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 The project report should be submitted in A4 size.

 The certificate should consists of names and roll numbers of all group members for the above.

Paper, Typing, Format:

 Typing should be done on one side of the paper with character font in size 12 of Times New
 Font size for chapter headings 16 with bold font in upper case letters.
 The layout should provide a margin of 1.50 Inches on the left, 1.00 Inches on the top, bottom
and right.
 One and half line spacing shall be provided through out he report.
 The page numbers should be indicated at the bottom-middle of the each page.
 Should not underline the heading/subheadings and should not put colons ( : ) in headings or

Arrangement of Paragraph in a Chapter:

 Each paragraph in a chapter should be properly numbered for example, 2.1, 2.2 etc., where first
digit represents the Chapter Number and second digit the paragraph number. There is no need
to indicate the number for the first paragraph in a chapter.
 Sub-paragraphs, if any indicated as 1.1.1, 1.1.2 etc. i.e. first digit representing the chapter, the
second representing the paragraph and third representing the sub-paragraph.
 Don’t underline the headings or subheadings or side heading. Instead use the bold letters.

Figures and Tables

 The figures, photographs and tables occurring in a chapter may be serially numbered as Fig.
1.1, 1.2 etc., where the first digit represents the chapter, the second digit represents Figure
 The tables may be represented as Table 1.1, 1.2 etc., the first digit representing chapter and the
second digit represents table number.
 The graph should clearly indicate the points, which are used for drawing the curve or curves.
 All the letters in the graphs should be written with stencils.

 Important programs, derivations, data and any other useful material may be shown in the
appendices with proper numbering.
 The appendices should be numbered in capital Roman numbers or capital letters from first
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 Using same ascending order numbers, the appendices should be shown with details after the
last chapter.
 All the appendices should be referred in the main text.

Bibliography or References:

 References should be numbered from 1st chapter to the last chapter in ascending order and
should be shown in square brackets.
 The following format may be used for writing the Bibliography/References.

Author Name, Title of the book or paper, Publisher name, year.

[1] Berry, Jason, Jonathan Foose, and Tad Jones. Up from the Cradle of Jazz: New Orleans Music Since
World War II. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1986.
Design and develop a system for Exploratory analysis of
Geolocational Data in Python
Submitted to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering

In partial fulfilment of the requirements

For the degree of

Bachelor of Technology

Computer Science and Engineering







Group No. 14

Guided By


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering & Technology, BareillyDr. A. P. J.
Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow
February, 2024









1.1.Problem statement

1.2.Literature review

CHAPTER 2 Technology used

CHAPTER 3 Way of Approach

CHAPTER 4 Project stages

CHAPTER 5 Conclusion


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge
and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor
material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or
diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due
acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Signature………………………………… Signature………………………………

Name…………………………………….. Name…………………………………..

Roll No………………………………….. Roll No…………………………………

Date…………………………………….. Date…………………………………….



Roll No…………………………………..


This is to certify that the Project Report entitled Design and develop a system for exploratory
analysis of Geolocational data in Python which is submitted by Madhav Sharma
(2200140100054), Sarthak yadav (2200140100094), Shivansh Gupta(2200140100101) is a
record of the candidates own work carried out by them under my supervision. The matter
embodied in this work is original and has not been submitted for the award of any other work
or degree.

Er. Hiresh Gupta Er. Anubha Dhaka Er. Anu Saxena

HOD (CSE/IT) Project Incharge (CS2) Supervisor

It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of the B. Tech Project undertaken
during B. Tech. Final Year. We owe special debt of gratitude to Project Guide Er.Anu Saxena,
CS, S.R.M.S.C.E.T, Bareilly for his constant support and guidance throughout the course of
our work. His sincerity, thoroughness and perseverance have been a constant source of
inspiration for us. It is only his cognizant efforts that our endeavors have seen light of the day.

We also take the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Er.Hiresh Gupta, Head,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering/Information Technology, S.R.M.S.C.E.T,
Bareilly for his full support and assistance during the development of the project.

We also do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all faculty
members of the department for their kind assistance and cooperation during the development of
our project. Last but not the least, we acknowledge our friends for their contribution in the
completion of the project.

Signature………………………………… Signature………………………………

Name…………………………………….. Name…………………………………..

Roll No………………………………….. Roll No…………………………………

Date…………………………………….. Date…………………………………….



Roll No…………………………………..


The abstract is to be in fully-justified italicized text, at the top of the left-hand column as it is
here, below the author information. Use the word “Abstract” as the title, in 12-point Times,
boldface type, centered relative to the column, initially capitalized. The abstract is to be in 10-
point, single-spaced type, and may be up to 3 in. (7.62 cm) long. Leave two blank lines after
the abstract, then begin the main text. All manuscripts must be in English.

An Abstract is required for every paper; it should succinctly summarize the reason for the
work, the main findings, and the conclusions of the study. The abstract should be no longer
than 250 words. Do not include artwork, tables, elaborate equations or references to other parts
of the paper or to the reference listing at the end. The reason is that the Abstract should be
understandable in itself to be suitable for storage in textual information retrieval systems.

_ Optical distance

[∙] Bullet Point


GPS Global positioning system

Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity

DBSCAN Density-Based spatial clustering of applications with noise

MDL Minimum Description Length

API Application Programming Interface

BLE Bluetooth lowering energy

WLAN Wireless local area network



In an era where data-driven decision-making is paramount, the analysis of geolocational data

has emerged as a crucial tool across various domains. Geolocational data, encompassing GPS
coordinates, addresses, and spatial attributes, holds the key to understanding spatial patterns,
trends, and relationships that influence everything from urban planning to environmental
conservation. To harness the full potential of this data, there is a growing demand for robust
systems that facilitate its exploratory analysis.

