needed: Surf, Rock Smash.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 24||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Shellder [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Chinchou [Water/Electric]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]

How nice, we're in (a tiny part of) Johto! Well, we'll just make the most of this
brief visit. Go left to find another entrance into the cave and inside climb the


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 24||)

Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Krabby [Water]
Seel [Water]
Ariados [Bug/Poison]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 22||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Horsea [Water]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Krabby [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Horsea [Water]
Krabby [Water]
(SUPER ROD) [Nothing]

It's a small area, get to the northwest ladder.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 24||)

Krabby [Water]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Ariados [Bug/Poison]
Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Seel [Water]

No Fishing, no Surfing in this area, go left to climb up the stairs into the next
area. No wild encounters here, go right to pick up an Escape Rope and ascend the


No wild Pokemon. Head straight up to find Calcium and then go all the way to the
northwest corner. We'll be back with Rock Smash so we can check out the northeast

-2F- (AREA 2)

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 23||)

Horsea [Water]
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Luvdisc [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Krabby [Water]
(GOOD ROD (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Krabby [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) [Nothing]

Go south and jump down the ledge, doesn't matter which side you choose because
there's a ladder waiting at the end leading to the same area.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 25||)
Krabby [Water]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Seel [Water]
Golbat [Poison/Flying]

No Fishing here. This place certainly brings back some Gen 2 memories. Get that
Full Restore and SAVE before going into the inner chamber, the south exit is
blocked by an Aqua Grunt.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 22||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Horsea [Water]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Krabby [Water]
Horsea [Water]
(SUPER ROD) [Nothing]

You'll find Giovanni and Axis checking out their latest Legendary target - Lugia!
Where's Gary, shouldn't he be here too? You don't find out why they're after it
because Giovanni notices you, he now wants to see if you're as powerful as Axis
claims. Any Poke Balls that you're currently carrying will be taken by Giovanni
just before he steps aside so Lugia can attack! The Master Ball is still there, so
you can either use it now and get Lugia SUPER early or defeat Lugia and come back
for it much later (it will be at Level 40). Decisions, decisions...


[lugo] LUGIA - The Diving Pokemon

Level: 37
Type: Psychic/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves Known: Aeroblast, Safeguard, Rain Dance, Sky Attack

Giovanni can't believe you won, and just before he can do more his phone rings -
something major has gone down at one of their bases in an area called KA-150 and he
has to get back there NOW. A nice little hint from Axis about something big
happening at that base. After Gio and Axis leave you'll notice that Lugia has
respawned, so no worries if you knocked it out. Exit the cave and meet up with Mr.
Jim, who saw the coast guard arrest some of the thugs but others escaped in a
helicopter. But the boat is safe and we return to Steel City. Back there go speak
to the Captain and be rewarded with a Level 25 Lapras! It is holding Mystic Water,
has Water Absorb and knows Mist, Body Slam, Confuse Ray and Perish Song. Nice. Go
back to where Mr. Jim is standing and continue south to where you found that guy
who wants a Moon Stone, a policeman stops you - this is Officer Johnson, he heard
about you from Captain John and asks for your number so that he can call you if
anything happens. Good news - the Gym that we found in this area here looks to be
the old Gym. The new and current one is on the south side of town, to reach it you
must circle round back to the east side then head southwest.

Leader: Lukas - "The Shadow of Steel City"

Jesus wept, more spinner tiles! Sheesh xD. Let's hope this isn't a sign of things
to come in this game. There are 6 Gym Trainers, each one standing near a doorway
and one of them leads to the north side where Lukas is.

Step on the left side northward tiles, from the lone tile step on the northward
tiles and once up top get to the lone tile on the left. Ignore the southward tiles
which are on the bottom right side from that lone tile, step on either of the
southward tile rows on the left side and end up in the southwest corner of the room
to battle Jamie.

Cooltrainer Jamie
- Lv27 Butterfree [Bug/Flying]
- Lv30 Vibrava [Ground/Dragon]
- Lv28 Dugtrio [Ground]
Prize: P1008

Go through the doorway, carry on up in a passge and prepare because you'll pop out
in the northwest side to meet Jamez face to face. Yup he's Jamez with a Z xD,
totally radical dude.

Cooltrainer Jamez
- Lv29 Machoke [Fighting]
- Lv27 Marowak [Ground]
Prize: P972

Follow the corridor round to Jen.

Cooltrainer Jen
- Lv25 Vaporeon [Water]
- Lv25 Jolteon [Electric]
- Lv25 Flareon [Fire]
Prize: P900

Besides commenting that previous challenger Zach was stronger, Jen will ask you if
you want to leave the Gym. If you say No she'll throw in a bit about Lukas not
being ready to face you. How come? Also if you say No there isn't another way to
cross over to the eastern side of the Gym. So say Yes and exit the Gym. I went back
in to check out that eastern side and none of the Gym Trainers there will battle,
they just give the same dialogue as the other 3. What's up with that?

Go back round to the southwest side of town, where the Garden is and go east along
the dirt road. A girl is being chased by a pair of Rockets, they'll take you on in
a Double Battle.

Team Rocket Duo Grunt & Grunt

- Lv24 Kabuto [Rock/Water]
- Lv23 Omanyte [Rock/Water]
Prize: P920

After those two "blast off", you'll then receive a call from Officer Johnson: you
are needed at the Lighthouse because there's a big problem there. The cop who keeps
us from going north past the docks is gone now so carry on there. You'll see a man
in a white shirt between buildings on the right, he sells enhancers:
HP Up P2000
Protein P2000
Iron P2000
Carbos P2000
Calcium P2000
PP Up P2000
Zinc P2000
PP Max P5000

Go east from there, eventually you'll get to a Gate-like building with a Lass
standing by the signboard. Inside is a man who sells Evolution Stones:

Sun Stone P5000

Moon Stone P5000
Fire Stone P5000
ThunderStone P5000
Water Stone P2000

Back to the enhancers man and carry on north, passing a pair of cops blocking
access to a southward path, and then seeing a woman who will pay you P17000 if you
can give her a Claim Ticket. She's standing outside another building occupied by
Rockets who sell Pokemon, these ones have Mr. Mime and Sneasel. The man near the
building is hungry, if you give him Leftovers he'll give you a Poke Doll that's a
Key Item. North from him is a Beauty who sells Berries:

Cheri Berry P20

Chesto Berry P20
Pecha Berry P20
Rawst Berry P20
Aspear Berry P20
Leppa Berry P100
Oran Berry P20
Persim Berry P20
Lum Berry P100
Sitrus Berry P100

Buy 1 Sitrus Berry and 7 Oran Berries. Next door to the woman is a Poke Ball

Premier Ball P200

Poke Ball P200
Great Ball P600
Repeat Ball P1000
Timer Ball P1000

North from them is another PokeCenter, on the left from it is a girl who will give
you 1 Shoal Salt. The locked out roommate is found just further up, give him the
Key and receive 3 Rare Candies as a reward. Before going into the Lighthouse go
east until you see an old man looking out at the sea, give him the Sitrus Berry and
he'll give you TM03 Aqua Jet. Continue on past him to see a woman near a garden of
flowers and a "weed" in the middle of it. Go and help her, catch or defeat that
Level 24 Sudowoodo and be rewarded with 1 Rare Candy. Now you can go back and let's
investigate the Lighthouse.


There's Officer Johnson, he just tells you to meet him at the top. Also present is
another policeman trying (?) to arrest a Rocket Grunt. Same situation on 2F, but on
3F you'll find Axis. He won't battle you here, instead he tells you not to follow
him as he jumps down into the sewers, which are apparently dark and full of people
and Pokemon. Oh, that's not good... :S




Dark? Yes, but fortunately no wild Pokemon, phew. The Aqua Grunts we find here
don't battle you. Follow the path as it goes to the northeast then circles round to
the stairs on the southwest side.


Go all the way east then south and southwest to the next stairs.


All the way south then east and a few steps up.


The next stairs are on the southwest side.


South then east until you see a north turn, go up to find the stairs and finally
exit the sewers.


Huh? Didn't see this coming, I thought we were going to pop up back on the mean
streets of Steel City somewhere. Check your team and move on up.


Face to face with an Aqua Grunt who tells you that they've taken over this place.

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv26 Corphish [Water]
Prize: P624

Carry on to the doorway on the right, walk into another ambush.

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv26 Carvanha [Water/Dark]
Prize: P624

There are 3 sets of stairs here, 2 are leading below. There's also an open doorway
on the upper left side. And a non-battling Rocket Grunt in the middle of this room.
Descend the upper left side staircase.


On the south side of this area is a Rocket Grunt standing in front of a doorway,
she's up for a fight.

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv25 Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P600

Don't bother going through either of those bottom doorways, they lead to the same
room where there are two more Grunts blocking doorway access. So head north to pass
through another doorway, leads to a room occupied by a Rocket Grunt. SAVE because
she turns out to be a Rocket Executive! There are shift doors serving as barriers
on the upper floors and in order to get rid of them you have to defeat this woman
right here and now.


Team Rocket Executive

- Lv27 Porygon [Normal] {Trace}
- Lv28 Delcatty [Normal] {Cute Charm}
Prize: P672


PORYGON: Agility, Recover, Sharpen, Psybeam

DELCATTY: DoubleSlap, Growl, Sing, Attract

She stands by her word and gets rid of the shift doors before disappearing.
Thanks :) return to 2F and go through the northwest doorway.

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv26 Poochyena [Dark]
Prize: P624

Up the stairs to 3F.


Who's that Rocket Grunt running back and forth?

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv24 Dustox [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P576

Move to the north side of this room and go through the doorway in the middle,
you'll enter a short corridor ending with a stairway going down to a lone 2F room.
The Aqua Grunt here is on a break so no trouble, drop down the stairs to a 1F
passageway and climb up a series of stairs back to 3F, this time we're on the other
side of the top shift door and there's a Rocket waiting.

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv26 Volbeat [Bug]
Prize: P624

Go through the doorway on the right, you'll climb up some stairs, cross a 4F room,
climb down another set and exit through a doorway. We are now on the southeast side
of 3F, go for the doorway on the right and get ready for a rematch against those 2
Rockets who were bothering that girl earlier.
Rocket Duo Grunt & Grunt
- Lv30 Omastar [Rock/Water]
- Lv30 Kabutops [Rock/Water]
Prize: P1200

xD, are they supposed to be bootleg Jessie and James or just a pair of goofy
Grunts? After they run off, return to 1F and go through either of the south side
doorways. In the next room go through the right side doorway and SAVE because that
Rocket facing forward is another Executive. He takes care of the other shift doors
but you still have to battle him.


Team Rocket Executive

- Lv29 Golbat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv28 Raticate [Normal] {Run Away}
- Lv27 Weezing [Poison] {Levitate}
Prize: P648


GOLBAT: Bite, Supersonic, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray

RATICATE: Tail Whip, Hyper Fang, Quick Attack, Pursuit
WEEZING: Smokescreen, Smog, Sludge, Selfdestruct

Go back to where we battled the Rocket Duo and carry on up to 5F then SAVE before
going through the next doorway:

In the scene which follows you'll see Giovanni, Axis, a squad of cops...and Zach?
What's interesting is that Giovanni addresses him as Mr. President and it turns out
he has obtained some Master Ball prototypes that belong to Birmin Studios and isn't
giving them back. Once you've been noticed Giovanni decides to leave with Axis
before the cops can arrest him. Speak to Zach afterwards and learn that Birmin have
been working on creating a Master Ball, their big secret, and Zach has one to give
you. The second Master Ball given away so early in the game xD, this is insane.
Also insane is the reveal about Birmin Studios taking over their rival Silph Co. in
the past! This might explain why they have this Master Ball project. Zach will ask
for a battle, you can say No if you need to prepare your Pokemon first then speak
to him again. He'll heal your team just before the battle starts. I have to say,
the jump in team levels between regular Trainers, Grunts and Bosses and Rivals has
become something I'm concerned about. Check out Zach's crew, he's got a full team
now. Good grief.


Pokemon Trainer Zach

- Lv36 Golbat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv35 Growlithe [Fire] {Intimidate}
- Lv40 Gardevoir [Psychic] {Synchronize}
- Lv36 Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate}
- Lv34 Weepinbell [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv39 Ampharos [Electric] {Static}
Prize: P2400

- Gyarados being Dragon-type instead of Flying-type? Makes sense :)

GOLBAT: Air Cutter, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Bite

GROWLITHE: Take Down, Flame Wheel, Leer, Odor Sleuth
GARDEVOIR: Calm Mind, Psychic, Teleport, Imprison
GYARADOS: Dragon Rage, Twister, Bite, Thrash
WEEPINBELL: Giga Drain, Synthesis, PoisonPowder, Stun Spore
AMPHAROS: Volt Tackle, Zap Cannon, DynamicPunch, ThunderPunch

His Pokemon are between Levels 34 and 40?! How do we get from the Rocket Executive
with a team that hasn't even touched Level 30 to this?? Wow, and again we still
haven't gotten Gym Badge #1 yet. Afterwards Zach suggests you take on Gym Leader
Lukas, so return to 1F and exit through the bottom left side. Prepare if you need
to and then head for the Gym.

From the entrance, step on the northward spinner tiles on the right side. Once you
land on the lone tile, step on the next northward tiles. Up top, get to the lone
tile that's on the right and then to the southward tiles on the far right and end
up in the southeast area. Through the doorway, go up the passageway and exit back
in the Gym area, northeast side. Go through the next doorway on the left and you'll
enter a darkened area set up like a mini labyrinth:

Stay on the left side as you move up, take the first left turn then the first south
turn and continue along this passage until it heads north. Ignore the first left
turn, go for the second one and stick with it until you reach a southern exit.
Leads to an empty room with 2 southern exits, go through either one of them to
reach Lukas. It's time we get that first Gym Badge, out of how many by the way? 18?


Gym Leader Lukas

- Lv34 Noctowl [Normal/Flying] {Insomnia}
- Lv35 Sneasel [Dark/Ice] {Inner Focus}
- Lv34 Pupitar [Rock/Ground] {Shed Skin}
- Lv36 Absol [Dark] {Pressure}
- Lv36 Umbreon [Dark] {Synchronize}
Prizes: P7200 + Crescent Moon Badge + TM31 SuperPower


NOCTOWL: Rock Throw (?!), Roost, Night Shade, Wing Attack

SNEASEL: Blizzard, CloseCombat, Rock Throw, SuperPower
PUPITAR: Rock Throw, Sandstorm, Earthquake, Crunch
ABSOL: Smokescreen, Double-Edge, Faint Attack, SuperPower
UMBREON: Minimize, ExtremeSpeed, Faint Attack, SuperPower

And there we have it, our very first Badge in this game :) but again with the major
level jumps, makes me wonder what the basic levels could be in the other regions.
Leave the Gym via the spinner tiles pointing southward and as soon as you're at the
bottom of the stairs outside a phone call from Zach comes in. Now that you've got
the Badge he tells you about traded Pokemon now obeying you up to a certain level.
Zach adds that Steel City has a trade center and now that Team Rocket is gone the
city has opened up for us to explore. Problem is that even though you have a Badge
now Rocky the Onix (if you got him) will not obey. What's up with that? More bad
news from Zach: Captain John has left for Hoenn and if you want to travel you'll
have to find someone who will give you a Ticket. The dude gave you a Master Ball,
no spare Ticket too? Darn it :/

One of the places that we can visit now is Poke Park, if you have an extra P1000 to
spend. There are a few wild Pokemon to be found and Trainers you can fight. Also be
sure to buy some Claim Tickets.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 18||)

Bulbasaur [Grass/Poison]
Wingull [Water/Flying]
Diglett [Ground]

The Trainers here are not the usual ones who challenge you as soon as they see you.
First up is Tedd.

Bug Catcher Tedd

- Lv34 Armaldo [Rock/Bug]
Prize: P408

Next to him is Bentley, whom you can fight again and again because he won't

Hunter Bentley
- Lv34 Hitmonlee [Fighting]
Prize: P544

Above them there's Jessica on the right and Erikk on the left.

Cutie Jessica
- Lv33 Clefable [Normal]
Prize: P2640

Rich Boy Erikk

- Lv35 Marshtomp [Water/Ground]
Prize: P7000

It's bad enough that the guy disrespects you for how you're dressed, but to get rid
of you he gives you a Nugget too so that you can get cleaned up xD. Vicious. That
building on the left is another "Rocket shop", this one sells Porygon and Eevee.
The policeman by the Gate up top is Richard, he can be battled multiple times too.

Officer Richard
- Lv33 Espeon [Psychic]
Prize: P660

That's all the Poke Park has to offer. Leave and make your way to the northwest
side of town to the southward path which was previously blocked by 2 cops (it's
just below the Rocket shop). That path takes you to a large open area where you'll
find the Bike Shop, go in and receive a Bike Voucher from the shopkeeper. Take that
to the shop in Goldenrod City and get a Bike from there. North from the Bike Shop
is a spot for Trainers, there are 3 here that you can take on more than once:

Bird Freak Ben

- Lv34 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1088
Player Alec
- Lv35 Bayleef [Grass]
Prize: P140

Lass Clarissa
- Lv35 Jynx [Ice/Psychic]
Prize: P1260

Just above the Trainer spot is the Magnet Train Station and a Cooltrainer who
wishes he had a Heart Scale so he could cheer up someone named Collin. Collin is
the unhappy Cooltrainer that we found in Seaside Village, remember him? Make a note
of this guy for now and we'll come back to catch a train once you get a ticket or
train pass. Beyond the Station is a massive building which serves as the trade
center that Zach told you about. It's the Union Room that you normally find on the
second floor of Pokemon Centers, since the Centers in this game don't have a second
floor. Helped me big time because I could trade in some of my helpful Pokemon from
the previous version :) always keep your old save files guys and girls, you never
know when they might be helpful. Unfortunately there isn't someone in the trade
center who can explain what the actual level for traded Pokemon to start obeying is

Return to the east side of town, from Mr Psychic's house go west until you are in
an area above the new Gym. On the right side is a woman in green, she's in need of
a birthday gift for her sister. The Poke Doll will do but she also wants Flowers,
you can get some from the woman whose garden was briefly occupied by Sudowoodo. In
exchange for the Poke Doll and Flowers you will be rewarded with a Heart Scale.
Rush back to the Cooltrainer, he now wants you to give the Heart Scale to his
brother Collin...way back in Seaside Village! This guy, is he serious?? Luckily the
ledge on Route 73 has an opening now so the trek back to Seaside Village won't be
as tedious as it used to be (would've needed the Walk through Walls code to get
over that ledge on the way back).

Give Collin the Heart Scale and he'll give you a Parcel that must be taken back to
the Cooltrainer a.k.a his brother Shane. Deliver the Parcel, which contains a
Rainbow Wing that he had asked for (!) Where did Collin get that? Wow. Shane gives
you a Boat Ticket and at long last we can finally leave this region for what I
really hope is a much, much more livelier place. When you're ready, go to the docks
and board the boat!

>>-=-=-=-=-JOHTO REGION-=-=-=-=-<<

Once we land at the Olivine Port go on to climb down the stairs, pass through an
underground passage and step into town.



"The Port Closest to Foreign Lands"

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Olivine City Gym
- Lighthouse (Closed)
- Olivine Port
- Cafe
- Fisherman's House (Good Rod)


Great Ball P600 Awakening P250
Super Potion P700 Ice Heal P250
Hyper Potion P1200 Super Repel P500
Antidote P100 Wave Mail P50
Parlyz Heal P200

Pokemon Found
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Chinchou [Water/Electric]
Shellder [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Shellder [Water]
Chinchou [Water/Electric]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 21||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Krabby [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Krabby [Water]
Corsola [Water/Rock]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Krabby [Water]
Corsola [Water/Rock]

Whoa, what happened to the Lighthouse's entrance?? Damn so no Lighthouse

training :S that's a shame (made worse by the Sailor standing near it who talks
about how important the Lightouse is, xD). Oh well, let's see what else is going on
in this classic city:

At the Cafe speak to the Sailor to get HM04 Strength. You'll need Whitney's Badge
in order to use it outside of battles.

North from the PokeCenter is home of the Good Rod Fisherman, which is quite
convenient because to the north of the Lighthouse are two houses, in the left one
lives Tim the Fisherman who will trade you his Voltorb Volty for a Krabby. Volty is
holding a Cheri Berry, has Soundproof and knows Discharge, Tackle and Screech.

We see Professors Elm and Oak in the middle of a chat about Gary, who had contacted
Elm from a ship in Steel City. Elm is concerned about what's going on and the
professors are here to meet Gary but he hasn't shown up. Red flag. They see you and
ask if you've seen Gary from the time he contacted Elm, but you haven't. On the
bright side though now that you're in Johto the professors tell you to meet them in
New Bark Town. No problem. But first let's pay Jasmine a visit and see how she's



Leader: Jasmine - "The Steel-Clad Defense Girl"

Sadly there's nothing new, the Gym is pretty much the same as it was back in Gen 2,
minus the Gym Guide. No new dialogue from Jasmine too :S is this how it's going to
be with the other Gym Leaders? Surely not...


Gym Leader Jasmine

- Lv43 Lairon [Steel/Rock] {Sturdy}
- Lv44 Steelix [Steel/Ground] {Rock Head}
- Lv43 Skarmory [Steel/Flying] {Keen Eye}
Prizes: P8800 + Mineral Badge + TM23 Iron Tail

- Jasmine has 1 Hyper Potion.

LAIRON: Strength, Flamethrower, Meteor Mash, Thunderbolt

STEELIX: Sunny Day, Iron Tail, Dig, Screech
SKARMORY: Spikes, Thunderbolt, Sky Attack, Roost

She says Meteor Mash but it's Iron Tail. Exit and get ready to leave town, we are
heading north to Route 38-39.

[rt38-39] ROUTE 38-39


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Rattata [Normal]
Farfetch'd [Normal/Flying]
Miltank [Normal]
Raticate [Normal]
Tauros [Normal]
Magnemite [Electric/Steel]
Electrike [Electric]

Look at those levels, and then the levels of Jasmine's Pokemon. We might be in big
trouble here in Johto, brace yourself. The signboard that you'll see when you
arrive says Mega Punch is needed to knock down Pokemon from the smaller trees
instead of the usual Headbutt in this game. Okay, noted. First Trainer spotted is

Sailor Eugene
- Lv34 Poliwhirl [Water]
- Lv35 Kingler [Water]
- Lv34 Raticate [Normal]
Prize: P1120
Move on up to meet PokeFans Ruth and Ted.

PokeFan Ruth
- Lv36 Pikachu [Electric]
Prize: P720

PokeFan Ted
- Lv36 Pikachu [Electric]
Prize: P720

Near Moomoo Farm is Norman.

Psychic Norman
- Lv33 Slowpoke [Water/Psychic]
- Lv35 Slowpoke [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P700

That's a Chesto Berry tree next to the locked farm house. In the barn we find two
girls looking after Moomoo, she needs 7 Oran Berries to recover. Don't expect a
reward for healing her, there is none. Carry on east past Norman, follow the road
as it heads north to Sein.

Schoolboy Sein
- Lv37 Mr. Mime [Psychic]
Prize: P740

That's Valerie in the grass.

Beauty Valerie
- Lv34 Hoppip [Grass/Flying]
- Lv34 Skiploom [Grass/Flying]
Prize: P544

On the right is....13Trainer/1...? Eh?

Lass 13Trainer/1
- Lv18 Flaaffy [Electric]
- Lv18 Psyduck [Water]
Prize: P288

What the heck happened there? She was named that way in previous versions :S east
from her is Harry.

Sailor Harry
- Lv38 Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Prize: P1824

Get on the dirt road below and go left to find Toby.

Bird Keeper Toby

- Lv31 Doduo [Normal/Flying]
- Lv32 Dodrio [Normal/Flying]
- Lv33 Dodrio [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P660

That tree on the left side of the fence was an Oran Berry previously but there's
nothing now. Continue east to the Gate and enter Ecruteak.

"A Historical City Where the Past Meets the Present"

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Ecruteak City Gym
- Tin Tower
- Burned Tower
- Ecruteak Dance Theater

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 21||)

Poliwag [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Poliwag [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Poliwag [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Poliwag [Water]


Poke Ball P200 Parlyz Heal P200
Great Ball P600 Awakening P250
Potion P300 Burn Heal P250
Super Potion P700 Ice Heal P250
Antidote P100 Revive P1500

As soon as we arrive we see a Rocket Grunt looking for the Burned Tower! He finds
it and rushes over there. Not good, what does he want over there? Let's look around
first before chasing after him:

He ain't the only Rocket in town, more Grunts are out and about but they aren't the
battling type. They are here to obtain some Legendary Pokemon, surprise surprise.

The Tin Tower is currently off limits to the public for now. The Theater on the
other hand is open so prepare for battle and to bust a few dance moves maybe.



