List of Different Methods of Studying

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List of Different Methods of Studying:

study methods Study Timelapses
study methods Pomodoro (Please Read Flowtime)
study methods Flowtime
study methods Accountability
study methods Gamify
study methods Power Nap

study methods Feynman Technique
study methods Mnemonics
study methods Leitner System (SRS)
study methods Blurting
study methods Loci Method

study methods Second Brain
study methods Eisenhower Matrix
study methods Time Blocking
study methods Parkinson's Law
study methods Transition Moments

study methods Feedback Loop & Past Papers

Scroll down for more contents (edited)

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 12:26 PM

Efficiency Continued
study methods SQ3R (Effective Reading)
study methods Cornell and Note-taking
study methods Motivation
study methods Math Mistake Sheet

For Focus

Study Timelapses
Use your phone to record yourself studying

Then afterwards, speed up the recording to like 25x speed, and save it onto some cloud
storage to begin building up a trophy collection of your focused study

This prevents you from getting distracted or picking up your phone, as this would ruin the
recording and hence all the effort already done.
To save local storage, using an app that timelapses it as you record may be better, I think I
used to use this one:
id=com.Nishant.Singh.DroidTimelapse&hl=en&gl=US (edited)

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 12:35 PM

Specialized for anti-burnout, can be used for focus but not the actual intention

Inferior technique to Flowmodoro

The University of California found that it takes 23 minutes to return to their tasks after being
Don't use your phone as a break

Pomodoro generally breaks up a session as such:

Study for 25 Minutes, using a timer
When timer is up, take a 5 minute break
After 4 breaks have occured, take a 15 minute break

Pomodoro believes that by accumulative breaktime, you would have eventually studied for a
total time of 2.5 hours, whilst having a 30 minute break.

For apps, I recommend:

App: (edited)
[12:37 PM]
heheh time to preach that pomodoro sucks and flowmodoro on top

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 12:43 PM

Specifically created to be the improved version of Pomodoro
While pomo may be great for anti-burnout, Zoe Read-Bivens believed that pomo's major
weakness was forcefully interrupting the study flow

Flowtime is performed differently person-to-person, but it generally goes as such:

Turn on a stopwatch, and study until you feel you are losing concentration, have becomed
distracted, or not knowing what to do
Take a break, by setting a timer that is determined by the elapsed time from the stopwatch in
step 1, I personally just divide it by 5.
Alternative timing may include: study-tips

Website: or (edited)

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 1:07 PM

Accountability Partner
Oh look, we have find-study-partner!

Message a peer, and clearly outline what you are guying to do in the next 2 hours, SMART
GOALS PEOPLE, and ask them to check back on your progress every 20 minutes or so
Idea: if you are not progressing, then they gain the right to steal a dollar, or verbally harass
you maybe

Get on a call, and mute yourselves to stop conversation.

Every 10 minutes or so, unmute and verify that your partner is on track, and they can do vice
The awkward silence of being on a call can be a strong incentive to work, because the
people around you are.
Speaking of which, always immerse yourself with people that want to study, like a library
[1:11 PM]
A reward system for your effort, and to turn life into a video game

After a certain amount of time of study, you get 10 minutes to play a game or watch anime

Get instant feedback by writing practice essays, or practice past papers, and force your
teacher to mark it, then use that feedback again to do another practice, feedback loop is very

I haven't learnt much about this myself, and due to flowtime's belief of "flow state" i wouldnt
recommend it (edited)

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 1:20 PM

Power Nap
Feeling way too tired to study? Try this
Nap with an alarm set for 20-30 minutes, no sooner no later.
Drink caffeine before you do, the intention is that you wake up feeling energetic asfff

Personally, didn't work for me, I don't drink coffee or energy drinks, my recommendation
instead is
Just start, even if you're exhausted after you get home from school, just do 5 minutes
The most dreadful thing can be starting, but by picking up momentum just from 5 minutes,
then you may suddenly feel that you can keep going,
but if you're still tired then I'd advise you to go- outside and do physical activity (yes i just told
a discord server to go outside)
[1:22 PM]
For Memorization

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 2:01 PM


Feynman Technique
Teach someone else the concept in a way a child may understand
Bring out a whiteboard too
Can even be to yourself
Simple, but my personal favorite
[2:04 PM]
Create some sort of story, or acronym, for something you need to strictly remember
The story can be absolutely ridiculous or have little logic

