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Combustion and Flame 145 (2006) 808–819


On the off-stoichiometric peaking of adiabatic

flame temperature
C.K. Law a,∗ , A. Makino b , T.F. Lu a
a Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544-5263, USA
b Institute of Space Technology and Aeronautics, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8522, Japan

Received 18 November 2004; received in revised form 10 January 2006; accepted 15 January 2006
Available online 3 March 2006

The characteristic rich shifting of the maximum adiabatic flame temperature from the stoichiometric value for
mixtures of hydrocarbon and air is demonstrated to be caused by product dissociation and hence reduced amount
of heat release. Since the extent of dissociation is greater on the lean side as a result of the stoichiometry of
dissociated products, the peaking occurs on the rich side. The specific heat per unit mass of the mixture is shown
to increase monotonically with increasing fuel concentration, and as such tends to shift the peak toward the lean
side. It is further shown that this is the cause for the lean shifting of the adiabatic flame temperature of oxidizer-
enriched mixtures of Nm Hn and F2 and of NH3 and O2 , with various amounts of inert dilution, even though their
maximum heat release still peaks on the rich side.
© 2006 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Adiabatic flame temperature; Hydrazine; Dissociation equilibrium

1. Introduction higher concentrations of triatomic molecules such as

H2 O and CO2 , and since the specific heats of di-
This work revisits the well-known phenomenon atomic molecules are smaller than those of triatomic
that the maximum value of the adiabatic flame tem- molecules, the adiabatic flame temperatures of rich
perature (Tad ) of mixtures of hydrocarbon and air oc- mixtures should have higher values. In Ref. [2], the
curs slightly on the rich side of the fuel equivalence rich shifting is explained by the variation of the ratio
ratio, φ, as shown in Fig. 1 for several hydrocar- of the heat release to the heat capacity of the products,
bons as well as H2 and CO. This off-stoichiometric, both per mole of fuel. This explanation implicitly in-
rich-peaking behavior has been discussed in the liter- cludes the effect of dissociation, which turns out to
ature, although a consensus on its cause has yet to be be a dominant factor in the observed rich peaking,
reached. For example, Ref. [1] suggests that since the although its specific role was not explicitly identi-
products of rich mixtures have higher concentrations fied. In Ref. [3] it is reasoned that the shifting is due
of diatomic molecules such as H2 and CO as com-
to product dissociation, which is minimized in mix-
pared to the products of lean combustion, which have
tures that already contain these dissociated species.
For example, since CO already exists in the products
* Corresponding author. of rich mixtures even without considering dissocia-
E-mail address: cklaw@princeton.edu (C.K. Law). tion, further dissociation of CO2 into CO is rendered
0010-2180/$ – see front matter © 2006 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
C.K. Law et al. / Combustion and Flame 145 (2006) 808–819 809

Fig. 1. Adiabatic flame temperature plotted as a function of the fuel equivalence ratio φ for several fuel/air mixtures at STP,
demonstrating the gentler slopes on the rich side due to the asymmetrical nature of the definition of φ.

