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Research Question: To what extent does the cost of obtaining insulin for people with diabetes in Qatar reflect

global inequalities in healthcare access and affordability?

Word count: 2023


Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide, with Qatar being no exception. Qatar has

one of the highest prevalence rates of diabetes in the world. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF),

Qatar ranked among the top countries with the highest prevalence of diabetes, with an estimated 16.7% of the adult

population affected by the disease in 2019 (World Bank). This means approximately one in six adults in Qatar has

diabetes, making it a significant public health concern. The cost of obtaining is a challenge in Qatar, reflecting broader

global inequalities in healthcare access and affordability. Pharmaceutical companies are essential in setting insulin

prices and other medications, which can vary widely depending on the country and region. This has led to healthcare

access and affordability disparities globally, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries. This investigation

seeks to examine the extent to which the cost of insulin in Qatar reflects global inequalities in healthcare access and

affordability. This study is particularly relevant to me because I was born in Qatar, a country where diabetes is a

prevalent disease. This issue is also personal to me, as my father has diabetes, as well as my two uncles and an

aunt. As such, I have seen firsthand the challenges that people with diabetes face in accessing affordable healthcare,

particularly regarding the cost of insulin. Through this investigation, I aim to explore the extent to which the high

insulin cost in Qatar reflects global healthcare inequalities and identify possible solutions to improve healthcare

access and affordability for diabetics in the country.

Engagement Activities

To engage with the political issue of diabetes prevention in Qatar, I organized several activities with two key

organizations: the Qatar Diabetes Association and the Qatar Diabetes Prevention Program. These activities included

interviews and discussions with representatives from both organizations.

For the first engagement activity, I conducted an email interview with a representative from the Qatar Diabetes

Association. I chose this activity because I wanted to understand the current state of diabetes in Qatar and the main

factors contributing to its prevalence. During the interview, I learned about the high prevalence of diabetes in Qatar,

particularly among migrant workers, and the importance of addressing cultural attitudes toward diabetes. I also

learned about the work that the Qatar Diabetes Association is doing to combat diabetes in the country, including

education and awareness campaigns and efforts to improve access to healthcare for marginalized groups. This

activity helped me better understand the political and cultural factors influencing diabetes prevention in Qatar.

For the second engagement activity, I conducted an in-person interview with a representative from the Qatar

Diabetes Prevention Program. I chose this activity because I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of how the

program works to combat diabetes in the country and precisely how it addresses the issue of insulin affordability.
During the interview, I learned about the various initiatives and programs the Qatar Diabetes Prevention Program

offers, including education and awareness campaigns and efforts to improve access to insulin for people with

diabetes. I also learned about the program's challenges in addressing insulin affordability, particularly in light of the

high insulin costs in Qatar. This activity helped me better understand the political and economic factors influencing

diabetes prevention and management in Qatar.

Overview of the Diabetes Situation in Qatar

Prevalence Rates of Diabetes in Qatar

During my engagement activities, I had the opportunity to interview the Qatar Diabetes Association (QDA) to gain

better knowledge of the current state of diabetes in Qatar and the organization's efforts to eliminate the disease.

According to the QDA and the Qatar Diabetes Prevention Programme (QDPP), Qatar has one of the highest

prevalence rates of diabetes globally. For instance, in 2019, the country had 16% of its population affected by

diabetes (either type 1 or 2) (World Bank).

Risk Factors Contributing to Diabetes in Qatar

Several factors, such as a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, and genetic predisposition, cause the high

prevalence rate of diabetes in Qatar. Additionally, the high rates of obesity in Qatar have contributed significantly to

the prevalence of diabetes in the country. Unhealthy eating habits, such as consuming sugary and fatty foods, are

prevalent in Qatar. The traditional Qatari diet is rich in carbohydrates, fats, and sugars, which can lead to obesity and,

with time, cause diabetes. The consumption of fast food, which is high in calories and unhealthy fats, is also common

in Qatar. A course theory that can help explain these factors includes the social determinants of health theory, which

highlights how social, economic, and environmental factors influence health outcomes.