The Theater Director in this universe has a Machoke instead of a Surfing Rhydon,
but he's still willing to give you a gift if you can defeat the Kimono Girls.
Starting from the left side of the stage, here we go:

Kimono Girl Naoko

- Lv39 Flareon [Fire]
Prize: P1404

Kimono Girl Sayo

- Lv39 Espeon [Psychic]
Prize: P1404

Kimono Girl Zuki

- Lv39 Umbreon [Dark]
Prize: P1404

Kimono Girl Kuni

- Lv39 Vaporeon [Water]
Prize: P1404

Kimono Girl Miki

- Lv39 Jolteon [Electric]
Prize: P1404

Go on and collect the gift - HM03 Surf. What's left is to collect the Badge which
enables that HM for out of battle use. Exit the Theater and get ready for the Gym.



Leader: Morty - "The Mystic Seer of the Future"

Do you have any fond memories of the Ecruteak Gym puzzle? Me neither :) but I do
have a soft spot for this Gym because back in the day I thought Morty was cool,
having a team of Ghost-type Pokemon and all. Below I've attempted to depict the
puzzle solution. Key word is "attempt".


Just follow the Xs, the Ts are Gym Trainers and the asterisks/stars represent the
invisible floor tiles. Van Gogh would be proud :) here come the Gym Trainers and

Sage Ping
- Lv34 Gastly [Ghost/Poison]
- Lv34 Gastly [Ghost/Poison]
- Lv34 Gastly [Ghost/Poison]
- Lv34 Gastly [Ghost/Poison]
- Lv34 Gastly [Ghost/Poison]
Prize: P1088

Medium Grace
- Lv36 Haunter [Ghost/Poison]
- Lv38 Haunter [Ghost/Poison]
Prize: P1216

Sage Tang
- Lv38 Haunter [Ghost/Poison]
Prize: P1216
Medium Martha
- Lv36 Gastly [Ghost/Poison]
- Lv38 Haunter [Ghost/Poison]
- Lv38 Gastly [Ghost/Poison]
Prize: P1216


Gym Leader Morty

- Lv42 Misdreavus [Ghost] {Levitate}
- Lv42 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate}
- Lv41 Sableye [Dark/Ghost] {Keen Eye}
- Lv42 Haunter [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate}
Prizes: P8400 + Fog Badge + TM30 Shadow Ball


MISDREAVUS: Curse, Night Shade, Spite, Hypnosis

GENGAR: Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Mean Look, Shadow Ball
SABLEYE: Hypnosis, Mimic, Night Shade, Curse
HAUNTER: Mimic, Spite, Mean Look, Night Shade

And now we can Surf, sweet. Exit the Gym, get ready then head for the Burned Tower.
Interesting thing to note is the cave entrance next to the Tower, currently blocked
by a Rocket Grunt. There's also a woman standing outside the Tower, be sure to make
a note of her.




Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 16||)

Rattata [Normal]
Raticate [Normal]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Koffing [Poison]

Hmm not exactly the tourist spot that it should be, eh? And no Silver to push you
down into the basement xD, not even Blue was that extreme. Get to the north side,
that item near the hole in the floor is an X Speed. Drop down into the basement.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 16||)

Koffing [Poison]
Magmar [Fire]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Sableye [Dark/Ghost]
Rattata [Normal]

Ohh look who we find down here: Suicune, Raikou and Entei! SAVE before approaching
them because when you do, Raikou and Entei will take off but Suicune circles you
then attacks! Catch it if you can.

[suie] SUICUNE - The Aurora Pokemon

Level: 35
Type: Water
Ability: Pressure
Moves Known: Bite, Aqua Ring, Bubblebeam, ExtremeSpeed

One caught, two are out there running around Johto maybe? I thought Suicune was
also going to flee and wait for us near Cianwood like in the old games. Also I'm
guessing Eusine isn't in this game. Go south to find TM08 Bulk Up and an HP Up
before climbing the ladder back to the 1F. Near the stairs is a Burn Heal.

When you step outside you'll be approached by that woman, she says some Team Rocket
members have gone to the Tin Tower! Plus one of the Tower protectors is her
grandfather so she's worried about him. Go through the building next to the
northeast pond to reach the Tin Tower, prep up and let's go.

[brass] TIN TOWER



No worries, the Tin Tower in this universe doesn't have 9 million floors and
puzzles. Just follow the stairs all the way to the roof.


Pokemon Found [Levels: 20-22]

Rattata [Normal]
Spinarak [Bug/Poison]
Gastly [Ghost/Poison]


Pokemon Found [Levels: 20-24]

Rattata [Normal]
Haunter [Ghost/Poison]
Spinarak [Bug/Poison]
Raticate [Normal]
Gastly [Ghost/Poison]
Ariados [Bug/Poison]


SAVE and move up to confront Giovanni. He came here in search of Ho-Oh but it isn't
present because he doesn't have the Rainbow Wing. He has sent out squads of Rockets
to find it but no luck still. He needs Ho-Oh for his goals. Whatever those goals
may be, you have a chance to stop him here and now.

Boss Giovanni
- Lv42 *Shiny* Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate}
- Lv41 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point}
- Lv43 Nidoking [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point}
Prize: P1032

- Hmm, is that THE Red Gyarados from Lake of Rage...or just a regular Shiny

GYARADOS: Twister, Bite, Dragon Rage, Hydro Pump

NIDOQUEEN: CloseCombat, Earthquake, Toxic, Body Slam
NIDOKING: CloseCombat, Megahorn, Thrash, Earthquake

Being defeated now has convinced Giovanni that you're a serious threat to him but
he still vows to defeat you next time. Return to town and prepare for the journey
to Goldenrod City. The plan is we get Whitney's Badge so that we can use Strength
then we'll travel to Cianwood, battle Chuck and acquire HM Fly so that we can
finally fast travel. I went back to Steel City and spoke to Shane just to check if
he has anything new to say since he has a Rainbow Wing, nothing new. Makes me
wonder who else could have a Rainbow Wing. Anyway, head south onto Route 37.

[rt37] ROUTE 37

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 15||)

Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Vulpix [Fire]
Spinarak [Bug/Poison]
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Growlithe [Fire]

Here you'll find Greg then the Twins further down.

Psychic Greg
- Lv37 Hypno [Psychic]
Prize: P1776

Twins Ann & Anne

- Lv36 Wigglytuff [Normal]
- Lv36 Clefable [Normal]
Prize: P2016

On the right side you'll get a Blue Apricorn from the right side tree, previously
there was a Red Apricorn from the left side tree.

[rt36] ROUTE 36

**HMs Needed: Cut.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 15||)

Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Nidoran(both) [Poison]
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Poochyena [Dark]
Growlithe [Fire]

The guy that you'll see first will give you HM06 Rock Smash. If I remember
correctly he was the guy who couldn't get to this side because of the Sudowoodo
situation in the original Gen 2 games, right? In a previous version we could simply
go to the Ruins of Alph and then Violet City but this time round there's an actual
tree in the Sudowoodo spot and you don't have Cut yet so just carry on south then
west to the National Park.

Schoolboy Jed
- Lv36 Tangela [Grass]
Prize: P720

Psychic Mark
- Lv33 Abra [Psychic]
- Lv33 Kadabra [Psychic]
- Lv35 Kadabra [Psychic]
Prize: P700

Don't go into the Gate yet, cut through that shortcut going south.

[rt35] ROUTE 35

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 15||)

Nidoran(both) [Poison]
Abra [Psychic]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Drowzee [Psychic]
Yanma [Bug/Flying]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 21||)
Psyduck [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Magikarp [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Poliwag [Water]
Magikarp [Water]

Catch a Drowzee, someone in Goldenrod will want to trade his Machop for one. Go all
the way south through the grass to find Bryan.

Bird Keeper Bryan

- Lv31 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
- Lv32 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P640

Move up along the fence and you'll reach TM46 Thief. Back to Route 36, you'll get
an Aspear Berry from the tree just above the Gate entrance.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 12||)

Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Caterpie [Bug]
Sunkern [Grass]
Metapod [Bug]

Sadly no Bug Catching Contests so none of those rare Bug Pokemon. Head south to
find Dio and continue in the grass going clockwise from there:

Schoolboy Dio
- Lv31 Gloom [Grass/Poison]
- Lv34 Electrode [Electric]
Prize: P680

PokeFan Stacy
- Lv33 Snubbull [Normal]
Prize: P660

Lass Krise
- Lv32 Gloom [Grass/Poison]
- Lv35 Marowak [Ground]
Prize: P1260

And on north side there's William.

PokeFan William
- Lv33 Raichu [Electric]
Prize: P660

There's a gap in the fence on the northeast side of the park, go through to pick up
a Parlyz Heal. Stay on the outside of the fence as you circle round to the outter
southwest area to get TM28 Mud-Slap. Move to the southwest area close to the fence
and check the bottom left tile for an invisible Full Heal (I'll take a screenshot
of the exact spot). Back into the park area and head south into Relaxation Square.
On the right side you'll see a woman and her Persian. Speak to her to get a Quick
Claw. Carry on to exit through the south Gate back to Route 35.

On the left is Walt and Bob's on the right.

Firebreather Walt
- Lv30 Magmar [Fire]
- Lv33 Magmar [Fire]
Prize: P1188

Juggler Bob
- Lv22 Voltorb [Electric]
- Lv26 Voltorb [Electric]
- Lv30 Voltorb [Electric]
- Lv34 Voltorb [Electric]
Prize: P1360

A few Campers and Picnickers ahead:

Camper Ivan
- Lv29 Diglett [Ground]
- Lv33 Dugtrio [Ground]
- Lv29 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P660

Picnicker Brooke
- Lv35 Raichu [Electric]
Prize: P700

Camper Elliot
- Lv32 Sandslash [Ground]
- Lv34 Azumarill [Water]
Prize: P680

Picnicker Kim
- Lv34 Ninetales [Fire]
Prize: P680

That's a Leppa Berry tree across the pond. Into the Gate and we finally reach



"The Festive City of Opulent Charm"

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Goldenrod Department Store
- Goldenrod City Gym
- Bike Shop
- Goldenrod City Game Corner
- Bill's House
- Goldenrod Underground
- Goldenrod City Station
- Goldenrod City Radio Tower
- Name Rater's House

As soon as you arrive you are spotted by an Aqua Grunt!

Aqua Grunt
- Lv32 Carvanha [Water/Dark]
Prize: P768

These fools again?? And Axis is with them, damn. Well this is certainly new,
previously Goldenrod was still as peaceful as it was after Team Rocket's Gen 2
operations. What are Team Aqua up to this time? Anyway, for now let's see what else
is going on here:



-2F- (Trainer's Market)

Potion P300 Poke Ball P200 Fab Mail P50

Super Potion P700 Great Ball P600
Antidote P100 Escape Rope P550
Parlyz Heal P200 Repel P350
Awakening P250 Revive P1500
Burn Heal P250 Full Heal P600
Ice Heal P250 Poke Doll P1000

-3F- (Battle Collection)

X Speed P350
X Special P350
X Defend P550
X Attack P500
Dire Hit P650
Guard Spec. P700
X Accuracy P950

-4F- (Medicine Box)

[P2000 each]

-5F- (TM Corner)

[P3000 each]
TM16 Light Screen
TM33 Roost
TM17 Protect
TM20 Safeguard

That Blackbelt by the counter is Mike the man who wants to trade Muscle the Machop
for a Drowzee. Muscle is holding a Sitrus Berry, has Guts and knows Low Kick, Leer,
Focus Energy and Karate Chop. Perfect for the upcoming Gym challenge :) The woman
near the elevator gives out a Mystery Gift phrase: LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL, but the
sheet of paper she's referring to isn't there. The woman behind the counter could
be the one who popped up on Sundays in the original games and would give away TMs.
If your first position Pokemon's Friendship is high enough she gives you TM27

-6F (Rooftop Square)

[Vending Machine]
Fresh Water P200
Soda Pop P300
Lemonade P350

Take the elevator down to the Basement.


Luckily in this game you can get all the items found here:

Ultra Ball
Burn Heal
Amulet Coin
That concludes the shopping trip. To the east from the Dept. Store is the Bike
Shop, go get that Bicycle. On the western side is the home of the world's greatest
PokeManiac Bill, but the man isn't there :/ instead we find his mother and sister.
Mother tells you that Bill went to the Ecruteak PokeCenter (he's not back there
either). Next to the house is the southern entrance to the Underground.


There are some shops down here as well as a few Trainers:

Super Nerd Eric

- Lv31 Grimer [Poison]
- Lv31 Grimer [Poison]
Prize: P744

PokeManiac Issac
- Lv34 Lickitung [Normal]
Prize: P1632

The lady above from him sells:

EnergyPowder P500
Energy Root P800
Heal Powder P450
Revival Herb P2800

Next is one of the haircut brothers, he gives one haircut per day for P300 and
somehow this works despite the absence of the RTC function. There's an invisible
Parlyz Heal on the upper left tile next to him (see screenshot). There's another
invisible item 3 steps above Isaac, a Super Potion (see screenshot). Very odd that
these invisible items aren't hidden items which the Itemfinder would be picking up.
I'm just discovering the items by bumping into them :S which means the Itemfinder
is pretty much useless. After the haircut brother is an old man who only has a
Nugget to sell for P4500. No more entrance to that Team Rocket secret hideout but
there's yet another invisible item, an Antidote in the bottom left corner of that
small corridor.

PokeManiac Donald
- Lv33 Slowpoke [Water/Psychic]
- Lv33 Slowpoke [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P1584

Exit the Underground and head for the Game Corner.



Nice thing about this Game Corner is that you can still purchase Coins even without
having a Coin Case (which we would've found in the Underground back in Gen 2 days):

50 Coins P1000
500 Coins P10000

The prizes are sold at the right side counter:

Smoke Ball 800 Coins

Miracle Seed 1000 Coins
Charcoal 1000 Coins
Mystic Water 1000 Coins
Yellow Flute 1600 Coins

Funny enough, the man who lost the Coin Case is the one roaming about on the left
side of the room xD. When you're done gambling, prepare for Whitney. No point in
checking out the Radio Tower because there's no PokeGear in this game and also we
can't go up to the upper floors because a guard is blocking access to the staircase
and says that the Director is acting strange...which could either be just a little
nod to the Gen 2 Team Rocket subplot or be part of what's going on now involving
Team Aqua.



Leader: Whitney - "The Incredibly Pretty Girl!"

Geez, all those boxes xD! It's as if the ladies are either moving out or have just
moved in. Normal-type is still the theme here, let's get to work. Go up along the
western side to meet the first Gym Trainer Victoria.

Beauty Victoria
- Lv33 Furret [Normal]
- Lv37 Furret [Normal]
- Lv38 Furret [Normal]
Prize: P608

On the northeast side is Samantha.

Beauty Samantha
- Lv36 Meowth [Normal]
- Lv38 Persian [Normal]
Prize: P608

Go in between the boxes to reach Carrie.

Lass Carrie
- Lv38 Granbull [Normal]
Prize: P1368

Final one is Bridget and then Whitney.

Lass Bridget
- Lv34 Jigglypuff [Normal]
- Lv36 Wigglytuff [Normal]
- Lv36 Wigglytuff [Normal]
Prize: P1296


Gym Leader Whitney

- Lv42 Wigglytuff [Normal] {Cute Charm}
- Lv41 Tauros [Normal] {Intimidate}
- Lv43 Miltank [Normal] {Thick Fat}
- Lv42 Clefable [Normal] {Cute Charm}
Prizes: P8600 + Plain Badge + TM45 Attract
- Whitney has 1 Super Potion.

WIGGLYTUFF: Hyper Voice, Fire Blast, Blizzard, Perish Song

TAUROS: Thrash, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Stomp
MILTANK: Body Slam, Milk Drink, Rest, Sleep Talk
CLEFABLE: Calm Mind, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Thunder

Great, now we can use Strength and we'll definitely need it for Chuck's
Gym...unless of course the Gym has had a design makeover. Return to Olivine and
prepare for sea travel.

[rt40] ROUTE 40

**HMs Needed: Surf, Rock Smash.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 24||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
Wailmer [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Krabby [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Krabby [Water]
Staryu [Water]

Only 4 Trainers on this brief route: Stanler, Elaine, Paula then Randall.

Swimmer[M] Stanler
- Lv20 Goldeen [Water]
- Lv22 Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Prize: P88

Swimmer[F] Elaine
- Lv36 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P288

Swimmer[F] Paula
- Lv34 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
- Lv34 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
Prize: P272

Swimmer[M] Randall
- Lv33 Shellder [Water]
- Lv35 Blastoise [Water]
- Lv34 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
Prize: P136



**HMs Needed: Surf, Rock Smash, Flash.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 24||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
Mantine [Water/Flying]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Shellder [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Chinchou [Water/Electric]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]

On the left is Charlie and George's on the right.

Swimmer[M] Charlie
- Lv35 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
- Lv34 Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
- Lv35 Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
Prize: P140

Swimmer[M] George
- Lv33 Tentacool [Water/Poison]
- Lv34 Tentacool [Water/Poison]
- Lv34 Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
- Lv36 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
- Lv36 Octillery [Water]
Prize: P144

South from George is the northeast island, you can pick up an Ultra Ball in the
first area but below from there you'd need the correct Badge for Rock Smash to use
a shortcut. Also you'll need Flash. The southeast island is the one which leads to
Lugia, so if you didn't manage to catch it the first time you can do so now. Level
40, knows the same moves as before. Swimming on the south side of the southwest
island is Wendy.

Swimmer[F] Wendy
- Lv36 Seadra [Water]
- Lv36 Seadra [Water]
Prize: P288

On the same island there's an invisble Nugget on the upper left section, see
screenshot for the exact spot. North from the southwest and southeast islands
there's Kirk on the right and Berke on the left.

Swimmer[M] Kirk
- Lv36 Gyarados [Water/Dragon]
- Lv36 Gyarados [Water/Dragon]
Prize: P144

Swimmer[M] Berke
- Lv38 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
Prize: P152

Continue north between the northeast and northwest islands to find Susie.
Swimmer[F] Susie
- Lv36 Golduck [Water]
- Lv36 Seaking [Water]
Prize: P288

Swimming above the northwest island is Kayle.

Swimmer[F] Kayle
- Lv34 Goldeen [Water]
- Lv35 Seaking [Water]
- Lv36 Seaking [Water]
Prize: P288

In the first basement floor of the island's cave you'll find 1 Carbos. This is also
the basement floor of the northeast cave. Once you pick up the Carbos climb back up
and exit, don't jump down the ledge or else you'll have to make your way further
below to the inner chamber area and exit out of the southeast island cave. Once
you're back outside just carry on west into Cianwood waters.



"A Port Surrounded by Rough Seas"

**HMs Needed: Surf, Rock Smash.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Cianwood City Gym

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 20||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Staryu [Water]
Krabby [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Krabby [Water]
Staryu [Water]

Can it still be called a city when there are only 2 places of interest now, xD?
Good grief no Photo Studio, no Mart and the Pharmacy's gone. That is rough. In the
house next to the PokeCenter is the guy who will give you a Shuckle and the old
reference to Silver. Is he even in this game though, given that his dad is? Shuckle
is Level 15, holds an Oran Berry, has Sturdy and knows Constrict, Withdraw, Wrap
and Encore. Chuck's wife is outside the Gym, we should get HM Fly from her after
the battle.



Leader: Chuck - "His Roaring Fists Do the Talking"

Okay, the Gym design is still just like the original setup so make sure you brought
some Strength. Back to back fights against the first Gym Trainers Yoshi and Lao,
coming up.

Black Belt Yoshi

- Lv38 Hitmonlee [Fighting]
Prize: P912

Black Belt Lao

- Lv38 Hitmonchan [Fighting]
Prize: P912

Next one is Nob.

Black Belt Nob

- Lv38 Machop [Fighting]
- Lv38 Machoke [Fighting]
Prize: P912

Very simple Strength puzzle, might as well just call it an obstacle. Push up both
of the side boulders then the middle one to either side.

Black Belt Lung

- Lv36 Mankey [Fighting]
- Lv27 Mankey [Fighting]
- Lv37 Primeape [Fighting]
Prize: P888


Gym Leader Chuck

- Lv42 Medicham [Fighting/Psychic] {Pure Power}
- Lv41 Breloom [Grass/Fighting] {Effect Spore}
- Lv43 Primeape [Fighting] {Vital Spirit}
- Lv44 Poliwrath [Water/Fighting] {Water Absorb}
Prizes: P8800 + Storm Badge + TM31 SuperPower

- Chuck has 1 Hyper Potion & 1 Full Heal.

MEDICHAM: Focus Punch, Hi Jump Kick, ThunderPunch, Attract

BRELOOM: Focus Punch, Spore, Substitute, Leech Seed
PRIMEAPE: Double Team, Focus Punch, Leer, Rock Slide
POLIWRATH: Bulk Up, Focus Punch, Hypnosis, Waterfall

Not Brick Break in this game and that's not the only bad news. When you exit the
Gym and speak to Chuck's wife she doesn't give away HM Fly :/ the post-Gym battle
dialogue is there but no prize. It's odd because previously she would give the HM
away like normal. So who has it in this update now? Damn. On the bright side though
you've got another Badge now, although it doesn't allow for Rock Smash to be used
outside of battles (and yet this would've been the perfect Badge to get for that
too). Return to Goldenrod City and let's carry on south to Azalea Town.

[rt34] ROUTE 34

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 13||)

Gulpin [Poison]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Ditto [Normal]
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Drowzee [Psychic]
Rattata [Normal]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 24||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Krabby [Water]
Corsola [Water/Rock]

Camper Wade
- Lv33 Golduck [Water]
Prize: P660

Officer Keith
- Lv37 Arcanine [Fire]
Prize: P740

Youngster Ian
- Lv30 Mankey [Fighting]
- Lv32 Dugtrio [Ground]
Prize: P512

Picnicker Lana
- Lv29 Hoppip [Grass/Flying]
- Lv32 Ivysaur [Grass/Poison]
- Lv29 Hoppip [Grass/Flying]
Prize: P580

Surf south until you're behind the fence, there's an invisible Rare Candy by the
trees below (see screenshot). Continue south to the secret spot of the Cooltrainer

Cooltrainer Irene
- Lv37 Goldeen [Water]
- Lv39 Seaking [Water]
Prize: P1404

Cooltrainer Jenn
- Lv37 Staryu [Water]
- Lv39 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P1404

Cooltrainer Kate
- Lv37 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
- Lv38 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
Prize: P1368

For defeating her Kate will give you Soft Sand. Back to the main road, carry on
into the south Gate and speak to the Picnicker, she will give you TM09 Bullet Seed.

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 7||)

Caterpie [Bug]
Oddish [Grass/Poison]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Metapod [Bug]
Kakuna [Bug/Poison]
Paras [Bug/Grass]
Weedle [Bug/Poison]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 16||)
Psyduck [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Poliwag [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Magikarp [Water]
Poliwag [Water]

And as soon as you arrive what do you find? An Aqua Grunt!

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv29 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
Prize: P696

There was one in Goldenrod City and here's another. What's going on here? Continue
northeast until you see a gap between trees on the upper left, there's an invisible
Super Potion there (see screenshot). Follow the path east then south, southwest to
Grunts #3 and #4.

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv25 Zubat [Poison/Flying]
- Lv28 Krabby [Water]
Prize: P672

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv30 Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
Prize: P720

Then you'll find their boss Axis standing by the Forest Shrine. He has an
unidentified object that he is certain will make Celebi appear here...and sure
enough a moment later Celebi appears. Axis is ready to catch it for Giovanni, but
then he realises that if he catches Celebi now there's no need for Team Aqua to
obey Giovanni and they can use Celebi's time travel powers to go back into the past
and correct their mistakes, and maybe Archie will return to them. That unidentified
object turns out to be a Master Ball and right after Celebi is captured, Axis sees
you and decides to try out his newest Pokemon on you in a Double Battle!


Aqua Admin Axis

- Lv38 Golbat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv40 Mightyena [Dark] {Intimidate}
- Lv41 Sharpedo [Water/Dark] {Rough Skin}
- Lv42 Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate}
- Lv40 Celebi [Psychic/Grass] {Natural Cure}
Prize: P1600


MIGHTYENA: Scary Face, Swagger, Roar, Take Down

GOLBAT: Bite, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Air Cutter
SHARPEDO: Taunt, Screech, Crunch, Slash
GYARADOS: Hydro Pump, Bite, Twister, Dragon Rage
CELEBI: Future Sight, Safeguard, AncientPower, Baton Pass

Axis accepts that he isn't as good as Archie but thanks to Celebi's power he plans
to bring Archie back to help Team Aqua. Just as Axis tries to use the power Zach
arrives to stop him. He has Ampharos use Thunderbolt to break the Master Ball, thus
freeing Celebi and it flees the scene. Despite this Axis says he has a backup plan
and he runs away with his Grunts back to Giovanni. Yup, just crawling back to
Giovanni xD. Zach suggests that you should be extra cautious now about Axis because
of that "backup plan" and then gives you HM01! He adds that Jasmine's Badge is
what's needed for it, lucky enough that was the first Badge you got after you
arrived in Johto :) Zach then leaves for New Bark Town because Prof. Oak wants to
meet him there. After that, SAVE then check out the Shrine and watch as Celebi
returns to battle you. Catch it if you can.