more difficult. The reduced amount of dissociation quently, it is the reduced amount of heat release due
then leads to peaking of the Tad on the rich side. The to dissociation that causes the shifting. Furthermore,
difficulty with this argument is that it can also be ap- it will be shown that the rich shifting is due to the
plied to the dissociated product O2 from CO2 in lean smaller extent of dissociation on the rich side than
combustion, leading to the implication that peaking on the lean side. We then analyze the “flip” situation
would then occur on the lean side. of the phenomenon, namely the lean-side peaking of
We further note that Ref. [4] states that ethylene Tad for Nm Hn /F2 mixtures mentioned in Ref. [3] and
peaks on the rich side because it is an endothermic the NH3 /O2 mixtures mentioned in Ref. [4], and sub-
fuel, while ammonia (in oxygen) peaks on the lean sequently demonstrate the role of inert dilution, or
side because it is an exothermic fuel. This explanation equivalently oxidizer enrichment, on the peaking be-
can be readily ruled out on account of the many hy- havior. It is believed that the present study provides a
drocarbons that are exothermic but whose Tad peaks consistent and unifying explanation of the causes for
on the rich side. Finally, Ref. [5] suggests the impor- the off-stoichiometric peaking of Tad .
tance of the amount of inert in the mixture, with more The adiabatic flame temperatures were calculated
inert favoring rich shifting. using STANJAN [6]. Furthermore, in order to un-
The above summary clearly demonstrates that the ambiguously study this off-stoichiometric peaking
factors affecting the off-stoichiometric peaking of Tad phenomenon, we first suppress another qualitatively
have not been adequately identified. Considering the asymmetrical aspect of the Tad -vs-φ curves, namely
importance of Tad in combustion phenomena in gen- the gentler slopes of the curves on the rich side as
eral, as prominently exemplified by the correspond- compared to those on the lean side, as shown in Fig. 1.
ing rich-shifting of the laminar burning velocities of Recognizing that a good part of this asymmetry is
hydrocarbon/air mixtures, and the fact that the shift- caused by the asymmetrical nature of the definition
ing occurs around stoichiometry, which is the fuel of φ in that φ spans between 0 and 1 for lean mix-
concentration most frequently employed in practice tures but is spread out from 1 to ∞ for rich mixtures,
we shall eliminate this definition-dependent asymme-
and is also of particular relevance to the formation of
try by using the normalized and symmetrized equiva-
NOx , the need for a satisfactory understanding of the
lence ratio
rich shifting of Tad can hardly be overemphasized.
To identify the cause of this rich shifting, in φ
Φ= , (1)
the following we shall first present results for the 1+φ
methane/air system and show that the shifting oc- such that fuel-lean and -rich mixtures respectively
curs only in the presence of dissociation. However, lie in the ranges 0 < Φ < 0.5 and 0.5 < Φ < 1,
contrary to previous suggestions, we shall show that with Φ = 0.5 being the stoichiometric concentration.
the specific heat actually increases with φ. Conse- When the above definition is used, it is seen in Fig. 2
810 C.K. Law et al. / Combustion and Flame 145 (2006) 808–819

Fig. 2. Adiabatic flame temperature plotted as a function of the normalized and symmetrized fuel equivalence ratio Φ for several
fuel/air mixtures at STP, demonstrating the near symmetry of Tad on the lean and rich sides of stoichiometry, especially with
respect to the maximum Tad .

that the Tad -vs-Φ curves are made more symmetrical equilibrium for the water–gas shift reaction: CO2 +
than the Tad -vs-φ curves, especially when referenced H2  CO + H2 O with the equilibrium constant Kp =
to the state of the maximum temperature. Thus even (pCO pH2 O )/(pCO2 pH2 ) = bc/ad.
though all the following discussions and explanations Fig. 3 shows that Tad as well as the heat release
can be conducted in terms of either φ or Φ, the use of per unit mass of the mixture, qp , peaks at φ = 1 when
Φ provides a more balanced assessment of the depen- product dissociation is suppressed. They are, how-
dence of the various equilibrium flame parameters on ever, rich-shifted in the presence of product dissocia-
the fuel concentration. tion. This suggests that the off-stoichiometric shifting
of Tad is caused by product dissociation. To further
substantiate this possibility, and recognizing that the
2. The role of product dissociation extent of dissociation should diminish with increasing
pressure, the state of the frozen limit is alternatively
To demonstrate that dissociation is the cause of attained by letting the system pressure p assume large
shifting of the maximum Tad from stoichiometry, values. Fig. 4 shows that, with increasing pressure, the
Fig. 3 shows for methane/air mixtures the calculated location of the peak in the Tad (Φ) curve is gradually
Tad as a function of φ obtained through STANJAN, displaced toward Φ = 0.5. Furthermore, the extent of
which assumes dissociation equilibrium. In addition, heat release, qp , also correspondingly increases. We
we have separately calculated the reacted state in the have therefore identified that product dissociation is
frozen limit, in which dissociation of the products likely the cause of shifting.
H2 O and CO2 is suppressed, as defined by the chem- The fact that peaking of Tad and qp occurs at Φ =
ical reaction 0.5 in the frozen limit is reasonable in that for the off-
stoichiometric situations the excess reactants, oxygen
φCH4 + 2(O2 + 3.76N2 ) for lean mixtures and CO and H2 for rich mixtures,
simply act as diluents that need to be heated up and
→ aCO2 + bCO + cH2 O + dH2 as such are effectively heat sinks. This is the well-
+ eO2 + 7.52N2 , (2) accepted reason that Tad peaks around Φ = 0.5.

