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Progress report of Week 14

Duration: 02/04/2024-08/04/2024
To be filled by Students
Project Title finalized, if Yes, give name, if NO, yes
give reason
Synopsis submitted yes
Literature review In progress
Technical & Economical Feasibility n/a
Bill of Material n/a
Project Progress Schedule (PERT Chart) yes
Design of components working
Fabrication work (give %) 90
Experimental work (give %) 90
Result and Analysis
Report writing In progress
Finalize the project report, incorporating feedback and revisions.
Create visualizations and graphs to support findings.
Prepare supplementary materials for the report.

Signature of Student:

To be filled by Guide (strike off whichever is not applicable)

Performance of students is
satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory

A warning to be issued to
Feedback given to
students on current
Task assigned for next
Date Signature of Guide

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