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MKT 10009 – Marketing and the

Consumer Experience
Assignment 1
Semester 1 - 2023

Date: 1/10/2023
Full Name: Trần Đình Tường Phúc

Table of Contents:
Module Page
Name, Date, Code Course 1
Part 1: Public Opinion 3-4-5
Part 2: Formal Definitions 5-6
Part 3: Synthesis 6-7
References 8

Part 1: Public Opinion

Name: Joseph Thach

Gender and Age: Male - 25

Accommodation: Thao Dien, District 2.
Education: Bachelor of Digital Marketing
Occupation: Marketing finance specialist
In the life cycle: Currently working full-time while studying SEM, SEO
A major life objective for the next three years: Lead marketing position
Other noteworthy characteristics of this individual include: An enthusiastic and dedicated
person in work, graduated from Greenwich University
According to this person, marketing is: In Marketing, there are two essential methods:
personality and trademark. Personality is showing off to customers your achievements and years
of experience in this field. Trademarks show off to customers your achievements and years of
experience in this field. The ultimate task is to attract others and the value of the products we
How do you think their definition was affected by what?: This is someone who graduated
from a prestigious school and so the majority of what influenced his definition were his theories
and experiences while in college.
Name: Kate Ngan

Gender and Age: Female - 31

Accommodation: Bui Quang La, Go Vap District
Education: Master of Communications
Occupation: Product Owner
In the life cycle: Currently working full-time
A major life objective for the next three years: Successfully bringing the Santapocket smart
cabinet ecosystem to the market and being well received by residents of apartment buildings and
office staff in the HCM area.
Other noteworthy characteristics of this individual include: being an expert in the field of
event running and project planning, graduating from RMIT
According to this person, marketing is: Marketing is a tool to bring products to target
customers, help them understand the product, be attracted, and decide to buy.
Is everything you do to reach customers, let them know about your products/services, and make
them buy/use your products/services.
How do you think their definition was affected by what?: Being a person with a master's
degree and many years of research and work experience, even though she does not work in the
marketing field, her definitions are well-founded.
Name: Peter Vu

Gender and Age: Male - 40

Accommodation: Linh Trung, Thu Duc
Education: PhD in Accounting
Occupation: Financial Analysis and Accounting
In the life cycle: Currently working full-time and participating in research on economic projects.
A major life objective for the next three years: Successfully research current economic
arguments and complete bachelor of theology

Other noteworthy characteristics of this individual include: A talented accountant and a top-
notch thinking mind, graduated from Kansas University
According to this person, marketing is: Marketing is all the activities of introducing products
or services from the place of production to the hand of the consumer. Let customers see the value
of the product and then collect value from customers.
How do you think their definition was affected by what?: For someone who has held a high
position in the academic world and spent his whole life dedicating himself to the field he is
studying, his definition of Marketing is completely correct and realistic.

Part 2: Formal Definitions

Definition: Make your marketing so beneficial that customers will pay for it.
Justification: This is a quote from "Non-Fiction Author" Jay Baer. The full text of his statement
is as follows “Marketing so useful that people would be willing to pay you for it.”
The quote he said in the book ''Youtility'' and a prestigious daily newspaper, The New York
Times, described: "Jay Baer's Youtility is arguably the greatest contribution to the field of social
media marketing since 2012." To tell more about Jay Baer, he is a digital marketing consultant,
blogger, podcaster, speaker, and founder of five companies. He has consulted for 29 Fortune 500
companies and his blog Convince & Convert is ranked number one in the world by the Content
Marketing Institute.
Reference: BusinessNews, P. B. (2014). Summary : Youtility : review and analysis of baer's
book. Lemaitre Publishing. pp.28

Definition: The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the
product or service fits him and sells itself.
Justification: This is the saying of the "great tree" of CEO Peter F. Drucker. The original text of
that sentence is "The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the
product or service fits him and sells itself."
Written by him in the book Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices. He is one of the
best-known and most widely influential thinkers and writers on the subject of management
theory and practice. He is considered the father of modern Business Administration and is the

author of many famous management books. Drucker's greatest assets are his 39 books along with
countless scholarly articles that were ahead of his time.
Reference: Drucker, P. F. (Peter F. (2007). Management : tasks, responsibilities, practices.
Transaction. pp.97

Part 3: Synthesis

“Successful marketing not only encourages customers to make purchases but also satisfies them,
encouraging them to return.”

This is my personal description of "What is Marketing". Both management consultant

Peter F. Drucker and author Jay Baer inspire me and give me ideas. Both mentioned the

advantages of marketing, but Peter Drucker had a deeper insight that we need to have a clear

understanding of the target market in order for the product to be appropriate and draw in

customers who want to buy it. Jay Baer spoke about the success of a marketing campaign that

will persuade customers to buy that product.

Since then, I have relied on these two perspectives to come to the personal conclusion

that customer marketing and product sales are only a small component of the production process

success. We must have a thorough understanding of our customer base and their psychology in

order to design products that meet the criteria of being appropriate, stable, and valuable while

also providing consumers with meaningful value. Once the supply and demand loop chain has

materialized, we have a motive to keep clients, and if they actually return to make more

purchases, the marketing campaign will be more successful. Credibility, success, as well as

tenacity, and public confidence in business. If this company model stays true to itself, I believe it

has a good chance of succeeding.

Public opinion definitions offer a varied viewpoint on marketing, such as the necessity of

personal and brand names in marketing (Joseph Thach), as a tool to connect with customers and

encourage product exchanges (Kate Ngan), or as a key consideration for product value (Peter

Vu). Bringing the items they produce closer to consumers is the common objective of all three of

the aforementioned points of view, despite their differing points of view. The ultimate objective

is simply an exchange of value between the seller and the buyer, to sum up.

Ai image illustrates people. (n.d.). photograph.
Brenner, M. (2022, November 29). 33 of the greatest marketing quotes to Inspire Your Strategy.
Marketing Insider Group.
BusinessNews, P. B. (2014). Summary : Youtility : review and analysis of baer's book. Lemaitre
Publishing. pp.28
Drucker, P. F. (Peter F. (2007). Management : tasks, responsibilities, practices. Transaction.

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