Peter Parkers Dimension

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Peter Parker's Dimension travel to emo city(Gotham) Buffonafuckary!

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Batman - All Media Types, DCU
(Comics), DCU, Spider-Man - All Media Types
Relationships: Batfamily Members & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Everyone, Peter
Parker & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Peter Parker & Duke Thomas, Peter
Parker & Damian Wayne
Characters: Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake,
Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain
Additional Tags: Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker is a Mess, Age Regression/De-
Aging, Dimension Travel, Attempt at Humor, Angst, Homelessness,
Smart Peter Parker, Peter Parker Acts Like a Spider, No Beta, we die like
bruce wayne's parents, Not Canon Compliant, more tags over the course
of the fanfic, BAMF Cassandra Cain, Crack Treated Seriously, Peter is
just a little depresso, Barbara Gordan is a(slight) mother figure, Sassy
Peter Parker, TW warnings every chapter :), Other Additional Tags to Be
Added, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, peter parker is not OP (sorry lol),
Slow Burn, sorta - Freeform, Peter Parker is So Done

Collections: the avengers///Justice League, Marvel x DC crossovers I read at 2 AM
, Bats Birds Bitches, Everything DC Comics
Stats: Published: 2024-02-27 Updated: 2024-04-10 Words: 19,915 Chapters:
Peter Parker's Dimension travel to emo city(Gotham)
by orphan_account


Peter gets sent to the DC universe and de-aged to 13 so now the bats have to deal with an
incredibly smart, 13 year old spider meta-human who is terrifying the shit balls out of
everyone by crawling on the walls. Set after no way home.


a mishmash of the Tom Holland Spiderman and a sprinkle of my head canons

(Discontinued mostly because it PHYSICALLY repulses me everytime I read it)


Hello!! this is my first proper fanfiction, this is for my own personal enjoyment so please
don't give me any shit in the comments but I don't mind if someone corrects my spelling, that
is actually appreciated, on that note, I hope you enjoy this <33

See the end of the work for more notes

This is why people should not touch or experiment on
exterritorial weapons from outer space!

Honestly with Peter’s luck, it seems like the universe likes to fuck him over in a new position
every second day and on the off chance something good does happen, it gets taken away from
him immediately. So coming back from patrol, he came across a loose piece of alien weapon
from the Vulture event (Which was like what? years ago at this point? How is this thing still
even here?).

He crawls back in through his window and this time makes sure his neighbor does not see
him and he has to do some intricate gaslighting bullshit(again),N̶o̶ w̶e̶ a̶r̶e̶ n̶o̶ t̶ d̶ i̶s̶c̶u̶s̶s̶i̶n̶g̶
h̶ o̶ w̶ h̶ e̶ h̶ a̶d̶ a̶ f̶u̶l̶ l̶ o̶ n̶ d̶ i̶s̶s̶o̶ c̶i̶a̶t̶ i̶o̶ n̶ e̶p̶i̶s̶o̶ d̶ e̶ f̶r̶o̶ m̶ h̶ o̶ w̶ t̶ e̶r̶r̶i̶f̶i̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ t̶ h̶ a̶t̶ w̶a̶s̶. He was
much more careful after that to say the least. After changing into some sweats and a
oversized hoodie, he promptly decided to use his big brain for some big brain thinking, he
starts disassembling the weapon which should be easier since it’s been years since the last
time he’s done this and has way more practice but nope, still a bitch to crack open.

He scowls and almost bangs his head against the wall a few times at yet again, another failure
of his. He continues anyways because he ain’t no quitter if he’s learned something, so there
he is at literally the buttcrack of dawn trying to disassemble this stupid thing to figure out
something at least and he sighs burying his head in his hands looking at the stupid piece of
glowing purple crystal before huffing. He holds the thing up and then just tries the good old
fashioned way of breaking it open with brute strength.

Now look.

If Peter was in the right headspace, he would’ve been more calm and collected like this and
definitely agreed that trying to break it open with his hands is frankly. A horrible and stupid
fucking idea. But he is not. Staying up for the past 82 hours a̶n̶d̶ g̶r̶i̶e̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ can do that to a
guy, h̶ e̶ j̶u̶s̶t̶ d̶ i̶d̶ n̶’t̶ w̶a̶n̶t̶ t̶ o̶ s̶e̶e̶ a̶u̶n̶t̶ m̶a̶y̶ d̶ y̶i̶n̶g̶ i̶n̶ h̶ i̶s̶ d̶ r̶e̶a̶m̶s̶ a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶. He was tired
and sloppy, He was just trying to pry this damn thing open.

Then that was it.

He didn’t expect it to be this way. He didn’t mean to. He really didn’t. The bright white and
the feeling of his atoms ripping apart and tearing themselves. He didn't think this would be
the end. It almost reminded him of when he dusted. The guy who fought Vulture, freaking
Thanos and had to make the whole universe forget who he is, die by a glowing purple rock,
funny isn’t it? He feels so numb but so in pain at the same time like every single pain
receptor on his body has flared up, like someone poured acid on you and then it goes black.

To be fair, Duke had the day patrol which meant he usually saw way less fucked up things
then say…Jason when he was patrolling at night in Crime alley but case in point, this was
still Gotham and you still saw fucked up things.

In this case, it was Duke spotting a kid in sweats and a shirt way too big passed out on the
sidewalk. Should he mention it was like the middle of the day? So immediately he assumed
the worst and thought that kid could have OD’d which would be not good at all so he sped on
over to the kid.

Peter groggily woke up to someone prodding at his side and shaking him slightly, his back
hurt like hell and would you look at that- he was on concrete, he looked up to see the guy
dressed up in a frankly way too bright yellow suit that practically blinded him.

“Hellooo- You good there, kid?”, the guy asked.

He slowly sat up and looked at him more clearly, realizing he was some superhero that he
definitely did not recognize and in all of his confusion and haziness, he blurted out, “Who are
you?”. He was then horrified at how squeaky his voice was.
“You…don’t recognize me? I’m Signal, famous vigilante, daytime hero?”, he said it like it
was obvious and Peter slowly shook his head.

“Well anyways, I had to make sure you were ok and nothing bad happened because this is
Gotham city, y’know?”, He grinned and then Peter realized how gloomy the weather was and
then he had to rewind back a few seconds, Gotham? What kind of emo ass city is that? He’s
never heard of a city called Gotham? And he would know, considering the fact he knew and
memorized every single city but not a single bell in his head rang out Gotham. Huh, that’s

“Well anyways- I’ve got to go now”, Peter said and had whiplash again at how squeaky his
voice was and quickly stood up but then The vigilante stopped him.

“Where are your parents? Or guardians.”, Signal stood with his hands on his hips and Peter
also realized how much more tiny he was compared to him. Or was he just tall? Peter felt like
he had some idea what happened to him physically but he really didn’t want to entertain that

“None of your business”, he tried to say intimidatingly but his squeaky rubber ducky
sounding voice really was not doing him any favors.

“Look, little man but I kinda have to know, protect Gotham citizens and there isn’t much
going on right no-”, He got cut off and it looked like he was listening to something (probably
had an earpiece), “-Never mind, just stay here? Would you? I’ll check back on you in a sec,

To be frank, Peter was just more shocked that he got called ‘little man’. The amount of
whiplash he was having was just too much.

Ok calm down, just analyze the situation. 3 unknowns. His Gotham and Signal, Gotham
seems to be a high-crime city from viewing the surroundings and the wording of Signal.
Signal is a daytime hero(vigilante?).
So he was just gonna hightail his ass out of there before he came back and he immediately
also realized he was barefoot and his clothes were way too big on him. They were the clothes
from last night. Peter promptly ignored the fact he was smaller and his voice was squeakier
hoping it wasn’t what he was thinking but the universe really just did like making everything
so much worse for him, didn’t it?

He had to waddle because the clothes were just that big. This was not good. There were just
too many unknowns, and usually, too many unknowns made bad things happen (but that was
saying that his life could get any worse). Peter just rolled up the cuffs of his pants and
tightened the drawstring, still drowning in the clothes but there wasn’t much to do. Well at
least the concrete wasn’t hot due to the gloomy weather of this so-called city but walking
around barefoot was still weird.

Well he guessed a good place to start about where he was would be a library. Peter started
walking and having a mission in his mind.

