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Presented by Group 7
Member of Group

Mutiara Nor Azizah Naira Rohma Della Silvira

Yumna Fatin A320220183 Ning Wulan A320220189
A320220175 A320220184
A. Principles of Desaining English
Intrucsional Materials
After designing English lessons, based on the learning
objective and learning outcome, it is important to turn
the design into actual English instructional materials.
Hutchinson and Waters (1987), recommend three
ways of turning English course design into real
instructional materials:
- selecting from existing materials known as material
-writing teacher's own development, and materials
known as materials
-modifying existing materials known as material
In order to plan effective and successful language
Designing English instructional materials is not simple.
Authors have to obey some principles in designing
materials. Nunan (as cited by Rajan, 2003) states that the
principles of designing English instructional materials should
follow some qualifications saying that materials:
1. should connect to the syllabus,
2. should be real,
3. help learners to communicate,
4. help learners balance between the content and some
essential aspects of language,
5. trigger them to start by developing thinking and learning
skills, and
6. support learners to develop language skills to the world
beyond the classroom.
On the other hand, Hutchinson and Waters (1994)
point out that he rules for authors who will write
English instructional materials are supposed to
contain materials that can :
1. inspire learners a stimulus to learn,
2. facilitate them to construct the teaching and
learning processes which can provide a range of
activities to give more opportunities to learn,
3. represent the nature of the language as well as
the language learning,
4. reflect the nature of tasks that promote learning,
5. are also media of teacher training for such new
techniques, and
6. provide examples of language use.
Teachers who write materials should regard the type of
language learners (e.g.: children, adult); and types of
language learners whether they are analytic,concrete,
or autonomous learners; their family, social,
geographical backgrounds. Bolitho and Jolly (as cited in
Tomlison, 1998 : 98) point that the process of English
instructional materials writing are :

1. Identify the demand of the materials

2. Explore the demands
3. Materials are based on contextual realization
4. Materials are based on pedagogical realization
5. Materials production
6. Materials are used by learners, and
7. Evaluate materials aligned with objectives
B. Managing a Material’s Writing Project
In producing the written texts to become books, course book is not a simple
matter. Authors have to follow some steps before their books can be
published and be used by student. Writing a book is a long process. Richards
(2001 : 257) states that materials writing projects cover the following steps :
1. select the project team
2. plan the number of stages involved
3. plan the writing schedule
4. identify reviewers
5. do piloting the materials, and
6. design and production.
C. English Instructional Materials Evaluation
Tomlinson (1998: xi) identifies the evaluation process of materials
as yhe methodical appraisal of the values of the materials
connected to their objective and to the objective of students who
use them. The value of the English instructional materials are
related to the learning objectives and learning outcomes in the
teaching learning process in the class. Pre-use evaluation, the
practical aspects such as usability, interactiveness, practicality,
appealing contents of the materials and many others can be
traced back. The post-use evaluation can be used as feedbacks to
make the materials better for the next edition. Moreover, material
evaluation is as an effort to assess materials (Tomlinson, 1998)
Meanwhile, evaluation and analysis of
materials are different.

Tomlison (2012) as well as Littlejohn (2011,

as cited in Tomlinson, 2012) argue that
evaluation focuses to measure the effect of
using materials for users, whilst analysis of
materials focuses on materials themselves.

On the other hand, Byrd (2001, as cited in

Tomlinson,2012) recommends that
evaluation refers to selection while analysis
refers to implementation.
Besides the four major steps proposed by Hutchinson and
Waters, drawing conclusion of the evaluation and giving
recommendation are two other major steps that are
important to be taken into account. From the conclusion,
the strength/advantages and the weakness/disadvantages
of the materials evaluated can be depicted. Based on the
conclusion(s), useful recommendation can be given for the
betterment of the materials evaluated.
Hutchinson and Waters (1994), Tomlinson (1998), Rajan (2003)
and Cunningsworth (1995) have decided criteria for materials
evaluation. Cunningsworth (1995) makes quick reference
checklist for materials evaluation which covers approaches
and aims, organization and design, methodolog language
skills, language content, topic, teachers' books and other
practical considerations.

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