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#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Copyright (C) by EMC Corporation, 2008-2011

# All rights reserved.


: EMCGrab v4.4.4

Release Date : July 13, 2011


: Global Services Software Development (GSSD)

On some hosts, where high I/O is a normal course of events,
running the EMCGrab utility may cause some performance
degradation when running some commands.
Best practices should prevail, such as running at off peak hours
If the EMCgrab is run with the -autoexec feature enabled and the host uses navis
(in case of navicli is not found) then in order to collect Clariion information,
security file should have been already created using -AddUserSecurity option of
If that file is absent then EMCGrab will not collect any clariion information. A
modules like networker (-nw) is excluded from the Module execution list.
If a Symmetrix is attached to a host and if the symmetrix devices are not enable
d for
masking then, while running the symmaskdb and symaccess commands you can encount
a message as:
"No device masking database records could be found for the specified input param
****** Before running EMCgrab please take note of these ETAs ******
ETA emc108113: PowerPath 4.4 / 4.3.1: SYMCLI commands hang or fail.
HBA goes Offline/Online. This issue is resolved in SAN release 4.4.9
for Solaris 8 & 9. For Solaris 10, fix included in 119130-17.
ETA emc121607: Solutions Enabler: Solaris Leadville MPxIO segments
Solution Enabler communication through multi-path gatekeepers or
other data devices.

Solaris 5.9: If patch 114476 is installed, if at revision 04 or less,

may cause a panic when running hbainfo commands. Install patch
114476-05 or greater to prevent the panic. Ref: emc118999
ETA emc206187: Solutions Enabler: The "symmask list -hba" command hangs and
EMCGrab hangs or can take hours to complete on Solaris 10.
This issue has been taken care in this grab release by replacing above
command with the command "syminq hba"
****** Before running EMCgrab please take note of these ETAs ******
ETA emc111737: AIX 5.3 ML2 host crashes when pass-through I/O
is performed. APAR IY70336 or AIX 5.3 ML3 resolves this issue.
ETA emc110417: AIX lspath may report a path as enabled when it
has actually been removed. This may cause a system failure.
APAR IY70336 or AIX 5.3 ML3 resolves this issue.
ETA emc178626: EMC ControlCenter: Recent IBM patches to AIX may result
in system crash when using ControlCenter, Solutions Enabler or inq.
Contact IBM for details regarding a fix for AIX 5.2 TL10 SP4,
APAR IZ11999 resolves this issue for AIX5.3 TL6 SP4,
APAR IZ11908 resolves this issue for AIX5.3 TL7 SP1,
APAR IZ13376 resolves this issue for AIX6.1 SP2.
EMCGrab v4.4.4 changes
1. Changes done in the module "" - (ALL)
a. Added gpfs switch support. (GERS 559)
Enabling GPFS information Collection.
b. Added inqLog switch support. (GERS 2333)
Enabling debug log collection from INQ Tool.
c. Added smas switch support. (GERS 2644)
Enabling Symmetrix Management Console & Performance Analyzer log col
d. Fixed NaviSecCLI missing security file issue. (GERs 2386)
Read $HOME environment Variable to seach for Navisphere Security Fil
e. Added enhanced IPMASK feature. (GERS 2705)
Setting OS based masking expressions and replacement Text.
Calling mask_ip to apply IPv4 & HOSTNAME FQDN masking on Grab o/p fi
f. Added -exclude option to allow user updating of the "excluded_files"
file (GERS 2435)
Added "events, trace_pipe, 4u, 3u, 2u, 1u" to excluded_files file
2. Changes done in the module "emcgrab.main" - (ALL)
a. Reomved trailing '/' from cleanup function for safety purpose. (GERS
b. Modify function usage() for cleaner look (added file "usage_file")
3. Changes done in the module ""
a. Added missing powerpath configuration/log files. (GER 2633) - (ALL)

