A New Handle For A Hot Topic Genetic Markers For

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A New Handle for a Hot Topic:

Genetic Markers for Warm-Sensing
Gillian A. Matthews1 and Kay M. Tye1,*
1The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
*Correspondence: kaytye@mit.edu

Stepping out of an aggressively air-conditioned building into the sweltering heat evokes a number
of thermoregulatory responses, both autonomic (sweating) and behavioral (peeling off a layer of
clothing or seeking an iced beverage). Just as we come out of the hottest part of the summer, a
study by Tan and colleagues provides an exciting breakthrough in our ability to study the neural
mechanisms of keeping cool when it’s hot.

The medial preoptic area (POA) has been adipose tissue activation), but not behav- ture-sensing ion channel TRPM2, which
a candidate region for behavioral thermo- ioral thermoregulation (nesting, heat/ also promote hypothermia when acti-
regulation for decades, though its candi- cold-seeking), as rats with POA lesions vated. These neurons display sensitivity
dacy has been volatile. In this issue of actually increased operant heat-seeking to temperatures above 37 C, suggesting
Cell, Tan and colleagues (Tan et al., in a cold environment (Carlisle, 1969; Sat- a more prominent role in initiating thermo-
2016) use an approach called ‘‘phospho- inoff and Rutstein, 1970). Cold-seeking regulation in response to heat stress and/
TRAP’’ wherein neural activation induces was also preserved in POA-lesioned ani- or fever (Song et al., 2016). Another study
phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 mals, while autonomic thermoregulatory that was published a few months ago
(pS6) to reveal the molecular profile of responses were impaired in animals demonstrated differential encoding of
neurons activated by exposure to a with a lipopolysaccharide-induced fever warm and cold temperature signals de-
warm environment. The authors then iden- (Almeida et al., 2006). tected from the skin in the dorsal horn of
tify two highly-enriched neuropeptides In summary, the possibility of the POA the spinal cord (Ran et al., 2016), further
within this population, pituitary adenylate playing a role in behavioral demonstra- supporting the idea that discrete path-
cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) tion of thermal preference was explicitly ways signal and initiate hyperthermic/
and brain-derived neurotrophic factor excluded (Almeida et al., 2015), based on hypothermic responses. How might envi-
(BDNF). The majority of activated neurons the preservation of this ability upon loss- ronmental heat compare to inflamma-
(2/3) co-expressed both PACAP and of-function manipulations. Here, Tan and tion-induced heat (why might a fever
BDNF, whereas only half of these largely colleagues demonstrate the sufficiency come with chills)?
overlapping markers co-localized with of PACAP/BDNF neurons in the POA for A number of other questions bubble to
pS6 (Figure 1)—leaving some questions behavioral thermoregulation, including the surface: POA:PACAP/DMH activa-
about what other populations outside of temperature preference. It remains, how- tion inhibits brown adipose tissue (BAT)
this intersectional set may do. ever, possible that the role of the POA in thermogenesis, but not tail vasodilation
This molecular approach led the au- behavioral thermoregulation relies purely or behavioral thermoregulation—so what
thors to reopen the case of the POA in on its input to the dorsal medial hypothal- do the other projections from POA specif-
contributing to behavioral thermoregula- amus (DMH) and that the POA may not be ically do? What are the projections that
tion, one that had recently been put to unique in that any region driving activity in give rise to motivated behaviors for
rest (Almeida et al., 2015). This century- the DMH might be sufficient to support thermoregulation? What are the inputs
old debate began in 1914 with the finding behavioral thermoregulation. to these cells? The question of the
that hypothalamic lesions impaired ther- Tan and colleagues reveal that the origin of inputs to the POAPACAP/BDNF neu-
moregulation (Isenschmid and Schnitzler, sensitivity of these neurons is restricted rons is an especially intriguing one,
1914). Subsequent lesion studies refined to a narrow range of temperatures, within particularly given the recent discovery
the localization to the anterior hypothala- the range of innocuous warmth (30– that a novel set of TRPM2-expressing so-
mus, particularly highlighting the ventral 42 C). This begs the question: which matosensory neurons display a tempera-
portion of the medial POA (referred to neurons are sensitive to temperatures ture sensitivity range similar to that of
as VMPO in this study), dubbed the ‘‘shiv- outside of this range, and how are the the POAPACAP/BDNF neurons (Tan and
ering suppression center’’ or ‘‘heat-loss appropriate thermoregulatory responses McNaughton, 2016). This hints at the pos-
center.’’ A finer role for the POA was orchestrated under more extreme condi- sibility of a model in which these sensory
carved in the broad swath of thermo- tions? At almost the same time, a comple- neurons provide the necessary input to
regulatory responses that included auto- mentary paper identified a population of the POAPACAP/BDNF cells, directing heat
nomic thermoregulation (sweating, brown POA neurons expressing the tempera- loss and cold-seeking behavior.