where a = φ, b = 0, c = 2φ, d = 0, and e = 2(1 −

φ)φ for φ < 1, while a = 4 − 3φ + d, b = 4φ − 4 − 3. The role of specific heat
d, c = 2φ − d, and e = 0 for φ > 1. The remaining
relation required to determine d, and thereby a, b, and To examine the viability of the existing explana-
c, for rich mixtures is obtained by assuming chemical tion [1] that rich shifting is caused by the decreasing
C.K. Law et al. / Combustion and Flame 145 (2006) 808–819 811

Fig. 3. Dependence of adiabatic flame temperature, specific heat release qp , and specific heat cp,2 of the burned gas on Φ for
methane/air mixtures at STP (dashed lines: frozen limit; solid lines: dissociation equilibrium).

Fig. 4. Dependence of adiabatic flame temperature and specific heat release on Φ for methane/air mixtures at various pressures,
demonstrating that off-stoichiometric peaking is due to product dissociation.

specific heat with increasing Φ, we plot in Fig. 3 the limit, it is therefore simply a consequence of stoi-
variation of cp,2 , the specific heat per unit mass of chiometry. The influence of product dissociation has
the products, with Φ. It may be noted that the varia- only a secondary effect on cp,2 , reducing it from the
tion in cp,2 is assessed on the basis of per unit mass frozen values and with the extent increasing with in-
of the mixture because mass, instead of moles, is the creasing Φ.
conserved quantity for the present closed system. It To identify the specific factor through which stoi-
is then clearly seen that cp,2 actually increases rather chiometry causes the increasing trend of cp,2 , we plot
than decreases with Φ. Thus if cp,2 were the cause in Fig. 5 the number of moles of diatomic (except
of shifting, it would have led to lean, instead of rich, N2 ) and triatomic molecules per unit mass of the mix-
shifting. Furthermore, since this trend holds for prod- ture. Perhaps the most significant results here are the
ucts in either dissociation equilibrium or the frozen small differences between the results with dissocia-
812 C.K. Law et al. / Combustion and Flame 145 (2006) 808–819

Fig. 5. Number of moles per gram of the diatomic (except N2 ) and triatomic molecules as functions of Φ for methane/air
mixtures at STP (dashed lines: frozen limit; solid lines: dissociation equilibrium).

