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“The LORD is near to

all who call on him, to

all who call on him in
truth. He fulfills the
desire of those who fear
him; he also hears their
cry and saves them..”
Psalm 145:18-19
two or more consecutive simple
curves having different radius, but
whose centers lie on the same side of
the curve, and have a common
tangent at their meeting point. The
point of the common tangent where
the two curves join is called the point
of compound curvature (P.C.C.).
Elements of a Compound Curve
I = I1 + I2
PI1 180- (I1 + I2)
T1 T1


R1 R1


Elements of a Compound Curve
I = I 1 + I2
Elements of a Compound Curve
1. R1 - Radius of the curve AE
2. R2 - Radius of the curve EF
3. T1 - Tangent distance of the curve AE
4. T2 - Tangent distance of the curve EF

BD = T1 + T2 = common tangent
I1 = central angle of curve AE
I2 = central angle of curve EF
I = angle of intersection of tangents AC and CF
T1 = R1 Tan I1/2

T2 = R2 Tan I2/2

BD = T1 + T2
I = I1 + I 2

Note: Same formulas and principles for simple

curves applies for compound curve.
Sample Problem:
1. The long chord from the P.C. to the P.T.
of a compound curve is 300 meters long
and the angle it makes with the longer
and shorter tangents are 12° and 15°
respectively. If the common tangent is
parallel to the long chord
a. find the radius of the 1st and 2nd curve
b. If stationing of P.C. is 10 + 204.30,
find the stationing of P.T.
2. The common tangent AB of a compound
curve is 76.42 m. with an azimuth of 268° 30’.
The vertex V being inaccessible. The azimuth
of the tangents AV and VB was measured to
be 247° 50 ‘ and 282° 50’ respectively. If the
stationing of A is 43 + 010.46 m. and the
degree of the first curve was fixed at 4°based
on the 20 m. chord. Using chord basis.
a. Determine the stationing of the P.C.
b. Determine the stationing of the P.C.C.
c. Determine the stationing of the P.T.
3. The locating engineer runs a 6° 30’ curve to
the P.C.C., 300 m. long from the P.C. of the
compound curve, thence from the P.C.C. a 1°
40‘ curve was run towards to the P.T. 600 m.
long. Use arc basis.
a. It is required to determine the length of the
long chord connecting the P.C. and P.T.
b. Find the angle that the long chord makes
with the first tangent.
c. Find the angle that the long chord makes
with the 2nd tangent.
4. A compound curve connects three tangents
having an azimuths of 254° 270° and 280°
respectively. The length of the chord is 320
m. long measured from the P.C. to the P.T. of
the curve and is parallel to the common
tangent having an azimuth of 270°. If the
stationing of the P.T. is 6 + 520,
a. Determine the total length of the curve.
b. Determine the stationing of the P.C.C.
c. Determine the stationing of the P.C.
5. A compound curve passes through a
common tangent XY having a length of 300
m. The radius of the first curve is equal to
280 m. and a central angle of 41°. If the
radius of the second curve is 700 m.,
compute the following:
a. Length of the tangent of the second curve.
b. Central angle of the second curve.
c. Stationing of PT if PC is at station 15 +
555.55 m.`.
5. A compound curve I = I1 + I2
passes through a
common tangent XY T1 I1 180- (I1 + I2)
having a length of PC PCC
300 m. The radius of T2 I2
the first curve is 300 m.
equal to 280 m. and R1 Y (PI2)
a central angle of R1 = 300 m.
I1 = 41⁰
41°. If the radius of
the second curve is
700 m., compute the C1 T2
a. Length of the
R2 = 700 m.
tangent of the PT
second curve.
b. Central angle of R2
the second curve.
c. Stationing of PT if
PC is at station 15 C2
+ 555.55 m.
REVERSED CURVE – Is formed by
two circular simple curves having
a common tangent that lies on
opposite sides. The point where
the curve reversed in its direction
is called the Point of Reversed
Curvature (P.R.C.).
REVERSED CURVE – Is formed by
two circular simple curves having
a common tangent that lies on
opposite sides. The point where
the curve reversed in its direction
is called the Point of Reversed
Curvature (P.R.C.).
Four types of Reversed Curve Problems
1. Reversed curve with equal radii and
parallel tangents
2. Reversed curve with unequal radii and
parallel tangents
3. Reversed curve with equal radii and
converging tangents
4. Reversed curve with unequal radii and
converging tangents
Elements of a Compound Curve
1. R1 & R2 - Radii of curvature
2. D1 & D2 - Degree of curve
3. T1 - Tangent distance of the curve AE
4. T2 - Tangent distance of the curve EF

BD = T1 + T2 = common tangent
I1 = central angle of curve AE
I2 = central angle of curve EF
I = angle of intersection of tangents AC
and CF
Problem Exercises 1:
In a railroad lay-out, the centerline of two
parallel tracks are connected with a
reverse curve of unequal radii. The
central angle of the first curve is 16° and
the distance between parallel tracks is
27.60 m. stationing of the P.C. is 15 + 420
and the radius of the second curve is 290
a. Compute the length of the long
chord from the P.C. to the P.T.
b. Compute the radius of the first curve
c. Compute the stationing of the P.T.
Problem Exercises 2:
Given the traverse lines AB = 57.6m., due
East, BC = 91.5 m., N 68° E, CD = 95.2 m. S
48° E. A reverse curve is to connect these
three lines thus forming the centerline of
a new road.
a. Find the length of the common radius
of the reverse curve
b. If the P.C. is at Sta. 12 + 120, what is
the stationing of the P.T.
c. What is the total area included in the
right of way in the section of the road
from A to D if road width is 15 m.
Problem Exercises 3:
A reversed curve with diverging tangents is to pass
through lines to form the center of a proposed road.
The first line AB has a bearing of N 85° E and a
distance of 150 meters. BC has a bearing of N 55° E,
and a distance of 320 m. while that of CD has a
bearing of S 40° E, and a distance of 300 m. If the
first tangent has a distance of only ¼ that of the
common tangent measured from the point of
intersection of the first curve,
a. Compute the radius of the first and second
b. Compute the stationing of P.T if P.C. is at station
12 + 340.
c. If cost per square meter of road concreting is
P2,000.00 what is the total cost of the road
length from A to D if road width is 7 m.

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