[celei] CELEBI - The Time Travel Pokemon

Level: 40
Type: Psychic/Grass
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves Known: SafeGuard, AncientPower, Future Sight, Baton Pass

No GS Ball needed too :) that WONDERFUL, AMAZING, TOTALLY RELEVANT plot device from
the anime that didn't get paid off there xD. What a joke that was. Follow the path
as it goes to the right, the little area where a certain Farfetch'd ran off to way
back when. You'll find a Revive. Back to the main path and continue south to the



"Where People & Pokemon Live in Happy Harmony"

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Azalea Town Gym
- Kurt's House
- Charcoal Kiln
- Slowpoke/Rainmaker Well
Claim Ticket P9000 Burn Heal P250
Super Potion P700 Ice Heal P250
Revive P1500 Escape Rope P550
Antidote P100 Super Repel P500
Parlyz Heal P200

I think it would've been a nice touch if it was raining here to go along with the
whole Slowpoke's rain-making yawn legend. The tree by Kurt's house has a White
Apricorn and Kurt is home but he won't accept any Apricorns because he is already
working on a Ball. A little odd but maybe it's special Ball that we could need
later? At the Charcoal Kiln, the Apprentice of the Charcoal Maker gives you another
HM01. I guess two are better than one :) get yourself ready for Bugsy and let's go.



Leader: Bugsy - "The Walking Bug Pokemon Encyclopedia"

No Gym puzzle to worry about here, your first challenge comes from a pair of Twins.

Twns Amy & May

- Lv36 Ariados [Bug/Poison]
- Lv36 Ledian [Bug/Flying]
Prize: P2016

On the right is Ali.

Bug Catcher Ali

- Lv36 Butterfree [Bug/Flying]
- Lv36 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P432

Josh is on the upper left area and Benny's the last Gym Trainer.

Bug Catcher Josh

- Lv38 Parasect [Bug/Grass]
Prize: P1824

Bug Catcher Benny

- Lv33 Weedle [Bug/Poison]
- Lv39 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
- Lv36 Kakuna [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P1872


Gym Leader Bugsy

- Lv43 Butterfree [Bug/Flying] {CompundEyes}
- Lv44 Heracross [Bug/Fighting] {Swarm}
- Lv45 Scizor [Bug/Steel] {Swarm}
Prizes: P9000 + Hive Badge + TM06 Toxic
- Bugsy has 1 Hyper Potion.

BUTTERFREE: Giga Drain, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Gust

HERACROSS: Counter, Brick Break, Rock Slide, Megahorn
SCIZOR: Metal Claw, Swords Dance, Fury Cutter, SuperPower

In the Gen 2 games this was the Badge needed to make traded Pokemon obey up to
Level 30...but given the jump in levels at the start of this game, I wonder if that
still applies here. Before we leave town let's check out Slowpoke Well.



**HMs Needed: Surf, Strength, Rock Smash.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 7||)

Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Spinarak [Bug/Poison]
Slowpoke [Water/Psychic]
Azurill [Normal] (Rare)
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 16||)
Slowpoke [Water/Psychic]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Goldeen [Water]
Seaking [Water]

Go north until you see a left side turn, at the end of that turn is a Super Potion.
There's another item on the southwest side but you can't smash rocks yet so we'll
come back later for it. Exit the Well and Azalea.

[rt33] ROUTE 33

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 7||)

Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Rattata [Normal]
Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Hoppip [Grass/Flying]

The only person out here is....er, 5Trainer/1.

Backpacker 5Trainer/1
- Lv34 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
- Lv35 Machoke [Fighting]
Prize: P1260

Isn't this the Hiker who would call players when he found rare Pokemon in the old
games? There's a Pecha Berry tree on the right and then up ahead is the entrance to
Union Cave.

**HMs Needed: Surf, Strength.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 7||)

Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Rattata [Normal]
Onix [Rock/Ground]
Sandshrew [Ground]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 19||)
Wooper [Water/Ground]
Quagsire [Water/Ground]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]

Head north, you'll see an Awakening on the right before taking on Bill the

Firebreather Bill
- Lv31 Koffing [Poison]
- Lv31 Weezing [Poison]
Prize: P1116

That ladder on the upper right from him leads to the basement level that connects
to the Ruins of Alph's southwestern section.

-B1F A-

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 9||)

Rattata [Normal]
Onix [Rock/Ground]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Sandshrew [Ground]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 24||)
Wooper [Water/Ground]
Quagsire [Water/Ground]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]

On the left is an X Defend and on the right is TM34 Shock Wave. Surf up to find

Backpacker Leonard
- Lv35 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
- Lv35 Machoke [Fighting]
Prize: P1260

Ignore the first left turn, go for the next one.

Backpacker Phillip
- Lv35 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
- Lv35 Golem [Rock/Ground]
- Lv35 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P1260

Outside in the Ruins of Alph you will meet an Psychic strangely identified as your
good friend Gary.

Psychic Dude
- Lv39 Girafarig [Normal/Psychic]
Prize: P1404

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 24||)

Natu [Psychic/Flying]
(RUINS CHAMBER) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Unown [Psychic]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 19||)
Wooper [Water/Ground]
Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Barboach [Water/Ground]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Poliwag [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Magikarp [Water]
Relicanth [Water/Rock]
Poliwag [Water]

Return to 1F of Union Cave, head southwest from Bill and descend the ladder found

-B1F B-

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 9||)

Sandshrew [Ground]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 23||)
Wooper [Water/Ground]
Quagsire [Water/Ground]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]

Andrew's the only person here, get to the next ladder on the right side.

PokeManiac Andrew
- Lv37 Marowak [Ground]
- Lv37 Marowak [Ground]
Prize: P1776


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 23||)

Rattata [Normal]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Raticate [Normal]
Onix [Rock/Ground]
Nosepass [Rock]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 21||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Corsola [Water/Rock]
Krabby [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Krabby [Water]
Kingler [Water]

Head south and Surf along the right side to face Nick and a Hyper Potion.

Cooltrainer Nick
- Lv39 Ampharos [Electric]
- Lv36 Squirtle [Water]
- Lv40 Gardevoir [Psychic]
Prize: P1296

Surf to the upper left side to find an Elixir. Continue south along that side for a
match against Gwen.

Cooltrainer Gwen
- Lv38 Eevee [Normal]
- Lv38 Vaporeon [Water]
- Lv36 Jolteon [Electric]
- Lv36 Flareon [Fire]
Prize: P1296

On the southeast side is a Max Revive and the Union Cave Lapras: Level 20, has
Shell Armor and knows Sing, Mist, Body Slam and Confuse Ray. You already got one
from Captain John and funny enough when you use Surf in the overworld which Pokemon
represents this? Lapras :) makes perfect sense. Return to 1F and continue north to
see Rusell and an X Attack at the end of the right turn behind him.

Backpacker Rusell
- Lv34 Geodude [Rock/Ground]
- Lv34 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
- Lv36 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P1296

On the left side you'll find a Great Ball and a Moon Stone. There's a Potion in the
upper left side and the exit on the upper right.

[rt32] ROUTE 32

**HMs Needed: Surf, Cut.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 8||)

Wooper [Water/Ground]
Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Rattata [Normal]
Hoppip [Grass/Flying]
Mareep [Electric]
Ekans [Poison]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Quagsire [Water/Ground]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]

Bird Keeper Peter

- Lv36 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
- Lv36 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
- Lv38 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P760

Welcome to Johto's fishing spot route. Head up to the PokeCenter, inside you'll
find the Old Rod Fisherman. No sign of the Slowpoke Tail guy, what happened to him?
Continue going north, in the grass you'll find a Great Ball and on the upper left
side is Roland.

Camper Roland
- Lv37 Nidoking [Poison/Ground]
Prize: P1776

Over to the fishing area:

Fisherman Tod
- Lv38 Seaking [Water]
Prize: P1368

Fisherman Justin
- Lv35 Magikarp [Water]
- Lv35 Magikarp [Water]
- Lv45 Magikarp [Water]
- Lv35 Magikarp [Water]
Prize: P1260

Fisherman Henry
- Lv35 Poliwhirl [Water]
- Lv35 Poliwhirl [Water]
Prize: P1260

On the north side of the fishing spot there's an invisible Super Potion (see
screenshot). In the grass further up is a Potion and beyond that is a skinny tree
that leads to the man who has TM05 Roar. Then you'll reach the eastern Gate of the
Ruins of Alph.



**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 24||)

Natu [Psychic/Flying]
(RUINS CHAMBER) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Unown [Psychic]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 19||)
Wooper [Water/Ground]
Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Barboach [Water/Ground]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Poliwag [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Magikarp [Water]
Relicanth [Water/Rock]
Poliwag [Water]

Unfortunately the only reason to pass by here is to catch Pokemon. The Unown are
around but none of the chambers have any of the sliding tile puzzles so in this
game the Ruins of Alph are pretty much a tourist spot. Once you're done you can
either return to Route 32 (there's a Cheri Berry tree a little further north) or
head out to Route 36 then finally reach Violet City.



"The City of Nostalgic Scents"

**HMs Needed: Surf, Cut.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Violet City Gym
- Sprout Tower
- Earl's Pokemon Academy (Closed)


Great Ball P600 Revive P1500
Ultra Ball P1200 Max Repel P700
Hyper Potion P1200 X Defend P550
Max Potion P2500 X Attack P500
Full Heal P600

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 19||)

Poliwag [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Magikarp [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Poliwag [Water]
Magikarp [Water]

It's a damn shame that the Academy is closed. Surf northwest from the Gym to find a
PP Up. Across the northeast pool is a Rare Candy. Cut the skinny tree behind the
PokeCenter and follow the short path up to an invisible Hyper Potion (see
screenshot). Fortunately Sprout Tower is still open so let's head over there.

[sprt] SPROUT TOWER - "Experience the Way of Pokemon"



Just a few visitors are here, go for the stairs on the upper left.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 5||)

Rattata [Normal]
Gastly [Ghost/Poison]

On the right side is the first Sage opponent, Nico.

Sage Nico
- Lv31 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
- Lv31 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
- Lv31 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P992

Yup, the Sages are still the world's biggest Bellsprout fans xD. The stairs take
you back to 1F where you can pick up a Parlyz Heal before going to the left side
and battle Chow.

Sage Chow
- Lv31 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
- Lv31 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
- Lv31 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P992


Pokemon Found [Levels: 3-6]

Rattata [Normal]
Sableye [Dark/Ghost]

Head south to meet Edmond.

Sage Edmond
- Lv31 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
- Lv31 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
- Lv31 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P992

Head to the right for the final stairs.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 5||)

Rattata [Normal]

Sage Jin
- Lv36 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P1152

Sage Neal
- Lv36 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P1152

Sage Troy
- Lv38 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
- Lv37 Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P1184

I wonder if Silver is in this game, being here reminds me of finding him getting
some advice from the Elder Sage. Grab that Escape Rope on the right before meeting
Li for the last test.


Sage Li
- Lv41 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv44 Bellsprout [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv43 Noctowl [Normal/Flying] {Insomnia}
Prize: P1408


BELLSPROUT (both): Sweet Scent, Stun Spore, Acid, Razor Leaf

NOCTOWL: Sky Attack, Hypnosis, Psychic, Take Down

And there you have it, HM05 Enlightenment :) exit and get ready for Falkner.

Leader: Falkner - "The Elegant Master of Flying Pokemon"

It kind of looks like we're standing on a platform floating over a bottomless pit
xD. The Gym is still a simple setup with no puzzles.

Bird Keeper Abe

- Lv37 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P740

Bird Keeper Rod

- Lv35 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
- Lv38 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P760

Falkner's sprite though xD, hmm maybe the proper overworld sprites for the Johto
Gym Leaders just weren't available, who knows.


Gym Leader Falkner

- Lv43 Noctowl [Normal/Flying] {Insomnia}
- Lv44 Pelipper [Water/Flying] {Keen Eye}
- Lv46 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye}
- Lv42 Swellow [Normal/Flying] {Guts}
Prizes: P9200 + Zephyr Badge + TM40 Aerial Ace

- Falkner has 1 Hyper Potion.

NOCTOWL: Air Cutter, Night Shade, Hypnosis, Shadow Ball

PELIPPER: Stockpile, Surf, Ice Beam, Swallow
PIDGEOT: Drill Peck, Swagger, Double Team, Whirlwind
SWELLOW: Double Team, Protect, Facade, Endeavor

Exit the Gym and get ready for the road to New Bark Town.

[rt31] ROUTE 31

**HMs Needed: Surf, Cut.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 5||)

Spinarak [Bug/Poison]
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Caterpie [Bug]
Rattata [Normal]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 19||)
Poliwag [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Poliwag [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Poliwag [Water]

On the south side is Ator, and that's a Poke Ball next to him.

Bug Catcher Ator

- Lv34 Metapod [Bug]
- Lv34 Butterfree [Bug/Flying]
- Lv34 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
- Lv34 Kakuna [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P1632

Above him is the sleeping guy, if I remember correctly players would receive a
letter-carrying Spearow from the Nationak Park eastern Gate guard and deliver the
letter to this guy. If you spoke to him again he would give you the TM for
Nightmare and if you spoke to the guard after the delivery you were allowed to keep
the Spearow. That all happened in the Gen 2 games, but doesn't seem possible in
this one. A little further to the right is someone we haven't seen in quite a while
- Eddy! He is here in Johto hoping to find tough Trainers that he can challenge
after being told about the region. He admits that he misjudged you before but he
isn't so sure that you are ready to explore Johto. Time to prove him wrong again :)


Pokemon Trainer Eddy

- Lv38 Xatu [Psychic/Flying] {Synchronize}
- Lv42 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird}
- Lv40 Piloswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious}
- Lv41 Kingler [Water] {Hyper Cutter}
- Lv39 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
- Lv40 Breloom [Grass/Fighting] {Effect Spore}
Prize: P840

- Eddy has 2 Hyper Potions.

XATU: Night Shade, Wish, Future Sight, Teleport

HOUNDOOM: Bite, Smog, Roar, Odor Sleuth
PILOSWINE: Take Down, Powder Snow, Endure, Fury Attack
KINGLER: Mud Shot, Harden, Stomp, Guillotine
ELECTABUZZ: Discharge, Body Slam, Thunderbolt, CloseCombat
BRELOOM: Headbutt, Counter, Mach Punch, Sky Uppercut

He thought you were weak because you looked inexperienced but now Eddy accepts that
you are skilled and he says he will defeat you next time. Interesting, I wonder
what role he will have here in Johto. There was no Eddy here in previous versions.
Continue to the right, there's an Antidote and the entrance to Dark Cave.

[rtdc] DARK CAVE


**HMs Needed: Flash, Surf, Rock Smash.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Dunsparce [Normal]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 12||)
Magikarp [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Goldeen [Water]

The place has gotten a little redesign, not too bad. Make your way to the northwest
corner to find a Potion. On the eastern side there's an invisible Elixir (see
screenshot). On the southwest side, there's a Hyper Potion and there's a Full Heal
on the southeast side. You can head over to the northeast area if you are looking
for a Wobbuffet, otherwise we'll explore that area after coming down from
Blackthorn City.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 25||)

Wobbuffet [Psychic]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Nosepass [Rock]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 17||)
Magikarp [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]

Back to Route 31 and continue south.

[rt30] ROUTE 30

**HMs Needed: Surf, Cut.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 5||)

Caterpie [Bug]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Wurmple [Bug]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 16||)
Poliwag [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Poliwag [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Poliwag [Water]

Youngster Mikey
- Lv34 Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
- Lv36 Raticate [Normal]
Prize: P1296

Shout out to that legendary Youngster Joey, this was his area back in the day.
Circle round to the northeast to find Mr. Pokemon's house (that's a Pecha Berry
tree next to it). Nothing new from him sadly, he just gives out the same lines that
he did after the Pokemon Egg mini quest in the Gen 2 games. Way to the south is the
Berry house, you can get an Oran Berry from the Berry man. Funny enough that the
tree next to the house has no Berry...



"The City of Cute, Fragrant Flowers"

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Guide Gent's House


Great Ball P600 Revive P1500
Ultra Ball P1200 Max Repel P700
Hyper Potion P1200 X Defend P550
Max Potion P2500 X Attack P500
Full Heal P600

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 18||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Krabby [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Corsola [Water/Rock]
Krabby [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Krabby [Water]
Corsola [Water/Rock]

The Fisherman on the jetty just off the shore will give you a Mystic Water. Nothing
else of note here, I thought maybe the Guide Gent would give us the Town Map but
nope :/ carry on east.
[rt29] ROUTE 29

**HMs Needed: Cut.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 4||)

Rattata [Normal]
Sentret [Normal]
Hoothoot [Normal/Flying]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]

You can go through the Gate to check out the last portion of Route 46.

[rt46] ROUTE 46

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 5||)

Jigglypuff [Normal]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Rattata [Normal]
Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]

On the northeast side of Route 29 there's a Potion and then carry on to find Eddy
and Zach just outside New Bark Town. Zach had been waiting for Eddy here, he
reveals that Prof. Oak wanted to see them because of Gary. He is still missing but
Oak now believes that he is in Kanto and so Zach and Eddy are tasked with finding
him there. Eddy, going into Tsundere mode xD, agrees to help but not for your sake.
He'll wait for you in Kanto. As for Zach, it has been a while since you battled him
so now's the time for another round.


Pokemon Trainer Zach

- Lv40 Golbat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv43 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate}
- Lv41 Victreebel [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv43 Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate}
- Lv44 Ampharos [Electric] {Static}
- Lv45 Gardevoir [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Prize: P900

- Zach has 1 Hyper Potion.

GOLBAT: Air Cutter, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Bite

ARCANINE: Bite, Ember, Roar, Odor Sleuth
VICTREEBEL: Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Vine Whip, Solarbeam
GYARADOS: Dragon Rage, Twister, Bite, Hydro Pump
AMPHAROS: Volt Tackle, Discharge, DynamicPunch, ThunderPunch
GARDEVOIR: Calm Mind, Psychic, Future Sight, Imprison
Zach mentions seeing a certain red haired individual at Prof. Elm's lab. Well, well
:) this person has some knowledge about Team Rocket and revealed that there is a
new hideout in Fuchsia City. Zach is headed there and suggests that you do too once
you are in Kanto, but you don't have a ticket to get there. That's the bad news,
the good news is Prof. Oak will give you one.



"The Town Where the Winds of a New Beginning Blow"

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
- Ethan's House
- Elm Pokemon Lab
- Elm's House

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 5||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 13||)
Magikarp [Water]
Horsea [Water]
(SUPER ROD) [Nothing]

Here we are in New Bark Town, the place where for over 20 years now MANY Johto
adventures got started. As soon as you arrive you'll see Silver waiting just
outside the lab. He has heard about you after what happened in Ecruteak and despite
Team Rocket being a group led by his dad, Silver has no problem throwing some shade
on them. He is also aware of the Gary situation so he gives you HM02 Fly and says
you should head to Fuchsia and check out the hideout. You have Falkner's Badge so
no problem using Fly now. Silver then says he won't get involved in this Team
Rocket issue, because he isn't ready to face Giovanni yet. Interesting. In the lab
you'll find the professors, speak to Oak and he confirms that they don't know
Gary's current location but they are certain that he's somewhere in Kanto. Then Oak
gives you the Magnet Train Pass.

You can visit Ethan's Mom and find out that Ethan's the current Champion, but Mom
doesn't know where he is. I like that bit of continuity to tie the Johto in this
game to Gen 2. Where could Ethan be? What about Kris, or even Red?? Hopefully we'll
get some answers at some point. To the east is Route 27, you can have a quick look

[rt27] ROUTE 27

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 32||)

Dodrio [Normal/Flying]
Arbok [Poison]
Sandslash [Ground]
Raticate [Normal]
Whismur [Normal]
Ponyta [Fire]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Shellder [Water]
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Shellder [Water]
Chinchou [Water/Electric]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]

It's nice to see this place got patched up, because previously if you Surfed out
here and returned to New Bark you would see a glitched out Pallet Town. The only
thing of note you can do here for now is pick up a Moon Stone from the upper left
side corner in Tohjo Falls. Now that you can Fly around there are a few places to
be revisited, mainly to make use of Rock Smash:

- On the northern beach smash the northern most rock to access an invisible Max
Ether. There's also a rock just above the doorless building on the south end of the
beach, smash it to access an invisible Revive.

- Now you can reach the southwest corner to pick up a Big Pearl.

- On the western side of the lake is a cave, go in and find 4 holes in the floor.
Remember the inscription that we found in the other Lake Sol cave? It was referring
to this place:

"From the POINT OF ORDER, follow the path appointed:

Left, Up, Down, Up, Right, Left, Down. Doing this will lead you BEYOND LIFE."

Drop down the holes in that order and eventually you'll land in a room occupied by


[jirai] JIRACHI - The Wish Pokemon

Level: 40
Type: Steel/Psychic
Ability: Serene Grace
Moves: Refresh, Rest, Double-Edge, Future Sight

/WHIRL ISLANDS - Northeast Cave\


On the elevated ground on the right is an Ultra Ball. Nothing else of note so don't
bother climbing down the ladder. Return to Ecruteak and get ready to go east.

[rt42] ROUTE 42

**HMs Needed: Surf, Cut.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Mankey [Fighting]
Mareep [Electric]
Spearow [Normal/Flying]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 21||)
Goldeen [Water]
Seaking [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]

That's an Ultra Ball near the Mt. Mortar signboard. Let's go in and have a look.

[rtmm] MT. MORTAR


**HMs Needed: Surf, Flash, Strength, Waterfall.

-1F AREA 1-

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Machop [Fighting]
Rattata [Normal]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 22||)
Goldeen [Water]
Seaking [Water]
Azurill [Normal]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Seaking [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]

There are two entrances ahead, one in the northwest corner and another in the
northeast corner, each leading to Area 2. On the south side of this area is a
ladder to the basement area, but down there is a deadend at the north end. Go
through the northwest entrance.
-1F AREA 2-

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Machop [Fighting]
Makuhita [Fighting]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Rattata [Normal]
Mawile [Steel]

You'll find a ladder on the left, it leads to the west side of the Area 1 waterfall
where you'll find an Ether. Head to the right until you see a north path blocked by
a boulder. Follow that path all the way up until you see 2 sets of steps, go for
the left set and climb up a rocky platform to get an Escape Rope. Return all the
way down south and go east to climb the ladder in the southeast corner, it leads to
the east side of the waterfall where you'll find a Guard Spec. For now that's as
much as you can do in Mt. Mortar until you get Waterfall so exit back to Route 42
by going through the 1F Area 1 south exit.

Back outside, you'll find a Super Potion on the right side from the entrance. Cut
the tree below to reach the Pink Apricorn tree on the left. Surf across to the
east, you'll see Stan on the other side.

Fisherman Stan
- Lv35 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
Prize: P3500

Then there's Shadi and Benjamin the final Trainers.

PokeManiac Shadi
- Lv34 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground]
- Lv34 Nidoking [Poison/Ground]
Prize: P1632

Backpacker Benjamin
- Lv29 Diglett [Ground]
- Lv29 Geodude [Rock/Ground]
- Lv33 Dugtrio [Ground]
Prize: P1188



"Welcome to the Home of the Ninja"

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Grandma's Shop
- Mahogany Town Gym

Rage Candy Bar P300 Parlyz Heal P200
Great Ball P600 Super Repel P500
Super Potion P700 Revive P1500
Hyper Potion P1200 Tropic Mail P50
Antidote P100
Even after all these years I still ask that one super important question - where
are the ninja?? Home of the ninja but not a single one seen around here, not even
the ones who wear orange and love ramen. We'll head up to the Lake of Rage first,
check that place out, then come back to take on Pryce.

[rt43] ROUTE 43

**HMs Needed: Surf, Cut.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Venonat [Bug/Poison]
Girafarig [Normal/Psychic]
Flaaffy [Electric]
Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 19||)
Magikarp [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Poliwag [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Poliwag [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Poliwag [Water]
Azurill [Normal]

The first person found here is Spencer.

Camper Spencer
- Lv34 Sandshrew [Ground]
- Lv36 Sandslash [Ground]
- Lv35 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P1728

Go into the next Gate and speak to the Guard, he'll give you TM36 Sludge Bomb. If
you head up through the grass that's on the left side of the Gate you'll meet Shea.