tion equilibrium and frozen states and the relatively 4. The relative roles of heat release and specific
large increase in the number of moles of the diatomic heat
molecules, which leads to a correspondingly large in-
crease in the total number of moles of both the di- Since Tad is given by T1 + qp /cp,2 , where T1 is the
atomic (excluding N2 ) and triatomic molecules with temperature of the unburned mixture, and since cp,2
increasing Φ for rich mixtures. The first observation exhibits the opposite trend needed for the rich shift-
further substantiates the earlier suggestion that disso- ing of Tad , we are finally led to the suggestion that it
ciation has only a secondary role in the value of cp,2 , is the reduction of qp due to dissociation that is re-
while the second observation basically identifies the sponsible for the rich shifting. Indeed, Fig. 3 shows
cause of the increasing cp,2 in rich mixtures. That is, that Tad and qp basically have the same shape, peak-
although the specific heats of the diatomic molecules ing slightly on the rich side. However, while qp peaks
are smaller than those of the triatomic molecules, the at Φ = 0.5122, the peak of Tad is lean-shifted rela-
number of moles of the diatomic molecules increases tive to qp to Φ = 0.5098. Recognizing the increasing
with increasing Φ for rich mixtures. This then leads to trend of cp,2 , it is then reasonable to expect that this
an increase in the total heat capacity for the mixture, lean shifting, relative to qp , is caused by cp,2 . This
and hence an increase in cp,2 . point can be quantified by noting that since Tad ∼
To further scrutinize the above suggestion, we qp /cp,2 , we have δTad /Tad ≈ δqp /qp − δcp,2 /cp,2 ,
have estimated cp,2 as a function of Φ for the frozen where the δ quantities are small departures from val-
ues at some reference state. Thus in Fig. 6 we have
stoichiometry, using Cp,2 /R 0 = 8 and 3.5 for the tri-
plotted the individual difference terms in this relation
atomic and diatomic molecules, respectively, where
for small departures from those at the stoichiometric
Cp,2 is the specific heat per mole of the gas, and R 0
state, Φ = 0.5. The results show that, for such small
the universal gas constant. After substituting in the
departures, the influences are linearized and the dif-
numerical values, it can be shown that cp,2 is given
ference (δqp /qp − δcp,2 /cp,2 ) is indeed almost equal
by the expressions R 0 (33.32 + 17φ)/(274.56 + 16φ) to δTad /Tad . The results are therefore internally con-
(J/g K) for φ < 1 and R 0 (44.32 + 6φ)/(274.56 + sistent.
16φ) (J/g K) for φ > 1. Both expressions show an
increasing trend with φ, and hence provide further
support for the result of increasing cp,2 with φ. 5. Rich versus lean shifting
Finally, recognizing the dominant influence of
stoichiometry on cp,2 , its slight reduction from the While we have demonstrated that it is the reduced
frozen value is then caused by the smaller cp,2 for the heat release due to dissociation that causes the shift-
diatomic molecules produced through dissociation of ing of the maximum Tad from stoichiometry, there is
the triatomic molecules from the frozen limit, which still the question of why the shifting is to the rich
is the explanation of Ref. [1], except it is only of sec- instead of the lean side. That is, since product dis-
ondary importance. sociation occurs on the rich as well as the lean sides,
C.K. Law et al. / Combustion and Flame 145 (2006) 808–819 813

Fig. 6. Scaled difference terms for Tad , qp , cp,2 , and (qp /cp,2 ), referenced to the stoichiometric state, as functions of Φ for
methane/air mixtures at STP.

the arguments presented above are applicable to either Since ε < 1, we have εlean > εrich . That is, there is
side. more dissociation on the lean than the rich side, and
Since heat release in the presence of dissociation as such we expect rich shifting for H2 /air mixtures.
is the cause of shifting, the above question can be This is indeed the case, as shown in Fig. 7 for the
sharpened to an assessment of the relative extents of H2 /air plots. The results are qualitatively similar to
dissociation on the lean and rich sides. The fact that those for methane/air. Because of the substantial vari-
the observed shifting is to the rich side then implies ation of cp,2 here, there is considerable difference in
that, for a given temperature, there is more dissocia- the values of Φ at which Tad and qp attain their re-
tion on the lean side than on the rich side. This should spective maximum values.
cause a skewing of the Tad curve from the frozen state The above derivation sheds light on the reason that
which does not have any shifting. there is a greater amount of dissociation on the lean
To prove that there is more dissociation on the lean side than on the rich side. That is, since the dissocia-
side, for algebraic simplicity we first consider H2 ox- tion of one mole of H2 O results in one mole of H2 but
idation. Thus assuming an ε amount of dissociation, only half a mole of O2 , and since stoichiometrically
the chemical reaction is given by the lean mixture consists of unreacted O2 while the
rich mixture consists of unreacted H2 , the lean mix-
φH2 + 1/2(O2 + 3.76N2 )
ture can accommodate more O2 than the rich mixture
→ a(1 − ε)H2 O + (b + aε)H2 can accommodate H2 .
Derivation of the relative amount of dissociation
+ (c + aε/2)O2 + 1.88N2 , (3)
for CO/air mixtures is identical to that of the H2 /air
where a = φ, b = 0, and c = (1 − φ)/2 for lean mix- mixtures because they have the same stoichiometry,
tures, and a = 1, b = φ − 1, and c = 0 for rich mix- yielding the same result as Eq. (4) for the extent of
tures. Using the definition of the equilibrium constant dissociation, and consequently the same trend of rich
Kp , we have shifting.
A similar derivation for a general hydrocarbon/air
pH2 (pO2 )1/2
Kp = mixture can be carried out. Since the basic unreacted
pH 2 O components of a hydrocarbon/air mixture are still just