Find a library
I’m officially declaring Peter as a reddit/twitter kid
Chapter Summary

Peter has a fun time in the library :D

Chapter Notes

Warning: I think there might be like one single bad thought

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Well he can say one thing. His mission to find a library was going horribly wrong. People
usually reacted with 3 things when he asked them where the library was.

1. They screamed at him

2. They cussed at him (Usually a mix of option of 1 and 2)
3. Or they just ignored him

He couldn’t even go on the rooftop because he had no mask and yes he still had a hood on his
hoodie but he was not going to risk it. So he walked barefoot. So after a while of asking
people and no one answering him, he gives up and decides to suck it up and find it himself.

It takes him 3 hours of walking around barefoot to find the stupid library and by now? He’s
just grateful he even found one. His feet hurt from walking around on the streets and are
probably scraped by now (his healing factor will get rid of that quickly a̶ s̶m̶a̶l̶ l̶ d̶ a̶r̶k̶ p̶a̶r̶t̶
o̶ f̶ h̶ i̶m̶ w̶i̶s̶h̶ e̶d̶ i̶t̶ w̶o̶ u̶l̶ d̶ k̶e̶e̶p̶ o̶ n̶ h̶ u̶r̶t̶ i̶n̶g̶, h̶ e̶ d̶ e̶s̶e̶r̶v̶e̶d̶ i̶t̶ ) . He really needs some
shoes. He enters the library and by the entrance there's a bunch of pamphlets and he goes to
the front desk. There's a woman with wild red hair and glasses, she looks focused on her
computer rapidly typing away and looks up and smiles at him kindly.

Peter walks up to the front desk and suddenly feeling a bit more shy, “hi, could I use a
She has a nametag pinned to her chest, it says ‘Barbara’. She says,”You need a library card,
would you like to get one?”

“Uh yeah- sure, yeah, that’d be useful.”, he mumbles out.

“Right, email and address?”, She asks.

“Um…”, Peter can’t really say his address considering he’s in another dimension. Or email.

“It’s fine if you don’t have an address, I can give you a guest card but you won’t be able to
borrow books but you’ll be able to access the computers.”, she said with no judgment in her

Peter perks up and nods, “yup, I’d like that, thank you”. He reaches over the counter to grab
the card (he has to go on his tippy toes! His tippy toes! How embarrassing! God he is short
now). He runs off and the first thing he decides to do is find the nearest bathroom with a

He finds one at the side of the building and he walks in. He’s praying to god it isn’t what he
thinks it is- ah shit. Of course this would happen to him.

He’s 13 years old again!

He spends a good 15 minutes questioning his life decisions. Why did he have to be 13 again?
Wasn’t going through puberty once enough!? God, he was pretty sure he hadn’t even hit
puberty till he was like 15! Then when he was 15, he had a massive growth spurt and then
stopped when he was 6’1”, pretty sure spider genes helped with that. 13 was a painful time to
remember, he got bullied constantly for being the shortest in the class and having a squeaky
voice. To be honest, when he was 13 years old, he looked more like he was 9. God, this just
made everything 10 times worse. Stupid Parker luck.
He walks out feeling very annoyed and finds where the computers are, he hops on and opens
up google. He has so many questions. So many. First thing he does is try to log in to his
google account. It says it isn’t an existing account… What? He tries with another one and it
says the same thing and he tries again and again and it just says the same thing ‘Couldn’t find
your google account’. He gives up and starts searching up Ironman and nothing comes up…
Ok, he tries searching up Avengers and nothing again.

He tries searching up The Blip and nothing again.


Captain America.

Midtown High (it comes up with a school in Atlanta, Georgia?).

Tony Stark.

Nothing, absolutely nothing. He groans in frustration and rubs his hand over his wrist while
thinking and feels a small bump and he looks down at his wrist-

What the fuck

There’s a tiny bump with a small hole in it on his wrist, it’s barely noticeable. He carefully
presses on it and web shoots out and onto the computer screen.

What the fuck. What the actual fuck. Holy shit.

His eyes widened and he stared at the web for a good few seconds before trying to rip it off.
Woah this is strong.

He rips it off after a few moments of struggling which is surprising considering his super

Okay, you know what, that’s another issue for another day.

He sweeps that new information about his body to the back of his mind. Sorta like how you
sweep the information that you just learned in sex-ed to the back of your mind. He sighs
before perking up, why didn’t he think of it before? Social media! Always talking about the
biggest trends!

He opens up Twitter and Reddit looking through the trending and number 1 on the trending
list is…The Justice League? Right after that is Bruce Wayne? He clicks on the Justice League
first and it’s a group of men and women at a press conference. They’re all dressed in these
superhero costumes. The most noticeable one is a man dressed in dark and black clothes
contrasting against all the others dressed in blues and reds and yellows. He skips the Bruce
Wayne thing for now and clicks on the third most trending thing which is…The Flash and it’s
this man dressed in a red and yellow fit with a burger in his mouth posing at the camera with
a wide grin. It’s one of the heroes from the Justice League. The next one he clicks that’s
trending is Bruce Wayne, he looks through it and by the looks of it, he’s just some playboy
billionaire but after looking through it more he realizes that he does some really good
philanthropy work.

He scrolls around for a while and after a while he glances at the time and has to look back
twice to make sure he saw right. It was almost closing time, he shut down the computer and
pockets the library card into the pocket of his sweats and as he was getting up to leave, the
same lady who was at the front desk came strolling in on a wheelchair. Huh, he didn’t notice
that at first from over the counter.

Dammit I hate being short.

Barbara smiles at him, “Was just about to tell you it’s closing time”.
“Uh right, I should probably go now.”, he says awkwardly.

Barbara looks him up and down in an analytical way that makes Peter want to crawl onto the
wall and hide in a dark corner of a room just barely resisting the urge with a twitching of his
fingers, the lady then grabs her wallet from her pocket and hands him a 50$ note and he looks
up at her in confusion.

“Here take it, get yourself some shoes,” Barbara smiles at him and stuffs it in his hand before
rolling away before he can protest or give it back. Peter stares at the note and almost feels
like crying, he places it in his hoodie pocket and smiles to himself while walking out, he
grabs some pamphlets about ‘Dangers about living in Gotham’ and ‘Homeless shelters’ and
stuffs it into his hoodie pocket and gives a wave to Barbara while mouthing ‘Thank you’ .

Peter’s first thing he does is get some cheap shoes for 10$ and socks and underwear for
another 10$ (from the kiddy section because he was not lying when he said he was a tiny 13
year old) and also gets a backpack to place everything in for another 20$. He now has only
10$ left.

He places everything into his backpack(pamphlets, the 10$, underwear).

He decides to find some shelter before it becomes sundown and he can’t go to a homeless
shelter since they’ll call CPS and after a while of walking around, he finds an abandoned
warehouse, he is starving but he really doesn’t want to spend his last 10$ yet. He walks in
and it’s dark and dusty, surprisingly something inside him is very happy and buzzing at this.

He walks to the darkest corner and looks at the bump on his wrist(He doesn’t know what to
call it) and decides to test it, he presses on it and it shoots out a long strand of web.

He has a great idea.

He crawls onto the wall and into the corner and starts shooting web connecting it and after a
good 15 minutes, he is extremely exhausted but now has a bed made out of his biological
web that he shall now dub ‘web bed’. Great name, right? He crawls onto it and curls up into a
little ball falling into a deep sleep.

Chapter End Notes

Next chapter will be next week <<<3

A highly Arachnophobic Crime lord, A 13 year old doing illegal
activities, a sleep deprived teenager hallucinating Big Bird from
sesame street and a very confused vigilante.
Chapter Summary

I don't think there is anything triggering in here or any spelling mistakes but as always
tell me in the comments if I have. Anyhoo I hope you guys enjoy this chapter (IK i said I
would update this next week but like i could help myself :p)

Anyhoo onto the story >:3

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Peter somehow slept sound like a bug or well more like an arachnid if he thinks about it. His
stomach cramped and growls in hunger, he needs some food but he really doesn’t wanna
spend his last 10$ just yet. He crawls out of the bed and he needs to go to the library to make
some fake documents, he can persevere for a few more hours, right?

Jason was in the middle of a drug bust and one of the bastards got a lucky shot but the drug
bust had worked but he had to find shelter quickly to treat the bullet wound because it hit on
his stomach where his armor has a small gap for movement.

