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737 MULTICREW SOP Zibo Mod 737 operations, v1.04 Vac tas ‘Standard Operating Procedures to operate Zibo mod 737 in multicrew cockolt via Smartcopilet plugin Tero Partanen (teropa), 2023 Soe 1. Roles and Responsibil Roles anplied during multicrew operations: Cee PNE: Pilot not flying (monitoring pilot, not operating primary flight controls) LP: Left pilot, occupying left seat Cee eed aE eee Maem ela wae Parking brake, autopilot/MCP and FMS medifications. PNF prepares the cockpit for flight, handles loading & fueling (EFB), gets METAR/ATIS info and sets. up own side instruments. PNF also creates OFP and sends flightplan to VATSIM. PNE handles R/T and Pe aera tae eens Cee eee oe ee RS a Se a et ee ene oe ae Itisassumed that both sides can Tani the aircraft, and only some isolated items have LP/RP specific duties. VATSIM: PF connects as Observer (callsign+A), PNF connects normally. me asc oe Rn a eae ets Checklist used: Normal Checklist (Xchecklist) forZibornod Boeing 737-800 » X-Plane 12 Bese eee y Ce nertats SY Se eet eee eee Deeg ee ieee ecg Pee ee Cat eet Tes oe eA esc ac) After landing checklist - PNF completes silently and informs PF when done (after RWY vacated) Shutdown checklist—read normally Cee eee 3. Normal procedures Eee eee as sae a LP is always responsible for operating aircraft external lighting and Seat belt sign. Ted On gate: Logo It ON, Pos Its STEADY CeCe she ene) Cee eo RE RET Dre ae aor Ane er accede seg Climbing passing FL100: Landing Its and Runway turnoff Its OFF Descending passing FLLOO: Runway tumoft Its ON When cleared to land: Landing Its ON Exiting runway: Landing Its OFF, Taxi ItON, Pos Its STEADY Coe aa ae Re ela CE a ee Tee ECT a na Note: Lighting related actions are not listed separately on following procedure tables Seat Belts: After fueling completed: ON, passing FL100 climbing: AUTO, during descent: ON, after Perce anesg Alternative method fee ee ed nS Right side lights: Logo It, Position Its, Beacon It Maer eee ao ee ec Tc ieee eet ea a eae eee ey ed ee Ae en ree ee ew Communications and related cockpit duties Ce ee UR on Cee Cee aT ee Te a con guard (121,500). PNE operates the radio (R/T) Cee Cee OAc ec Cd Ieee See eee ce Cee Se aa eT ene ER ecole Lier e tad PO ee ane Re cag Ce aaa eta eee oe Pe eee eet eee ne ne Pee eertene CP eee ern WER ee ot eee Oe ee tc OD age oe ECO ec ea eee ee ee ae ase Nat R aaa) 34 Preflight procedure & Departure briefing a aa note Create OFP and file FPL Poe areca ete icc Crees citar) (Cee ara side instruments (FFIS, MCP, Dee AT a ey Cees Page CUR Tes ete) ea Pay See Sane See) See en ol eee) Seamed Load up FMS data (eee) From OFP numbers Calculate PERF for 1/0 San Pere oe ‘Set up both COMs, ownside | COM for RTF, COM2 guard eae TO enc side NAV+CRS,BARO, MFRA, | PF setup. Reka) Do fire tests & startAPU, Reena Pee ei aac a OD eee en) ‘SetXPDR code for departure | Obtain ATC clearance Verify MCP and FMS according | Verify FMS data pele Cet rent) Pe erect acid Re-brief ifneeded nv DCL era De eae ea cea Cee Ry Pa Poe oces erat a a PNF cred Get Start-up and Pushback eens Demented Do before start flow: Sear} act eee aren) eA eee oy ‘Set MFD and SYS pages ON 36 Seca ny id Ng ci Peers el ieee een eee nos neared ceaeae ke) Deer kare Rona raars rer) emake enter cae pressure, N41, starter cutout” iene ear ae oa Call: “Stable” Perea PAD eee PER ae Prema eres eZ After start & befare takeoff procedure a faa note Percent Pea eid ere Se eee See) arr ater) Set Isol valve AUTO Pere lag ares Seok s eter ae en ae ec pene ‘Set MED and SYS pages to OFF TZ ee} See wee chim gree a faa foe Obtain takeoff clearance ela retort eer Or ee Ue Ee ey feet atts re Cee eee Giatesra aot Call: “Gear Up” Paver cn ie Pane my Pree) eye Ee eV Peete eae) ‘At L000ft AGL/thrustreduction | 1000ft default thrust reduction eee eet eo en ener eer Cee eel Set flaps accordingly and call_| “Greon light” is always called “Flaps” and “Flaps UP” Cease ru Carer ene es “Flaps up, no light” (eT AEN Select VNAV and call: "VNAV" eer rence ois erence Geen) Pee ec ee garish aero Call and Set Baro to STD after | SetBaro to STD after clearance | Note: Eng starters stay in clearance to Fl (latest passing | to FL, enV Ren a) eee eg ea Pare Oot is 29. Pees eee eco ea rs Before TOD (30-100m before) PF and PNF discuss and execute preparations for approach, and then Cee es eto) ra Pee er ene en ee eR Ly Ree estat aS ee ee et eee ee Rena en ee el cea gee ec) ia i frre Pet nea) SOE eS eae te Preselect arrival QNH Peotone) Set pressuriz, landing altitude RE nae eee eee] eee nes NAV, MCP CRS, EFIS, Od Give approach briefing ene eee PROM) PF manages the aircaftaccor ding to ATC instructions and clearances and sks for Antiicing equipment as needed. Local barometric pressure is selacted on (bath sides) PFDs once clearance to. CO SU eee eee Ce ec na ia ig irre ree enrol altitude, call & Set local QNH Paver are T snd Earners Sena ee To Pee eee one cd see seed ny ERE Deer Time of AP disconnectis at PF’s discretion. Aircraft should be configured for final approach so thet it, Fee Een ee ee ee ae Ce eres eee eo eas Cee nee Deck B Cans Cake eee ace Ee eee Dee eee ae cc] id ig fon Serre cn ee eee Pesce oe ere ad eon eee Err) eee) Sees eet ere ng Persson “Gear down” ieee rl Rica sere) Svar ees Call: “Continue’/“Go-around” | Monitor flight path, call Pre ren Een aan deviations N/A PRP erat! a ind foe Peres ene eons Say Gnd peel Se geet ene See PREM OM ett td Once parked, execute the shutdown procedure. Sea egg eros Sey eee) See ol aero a aa note Set Parking brake Pere nr etc eee ors oid ra ana eu Pear ee tae esl N/A ERER Remit tits When no furthe flights are expected, PNF executes Secure procedure. ia ing coy Perret ‘Set IRS OFF eared Sead eae a ated’ Pavano ceed N/A

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