(b + aε) c + aε/2 H2 and CO, the trend derived for these components
= pt , (4) should carry over. Specifically, with the dissociation-
a(1 − ε) a + b + c + aε/2 + 1.88
affected reaction given by
where pt is the total pressure. The above result shows
that, for ε  1, Kp ∼ ε pt for lean mixtures and φCm Hn + m + n4 (O2 + 3.76N2 )

Kp ∼ εpt for rich mixtures. Consequently, for the
√ → a(1 − ε1 )CO2 + (b + aε1 )CO
same Tad and hence Kp (Tad ), we have εlean ∼ εrich .
814 C.K. Law et al. / Combustion and Flame 145 (2006) 808–819

Fig. 7. Dependence of Tad , qp , cp,2 on Φ for hydrogen/air mixtures at STP (dashed lines: frozen limit; solid lines: dissociation

+ c(1 − ε2 )H2 O + (d + cε2 )H2 6. Lean-shifting in Nm Hn /F2 mixtures

+ e + 12 aε1 + 12 cε2 O2 + 3.76 m + n4 N2 ,
There is considerable interest in burning the fam-
ily of fuels with the constituents Nm Hn , such as hy-
where a = mφ, b = 0, c = nφ/2, d = 0, and e = (m + drazine (N2 H4 ), in F2 environments for rocket appli-
n/4)(1 − φ) for lean mixtures, while a = m − (m + cations. Contrary to hydrocarbon/air combustion, it
n/2)(φ − 1) + d, b = (2m + n/2)(φ − 1) − d, c = was reported [3] that the maximum Tad is on the lean
nφ/2 − d, d = d, and e = 0 for rich mixtures, the side of stoichiometry. The observed lean shifting was
equilibrium constants are explained [3] by the abundance of NH in lean mix-
tures, causing reduced dissociation and hence higher
pCO (pO2 )1/2 (b + aε1 ) temperature. It is therefore of further interest to study
Kp,1 = =
pCO2 a(1 − ε1 ) this system because it provides a “flip” case to those

e+(aε1 +cε2 )/2
just analyzed. Clearly, the arguments presented earlier
× a+b+c+d+e+3.76(m+n/4)+(aε1 +cε2 )/2 pt , for the rich-shifting of hydrocarbon/air mixtures must
equally hold for the lean-shifting of the Nm Hn /F2
pH2 (pO2 )1/2 (d + cε2 ) mixtures.
Kp,2 = =
pH 2 O c(1 − ε2 ) Consider the reaction

e+(aε1 +cε2 )/2
× a+b+c+d+e+3.76(m+n/4)+(aε1 +cε2 )/2 pt . φNm Hn + n2 F2 → aHF + bF + cF2 + dH
√ + eH2 + f N2 . (7)
For ε1 and ε2  1, we then get Kp,1 ∼ ε1 pt

and Kp,2 ∼ ε2 pt for lean mixtures, and Kp,1 ∼ For the frozen case in which HF dissociation is sup-

[ε1 + (c/a)ε2 ]pt ∼ Kp,2 for rich mixtures. Note pressed, we have a = nφ, b = n(1 − φ) − 2c, d = 0,
here that we also have Kp,1 /Kp,2 = bc/ad from e = 0, and f = mφ/2 for lean mixtures, while a = n,
chemical equilibrium for the water–gas shift reaction. b = 0, c = 0, d = n(φ − 1) − 2e, and f = mφ/2 for
Consequently, for the same Tad , we have (ε1 )lean and rich mixtures. The remaining relations required to de-
(ε2 )lean > [ε1 + (c/a)ε2 ]rich , suggesting more disso- termine c for lean mixtures and e for rich mixtures
ciation on the lean side than on the rich side. We have are obtained by assuming chemical equilibriums for
therefore provided convincing evidence that the rich the F2 and H2 dissociation reactions, respectively, as
shifting of Tad for hydrocarbon/air mixtures is due to 1 F  F and 1 H  H.
2 2 2 2
the large extent of product dissociation for lean mix- In the dissociation equilibrium case, with ε taken
tures. as the extent of HF dissociation, Eq. (7) becomes
C.K. Law et al. / Combustion and Flame 145 (2006) 808–819 815

