Instructional Media

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EDID6508 – Developing Instructional Media

A journey that began with much optimism and filled with laughter, fun and joy is EDID6508. Of
course, this is my favourite course in the entire programme as I was met with new challenges and
new ways of owning my skills and expertise as a professional Instructional Designer.

The EDID6508 Designing Instructional Media course provided a comprehensive exploration of

fundamental web design principles, covering topics such as media in instruction, web design
principles, HTML page creation, and website management and authoring tools. Additionally, the
course delved into the basics of crafting media artifacts, including video, audio, and image
formatting. It also examined collaborative tools, web authoring tools, and the development of
multimedia technology.

I express my gratitude to the course developers who guided me through a captivating and enriching
journey. The process of learning HTML coding was a huge milestone for me. I devoted hours to
tutorials and understanding the fundamental principles of using HTML 5 codes for website
construction. Exploring the field of coding enabled me to understand and value website
development by generating different codes for different elements of the site. The task of assuring
the incorporation of various tags, particularly in the creation of navigation links, proved to be a
demanding yet fulfilling endeavour. Despite the significant amount of time it required, the
knowledge acquired during the process is extremely beneficial.

Website development involves numerous components crucial for usability, including color, design,
theme, font style and size, layout, images, audio, video, grammar, and spelling. The experience was
marked by challenges, specifically in acquiring proficiency in the GIMP tool during Module 2 in the
learning café. Although faced with difficulties in tasks like as cloning and layering, the experience
proved to be highly enriching. The creation and evaluation of educational videos provided further
understanding, emphasizing aspects that might be enhanced in future video production. The
application of many methodologies in the training improved my expertise in various media creation

The multimedia project presented a fascinating journey, unveiling a multitude of resources for
developing instructional multimedia. Investigating platforms like H5P and Articulate 360 Rise, albeit
being a lengthy process, uncovered the presence of collaboration features. Choosing the appropriate
tool entails evaluating user-friendliness, social functionalities, creative capabilities, media
management, storage capacity, support features, cost, efficiency, and intended purpose.
Before purchasing a tool, it is crucial to comprehend its intended use and carry out a comparative
comparison. This process has taught me the major principles of understanding and using platforms
that can meet user needs and also aid the instructional designer in developing the best product for
the need that exists based on the needs assessment of the customer.

The exploration of copyright laws, especially creative common copyright, was a significant aspect of
the course. As an Instructional Designer and media professional, exploring this form of copyright has
given me valuable insights into creating media while following legal guidelines. Exploring the
intricate layers of copyright regulations that apply to certain images was exceptionally fascinating.
Creative common copyright will forever edged in my mind as I design and integrate different aspects
of the development of instructional media for the benefit of learners, companies and organizations.
Reflecting on this journey, I am immensely grateful for the substantial learning curve in instructional
media. The quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "The heights by great men reached and kept
were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in
the night," resonates with my efforts in this course. The outcomes are gratifying and inspires my
contemplation of enhancing skills by establishing a Youtube channel to instruct others. Wow! What a

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