Current Treatment Options in Qatar

Qatar Diabetes Prevention works to combat diabetes through various initiatives, including promoting healthy lifestyles

and educating the public on diabetes prevention measures. The organization also raises disease awareness through

community events, campaigns, and workshops. The Qatar Diabetes Prevention Program emphasizes diabetic

patients receive insulin therapy as the major current option in treating diabetes in the country.

The Costs of Obtaining Insulin in Qatar

Insulin prices in Qatar are relatively high compared to other countries, and many people with diabetes face

challenges accessing the medication. According to the QDA, the cost of insulin in Qatar ranges from 180 to 300

Qatari riyals (approximately 50 to 82 USD) per vial.

Comparison of Insulin Prices in Qatar to Global Prices

There is big difference in pricing of insulin in different countries compared to Qatar. For instance, the same insulin

costs approximately $14.40 in Japan, $11 dollars in Germany, $7.52 dollars in the United Kingdom, and $2.64 in

Turkey (World Population Review). If you compare the indices of diabetes in the aforementioned countries with Qatar,

Qatar has the highest incidence. This can be attributed to the pricing of insulin; in Qatar, Insulin is expensive, which

means most people cannot afford it, while in other countries, most people can afford it. This cost can be a significant

financial burden for many people with diabetes, particularly those from low-income households. From the results

obtained from the interview conducted with the two organizations, I also learned that there is a significant population

of people living in Qatari who are unemployed. In case such people are affected by diabetes, they cannot be able to

purchase the medicines because the full dose of the medicine is expensive. Therefore, employment disparity in the

country also influences access to insulin in the country.

The Role of Government Policies in Regulating Insulin Prices in Qatar

The government has implemented several initiatives to reduce insulin costs for people with diabetes. One such

industry is the Qatar National Health Strategy 2018-2022, which focuses on diabetes prevention and management

(Al-Thani). The strategy aims to improve access to insulin and other diabetes medications, increase awareness of the

disease, and encourage healthy lifestyles.

Another policy mentioned during the interview is Qatar's Essential Medicines List (EML), which includes insulin and

other essential diabetes medications. The EML ensures that these medications are available and accessible to all

residents of Qatar, regardless of their financial status. Additionally, the Ministry of Public Health is working on

implementing a comprehensive health insurance system that will cover the cost of diabetes medications and supplies

for all citizens and residents of Qatar.

In analyzing these government policies and initiatives, we can apply the course theories of policy analysis and

health governance. Policy analysis theory helps us understand how policies are made, implemented, and evaluated.

In the case of Qatar's policies on diabetes management, it is clear that the government has recognized the urgency of

addressing the high prevalence of diabetes in the country and has implemented several initiatives to combat the

disease. The policies are aimed at reducing the cost of insulin and other medications, improving access to diabetes

care, and promoting healthy lifestyles.

On the other hand, health governance theory helps us understand how different actors, including

governments, NGOs, and private sector organizations, work together to improve health outcomes. In the case of

Qatar's policies on diabetes management, we see a collaborative effort between the government, the Qatar Diabetes
Association, and other stakeholders to address the issue of insulin affordability and improve diabetes care in the


The Role of Pharmaceutical Companies in Regulating Insulin Prices

To address the issue of insulin affordability, Qatar Diabetes Prevention collaborates with various stakeholders,

including the government, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance providers, to promote access to affordable

insulin. The organization also advocates for policy changes to improve access to diabetes treatment and care,

including affordable insulin. Although the Qatari government has implemented various policies and initiatives to

address the high cost of insulin, such as the Qatar National Diabetes Strategy, the high price of insulin remains a

significant challenge. Socioeconomic factors such as income and employment status can also affect access to insulin

and diabetes treatment in Qatar. For example, low-income individuals may struggle to afford insulin, while those

without employment-based health insurance may also face significant challenges accessing diabetes care.

Disparities in Healthcare Access and Affordability Globally

Limited funding is a significant challenge that Qatar Diabetes Prevention faces in its efforts to combat diabetes in the

country. The organization may struggle to secure the necessary financial resources to implement its programs and

initiatives, limiting the scope of its work. This lack of funding can impact the organization's ability to expand its reach

and increase public awareness of diabetes prevention measures.

