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( Support Installation, Ultra Pure Water (PPH) Piping and Chemical REVISION NO 2 Rev 1

Distribution System) DATE

Date: 13/07/2021


PREPARED BY : Approved by :

Legal Concern(Y/N)
Base Risk Analysis Residual Risk
Sr. No.




Activity Sub-Activity R /Non Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control Proposed Control


routine (NR)


1.Hit to property/humans damage 1.inspection of vehicle and documents
2.stuck in ground /fall o f vehicle in ground 2.vehicle accident and induction about logistic plan. 1.CONCERN SUPERVISOR SHOULD BE ALONG WITH THE VEHICLE .
Transport of material 3.overspeed 3.personal injury/fatal 2.Speed limit 10km/hr shoul be maintained by following proper logistic plan
1 VEHICLE MOVEMENT and vehicle entry by R 4.Overhead Obstruction 4.Hit to overhead Cable/Object 3.Induction about Logistic Plan 1 3 3 A
road 4.Overhead obstruction shall be identified and communicated

Y 3 3 9
a) Fall of material due to damage D- 1) Inspect all slings, D-shackle for any wear and tear 1. a) Ensure fitness certificate of F-15 & third party certificate of all lifting tools & tackles (Slings, D-shackles, pulley, wire rope
shackle,sling belt before its use . slings etc.) b) Visual inspected front/ back horn, limit switch, hook letch, SWL indicator of F-15 & maintain checklist.a) Safety
inducted, well experienced & trained worker/ supervisor / engineer for this activity. c) All rigging & slinging operations shall be
b) Improper assessment of load done by trained rigger man.
c) Injury due to fall of material on 2) check all safety devices for
person standing nearby its healthiness 2. a) F-15 shall be operated by only a competent & HMV licensed operator.
b) Supervisor shall ensure that no person is
d) Injury due to caught in between the coming / standing in the vicinity of the swing radius area
objects. 3) Never lift c) Do not stand below the Suspended load.
e) Collision of lifted material the load above the rated capacity of material . d) Working area to be barricaded with warning tape to avoid entry of unauthorized persons.
material shifting by

2 Loading and unloading
Hydra/ crane
NR with other material resulting in material fatal/body injury/ Property damage Y 4 4 15 e) Ensure PPE’s (e.g. Safety Shoes, Helmet, Hand gloves etc.) 4 2 4 A
damage. f)collapse of crane due to poor 3. a) Work to be done as per lifting plan.
ground condition. b) Eye test color blind test must
4) lifting machine and tool should be third party be done for operator.,area should be clear.
g)over head cable or obstructions inspected with validity. 5) all
h) Suspended Load Tag line should be tied to the lifting material. area should be barricated.
i) Line of tire arrange sign board 4a.material was stacked
j) Hit by Load properly.Providing stack guard to protect collapse the materials. Barricading the stacked materials and scrap area.Rolling
material should be provided with proper stopper
6) No one should be allowed to stand
below the lifted load.
1. Accident/ injury. 1. Use adequate PPE.
2. Back pain,sprain,etc. 3. 2. provide adequate manpower for lifting
Property damage. 4. of heavy loads.
Injury /property damage. 3. Training & instructions. on manual handling
5. Loss of property. 4. Use hand
1. Non-use of PPE. 6.cut injury gloves/ packing materials.
2. Inadequate manpower. 5. Remove protruding nails before handling. 1. Don't allow the person to lift more than 25 Kg for materials one place to other.
3. Lack of co-ordination in group effort. 6. Use proper lifting devices for good grip. 2.provide trolley for materils shifting.
4. Wrong body posture. 7. Fasten the item properly or 3. person handling the materials should fit to do work.
use suitable packing / container. 4. use proper hand gloves during materils handling.
5. Lifting error.
5. Before heavy materils lifting ( according to size ) arrange tarining .
3 Manual material handling Shifting of materials R 6. Sharp edges / corners / projecting parts / Y 3 4 12 2 3 6 A edge to be covered
protruding nails.
7.access should be free from obstruction
7. Slippery materials
8. Pallet should stop atumatically once released
8. Loose materials.
9.Use Stopper in slope area.
9.Poor Posture
10.Proper board should be placed it on unlevelled surface.
10.Ergonomic Hazard
11.Over reaching