He quickly found shelter, it was a (hopefully)abandoned building.He broke the windows to

an abandoned warehouse and hopped in, he analyzed all the entrances and exits and went to a
dark and dusty corner where he wouldn’t be visible and have a good exit. He grabbed his
flashlight and turned it on and hooooly shit, what is that? What the actual fuck is that?
Above him was a massive nest of web stretched out big enough to probably fit a 2 whole
adult-sized humans on it comfortably. What the fuck. Jason was terrified. Who wouldn’t be?
What if there was a giant spider here? If there was then Jason was gonna have no hesitation
turning his ass around and diving out of the nearest window because like..come on? That’s

Jason immediately flashed his flashlight around looking for any giant spiders in a slight
panic, not to mention the blood loss was not helping him and just making him more delirious
by the second. Should he just call Dickhead and ask for some help? He is in Gotham, right?
Yeah, he is. Surely , asking for help would be better than getting eaten by a giant and ugly
spider. Right?

Ok let’s be logical…He can probably defeat the spider, it’s probably the size of a dog but still
that’s so fuckin’ weird. And terrifying. Well this kind of stuff does call for contacting the
others in case there actually is a bunch of dog-sized spiders in Gotham. The other’s can have
fun dealing with that while he’s just punching criminals and getting rid of drug rings. Much
more fun than dealing with spiders. Giving him the chills to think about. He bets the demon
brat will love that with all his affections about animals and everything. Yeah, he’ll just let the
demon brat deal with this. Speaking of, he has lost alot of blood, yup, time to call Dickhead
or the Replacement, either is fine at this point.

Meanwhile Peter was having a wonderful time hacking and doing multiple illegal things(it
distracted him from his increasing hunger) such as making fake documents on a library
computer completely unaware that someone had found his nest. He made a fake guardian, he
just used Tony Stark’s name for the guardian documents. Also a weird thing about this
universe was that it was a few years backwards compared to his own universe, maybe that’s
why he’s de-aged? Eh, it’s just a theory.

Anyways, Peter was having a great time doing many highly illegal things but then he felt his
spider senses tingle as his hairs raised(which is weird considering he’s in a library) and he
slowly creaked his head and made awkward eye contact with this teen, he had pale blue eyes
and black hair which was parted by the middle and reached to his ears giving him nice
looking bangs(Not even gonna lie, he was kinda cute but his spidey sense was giving him so
many danger signs in his head? he really didn’t look dangerous… yet). The teen was
watching his screen with fascination from his table. The teen had multiple papers and at least
5(empty?) monster energy cans on a table that the library had out for studying and such and
looked as if he was barely fighting the urge to pass out but was more fascinated by what was
going on his screen.

Right, he was forging illegal documents on a library computer…and he was 13 years old but
that still didn’t explain his spidey sense going off …He looked back at the teen and back at
his screen and slowly but awkwardly clicked the cross button and then got up as the teen
watched him deliriously(probably from a lack of sleep by the looks of it) and awkwardly
went to the exit of the library. Whatever, he had finished forging those documents anyway
and god, he is starving as well. Guess he’s gonna have to use his last 10$.

Right Tim isn’t sure if he’s hallucinating or not but he’s pretty sure he just saw a nine year
old forging illegal documents on a library computer. Damn, maybe Alfred was right when he
said he needed to get more sleep.

He stared at his paper and he swears he can see Big Bird from sesame street in the corner of
his eyes but everytime he looks up, he isn’t there. But he swears that Big Bird is watching
him, why won’t Dick ever believe him?!

Dick comes swiftly to Jason’s aid, he’s so proud of him! He asked for help! Dick landed
gracefully on the floor of the warehouse and had his ecrisma sticks out and buzzing just in
case as he looked around in the dark warehouse, there was a bright light shining and he
carefully walked towards it with his ecrisma sticks buzzing and crackling. He peeks and sees
jason with his shirt up with his hand examining a rapidly bleeding gunshot and a flashlight in
his mouth and his other hand pointing towards the corner of the room-

What is that? Oh god.

Above Jason was a massive web nest. What in god’s green natrual earth.
“Oi, someone over here rapidly bleeding out without proper equipment?”, Jason yelled to get
his attention.

Dick shook his head and snapped out of his daze and walked swiftly to Jason, he crouched
down and examined the bullet wound.

“Well little wing, I don’t have the equipment either so-”, He ripped a chunk of Jason’s leather
jacket and he looked at him offended(if that was even possible with the red helmet) as if he
didn’t have at least a dozen other spare jackets. He would know. He has seen the closet filled
with the exact. Same. Leather. Jacket. Anyways, he bunched up the leather jacket and passed
it to Jason, “-hold this to your stomach”

Jason grumbled but pressed it to his stomach while Dick quickly got a small sample of the

“And- I’m gonna have to carry you because you’ve probably lost too much blood to even
walk by now.”, Dick scooped Jason in his arms bridal style(he was gonna get Barbs to find
the camera recording of him holding Jason bridal style for blackmail purposes) and Jason let
out a squawk of indignation.

“Place me down, you circus freak! How can you even carry me?! I’m like bigger than B!”, he

“No can do, little wing and circus genes can make me do everything”, Dick said cheerily and
walked out and onto the street carrying him.

“You’re gonna ruin my street cred, you little shit!”, he squawked out.

“Ugh, fine, I’ll get off the street and public view”, he uses his grappling hook and shot it at a
large building swinging awkwardly, currently carrying the very large man to the batcave.

Dick and Jason enter the cave where Alfred is waiting in the med bay with everything set up.
He lays Jason on the bed cot and sighs. While Alfred treats Jason’s gun shot, Dick places the
web he was able to collect into the analyzer and he goes back to Jason and Alfred while
waiting for the analyzer to fully work its course.

“So, what even happened?”, Dick raised an eyebrow hopping on the bed cot with his legs
crossed next to Jason.

“Was just doin’ a drug bust”, Jason takes off his helmet, his domino mask underneath.

Dick hummed softly before looking at Alfred, “Bruce is still offworld at the moment, right?”

“Yes, Master Dick, He shall be arriving back in a week”, Alfred said while cleaning the blood
off Jason just a little after stitching him up.

In the distance, the batcomputer made a beeping noise and Dick got up quickly. The analyzer
had finished with the web and Dick clicked on the results and on the massive screen, it

57% jumping spider dna - 15% orb weaver - 10% brown recluse spider - 10% trapdoor
spider - 8% human dna

Well…That’s unexpected. Dick thought it would’ve been the same breed of spider but nope.
The strangest thing about this was that… There was human dna… Why would there be
human dna? Is this some fucked up experiment by someone? God, what if it’s like those man-
bats? That would be such a pain .
Well, there's no reports of giant spiders, and Dick is pretty sure if there was a freaky spider on
the loose that someone would’ve reported. So then, what was that?

Chapter End Notes

Jason delirious from blood loss seeing a huge ass web: YOOOO WHAT THE ACTUAL

cut to Peter humming peacefully in the library kicking his legs as his commits multiple
crimes in the span of an hour: >:)

Tim who is on his 6th can of monster energy and hallucinating big bird in the corner of
his eyes: Maybe I should get some sleep

ignore the pervious note idk how to get rid of it ANYWAYS I hope you guys enjoyed
this chapter, like this is CRAZY I have like 250 kudos already like whaaaat, you guys
are amazing

Edit : *cough cough* ummmm ignore the fact that I ACCIDENTALLY posted the
fourth chapter LMAO cuz i was supposed to post it tmr but I accidentally DIDNT so
sorry if I made any of yall think your phones were broken or sum shit
I think we are going to be making a 9 year old a millionaire…
Chapter Notes

Helloooo!! Um *cough cough* I may have accidentally posted this chapter before so if
u got a notif then IGNORE THAT, that was jus me be a bit of a dum-dum anyways I
HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY!! THis chapter might feel a bit like a filler chapter but idk i
rlly hope u guys enjoy it

Warnings: Uhhh probably just alot of swearing(Peter has a potty mouth) but thats aout it
IF I MISSED ANYTHING or spelt ANYTHING wrong then pls correct me in the
comment like I dont have a beta reader sooooooo

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Peter returned back to the library, he was pretty sure that this would be the last time he would
be coming here…hopefully at least. He waved to Barbara while entering and quickly went to
the farthest computer in the back after learning his lesson with the monster energy teen. He
had all the illegal documents to prove that ‘Tony Stark’ was a real man who was taking care
of Peter, he was even able to make a thick and decent history so it wouldn’t be obvious at
first glance if it was a fake person but any deeper then…Well he doesn’t have to worry about
that anyways. He doubts anyone will actually delve that deep…Probably…Hopefully.

