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Clinical Leadership Group

23rd February 2021

Planned Care and Cancer Update

Agenda item no: 3

Workstream/ Workforce ☐ Primary & ☐ Sussex Acute ☒

priority Community Collaboration
programme Network Network
Digital ☐ Mental Health ☐ Financial ☐
Estates ☐ Strategic ☐ Place-based ☐
Communications ☐ ☐

Purpose For information ☐ For discussion For decision For action ☐

☒ ☐
The purpose of this paper is to brief the Clinical Leadership Group on
the current status of planned care and cancer services across Sussex
in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic and the current wave and the
actions taken to mitigate impact. It describes the predicted position by
the end of March, the key actions required to support recovery of
services and longer term strategic priorities.
Paper summary In response to the first wave, the Sussex system developed an
escalation framework to support the continuation of planned care and
cancer services based on the following principles and actions:
• The protection of all diagnostics
• Protection of IP and DC capacity
• Continuation of both face to face and virtual Outpatients
• All providers to manage the ongoing prioritisation and allocation
of patients based on clinically agreed priorities (P1-4)
• Increased use of Independent Sector Capacity including AQP
• Re-establishing Queen Victoria Hospital as a cancer hub
serving Sussex, Kent and Surrey

Planned Care and Cancer services have been materially affected as a

consequence of the current wave due to a combination of Covid + bed
occupancy, lack of ITU capacity, workforce sickness and
redeployment, but the escalation framework has given a system wide
approach to help mitigate the impact in some areas.

To protect the most vulnerable patients in Categories P1 and P2, it has

been necessary to suspend P3/4 activity and this is evident from the
data around RTT and long waiters. Diagnostics have been maintained,
but Endoscopy has been challenged across the system.

Cancer services have largely been maintained, but referrals are lower
than last year, with over 10300 less 2 week rule referrals.

This presentation updates the CLG on the current position arising from
these changes, and includes the proposed next steps in relation to
recovery- involving use of the Independent Sector, Clinical
Prioritisation, communication and transformation opportunities.

Recommendation SHCP Clinical Leadership Group are asked to:

 Note the position in relation to planned care and cancer services
Associated papers  Appendix A: Planned Care and Cancer Update Briefing Slides.

Programme SRO Wendy Young Director/ Dr Sarah Richards ICS Planned Care and
Cancer Clinical Lead
Executive Sponsor Lola Banjoko Managing Director Brighton and Hove CCG.
Paper cleared by Dr Sarah Richards/ Lola Banjoko.


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