1. Hot flying fragments, breaking of grinding, cutting 1. Electrocution 2. 1. Qualified Welder to be deployed for welding activity 1. Working platform will be provided with mid rail, hand rail, toe board, access and egress free from obstructions for work at height.
wheels. Weld flash 2. Trained, experienced & authorized gas cutter, grinder, 2. Prevention of fall of welding slag to be done by providing fire blanket or by restricting the personnel movement below the hot work area by deploying a fire
2. Explosion 3. Burn Injury brazer operator, etc. to be deployed for the applicable activity watcher, barricading the area below the activity, caution / warning signages.
3. Contact with Hot objects, rotating parts 4. Fire 3. Fire watcher and fire extinguisher should be present there .
4. Fall of person from height 5. 5. Head Injury 3.check the welding machine tags,earthing and rods. 4.barrication and working area should be isolated .
Fall of material & equipment's 4.check the powerline.and put fre watcher ,fire blanket 5.inspection on machine with tag should be present.
6. Welding return cable with clamp to be connected near to the welding spot.
and fire extinguisher.
7. Lighting will be provided for clear visibility
6. Exposure to Ultra violet, Infrared light rays 5. Safety helmet, Safety Shoes, Leather Hand Gloves, Face
8.Flammables shall be removed
6 HOT WORK Welding, Grinding, R 7. Hot work near combustible / flammable materials shield (grinding - shade-4, welding - shade-11) leather apron, Y 4 4 16 9.Fire Blanket shall be provided for overhead welding 1 4 4 Y
ear plugs, ear muffs, safety goggles to be used. Safety 10.Barrication & Signal is to be provided
harness to be used while working at height. and machine
guards are mantatory
6.PTW,LMRA & Checklist compliance

1. PTW should take pror to erection of work. 1. Any person working above 2m height shall beconsidered as working at height.
2. Ensure close supervision. 2. Ensure all personnel assigned to work at height arenot afraid of height and medically fit for heightworks.
3.Height pass shall implimentated. 3. Work shall not be allowed to be carried outstanding over wooden boxes; empty barrels andother make shift arrangements.
4. Work shall be carryed under the supoervision. 5. No 4. In case of any practical difficulties to provideproper working platform, safety harness with fallarrestors (self inertia reels) shall be installed andused.
obstruction should be made in the passage at height. 5. Temporary edge protection with top hand rails at aheight of 1.1mand mid rail at a height of 0.55 mand with toe board shall be installed in all
around the openings in floor slabs.
1. Fall from heights. 6. No loose meterials shall be placed at edged. 7. 6..For small openings floor covers shall be providedwith adequate strength. 7.Stop work at height in
2. Unsafe working platforms and working conditions. Proper housekeeping to be ensured. 8.trained high wind velocity. 8.Home made ladders not to be used, ladders with broken rug not to be used;
1. Head enjury.
Working &
2. Born francture. 3. scaffolder is allowedto erect. 9.use tags and
7 Working at heights Dismantling of R 3. Unsafe access/egress. barricate the area Y 4 4 16 1 4 4 Y
Lose of life.
Scaffolding scissor lift 4. Hit by the structure. 10.material should not be throwed 11.scaffolding
4. Drowing/hypothermia
5.Collapse of Scaffolding scheme should be followed tag shall be used
6.Fall Through Gap 7.machinery failure for erection and green for working.

