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Indonesian independence was achieved more than 76 years ago, on August 17, 1945 to be
precise. This independence was not achieved suddenly.
Not because Japan had previously promised independence for Indonesia. However, this
independence was achieved after going through several historical events.

Starting with the formation of BPUPKI in March 1945 to formulate the basis of the state,
namely Pancasila. After that, on August 7, 1945, BPUPKI was changed to PPKI and
Committee 9 for the preparation of Indonesian independence. The process of formulating the
text of the proclamation began on the evening of 16 August, after Ir. Soekarno and M.Hatta
returned from Rengasdengklok.
The formulation of the text took place at Admiral Maeda's residence early in the morning.
The text was drawn up and negotiated together, and signed by Ir. Soekarno and M. Hatta, on
behalf of the Indonesian nation.
Then, the text of the Proclamation was typed by Sayuti Melik. The next day, the text of the
Proclamation was read by Ir. Soekarno at his residence, Jalan Pegangsaan Timur 56.
Witnessed by several national figures, such as Soewirjo, Trimurti, Ahmad Soebarjo, and
other Indonesian citizens.
With the reading of the text of the Proclamation, Indonesia was declared independent. News
of Indonesian independence spread quickly through the radio and newspapers.
After Indonesia's independence, the government immediately passed laws and formed the
MPR to perfect the Indonesian government.
Indonesian independence occurred 73 years ago, on August 17, 1945 to be precise, after the
formation of BPUPKI which aimed to formulate the basis of the state or Pancasila, and PPKI.
After that, the text of the proclamation was jointly formulated by several national figures at
Admiral Maeda's house.
The next day, Indonesia was declared independent after the reading of the text of the
proclamation by Ir. Sukarno. News of independence spread quickly by radio and newspapers.
The government also immediately passed laws and formed the MPR to improve Indonesian

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