The idea is that attempting to remember a small detail is like a needle in a haystack for your
brain, but creating a bundle of information related to that detail makes it easier to find, by
remembering ur ridiculous story, you remember the detail
Best for ROTE or language learning

If you by chance are learning japanese, I strongly recommend this:

An example of acronym:
All Kings Play Chess On Familiar Grounds Sir = Animal, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order,
Family, Genus, Species

This can also be applied easily to dates:


How I memorised my English essays: study-tips

An example for languages can be shown below: (edited)

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$
changed the channel name:
study methods
— 11/04/2023 2:11 PM

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 2:22 PM

Leitner System/Spaced Repetition
A system of flashcards that encourages "active recall" by remembering the information just
before forgetting it, this tells our mind that the info is important

Spaced Repetition is directly against cramming, sometimes students write down what they
want to remember 100 times
Instead, write it once, but then write it again from memory in 30 minutes

Leitner System using the concept of spaced repetition, and says to gradually increase the
time interval between recalls
Start with 1 day, then 2 days, then a week, then a month
HOWEVER, when you get a flashcard incorrect, then go back a step to the previous interval

Apps for SRS include:

Active recall does not need to include flashcards, you can get three recalls for every class
Read the Notes When You Get Home
Read the Notes Again the Next Day
Read the Notes Again Next Week
This will help retain the information you've learnt (edited)

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 2:32 PM

In one go, without looking at your notes: Write everything you know about a topic on a piece
of paper, no structure, just blurt it all out
Afterwards, reflect back on your notes, and identify the missing gaps of knowledge you
struggled to recall
Write down in a different color the things you forgot under your blurt
Use this to focus on what parts to study by using other memorization techniques

Using a Mindmap to blurt is what I do, the mass collection of arrows links it together whilst
having a nice aesthetic

Gohar Vid:

Example of Layout: study-tips (edited)

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 2:43 PM

Loci Method
Great for memorizing a certain order of ideas

Use a building, such as your house, and place ideas you want to memorize in different
locations of your home, such as at your front door, in your bed, toilet, etc, and remember the
order/path that you placed them in.

When you want to recall the order, walk around the house inside your mind, and uncover
what you placed there.

Gohar Vid:

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 2:51 PM

Time Management

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 3:00 PM

Second Brain
Instead of trying to remember everything you need to do in your head. Stop wasting time
keeping track of your prioritizes and write them down so you can think about other things
Keep a digital storage of ideas, to-dos, details to remember in your life, using some app like:
You can try using some templates for notion, collated here by Nunget:
Schedule/Organization Thread

The name is kind of too dramatic for what it is, but can be helpful to understand how to
properly setup your 'second brain' using a prioritization method call CODE
Capture, Organize, Distill, Express

Here's a small example of my tasks, that ive tagged and sorted by urgency, due date,
subject, and can add extra notes within each page

additionally, take advantage of calenders and time blocking, and incorporate them into your
second brain (edited)

[3:04 PM]
Eisenhower Matrix
Decide which take you should be doing first through this decision matrix
START as soon as possible
Jot down those tasks for later into your second brain

See: (edited)

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 5:28 PM

Time Blocking
Allocate specific hours of time to study, breaks, and other duties
Add fun stuff first, mental health balance is extremely important to not burn out
Study in the gaps of your free time
It's a guide, not a rule, focus on the quality of tasks and effort, dont be proud of just the time
you spent, this links in with Parkinson's law

Use the Eisenhower matrix to decide your prioritizes, and implement it into your second
brain calender

Gohar Vid:

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 5:43 PM

Parkinson's Law
"Time expands to fill available time"
If you allow yourself up to 6 hours of time to do a task, chances are you will spend a large
amount of time doing accumulative acts of procrastination this is called deadtime
Deadtime: when you're not studying, and not really taking a true break because your mind is
subconsciously thinking about how you should be studying. This causes burnout.
You will work at maximum efficiency if you have very limited available time

While it's unintuitive, it's actually better to restrict the amount of available time you have
Go to the library, you only have a limited amount of time before it closes
Do extracurricular, it will take your time up, but it will pressure you into doing more now then

Quantity Doesn't Matter

A large amount of time studying indicates inefficiency
Don't measure study time, but the quality of tasks done

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 5:51 PM

Transition Moments
Waiting for and then riding the bus? You're wishing you could do something productive than
just sit around waiting. But you tell yourself, "there's no point, i spend like 7 minutes actually
studying and then stop? nah thats pointless"


That 7 minutes, 5 times a week, amounts up to 1820 minutes, or 30 hours in a year-