13. ensure all safe elements

1.burn injury 2 approptiate PPE S to be provided only experience person only use
1.working with out PPE /unguard roating/moving parts 2 cut injury only 1. inspection of power tools and calibration sticker. 2. use
chipping & cutting& improper cable routed 3. major injury 4. elecrtrical shock poper tool for the job doing. 3. follow color coding.
8 FOR DIFFERENT R Y 2 2 4 To be discussed in specific TBT & Trainings & authorised card to be provived specific job purpose. 1 2 2 A
ACTIVITIES braffing 2.Electricity Slip & Trip Entanglement

a) Fall of material due to damage D-shackle,sling D-shackle for any wear and tear before its
1.Deployed trained and experienced crew.
belt use .
2.Provide proper training and instructions for the pipes laying activites.
b) Improper assessment of load
3.All equipements abd support properly inspected before start the work.
c) Injury due to fall of material on person 6) check all safety devices for its
4.Ensure piping material free from any damages.
standing nearby healthiness
5.Using proper appropriate ppe.
d) Injury due to caught in between the objects.
6.Area should be properly housekeeping and proper material stacking.
e) 7)
7. a) Ensure fitness certificate of F-15 & third party certificate of all lifting tools & tackles (Slings, D-shackles, pulley, wire rope slings etc.)
Collision of lifted material with other material Never lift the load above the rated capacity of material .
b) Visual inspected front/ back horn, limit switch, hook letch, SWL indicator of F-15 & maintain checklist.a) Safety inducted, well
resulting in material damage. f)collapse of
experienced & trained worker/ supervisor / engineer for this activity. c) All rigging & slinging operations shall be done by trained rigger
crane due to poor ground condition.
8) lifting machine and tool should be
1.Person injury. 8. a) F-15 shall be operated by only a competent & HMV licensed operator.
10 Laying of pipes Shifting,erection & Lifting R g)over head cable or obstructions third party inspected with validity. 9)
2.Damage to property. 3.First Y 3 3 9 b) Supervisor shall ensure that no person is coming / standing in the vicinity of the 2 3 6 A
h) Fall of material due to damage D-shackle,sling Tag line should be tied to the lifting material.
aid injuries swing radius area
c) Do not stand below the Suspended load.
i) Improper assessment of load
d) Working area to be barricaded with warning tape to avoid entry of unauthorized persons.
j) Injury due to fall of material on person 10) No one should be allowed to stand
e) Ensure PPE’s (e.g. Safety Shoes, Helmet, Hand gloves etc.)
standing nearby below the lifted load.
9. a) Work to be done as per lifting plan.
k) Injury due to caught in between the objects.
b) Eye test color blind test must be done for operator.,area should be clear.
l) 11) Area
Collision of lifted material with other material should be clear and barricaded with a caution board.
all area should be barricated.
resulting in material damage. m)collapse of 12) No person should be allowed
arrange sign board 4a.material was stacked properly.Providing stack
crane due to poor ground condition. in the swinging area of crane.
guard to protect collapse the materials. Barricading the stacked materials and scrap area.Rolling material should be provided with
13) before carrying of the lifting operation check the route
proper stopper
n)over head cable or obstructions that the material has to be lifted.
1.Submit MIPs 1. Electrocution 2. 1. Qualified Welder to be deployed for welding activity 1. Working platform will be provided with mid rail, hand rail, toe board, access and egress free from obstructions for work at height.
2.Fire. Weld flash 2. Trained, experienced & authorized gas cutter, grinder, 2. Prevention of fall of welding slag to be done by providing fire blanket or by restricting the personnel movement below the hot work area by
3.. Hot flying fragments, breaking of grinding, 3. Burn Injury brazer operator, etc. to be deployed for the applicable activity deploying a fire watcher, barricading the area below the activity, caution / warning signages. 3. Fire watcher and fire extinguisher
cutting wheels.Explosion 4. Fire should be present there . 4.barrication and working area
4. Contact with Hot objects, rotating parts 5. Head Injury 3.check the welding machine tags,earthing and rods. should be isolated . 5.for chemical use
6.allergy 4.check the powerline.and put fre watcher ,fire blanket MSDS should be attached and workers have to get the knowlege of the certain chemical.
5. Fall of person from height and fire extinguisher. 6. Welding return cable with clamp to be connected near to the welding spot.
6. Fall of material & equipment's 5. Safety helmet, Safety Shoes, Leather Hand Gloves, Face 7. Lighting will be provided for clear visibility
shield (grinding - shade-4, welding - shade-11) leather apron,
ear plugs, ear muffs, safety goggles to be used. Safety
Chemical usage and 7. Exposure to Ultra violet, Infrared light rays harness to be used while working at height. and machine
11 Jointing of pipe welding
R 8. Hot work near combustible / flammable guards are mantatory Y 2 4 8 1 4 4 Y