Picnicker Shea
- Lv37 Clefairy [Normal]
Prize: P740

Across the river from her was a Persim Berry tree previously but not anymore.
Continue up through the grass to find Mann.

PokeManiac Mann
- Lv37 Lickitung [Normal]
Prize: P1776

South from him, near the Gate, is a Max Ether. North of the stream that Shea is
standing next to is Marvin.

Fisherman Marvin
- Lv25 Magikarp [Water]
- Lv25 Gyarados [Water/Dragon]
- Lv30 Magikarp [Water]
- Lv30 Gyarados [Water/Dragon]
Prize: P1080

Follow the path northwest into the maze of trees until you reach 2 ledges, use the
Itemfinder on the right side of them to locate a hidden Rawst Berry (see
screenshot). Continue north to Cut the first of a few skinny trees in this maze.
After Cutting the second one, turn left and stay with that path as it leads to


[raio] RAIKOU - The Thunder Pokemon

Level: 37
Type: Electric
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Leer, Thundershock, Roar, Quick Attack

Okay, I like that it was out in the overworld and not a random encounter like in
the old games. Two Legendary Beasts captured, one remains...where could Entei be?
Go back to where you took the left turn and go right (use the Itemfinder in the gap
on the left to pick up a hidden Chesto Berry, see screenshot), take the first north
turn and at the left side end of the path use the Itemfinder to get a hidden Pecha
Berry (see screenshot). Back track to take the next north turn and use the
Itemfinder in the small gap between trees on the right to get a hidden Razz Berry
(see screenshot). That house which you may have noticed near Raikou is locked for
some unknown reason, I believe that's where you would get TM Hidden Power in the
original games. Return to the main road of Route 43 and head for the lake.



**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 16||)

Gyarados [Water/Dragon]
Magikarp [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 15||)
Gyarados [Water/Dragon]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Magikarp [Water]
Gyarados [Water/Dragon]

Damn so it's true, Giovanni caught THE Red Gyarados :S I held on to some hope and
thought we would get here and maybe find another one. No Fishing Rod from the
Fishing Guru, so I'm guessing the Super Rod is in Kanto now. Nothing else happening
at the lake so head back to town and prepare for the Winter Trainer.



Leader: Pryce - "The Teacher of Winter's Harshness"

Hmm, this place certainly serves as a practice spot before we tackle the ice floor
puzzle in the Ice Path cave. From the entrance, on the left is Ronald and on the
right is Clarissa.

Boarder Ronald
- Lv36 Seel [Water]
- Lv37 Dewgong [Water/Ice]
- Lv37 Seel [Water]
Prize: P740

Skier Clarissa
- Lv40 Dewgong [Water/Ice]
Prize: P1280

Slide up from Clarissa then to the left to meet Brad.

Boarder Brad
- Lv38 Swinub [Ice/Ground]
- Lv38 Piloswine [Ice/Ground]
Prize: P760

Go back to Ronald, slide up then to the right, up then left to Douglas.

Boarder Douglas
- Lv36 Shellder [Water]
- Lv37 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
- Lv38 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
Prize: P760

Slide down then to the right next to Brad, down, right, up and left to Roxanne the
final Trainer.

Skier Roxanne
- Lv40 Jynx [Ice/Psychic]
Prize: P1280

Then just slide up to face the old man.


Gym Leader Pryce

- Lv43 Glalie [Ice] {Inner Focus}
- Lv44 Lapras [Water/Ice] {Water Absorb}
- Lv45 Dewgong [Water/Ice] {Thick Fat}
- Lv45 Piloswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious}
Prizes: P9200 + Glacier Badge + TM07 Hail

- Pryce has 2 Hyper Potions & 1 Full Heal.

GLALIE: Torment, Explosion, Blizzard, Crunch

LAPRAS: Surf, Hail, Ice Beam, Psychic
DEWGONG: Headbutt, Icy Wind, Aurora Beam, Rest
PILOSWINE: Icy Wind, Fury Attack, Mist, Blizzard

Done and done, one more Johto Badge to go. Exit and head on east.
[rt44] ROUTE 44

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 26||)

Tangela [Grass]
Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Weepinbell [Grass/Poison]
Tropius [Grass/Flying]
Lickitung [Normal]
Kirlia [Psychic]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 25||)
Poliwag [Water]
Poliwhirl [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Remoraid [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Poliwag [Water]
Whiscash [Water/Ground]

First person we find here is Phil.

Psychic Phil
- Lv37 Natu [Psychic/Flying]
- Lv39 Kadabra [Psychic]
Prize: P780

There's a Rawst Berry above him, if you go along that northeast path you'll reach
Zach, an Ultra Ball and Dan.

PokeManiac Zach
- Lv38 Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock]
Prize: P1824

Fisherman Dan
- Lv34 Goldeen [Water]
- Lv34 Goldeen [Water]
- Lv36 Seaking [Water]
Prize: P3600

Circle round to the southwest:

Cooltrainer Cybil
- Lv38 Butterfree [Bug/Flying]
- Lv38 Bellossom [Grass]
Prize: P1368

Fisherman Edgar
- Lv36 Octillery [Water]
- Lv38 Octillery [Water]
Prize: P1368
In the grass area just across that pond is a visible Max Revive and an invisible
Max Ether a few steps to the right side of it (or see screenshot). Then head all
the way east to Ice Path.

[rtip] ICE PATH


**HMs Needed: Surf, Strength, Rock Smash, Waterfall.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 25||)

Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Swinub [Ice/Ground]
Jynx [Ice/Psychic]
Spheal [Ice/Water]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 24||)
Shellder [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
Quagsire [Water/Ground]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Wooper [Water/Ground]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Wooper [Water/Ground]
Magikarp [Water]
Quagsire [Water/Ground]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Clamperl [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
Shellder [Water]


Slide along the upper side of the ice floor on the left, this gets you to the first
north turn. Go along that path, slide up, left, down, right, up, right and up to
get HM07 Waterf-- nope, a Nugget! The HM was here previously xD, now where has it
gone to?? Slide to the far left, up, right then down and return to the eastern side
of this room. Head all the way up to a ladder leading below.


This is where we make use of that Strength move. Head up until you see a hole in
the floor, if you drop through it you'll land close to a Max Potion in the
northwest corner of B2F. To get back to B1F just slide to the east then northeast
to a ladder. The boulder that you'll find on the north side of B1F, push it to the
hole you would've dropped through before. Go south from the northwest ladder to
find a mini Strength puzzle: push down both of the side boulders on the sides, the
top boulder to either side and the bottom one down the hole. Jump down the ledge,
push that right boulder to the hole which you'll see on the upper left side of your
screen. You saw 2 boulders on the bottom left side of your screen, right? Push the
left boulder to the hole on the left and drop through it.

-B2F- (Area 1)

Slide up, right, down, left, up, right and up. That's a Full Heal near the ladder.

Head to the right, smash the rock and get to the southwest corner to pick up an
invisible Nevermeltice (see screenshot).

-B2F- (Area 2)

Climb up the steps, you'll find an Iron on the top side then jump down the ledge
and go for the ladder.

-B1F- (Area 2)

We'll come back here when we can scale waterfalls. Slide to the left side, once you
get to the next rest spot slide left, down, left to the far left rest spot, down,
right, down, left and down to climb a rocky platform where there is an invisible
Blue Flute somewhere in the middle area (see screenshot). There are some invisible
wall tiles too on the right side, don't mind those. Make your way back to the
middle rest stop and slide all the way up and head for the exit on the left.



"A Quiet Mountain Retreat"

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Blackthorn City Gym
- Move Deleter's House
- Dragon's Den (Gone!)

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Magikarp [Water]
Dratini [Dragon]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Magikarp [Water]
Dratini [Dragon]
Poliwag [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Feebas [Water]
Magikarp [Water]


Great Ball P600 Revive P1500
Ultra Ball P1200 Max Repel P700
Hyper Potion P1200 X Defend P550
Max Potion P2500 X Attack P500
Full Heal P600

Seriously, it's like the Den never existed xD. Oh well, there's nothing else except
maybe catching Feebas and Dratini then prepping up for the final Badge battle.
Clair is waiting.



Leader: Clair - "The Blessed User of Dragon Pokemon"

**HMs Needed: Strength, Rock Smash.

You know what, I like that the dungeon-style design of this place was kept :) the
brick floor makes me think of the castle floors from Super Mario Bros. The first 2
Gym Trainers are Paul on the left and Mike on the right.

Cooltrainer Paul
- Lv39 Dragonair [Dragon]
- Lv39 Dragonair [Dragon]
- Lv39 Dratini [Dragon]
Prize: P1404

Cooltrainer Mike
- Lv37 Dragonair [Dragon]
Prize: P1332

Climb up the stairs in the middle to 2F. Push the boulder from the southeast corner
to the hole north from there. Back to the main area, climb the steps next to Paul
back to 2F to reach Fran.

Cooltrainer Fran
- Lv37 Seadra [Water]
Prize: P1332

Smash that rock, head south to push the boulder up to the hole next to Fran. Back
to the main area, the stairs next to Mike lead to Cody.

Cooltrainer Cody
- Lv38 Horsea [Water]
- Lv39 Seadra [Water]
Prize: P1404

Above him push the boulder into the bottom hole. Back in the main area go for the
steps in the northwest corner, on 2F push the boulder into the hole on the right.
Now you've created a path from the main area middle section to the northeast side
and final Gym Trainer Lola, just hop over them boulders.

Cooltrainer Lola
- Lv38 Dratini [Dragon]
- Lv40 Dragonair [Dragon]
Prize: P1440

Let's get that final Johto Badge, good luck.


Gym Leader Clair

- Lv47 Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate}
- Lv47 Charizard [Fire/Flying] {Blaze}
- Lv47 Aerodactyl [Rock/Flying] {Rock Head}
- Lv48 Dragonite [Dragon/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv50 Kingdra [Water/Dragon] {Swift Swim}
Prizes: P10000 + Rising Badge + TM24 Thunderbolt

- Clair has 2 Hyper Potions & 1 Full Heal.

GYARADOS: Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Waterfall, Dragonbreath

CHARIZARD: Flamethrower, Air Cutter, Dragon Claw, Fly
AERODACTYL: Earthquake, Rock Slide, Fly, Roar
DRAGONITE: Thunder Wave, Fire Blast, Dragonbreath, Slam
KINGDRA: Hydro Pump, Smokescreen, Hyper Beam, Dragonbreath

One positive thing about not having Dragon's Den around is that Clair just give you
the Badge now instead of being a sore loser and refusing to hand it over until you
enter the Den. Classic scumbag Clair :) Good times. Congratulations, you have all
the Johto Badges now! Normally that means all roads lead to the League but you
can't travel there yet because you don't have HM Waterfall. Exit and prepare for
the Mountain Road down south.

[rt45] ROUTE 45

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 27||)

Gligar [Ground/Flying]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Slakoth [Normal]
Teddiursa [Normal]
Skarmory [Steel/Flying]
Phanpy [Ground]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 22||)
Magikarp [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Magikarp [Water]
Dratini [Dragon]

Just on the left is an entrance to Dark Cave's Northeastern Area.

[rtdc2] DARK CAVE -Northeastern Area-


**HMs Needed: Surf, Flash, Rock Smash.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 25||)

Wobbuffet [Psychic]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Nosepass [Rock]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 17||)
Magikarp [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]

Head south and Surf down the first pool. If you were curious enough to climb the
steps and head west before reaching the pool you would've found a guy in green in
the northwest area. He's some kind of glitch that will disappear whenever you talk
to him (and you pick up a Revive) and he will reappear after you start to walk away
from him. After crossing the first pool carry on to Surf over the next one and
you'll reach TM35 Flamethrower in the southeast corner. On the southwest side is
the ledge that kept us from exploring this area so head back up to Route 45.

As you should remember about this route, it's split into 2 sides with items and
Trainers on either side. The east side is split into two lanes, along the left lane
is Erik and Ryan is on the right.

Backpacker Erik
- Lv39 Machop [Fighting]
- Lv39 Machop [Fighting]
- Lv40 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P1404

Cooltrainer Ryan
- Lv36 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying]
- Lv38 Electabuzz [Electric]
Prize: P1368

Both lanes lead to Kelly.

Cooltrainer Kelly
- Lv39 Azumarill [Water]
- Lv38 Wartortle [Water]
- Lv38 Blastoise [Water]
Prize: P1368

If you stay on the left side as you go south you'll eventually reach a Revive.
Staying on the right side leads you to Hiro and then Timothy if you go along the
left path after Hiro.

Black Belt Hiro

- Lv40 Machamp [Fighting]
Prize: P960

Backpacker Timothy
- Lv37 Diglett [Ground]
- Lv37 Dugtrio [Ground]
Prize: P1332

The right side path below him leads to a small pond and a Leppa Berry tree.
[rt46] ROUTE 46

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 5||)

Jigglypuff [Normal]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Rattata [Normal]
Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]

You'll find the southeast entrance into Dark Cave but you can ignore it now since
you already got the Full Heal that was there. As you go south stay on the left side
because that's where the final Legendary Beast is waiting!


[entie] ENTEI - The Volcano Pokemon

Level: 37
Type: Fire
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Leer, Ember, Roar, Fire Spin

Only one Johto Legendary remains now, Ho-Oh, and yet the one guy who has a Rainbow
Wing is a regular NPC with no connection to the story of the game xD. Next to Entei
is a Dire Hit and once you jump down the ledge you're back in that final section of
this route. That's how we wrap up the Johto tour, despite not being able to travel
to Kanto the traditional way. So we'll travel there by train instead. Return to
Goldenrod City and head for the Station. The conductor says that not only can you
go to Kanto but you can take the train to Hoenn and back to Steel City also. Oak
and Elm did mention Hoenn way back at the Academy and now's the chance to go there.

>>-=-=-=-=-HOENN REGION-=-=-=-=-<<



"The City Probing the Integration of Nature & Science"

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart (No service)
- Rustboro City Gym
- Devon Corporation (Locked)
- Pokemon Trainer's School (Gone)
- Rustboro City Magnet Train Station

Yup, no service at the Mart because nothing happens when you try to speak to the
clerk. No more Trainer's School and we can't step out of town because the police
are on high alert for Team Aqua. Can't check out Devon Corp. but there is a pair of
unnamed Cooltrainer siblings near the building, they are surprised to see you and
say you should return to them after the Gym. Who are they? Anyway, nothing else
going on here so let's see Roxanne.

Leader: Roxanne - "The Rock-loving Honors Student!"

No puzzle action here just like the original Gym, the only Gym Trainers are
Michelle (?) and Maccain.

Youngster Michelle
- Lv37 Phanpy [Ground]
- Lv37 Onix [Rock/Ground]
- Lv38 Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P1368

Backpacker Maccain
- Lv36 Onix [Rock/Ground]
- Lv38 Magcargo [Fire/Rock]
Prize: P1368


Gym Leader Roxanne

- Lv44 Aerodactyl [Rock/Flying] {Rock Head}
- Lv44 Golem [Rock/Ground] {Rock Head}
- Lv45 Steelix [Steel/Ground] {Rock Head}
- Lv47 Nosepass [Rock] {Sturdy} <<Sitrus Berry>>
Prizes: P9400 + Stone Badge + TM39 Rock Tomb

- Roxanne has 1 Full Restore.

AERODACTYL: Protect, Supersonic, Rock Slide, Hyper Beam

GOLEM: Rollout, Focus Punch, Explosion, Earthquake
STEELIX: Rock Slide, Iron Tail, Explosion, Roar
NOSEPASS: Rock Slide, Protect, Double Team, Explosion

There is one more Hoenn city that is available in this game but it looks like we
can't get there for now. Return to the siblings, they see that you've got the Badge
and immediately challenge you to a Double Battle!

Cool Couple ??? & ???

- Lv50 Latias [Dragon/Psychic] {Levitate}
- Lv50 Latios [Dragon/Psychic] {Levitate}
Prize: P2400


LATIAS: Mist Ball, Charm, Psychic, Recover

LATIOS: Recover, Luster Purge, Psychic, Dragon Dance

Wow, look at that :) so what do we call these siblings, the Eon Duo? Interesting,
they enjoyed the battle and hope to meet you again later. We'll definitely keep an
eye out for them. Head back to the Station and let's finally travel to Kanto!

>>-=-=-=-=-KANTO REGION-=-=-=-=-<<



"Shining, Golden Land of Commerce"

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Saffron City Gym
- Silph Co. (Locked)
- Fighting Dojo (Locked)
- Copycat Girl's House (Gone)
- Mr. Psychic's House
- Saffron City Magnet Train


Great Ball P600 Revive P1500
Ultra Ball P1200 Max Repel P700
Hyper Potion P1200 X Defend P550
Max Potion P2500 X Attack P500
Full Heal P600

Good old Kanto, here we are :) in previous versions Johto had been a disappointment
storyline wise and Kanto wasn't any better but we've got a story going on in this
version now so that should raise up some expectations. But sadly the Karate Dojo
and Silph Co. are locked in this version, it could have been interesting to have
Silph Co. involved in some way. One thing of note is what the Black Belt outside
Sabrina's Gym says: there's trouble at the Power Plant. Could be true or could be
copy/paste dialogue from the old games, we'll pass by the place later to check.
Let's see Sabrina.



Leader: Sabrina - "The Master of Psychic Pokemon!"

If you've never been a fan of the warp tile puzzle of this Gym, you're unlucky
because not only is it still here but the teleport path has changed from the
FireRed path. That's the bad news, as for the good news, well, here is the new
solution is 1-3-6-11-12-13 and my attempt at putting together a diagram of the Gym
layout :) emphasis on the word ATTEMPT:

T (Gym Trainer)
S (Sabrina)
E (Entrance)
Numbers & [] (Warp Tiles)

||11 10||||[] []||||1 3||
|| T |||| |||| ||
||12 9||||13 12||||2 4||
||5 6||||[] []||||[] 8||
|| |||| S |||| ||
||3 7||||[] 13||||4 []||
||[] 6|||| ||||8 9||
|| T |||| E 1|||| T ||
||11 []|||| ||||5 10||
------------ ------------

Not too shabby :) In the southeast room is Johan.

Psychic Johan
- Lv31 Kadabra [Psychic]
- Lv31 Slowpoke [Water/Psychic]
- Lv31 Mr. Mime [Psychic]
- Lv31 Kadabra [Psychic]
Prize: P620

Stacy is in the northwest room.

Medium Stacy
- Lv38 Haunter [Ghost/Poison]
Prize: P1216

The southwest room is occupied by Preston.

Psychic Preston
- Lv38 Slowbro [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P760


Gym Leader Sabrina

- Lv45 Espeon [Psychic] {Synchronize}
- Lv45 Mr. Mime [Psychic] {Soundproof}
- Lv47 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Prizes: P9400 + Marsh Badge + TM04 Calm Mind

- Sabrina has 1 Hyper Potion.

ESPEON: Sand-Attack, Psychic, Swift, Quick Attack

MR. MIME: Reflect, Barrier, Psychic, Baton Pass
ALAKAZAM: Future Sight, Reflect, Psychic, Recover

We can go west, south, east or north. Since there's something going on at the Power
Plant (apparently), let's get over there and confirm. To the north is Route 5.

[rt05] ROUTE 5

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 24||)

Bellsprout [Grass/Poison]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Oddish [Grass/Poison]
Weepinbell [Grass/Poison]
Kadabra [Psychic]
Thanks to some Trainers and their battling, you find out that the Underground Path
has been closed! Rather unfortunate :S fortunately the Kanto Day-Care is still
around though.



"A Mysterious Blue Aura Surrounds It"

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Cerulean City Gym
- Bike Shop (Moved to Goldenrod City)


Great Ball P600 Revive P1500
Ultra Ball P1200 Max Repel P700
Hyper Potion P1200 X Defend P550
Max Potion P2500 X Attack P500
Full Heal P600

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 29||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 15||)
Horsea [Water]
Krabby [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 25||)
Horsea [Water]

Nothing of note here except the Gym, so prepare yourself for Misty.



Leader: Misty - "The Tomboyish Mermaid"

Only 2 Gym Trainers here, Parker and then Diana.

Swimmer[M] Parker
- Lv34 Horsea [Water]
- Lv34 Horsea [Water]
- Lv37 Seadra [Water]
Prize: P148

Swimmer[F] Diana
- Lv39 Golduck [Water]
Prize: P312


Gym Leader Misty

- Lv44 Golduck [Water] {Damp}
- Lv45 Lapras [Water/Ice] {Water Absorb}
- Lv43 Quagsire [Water/Ground] {Damp}
- Lv47 Starmie [Water/Psychic] {Illuminate}
Prizes: P9400 + Cascade Badge + TM03 Aqua Jet

- Misty has 1 Full Restore.

GOLDUCK: Disable, Surf, Psychic, Psych Up

LAPRAS: Rain Dance, Blizzard, Perish Song, Surf
QUAGSIRE: Amnesia, Earthquake, Rain Dance, Surf
STARMIE: Confuse Ray, Ice Beam, Surf, Recover

Next we'll check out Routes 24 and 25 before heading east to Route 9.

[rt24] ROUTE 24

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 13||)

Caterpie [Bug]
Oddish [Grass/Poison]
Abra [Psychic]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 37||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 15||)
Horsea [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 25||)
Horsea [Water]

Surf south along the stream, on the bottom end of the sandy bank there's a hidden
Pecha Berry (see screenshot). Further south would be the spot where the Cerulean
Cave entrance should be but just like in previous versions it is absent and the
invisible NPC is still there "blocking the entrance" until you become Champion.
Very weird.

[rt25] ROUTE 25

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 14||)

Caterpie [Bug]
Kakuna [Bug/Poison]
Weedle [Bug/Poison]
Oddish [Grass/Poison]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Abra [Psychic]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 23||)
Psyduck [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 15||)
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 26||)
Poliwag [Water]
Poliwhirl [Water]

In the northwest corner of the route is a tree on a hill, check the tree for a
hidden Bluk Berry. Then carry on eastward to find Hammer and Seno.

Backpacker Hammer
- Lv38 Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock]
Prize: P1368

Camper Seno
- Lv35 Electrode [Electric]
- Lv37 Primeape [Fighting]
Prize: P740

To the right of the tree directly east from Seno is a hidden Ether (see

Picnicker Hollie
- Lv35 Clefable [Normal]
- Lv37 Feraligatr [Water]
Prize: P740

Between the flowers to the south from Hollie is a hidden Oran Berry (see
screenshot). The highlight of Cerulean Cape, Bill's Sea Cottage, is locked. We
didn't even find the dude in Johto xD, this place was the last option. But there is
a Sailor and a boat here now, something you can just make a note of for later
because the Sailor just says there's nothing to see. Who is this guy anyway and why
does he seem a little suspicious, xD? We'll be back. In the corner just below the
Sailor is a hidden Elixir (see screenshot). Return to Cerulean and head east.

[rt09] ROUTE 9

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Ekans [Poison]
Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Rattata [Normal]

Picnicker Nina
- Lv33 Gloom [Grass/Poison]
- Lv34 Lickitung [Normal]
- Lv35 Rapidash [Fire]
Prize: P700
After a few steps to the right from Nina is a rock above ledges, check it for a
hidden Ether (see screenshot). Southeast from the ledges is Larry.

Camper Larry
- Lv35 Weepinbell [Grass/Poison]
- Lv37 Machoke [Fighting]
Prize: P1776

Head north to find Foster.

Backpacker Foster
- Lv39 Golem [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P1404

Of the 2 rocks that are on the right after Foster, search the far right one for a
hidden Chesto Berry.

[rt10] ROUTE 10

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Voltorb [Electric]
Ekans [Poison]
Spearow [Normal/Flying]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 30||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 15||)
Horsea [Water]
Krabby [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 25||)
Horsea [Water]

In the southwest corner from the PokeCenter is a hidden Persim Berry (see
screenshot). Surf down the stream to reach the Power Plant, where you'll find quite
the surprise: a Rocket Grunt standing by the entrance. She's not going anywhere,
telling you that nobody is allowed inside. Our first sighting of Team Rocket here
in Kanto, just a sample of things to come. We'll be back once they've been dealt
with and hopefully find out what the accident inside is. In the corner just to the
left from the entrance is a hidden Super Potion (see screenshot). Back to the north
side and into Rock Tunnel.



**HMs Needed: Flash, Rock Smash.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 17||)

Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Mankey [Fighting]
Machop [Fighting]
Onix [Rock/Ground]
(ROCK SMASH) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Geodude [Rock/Ground]

-1F- (Part 1)

Follow the path south to Daryl before turning northeast to the next ladder.

Backpacker Daryl
- Lv39 Sudowoodo [Rock/Grass]
Prize: P1404

-B1F- (Part 1)

Go southwest from the ladder, you'll find a Revive there. Then follow the path
north to Leah, Dillon and the ladder.