This project endeavors to design and develop a comprehensive system for exploratory analysis
of geolocational data using the versatile programming language Python. By leveraging
Python's rich ecosystem of libraries and tools, we aim to create a platform that empowers users
to extract actionable insights from geospatial datasets with ease and efficiency.

The system will be tailored to cater to the diverse needs of users across different domains,
including urban planners seeking to optimize city infrastructure, environmental scientists
monitoring ecological changes, and businesses looking to understand consumer behavior based
on spatial dynamics.

Through this endeavor, we aim to democratize access to geospatial analysis tools, enabling
researchers, analysts, and decision-makers to unlock the hidden potential of geolocational data
and make informed choices that shape our world. From data import and cleaning to advanced
spatial analysis techniques and visualization, this system will provide a seamless and intuitive
user experience, paving the way for data-driven insights that drive positive change and
3 .1Problem statement

 Users feel uneasy when their location data is collected without their knowledge or con-
 limitation imposed by the user's device and internet connection.
 Location data is impacted by a variety of factors including businesses opening or clos-
ing, people relocating, devices changing hands, and so on. Inaccurate data can lead to
poor business decisions, wasted resources, and reduced customer satisfaction so it's ac-
curacy can be improved.
 Location data can be complex, and it may be difficult to integrate with other types of
data or into a product without requiring advanced analytics and data processing tools to
derive insights.

 location-based app development can benefit from ready-to-use map APIs provided by
Google Maps, Mapbox, TomTom or other providers. It's important to carefully consider
the different pricing options offered by these providers, as the usage of different geolo-
cation features will generate costs that vary across these API providers

3.2 Literature Review

There are many algorithms derived above to determine k automatically. Most of these methods
are wrappers around kmeans or some other clustering algorithm for fixed k. Use the wrapper
method divide and combine the rules for centers to increase or decrease the value of k as the
algorithm progresses.After calculating the BIC or Bayesian Information Criterion(BIC is a
method for scoring and selecting a model ) for each clustering model. Apart from BIC, other
scoring functions are also available. Some researchers use the MDL method to find the best k.
The researchers also used the Minimum Description Length (MDL) framework, where the
description length is the measurement value that tells us how well the data fit the model. This
algorithm starts with a large value for k and removes the center (reduces k) each time that
selection reduces the length of the description. Among the k reduction steps, they used the
kmeans algorithm to optimize the fit of the model to the data
4.Technology used

 Global Positioning System, was originally developed for military navigation but nowa-
days anyone with a GPS device can receive radio signals that these satellites broadcast.
This global satellite system provides geolocation and time information to a GPS re-
ceiver almost anywhere on the Earth if there are no obstacles and at least three GPS
satellites available.

 A big plus of GPS is its accuracy. It can locate something up to five meters precisely or
even better with dual-band GPS receivers. The accuracy depends on many factors and it
is also important to take into account the time it takes to determine a position, the fix
 Another advantage is that GPS works everywhere outdoors and there is no specific in-
frastructure required. The downside is that…
 Bluetooth Low Energy
 Bluetooth is a wireless short-range communications technology standard. It’s mainly
designed for communicating over short distances. The signals do not carry very far,
even in optimal circumstances devices need to be within 100 meters. Although Blue-
tooth has been around for two decades, its latest version, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
is making big strides in geolocation and positioning.

 There are two options to localise a tracking device via BLE:

 Geobeacon (Fixed-location BLE beacon): a BLE location marker on a fixed location

advertises its position over BLE. The tracking device receives this data and reports the
position to the end-user
 BLE gateway: the tracking device announces its presence via BLE to a BLE gateway
on a fixed locatio…
 Wi-Fi positioning taps into wireless local area networks (WLANs), which are networks
of devices that connect to a specific radio frequency, usually 2.4GHz or 5.0GHz. The
Wi-Fi device transfers signals for a range of up to one hundred meters, which means
Wi-Fi can cover both indoor and outdoor sites. A tracking device will sniff for nearby
Wi-Fi access points (APs). By determining the unique identifier of the APs, the MAC
address for example, a position can be determined. Local or public databases provide
the link between observed MAC addresses and geolocation.

 Tracking devices only sniff for Wi-Fi signals, they do not have to connect to the Wi-Fi.
Therefore Wi-Fi positioning also harnesses Wi-Fi networks that you don’t own or can’t
access. For instan…
 Network-based geolocation
 Location can also be determined by using a service provider’s network infrastructure.
The accuracy of network-based techniques can vary. This is both dependent on the con-
centration of base stations and the implementation of the most up-to-date timing meth-
ods. A technique used by different network providers is network triangulation. This
means that you can determine the location of a point by forming triangles to it from
known points. To use a service provider’s network infrastructure your tracking device
will be equipped with a module of the service provider.

 Of all the geolocation technologies discussed, network-based geolocation requires the

eleast energy. The accuracy of this positioning technique depends on the network and

the …

[1] Cao, L., & Cong, G. (2018). Big data analytics in geolocational data: a survey. ACM
Computing Surveys (CSUR), 51(1), 1-36.

[2] Long, Y., & Shekhar, S. (2019). Spatial big data: a review on data acquisition, storage,
and management. Information Systems Frontiers, 21(6), 1247-1269.

[3] Gao, S., et al. (2017). Exploring human mobility patterns using geolocated tweets.
Applied Geography, 81, 44-54.

[4] Fotheringham, A. S., Brunsdon, C., & Charlton, M. (2000). Quantitative geography:
perspectives on spatial data analysis. Sage.

[5] Anselin, L. (1995). Local indicators of spatial association—LISA. Geographical

analysis, 27(2), 93-115.

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