4. Changes done in the module ""
a. Replaced symmaskdb commands with symaccess commands. (GERS 2750, 2682
) - (ALL)
Following new Commands are added
"symaccess -sid ${SYMCLI_SID} list view -detail"
"symaccess -sid ${SYMCLI_SID} list view -v"
"symaccess -sid ${SYMCLI_SID} backup -file -noprompt symaccess_backu
"stordaemon action storapid -cmd list_gks ${SYMCLI_SID}"
"symaccess -sid ${SYMCLI_SID} -f ${SCRIPT_TMP}/${SYMACCESS_DB} backu
p -noprompt" "symaccess_backup"
"symaccess show view ${ARG} -sid ${SYMCLI_SID}"
b. Added the external commands for Base Daemon, Group Name Services, Gat
e Keepers except
for licensing in (GERS 2708, 2450) - (ALL)
Below are the added commands:
"symlmf -sid ${SYMCLI_SID} list -type emclm"
"symlmf -sid ${SYMCLI_SID} query -type emclm"
"stordaemon action storapid -cmd show_gk_pdevs -all -sid ${SYMCLI_SI
"stordaemon action storapid -cmd show_gk_stats -sid ${SYMCLI_SID}"
"stordaemon action storapid -cmd list -ldb -sid ${SYMCLI_SID}"
"stordaemon action storapid -cmd list_gks -sid ${SYMCLI_SID}"
"stordaemon action storapid -cmd show_gk_stats -sid ${SYMCLI_SID}"
"symcg list -inactive"
"symdg list -inactive"
"stordaemon action storgnsd -cmd list_groups -sid ${SYMCLI_SID}"
"stordaemon action storapid -cmd list -ldb"
"stordaemon action storapid -cmd list_gks"
"stordaemon action storapid -cmd show_gk_stats"
"stordaemon action storgnsd -cmd list_groups"
c. Added sid to new commands upon user request (GERS 2857) - (ALL)
"symauth -sid ${SYMCLI_SID} list"
"symauth -sid ${SYMCLI_SID} list -users"
"vsymcg list -inactive"
"symdev list -identity_set"
"symdg list -inactive"
"vsymrcopy list -type migratev"
d. Added commands to to display FLM session Information (GERS 2438
) - (ALL)
"symdev list -identity_set"
"symdev list -passive"
"symrcopy list -type migrate"
e. Remove SYMM command execution in background (GERS 2432, 2395) - (ALL)
5. Changes
) - (ALL)

done in the module ""

Added new command "${INQ} -dbg_log" (GERS 2333) - (ALL)
Added function "inqLogInfoDisplay" call. (GERS 2333) - (ALL)
Added inq -shark_wwn command to get IBM Array Information. (GERS 2294

6. Changes
S 2329)
ands in

done in the module "tools.main" - (ALL)

Added new function "inqLogInfoDisplay" (GERS 2333)
Added "linux_sleep_timer" function to wait for PID to disappear. (GER
Changed run_single_command to capture PID after running NaviCLI comm

background for Linux. (GERS 2329, 2462)

d. Call "run_navi_command" to skip navi command execution, if SP doesnot
(GERS 2329)
e. Added "check_command" to verify Array SP is responding. (GERS 2329)
7. Changes done in the module "" - (ALL)
a. Modified "check_ip" function to check for duplicate IPv4 Addresses. (
GERS 2462)
b. Added "run_navi_command" to skip navi command execution, if SP does n
ot respond.
(GERS 2329)
c. Replaced NaviCLI run_single_command calls to run_navi_commands. (GERS
d. Added option to skip adding user credential and letting Navisphere Se
curity File
to be used by NaviSECCLI commands during EMCGrab Interactive Mode Exe
cution. (GERS 2386)
8. Added module "" (GERS 559) - (AIX, LINUX)
a. To collect GPFS information.
9. Added module "" (GERS 2644, 2466) - (ALL)
a. To collect Symmetrix Management Console & Performance Analyzer logs.
10. Changes done in the module ""
a. Added a script attached by the End User with lspath command. (GERS 24
26, 1532)
b. Added new command to AIX (GERS 2647, 1532) - (ALL) (LITE Mode)
"/usr/ios/cli/ioscli ioslevel"
c. Added command "lsdev -dev <Virtual Device> -attr reserve policy" (GER
S 2310)
d. Addition Files copied are as follows:
"/etc/resolv.conf" (GERS 2484)
"/etc/hba.conf" (GER 2485)
11. Changes done in the module ""
a. Added a command and collected some files based on customer request. (
GERS 2607)
Command added is as follows:
"zoneadm list -civ"
Addition Files copied are as follows:
b. Added a command to show physical paths to symm devices. (GERS 2559)
"luxadm display <symm device>"
c. Added command sfkcheck if found in the PATH (GERS 1498)
12. Changes done in the module ""
a. Addition Files copied are as follows:
"/etc/resolv.conf" (GERS 2484)
b. Added commands to collect fclp HBA device information. (GERS 2678)
"fcmsutil <td|fcm|fcd|fclp device> devstat all"
c. Added commands to collect virtual partitions and machines (GERS 1282)
"hpvminfo -V"
13. Changes done in the module ""
a. Added "last reboot" command. (GERS 2303)
d. Addition Files copied are as follows:

"/etc/resolv.conf" (GERS 2484)

14. Changes done in the module ""
a. Addition Files copied are as follows:
"/etc/resolv.conf" (GERS 2484)
15. Changes done in the "" Module
a. Changed the variable NAME from 5.x to ECC (GERS 2242) - (ALL)
16. Added module "" (GERS 2533) - (HP-UX) - (FULL)
a. Moved all scsimgr related commands into seperate module.
This script is provided as a means to collect system and/or software
configuration for investigations by EMC.
To Install :
Extract the tar file into a suitable directory using following command,
command: tar -xvf emcgrab_<os>_<version>.tar
Please ensure that your filesystem has at least 500M free of disk space
for temporary files that may be generated during its processing.
If running ECC 5.x the resulting tar file could be very large.
Please NOTE:
1. The

script will prompt the user with a warning message

it detect less than 25M remaining on the file system every time the
runs the file system check routine. Each time the user will have the
of continuing or aborting the script.