Picnicker Leah
- Lv35 Gligar [Ground/Flying]
- Lv37 Forretress [Bug/Steel]
Prize: P740

Backpacker Dillon
- Lv38 Sandslash [Ground]
Prize: P1368

-1F- (Part 2)

Backpacker Beck
- Lv35 Dugtrio [Ground]
- Lv36 Onix [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P1296

Southeast from Beck is Oichi and the ladder.

Black Belt Oichi

- Lv38 Hitmonlee [Fighting]
Prize: P3800

-B1F- (Part 2)

Go west until you find a turn heading south, if you follow it you will reach the
Rock Slide Tutor Youngster. Northwest from Redd is the ladder.

Backpacker Redd
- Lv34 Onix [Rock/Ground]
- Lv36 Magcargo [Fire/Rock]
- Lv35 Shuckle [Bug/Rock]
Prize: P1296

-1F- (Part 3)

Picnicker Maile
- Lv37 Raichu [Electric]
Prize: P740

Follow the path south, southwest to the exit. Once outside, check the left corner
from the entrance for a hidden Cheri Berry (see screenshot). Over to the right side
from the entrance, almost by the corner, is a hidden Nanab Berry (see screenshot).
Between the ledges below from there is a hidden Max Ether (see screenshot).



"The Noble Purple Town"

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Lavender Volunteer Pokemon House
- Radio Tower (No access)
- Name Rater's House


Claim Ticket P9000 Burn Heal P250
Super Potion P700 Ice Heal P250
Revive P1500 Escape Rope P550
Antidote P100 Super Repel P500
Parlyz Heal P200

Mr. Fuji isn't at the Volunteer House, if he's in the Radio Tower no chance of
going in to talk to him because thanks to Team Rocket's antics in Johto, security
has been tightened at the Radio Tower so no entry. What I propose we do next is
travel to Celadon and Vermilion to take on the Gyms then continue on the road to
Fuchsia. Get ready and head west to Route 8.

[rt08] ROUTE 8

**HMs Needed: Cut.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 20||)

Meowth [Normal]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Ekans [Poison]
Growlithe [Fire]

As soon as you arrive you'll find an Oran Berry tree just up top. In the space on
the right between those red flowers next to the tree is a hidden Lum Berry (see

Lass Cilia
- Lv35 Poliwhirl [Water]
- Lv35 Ninetales [Fire]
Prize: P1260

On the southeast end of the enclosed grass area after Cilia there's a hidden Rawst
Berry (see screenshot).

Scientist Baldi
- Lv33 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
- Lv34 Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
- Lv33 Haunter [Ghost/Poison]
- Lv32 Magnemite [Electric/Steel]
Prize: P1224

[rt07] ROUTE 7

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 22||)

Meowth [Normal]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Growlithe [Fire]
Oddish [Grass/Poison]



"The City of Rainbow Dreams"

**HMs Needed: Surf, Cut.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Celadon Department Store
- Celadon City Gym
- Celadon Mansion (Gone)
- Rocket Game Corner

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 36||)

Psyduck [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 15||)
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD0 (||Maximum Level: 24||)
Magikarp [Water]



-2F- (Trainer's Market)

TM05 Roar P1000

TM15 Hyper Beam P7500
TM28 Mud-Slap P2000
TM31 SuperPower P3000
TM43 Secret Power P3000
TM45 Attract P3000

Great Ball P600 Burning Heal P250

Super Potion P700 Ice Heal P250
Revive P1500 Super Repel P500
Antidote P100
Parlyz Heal P200
Awakening P250
-3F- (TV Game Shop)

The clerk is still the Counter Tutor.

-4F- (Wise Man Gifts)

Poke Doll P1000

Retro Mail P50
Fire Stone P5000
ThunderStone P5000
Water Stone P2000
Leaf Stone P2000

-5F- (Drug Store)

[P2000 each]

X Attack P500
X Defend P550
X Speed P350
X Special P350
X Accuracy P950
Guard Spec. P700
Dire Hit P650

-6F- (Rooftop Square)

Give the girl Fresh Water and she'll give you TM16 Light Screen.

The old man across the pond next to the Game Corner is the Softboiled Tutor.



Make use of that Itemfinder here, lots of Coins on the floor (see screenshots).
You'll also get 10 Coins from the Fisherman on the left side of the room and 20
Coins from the Scientist on the right side.

50 Coins P1000
500 Coins P10000

Next door you'll find these prizes:

Smoke Ball 800 Coins

Miracle Seed 1000 Coins
Charcoal 1000 Coins
Mystic Water 1000 Coins
Yellow Flute 1600 Coins

On the southeast side of town, Cut the tree and move up along that path between
trees and use the Itemfinder at the top end to get a PP Up (see screenshot). Cut
the other tree and let's check up on Erika.

Leader: Erika - "The Nature-Loving Princess!"

The Gym's occupied by women, so why couldn't they hire a female Gym Guide? The
guy's busy gambling away his Gym Guide salary at the Game Corner xD. I still find
it very strange that in the anime Ash had to dress like a girl in order to get in
here because no boys were allowed. So how were male Trainers supposed to earn the
Rainbow Badge then? Made zero sense back then, still does now. Only 4 Gym Trainers

Twins Jo & Zoe

- Lv35 Victreebel [Grass/Poison]
- Lv35 Vileplume [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P1960

Lass Maya
- Lv34 Hoppip [Grass/Flying]
- Lv34 Skiploom [Grass/Flying]
- Lv36 Jumpluff [Grass/Flying]
Prize: P1296

Cooltrainer Tanya
- Lv39 Exeggutor [Grass/Psychic]
Prize: P1404


Gym Leader Erika

- Lv44 Tangela [Grass] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv45 Victreebel [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv44 Jumpluff [Grass/Flying] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv46 Bellossom [Grass] {Chlorophyll}
Prizes: P9200 + Rainbow Badge + TM19 Giga Drain

- Erika has 1 Full Restore.

TANGELA: Sleep Powder, Giga Drain, Bind, Vine Whip

VICTREEBEL: Razor Leaf, Sunny Day, Acid, Synthesis
JUMPLUFF: Leech Seed, Cotton Spore, Giga Drain, Mega Drain
BELLOSSOM: Sunny Day, Petal Dance, Synthesis, Solarbeam

With all these major places closed it has just made Kanto so far rather bland :/
not helped at all by NPCs having the same dialogue they had in the original games.
Anyway, return to Saffron and head south.

[rt06] ROUTE 6

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 25||)

Weepinbell [Grass/Poison]
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Gloom [Grass/Poison]
Loudred [Normal]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 29||)
Psyduck [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Poliwag [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) [Nothing]

On the far right from the Gate entrance there's a hidden Sitrus Berry (see



"The Port of Exquisite Sunsets"

**HMs Needed: Surf, Cut.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Vermilion City Gym
- Vermilion Port
- Pokemon Fan Club (Closed)


Great Ball P600 Revive P1500
Ultra Ball P1200 Max Repel P700
Hyper Potion P1200 X Defend P550
Max Potion P2500 X Attack P500
Full Heal P600

Pokemon Found
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 38||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Shellder [Water]
(SUPER ROD) [Nothing]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 39||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Shellder [Water]
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Lanturn [Water/Electric]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]

Now that the Pokemon Fan Club's gone the only other thing of note worth checking
out is the S.S. Tide docked at the Port. There's also an empty space just to the
southeast from the Port too, make a note of that for later. Prepare for Surge, that
Lightning German :) or is he Bolivian?



Leader: Lt. Surge - "The Lightning American" (Ohh right, right)

Praise be to the previous challenger because they went and did a number on Surge's
infamous traps, so no Gym puzzle here because the Gym Trainers are too busy trying
to repair the traps xD, I like that.


Gym Leader Lt. Surge

- Lv43 Raichu [Electric] {Static}
- Lv45 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
- Lv45 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull}
- Lv44 Electrode [Electric] {Soundproof}
Prizes: P9000 + Thunder Badge + TM34 Shock Wave

- Surge has 1 Hyper Potion.

RAICHU: Thunder Wave, Thunder, Quick Attack, Thunderbolt

ELECTABUZZ: Light Screen, Thunder, Quick Attack, ThunderPunch
MAGNETON: Zap Cannon, Double Team, Lock-On, Swift
ELECTRODE: Double Team, Screech, Swift, Explosion

By means of the S.S. Tide you can return to Hoenn and visit Lilycove City. After
seeing Rustboro maybe let's temper our expectations lol.

>>-=-=-=-=-HOENN REGION-=-=-=-=-<<



**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Lilycove Department Store
- Lilycove City Harbor
- Pokemon Contest Hall (Closed)
- Cove Lily Motel
- Pokemon Trainer Fan Club
- Move Deleter's House
- Move Tutor's House
- Lilycove Museum
Pokemon Found
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 14||)
Spheal [Ice/Water]
Wailmer [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Carvanha [Water/Dark]
Corphish [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 15||)
Corphish [Water]
Luvdisc [Water] <<Heart Scale>>
Carvanha [Water/Dark]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 32||)
Relicanth [Water/Rock]
Luvdisc [Water]
Clamperl [Water]

Right after leaving the Harbor you'll find a vendor stall with these items on sale:

Potion P300 Repel P350

Super Potion P700 Super Repel P500
Hyper Potion P1200 Max Repel P700
Max Potion P2500 Wave Mail P50
Revive P1500 Mech Mail P50

No reason is given by the guard outside the Contest Hall as to why it is closed. I
did give Contests a try back in the Gen 3 days, thinking that doing them was part
of the story, but after figuring out that they weren't I lost interest in them.
Continue southeast along the coast from the Contest Hall, you'll reach a Cheri
Berry tree. The Museum is on the northwest side of town, you'll find a Nugget by
the box which is blocking access to the back room there.




Poke Ball P200 Antidote P100 Fluffy Tail P1000

Great Ball P600 Parlyz Heal P200
Ultra Ball P1200 Burn Heal P250
Escape Rope P550 Ice Heal P250
Full Heal P600 Awakening P250

Potion P300 Repel P350

Super Potion P700 Super Repel P500
Hyper Potion P1200 Max Repel P700
Max Potion P2500 Wave Mail P50
Revive P1500 Mech Mail P50


[P2000 each]

X Speed P350
X Special P350
X Attack P500
X Defend P550
Dire Hit P650
Guard Spec. P700
X Accuracy P950


TM38 Fire Blast

TM25 Thunder
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam

TM17 Protect
TM20 Safeguard
TM33 Roost
TM16 Light Screen

The 5th floor is being redecorated so no access.

The Move Maniac lives right next to the Move Deleter, bring him 2 TinyMushrooms or
1 Big Mushroom to learn some Moves...yeah, if we can even find those in this game
xD none so far unless I missed some hidden ones. Maybe wild Paras have them? To the
northeast is the old Team Aqua hideout, it's open but inside you'll find an Aqua
Grunt blocking access to the rest of the hideout. First the Power Plant and now
this. The plot thickens. Anyway, that's all for Lilycove. Return to Vermilion and
head east.

[rt11] ROUTE 11

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 15||)

Ekans [Poison]
Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Drowzee [Psychic]

Only 2 Trainers here, Bruto in the middle area and Lewis in the northeast.

Youngster Bruto
- Lv36 Heracross [Bug/Fighting]
Prize: P1296

Youngster Lewis
- Lv34 Ponyta [Fire]
- Lv34 Weepinbell [Grass/Poison]
- Lv35 Phanpy [Ground]
Prize: P1260

There's a Green Apricorn tree in the northeast area, also check the big tree just
below it for a hidden Escape Rope (see screenshot). Further east is Route 12,
Kanto's famous fishing spot. Then there's the issue of Diglett's Cave, which can
take you to Pewter (and Viridian) and you could take on the Gyms there. To save us
from having to backtrack too much, we'll take the detour to Pewter, cover Route 3,
Mt. Moon and Route 4 then come back to Route 11.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 31||)

Diglett [Ground]
Dugtrio [Ground]

Still a straightforward place, the ladder is in the northwest corner.

[rt02] ROUTE 2

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 5||)

Rattata [Normal]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Weedle [Bug/Poison]

Cut the tree on the left, that Bug Catcher up top is Ed.

Bug Catcher Ed
- Lv32 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
- Lv32 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
- Lv32 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P1536



Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Pewter City Gym
- Pewter Museum of Science (Gone)


Great Ball P600 Revive P1500
Ultra Ball P1200 Max Repel P700
Hyper Potion P1200 X Defend P550
Max Potion P2500 X Attack P500
Full Heal P600

Use the Itemfinder on the west side of the Museum to pick up a hidden Poke Ball
(see screenshot). No more Museum to visit so just prepare for Brock.



Leader: Brock - "The Rock-Solid Pokemon Trainer!"

Still a simple setup with one Gym Trainer between you and Brock.

Camper Elito
- Lv37 Sandslash [Ground]
- Lv38 Onix [Rock/Ground]
Prize: P1824


Gym Leader Brock

- Lv45 Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock] {Lightning Rod}
- Lv49 Onix [Rock/Ground] {Rock Head}
- Lv44 Omastar [Rock/Water] {Swift Swim}
- Lv45 Kabutops [Rock/Water] {Swift Swim}
Prizes: P9800 + Boulder Badge + TM39 Rock Tomb

- Brock has 1 Hyper Potion.

RHYHORN: Horn Drill, Scary Face, Earthquake, Fury Attack

ONIX: Bide, Sandstorm, Rock Slide, Bind
OMASTAR: Surf, Protect, Bite, Spike Cannon
KABUTOPS: Slash, Surf, Giga Drain, Endure

The plan was to cover Route 3 and beyond but a Rocket Grunt standing at the start
of the route has put a wrench in that plan xD, another human roadblock. We'll save
the Viridian City Gym for last so return to Route 11 and continue east.

[rt12] ROUTE 12

**HMs Needed: Surf, Cut.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 29||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
Quagsire [Water/Ground]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 13||)
Goldeen [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 25||)
Poliwag [Water]
Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
Gyarados [Water/Dragon]

On the north side you'll find Kaz.

Fisherman Kaz
- Lv45 Magikarp [Water]
- Lv40 Magikarp [Water]
- Lv33 Gyarados [Water/Dragon]
- Lv30 Gyarados [Water/Dragon]
Prize: P3000

Down south is the home of the Super Rod Fishing Guru and then there's Gillian.

Lady Gillian
- Lv33 Mareep [Electric]
- Lv35 Mareep [Electric]
- Lv36 Flaaffy [Electric]
Prize: P7200

In the secluded area just below use the Itemfinder in the top left corner to find a
hidden Ultra Ball. The next secluded area has a visible Max Elixir but you would
need the Walk through Walls code to get it because you can't Cut the tree while
Surfing :S

[rt13] ROUTE 13

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 36||)

Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Nidorino [Poison]
Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Hoppip [Grass/Flying]
Nidorina [Poison]
Chansey [Normal] (Rare)
Skiploom [Grass/Flying] (Rare)
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 34||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Gyarados [Water/Dragon]
Chinchou [Water/Electric]
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Magikarp [Water]

The Route 13 mini maze is still here, first person seen is Celina.

Beauty Celina
- Lv37 Granbull [Normal]
Prize: P592

Stay on the upper side as you go west, you'll see Edward below.

Juggler Edward
- Lv33 Voltorb [Electric]
- Lv36 Electrode [Electric]
Prize: P1440

On the far left is Earl.

Backpacker Earl
- Lv35 Onix [Rock/Ground]
- Lv37 Machoke [Fighting]
Prize: P1332
[rt14] ROUTE 14

**HMs Needed: Cut.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 29||)

Nidorina [Poison]
Hoppip [Grass/Flying]
Nidorino [Poison]
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]
Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Noctowl [Normal/Flying]

PokeManiac Hector
- Lv37 Tangela [Grass]
- Lv37 Kangaskhan [Normal]
Prize: P1776

Further south is Rose.

Aroma Lady Rose

- Lv35 Sunkern [Grass]
- Lv37 Sunflora [Grass]
Prize: P1036

[rt15] ROUTE 15

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 29||)

Oddish [Grass/Poison]
Venonat [Bug/Poison]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Pidgeotto [Normal/Flying]

Along the upper side as you go west are Carl and Falie, then Chaz is on the south

Biker Carl
- Lv38 Electabuzz [Electric]
Prize: P760

Picnicker Falie
- Lv34 Quilava [Fire]
- Lv34 Slowbro [Water/Psychic]
- Lv34 Dodrio [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P680

Bird Keeper Chaz

- Lv36 Fearow [Normal/Flying]
- Lv37 Noctowl [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P740

On the Gate's next floor is the Oak Lab Aide who would give you the Exp. Share in
the original games, but he's of no use to you now so carry on into town.

"Behold! It's Passion Pink!"

**HMs Needed: Cut.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Fuchsia City Gym
- Safari Zone
- Safari Zone Warden's House (Gone)
- New Rocket Hideout


Ultra Ball P1200
Great Ball P600
Super Potion P700
Revive P1500
Full Heal P600
Max Repel P700

I was actually expecting the Safari Zone to be gone too, because that wouldn't have
been a surprise after what we've seen so far. There aren't even any Pokemon in the
enclosures around town! We'll go in and check it out the Zone after the Gym. On the
northwest side of town is a Bug Catcher who is the Substitute Tutor and above him
is a White Apricorn tree. On the northeast side is the real reason we are here, the
new hideout that has been set up by Team Rocket. Standing outside the hideout is
Eddy, but we'll talk to him after the Gym because he wants to battle you first
(just to, you know, make sure you're good enough for the rescue operation and all).



Leader: Janine - "The Poisonous Ninja Master"

Sabrina has warp tiles while Janine not only kept her dad's invisible walls gimmick
but has her Gym Trainers playing body doubles. The real Janine is on the western
side. From the entrance go all the way east and move north along the wall to face

Cooltrainer Jay
- Lv33 Arbok [Poison]
- Lv36 Gloom [Grass/Poison]
- Lv38 Muk [Poison]
- Lv36 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P1368

Move along the north side, Jean's there.

Cooltrainer Jean
- Lv37 Haunter [Ghost/Poison]
- Lv37 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
- Lv37 Ariados [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P1332

Go 6 steps to the left then head down to face Jarmo.

Cooltrainer Jarmo
- Lv35 Ariados [Bug/Poison]
- Lv35 Arbok [Poison]
- Lv37 Gengar [Ghost/Poison]
Prize: P1332

2 steps to the left from Jarmo then south to Janine and Jennar on the right.

Cooltrainer Jennar
- Lv34 Beedrill [Bug/Poison]
- Lv36 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
- Lv37 Crobat [Poison/Flying]
- Lv36 Haunter [Ghost/Poison]
Prize: P1332


Gym Leader Janine

- Lv44 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv45 Ariados [Bug/Poison] {Swarm}
- Lv43 Weezing [Poison] {Levitate}
- Lv46 Venomoth [Bug/Poison] {Shield Dust}
Prizes: P9200 + Soul Badge + TM06 Toxic

- Janine has 1 Hyper Potion.

CROBAT: Supersonic, Screech, Confuse Ray, Wing Attack

ARIADOS: Scary Face, String Shot, Giga Drain, Night Shade
WEEZING: Sludge Bomb, Toxic, Explosion, Smog
VENOMOTH: Double Team, Foresight, Psychic, Gust

Now we can take on Eddy and get this rescue operation started!


Pokemon Trainer Eddy

- Lv43 Xatu [Psychic/Flying] {Synchronize}
- Lv45 Kingler [Water] {Hyper Cutter}
- Lv47 Houndour [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird}
- Lv44 Piloswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious}
- Lv45 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
- Lv46 Breloom [Grass/Fighting] {Effect Spore}
Prize: P940

- Eddy has 2 Hyper Potions.

XATU: Future Sight, Wish, Night Shade, Teleport

KINGLER: Guillotine, Mud Shot, Stomp, Protect
HOUNDOUR: Flamethrower, Bite, Faint Attack, Odor Sleuth
PILOSWINE: Take Down, Endure, Fury Attack, Mist
ELECTABUZZ: Body Slam, Thunderbolt, CloseCombat, Discharge
BRELOOM: Mind Reader, Counter, Mach Punch, Sky Uppercut

Who else but Eddy would want to have a battle ahead of a major rescue, eh? After
proving how strong you are, he's just glad to not have to save a second person xD.
Zach is already inside, so let's get to work.



And what do you find once you step inside? Yup, spinner tiles :) these ones aren't
as troublesome as the Unknown Island tiles, thank goodness. Standing by the
entrance you should be seeing 5 tiles in front of you: both of the left tiles are
pointing up, the middle one points down and the right side tiles are also pointing
up. Step on the far left upward tile, you'll spin to a non-spinner tile and can
then make your way to the upper right area for a fight.

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv35 Machoke [Fighting]
- Lv36 Hypno [Psychic]
Prize: P864

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv37 Weezing [Poison]
Prize: P888

That second Grunt reveals that Giovanni and Axis have already left, no chance of
them returning anytime soon. In the next area you can see Zach and Eddy battling
two other Grunts while an Executive from the Birmin Studio operation is watching
over Gary in a smaller room. She won't let him go while Team Rocket is chasing
after more Legendary Pokemon and is surprised to see that you, Eddy and Zach have
shown up to save Gary when this hideout was supposed to be a secret. She hasn't
forgotten what happened at Birmin and claims to be much stronger now!


Team Rocket Executive

- Lv41 Hitmonchan [Fighting] {Keen Eye}
- Lv42 Misdreavus [Ghost] {Levitate}
- Lv43 Cloyster [Water/Ice] {Shell Armor}
- Lv44 Porygon2 [Normal] {Trace}
- Lv46 Delcatty [Normal] {Cute Charm}
Prize: P1104

- She has 3 Hyper Potions.

HITMONCHAN: Sky Uppercut, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, CloseCombat

MISDREAVUS: Mean Look, Confuse Ray, Psybeam, Pain Split
CLOYSTER: Spikes, Protect, Aurora Beam, Spike Cannon
PORYGON2: Lock-On, Defense Curl, Tri-Attack, Recycle
DELCATTY: Sing, Attract, Doubleslap, Growl

This plan has failed but the Executive says things are far from over because
Giovanni still has other schemes up his sleeves. The Rockets leave and Gary
explains what happened to him: while he was in Olivine City he overheard Giovanni's
plan to catch Ho-Oh in Ecruteak. But when Gary went there to stop Team Rocket they
overwhelmed him and he ended up locked in this hideout. Your efforts in Ecruteak
made sure Ho-Oh wasn't captured, Gary is pleased to hear this. He then adds that he
heard another plan, this one targets the Legendary Birds. Giovanni has sent 3
groups of Rockets to Route 10, Route 20 and Route 26 in pursuit of them. Eddy says
he's headed to Route 26, Gary is going to Route 10 while Zach will go to Route 20.
As for you, Zach says you can help them when needed. Great, you get to be in the
backseat while the real heroes go out to save the world xD. Exit the hideout and
let's check out the Safari Zone before making the next move forward. Hold on while
I borrow P500 from a friend...



**HMs Needed: Surf.


Pokemon Found
Baltoy [Ground/Psychic]
Wingull [Water/Flying]
Scyther [Bug/Flying]
Rhyhorn [Ground/Rock]
Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic]
Lotad [Water/Grass]
Nidorino [Poison]
Nidorina [Poison]
Parasect [Bug/Grass]
Wingull [Water/Flying]
Surskit [Bug/Water]
Magikarp [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
Psyduck [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
Seaking [Water]
Clamperl [Water]

It's the standard Safari Zone, no drastic redesign or extra areas. On the upper
left corner of the small island is a hidden Leaf Stone. To the east is Area 1.

-AREA 1-

Pokemon Found
Sableye [Dark/Ghost]
Doduo [Normal/Flying]
Nidorino [Poison]
Nidoran(M) [Poison]
Kangaskhan [Normal]
Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic]
Parasect [Bug/Grass]
Wingull [Water/Flying]
Surskit [Bug/Water]
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
Seaking [Water]
Goldeen [Water]

No items here, circle round to the northwest exit to reach Area 2.

-AREA 2-

Pokemon Found
Nidorino [Poison]
Trapinch [Ground]
Duskull [Ghost]
Venomoth [Bug/Poison]
Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic]
Numel [Fire/Ground]
Paras [Bug/Grass]
Chansey [Normal]
Nidorina [Poison]
Psyduck [Water]
Wingull [Water/Flying]
Surskit [Bug/Water]
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
Seaking [Water]

No items here too. Both of the paths on the western side are heading south lead to
Area 3. The special house where you would get HM Strength is gone, no surprise.