He starts making blueprints for the arc reactor and sending emails to Waynetech™ to sell to
them and he’s typing away rapidly. He oddly felt like he was back with Mr Stark while
making those documents but he quickly shoved those thoughts to the back of his head. He
felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as his spidey sense goes up which is…
strange…There’s no danger here and he snaps his neck backwards and…There’s just some
man browsing through then why was his spidey sense going off so much? Maybe his trip to
this universe not only fucked him over with his age but broke his spidey sense too, he really
wasn’t kidding when he said that the universe liked to fuck him over in a new position
everyday. He looked away for a second back at his screen to close the tab and then back and

“So you’re the kid that Barbie has been talking about, huh?”, the man had a soft smile with
dimples looking at him curiously.

“You mean..Barbara? She…talks about me?”, he asked cautiously since his spidey sense was
still going haywire at the moment. He felt his hairs rising and he started getting sweaty

“Yeah! She says you're a great kid, smart too by the looks of it”, he smiled and gestured to
the blueprints on the computer.
Peter looked back at the screen and closed it, looking back at him raising an eyebrow as he
still really didn’t trust him due to his spidey senses, “What about it?”.

“Weeell, I’ve got a brother who you could definitely become friends with, geek out and all
that stuff. And with those kind of smarts, I bet you could get into a really nice school. Like
uh..Gotham academy.”, his body language didn’t show any hostility and he was relaxed.

“You mean the one who offers placements fully funded by Bruce Wayne?”,Peter raised an
eyebrow and Dick nodded.

His spidey sense then shot through the roof as the same monster energy walked towards the
man and the man gestured for the teen to come closer and he turned back towards Peter, “Ah,
sorry, never introduced myself, my name is Richard but call me Dick.”...Well his parents
must’ve been…interesting people.

Dick then glanced at his shoes and grinned at the batman kiddy shoes and Peter seriously
wanted to do something that would make the man seriously regret even thinking about
making fun of his shoes. It was really offensive to him.

So anyways Dick apparently knew monster energy teen and then said, “Well anyways, Tim,
this is Peter and Peter, this is Tim, anywho, I gotta talk to Barbara about the spider infestation
in the apartment.”, Dick was subtly talking about the web nest.

“Uh..Alright..”, Tim said awkwardly.

Peter looked up at him having to crane his neck all the way up. He was internally panicking
incase Tim noticed who he was which seemed like he hasn’t but he might later on.

“So…are you in primary school or something?”, Tim asked casually.

Peter’s jaw has never dropped so fast and has never been more offended in his life. He just
stared at him speechless. Seriously, fuck this universe and every other one out there.

“I’m 13…”, he whispers out softly feeling dazed because like…what the fuck.

“Oh…Yikes…I know how you feel bud, I looked 9 as well when I was 13”, he patted him on
the shoulder.

He blinked out of his daze as he gave ANOTHER insult saying he looked 9 before shaking
his head and asking, “Dick said you were all smart and stuff and I actually have some
questions about the multiverse theory?”.

Tim tilted his head before saying, “Well..Ask away, I’ll try and answer them to the best I can
but our knowledge of Multiverse is still pretty limited, we know it exists due to…reasons,
anyways what are you wondering?”

“So would-”

Dick walked to Barbara and smiled as he leaned on the front desk.

“Hey there, Barbs”, he leaned his chin on his hands propping his elbows up on the desk.

“Hey there, boy wonder, what’s so important that you need to come to my day job instead of
at the clocktower”, she smirked.

“Well, I had to make sure to take Tim outside, not just for case work or studying but actually
enjoying the outside world, y’know? And…I sent you the reports right? About the web?”

“Yeees, I got them but I didn’t go over them just yet and I was planning to do so when I got
to the clocktower.”, she opened the report and her face went into a slight ‘o’ shape.

“Oh…That’s why…You think it’s another case of the man-bat? But now like man-spider?”,
she asked softly lowering her voice and Dick nodded standing up straighter.

“Yup but it’s a theory for now…I need you to do a city sweep and see if you see anything that
could’ve made the webs. B hasn’t came back from an offworld mission so for now I’m in
charge of Gotham, Damian is benched, might unbench him to lighten the workload.”, he said
before saying, ”We’ll discuss it more at the clocktower but I just wanted to inform you about

She nodded and softly said to make sure no one heard, “I’ll do a city sweep then…I’ll give
you updates if I spot anything”

He nodded, “Well, I’mma grab Tim then and head out, alright?”, he smiled.

“Yeah, see you at the clocktower?”, he nodded before jogging back to Tim.

“I mean it has happened with the justice league quite a few times where they meet alternate
selves and such but…We haven’t made such advanced technology to achieve actual
dimension travel. We have to rely on magic which in a way is science that we just don’t
understa-”, Tim heard a loud ring from his phone that he knew was designated to important
things and he looked at the message. It was from Tam, it read Tim, there's a major update at
Waynetech, Lucius was talking to someone and we have the offer for blueprints, for
something that could place society years ahead, we’re gonna need you to head over right now
if you’re available.

Dick came in and grinned, “Well timmy, hope you 2 bonded-”

Tim cut him off, “I gotta go to the Wayne Tech building, could you drop me off, Dick?”.
“Is it that important? Today was supposed to be a day for you to relax and breathe fresh air
without working?”, Dick asked, raising an eyebrow.

“It is that important actually, so we have to head out now, it was good meeting you, Peter.
Ask Barbara for my number? Alright? See ya”, Tim grinned and waved while walking off.

“Y-yeah, I’ll do that”, Peter was in a slight daze from the fact he just realized he was talking
to Tim Drake-Wayne. The same Drake-Wayne he was currently selling an arc reactor
which(for some reason?) didn’t exist in this universe… Like was this universe really that
unadvanced? Jesus holy fuck, his luck was really that shit. Maybe if this universe was more
advanced he could’ve had a chance to go home but nope. How did he not realize that was
him? He was literally scrolling on his twitter a few days ago?

They both walked off quickly. Peter stood there watching f̶e̶e̶l̶ i̶n̶g̶ a̶ s̶o̶ f̶t̶ a̶c̶h̶ e̶ i̶n̶ h̶ i̶s̶ c̶h̶ e̶s̶t̶ .
Peter bit his tongue ignoring the bitter feeling(he didn’t deserve to feel that way, they
probably had their own life).

He sat back in his chair and sighed. Now all he had to do was wait. Peter hated waiting, i̶t̶ l̶ e̶t̶
n̶a̶s̶t̶ y̶ t̶ h̶ o̶ u̶g̶h̶ t̶ s̶ f̶e̶s̶t̶ e̶r̶ i̶n̶s̶i̶d̶ e̶ o̶ f̶ h̶ i̶s̶ a̶b̶o̶ u̶t̶ A̶u̶n̶t̶ M̶a̶y̶, M̶J̶, N̶e̶d̶ , T̶ o̶ n̶y̶ S̶t̶ a̶r̶k̶,
e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶o̶ n̶e̶ h̶ e̶ f̶a̶i̶l̶ e̶d̶ . He shook his head trying not to think about that. He felt his stomach
cramp in hunger and rumble. He was so hungry. He had barely gotten any food and he had a
fast metabolism. He was so hungry, dizzyingly hungry. He leaned his head on the table and
groaned out loud. He heard wheeling in the distance and turned his head seeing Barbara
approaching him with a tote bag. He smelt something delicious that seriously made him

“Y’know, I could hear your stomach rumbling from all the way from my desk. Got some
food, want some?”, she smiled cheekily.

“Noo, that’s your food, I don’t wanna steal it”, as much as he wanted it, he couldn’t just take
her food.

“Nope, I have enough for at least 3 people.”, she opened up the bag and he peeked inside
seeing 2 containers filled with chicken alfredo pasta with some broccoli, it was so tempting.