2. The script will prompt for EMC license agreement even in autoexec
mode unless the -legal option is set. Once EMC license agreement is accepted
then it will work as usual for autoexec mode.
Operation :
The script should be run as user root, to prevent any data not being
collected through lack of permissions.
The scripts defines a PATH environment based on the default installation paths
of it's software. If these are different, some modules may not work.
It is possible that some commands could run for a lengthy period. Each module
has a max runtime limit, ranging from 60 seconds through to 450, depending
on the module.
The script will generate a compressed tar file, residing in the outputs
directory. Its format will be
'<hostname>>_<OS>_emcgrab_<version>_[full | lite]_CC<Request
depending on whether compress or gzip has been used as their compression utility
If no Request number is defined, <CaseNo> will default to 0000000000

Syntax :
./ [-h] [-v] [-o options,options] [-autoexec] [-backup] [-clariionIP <
IP Addresses>] [-exclude]
[-gpfs] [-inqLog] [-ip] [-ipmask] [-legal] [-lite] [-nomsg] [-nw] [
-OUTDir new_output_directory]
[-quiet] [-smas] [-symmid bypass|prompt] [-vxdmpdebug]
: Displays help screen
: Displays version information
: User defined options, Comma Separated List (See below)
-autoexec : Bypasses user interactive prompts (but will prompt for EMC
's license if no -legal)
: Bypasses interactive menu, when scheduled via cron.
-clariionIP : Comma separated list of IP addresses for SPA / SPB
: Allows adding a file name (file name only - no path) to th
e excluded_files file
: Collects General Parallel File System Information.
: Enables INQ Log Information Collection.
: Comma separated list of IP addresses for SPA / SPB
: Will mask the ip address of the host in all the files coll
ected in the EMCGrab
: User automatically accepts EMC License Agreement (used wit
h -autoexec or -quiet)
: A reduced subset of data collection that is required by HE
AT analysis server
: Will not collect the messages logs
: Collects Networker related information on AIX, HP-UX, LINU
X & SunOS
: Option to store final EMCGrab file at specified location
: Suppress all status messages
: Enables Symmetrix Management Console and Symmetrix Perform
ance Analyzer log collection.
: bypass|prompt - Bypasses Symmetrix or prompts for each Sym
metrix detected
-vxdmpdebug : Runs vxdmpdebug script with 'Y' option enabled
Options :
This is a comma separated list of additional modules. By default these
options are not run, and need to be invoked by the -o syntax.
Supported Optional modules are as follows ::

clariion - Must be used with -clariionIP <SPA,SPB>

dru - Collect data relating to the EMC Open Migrator/LM (DRU)
ecc - Collects configuration and log files for ECC 4.x / 5.x.
erm - Collects data relating to EMC Replication Manager (Autorun)
hacmp - To collect log files relating to AIX HACMP cluster.
ifs - Infomover File System
ift - Infomover File Transfer
im - Both ifs and ift modules
inq - Perform SCSI inquiry against devices (automatic detection)
pp - PowerPath (automatic detection)
ppvm - PowerPath Volume Manager (automatic detection)
sc - Sun Cluster 3.0.
sdmm - Symmetrix Data Mobility Manager
se - Solutions Enabler (automatic detection)
svm - Solaris Volume Manager (automatic detection)

: vcs - Veritas Cluster Server.

: vxvm - Run Veritas Volume Manager
: rp - To collect logs on Solaris &
: networks - Collects data relating
ic detection)
: scsimgr - Collect scsimgr command

(automatic detection)
AIX in Recover Point Environment
to Devices attached to Host (automat
output for HP-UX OS in FULL Mode

OS Support :
This version of EMCGrab is tested and supported on the following Operating Syste

Solaris 7 or later
AIX 5.1 and later
HP-UX 11.xx or later
Tru64 4.x or later (OSF1)
RedHat Linux 7.x or later
RedHat Advanced Server 2.1 or later
SuSE Linux 7.x or later
Irix 6.5.x or later
Siemens Reliant Unix 5.4.x or later

