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1. Kamala Das was a

(a) Bengali (b) Punjabi 10. Out of the car window she saw
(c) Keralite (d) Gujarati (a) cows and buffaloes (b) pigs and goats
(c) trees sprinting (d) people digging
2. The poet was leaving the house of
(a) her parents (b) her aunt 11. ‘Trees sprinting’ is a poetic device. It is
(c) her in-laws (d) her nephew (a) personification (b) alliteration
(c) repetition (d) simile
3. She was going to
(a) Goa (b) Mumbai 12. The narrator also saw children running out
(c) Cochin (d) Kolkata
(a) their homes (b) schools
4. The poet was driving towards the (c) parks (d) football ground
(a) railway station (b) bus-stand
13. ‘Children spilling out’ is an
(c) airport (d) metro station
(a) simile (b) metaphor
5. The person in the car, beside the poetess, (c) personification (d) transferred epithet
(a) her aunt (b) her niece 14. The narrator looked at her mother again after
(c) her uncle (d) her mother (a) the security check
(b) the green signal
6. The mother of the poetess was
(c) after they left the car parking
(a) smiling (b) laughing
(d) after the luggage check-in
(c) crying (d) dozing off
15. The narrator again compared her mother too
7. The poetess says her mother looked pale
like a (a) summer’s sun

(a) corpse (b) ghost (b) rain clouds

(c) malnourished child (d) anaemic person (c) late winter’s moon
(d) trees and plants
8. Kamala Das realized that her mother was
very 16. Winter’s moon’ is a reference to the
(a) young (b) energetic mother’s

(c) old (d) ill (a) old age (b) illness

(c) colour of skin (d) young age
9. She soon put that thought out of her mind
and 17. When the narrator looked at her mother
(a) smiled (b) laughed heartily again she felt a pang of

(c) cried bitterly (d) looked out of the window (a) her familiar ache (b) guilt
(c) heartache (d) a headache
18. The childhood fear was the fear of 25. The image of merry children has been
brought out by the narrator in order to
(a) separation from mother (b) exams
(a) show energy and exuberance of young
(c) medical check-up (d) dental treatment
19. She said to her mother (b) to show the children playing
(a) goodbye (c) to show the children playing pranks
(b) au revoir (d) to compare with herself
(c) good morning go.
26. ‘Trees sprinting’ and ‘merry children spilling’
(d) see you soon, Amma is an attempt by the poet to create
(a) suspense (b) laughter
20. What was the expression on the narrator’s
face? (c) visual imagery (d) chaos

(a) smiling face (b) angry look

27. The poem is made up of
(c) sarcastic expression (d) frowning face
(a) twenty lines (b) a single sentence

21. Smile and smile and smile is (c) ten stanzas (d) five stanzas

(a) alliteration (b) repetition

28. The theme of the poem is
(c) simile (d) metaphor
(a) separation from friends

22. The mood in the last two lines is that of (b) separation from relatives

(a) regret (b) guilt (c) fear of separation from the mother

(c) acceptance of reality (d) anger (d) love and hatred

23. The narrator is only using her smile to 29. The mother’s old age and lack of energy is a
depiction of
(a) cover up her pain
(a) the poet’s helplessness in old age
(b) make herself happy
(b) joy and fun of old age
(c) to make her mother happy
(c) bonding of mother with family members
(d) to make her father happy
(d) sickness and ill-health

24. Kamala Das has successfully drawn

comparisons between the 30. ‘Sprinting’ means

(a) children and her mother (a) short fast race

(b) father and mother (b) rowing a boat

(c) uncle and aunt (c) playing tricks

(d) nephew and niece (d) running around trees

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