In the end he caved and ate with her ON THE AGREEMENT that he help her with the books
because sometimes, some books needed to go on high shelves and it was hard with her being
stuck on a wheelchair so Peter would help her. He felt so much better after he ate the pasta
but if he was gonna be honest, he felt like he could eat a whole thanksgiving dining table. But
he was still much more grateful for all the food and he felt a deep rumbling in his chest.

“Are you…purring?”, Barbara asked with a huge grin and Peter flushed so bright red.

“What-? No, I wasn’t purring, you must’ve been imagining it-”, he said quickly.

“I mean… if you say so.”, she said with a smirk, grabbing the plastic containers and placing
it back in the tote and rolled away before stopping for him, “Well are you gonna come with,
to help?”.
Peter quickly springed up and smiled walking with her to help her with the books. In general,
he thought it had been a pretty good day.

(He had to use a step stool because he was too short)

Chapter End Notes

Peter exists:

Barbara: This child needs sustenance and is too adorable for their own good


Peter having his peter tingle go off and looking suspiciously at Dick: Eh- My spidey
sense must be fucked up or something

Dick: *Is actually Nightwing and is triggering Peter's tingle and has his richie wayne
persona on* I'm am DEFINITELY not dangerous in ANY single way and cannot
incapacitate you in 78 different ways

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, it may not be as funny as my other chapters but
this is gonna help build up Peter in the future :D anyways I may start posting bi-weekly
but thats just a maybe ANYWAYS the next chapter update will be on liiike monday or
tuesday or sunday so jus letting ya'll know, next chapter will come out soon and I'm
actually very excited to post it!! Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this :D love u
If aint insomnia stopping me from sleeping then it’s THESE 3
Chapter Summary

Was veeery excited to post this chapter, I was planning to post it as soon as I got back
from school but I only got one hour of sleep so I like passed out immediately but
ANYWAYS here is the chapter :DDD

Anyways I really hope you guys enjoy this >:3

Chapter Notes

Check out end chapter notes for other stuff for a TW warning

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The first thing Peter did when he finally got the money from Wayne tech by selling the arc
reactor(he was a millionaire now, crazy) was he could FUCKING FINALLY make the
Spiderman suit!

He crawled around Gotham in a soft black hoodie(that he bought with his OWN money) and
he wasn’t feeling like a starved rat as well!!

It was just going too well , wasn’t it?

Stupid fucking Parker Luck fucking him up and over into oblivion(quite literally when he
travelled to a different dimension AND also once got dusted).

He turned in his bed feeling his spidey sense rocket up and he shot up in bed hearing
footsteps immediately halt and Peter carefully grabs his bag and breathes in slowly trying to
keep calm. Trying not to panic. He clutches his bag and slowly peers over the edge of his web
bed and sees…
oh my fucking god .

He thought he would’ve saw some homeless person who wanted to crash here as well or
something like that. Not 2 famous vigilantes who work alongside Batman and a fucking
crime lord who was rumored of working with Batman too. Nightwing, Red Hood and Red
Robin. They all looked at him analytically with their white-out lenses of their domino
lenses(or Red Hood’s helmet which seriously gave him the heebie-jeebies) that felt like they
were digging into his skin, in that same way that made him want to go into a dark corner and
hide there. They all immediately opened their flashlights and pointed it at him, they were all
frozen for a moment with shock as they saw him except for Red Hood. Peter froze as well.

He stared at them and his heart was racing, blood was pumping and his hairs were raised, his
palms felt too sweaty.

Within a blink he was racing out.

He heard several people yelling as he jumped off and he ran for his life. He ran through them
and Red Robin grabbed his hood and he bit down on their arm causing them to yelp and let

He ran and Nightwing pulled out both of his ecrisma sticks infront of him and he barely slid
right underneath feeling the curly tufts of his hair brush against the ecrisma stick’s electricity
crackle against his hair. He ran and Nightwing had somehow hopped onto the rafters of the
building which reminded Peter-

he had biological webbing

He used his webbing and hopped onto the rafters, hopping from each one, wooden splinters
digging into his skin and the other’s were also on the rafters behind him while Red Hood was
following from underneath. Peter was starting to get to the end of the building but then he felt
something prick the back of his neck and he felt sluggish but he could still run but he was
slower now.
He hopped down and onto the floor and he heard several squawks of disbelief but he couldn’t
focus on that. He only heard his mind saying get the fuck out of here and his heavy

He reached for the doorknob and-

A strong grip grabbed the back of his hoodie and pulled him back. The figure kicked the back
of his legs causing Peter to drop onto his knees. He peered his eyes behind seeing the large

Something in him said nuh uh, no fucking way, not today bitch .

He didn’t mean to punch him so hard.

He just may have turned around with his fist and accidentally didn’t hold back as much as he
should’ve and he may have punched the Red Hood so hard, he could probably hear the
cracking of the metal helmet from a street away. Red Hood got pushed onto the floor from
the impact and he laid there unconscious and Peter looked in slight shock, he looked up
seeing Nightwing and Red Robin looking in slight horror and shock before quickly hopping
down and Peter ran out.

He ran and ran.

He ran till he wasn’t sure where he was and just needed to get the fuck out and hid out in an
alleyway huddled up in a little ball, exhausted and tired and scared while shaking.

He stayed shivering at the cold weather of this stupid fucking, crazy, batshit insane city . He
went on in his head with several lines of curses that would have ruined the innocent minds of
many young children. Part of him, just a small selfish part of him, just wanted to go home.
H̶ e̶ j̶u̶s̶t̶ w̶a̶n̶t̶ e̶d̶ t̶ o̶ g̶o̶ h̶ o̶ m̶e̶, b̶u̶i̶l̶ d̶ l̶ e̶g̶o̶ s̶ w̶i̶t̶ h̶ N̶e̶d̶ , t̶ a̶l̶ k̶ t̶ o̶ A̶u̶n̶t̶ M̶a̶y̶ a̶n̶d̶ k̶i̶s̶s̶ M̶J̶
o̶ n̶e̶ l̶ a̶s̶t̶ t̶ i̶m̶e̶.

Jason woke up in the med bay and groaned, his head was spinning and everything was way
too fuckin’ bright.

“Ah- finally you’re awake!”, Jason heard Dick at his right and he groaned at his loud ass
voice and grumbled.

“Shut the fuck’ up dickhead”, his words were slightly slurred as he turned to face away from
him and into his pillow to avoid the bright light.

“Right, you have a concussion, probably should turn the light off”, Jason heard footsteps and
the bright fuckin’ light finally turned off and he groaned in relief before turning around.

“I have a concussion? ”, he asked in disbelief.

“Yup, we’ve deduced that the person was a kid and definitely a meta, Tim is pouring his heart
into that research.”, Dick said.

“Huh…We probably scared him..”, Jason thought out loud.

“We handled the situation…poorly. We shouldn’t have scared him so badly by chasing and he
looked tiny too. Fast but tiny. He’s 13 years old and his name is Peter. He has blue eyes and
brown hair and “4’1” feet.”, Dick said, looking away in the darkness.

“I’ll keep an eye out in the streets.”, Jason shut his eyes.

“Ah, ah, actually, you’re gonna be having a week of rest before going out, you have a pretty
bad concussion so no patrol and no looking at screens for at least 5 days.”, Dick said firmly,
crossing his arms.
“Fuck you, you ain’t Alfred”, Jason snarked.

“Fine, I’ll call over Alfred”, Dick said with a smirk barely visible in the darkness.

“Wait- nope, nevermind, I’ll stay in bed or whatever”, Jason grumbled feeling tired and
shutting his eyes feeling tired already.

“Right, I’m gonna talk to Tim…”, He stayed silent for a moment before softly adding, “love
you, little wing”.

Jason smiled softly in the darkness knowing Dick couldn’t see it and said back gruffly, “yeah,
yeah, love you too, big wing now get outta here”.

Dick grinned before quietly shutting the door.

Tim buried his head into his hands and he stared at the bandaged bite not thinking too much
of it. He looked back up at the screen continuing on writing the report as Dick came up
behind him with a small smile.