Fig. 8. Dependence of Tad , qp , cp,2 on Φ for N2 H4 /F2 mixtures at STP (dashed lines: frozen limit; solid lines: dissociation

φNm Hn + n2 F2 → a(1 − ε)HF + (b + aε)F high temperatures. Thus, we have

+ cF2 + (d + aε)H + eH2 + f N2 . (8) 2 εp n(1 − φ)
Kp,F t
Kp ≈ 2 [n + (m/2)φ] + 2n(1 − φ)p
Using the equilibrium constant Kp (T ), we have Kp,F t

p F pH b + aε for lean mixtures and

Kp (T ) = = 2 εp n(φ − 1)
pHF a(1 − ε) Kp,H t
d + aε Kp ≈ 2 [nφ + (m/2)φ] + 2n(φ − 1)p
× pt , (9) Kp,H t
a + b + c + d + e + f + aε
for rich mixtures.
which yields Since Kp,F is usually two orders of magnitude
n(1 − φ) − 2c larger than Kp,H , we see that Kp ∼ ε for lean
Kp (T ) ≈ εpt (10) mixtures and Kp ∼ ε(Kp,H )2 for rich mixtures.
n + (m/2)φ − c
Consequently, for the same Tad , we have εlean ∼
for lean mixtures and εrich (Kp,H )2 . In addition, since Kp,H > 1 when the
n(φ − 1) − 2e temperature is higher than about 3800 K, we have
Kp (T ) ≈ εpt (11) εlean > εrich . Thus there is still more dissociation on
nφ + (m/2)φ − e
the lean side than on the rich side, in the same man-
for rich mixtures, where ε  1. In addition, by assum- ner as that for hydrocarbon/air mixtures, but this is
ing chemical equilibriums for the F2 and H2 dissoci- contrary to the suggestion of Ref. [3].
ation reactions, we have To identify the cause for the lean shifting of Tad ,
Fig. 8 plots Tad , qp , and cp,2 in the same manner
n2 (1 − φ)2 pt
c≈ 2 [n + (m/2)φ] + 4n(1 − φ)p
(12) as those for the methane/air mixtures. It is seen that
Kp,F t while the variation of qp with Φ is rather insensi-
for lean mixtures and tive, its peaking indeed occurs on the rich side, in
accordance with the analysis above. However, Tad
n2 (φ − 1)2 pt now occurs on the lean side, as observed in Ref. [3].
e≈ (13)
Kp,H [nφ + (m/2)φ] + 4n(φ − 1)pt By further noting that cp,2 still increases monotoni-
cally with increasing Φ, it is then clear that the lean-

for rich mixtures, where Kp,F = pF / pF2 and Kp,H shifting of the Tad for the present case is actually

= pH / pH2 . In deriving Eqs. (12) and (13), use has caused by the increasing cp,2 instead of product dis-
been made of the assumption that c  b and e  d at sociation, which has the influence of rich shifting. To
816 C.K. Law et al. / Combustion and Flame 145 (2006) 808–819

Fig. 9. Scaled difference terms for Tad , qp , cp,2 , and (qp /cp,2 ), referenced to the stoichiometric state, as functions of Φ for
N2 H4 /F2 mixtures at STP.

further substantiate the role of the cp,2 , in Fig. 9 we

have plotted δTad /Tad , δqp /qp , and δcp,2 /cp,2 in the
same manner as that for Fig. 6. It is seen that indeed
δTad /Tad ≈ δqp /qp − δcp,2 /cp,2 , hence demonstrat-
ing the essential role of cp,2 in causing Tad to be