Cell 167, September 22, 2016 ª 2016 Elsevier Inc. 43

terizing anatomical targets downstream
of these PACAP/BDNF neurons. Why
might there be separable projections
that contribute to different aspects?
Perhaps the advantage of the parallel-
effector organization within this homeo-
static circuit is that contextual information
can be integrated with motivated behav-
iors for thermoregulation. This study pro-
vides an exciting breakthrough that will
heat up the field of thermoregulation as
modern neuroscience approaches can
now more easily be applied.


Almeida, M.C., Steiner, A.A., Branco, L.G.S., and

Romanovsky, A.A. (2006). PLoS ONE 1, e1.
Almeida, M.C., Vizin, R.C.L., and Carrettiero, D.C.
(2015). Temperature (Austin) 2, 483–490.
Carlisle, H.J. (1969). J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 69,
Isenschmid, R., and Schnitzler, W. (1914). Arch.
Für Exp. Pathol. Pharmakol. 76, 202–223.
Morrison, S.F. (2016). F1000Res. 5, 880.
Figure 1. Characterizing Temperature-Sensitive Neurons and Their Role in Thermoregulation
(A) Warm-sensitive neurons were identified using ‘‘phosphoTRAP.’’ Mice were subjected to environmental Ran, C., Hoon, M.A., and Chen, X. (2016). Nat.
warmth followed by molecular profiling of activated (pS6+) neurons. This revealed a largely overlapping Neurosci. 19, 1201–1209.
population of PACAP/BDNF+ neurons in the ventromedial preoptic area (VMPO), the majority of which
Satinoff, E., and Rutstein, J. (1970). J. Comp. Phys-
were pS6+.
(B) Model indicating how the VMPOPACAP/BDNF neurons may integrate peripheral sensory temperature iol. Psychol. 71, 77–82.
information and orchestrate a reduction in core body temperature via multiple downstream effector Song, K., Wang, H., Kamm, G.B., Pohle, J.,
systems. de Castro Reis, F., Heppenstall, P., Wende, H.,
and Siemens, J. (2016). Science. Published online
August 25, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.
In conclusion, Tan and colleagues pro- netic handle that will enable study of these aaf7537.
vide direct evidence supporting ideas re- circuits, and an illustration of how this Tan, C.-H., and McNaughton, P.A. (2016). Nature
viewed by Shaun Morrison regarding the powerful ‘‘phosphoTrap’’ approach might 536, 460–463.
circuitry of warm-sensing POA projec- be generalized to a vast array of func- Tan, C.L., Cooke, E.K., Leib, D.E., Lin, Y.-C., Daly,
tions to the DMH (Almeida et al., 2006; tions. Indeed, this study promises to G.E., Zimmerman, C.A., Zachary, A., and Knight,
Morrison, 2016). They also provide a ge- launch new research directions, charac- Z.A. (2016). Cell 167, this issue, 47–59.

44 Cell 167, September 22, 2016

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