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Galiya Gubaeva is a name synonymous with trust and exemplary leadership.

Her dedication to her role

ensures that her team at BC operates with the highest standards of efficiency and compassion.

We met her when she arrived for the very first time with the UNHCR team that primarily visited and
observed the overall situation and needs of the refugees in BC. From the beginning, she dreamed of
making Bhasan Char an ideal place for refugees to live following the MoU. We remember those days
when we didn't have enough space and resources yet managed to facilitate many meetings, FGDs, and
several other activities at Shelter 11 and we did all the hard work together and a lot of coffee mugs could
be referred to as the witness.

Since the inception of our inseparable joint effort, whenever we had funding issues, Galiya always rooted
for BDRCS's potential to execute the needful interventions as the SMS, Shelter, and NFI partner. The
utmost trust that she had was very crucial in taking us to the place where we are now. The bonding with
Galiya is not only professional but also much more than that.

In relation to our latest and timely Biogas initiatives, when the UNHCR Pro- gram was in a dilemma that
it would be achievable or not within a short period at the end of last year, then came Galiya's much-
needed push to make it a reality. Now the Biogas initiative is the model that's everyone's attention. Even if
we try to, her contribution to us in many aspects, cannot be covered in one page or a few sentences.
Galiya's ability to navigate through complex environments and build consensus among diverse
stakeholders highlights her exceptional capability and profound impact on the lives of those she serves.
Many of us say she has eyes that can see the underlying concerns that need to be followed up to achieve
the ultimate goal.

Galiya excels in strategic decision-making, policy formulation, and advocacy efforts, maintaining robust
relationships with donor agencies and ensuring the transparent and impactful use of funds, and in reality,
she presented so. It is obvious that we all are going to miss our guardian angel and thus lose our
confidence a bit. The word success is synonymous with you. You have been here since the time Bhasan
Char started to grow up to the stage where it is today. We will always pray and wish you great success in
your next missions. We request you to keep us in mind and wish us good to guide us.

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