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What is Social Literacy and why is it important?

Social Literacy is a students’ successful performance and understanding of social Skills,

organizational skills, and communication skills. It is the students’ ability to connect effectively
with those around them. Social literacy spans across interacting with peers, family, coworkers,
teachers, and even people we may not have met face to face.
Social literacy is so crucial in a person’s success. The ability to communicate and voice
opinions and thoughts, as well as listening to opinions and thoughts of others, is essential in
learning. Firmly grasping social cues and norms is extremely beneficial. In literally every single
setting of our lives : school, home, work, clubs and activities, interacting with people(whether
face to face or behind technology), we use our social literacy. We play so many roles every day
and we socially need to understand how to play those roles appropriately. For example: I would
speak differently with my friends than I would my mother, or I would chat on facebook
differently than I would while emailing a professor. Without an understanding of this
communication, one cannot function with success in society.
Below are some examples of social literacy in a classroom. As you look at these images,
think about how many social interactions are occurring and what students are learning about
from being exposed to these social situations.

How can we incorporate social literacy into the classroom?

Ways to incorporate social literacy online:
Blogging: Through blogging, students learn how to effectively use the internet and share
their thoughts and knowledge appropriately. Reading classmates blog posts and responding
helps students learn from others and gives them access to others ideas, as well as a chance to
constructively respond.
Class website: A class website is extremely useful in teaching students how to use and
navigate on the internet. Keeping students updated on class happenings, as well as giving
students opportunity to write and contribute on the class website will teach them useful skills
in communicating on the internet.
Video conferencing: Video conferencing has endless possibilities. Whether it is
conferencing with a professional in the community, or students from a culture across the world,
it opens up a realm of social interaction that can teach students so much about people in the
world around them.
Social Networking Sites: social networking gives students opportunities to know and
learn about people all over the world in a matter of seconds. Encouraging students to meet
people of other cultures and learn about social issues around the world is a priceless
opportunity-and we are so blessed to have sites like these to make it happen.
Ways to incorporate social literacy in a face to face environment:
Group projects: group projects give students opportunities to interact face to face and
experience social interactions. It is so crucial that students learn to interact with people
effectively and contribute their part. ,
Peer reviewing: Peer reviewing teaches students how to give constructive advice and
communicate their thoughts well. To be able to give constructive criticism and view another
person’s ideas is an important ability.
Field trips: taking students to a museum or to volunteer in an area in need could help students
open their eyes and learn about different societies. On any field trip, even learning how to
travel in groups, communicate with people in charge, and work together as a group will be
effective in teaching students to be socially literate.

Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of learning explains that learning occurs during social interactions between
individuals. It is one of the dominant theories of education today. It believes learning happens first through social
interaction and second through individual internalization of social behaviors.

The Sociocultural Learning Theory is based upon the idea that a learner's environment plays
a pivotal role in his/her learning development. According to Vygotsky the learning process
actually involves three key themes: culture, language, and the “zone of proximal development”.

Learning is influenced by Social Interactions

This is the most important concept in the sociocultural theory of education: we learn through social interactions.

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