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Kinder/Elementary/Junior High School/Senior High School

FAAP-PACUCOA Reaccredited Level II ( High School School )


DepEd Order No. 32, 2016 (Customized)

Name of Teacher JULLIAN G. CORTINA Subject(s): GENERAL BIOLOGY 2

Dates: March 11- March 15, 2024 Quarter: 4

Teaching 9:00 am- 10:00 am (MWF); Week No.: 34
Time: 10:00 am-11:30 am (TTh)

April 8, 10, 12, 2024 April 9, 11, 2024 (Enhancement)

Month and Dates:
(Lecture) (Lecture) BEC Form No. 12

A. Content Standard (Given CG) Systematics Based on Evolutionary Systematics Based on
Relationships Evolutionary Relationships

Achieved Part in the Lesson Plan J, 20, 51, 54, 83 J, 20, 51, 54, 83
B. Performance Standard (Given discuss Basic Taxonomic Concepts and discuss Basic Taxonomic
CG) Principles, Description, Nomenclature, Concepts and Principles,
Identification, and Classification Description, Nomenclature,
Identification, and Classification
Achieved Part in the Lesson Plan J, 20, 51, 54, 83 J, 20, 51, 54, 83

BEC Form No. 09, rev. 02 - Daily Lesson Log/Weekly Lesson Plan
C. Learning Competencies (Given Explain how the structural and Identify the unique/distinctive
CG/MELC) developmental characteristics and characteristics of a specific
relatedness of DNA sequences are used taxon relative to other taxa
in classifying living things. STEM_BIO11/12IIIh-j-15b-5

Achieved Part in the Lesson Plan J, 20, 51, 54, 83 J, 20, 51, 54, 83
D. Specific Objectives The students should be able to identify The students should be able to
and explain the structural and identify the unique/distinctive
developmental characteristics related characteristics of a specific
to DNA sequences taxon relative to other taxa
Achieved Part in the Lesson Plan J, 20, 51, 54, 83 J, 20, 51, 54, 83
Systematics Based on
Systematics Based on Evolutionary
II – CONTENT/LESSON: Evolutionary

A. References :
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages General Biology II texbook General Biology II texbook
(Given CG)
2. Textbook/pages 8-17 18-27
3. Additional Materials from SIAS-LMS SIAS-LMS
Learning Resource Portal
4. Websites (if ever)
5. Other Learning Resources Laptop, Projector, White board Marker Laptop, Projector, White board

A. Motivation/Reviewing Reviewing the past lesson Reviewing the past lesson

previous lesson and
gradually link to the new Presenting example images of Presenting example images of
lesson evolutionary relationships among structural and developmental
organisms using the evidence of characteristics of relatedness to
evolution DNA sequences

BEC Form No. 09, rev. 02 - Daily Lesson Log/Weekly Lesson Plan
B. Stating the purposes of the Questions Questions
lesson (objectives and 1. What is Taxonomy in Biology? 1. What is structural and
reinforce with expected 2. Why do we need to classify? developmental
outcome) characteristics?
C. Presenting examples/ The teacher will show images about Basic The teacher will show images
instances of the new lesson Taxonomy Concepts about Basic Taxonomy Concepts

D. Discussion proper The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss
-(new concepts and  Systematics Based on  The teacher will discuss
practicing new Evolutionary Relationships characteristics of a specific
skills)students interaction taxon relative to other taxa
or participation in lesson
E. Developing Mastery The students will quietly participate in The students will quietly
the activity to acquire new insights about participate in the activity to
the lesson acquire new insights about the
What is Taxonomy
Systematics is the study of the
Taxonomy is the branch of biology that diversification of life forms over
deals with identification (replacement of time, both past and present,
a new organism into a previously and their relationship between
described group), nomenclature, and other species.
classification of organisms.

Taxonomic Classification
(also reffered to as the Linnaean

BEC Form No. 09, rev. 02 - Daily Lesson Log/Weekly Lesson Plan
system after the swedish
Why Classify? botanist Carl Linnaeus, Zoologist
To organize all the discovered organisms and Doctor) uses a heirarcichal
and to give organisms a standard name model. Moving to the point of
so scientist from different countries can origin, the groups are more
talk about the same animal without precise until the branch
confusion terminates a single species.

F. Finding practical Let the students perform the following: Let the students perform the
applications of concepts following:
and skills in daily living Complete the puzzle below with the
(refer to #c, and explore term/s encountered in the lines of Fill in the name of each missing
more interesting true to life evidences of evolutionary relatedness. taxonomic category in the chart
either coming from Please be guided of the hints given in the below
students) box at the right. Write your answer on
separate sheet of pad paper.

G. Making generalization What is the importance of Taxonomy in What is the importance of

about the lesson --(most human life? defining the characteristics of a
important part of the specific taxon?

BEC Form No. 09, rev. 02 - Daily Lesson Log/Weekly Lesson Plan
lesson you wish learners to It helps in the estimation of the world’s
remember-summarize it) population of living things. Its goal is to The classification of an organism
unite all living things. It motivates us to often provides useful
study plant and animal traits. information about its
evolutionary history and which
other organism are related to it.