1. Hydro test test Area shall be barricaded and provide warning boards to prevent personnel entry.
2. Calibrated pressure gauges and Pressure safety valves only shall be used.
1. Prepare test procedure and obtain owner's approval.
3. Rating of fittings, pressure gauges, vent valves, gaskets shall be suitable for the test pressure.
2. Provide separate gauge for
4. Flanges and Plates shall be as per the line class.
pressurizing pump and piping / equipment .
5. All the temporary welding shall be performed by qualified welders and approved by Client QA/QC.
6. Ensure air vent provided at the highest elevation.
Check the calibration status of all pressure gauge, dead
7. Gradual filling of lines shall be done keeping vent to open.
weight testers and temperature recorders.
8. Ensure that the line is vented to remove air pockets before pressurization.
9. Pressure should be raised gradually under control to allow time for pipes to strain and time for personnel to check for leaks.
4. Take dial reading at suitable defined intervals and ensure
10. There shall be at least two pressure gauges, one at lowest point and another at the highest point in the system
most of them fall below 11 bar pressure of the gauge scale
1. Bursting of piping. 11. Hydro testing crew should not stay in the direction of the blind flanges to prevent injury in case of flange rapture.
12 range. 4 4 16
Hydro Testing Pressure Testing R 2. Collapse of tanks. 3. 1. May cause injury and prove fatal Y 12. All hoses/ piping/gaskets and connectors/clamps shall be of adequate rating to withstand pressure. 3 3 9 A
5. Provide safety relief valve.( set at pressure
Tanks flying off. 13. Whip lash arrestor shall be provided at hose connection.
slightly higher than test pressure )
14. Personnel shall not approach the system under high Pressure.
6. Ensure
15. Only essential and trained persons shall be allowed at the Hydro test work location
necessary precautions, stepwise increase in pressure ,
16. Access shall be free from any obstacle.
tightening of bolts/nuts, grouting, etc before and during
17. Supervisors shall be present at work location during hydro testing activities are done.
18.signage to be provided.
7. Keep the vents open before opening any
19.PTW to be followed for pressure testing
valve while draining out of water used for hydrotesting of
20. Vertical Line Shall be supported as per Horizontal line
21. Barrication of the entire area
22. Provide enough Signals
23. Provide alert system
1 Cut Injury
2 Non-use of PPE. 1 Area should be isolated.
3 Personnel injury due to sharp edged objects 1 Electrocution 1 Ensure job specific PPE’s are provided. 2 Provide supervision for monitoring the activity.
16 Housekeeping Housekeeping R 4 Dust 2 May sustain several cut injuries 2 Competent person should be allowing working Y 3 3 9 3 Confirm All PPEs are in good condition. 2 2 4 A
5 Wrong body posture. 4 Sprinkle water to suppress dust generation wherever possible
6 Electricity 5 Follow lock out / Tag out.

Person responsible for executing the Safe Work Method Statement

Name Designation EHS Representative Designation

I understand the risk controls listed above to be implemented to mitigate the identified hazards associated with the works to be undertaken.
Name Designation

Prepared by HSEM Name & Sign

Approved By TPL PM Name & Signature:

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