“I can’t Peter is the same guy who’s made the webs…He’s a meta, his powers include being
able to shoot spider webs, super-strength, fangs, a tolerance to the sleeping dart and perhaps a
6th sense? He shouldn’t have heard us, and he just woke up without us making a sound which
shouldn’t be possible so it’s most likely a 6th sense.”, Tim mumbled to Dick while staring at
the screen. Tim felt slightly woozy and dizzy but he thought it was just from a lack of sleep.

Oh if only he knew.
Tim scratched his arm where the bite mark was and grumbled. His stomach hurt and he felt
sick and sweaty. He sighed and looked over at Dick who was deep in thought, “We handled
this really bad, we scared Peter. We’re lucky we know him outside of the mission or we
would be pretty lost…”.

“We’re gonna have to investigate as civilians then.”, Tim brushed his hands through his hair.
He felt so exhausted…

Tim slowly got up, the dizziness getting worse and quickly collapsed as soon as he got up.
Dick quickly caught him.

“Woah, timbers, what happened, did you not sleep enough again?”, Dick raised and Tim’s
eyes were screwed shut as his breathing was slightly labored.

Tim shook his head numbly.

Dick quickly took him to a separate part of the med-bay where Jason wasn’t. He placed him
on a med-bed and unwrapped Tim’s arm carefully and gasped softly when he was the
bitemark where Peter bit him. It was swollen with bite marks but two mostly massive sized
canine bite marks were also visible. It was blackish and slightly oozing with pus. Gross.

Tim did get bitten by Peter. Is Peter…venomous? Crap, they didn’t even know if they had an
anti-venom against Peter’s venom, if they didn’t then they would need Peter’s venom to
make one.

Shit, shit, shit!

He needed to find that venom, how? Well…He did know Peter as a civilian.

Dick was already having a plan forming in his head, Dick was not going to let Tim get
killed,and since Bruce was offworld, he would have to figure this out himself h̶ e̶ c̶o̶ u̶l̶ d̶ n̶’t̶
h̶ a̶v̶e̶ a̶n̶o̶ t̶ h̶ e̶r̶ b̶r̶o̶ t̶ h̶ e̶r̶ b̶e̶ k̶i̶l̶ l̶ e̶d̶ b̶y̶ h̶ i̶s̶ u̶s̶e̶l̶ e̶s̶s̶n̶e̶s̶s̶.

Peter walked around dazedly and he had to search for another place to crash where there
would be no one. His hands were stuffed in the pockets of his thick and warm hoodie but it
still couldn’t protect him fully from the elements, blending in with the shadows as best as he
could and found police tape wrapped around a building that looked like it had been
abandoned years ago. Peter carefully crawled inside after opening a window as it creaked
slowly and crawling inside. He stepped inside, his batman kiddie shoes(yes he is still that
tiny) crunching some random shattered glass.

He peered around slowly, he could see perfectly in the dark and he brushed it off as another
new power. He looked around, everything looked like it would’ve been a pristine white room
if not for the thick layer of dust and slight dirt on everything. He realized…

This was a laboratory.

Oh my god.

This was a laboratory!

His nerves from before had immediately been replaced with excitement. He looked through
the cabinets and mostly everything was emptied out save for a few but there was still quite a
bit of supplies and somewhere he could properly work! He rummaged through them,
gathering them all and setting it on the counter. There were spare chemicals and tech pieces
littered around the area, he was very giddy to say the least. He had the money and now a
place to make the spiderman suit!

He just needed to buy supplies tomorrow and he’d be alright. He made a new web bed and
nestled himself into a nice dark corner right next to the exit with his backpack with him(RIP
to web bed 1.0, forever will be remembered in our hearts).
Chapter End Notes

TW: Panic attack(like kind of like I tried to keep it not too bad like I don't think it's that
accurate idk I tried keeping as light hearted as possible), swearing(peter has potty
mouth), poisoning, some sad talk, negative self talk but it's sorta a blink and you'll miss
it and if I missed anything then please tell me :)))

I was gonna these notes last chapter but I sorta forgot oopsies

Here is everyone’s ages just so you guys know(It aint that comic accurate fyi like just
mostly me doing whatever the fuck I want)-
Bruce- 52(he’s just a bit old)
Cass-21(I was so surprised when I learnt Cass is actually OLDER than Jason by 7
months cuz I searched it up which is…crazy)
Peter-13(he’s just the smallest one in the family hehe)

Hello guys(ignore the other chapter notes about the when im gonna update next, thats
from an old chapter, and I still dont know how to get rid of them) !! I hope you guys
enjoyed this ANYWAYS I was searching around and I came across THIS and it’s
basically a Fan-supported short film about Red Hood and stuff and I bet the creators
would really appreciate some donations, IT'S REALLY GOOD I SWEAR, just check it
for me <3
I just bit him! I did absolutely NOTHING wrong! I have my
right to silence! I plead the fifth!
Chapter Summary

Peter meets Damian and Nightwing yipppeeeee :DDDD

Anyways we're getting closer to the part of the story THAT IM SO EXCITED FOR
LIEK AHHDFAHJFAHKFHB anyways you guys are like CRAZY like almost 700
kudos like WHAAAAT like holy moly guacamole you guys r INSANE <<<3333

Chapter Notes

TW warning at the end notes and if i spelt anything or missed a TW then please tell me

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Peter woke up and today he needed to get(or order) the supplies for his spiderman suit. He
had quite a bit of stuff to order and he went to some shitty tech store and bought a laptop and
some shitty phone and not at some high-end store due to inconspicuousness and headed to the
library-they had wifi which he did not have. He picked up some lunch and started with
making the blueprints to his new spiderman suit after setting up his laptop. He was planning
to use a mix of nano tech and elements of the original suit since nanotech depressingly and
annoyingly did not exist in this universe.

He picked up some breakfast while heading to the library and waved at Barbara before
heading to a study table located in the corner of the library and placed his backpack next to
him. He ate his breakfast while making the blueprints, he felt the hairs on the back of his
neck slowly stand and he looked back. He raised an eyebrow not being able to see anyone, he
kept his eyes glued to his screen.

“Whoever’s there should come out, I know someone’s there”, Peter said while staring at his
screen. TO be perfectly honest, Peter’s bullshit intolerance level had been rapidly depleteing
ever since fuck knows when.
A light thump that Peter wouldn’t be able to notice unless he was trained heavily(which he
wasn’t) or a meta. His neck snapped to the noise and he met eyes with some other older kid.
He looked maybe a year or two older than Peter. Unnaturally green eyes, Peter was probably
up to his shoulder even IF THAT which proved how short he was when he was 13.

“You have a beyond-average sense of hearing if you knew I was there,” the teen said coldly,
glaring at him. Peter stared up at him

“Thank you..?”, Peter raised an eyebrow.

The boy hummed, staring him down, “How? You’re just some measly street boy, how did you

Peter whipped his head back to the guy, offended as hell(Seriously, first he got called a 9 year
old and now this?)

Peter said sassily,“And you’re just a prickly son of a bitch ”. To be fair, Peter had been having
a pretty shitty week, his bullshit level intake for the week was done and finished, zilch nada
and he was gonna be taking NO shit from a damn angsty, emo looking ass, 15 year old.

The boy looked at him shocked with wide eyes and an open mouth but quickly composed
himself before biting back, “Excuse me?! I’ll have you know that I-”

Peter’s spidey sense started flaring up badly , he turned his head and saw Dick except his
spider sense was flaring up much more then last time. Peter’s finger twitched as he was urged
to just web Dick up immediately because right now..?

Dick was flaring his spider sense as much as one of Peter’s rogues usually did and it was
making him feel very very uncomfortable but in all other aspects, Dick looked fine. Dick’s
body language was normal, it looked like he was completely fine, he wasn’t tense or closed
off for him.
Anyways the boy got cut off by Dick walking in, “Hey Damian! you met Peter, oh my god,
are you guys friends now?”

They both were about to snark at eachother but then saw Dick’s puppy eyed excitement at the
prospect of Damian making friends and shut their mouth gritting out a yes.

he grinned and Peter felt his hairs rising and his palms were sweaty as he rubbed them on his
pants and looked between the both of them. Damian, the teen who called him a damn ‘measly
street boy’ was making his spidey sense bounce around less then Dick was. Peter licked his
teeth feeling his tongue flicking over them.

“Right…”, Peter looked at Dick nervously, feeling impossibly small, dread clawing up his
throat and swirling in his stomach in an especially ugly way that he hadn’t felt ever since
with…Middle school anxiety. OH RIGHT, he was going through fucking puberty, again.