Inadequate healthcare infrastructure is another challenge that Qatar Diabetes Prevention must contend with.

Although Qatar has made significant strides in healthcare infrastructure development, the country still faces

significant gaps in access to quality healthcare. Limited resources and infrastructure can make it challenging to

provide comprehensive diabetes prevention and management programs, which can further contribute to the high

prevalence of diabetes in the country.

Finally, insufficient public awareness of diabetes prevention measures is a significant challenge for Qatar

Diabetes Prevention. Many people in Qatar lack knowledge about diabetes, its risk factors, and the importance of

adopting healthy lifestyles to prevent and manage the condition. Addressing this lack of awareness requires

extensive public education and awareness campaigns, which can be challenging to implement and sustain over time.

International Efforts to Address Healthcare Access and Affordability

One example of international efforts specifically aimed at diabetes is the World Diabetes Foundation (WDF), which is

a global alliance working toward the prevention and management of diabetes. The WDF collaborates with various

international organizations, including the World Health Organization, to increase awareness about diabetes and
promote access to diabetes care and treatment in low- and middle-income countries. Additionally, the International

Diabetes Federation (IDF) works to promote diabetes prevention and management worldwide through various

programs and initiatives, including education and awareness campaigns, advocacy efforts, and research



The high cost of obtaining insulin for people with diabetes in Qatar reflects global healthcare inequalities in access

and affordability. While Qatar has taken steps to provide healthcare access to its citizens, more can be done to

ensure that those with diabetes have affordable access to insulin. International efforts to address the issue of

healthcare access and affordability, particularly in pharmaceutical pricing, are necessary to improve healthcare

outcomes globally. Throughout the engagement activities and analysis, it became evident that global politics

significantly impacted healthcare outcomes and accessibility, particularly in the case of diabetes in Qatar. The

engagement activities highlighted the challenges faced by local organizations such as Qatar Diabetes Prevention,

such as limited funding and inadequate healthcare infrastructure. Despite these challenges, it is clear that such

organizations play a crucial role in promoting public awareness of diabetes prevention measures and advocating for

policy changes that can improve healthcare outcomes. The analysis further highlighted the complexities of global

politics, demonstrating the interconnectedness of issues and the need for a multidisciplinary approach. For instance,

the cultural and social factors highlighted in the engagement activities were deeply related to economic, political, and

environmental factors, all of which impact diabetes prevalence and management. My study suffers a limitation. For

instance, there is a need for more targeted and diverse engagement methods to reach a broader range of

stakeholders. Nevertheless, the study has taught me the theoretical frameworks in global politics and the challenges

of effecting change in healthcare outcomes.

Works Cited

Al-Thani, Al-Anoud, et al. "Knowledge and Perception of Diabetes and Available Services among Diabetic

Patients in the State of Qatar." Central Asian Journal of Global Health, vol. 8, no. 1, 2019.

World Bank. "Qatar." Human Capital Index 2020, 2020, Accessed 27 Mar.


World Population Review. "Cost of Insulin by Country 2023." 2023 World Population by Country (Live), 2023, Accessed 27 Mar. 2023.


Appendix 1: Sample Interview Questions

1. Can you give us an overview of the current state of diabetes in Qatar?

2. What are the main factors that contribute to the prevalence of diabetes in Qatar?

3. How does Qatar Diabetes Prevention work to combat diabetes in the country?

4. Can you discuss the accessibility and affordability of insulin for people with diabetes in Qatar?

5. What are the current costs of insulin in Qatar, and how do they compare to other countries?

6. How does Qatar Diabetes Prevention address the issue of insulin affordability for people with diabetes in the


7. Are there any government policies or initiatives in place to address the high costs of insulin in Qatar?

8. How do socioeconomic factors, such as income level and employment status, affect access to insulin and

diabetes treatment in Qatar?

9. What are some of the challenges that Qatar Diabetes Prevention faces in its work to combat diabetes in the


10. What are the organization's future goals and plans for addressing diabetes and insulin affordability in Qatar?

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