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Learning Area: HEALTH Duration:

DLP No.: 2 Grade Level: 10 Quarter: First
1 hour

Learning Code:
Explains the guidelines and criteria in the selection and evaluation of
Competency/ies: health information, products and services;
Key Concepts /
Understandings to be Select and evaluate proper guidelines and criteria on health information, products and services.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Discuss the guidelines on the purchase of health products and services.
Skills Distinguish the different health products from health services.
Share the advantage of knowing the proper guidelines in purchasing health products and
Values Wise use of resources.
2. Content/Topic Reliable and Unreliable Consumer Health Products and Services
3. Learning Resources/ Health 10 Learner’s Material pp. 203-204
Materials / Equipment Cartolina/ manila paper, pentel pens, laptop.
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will consume)
A. Prayer
B. Checking of Attendance
C. Checking of Assignment
D. Motivation
4.1 Introductory Activity
The teacher will ask:
(7 minutes)
1. How did you spend your allowance for today? ( answers may vary)
2. Are you satisfied with what you buy? Lets check it out.

A. The teacher will present a concept map to be filled out by the students.. This is done by


Products and
4.2 Activity
(10 minutes)

1. List 4 products and services that people buy and consume

2. Enumerate the answers with your group..
3. How does Health products differ from health services?
4. How do these products services affect the overall well- being of an individual?

4.3 Analysis Base on the concept map, the group will choose a reporter to present their work.
( 8 minutes) 1. Name of the products they choose.
2. Are these products important to them?
3. How these products help them in search for health?
4. Identify reliable and unreliable sources of health products, and services
5. What guidelines they should follow in buying health products and availing of health

The teacher will ask the students to complete the table below:

Health Products and Services

Reliable: Unreliable
4.4 Abstraction 2.
(10 minutes) 2

The teacher will give further discussion on reliable and unreliable health products and health
And explain to the learners the proper guidelines and criteria in buying health products and
availing of Health Services.
The class will be divided into two groups. They will choose a representative to play “pinoy
Henyo”.. The partners will pick and guess what is the product all about
Suggested example: Products that can be found inside the classroom ( Paper, CHALK, ballpen
4.5 Application
(10 minutes)
1. In 5 mins. Identify reliable and unreliable health products.
2. Write your answer in a manila paper.
3. Choose 1 representative to explain your answer.
5. Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/ or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or Analysis of Learners’ Products
and/or Tests) 10 minutes
Picture Analysis:
Flash pictures of the ff..
1. Cigarettes
2. Gadgets(like cellphones etc.)
3. Clothes
4. Foot Spa
5. Face powder
Ask the students why they consider reliable or unreliable health products the above
mentioned items..
6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and /or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or
Preparation for a new lesson) 2 minutes
What benefits can you get from being a wise consumer?

7. Wrap-Up/ Concluding
Activity 3 Minutes Make a Wise Choice for a better health!!!

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