H. Evaluation/Assessment (if Identification: Identification:

scheduled /always use 1. Which of the following gives 1. What is the study of
rubric) and also mentioned evidence that organisms did evolutionary
in Item No. 1 – Objectives change in the passage of time? relationships among
(D) Specific Objective 2. Which of the following organism organisms?
is NOT included in the domain of 2. What is called a diagram
Eukarya? that represents
3. Which of the following is NOT evolutionary
congruent to the idea that the relationships among
diversity of animals we see today organisms?
is because of evolution? 3. Which of the following
4. Which statements most likely provides evidence that
explains that there is a very high organisms did evolve?
degree of homology between the 4. Which of the following
nuclear DNA of wolves and is NOT included in the
domestic dogs? domain of bacteria?
5. Which of the following measures 5. What is meant for
the number of changes, or characterizing the
mutations, which accumulate in organisms that we
the gene sequences of different study?
species over time?
6. Which statement most closely
depicts as the best classification
7. Which of the following sources of
data are used in building a
phylogenetic tree?

BEC Form No. 09, rev. 02 - Daily Lesson Log/Weekly Lesson Plan
8. Which of the following is NOT an
example of homology?
9. For this item, please refer to the
following statements below.
10. Which of the following
statements is TRUE regarding
1. Assignments: “Hugot Line” Search on the Internet.
-(unfinished lesson or new
lesson for the next Write Takeaway message on a piece of identify the unique/distinctive
meeting) paper, that will serve as your “hugot line” characteristics of a specific
from what you have learned about taxon relative to other taxa
Taxonomic Classification.
2. Out-Comes Based Learning Activity: Done in this Lesson (more than one is possible)
You can select below, one or more put a circle to the number before the activity. Rubrics must be used in each activity and common to all
teachers and, coordinators shall ensure quality standard.
(Always support with documents, photos of the Synchronous or Asynchronous activity in achieving the Learning Competencies )
1 2 4 73
Projects Exhibitions Cause and Effect Diagram Pyramid of Events
5 9
2 2 Experiment & 5 74
Teacher Observation 6 0 Create a skit Mock TV reporting
3 2 5 75
Role play Written Works Group Activity Mock Interview
7 1
4 Writing sample of 2 5 76 Final Oral Research
8 Self & Peer Assessment 2 Hands-on-activity
interview Defense
5 2 Journals and Learning 5 Preparing presentation 77
Community Involvement 9 3 SWOT Analysis
Logs notes
6 3 5 78
Writing News Captions Research Paper Discussions Conflict Solution Chart
0 4
7 3 5 79
Outreach program Checklist Slogan making Paper Mosaic
1 5
8 3 5 80
Write a persuasive text Video Presentation First Aid application Painting
2 6
9 3 5 Pro & Con Graphic 81
Job Fair 3 Literary Analysis 7 Work Immersion

BEC Form No. 09, rev. 02 - Daily Lesson Log/Weekly Lesson Plan
1 3 Sensory Description 5 82
0 Acting 4 8 Reporting Health & Safety
1 3 Compare & Contrast 5 83
1 Reflection Essay 5 9 Group presentation Games
1 Revising the research 3 6 84
2 6 Cooking meat dishes 0 Singing Embroidery
1 3 6 85
Poster Making Baking Job Interview Declamation
3 7 1
1 3 6 86
Event Chart Sewing Mock Talk Show Dancing
4 8 2
1 Mock Oral Research 3 6 87
5 9 Extemporaneous 3 Science Process Skill Sculpting
1 4 6 88
Interview Sketching Making Advertisement Elementary got talent
6 0 4
1 4 6 89
Sorting Quiz Bee Logo Designs Speed typing
7 1 5
1 4 6 90
Trouble Shooting Net working Writing Application Letter Debate
8 2 6
1 4 6 91
Post Card Holistic Mapping Pre-Assessment Fire & Evacuation Drill
9 3 7
2 4 6 Encoding 92
Recitations Making Brochure Meat Hunting
0 4 8
Brainstorm on the topic Create Slideshow based on
2 4 Testimonials-describing 6 Write informative text
of self-esteem using a real life counter part of the 93
1 5 the speaker of a text 9 about the author
cluster map story
Collaborative task (re- Write and perform a
2 Write personal anecdote 4 7 Make inference on the
enact the scenario in the monologue presenting two 94
2 on past experience 6 0 given scenario
poem) perspectives
Create a skit about 95 Others (Ple
2 4 Prepare critical response 7 Sensory Detail Common
people who are victim of
3 7 paper or critical paper 1 Idea Link/Interpretation
loneliness ase specify)
Collaborative text
2 Positive-Negative graphic 4 (organize symposium for 7 Editing the paper using
4 organizer 8 disabilities-how to 2 different strategies
overcome those cases)

BEC Form No. 09, rev. 02 - Daily Lesson Log/Weekly Lesson Plan
1. explain how the structural and 1. Identify the
V – WEEK’S covered LEARNING developmental characteristics unique/distinctive
competencies: and relatedness of DNA characteristics of a
sequences are used in classifying specific taxon relative to
living things STEM_BIO11/12IIIh- other taxa
j-14 STEM_BIO11/12IIIh-j-

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Practice Teacher Subject Teacher

BEC Form No. 09, rev. 02 - Daily Lesson Log/Weekly Lesson Plan

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