7. The role of oxidizer enrichment

Although the above result on Nm Hn /F2 mixtures

adequately substantiates the roles of product disso-
ciation and specific heat, they introduce yet another
factor that needs to be considered for a complete ex- Fig. 10. Dependence of Φ on the extent of argon dilution for
planation of the observed peaking behavior. That is, the maximum qp and Tad for N2 H4 /F2 mixtures at STP.
while mixtures of H2 , CO, and CH4 with air all con-
tain a significant amount of inert, namely N2 , the
Nm Hn /F2 mixtures contain only fuel and oxidizer,
without any inert. crease in the F2 concentration and hence increase in
To explore the role of oxidizer enrichment, or Tad and the extent of product dissociation, it is seen
equivalently inert dilution, additional calculations that while qp still always peaks on the rich side for all
were performed for the Nm Hn /F2 system with Ar dilutions, the maximum Tad is shifted to the lean side
dilution. Argon instead of nitrogen is used as the in- with even just a moderately high concentration of F2 .
ert diluent because the latter is an active reactant for The role of oxidizer enrichment is further explored
the present system. Fig. 10 shows the values of Φ in Figs. 11 and 12, which respectively show the de-
at which qp and Tad respectively peak for various pendence of the normalized equivalence ratios for the
amounts of Ar in F2 /Ar. It is seen that for a highly maximum qp and Tad on the extent of nitrogen dilu-
diluted mixture, with α = F2 /(Ar + F2 )  1, both qp tion for hydrogen, methane, and ammonia. It is seen
and Tad peak in the stoichiometric state, where α is that both qp and Tad still peak on the rich side for
the mole fraction of the oxidizer in the oxidizer/inert hydrogen and methane for all amounts of oxidizer en-
mixture. This is consistent with our earlier under- richment. For ammonia, however, while qp still peaks
standing that the product should be close to the frozen on the rich side, the maximum Tad is now shifted
limit for such highly diluted mixtures whose flame to the lean side with a moderate amount of oxidizer
temperatures are low. However, with continuous in- enrichment. This result therefore substantiates and ex-
C.K. Law et al. / Combustion and Flame 145 (2006) 808–819 817

tends the observation of Ref. [4] on the lean shifting

of Tad for mixtures of ammonia and oxygen.
We next identify how does cp,2 affect the lean
shifting of Tad with varying amounts of oxidizer en-
richment. Specifically, cp,2 is expected to increase
with increasing oxidizer enrichment due to two fac-
tors. First, an increase in Tad will lead to an increase
in the cp,2,i of the individual species i. Second, the
change in the product composition also favors an in-
crease in the product cp,2 , again for two reasons. That
is, since the product species are mostly triatomic (e.g.,
H2 O and CO2 ), they have larger cp,2,i than those of
the monatomic or diatomic inert diluents (e.g., Ar or
Fig. 11. Dependence of Φ on the extent of N2 dilution for N2 ) that they displace through oxidizer enrichment.
the maximum qp for mixtures of H2 , CH4 , and NH3 with Furthermore, the amount of dissociation at the higher
O2 /N2 at STP. Tad is also increased, leading to more moles of the
dissociated products.
To identify the relative importance of Tad and
product composition on the increase of cp,2 with ox-
idizer enrichment, in Fig. 13 we show for the hydro-
gen case the dependence of Tad , cp,2 , and the spe-
cific molar concentration of the product on α, at the
maximum Tad . Results for methane and ammonia are
qualitatively similar. It is seen that while Tad initially
increases quite sensitively with increasing α, the in-
crease substantially slows down when α exceeds the
range around 0.3. Thus the increase in cp,2 beyond
this range in α is not expected to be strongly depen-
dent on the increase in Tad . On the other hand, the
specific molar concentration of the product steadily
increases with α for all α, with the increasing trend
Fig. 12. Dependence of Φ on the extent of N2 dilution for being similar to that of cp,2 . Thus while the increase
the maximum Tad for mixtures of H2 , CH4 , and NH3 with in cp,2 is affected by both Tad and the product compo-
O2 /N2 at STP. sition for small α, it is strongly affected by the latter