During normal operation, it is possible that some commands will report

"Not Found", as the command file contains all commands for each OS and
application release. This is normal.
Host : HP-UX
If BCV and / or RDF2 devices are presented to the host and they are in a
'Not Ready' state, then ioscan may timeout.
Module Support :
Module : clariion (Clariion Storage)
Automatic Detection : AIX, SunOS, HP-UX and Linux
This requires Navisphere commands to be installed on the host platform.
The IP addresses will be automatically detected for any SP where devices are
visible to the host. You can define additional IP addresses through the use
of the -clariionIP command line option
Module : dru (EMC Open Migrator/LM) (Optional)
Runs stormigrator commands, lists configured sessions and collects logs for
last 14 days. No known issues.
Module : ecc (EMC Control Center) (Optional)
Predominately configured to collect ECC 5.x information.
Module: erm (EMC Replication Manager) (Automatic on AIX, HP-UX, Linux and Solari
Collects ERM data. No known problems.
Module : hacmp (AIX HACMP cluster) (Automatic Detection)
Only collects log files.
Module : ifs (EMC Infomover File System)(Optional)
Collects configuration and log files for last 14 days. No known issues.
Module : ift (EMC Infomover File Transfer)(Optional)
Collects configuration and log files for last 14 days. No known issues.

Module : im (EMC Infomover)(Optional)

Runs both the ift and ifs modules above. No known issues.
Module : inq (Automatic Detection)
This is run by default to assist with automatic detection of Clariion,
Symmetrix and third party Storage Arrays
Module : pp (Powerpath) (Automatic Detection)
Will automatically detect whether PowerPath Volume Management features
are in use, and invoke module ppvm (requires PP 4.x or later)
Module : ppvm (EMC PowerPath Volume Manager) (Automatic Detection)
No limitations known at this time.
Module : sc (Sun Cluster 3.x) (Automatic Detection)
Collects all information relating to Sun Cluster. Currently only version 3.x
is supported.
Module : sdmm (Symmetrix Data Mobility Manager) (Optional)
No limitations known at this time
Module : se (Solutions Enabler)(Automatic Detection)
A gatekeeper device should be visible to the host, for communication
to the Symmetrix. The script will attempt to check for the existance
of a gatekeeper, and it this check fails, you will have the option to
abort the remainder of this module. Some commands may not return any output,
depending on whether the relevant Solutions Enabler license has been installed.
Module : svm (Solaris Volume Manager / Solstice(Online) Disk Suite (Automatic De
Supports SDS / ODS 4.x, even though configuration paths changed
between 4.2 and 4.2.1.
Module : vcs (Veritas Cluster Server)
Automatic Detection : AIX, SunOS, HP-UX and Linux
Collects all information relating to Veritas Cluster Server.
Module : vxvm (Veritas Volume Manager)
Automatic Detection : AIX, SunOS, HP-UX and Linux
then data will be collected
Module : rp (Recover Point) (optional)
Should be specified with '-o' switch on Solaris and AIX host.
then logs will be collected in Recover Point Environment.
Module : ZFS
automatic Detection : SunOs
Module : networks (network connection)
This is run by default with all operating systems
Collects Information of all devices connected to Host.
No known problems.
Module : networker (optional)
Collect networker files and information
No known problems
Module : gspf (optional)
Collects General Parallel File System Information for AIX & Linux OS.

Module : smas (optional)

Enables Symmetrix Management Console and Symmetrix Performance Analyzer log coll
Module : scsimgr (optional)
Collects scsimgr command execution output in HP-UX OS in FULL Mode.
Return Codes :


Failed to source emcgrab.main
Unable to create temporary working directory
EMCGrab Data Collection already running. Only a single instance
is supported at any time.
Script Aborted. Less than 25Mb of space detected on FileSystem.
Failed to create output tarfile
Override for non 'root' user operation failed.
File and directory dependencies not found.

Sending the report file to EMC:

Once you have created your report file you need to send it to EMC Customer
Service for analysis. This is done easily and securely using EMC WebSupport.
Go to WebSupport Case Management (Note: You must be a registered WebSupport
user. Select the registration link to register)
For a new support case select 'Create a Case' and complete the simple
step-by-step creation process. Once you submit your case you will have the
opportunity to upload your EMC Grab file to your case using the 'Attachments'
For an existing Support case, locate your case by using the 'Quick Case Search'
or 'My Open Cases' portlets or by using the 'Case Query' functionality in
'Case Management.' Select the 'Attachments' tab and upload your file.
Note: You may also use EMC's ftp site if WebSupport is not available.
Contact EMC Customer Service for more information.
Uploading the output file to E-Lab Advisor (HEAT replacement)
You may also upload the output file to our analysis server (E-Lab Advisor) for a
This server can be accessed through PowerLink Home > Support > Product and Diagn
ostic Tools
> Environment Analysis Tools or directly to (a Powe
rLink account is required).

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