“Hey Dami, why don’t you help Barbara with the books?”, Dick suggested and at that Peter
just wanted to crumple into the deepest and darkest corner and hiss at anyone who came

Calm down, you can handle this guy even if something goes wrong, you’ll be fine.

“Alright then, Richard”, he said to Dick and then gave a damn side eye to Peter before

Peter twirled the fabric of the hem of his shirt in his fingers, he didn’t want to be alone with
Dick. It wasn’t the fact that his spidey sense felt like it was slamming at his head repeatedly
with a book like he was a cockroach but more of the fact, that even though his spidey senses
were telling him to get the fuck outta here that Dick was so normal like his body language
spoke that he was normal and nothing was wrong and it unsettled Peter. Peter, the guy who
was quite literally a man-spider!

Dick grinned and peered at Peter’s screen to which immediately, Peter slammed the laptop
shut and smiled at Dick nervously,”what you working on?”, Dick asked.
“I- Well-”, Peter thought of an excuse but then Dick said.

“Well?”, giving Peter no time to think of an excuse.

“School”, he said dumbly, HE WASN’T EVEN IN SCHOOL! He mentally slapped a hand to

his forehead in disbelief at that.

“School? Really? I see you in the library even during school times?”, Dick’s eyes narrowed
slightly but he kept that same smile plastered on his face.

“Uh- I just started- like- I haven’t even gone yet and I’m gonna start next week and- they just
told me this stuff to study for so I’m not behind-”, Peter was making up absolute bullshit on
the spot.

“So you took my advice and applied for a really good school?”, Dick grinned brightly.

Peter smiled hesitantly,”Y-yeah, sure”.

“Did you join Gotham academy?”, he grinned but it felt like he was prodding at Peter for him
to mess up.

“Yup, I did”

“Really? Why don’t you talk to Damian or Tim when you get there? I’ll tell my brothers to
help you on your first day, that school is huge ”, he leaned on a bookshelf.

“Ah- There’s no need!”, Peter quickly said.

“Mhm…Well anyways, I gotta talk to Barbs, talk to you soon, Peter”, he grinned walking
away leaving Peter feeling very worried.

He packed up his laptop and decided to head home. Leaving the library, as soon as he exited
he felt like someone was watching him, he looked around nervously gripping his backpack
hard, his shoes annoyingly were the fucking LOUDEST and squeakiest shoes(seriously, what
did he expect from batman kiddie shoes?).

He walked through Gotham nervously before feeling his spidey sense shoot up but he wasn’t
sure from where it was coming from thinking it was the same person watching him which
was wrong as he learned quickly. He was getting robbed . Seriously could his Parker luck just
not get worse for once?

His hood got grabbed(seriously this was the third time it was his hood that got grabbed
maybe he should invest in a sweater instead) and his small frame was thrown into a grimy
alley wall, Peter put his hands out to fight glaring hard at the man wearing some cheap dollar
store mask paired with a hoodie.

“Gimme all your shit”, he snarled, training a gun at Peter.

Peter was generally wiped out . This whole week had been so…crazy. He travelled
dimensions and landed in FUCK knows where, he had no money, spent a good three days
starving and freezing his asscheeks off, he got chased out of his web bed by three crazy
vigilantes, he was getting stalked right at the moment and now THIS SHIT.

“Man, can we just not..? I just wanna go home…”, Peter whined. Home? Did he even have a

“Nope, gimme all your shit right now, twerp”, the man stuffed the gun against his chest and
Peter wanted to seriously curl up into a little ball and just… cry. Like he needed a good 5
minutes to have a breakdown but apparently he can’t even have that! Add onto that he was in
his 13 year old self’s body and tiny as hell! Like why did he have to say twerp as well!
Could’ve robbed him without saying anything!
He was exhausted, tired, sad and wanted desperately to have a shower cause he felt like shit
but he didn’t have a shower and he would have to wait till morning to sneak into a gym to
have one.

He sighed and then pushed the gun out of his chest quickly while quickly swung his short leg
back and landed his foot right where the sun don’t shine as hard as possible. The man let out
a cut off grunt of pain before collapsing onto the floor on his knees holding his crotch.

He ain’t gonna be having no kids anytime soon, that’s for sure.

He was about to walk away but as soon as he turned away, he heard a light thump, similar to
that Damian guy’s landing but just slightly heavier but graceful. Peter turned his head and
faced…Ooooh fuckballs.

It was Nightwing…

Y’know, the same guy of which he punched his co-worker and bit another, and had a whole
chase scene with his kiddie batman shoes. Nightwing was kneeling on the floor placing a pair
of hand-cuffs on the guy who he had just kicked in the crotch.

Nightwing looked up at him, his domino lens covering up his eyes which didn’t really give
him much work to figure out what he was thinking. Peter’s tongue licked over his teeth,
flicking off the sharp point of his canines.

“You bit Red Robin.”, Nightwing said bluntly.

“I…did…What about it?”, Peter raised an eyebrow.

“What about it? What about it! My br- My co-worker is stuck in a cot, getting slowly
poisoned so do us both a favor and hand me your venom”, He said coldly stepping closer
with each word till he was right up infront of Peter’s face.
“What…are you talking about? I’m not venomous , the fuck are you on?”, Peter asked,
confused, rubbing the fabric of his hoodie inbetween his fingers as his hairs raised, feeling
his heart rate raising.

Nightwing’s white lenses narrowed before calming down, his shoulder’s slumping as he
sighed, rubbing his face before adding a small and tired, “...language”. Damn now Peter felt
real bad, this guy looked exhausted.

Fuck, why did he have to mess everything up? Peter was just a kid, a freakishly small one
with meta power but a kid nonetheless and he sounded genuine, he got scared(possibly
traumatized) by three different vigilantes chasing him and lashed out hurting Tim and Jason.
He needed to calm down.

He was scaring him, he relaxed his body and unclenched his fists stepping away.

“Fuck I’m a dumbass…”, he said softly under his breath before looking at Peter, “Peter, you
have fangs, you’re venomous, please give me some of your venom, I need to help my co-
worker” ,my brother was left unsaid due to privacy reasons.

Peter looked to a rain puddle on the floor opening his mouth examining his teeth flicking his
tongue over his teeth feeling the sharp canines, he didn’t have sharp but instead fucking
fangs, what the fuck.

First, the biological webbing and now fangs and now VENOM and that didn’t explain the
weird urges to hide in a dusty and dark corner sometimes! Wow, the universe was quite
literally fucking him over in a new position every. Damn. day. Peter felt like ripping his hair
out and just seriously going absolutely fucking feral with this new BS.
He looked up at nightwing and even beneath the domino mask, he looked desperate for the

“I…don’t know how to give my venom…I didn’t even know I was venomous…I can’t really
shoot it out…”, Peter said awkwardly.

Nightwing grimaced before saying,”well…I’d say we could do gland massage but that’s…too
slow or we could do…electro stimulation and it’ll cause your muscles to tense up and force
the venom out..”

Peter raised an eyebrow and said deadpan,” want to electrocute me? With your ecrisma

Nightwing rubbed the back of his neck before handing one of his ecrisma sticks to him, “You
can do it yourself, switch it on the lowest setting and you’ll be fine, just a tiny shock..”

Peter sighed holding the ecrisma stick to his stomach with the tube against his fangs before
clicking on the button and it sent a teeny tiny shock like when you touch someone and they
accidentally shock you. After a second, he looked at the tube and quite a bit of venom was in
it and he looked up at Nightwing who grinned, “Thanks…oh and before I leave I should
say…Batman doesn’t really like metas in Gotham so try to…avoid him”.

Peter nodded, handing his ecrisma stick and tube to him, his spidey sense had calmed down,
more like a whispering tendril in his mind hissing softly.

“Yeah..thanks and um..Sorry for biting your co-worker..?”, Peter said awkwardly.

“No problem and it was our fault anyways, we scared you in the middle of the night”

“Yeah, you scared the shit out of me”, Peter grumbled.

“Hey! language! Anyways I gotta bounce”, Nightwing grinned and then shot his grappling
hook shooting up in the air.

Peter watched as he disappeared saying a simple ‘huh’. H̶ e̶ w̶a̶s̶ a̶l̶ o̶ n̶e̶ a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶.