-AREA 3-

Pokemon Found
Wingull [Water/Flying]
Spinda [Normal]
Houndour [Dark/Fire]
Swablu [Normal/Flying]
Nincada [Bug/Ground]
Zangoose [Normal]
Diglett [Ground]
Seviper [Poison]
Wingull [Water/Flying]
Surskit [Bug/Water]
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
Seaking [Water]

When you're done we'll be going west so that we cover Routes 18 to 16, then off to
the Power Plant to help Gary then we'll head south of Fuchsia to the sea route of
19 and beyond. Don't worry about needing a Bicycle for Cycling Road, the one in
this game doesn't need a Bike and isn't an uphill/downhill struggle :)

[rt18] ROUTE 18

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 29||)

Raticate [Normal]
Rattata [Normal]
Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Doduo [Normal/Flying]
Fearow [Normal/Flying

I wouldn't even call this a route, it's just a few paces between Fuchsia and the
Gate xD. Might even be shorter than Route 23 from the original games.

[rt17] ROUTE 17 (Cycling Road)


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 29||)

Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Doduo [Normal/Flying]
Raticate [Normal]
Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Rattata [Normal]

Right after stepping out of the Gate, check the top side from the entrance for a
hidden PP Up (see screenshot). Continue going until you reach the south side of the
two roads, turn to the left corner and check by the fence for a hidden Rare Candy
(see screenshot). Over on the right side road is Zeek.

Biker Zeek
- Lv39 Machoke [Fighting]
Prize: P780

After Zeek is a strip of dust road between pools, there's a hidden Full Restore on
that road (see screenshot). Continue north along the right side road to find Raul.

Biker Raul
- Lv34 Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
- Lv36 Poliwhirl [Water]
Prize: P720
Up top you'll see Isaiah in the middle lane.

Biker Isaiah
- Lv34 Machop [Fighting]
- Lv36 Machamp [Fighting]
Prize: P720

Move over to the left side road and head south to battle Koji then Luke.

Biker Koji
- Lv33 Machoke [Fighting]
- Lv34 Primeape [Fighting]
- Lv34 Weezing [Poison]
Prize: P680

Biker Luke
- Lv35 Victreebel [Grass/Poison]
- Lv35 Rapidash [Fire]
Prize: P700

Then head all the way up to Route 16.

[rt16] ROUTE 16

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 22||)

Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Rattata [Normal]
Doduo [Normal/Flying]

In the Gate, you'll receive an Amulet Coin from Oak's Lab Aide upstairs if you have
40 or more Pokemon. Back to Fuchsia and then it's off to sea.

[rt19] ROUTE 19

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 8||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 14||)
Horsea [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 35||)
Horsea [Water]
Psyduck [Water]
Seadra [Water]

The only people we find on this brief route are Camron and Lenny.

Swimmer[M] Camron
- Lv34 Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
- Lv36 Seadra [Water]
Prize: P144

Swimmer[F] Lenny
- Lv35 Corsola [Water/Rock]
- Lv35 Lanturn [Water/Electric]
Prize: P280

[rt20] ROUTE 20

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 34||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Hoppip [Grass/Flying] (erm, must've been just flying by...?)
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 15||)
Horsea [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 23||)
Horsea [Water]
Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
Gyarados [Water/Dragon]

Along the south side you'll find Toby, then Rayna in the middle.

Swimmer[M] Toby
- Lv38 Poliwhirl [Water]
- Lv38 Tentacool [Water/Poison]
- Lv38 Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
Prize: P152

Swimmer[F] Rayna
- Lv37 Mantine [Water/Flying]
Prize: P296

You'll then touch down on what's left of the Seafoam Islands, now the new home of
the Cinnabar Island Gym after the volcano finally erupted at some point between Gen
1 and Gen 2.



**HMs Needed: Surf.



Leader: Blaine - "The Hotheaded Quiz Master!"


Gym Leader Blaine

- Lv45 Magcargo [Fire/Rock] {Magma Armor}
- Lv46 Magmar [Fire] {Flame Body}
- Lv48 Rapidash [Fire] {Run Away}
Prizes: P9600 + Volcano Badge + TM38 Fire Blast

- Blaine has 1 Full Restore.

MAGCARGO: Curse, Rock Slide, Flamethrower, Smog

MAGMAR: Confuse Ray, Sunny Day, ThunderPunch, Fire Punch
RAPIDASH: Fire Blast, Fury Attack, Fire Spin, Quick Attack

Nice, only one Kanto Badge remains now. Prepare yourself and enter the cave next

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 32||)

Krabby [Water]
Seel [Water]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Psyduck [Water]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 35||)
Horsea [Water]
Golduck [Water]
Seel [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 13||)
Krabby [Water]
Horsea [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 27||)
Horsea [Water]
Gyarados [Water/Dragon]

Nothing on the right side, but when you head to the left you'll find the first sign
of trouble.

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv34 Seel [Water]
- Lv36 Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
Prize: P864

Team Aqua and Team Rocket working together to catch Legendary Pokemon, what would
Team Magma say about this?? Go straight up after the Grunt until you see stairs
leading to a small pit with an icy rock in it, check that rock for a hidden Nugget
(see screenshot). Then head east to the next Grunt before going north to help Zach.

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv38 Vaporeon [Water]
Prize: P912

Despite facing two Grunts Zach can handle them, he tells you to hurry into the next
area because Axis has gone there. He is face to face with Articuno when you find
him and even though he's not happy about working for Giovanni again, Axis is still
ready to do his job. Double Battle against Axis, coming up.


Aqua Admin Axis

- Lv45 Lanturn [Water/Electric] {Volt Absorb}
- Lv45 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv47 Mightyena [Dark] {Intimidate}
- Lv47 Sharpedo [Water/Dark] {Rough Skin}
- Lv48 Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate}
Prize: P1920

- Axis has 2 Hyper Potions.

LANTURN: Water Gun, Confuse Ray, Thunderbolt, Take Down

CROBAT: Confuse Ray, Sludge Bomb, Wing Attack, Air Cutter
MIGHTYENA: Scary Face, Taunt, Take Down, Crunch
SHARPEDO: Taunt, Screech, Slash, Swagger
GYARADOS: Dragon Rage, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Twister

You win the battle and yet Axis is totally fine with the loss, as if he still has
another plan to look forward to. Zach even notes that things seemed a bit too easy.
After he leaves, you can go on and catch Articuno then head to the Power Plant.


[artio] ARTICUNO - The Freeze Pokemon

Level: Lv40
Type: Ice/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Powder Snow, Mist, Agility, Mind Reader

No more Rocket Grunt blocking entry into the Power Plant this time, step right in.




A few paces inside and you're stopped by Gary, who not only confirms that Team
Rocket has taken over but he heard about Zapdos occupying this place before and
Gary thinks it may have returned. But before you can get down to business, Gary
(after acknowledging that this isn't exactly the best time for it) wants the two of
you to battle, since it's been a while. Couldn't this have waited until AFTER
saving Zapdos, bro xD? Sheesh...


Old Friend Gary

- Lv45 Swellow [Normal/Flying] {Guts}
- Lv48 Vaporeon [Water] {Water Absorb}
- Lv46 Hitmontop [Fighting] {Intimidate}
- Lv46 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
- Lv48 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point}
- Lv47 Magmar [Fire] {Flame Body}
Prize: P1728
- Gary has 2 Hyper Potions & 1 Full Heal.

SWELLOW: Wing Attack, Double Team, Aerial Ace, Endeavor

VAPOREON: Water Pulse, Haze, Acid Armor, Aurora Beam
HITMONTOP: Quick Attack, Agility, Detect, CloseCombat
ELECTABUZZ: Body Slam, Thunderbolt, Discharge, CloseCombat
NIDOQUEEN: Body Slam, Earthquake, CloseCombat, Superpower
MAGMAR: Sunny Day, Flamethrower, Fire Punch, CloseCombat

He heals your team afterwards and carries on ahead to take his revenge on Team
Rocket after what they did to him. Totally justified. Proceed into the next room
and find the first Grunt.

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv37 Primeape [Fighting]
Prize: P888

On the right side of the room are 3 non-functioning healing machines, get to the
middle one and check the bottom left tile by the machine for a hidden Big Mushroom.


Gary has 2 Grunts that he has to beat so continue on without him to a third Grunt.

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv34 Raticate [Normal]
- Lv35 Machoke [Fighting]
- Lv35 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Prize: P840

Past her is another Executive from the Birmin Studio event and Zapdos. Stop him!


Team Rocket Executive

- Lv44 Girafarig [Normal/Psychic] {Inner Focus}
- Lv45 Sudowoodo [Rock/Grass] {Sturdy}
- Lv48 Weezing [Poison] {Levitate}
- Lv47 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv46 Raticate [Normal] {Run Away}
Prize: P1152

- He has 2 Hyper Potions.

GIRAFARIG: Agility, Baton Pass, Odor Sleuth, Psybeam

SUDOWOODO: Block, Low Kick, Rock Slide, Faint Attack
WEEZING: Explosion, Smokescreen, Haze, Sludge
CROBAT: Air Cutter, Confuse Ray, Sludge Bomb, Wing Attack
RATICATE: Body Slam, Hyper Fang, Super Fang, Pursuit

Just like the other Executive and Axis, no outrage after losing because there are
other plans in the works. What are these plans?? Anyway Zapdos is saved and ready
for capture.

[zapo] ZAPDOS - The Electric Pokemon

Level: 40
Type: Electric/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Thundershock, Thunder Wave, Agility, Detect

Two down, one more to be found. I wonder how Eddy is handling his end of this
mission, he's probably defeated all the Grunts there xD. No complaints if that is
the case. Return to Pewter City and head south to Route 2. What remains of the
mighty green maze that was Viridian Forest is now just a mini green maze of
trees :S I guess this makes sense since the forest had most of its trees cut down
in the original games. There's an Oran Berry tree on the upper right side of the
maze. Just outside Viridian City is Doug.

Bug Catcher Doug

- Lv36 Ariados [Bug/Poison]
Prize: P1728



"The Eternally Green Paradise"

**HMs Needed: Cut, Surf.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center
- Pokemon Mart
- Trainer House
- Viridian City Gym


Great Ball P600 Revive P1500
Ultra Ball P1200 Max Repel P700
Hyper Potion P1200 X Defend P550
Max Potion P2500 X Attack P500
Full Heal P600

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 27||)

Psyduck [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 14||)
Poliwag [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 25||)
Psyduck [Water]
Poliwhirl [Water]
Gyarados [Water/Dragon]
Poliwag [Water]
The man on the southwest side of town is the Dream Eater Tutor. The Trainer House
is here but there's a Cooltrainer by the entrance who says the place isn't ready
yet. Maybe we'll come back after the League. Prepare if you need to and head for
the final Kanto Gym.



Leader: Blue

No Gym Trainers, no Gym puzzle, just the former Champ and his full team. Good luck.


Gym Leader Blue

- Lv53 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye}
- Lv54 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate}
- Lv55 Rhydon [Ground/Rock] {Lightningrod}
- Lv53 Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate}
- Lv54 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize}
- Lv54 Exeggutor [Grass/Psychic] {Chlorophyll}
Prizes: P10800 + Earth Badge + TM26 Earthquake

- Blue has 2 Full Restores.

PIDGEOT: Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Mirror Move, Whirlwind

ARCANINE: ExtremeSpeed, Swift, Flamethrower, Roar
RHYDON: Earthquake, Sandstorm, Rock Slide, Fury Attack
GYARADOS: Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Twister
ALAKAZAM: Psychic, Disable, Reflect, Recover
EXEGGUTOR: Sunny Day, Leech Seed, Egg Bomb, Solarbeam

And there you have it, all 18 Gym Badges in this game have been collected! Took a
while but it's finally done, congratulations :) let's head south and see if we can
cover the southwestern portion of Kanto.

[rt01] ROUTE 1

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 3||)

Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Rattata [Normal]

There was no Pallet Town previously but it's here in this update.

[paleto] PALLET TOWN


"A Tranquil Setting of Peace & Purity"

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
- Red's House
- Blue's House
- Oak Pokemon Research Lab

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 7||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Chinchou [Water/Electric]
Shellder [Water]
(SUPER ROD) [Nothing]

As you might expect, there's not much going on here since the 3 major characters
from Pallet are absent now but you can still see Red's Mom and Daisy Oak. After
that continue south to Route 21.

[rt21] ROUTE 21

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 27||)

Tangela [Grass]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 30||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 15||)
Horsea [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD)(||Maximum Level: 25||)
Horsea [Water]
Seadra [Water]

The only Trainers found here are Kaite, Lax and Ian. On the left tile next to Lax
is a hidden Pearl.

Fisherman Kaite
- Lv35 Gyarados [Water/Dragon]
Prize: P1260

Fisherman Lax
- Lv34 Magikarp [Water]
- Lv35 Chinchou [Water/Electric]
- Lv35 Cloyster [Water/Ice]
- Lv35 Poliwhirl [Water]
Prize: P1260

Swimmer[M] Ian
- Lv34 Seadra [Water]
- Lv37 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P148

"The Fiery Town of Burning Desire"

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Places of Interest
- Pokemon Center

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 30||)

Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 14||)
Magikarp [Water]
Horsea [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 25||)
Shellder [Water]
Horsea [Water]

We're just passing through now that the "Fiery Town" has been reduced to just a
PokeCenter on an island, shame :| continue east to the last portion of Route 20.
The first person you'll see there is Daisy.

Swimmer[F] Daisy
- Lv34 Ludicolo [Water/Grass]
- Lv36 Remoraid [Water]
- Lv38 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
Prize: P304

On the tiny island near her is a hidden Star Piece on the bottom right side.

Swimmer[M] Destin
- Lv35 Kingler [Water]
- Lv37 Seadra [Water]
Prize: P148

Return to Viridian City and go west.

[rt22] ROUTE 22

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 5||)

Rattata [Normal]
Mankey [Fighting]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 29||)
Psyduck [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 13||)
Poliwag [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Poliwag [Water]

Still a straightforward route leading to the Pokemon League Front Gate. Inside
you'll find 3 paths: north path leads to Victory Road, west path leads to Mt.
Silver and south leads to Route 26. Because you have all the Badges now you can go
out to climb Mt. Silver right away, but let's save that place for the finale of the
game. We got Routes 26 and 27 to cover next, get ready.

[rt26] ROUTE 26

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 34||)

Sandslash [Ground]
Doduo [Normal/Flying]
Ponyta [Fire]
Dodrio [Normal/Flying]
Raticate [Normal]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 32||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Shellder [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Shellder [Water]
Chinchou [Water/Electric]

Cooltrainer Raplie
- Lv44 Rapidash [Fire]
Prize: P1584

You can jump down those ledges on the left if you don't want to battle Jake on the

Cooltrainer Jake
- Lv41 Parasect [Bug/Grass]
- Lv43 Golduck [Water]
Prize: P1548

Further south is Neil and just on the right from him is a cave entrance.

Cooltrainer Neil
- Lv40 Victreebel [Grass/Poison]
- Lv40 Flareon [Fire]
- Lv40 Kingler [Water]
Prize: P1440

[rt26c] ROUTE 26 CAVE

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 36||)
Onix [Rock/Ground]
Machop [Fighting]
Camerupt [Fire/Ground] <<Rawst Berry>>
Ponyta [Fire]
Magcargo [Fire/Rock]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]

Aha, this is where Eddy has gone to. Head up find a Rocket Grunt.

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv35 Cubone [Ground]
- Lv37 Muk [Poison]
Prize: P888

Continue up onto higher ground and go west to the next Grunt.

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv34 Murkrow [Dark/Flying]
- Lv35 Sandslash [Ground]
- Lv36 Misdreavus [Ghost]
Prize: P864

South from that Grunt is a rock, check it for a hidden Sun Stone. Over on the
northwest side we find Eddy vs 2 Grunts, no assistance needed there, so proceed to
stop the pair of Grunts who are trying to catch Moltres in the hope of getting a
promotion for it. These two are the bootleg Jessie and James wannabes from Birmin
Studio, there's no way they should be allowed to handle a Legendary!


Rocket Duo Grunt & Grunt

- Lv51 Omastar [Rock/Water] {Swift Swim}
- Lv51 Kabutops [Rock/Water] {Swift Swim}
Prize: P2040

- They have 2 Hyper Potions & 1 Full Heal.

OMASTAR: Spike Cannon, Leer, Protect, Tickle

KABUTOPS: Slash, Sand-Attack, Metal Sound, Endure

And of course they "blast off" (again) because their boss wouldn't be too happy to
find out that they failed. Never let a Grunt do an Executive's job :) we've stopped
all the 3 teams that Giovanni sent out to chase after the Legendary Birds....but
still, something doesn't feel right. Just then, Silver arrives and says he also
thinks all this might be a distraction. Fortunately he knows how Giovanni operates
and so Silver tells you the next major location where he found his old man: Mt.
Moon. Eddy doesn't see why you and the others should trust Silver, but Silver says
he has never liked Giovanni's actions so he's going to stop him, whether you trust
Silver or not. There's no choice, Zach and the others leave for Mt. Moon and you
remain to catch Moltres.

[molts] MOLTRES - The Flame Pokemon
Level: 40
Type: Fire/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Ember, Fire Spin, Agility, Endure

The Legendary Bird collection is now complete. Exit the cave and continue south to
find Joyce, an Aspear Berry tree and the house where you can have your team healed.

Cooltrainer Joyce
- Lv44 Pikachu [Electric]
- Lv40 Blastoise [Water]
Prize: P1440

Carry on all the way south to this route's fishing spot, where we meet Scott the
last Trainer.

Fisherman Scott
- Lv40 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
- Lv40 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
- Lv42 Seaking [Water]
Prize: P1512

[rt27] ROUTE 27

**HMs Needed: Surf.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 32||)

Dodrio [Normal/Flying]
Arbok [Poison]
Sandslash [Ground]
Raticate [Normal]
Whismur [Normal]
Ponyta [Fire]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Shellder [Water]
Tentacool [Water/Poison]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Shellder [Water]
Chinchou [Water/Electric]
Tentacruel [Water/Poison]

Cooltrainer Bate
- Lv39 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
- Lv41 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground]
- Lv39 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
Prize: P1476

Surf southwest from her, you'll see a gap between the rocks and can go through to
find TM22 Solarbeam and Kade.
Bird Keeper Kade
- Lv43 Farfetch'd [Normal/Flying]
Prize: P860

Back to the bridge, next up are Gilbert, Brian and then Blake.

Psychic Gilbert
- Lv38 Starmie [Water/Psychic]
- Lv38 Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic]
- Lv40 Girafarig [Normal/Psychic]
Prize: P800

Cooltrainer Brian
- Lv43 Sandslash [Ground]
Prize: P1548

Cooltrainer Blake
- Lv41 Magneton [Electric/Steel]
- Lv40 Exeggcute [Grass/Psychic]
- Lv40 Quagsire [Water/Ground]
Prize: P1440

Across the water is Megan, the first Trainer we would've battled after entering
Kanto from here.

Cooltrainer Megan
- Lv40 Bulbasaur [Grass/Poison]
- Lv40 Ivysaur [Grass/Poison]
- Lv40 Venusaur [Grass/Poison]
Prize: P1440

The house that had the old woman who gave players something (can't remember now if
it was an item or a TM) is gone and then there's Tohjo Falls, nothing of note now
since you already got the Moon Stone which is on the Johto side of the falls.



**HMs Needed: Surf, Waterfall.

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 25||)

Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Raticate [Normal]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 21||)
Goldeen [Water]
Slowpoke [Water/Psychic]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Goldeen [Water]
Seaking [Water]

Return to Pewter and get ready for the showdown at Mt. Moon.
[rt03] ROUTE 3

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 8||)

Jigglypuff [Normal]
Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Pidgey [Normal/Flying]
Mankey [Fighting]
Nidoran(M) [Poison]

Lass Edna
- Lv38 Shuckle [Bug/Rock]
Prize: P1368

Firebreather Tan
- Lv37 Magmar [Fire]
- Lv39 Rapidash [Fire]
Prize: P1404

Then you'll meet up with Zach and wouldn't you know it, he's suddenly the mood for
a battle xD. He's feeling the nerves now that we're close to Mt. Moon and thinks a
battle could help him. You just couldn't hold on until after stopping Giovanni, eh?


Pokemon Trainer Zach

- Lv49 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv50 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate}
- Lv51 Victreebel [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv52 Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate}
- Lv53 Ampharos [Electric] {Static}
- Lv54 Gardevoir [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Prize: P1080

- Zach has 3 Hyper Potions + 1 Full Heal.

CROBAT: Sludge Bomb, Confuse Ray, Air Cutter, Poison Fang

ARCANINE: Extremespeed, Roar, Odor Sleuth, Ember
VICTREEBEL: Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Vine Whip, Solarbeam
GYARADOS: Dragon Dance, Twister, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump
AMPHAROS: Volt Tackle, Thunder, Discharge, DynamicPunch
GARDEVOIR: Hypnosis, Imprison, Future Sight, Psychic

But this battle yields an extra prize though, the final HM (FINALLY) HM07
Waterfall! Clair's Badge is needed for it, which you got ages and ages ago at this
point :) Team Rocket is certainly here and Zach thinks they are here for Mew. While
we were chasing after the Legendary Birds, this was the real operation. Damn. But
we're here now so let's clean up.

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv38 Wigglytuff [Normal]
- Lv40 Jynx [Ice/Psychic]
Prize: P960

In the middle of the red flowers below her is a hidden Oran Berry. Continue east to
find Eddy vs 2 Grunts just outside the entrance to Mt. Moon. The handy PokeCenter
which used to be here is gone now, so hopefully you've come prepared.

[rtmo] MT. MOON



Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 10||)

Paras [Bug/Grass]

Not as big as it used to be, the exit to Route 4 is right there in the southeast
section xD! Wow. In the northeast is a ladder that takes us to the upper outside
area known as Mt. Moon Square in the Gen 2 games. But first...

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv38 Ariados [Bug/Poison]
- Lv40 Qwilfish [Water/Poison]
Prize: P960


Gary and Zach have a 3 trio of Grunts to deal with, proceed to the left side area
and find Giovanni and Axis with Mew. Giovanni says he doesn't blame Axis for
wasting one Master Ball in Ilex Forest but this time there can be no failure. Then
they turn around and find you standing there, much to their surprise because
Giovanni expected you to be far away running after the Legendary Birds. He then
tells Axis to catch Mew while Giovanni deals with you. The battle on the Tin Tower
roof was one thing, this one has Giovanni ready to fight!


Boss Giovanni
- Lv48 Machamp [Fighting] {Guts} <<Black Belt>>
- Lv52 Nidoking [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point} <<Soft Sand>>
- Lv50 Kangaskhan [Normal] {Early Bird} <<Silk Scarf>>
- Lv53 Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate} <<Mystic Water>>
- Lv49 Rhydon [Ground/Rock] {Lightningrod} <<Hard Stone>>
- Lv52 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point} <<Poison Barb>>
Prize: P1248

- Giovanni has 4 Full Restores.

MACHAMP: Revenge, Cross Chop, Submission, Vital Throw

NIDOKING: Megahorn, Earthquake, Thrash, CloseCombat
KANGASKHAN: Dizzy Punch, Rage, Endure, Reversal
GYARADOS: Hydro Pump, Twister, Rain Dance, Dragon Dance
RHYDON: Scary Face, Horn Drill, Rock Blast, Take Down
NIDOQUEEN: Earthquake, Body Slam, CloseCombat, Superpower

Now THAT'S a boss battle, with powerful moves, Full Restores and Held Items! We
should've been seeing this with the Gym Leaders and Rivals, why wasn't that
happening? Perhaps the Elite 4 will make up for that, fingers crossed. During the
fight Axis should've been catching Mew...but to Giovanni's surprise, Axis did not.
This is the moment when he finally tells Giovanni that he is done working for him
and then he drops a shocker - Team Aqua have captured Kyogre in the Ice Path! The
Master Ball that Axis was supposed to use in Ilex Forest? That's what was used to
obtain Kyogre. The man deserves a slow clap :) what Giovanni has right now is a
fake and he can't believe Axis would betray him like this. It's all for Archie,
Axis may be many things but disloyal he is not. After Axis leaves, Giovanni
announces that Team Rocket is done (again) and as he wonders how you found out
about the hideout in Fuchsia, Silver arrives to remind him why he got involved in
spoiling things for Team Rocket. Giovanni hasn't learned the lessons of his
previous actions. He then explains why he came to catch Mew, for its DNA. Team
Rocket used it before and ended up with Mewtwo and things didn't exactly go very
well for Team Rocket after that. Giovanni admits defeat this time but he won't give
up. After he leaves, Zach, Eddy and Gary find out from Silver about what happened
at Ice Path so they are headed there. As for Silver he works for the League now AS
THE CHAMPION (!) while Lance went away for some time. Wow, so what has happened to
Ethan? Because we haven't seen any sign of him so far, just a mention from his Mom.
And Lance, will he pop up at some point? Things are certainly getting intriguing.
Mew is still here, catch it if you can.