Fig. 13. Dependence of Tad , cp,2 , and the specific molar concentration of the product mixture as functions of the oxidizer
enrichment, at the state of maximum Tad , at STP.
818 C.K. Law et al. / Combustion and Flame 145 (2006) 808–819

atomic molecules; the concentration of the triatomic

molecules here includes that of the quadatomic spe-
cies H2 O2 , which is present in dissociation equi-
librium. It is seen that, while the presence of the
monatomic molecules, which becomes noticeable
around α = 0.3 at which the increase of Tad starts
to slow down, is clearly a result of product dissocia-
tion and contributes to the overall increase in cp,2 , the
steady and substantial increase of the concentration
of the triatomic molecules indicates the strong influ-
ence of the displacement effect of the diatomic inert
by the triatomic product.
The final point to note is that while the above dis-
cussion is based on the values of the various quan-
Fig. 14. Dependence of the concentrations of monatomic, tities, the actual shifting should be evaluated on the
diatomic, and triatomic product species as functions of oxi- basis of sensitivities. For example, since Tad (Φ, α) ∼
dizer enrichment, at the state of maximum Tad , at STP.
qp (Φ, α)/cp,2 (Φ, α), as discussed earlier, we have
d ln Tad /dΦ ≈ d ln qp /dΦ − d ln cp,2 /dΦ for given α.
for large α. Furthermore, since Fig. 12 shows that Tad Since d ln Tad /dΦ = 0 for maximum Tad , the con-
starts to be lean-shifted for α greater than about 0.3, at dition for maximum Tad is given by d ln qp /dΦ ≈
which the influence of Tad on cp,2 starts to diminish, d ln cp,2 /dΦ, that is, a balance between the sensitivi-
we conclude that the lean shifting of Tad with increas- ties of qp and cp,2 with respect to Φ. In Fig. 15 we
ing oxidizer enrichment is mainly through the change have therefore plotted these sensitivities as a func-
in the product composition on cp,2 . tion of Φ for small and large values of α respectively,
We next analyze the nature of the change in the using CH4 as an example. The condition of the max-
product composition that leads to the increased cp,2 imum Tad is then given by the crossing point of the
with increasing α. Fig. 14 plots the specific molar solid line for qp and the corresponding dashed line for
concentrations of the monatomic, diatomic, and tri- cp,2 . It is seen that the effect of increasing α on qp and

Fig. 15. Dependence of the sensitivities of qp and cp,2 with respect to Φ as functions of Φ for various extents of N2 dilution for
mixtures of CH4 with O2 /N2 at STP, where α = O2 /(O2 + N2 ).
C.K. Law et al. / Combustion and Flame 145 (2006) 808–819 819

cp,2 is to shift the crossing point to richer and leaner sequence of the larger specific heat associated with
concentrations respectively. Furthermore, for small α, the triatomic product species which displaces the di-
say α ∼ 0.21, qp is highly sensitive to Φ, so that the atomic or monatomic inert as a consequence of oxi-
rich shifting for maximum Tad is mostly due to the qp dizer enrichment.
effect. However, for large α, say α ∼ 0.8, qp becomes The various causes for the off-stoichiometric
less sensitive to Φ and the cp,2 term subsequently peaking of the adiabatic flame temperature have
plays the essential role in shifting Tad toward the lean therefore been demonstrated in an internally consis-
side. tent manner.

8. Summary Acknowledgments
In the present study we have successfully identi-
This work was supported by the Air Force Office
fied the cause for the shifting of the maximum adia-
of Scientific Research and the Army Research Office.
batic flame temperature from stoichiometry for mix-
A.M. was in addition supported by the Ministry of
tures consisting of fuel, oxidizer, and inert. Basically,
the phenomenon is a consequence of reduced heat re- Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology,
lease in the presence of product dissociation, with the Japan, while he was on sabbatical leave at Prince-
direction of shifting being determined by that of the ton University. We thank Professor H. Wang for his
peak heat release and the dependence of the prod- valuable contributions during the initial phase of this
uct specific heat, per unit mass of the mixture, on study, and Professors C.T. Bowman, F.N. Egolfopou-
stoichiometry. The study demonstrates that, for hy- los, B.S. Haynes, S.R. Turns, and F.A. Williams for
drocarbon/air mixtures, there is more dissociation on their suggestions and insightful inputs to this work.
the lean side, so that the heat release peaks on the
rich side. Furthermore, since the relevant specific heat
for a closed system is that per unit mass of the mix- References
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