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Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

1) Introduction
❖ Purpose……………………………………………………...
❖ Intended Audience………………………………………….
❖ Scope……………………………………………………….
❖ Definitions………………………………………………….
❖ References………………………………………………….
2) Overall Description
❖ User interfaces …………………………………………….
❖ System interfaces………………………………………….
❖ Constraints………………………………………………….
3) System features and requirements
❖ Functional Requirements ………………………………….
❖ Nonfunctional Requirements………………………………
4) Team mates
1) Introduction: -

Attendance management systems are used to track and manage the attendance of
Faculty or teachers during their working hours and it is used to monitor them in various
organisations such as govt. aided schools, colleges, university and etc. These systems
employ a variety of tools and technologies to efficiently record, monitor, and analyze
attendance data.

• Purpose: -

The main purpose of this software is that to check whether the faculty or the teachers in the
govt. institute are really attending the schools, colleges, or say university in their working
hours. By this the students of the university and colleges can check whether they have 75%
attendance in their respective subjects or not and by this system it creates the transparency
between the faculty, Hod (Head of department), and students.

• Intended Audiences: -

In this project the target users or say the intended audiences are the following: -
❖ Hod: - The Head of department is responsible for the classes’ arrangement and
he/ she is able to give the schedule to the classes/lecture of the respective faculty
and he /she is going to monitor the whole schedule of the faculty and check
whether the faculty going to take the classes in a good manner or not.
❖ Faculty: - faculty members are responsible for the conducting their classes and
after the completion of their classes/lecture they have to login into site of the
attendance management system and after that their time table will be opened and
according to the time and day the teacher will take the attendance of the students
and after that their live location will be trapped or say live location will be stored
in the backend and after that it can be used as future reference by the hod.
❖ Student: - The jib of the student is that they can view their attendance and check
the criteria of 75% and it creates the transparency between the students and the

• Scope: -
The main scope of the attendance management system (AMS) is to reduce the fraud in
the govt. aided institution like school, college/ university in which the faculty members
don’t want to take the classes of the students and in that time when they are present in
the institution.

• Definitions: -
In the SRS we have discussed few designations in the educational field and they are: -
❖ HOD- it stands for Head of Department it is high position in the department and
it mainly manages the classes and he is responsible for the solution of problems
at the department level.
❖ Faculty: - faculty members are the bodies which are the responsible for the
giving the education to the students and they took the lectures of the students of
their respective classes.
❖ Students: - they are the at low level and they have limited privileges in the
website and the took the classes according to their time table.

• References: -

Our project that name is Attendance Management System in the making of this
project we took the reference from the website of “CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY”
website and its main difference from that website and our website is that we also record
the location of the faculty and time in which she/ he doing the attendance of the
students and due to this the dishonesty of the faculty member can be captured.
2) Overall description: -
In the overall description, it covers the user interfaces, system interfaces, constraints.
• User interfaces: - in this the website offered highly responsive and good gui to the user
and easily understandable to user.
• System interface: - in the website it is divide into the two parts and one is frontend
and another one is backend and they are linked through a programming language that is
“php” and in frontend there is html, css, JavaScript and for storing the data there is
• Constraint: - there are some constraints in the website that: -
➢ The user can login up to 5 times after authentication failed.
➢ The faculty has only one class at a time.
➢ User has unique username and password to them.

3) System feature and requirements: -

• Functional requirements: -

In the functional requirements the following factors are responsible and are: -
➢ There is a signup button and the user has to sign up after the sign up the user is login
after the writing the login id and their password, click on the login and the user can
➢ On the criteria of login id, the user divided on three category and are: -
➢ Head of Department (HOD): - he / she is able to add the faculty. Time table, students
and can monitor the location of the teacher after the submission of the attendance and
manages the conduction of the classes.
➢ Faculty:- he / she when entered into the page of faculty he/ she able to see their time
table and after that on each time slot there is a button named “get data” after that when
faculty clicked on that button he /she get the details of the students of that class and
when clicked on that button the page wanting to allow to record the location and time
,after the agree on that condition the faculty is able to record the attendance of the
students and after completion on the attendance when clicked on “submit “button they
are able to submit the attendance and their locations too in the system. The faculty
members are also able do announcement in the classroom through this website.
➢ Students: - through the website and student login into it the students are able to see
their attendance and check the minimum criteria of their university in each subject and
also able to see the message of their subject coordinator easily through this website.

• Nonfunctional requirements: -

➢ Security: - the data of the users are highly secured and keep confidential from the third
➢ Disaster management: - to recover the data and for the maintenance of the website it
cured by the owner of the website.
➢ Storage: - the data of the website stored into the database and of each user there is an
existing a database in the backend and they are linked through each other.
➢ Cost:- the cost of the website depends on the server and the maintenance of the website.
➢ Performance: - the performance of the website is should be very good and highly
responsive towards the user and highly fast.
➢ Flexibility: - the website is flexible for the future and if the owner of the website adds
new module in the website and it will easy for them.

4) Team mates: -
Tushar Singh 211495
Vishal Prasad 211498
Ajamul Saqib 225701

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