[mew1] MEW - The New Species Pokemon

Level: 40
Type: Psychic
Ability: Synchronize
Moves: Transform, CloseCombat, Metronome, Psychic

Mew was there in previous versions but couldn't be caught, if you spoke to it you
would get dialogue of one of the Cerulean NPCs xD. Strange but hilarious. With Mew
on your side you now have a universal HM user :) just make sure your copy of the
game has been edited to allow for HMs to be deletable (the Hex Helper Double Oh
editor program is one good example that can help with that). Return to 1F and exit
out to Route 4.

[rt04] ROUTE 4

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 12||)

Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Ekans [Poison]
Rattata [Normal]
Mankey [Fighting]

Along the south side of the route are red flowers, there's a hidden Razz Berry
between the 3 on the left and the one in the middle. Now that you've got HM
Waterfall there are a few places we can return to and explore, including Ice Path,
so get ready for the backtrack trip.


- With the Rockets long gone now you can enter the cave that's near the Burned
Tower. No wild encounters in the cave, make your way to the southeast side to pick
up a Rainbow Wing! There it is :) and to think that Giovanni and company were all
over Ecruteak except this cave xD. Maybe it's because they didn't have Surf
(couldn't beat the Kimono Girls) and Waterfall (didn't beat Zach on Route 3), it
would explain why they didn't have it. Exit and return to the Tin Tower roof for
the final Johto Legendary.


[hoho] HO-OH - The Rainbow Pokemon

Level: 45
Type: Fire/Flying
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Safeguard, Gust, Recover, Fire Blast

- HM Flash is still needed. Above the waterfall is an entrance on the northwest
side, leads to Area 3.

-1F AREA 3-

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 35||)

Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Raticate [Normal]
Machop [Fighting]
Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Machoke [Fighting]
Golem [Rock/Ground] <<Hard Stone>>
Mawile [Steel]
Lairon [Steel/Rock]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 24||)
Goldeen [Water]
Barboach [Water/Ground]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Goldeen [Water]
Seaking [Water]

Just north of the pool on the left is an Escape Rope, you'll need it so don't throw
it away (unless you got Pokemon that can Dig or Teleport on your team). Then go all
the way east, jump down some ledges and head up onto higher ground then cross a
much smaller pool. Straight north onto a rocky mound to find a Dragon Scale. Jump
down those ledges on the left side, cross another small pool and get to the ladder
in the northwest corner.

Back in Area 2, make your way round to the northwest side and climb down the ladder

Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 18||)
Rattata [Normal]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Machop [Fighting]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 23||)
Goldeen [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 10||)
Magikarp [Water]
Goldeen [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 20||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Goldeen [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
Seaking [Water]

Over on the northeast side is a Hyper Potion on higher ground. Go back to the
northwest pool, Surf down and turn southeast to climb onto higher ground and head
up to find the Ruby version cover mon :)


[grodu] GROUDON - The Continent Pokemon

Level: 43
Type: Ground
Ability: Drought
Moves: AncientPower, Slash, Bulk Up, Earthquake

Nothing else here so exit Mt. Mortar.

- Use the Blackthorn City entrance back into Ice Path and cross the frozen floor
back to the east side. From there, step back onto the frozen floor from the upper
edge of it then slide up, right, up, right, down, right, up and continue north to
the waterfall. Above it is an opening to a new area that has mini maze leading to
an Aqua Grunt and ladder.

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv39 Azumarill [Water]
- Lv41 Sharpedo [Water/Dark]
Prize: P984


Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv40 Seadra [Water]
- Lv41 Lapras [Water/Ice]
Prize: P984

Now that they've got Kyogre it looks as if Team Aqua have been motivated. Are they
close to getting Archie back now?

Team Aqua Grunt

- Lv42 Seadra [Water]
Prize: P1008

You'll eventually find Zach, Eddy and Gary battling the remaining Grunts and then
there's Axis and Kyogre. Time and time again you've stopped Axis, he acknowledges
that you are a threat but now that Kyogre is in Team Aqua's grasp he cannot allow
you to interfere this time. This is his last stand, here we go.


Aqua Admin Axis

- Lv52 Lanturn [Water/Electric] {Volt Absorb}
- Lv55 Kyogre [Water] {Drizzle}
- Lv54 Mightyena [Dark] {Intimidate}
- Lv54 Sharpedo [Water/Dark] {Rough Skin}
- Lv53 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv56 Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate}
Prize: P1100

- Axis has 4 Full Restores.

LANTURN: Confuse Ray, Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Take Down

KYOGRE: Calm Mind, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Rest
MIGHTYENA: Crunch, Take Down, Taunt, Thief
SHARPEDO: Agility, Taunt, Skull Bash, Swagger
CROBAT: Sludge Bomb, Confuse Ray, Air Cutter, Poison Fang
GYARADOS: Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Hyper Beam, Rain Dance

He had 4 Full Restores but no Held Items for his team :S that's what did him in.
Axis figures that maybe Team Aqua wasn't going to win in the end, given what
happened to them in Hoenn under Archie. Axis frees Kyogre and says he's going back
to Hoenn, hoping to never see you again. No more Team Rocket and no more Team Aqua,
the day is saved :) even Eddy finally admits that you are now worthy to be his
rival. The boys then leave to continue with their journeys while you stay behind to
catch Kyogre!


[kyor] KYOGRE - The Sea Basin Pokemon

Level: 55
Type: Water
Ability: Drizzle
Moves: Ice Beam, Calm Mind, Hydro Pump, Rest

Exit Ice Path, return to the League Front Gate and head north to Victory Road. The
final arc of your big adventure begins now.



Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 46||)

Onix [Rock/Ground]
Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Machop [Fighting]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Marowak [Ground]
Machoke [Fighting]
Arbok [Poison]


Make your way to the northwest side for the ladder.


Head for the north side ladder. I'm getting flashbacks to the Denta region xD where
are the Trainers?? Wait a minute...now that I think about it, Gen 2 Victory Road
had no Trainers and it was a shorter route too, if I'm remembering right. So the
lack of Trainers is canon then :) carry on.


No items, no Trainers...except for one who is standing by the exit up top: Gary.
From starting out as graduates of West Academy to meeting each other at the exit of
Victory Road, it's been an eventful journey for both of you. Now it's time to find
out who will challenge the League first, you or him?


Old Friend Gary

- Lv52 Swellow [Normal/Flying] {Guts}
- Lv54 Magmar [Fire] {Flame Body}
- Lv51 Hitmontop [Fighting] {Intimidate}
- Lv53 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
- Lv53 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point}
- Lv56 Vaporeon [Water] {Water Absorb}
Prize: P2016

- Gary has 4 Full Restores.

SWELLOW: Double Team, Agility, Aerial Ace, Endeavor

MAGMAR: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, CloseCombat, Confuse Ray
HITMONTOP: Detect, Quick Attack, Agility, Endeavor
ELECTABUZZ: Thunderbolt, Discharge, CloseCombat, Iron Tail
NIDOQUEEN: Earthquake, Body Slam, CloseCombat, Superpower
VAPOREON: Acid Armor, Aurora Beam, Haze, Hydro Pump

Is this the last time we'll see Gary? Or will he return in the post-game?

[rt23] ROUTE 23

Yup, still a short route :) slightly longer than Route 18 even! March on straight
up to the door of League HQ, we are finally here.


Ultra Ball P1200 Max Potion P2500 Max Repel P700
Great Ball P600 Revive P1500
Full Restore P3000 Full Heal P600

The Elite 4 setup is the standard one that has you facing them one after the other.
Get ready and proceed to the first room, which is occupied by a Scienti-- I mean
Will the Psychic-type specialist xD *sigh* some of these overworld sprites for
major characters, I swear.


Elite 4 Will
- Lv54 Xatu [Psychic/Flying] {Synchronize}
- Lv56 Xatu [Psychic/Flying] {Synchronize}
- Lv55 Slowbro [Water/Psychic] {Oblivious}
- Lv55 Exeggutor [Grass/Psychic] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv55 Jynx [Ice/Psychic] {Oblivious} <<Sitrus Berry>>
Prize: P5500

- Will has 4 Full Restores.

BOTH XATU: Confuse Ray, Psychic, Future Sight, Quick Attack

SLOWBRO: Amnesia, Curse, Psychic, Body Slam
EXEGGUTOR: Psychic, Leech Seed, Reflect, Egg Bomb
JYNX: Ice Punch, Lovely Kiss, Psychic, DoubleSlap

Next up is Janine's old man, the o.g. ninja from way before a certain orange
jumpsuit-wearing rascal came along :)


Elite 4 Koga
- Lv54 Ariados [Bug/Poison] {Swarm}
- Lv56 Muk [Poison] {Stench}
- Lv55 Venomoth [Bug/Poison] {Shield Dust}
- Lv58 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus} <<Sitrus Berry>>
- Lv57 Forretress [Bug/Steel] {Sturdy}
Prize: P5800

- Koga has 4 Full Restores.

ARIADOS: Spider Web, Giga Drain, Double Team, Baton Pass

MUK: Minimize, Toxic, Sludge Bomb, Acid Armor
VENOMOTH: Psychic, Supersonic, Gust, Toxic
CROBAT: Double Team, Toxic, Wing Attack, Quick Attack
FORRETRESS: Spikes, Protect, Swift, Explosion

Elite #3 is Brock's evolved form - Bruno! If any of you played the Beta 15
Expansion Pass update of Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter then this guy should be
bringing back some memories for you xD. What was up with that ending for the game??
I digress... :)

Elite 4 Bruno
- Lv56 Hitmontop [Fighting] {Intimidate}
- Lv56 Hitmonchan [Fighting] {Keen Eye}
- Lv56 Hitmonlee [Fighting] {Limber}
- Lv57 Onix [Rock/Ground] {Rock Head}
- Lv60 Machamp [Fighting] {Guts} <<Sitrus Berry>>
Prize: P6000

- Bruno has 4 Full Restores.

HITMONTOP: Quick Attack, Detect, Pursuit, Dig

HITMONCHAN: ThunderPunch, Mach Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch
HITMONLEE: Swagger, Hi Jump Kick, Double Kick, Foresight
ONIX: Earthquake, Sandstorm, Rock Slide, Bind
MACHAMP: Rock Slide, Cross Chop, Vital Throw, Foresight

And then there's final Elite 4 member Yami Karen!


Elite 4 Karen
- Lv56 Umbreon [Dark] {Synchronize}
- Lv59 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate}
- Lv59 Murkrow [Dark/Flying] {Insomnia}
- Lv62 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird} <<Sitrus Berry>>
- Lv56 Vileplume [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
Prize: P6200

- Karen has 4 Full Restores.

UMBREON: Sand-Attack, Faint Attack, Confuse Ray, Mean Look

GENGAR: Spite, Lick, Curse, Destiny Bond
MURKROW: Pursuit, Faint Attack, Quick Attack, Whirlwind
HOUNDOOM: Crunch, Flamethrower, Pursuit, Roar
VILEPLUME: Stun Spore, Petal Dance, Acid, Moonlight

Do your last minute preparation before exiting the room because once you do, it's
straight on to Silver's pre-battle dialogue. He didn't think you would make it to
him so quickly, but here you are. For the Championship title, good luck!


Champion Silver
- Lv65 Sneasel [Dark/Ice] {Inner Focus}
- Lv63 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv64 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull}
- Lv64 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize}
- Lv66 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate}
- Lv68 Feraligatr [Water] {Rough Skin} <<Sitrus Berry>>
Prize: P6800

- Silver has 4 Full Restores.

SNEASEL: Ice Beam, Slash, Metal Claw, Faint Attack

CROBAT: Confuse Ray, Poison Fang, Aerial Ace, Bite
MAGNETON: Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Supersonic, Signal Beam
ALAKAZAM: Disable, Psychic, Recover, Reflect
GENGAR: Mean Look, Shadow Ball, Curse, Confuse Ray
FERALIGATR: Surf, Slash, Ice Beam, Crunch

Congratulations, you've become the NEW Pokemon League Champion! You would've faced
Lance in a previous version (with a team of Pokemon holding HP Ups for some
reason...) and that battle was rather lukewarm. This one was a bit better, just
needed more Held Items for the rest of the team instead of just a Sitrus Berry for
the star Pokemon. The Hall of Fame follows and then the credits roll...


You will reappear outside the West Academy PokeCenter to kick off the post-game
side of things. Back where it all began, eh? There is a little bit to be done
before reaching the end of the game (thanks to Hacksrepairman), previously the only
thing left to do was get to the top of Mt. Silver for the final battle. Return to
Lilycove and head to the Team Aqua Hideout.



**HMs Needed: Surf.


You'll find an Aqua Grunt who is okay with you being here (if you're just visiting,
of course) because Team Aqua has no plans at the moment. Yup, Team Aqua be chilling
now xD this is embarassing, they've turned into Hoenn's Team Skull. Go through the

-AREA 2-

Lucky for you this isn't the same hideout as in the original games, all the
annoying warp tiles are gone now. Axis is in one of the two offices, he is not too
happy about seeing you again after your last meeting and so he decides to battle
you one more time (thinking that you followed him here to spoil things for him,
again xD).


Aqua Admin Axis

- Lv54 Mantine [Water/Flying] {Swift Swim}
- Lv54 Lanturn [Water/Electric] {Volt Absorb}
- Lv60 Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate}
- Lv56 Mightyena [Dark] {Intimidate}
- Lv58 Sharpedo [Water/Dark] {Rough Skin}
- Lv56 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
Prize: P1440
- Axis has 4 Full Restores.

MANTINE: Agility, Wing Attack, Water Pulse, Confuse Ray

LANTURN: Confuse Ray, Take Down, Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt
GYARADOS: Hydro Pump, Dragon Dance, Rain Dance, Hyper Beam
MIGHTYENA: Crunch, Take Down, Taunt, Thief
SHARPEDO: Agility, Taunt, Skull Bash, Swagger
CROBAT: Air Cutter, Poison Fang, Haze, Sludge Bomb

Without Archie around these guys are completely lost. I wonder what kind of story
we could've gotten if Team Magma was there as well. They would have an easy going
taking over Aqua right now, seeing how weakened they've become. Axis tells you that
one of their Scientists found something interesting on an island far from here, he
even lets you borrow the Aqua submarine so that you can go there! Just like that,
no strings attached. You could almost feel sorry for these guys, they really have
nothing left, damn. Speak to the Grunt who is by the water on the southeast side of
the room and head off to Southern Island.



Make your way to the north side of the island, you'll pass a signboard that has
this written on it:

"Those whose memories fade seek to carve them in their hearts..."

On the north side is what would normally be one of those pressure buttons which you
push boulders onto in Strength puzzles. Press A on the button and this message
comes up:

"All dreams are but another reality. Never forget..."

The Eon Duo suddenly appears, they remember you from Rustboro and are ready to
battle you again. This time though you can catch them too :)


[lata] LATIAS - The Eon Pokemon

Level: 70
Type: Dragon/Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Mist Ball, Psychic, Recover, Charm

[lato] LATIOS - The Eon Pokemon

Level: 70
Type: Dragon/Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Luster Purge, Psychic, Recover, Dragon Dance

And there you go, all the Gen 3 Legendary Pokemon have been captured. Return to
Kanto and then Route 25. There is a shady Sailor standing near Bill's Sea Cottage,
remember him? It's time to find out what his deal is. Right after he tells you
again that he's just a normal Sailor, Silver shows up to confront him and get the
truth out: the Sailor works for Giovanni and he agrees to transport you to the area
known as KA-150. We first heard about this place way back when Giovanni and Axis
were in Lugia's chamber. Something had happened there which made them leave
quickly. Now you find out that Mewtwo is locked up there! Giovanni was right about
not giving up after all. Silver says he'll meet you on the island and leaves. Speak
to the Sailor and off you go.

[ar150] AREA KA-150


**HMs Needed: Surf, Rock Smash.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 35||)

Numel [Fire/Ground] <<Rawst Berry>>
Meditite [Fighting/Psychic]
Whismur [Normal]
Baltoy [Ground/Psychic]
Spinda [Normal]
Electrike [Electric]
Wingull [Water/Flying]

Head north to cross a bridge over to the next mini island, there's a Rocket Grunt
waiting on the other end.

Team Rocket Grunt

- Lv48 Golbat [Poison/Flying]
- Lv49 Sneasel [Dark/Ice]
- Lv50 Magcargo [Fire/Rock]
Prize: P1200

Further on ahead is a cave entrance.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 48||)

Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Kadabra [Psychic]
Hariyama [Fighting]
Sableye [Dark/Ghost]
Lairon [Steel/Rock]
Ditto [Normal]
Lunarock [Rock/Psychic]
Solrock [Rock/Psychic]
Kirlia [Psychic]
(ROCK SMASH) (||Maximum Level: 60||)
Torkoal [Fire]
Geodude [Rock/Ground]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 51||)
Surskit [Bug/Water]
Whiscash [Water/Ground]
Sealeo [Ice/Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
Barboach [Water/Ground]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 13||)
Goldeen [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
Barboach [Water/Ground]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 30||)
Poliwag [Water]
Luvdisc [Water] <<Heart Scale>>
Poliwhirl [Water]
Whiscash [Water/Ground]


The Grunt you'll find here was unlucky enough to face Silver earlier hasn't
recovered from that xD. Make your way to the ladder on the southwest side.


Silver took care of the next Grunt too and has made his way to the southwest area
where he is face to face with his old man, with Mewtwo standing behind him. When
you get there, the battle between father and son has ended. Giovanni is impressed
by how much stronger Silver has become, but this time he will use Mewtwo. After
Team Rocket tried several times to tame it, and failed, so they decided to lock it
down here. Giovanni had planned to create a new Pokemon that would obey him if he
had caught Mew, but since that plan failed he came here to try again and tame
Mewtwo. Even after using a Master Ball to catch it, Giovanni can't use Mewtwo
outside of this cave. No chance of taking over the world now but he is pretty
confident about his chances with Mewtwo fighting for him. One final round against
Giovanni, here we go.


Boss Giovanni
- Lv70 Mewtwo [Psychic] {Pressure}
Prize: P1680

- Giovanni has 4 Full Restores.

MEWTWO: Mirror Coat, Safeguard, Recover, Psychic

Silver gets through to Giovanni and makes him realise that he can't continue trying
to lead Team Rocket. At first it seems like Giovanni is finally going to call it
quits but he doubles down on not giving up, vowing to return someday with Team
Rocket. As far as Silver is concerned, Giovanni won't learn and that's what keeps
him from growing stronger. After the two of them leave, you can step up to face


[mew2] MEWTWO - The Genetic Pokemon

Level: 70
Type: Psychic
Ability: Pressure
Moves: Mirror Coat, Recover, Safeguard, Psychic

All the Mythical and Legendary Pokemon available in this version have now been
caught, nice. Return to Kanto and get yourself ready for the finale. Mt. Silver

[mtsi] MT. SILVER


**HMs Needed: Surf, Waterfall.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 52||)

Meowth [Normal]
Fearow [Normal/Flying]
Spearow [Normal/Flying]
Wooper [Water/Ground]
Natu [Psychic/Flying]
Wobbuffet [Psychic]
Ponyta [Fire]
Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Persian [Normal]
Poliwhirl [Water]
Dodrio [Normal/Flying]
Arbok [Poison]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Wooper [Water/Ground]
Poliwag [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Poliwag [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Poliwag [Water]
Poliwhirl [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 40||)
Poliwag [Water]

Go east to find the PokeCenter and then the entrance to Mt. Silver, where you'll
find Silver standing there. Silver outside Mt. Silver...makes sense, I guess :)
previously this is where you found Gary after being absent for quite a while, it
was so odd. Silver says he's here to see an old friend who has been training and is
enjoying this place. At first I thought he was going move from this to wanting one
more battle to "test you" before you can climb the mountain to meet the old friend,
but no final battle against Silver. He ends this meeting by saying if you're ready
to challenge his old friend, step right in.


Pokemon Found (||Maximum Level: 53||)

Zubat [Poison/Flying]
Graveler [Rock/Ground]
Golbat [Poison/Flying]
Sneasel [Dark/Ice]
Ursaring [Normal] <<Oran Berry>>
Pupitar [Rock/Ground]
(SURF) (||Maximum Level: 31||)
Goldeen [Water]
Psyduck [Water]
(OLD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 5||)
Magikarp [Water]
(GOOD ROD) (||Maximum Level: 15||)
Goldeen [Water]
Poliwag [Water]
Magikarp [Water]
(SUPER ROD) (||Maximum Level: 30||)
Poliwag [Water]
Gyarados [Water/Dragon]
Poliwhirl [Water]

-AREA 1-

All the way up in the northwest section is a Max Elixir and then the entrance to
Area 2 is on the northeast side.

-AREA 2-

Head to the north side. At the top of the northeast waterfall is one Calcium.
Previously you would've found Gary by the north entrance, coming off of losing to
Silver's old friend after your battle outside. I thought that was a nice touch. Go
through to reach the summit.


Silver's old friend turns out to be Ethan :) surprise, surprise. Former Champion
Ethan perhaps? He didn't talk previously but now he does, blaming the cold weather
for making him unresponsive. He makes a reference to Red, having faced him here in
the past, but now Ethan doesn't know where Red has gone to train and says he won't
be back anytime soon, so Ethan will be training here instead. The final (major)
battle of the game, good luck!


Pokemon Trainer Ethan

- Lv74 Togetic [Normal/Flying] {Hustle}
- Lv75 Porygon2 [Normal] {Trace}
- Lv79 Feraligatr [Water] {Rough Skin}
- Lv77 Donphan [Ground] {Sturdy}
- Lv79 Meganium [Grass] {Overgrow}
- Lv79 Typhlosion [Fire] {Blaze}
Prize: P4740

- Ethan has 4 Full Restores.

TOGETIC: Fire Blast, Psychic, Wing Attack, Attract

PORYGON2: Lock-On, Signal Beam, Zap Cannon, Tri Attack
FERALIGATR: Surf, Bite, Screech, Slash
DONPHAN: Rock Slide, Earthquake, Rollout, Body Slam
MEGANIUM: Light Screen, Body Slam, Poisonpowder, Synthesis
TYPHLOSION: Flamethrower, Flame Wheel, Quick Attack, Swift

After that the credits roll again and it's back to West Academy for you. And if
that final battle wasn't enough action for you, well there's Trainer House in
Viridian City.


This place opens after you defeat Ethan on Mt. Silver and is home to rematch
battles against all 18 Gym Leaders, Ethan, Gary, Zach and Eddy. I had hoped that
this would be where Red has ended up but he isn't there sadly. You can take on
everyone in whichever order you like, I'll be listing the Gym Leaders in the order
that we faced them during the game and then the Rivals and Ethan last. Strap in,
it's going to be a while xD, I'm really not looking forward to this...

Gym Leader Lukas

- Lv54 Crawdaunt [Water/Dark] {Hyper Cutter}
- Lv56 Tyranitar [Rock/Dark] {Sand Stream}
- Lv60 Umbreon [Dark] {Sychronize}
- Lv56 Sneasel [Dark/Ice] {Inner Focus}
- Lv58 Absol [Dark] {Pressure}
- Lv54 Noctowl [Normal/Flying] {Insomnia}
Prize: P12000

- Lukas has 4 Full Restores.

CRAWDAUNT: Crunch, Swords Dance, Taunt, Aqua Jet

TYRANITAR: Scary Face, Rock Slide, Thrash, Crunch
SNEASEL: Agility, Icy Wind, Fury Swipes, Slash
UMBREON: Faint Attack, Double-Edge, Extremespeed, Moonlight
ABSOL: Double Team, Future Sight, Perish Song, Slash
NOCTOWL: Take Down, Psychic, Sky Attack, Dream Eater

Gym Leader Jasmine

- Lv54 Forretress [Bug/Steel] {Sturdy}
- Lv56 Skarmory [Steel/Flying] {Keen Eye}
- Lv54 Aggron [Steel/Rock] {Sturdy}
- Lv58 Metagross [Steel/Psychic] {Clear Body}
- Lv56 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull}
- Lv60 Steelix [Steel/Ground] {Rock Head}
Prize: P12000

- Jasmine has 4 Full Restores.

FORRETRESS: Zap Cannon, Bide, Explosion, Spikes

SKARMORY: Steel Wing, Air Cutter, Spikes, Metal Sound
AGGRON: Metal Sound, Iron Tail, Protect, Take Down
METAGROSS: Meteor Mash, Iron Defense, Pursuit, Psychic
MAGNETON: Lock-On, Spark, Tri Attack, Screech
STEELIX: Crunch, Iron Tail, Slam, Double-Edge

Gym Leader Morty

- Lv54 Sableye [Dark/Ghost] {Keen Eye}
- Lv56 Dusclops [Ghost] {Pressure}
- Lv54 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate}
- Lv56 Banette [Ghost] {Insomnia}
- Lv58 Misdreavus [Ghost] {Levitate}
- Lv60 Gengar [Ghost/Poison] {Levitate}
Prize: P12000

- Morty has 4 Full Restores.