It accumulates and you can bring a small notepad and plan out an essay structure, take
pictures of quotes u find in the book ur studying, or
plan out your day in your Second Brain

or at the very least, don't use it consuming social media, that's just brain-rotting deadtime,
just let your mind take a break (edited)

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 6:03 PM

Practice Makes Perfect

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 6:10 PM

Past Papers, and The Feedback Loop
Force your teacher to give you past paper exams
Otherwise, find them online, sometimes private schools paste their own exam papers online
(Australia), otherwise find textbooks and use those questions, or pay a tutor to make

Feedback Loop
After you have done a practice question, do the following

Write a response
Submit it for feedback
Bite Sized or they wont want to bother with too much
Use the feedback to write a new response again, focus on what you did wrong.
Feedback is pointless if you just nod to it and don't put it into action

Get feedback as many times as possible before you are even given the assignment, just
practice the content, find test questions related to said content (edited)

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 6:20 PM

SQ3R (Effective Reading)
Good for textbooks with a dump of information, alot of which is irrelevant to the curriculum
If you have syllabus dot points, see if the textbook resembles the order of the syllabus,
otherwise use Ctrl + F to find keywords, then understand what the syllabus expects you to
know, and make that the focus as you read the textbook

Additionally, if you can, use highlighters, sticky notes, flags, google comments, or a pencil, to
make notes throughout your book, to save time when relocating them (edited)

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 6:36 PM

Cornell Method
A way to structure your note taking effectively
Leave a side margin for key points, and the rest for lecture notes, then after school, or the
day after, summarise your notes

General Note-Taking
Use loose leaf paper and a folder
Notes should be of logical connection, and shouldn't be switching back and forth between
Unfortunately, teachers will do this anyway, however leaf paper allows you to reorder the
pages as you will, this promotes chunking

Trigger Words, Not Paragraphs

You won't remember a whole paragraph of notes, and you're less likely to want to read it too,
SUMMARISE information, example below

Incorporate the Leitner System into your notes

Review them when you get home
Review them 24 hours later
Review them monthly

Class Notes vs Study Notes

In Australia, it is expected that class time will NOT teach all the content required, it should be
Make study notes a week before class occurs, this allows for more quality questions and
feedback, and the ability to update your notes live as the teacher adds something new

Handwritten vs Typed
Handwriting: You'll remember it way better, as you spend more time dwelling on it
Typed: Way faster, allowing time for practice
It's literally your preference, but it can be more smart to type your notes to not fall behind in
class, then write them a week later as revision, SUMMARISE

[6:41 PM]
Just no motivation at all? Set goals, make it specific and SMART
Overwhelmed by it? Break it down into small tasks, make a checklist, and -JUST START,
that's the hardest part but creates easy momentum afterwards
Dislike it? Bribe yourself with a reward (Gamify), use an Accountability Partner
Social Media? Timelapse technique, use website blockers like,
surrender the phone to parents or smth

Most importantly, avoid burnout by taking care of yourself

Eat well, excersise, touch grass, have a social life, do anything to take care of yourself

Note that motivation is temporary, and should be replaced by discipline, see motivation
pinned messages (edited)
Cold Turkey Blocker
Cold Turkey Blocker
The free website blocker designed for studying or focusing on work. Block distractions like
social media, games, apps, Youtube or even the entire Internet.

How to work without motivation.

pizza $z_{n+1}=z_n^2+C$ — 11/04/2023 6:49 PM

You may of noticed, this is all typed by a math lover, yet there's barely any application to
Unfortunately, that's how it is, learning the theory is generally easy ash, but math in
practice... well it takes practice

Theory Book vs Exercise Book

Personally, I write all the examples and theory into one book, and then move to a physical
notepad where i can do disposable math
Rewrite the questions you struggled on into your theory book, hence becoming examples of
a type of question

The Mistake Sheet

Every single tiny error you make, write it down
I shove them all into my Second Brain on Notion, where i have a long list of unique errors for
different questions
The idea is, if you can identify your most common mistakes, and be consciously aware of
them, you are much less likely to do it again

Always Be Challenged
Don't do the questions that are too easy for you
It's more productive to fail, and hence learn from your mistakes
I use multiple textbooks to find a range of difficult questions
If you're Australian, I recommend Math in Focus for ridiculously easy, Cambridge or Senior
Mathematics for Medium, Terry Lee for "omg i want to cry"

LOTS of Past Paper Practice

See: study methods

Resources for Math:

Best calculator:
Graphing Calculator:
Khan Academy:

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