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Draft (2). By: Noor Naji Bataineh.

Essay:(Cause and effect)

Littering Effects
Littering is a negative phenomenon. Also, littering destroys the environment and

economy. It has many harmful effects such as harming animals, destroying tourism, and causing


Firstly, littering affects animals negatively. If people throw out broken glass on the street,

animals can get injured. Second, people throw out spoiled food. Consequently, animals get

poisoned. Littering can result in animals chocking to death by eating thrown-out food wrapped in


Secondly, tourism gets damaged by littering. A country’s reputation will decline. For

example, if a country is known for its filthiness, tourists will not consider visiting it. That will

ruin tourism in any country.

Thirdly, littering spreads diseases. Thrown-out garbage in inappropriate places attracts

filthy pests like rats. These pests foster harmful bacteria. Thus, they cause many diseases like the


In summary, littering causes many harmful effects on animals, tourism, and health.

People should stop throwing garbage in the wrong place. Also, we should raise awareness of this

issue, and we should promote recycling.

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