SABLEYE: Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Knock Off, Mean Look

DUSCLOPS: Mean Look, Curse, Will-o-Wisp, Shadow Punch
Both GENGAR: Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Destiny Bond, Nightmare
BANETTE: Will-o-Wisp, Shadow Ball, Faint Attack, Snatch
MISDREAVUS: Perish Song, Grudge, Psybeam, Pain Split

Gym Leader Whitney

- Lv54 Blissey [Normal] {Natural Cure}
- Lv54 Wigglytuff [Normal] {Cute Charm}
- Lv56 Ursaring [Normal] {Guts}
- Lv56 Tauros [Normal] {Intimidate}
- Lv60 Miltank [Normal] {Thick Fat}
- Lv58 Clefable [Normal] {Cute Charm}
Prize: P12000

- Whitney has 4 Full Restores.

BLISSEY: Defense Curl, Double-Edge, Egg Bomb, Light Screen

WIGGLYTUFF: Doubleslap, Disable, Sing, Defense Curl
URSARING: Thrash, Rest, Snore, Slash
TAUROS: Take Down, Swagger, Thrash, Rest
MILTANK: Bide, Body Slam, Rollout, Heal Bell
CLEFABLE: Minimize, Sing, Doubleslap, Metronome

Gym Leader Chuck

- Lv54 Medicham [Fighting/Psychic] {Pure Power}
- Lv60 Poliwrath [Water/Fighting] {Water Absorb}
- Lv54 Hitmonchan [Fighting] {Keen Eye}
- Lv56 Hitmonlee [Fighting] {Limber}
- Lv56 Breloom [Grass/Fighting] {Effect Spore}
- Lv58 Primeape [Fighting] {Vital Spirit}
Prize: P12000

- Chuck has 4 Full Restores.

MEDICHAM: Calm Mind, Hi Jump Kick, Psych Up, Reversal

POLIWRATH: Mind Reader, Hypnosis, Submission, Doubleslap
HITMONCHAN: Detect, Sky Uppercut, Counter, CloseCombat
HITMONLEE: Mega Kick, Foresight, Endure, Reversal
BRELOOM: Mind Reader, Counter, Sky Uppercut, DynamicPunch
PRIMEAPE: Cross Chop, Screech, Rage, Swagger

Gym Leader Bugsy

- Lv54 Shedinja [Bug/Ghost] {Wonder Guard}
- Lv56 Forretress [Bug/Steel] {Sturdy}
- Lv54 Shuckle [Bug/Rock] {Sturdy}
- Lv58 Pinsir [Bug] {Hyper Cutter}
- Lv56 Heracross [Bug/Fighting] {Swarm}
- Lv60 Scizor [Bug/Steel] {Swarm}
Prize: P12000

- Bugsy has 4 Full Restore.

SHEDINJA: Grudge, Shadow Ball, Spite, Confuse Ray

FORRETRESS: Spikes, Bide, Explosion, Zap Cannon
SHUCKLE: Safeguard, Bide, Rest, Encore
PINSIR: Swords Dance, Brick Break, Guillotine, Submission
HERACROSS: Megahorn, Counter, Reversal, Take Down
SCIZOR: Swords Dance, Iron Defense, Slash, Fury Cutter

Gym Leader Falkner

- Lv54 Murkrow [Dark/Flying] {Insomnia}
- Lv56 Noctowl [Normal/Flying] {Insomnia}
- Lv56 Xatu [Psychic/Flying] {Synchronize}
- Lv58 Swellow [Normal/Flying] {Guts}
- Lv54 Pelipper [Water/Flying] {Keen Eye}
- Lv60 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye}
Prize: P12000

- Falkner has 4 Full Restores.

MURKROW: Taunt, Faint Attack, Mean Look, Night Shade

NOCTOWL: Take Down, Psychic, Sky Attack, Dream Eater
XATU: Confuse Ray, Teleport, Future Sight, Wish
SWELLOW: Double Team, Aerial Ace, Endeavor, Agility
PELIPPER: Stockpile, Protect, Swallow, Spit Up
PIDGEOT: Extremespeed, Wing Attack, Whirlwind, Roost

Gym Leader Pryce

- Lv54 Glalie [Ice] {Inner Focus}
- Lv54 Jynx [Ice/Psychic] {Oblivious}
- Lv56 Walrein [Ice/Water] {Thick Fat}
- Lv56 Lapras [Water/Ice] {Water Absorb}
- Lv58 Dewgong [Water/Ice] {Thick Fat}
- Lv60 Piloswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious}
Prize: P12000

- Pryce has 4 Full Restores.

GLALIE: Hail, Blizzard, Crunch, Ice Beam

JYNX: Ice Punch, Mean Look, Psychic, Body Slam
WALREIN: Blizzard, Hail, Snore, Rest
LAPRAS: Hydro Pump, Sheer Cold, Safeguard, Rain Dance
DEWGONG: Sheer Cold, Rest, Take Down, Ice Beam
PILOSWINE: Blizzard, Mist, Take Down, Fury Attack

Gym Leader Clair

- Lv54 Altaria [Dragon/Flying] {Natural Cure}
- Lv54 Aerodactyl [Rock/Flying] {Rock Head}
- Lv56 Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate}
- Lv56 Charizard [Fire/Flying] {Blaze}
- Lv58 Kingdra [Water/Dragon] {Swift Swim}
- Lv60 Dragonite [Dragon/Flying] {Inner Focus}
Prize: P12000

- Clair has 4 Full Restores.

ALTARIA: Dragon Dance, Perish Song, Refresh, Dragonbreath

AERODACTYL: Scary Face, Ancientpower, Hyper Beam, Take Down
GYARADOS: Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Rain Dance
CHARIZARD: Flamethrower, Slash, Wing Attack, Dragon Rage
KINGDRA: Agility, Water Gun, Twister, Hydro Pump
DRAGONITE: Agility, Slam, Safeguard, Wing Attack
Gym Leader Roxanne
- Lv54 Aerodactyl [Rock/Flying] {Rock Head}
- Lv56 Armaldo [Rock/Bug] {Battle Armor}
- Lv54 Golem [Rock/Ground] {Rock Head}
- Lv58 Steelix [Steel/Ground] {Rock Head}
- Lv56 Omastar [Rock/Water] {Swift Swim}
- Lv62 Nosepass [Rock] {Sturdy}
Prize: P12400

- Roxanne has 4 Full Restores.

AERODACTYL: Scary Face, Ancientpower, Hyper Beam, Take Down

ARMALDO: Ancientpower, Protect, Fury Cutter, Slash
GOLEM: Earthquake, Rollout, Rock Blast, Explosion
STEELIX: Crunch, Iron Tail, Slam, Double-Edge
OMASTAR: Tickle, Protect, Spike Cannon, Ancientpower
NOSEPASS: Sandstorm, Zap Cannon, Rest, Lock-On

Gym Leader Sabrina

- Lv54 Slowking [Water/Psychic] {Oblivious}
- Lv54 Wobbuffet [Psychic] {Shadow Tag}
- Lv56 Jynx [Ice/Psychic] {Oblivious}
- Lv56 Mr. Mime [Psychic] {Soundproof}
- Lv58 Espeon [Psychic] {Synchronize}
- Lv60 Alakazam [Psychic] {Synchronize}
Prize: P12000

- Sabrina has 4 Full Restores.

SLOWKING: Swagger, Headbutt, Psychic, Psych Up

WOBBUFFET: Mirror Coat, Safeguard, Counter, Destiny Bond
JYNX: Mean Look, Ice Punch, Psychic, Body Slam
MR. MIME: Psychic, Safeguard, Role Play, Baton Pass
ESPEON: Psychic, Dream Eater, Mist Ball, Morning Sun
ALAKAZAM: Calm Mind, Future Sight, Psychic, Trick

Gym Leader Misty

- Lv54 Golduck [Water] {Damp}
- Lv56 Lapras [Water/Ice] {Water Absorb}
- Lv54 Lanturn [Water/Electric] {Volt Absorb}
- Lv56 Quagsire [Water/Ground] {Damp}
- Lv58 Milotic [Water] {Marvel Scale}
- Lv60 Starmie [Water/Psychic] {Illuminate}
Prize: P12000

- Misty has 4 Full Restores.

GOLDUCK: Confusion, Screech, Fury Swipes, Psych Up

LAPRAS: Safeguard, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Sheer Cold
LANTURN: Confuse Ray, Thunderbolt, Take Down, Hydro Pump
QUAGSIRE: Amnesia, Earthquake, Yawn, Rain Dance
MILOTIC: Rain Dance, Safeguard, Hydro Pump, Attract
STARMIE: Confuse Ray, Rapid Spin, Recover, Swift

Gym Leader Erika

- Lv54 Bellossom [Grass] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv56 Cradily [Rock/Grass] {Suction Cups}
- Lv54 Exeggcutor [Grass/Psychic] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv56 Venusaur [Grass/Poison] {Overgrow}
- Lv58 Vileplume [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv60 Victreebel [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
Prize: P12000

- Erika has 4 Full Restores.

BELLOSSOM: Stun Spore, Sweet Scent, Magical Leaf, Petal Dance

CRADILY: Ancientpower, Ingrain, Confuse Ray, Amnesia
EXEGGUTOR: Egg Bomb, Hypnosis, Stomp, Confusion
VENUSAUR: Razor Leaf, Growth, Sweet Scent, Synthesis
VILEPLUME: Stun Spore, Aromatherapy, Giga Drain, Petal Dance
VICTREEBEL: Sleep Powder, Razor Leaf, Vine Whip, Solarbeam

Gym Leader Lt. Surge

- Lv54 Jolteon [Electric] {Volt Absorb}
- Lv56 Manectric [Electric] {Static}
- Lv56 Electrode [Electric] {Soundproof}
- Lv58 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
- Lv54 Magneton [Electric/Steel] {Magnet Pull}
- Lv60 Raichu [Electric] {Static}
Prize: P12000

- Surge has 4 Full Restores.

JOLTEON: Agility, Thunder Wave, Pin Missile, Thunder

MANECTRIC: Thunder, Roar, Bite, Discharge
ELECTRODE: Swift, Rollout, Light Screen, Explosion
ELECTABUZZ: Thunder, CloseCombat, Discharge, Iron Tail
MAGNETON: Lock-On, Spark, Tri Attack, Screech
RAICHU: Tail Whip, Thunderbolt, Thundershock, Quick Attack

Gym Leader Brock

- Lv54 Rhydon [Ground/Rock] {Lightning Rod}
- Lv56 Tyranitar [Rock/Dark] {Sand Stream}
- Lv56 Aerodactyl [Rock/Flying] {Rock Head}
- Lv63 Onix [Rock/Ground] {Rock Head}
- Lv54 Kabutops [Rock/Water] {Swift Swim}
- Lv58 Relicanth [Water/Rock] {Swift Swim}
Prize: P12600

- Brock has 4 Full Restores.

RHYDON: Horn Drill, Scary Face, Rock Blast, Take Down

TYRANITAR: Scary Face, Rock Slide, Thrash, Crunch
AERODACTYL: Scary Face, Ancientpower, Take Down, Hyper Beam
ONIX: Sand Tomb, Slam, Iron Tail, Double-Edge
KABUTOPS: Metal Sound, Sand-Attack, Slash, Endure
RELICANTH: Ancientpower, Mud Sport, Rest, Double-Edge

Gym Leader Janine

- Lv54 Arbok [Poison] {Intimidate}
- Lv54 Ariados [Bug/Poison] {Swarm}
- Lv56 Weezing [Poison] {Levitate}
- Lv58 Venomoth [Bug/Poison] {Shield Dust}
- Lv56 Tentacruel [Water/Poison] {Clear Body}
- Lv60 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
Prize: P12000

- Janine has 4 Full Restores.

ARBOK: Stockpile, Acid, Swallow, Spit Up

ARIADOS: Spider Web, Leech Life, Fury Swipes, Agility
WEEZING: Smokescreen, Explosion, Haze, Destiny Bond
VENOMOTH: Sludge Bomb, Gust, Psybeam, Psychic
TENTACRUEL: Barrier, Wrap, Screech, Hydro Pump
CROBAT: Air Cutter, Sludge Bomb, Haze, Poison Fang

Gym Leader Blaine

- Lv54 Torkoal [Fire] {White Smoke}
- Lv54 Camerupt [Fire/Ground] {Magma Armor}
- Lv56 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird}
- Lv56 Magcargo [Fire/Rock] {Magma Armor}
- Lv58 Magmar [Fire] {Flame Body}
- Lv60 Rapidash [Fire] {Run Away}
Prize: P12000

- Blaine has 4 Full Restores.

TORKOAL: Iron Defense, Amnesia, Flail, Heat Wave

CAMERUPT: Earthquake, Amnesia, Rock Slide, Eruption
HOUNDOOM: Bite, Faint Attack, Odor Sleuth, Flamethrower
MAGCARGO: Amnesia, Flamethrower, Harden, Rock Slide
MAGMAR: Confuse Ray, Sunny Day, Fire Blast, Flamethrower
RAPIDASH: Agility, Take Down, Fury Attack, Bounce

Gym Leader Blue

- Lv67 Exeggcutor [Grass/Psychic] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv70 Rhydon [Ground/Rock] {Lightning Rod}
- Lv70 Tyranitar [Rock/Dark] {Sand Stream}
- Lv69 Machamp [Fighting] {Guts}
- Lv68 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate}
- Lv72 Pidgeot [Normal/Flying] {Keen Eye}
Prize: P14400

- Blue has 4 Full Restores.

EXEGGUTOR: Hypnosis, Stomp, Confusion, Egg Bomb

RHYDON: Horn Drill, Earthquake, Take Down, Megahorn
TYRANITAR: Scary Face, Thrash, Crunch, Earthquake
MACHAMP: Cross Chop, Scary Face, Submission, DynamicPunch
ARCANINE: Extremespeed, Roar, Odor Sleuth, Ember
PIDGEOT: Extremespeed, Wing Attack, Roost, Mirror Move

Old Friend Gary

- Lv59 Swellow [Normal/Flying] {Guts}
- Lv60 Hitmontop [Fighting] {Intimidate}
- Lv62 Magmar [Fire] {Flame Body}
- Lv60 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
- Lv66 Vaporeon [Water] {Water Absorb}
- Lv62 Nidoqueen [Poison/Ground] {Poison Point}
Prize: P2376

- Gary has 4 Full Restores.

SWELLOW: Agility, Double Team, Aerial Ace, Endeavor

HITMONTOP: Agility, Detect, Quick Attack, Endeavor
MAGMAR: Sunny Day, Confuse Ray, Flamethrower, Fire Blast
ELECTABUZZ: Thunder, CloseCombat, Iron Tail, Discharge
VAPOREON: Acid Armor, Aurora Beam, Haze, Hydro Pump
NIDOQUEEN: Earthquake, Body Slam, CloseCombat, Superpower

Pokemon Trainer Eddy

- Lv57 Xatu [Psychic/Flying] {Synchronize}
- Lv64 Houndoom [Dark/Fire] {Early Bird}
- Lv61 Electabuzz [Electric] {Static}
- Lv59 Piloswine [Ice/Ground] {Oblivious}
- Lv61 Kingler [Water] {Hyper Cutter}
- Lv62 Breloom [Grass/Fighting] {Effect Spore}
Prize: P1280

- Eddy has 4 Full Restores.

XATU: Future Sight, Wish, Confuse Ray, Teleport

HOUNDOOM: Crunch, Flamethrower, Odor Sleuth, Faint Attack
ELECTABUZZ: Thunder, CloseCombat, Iron Tail, Discharge
PILOSWINE: Mist, Take Down, Blizzard, Fury Attack
KINGLER: Protect, Stomp, Guillotine, Aqua Jet
BRELOOM: Mind Reader, Counter, Sky Uppercut, DynamicPunch

Pokemon Trainer Zach

- Lv62 Crobat [Poison/Flying] {Inner Focus}
- Lv63 Arcanine [Fire] {Intimidate}
- Lv68 Gardevoir [Psychic] {Synchronize}
- Lv65 Gyarados [Water/Dragon] {Intimidate}
- Lv64 Victreebel [Grass/Poison] {Chlorophyll}
- Lv67 Ampharos [Electric] {Static}
Prize: P1360

- Zach has 4 Full Restores.

CROBAT: Sludge Bomb, Air Cutter, Poison Fang, Haze

ARCANINE: Ember, Roar, Odor Sleuth, Extremespeed
GARDEVOIR: Future Sight, Hypnosis, Imprison, Dream Eater
GYARADOS: Dragon Dance, Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Hyper Beam
VICTREEBEL: Sleep Powder, Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Solarbeam
AMPHAROS: Volt Tackle, Discharge, DynamicPunch, Thunder

Pokemon Trainer Ethan

- Lv74 Togetic [Normal/Flying] {Hustle}
- Lv79 Typhlosion [Fire] {Blaze}
- Lv75 Porygon2 [Normal] {Trace}
- Lv79 Meganium [Grass] {Overgrow}
- Lv79 Feraligatr [Water] {Rough Skin}
- Lv77 Donphan [Ground] {Sturdy}
Prize: P4740

- Ethan has 4 Full Restores.

TOGETIC: Fire Blast, Attract, Psychic, Wing Attack

TYPHLOSION: Flamethrower, Swift, Quick Attack, Flame Wheel
PORYGON2: Lock-On, Signal Beam, Tri Attack, Zap Cannon
MEGANIUM: Body Slam, Light Screen, Poisonpowder, Synthesis
FERALIGATR: Surf, Bite, Screech, Slash
DONPHAN: Rock Slide, Earthquake, Rollout, Body Slam

Even after going through Trainer House, no Red still. No Lance either :S so once
you are done with the rematches that's the end of the game and with that, it's time
to wrap up this walkthrough with the final section.



That was Pokemon (Old) White for you, what did you think? Good? Bad? Somewhere in
the middle? The previous versions left a lot to be desired, with the story pretty
much ending in Johto after you faced Giovanni on the roof of Tin Tower. After that
you were just free to travel through the rest of Johto then Kanto to collect badges
before taking on the League and battling Ethan on Mt. Silver. This version
continues the story and added in some extra Mythical and Legendary Pokemon for
players to catch, that was great. No glaring bugs and glitches like in previous
versions, except for the invisible items which made the Itemfinder useless. A lot
of NPCs just have the same dialogue as those from the original Gen 2 games, when
they could've been talking about what's going on in this game instead. Also the
game is still missing important features such as Physical/Special split, reusable
TMs, deletable HMs and the Fairy-type. I think that would've made up for the
absence of Pokemon beyond Gen 3 and other modern features and mechanics. But since
those features are absent, I imagine that not a lot of players will give this game
a try because of how outdated it is. But if you don't mind that and just want to
play something before diving into one of the modern titles like Pokemon Unbound or
the recently released Pokemon Crown then (Old) White is worth a look.
Hacksrepairman added in extra content to keep you busy for some time.

Any feedback that you might have for creator Foullump please reach him in the
Pokemon Community forums, Hacksrepairman is a member of that site too so you can
contact him there or head over to his blogsite.

As for me, here are my contact details:

* Blog Site: https://mrtkallen.blogspot.com
* Email: allenchngnzh22@gmail.com
* Twitter: @MrTKAllen
* Message on Reddit: Allen_Cee07
* Message on the PokeCommunity forums site: Allen Ceedos

If you are a ROMhacker or know a ROMhacker who requires a walkthrough for their
game please provide me with all the documentation for the game first, I will need
that in order to make the walkthrough detailed. All my previous walkthroughs are
available for reading, downloading and sharing from here:



Under DOWNLOAD OPTIONS if you just want the walkthrough text document then click on
TEXT and right click to download when you see the file. But if you want the zipped
file which contains the walkthrough and the screenshots for puzzle solutions and
hidden items then click on RAR and right click to download when you see the file.
For guides which are in PDF format, same thing, click PDF.

These are the games I've provided guides for so far:

Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter Beta 14.5 to 15+ Expansion Pass (Fix C)
Pokemon Flora Sky [Complement Dex Version]
Pokemon Light Platinum (covering the Lauren Region)
Pokemon Mega Power (Beta 5.59)
Pokemon Resolute v2.78
Pokemon Grape Final v1.4 to v1.6 (Dec 2021)
Pokemon Liquid Crystal Beta 3.3.00512
Pokemon Clover (22 April 2020 Update v1.2)
Pokemon Kanlara Ultimate (21 Jan 2020 update)
Pokemon Gaia v3.2 (Nov 2018)
Pokemon (Old) White [Hacksrepairman May 2019 Fix]
Pokemon Sors v1.2 (9 Aug 2021 Final)
Pokemon Glazed 6.8.3 & 9.1.0 (Trainer X493 updates)
Pokemon Crystal Clear 2.4.4 to 2.5.5 (6 Oct 2022)
Pokemon Unbound to 2.1.1 (9 November 2022 update)
Pokemon Dreams 1.5.1 (15 June 2021 update)
Pokemon Azure Horizons (17 February 2022 Hacksrepairman Fix)

It's thanks to people's support that I am still providing walkthroughs like this,
so if you've found it useful and are considering supporting me then please check
the following support links:

Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/ceeallentk
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/allenchingonzoh

And as a bonus you can check out the other content that I put out besides


HOUSE OF SOUNDS: This is the first of 3 music set series that I've been making
since June 2019. In this series I play house tunes from my collection which I've
had since my high school days. Mainly South African house music but there's room
for international jams too. Old and new. If you're a fellow fan who loves to move
and groove or just bop your head in time with the beats, I hope you'll check out
this series :)

House of Sounds Bit Chute Playlist:


House of Sounds Vault Bit Chute Playlist:


House of Sounds Youtube Playlist:


COUNTING ELECTRIC SHEEP: The second music set series, started just after House of
Sounds. This one features anime and video game music. Opening themes, ending
themes, songs from official soundtracks etc. If you like games, anime and manga as
much as I do then this might be the series for you.
Counting Electric Sheep playlist:

Counting Electric Sheep Youtube playlist:


TUNING FOR TOONS: My third series, started in October 2020. This one will cater
more to those of my generation (people born in the mid 1980s up to the mid 1990s),
it features themes from classic cartoons that were a highlight of our much younger
days. I've also thrown in parody commercials from the Grand Theft Auto games and
shows like Sheep in the Big City. I recommend listening to each set without looking
at the tracklist until the end :) test yourself and find out how many themes you
can still recognise (and maybe still sing along to!)

Tuning for Toons BitChute Playlist: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/AM6B7jTh8qSz/

Tuning for Toons Youtube Playlist:


A ROOM FULL OF TICKING CLOCKS: A series of DJ sets featuring covers, mashups and
remixes of my favourite Coldplay songs from their main studio albums (and maybe
their Extended Plays as well).


A Room Full of Ticking Clocks Youtube Playlist:


A Room Full of Ticking Clocks BitChute Playlist:


COMICBOOK CHRONICLES: This is an audio series that began in August of 2021 which is
dedicated to reviewing comic books. Each episode will cover a volume/album of a
comic book series or title. Currently I am reviewing two major comic book series:
Asterix and The Adventures of Tintin, and episodes are usually released monthly
(one month is for Asterix, the next month is for Tintin and so on) until I catch up
and then pick up another comic book series or title. If this sounds like an audio
series for you, give it a try :)


Comicbook Chronicles Youtube Playlist:


THE MULTIMANGAVERSE: A spinoff to Comicbook Chronicles, which covers the vast

universe(s) of manga. Each episode will focus on a volume of a manga series, with
trivia and notes thrown in as well just like in Comicbook Chronicles. Currently the
two manga series which I am looking at are Hunter x Hunter and One Piece, with the
plan being that once I've caught up or reached the end of a manga series I'll pick
up another one to cover. If you have any manga titles that you would like to
recommend or suggest for the future, include the title in your feedback email.


The MultiMangaverse Playlists:


POKEMON - THE JOURNEY OF JANICE: This was an idea I had in early 2019 which I had
hoped to turn into a story for a ROMhack someday. I shared the idea around to see
if anyone would be interested in teaming up with me to create the game. Months went
by, there were people who liked the idea but I didn't hear from anyone who actually
wanted to work with me. So I decided to spin out a story from the idea and post it
chapter by chapter in the FanFiction section at the PokeCommunity site. That
version of the story is a rework of the original form, which looks one of my
walkthroughs :) I'll put a link to that original below if you're interested in
seeing it. For the current version of the story (which is a soft reboot of the
first rework), Chapters 1 to 7 are only available in audio form. From Chapter 8
onwards the story will continue in text form only.

Journey of Janice (original) [30 Nov 2019 edit]:


Journey of Janice (rework and current versions):


Journey of Janice (audio version):


Thanks for using this walkthrough, I hope it helped and entertained you as well.
Please look forward to the next one, and the one after that and so on :) take care.

Allen C.

Monday 27 March 2023

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