Chapter End Notes

TW: just some anxiety and that's it once again if I missed anything please tell me!! I
really dont want to accidentally trigger someone :( so tell meeeee!!

Damian: *insults Peter expecting Peter to not retaliate

Peter: And you're a FUGLY BITCH

Damian: *Gasps at smoll child swearing*


Peter: *gets robbed and is too tired for this bs*

Also Peter: *kicks a guy in the balls*

Anyways!! I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter and ooooh my god I'm so excited for
the future chapters because we're getting close to the juicy bits also ignore the other
chapter note like i dont know how to get rid of it yk I did a bunch of research on spiders
and found out that spiders can release if using electrostimulis(idk how to spell it lol)
Friendly neighborhood…what now? (part 1)
Chapter Summary


kicking my feet anyways my fellow fanfic readers, ENJOY!! :DDDDD

Chapter Notes

TW: nothing, just the usual swearing as always, pls tell me if I missed anything!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

This was Peter’s general routine written out on his notebook finally feeling like he had some
control back in his life.

1. Wake up and sneak into a gym to have a shower and brush my teeth and place clothes
in the laundry at the laundromat if there was too much of a pile in his room
2. Work on building the spiderman suit(Go to library and talk to Babs a bit as well or
work at the abandoned lab alone like a loser)
3. Eat lunch
4. Code the AI for Karen for my suit(why is it so complicated seriously like wtf)
5. Eat Dinner
6. Make the physical version of the suit and not coding like with fabric and nano tech
7. Keep doing that until I go sleep sleep

That had been Peter’s general routine, he had been doing it for a week now, apparently
Batman was back in town too and Nightwing did tell him he hates metas which means he’ll
probably hate Peter but it’s fine .

Peter is completely fine.

Peter was almost finished with his spiderman suit and at the moment he was at the
laundromat and he had to wash his clothes so fucking often. Because 13 year olds have
hormones and hormones make people sweat and he didn’t even have to do anything and by
the end of the day he would have sweat patches under his arms which like fuck being 13 , this
sucks like shit. It could be like 2 degrees celsius and he would still be sweating like

He walks in with some soft gray sweatpants in kids size and a black shirt(every single
fucking clothes he owns is for kids except for those oversized hoodies which he just drowns
in). He stops in front of a laundry with his clothes in his small bag and looks up at the man
next to him. He’s built like a brick and probably three times the height and size of Peter, he’s
wearing glasses and has a unruly white strand of hair in his black hair AND he’s also wearing
a black shirt and grey sweatpants w̶h̶ y̶ d̶ i̶d̶ h̶ e̶ l̶ o̶ o̶ k̶ s̶o̶ f̶a̶m̶i̶l̶ i̶a̶r̶?̶. He looks down at Peter
and Peter looks up at him at the same time. They have an awkward staring contest at
eachother before Peter turns away and quickly stuffs his clothes in the laundry and uses
detergent ignoring the strange nostalgia swirling through him.

Jason just came to clean his clothes because the safehouse he’s in currently doesn’t have a
damn washing machine. What he didn’t expect to see was a tiny tater tot, THE SAME ONE
which sucker punched Jason and KO'ed him with a single punch destroying his helmet and
giving him a damn concussion . He was actually pretty impressed with the kid being the half-
pint he was and being able to just KO Jason like that. To be fair, the only reason the kid was
able to punch him like that was because he had no idea that the kid was that strong or had the
balls to do it.

If the kid did it again? Jason could easily pin down or incaspicate him in 62 different ways
from anti-meta techniques he learnt from the B-man, the League and Roy, Artemis and Kory
and some he learnt himself(Yes, Jason was slightly petty that the half-pint sucker punched
him like that but c’mon, who wouldn’t?)

He stopped staring at the kid realizing he probably looked like a pedo staring at the kid like
that. He went back to his laundry, occasionally glancing at the short stack. He was wearing
kiddie batman shoes, Jason snorted internally at that

If the old man catches sight of this one, guess we’re gonna have a new addition to the family.
Look at the kid, Blue eyes, homeless, a meta, absolute prime adoption bait.

Something uncomfortable was stirring in him seeing the squirt just come here alone with no
one. He tried to ignore it but couldn’t help glancing at the kid to make sure the squirt was still
alive and not potentially kidnapped in the 5 seconds he looked away. When his laundry
finished, he really didn’t wanna leave the kid knowing this was crime alley and he was a kid,
worse a meta so he was prime kidnapping bait so he didn’t. Most of the time he let his clothes
dry at home but might as well use the dryer here.

He threw his clothes inside glancing at the kid waiting. He knew the kid was watching him
too, seeing the squirt pull quick glances every now and then Jason realized what he was
staring at. His guns, he always kept a few on him all the time just in case , y’know?

He had one strapped on his waist despite his casual clothes, he was wearing gray sweatpants
and a black shirt and lo and behold so was the kid. He then watched as the kid waddled over
to him awkwardly before asking-

“Why do you keep looking at me, sir?”, the squirt said with his hands on his hips and Jason
didn’t know whether to be impressed by the ballsiness of the kid or extremely concerned that
the kid approached him, the guy with a gun . What did Dickhead say the squirt’s name was?
Patrick? Paul? Something starting with P, right?

“Surprised a squirt like you came here alone in crime alley by yourself”, Jason said gruffly.

“Why is it called Crime Alley?”, the squirt tilted his head and Jason thought that the kid
looked alot like someone he couldn’t put his finger on.

“Don't know? Makes sense, you ain’t from here, are you?”, Jason snorted, he could tell he
wasn’t from here from just his accent.

“No..I’m from queens”, the squirt said.

“Look wherever you came from, better go back. Gotham is a shittier place than wherever ya
came from, you’re jus’ makin’ yourself a target, being a kid and a kid from queens too.”,
Jason bluntly said.

The half-pint was about to open their mouth but Jason cut them off, -“If you were from here,
you’d know it’s a stupid idea to rock up to a stranger and start talking to them, ‘specially one
who’s got a damn gun.”, Jason patted his hip showing off his custom red 9mm, it was one of
his favorite babies.

“I’m not an idiot and I can take care of myself and I definitely don’t need an old man to
lecture me on it”, the squirt snapped back.

Jason snorted, “You’re adorable”, he said sarcastically aimed at the sassiness of this small
child(also he was NOT that old! He just turned 21!) It reminded him of himself when he was
younger. Also Jason knew that the kid could probably take care of himself considering the
fact that the kid gave him a concussion the other day but it didn't mean he should be taking
care of himself.

The kid huffed and glared at him before crossing his arms waiting for his own laundry and it
finished and he emptied it out into his small bag and went over to the dryer section next to
Jason and shoved it in.

“Y’know kid, you remind me of someone”, Jason said bluntly.

“I’m not a kid”, the half-pint huffed.

“Whatever you say, squirt”, Jason rolled his eyes emptying out his own dryer and placing it
in the bucket. He stayed there and decided to wait for him.

“You aren’t gonna leave?”, the kid raised an eyebrow.

“Ain’t gonna let a kid walk himself in Crime alley”, Jason grunted out.

“I can take care of myself”, he bit back.

“Doesn’t mean you should, kid”., Jason looked down at him.

“Wow, you don’t have any self-preservational instincts”, Jason quirked up a smile.

They both waited in silence after that, Jason glancing up at Peter every once in a while until
Peter’s laundry was finished and Peter hauled it into a garbage bag and held it in his arm, his
head just peeking over the bag.

They both exited and Jason glared at anyone who looked at Peter wrong for a while before
the kid turned towards him.

“Um…I don’t really want you to know where I live but thanks for walking me so you can go
now..”, the kid said, peeking at him and Jason almost chuckled at the bluntness of the kid.

“Alright then, see you around…I never got your name actually, I’m Jay”, Jason said with a
small smile. He never actually did say his real name considering he was…well dead so he
just went by Jay, short and simple.

“It’s…Peter”, the kid cautiously said.

“Well see you around, half-pint!”, Jason loudly said before turning his heel hearing an
indignant squawk behind and he chuckled softly at it walking back to his own warehouse.

Peter wasn’t sure how long it had been since he had last slept but it was totally worth it . As
soon as he got back from the laundromat, he went straight to actually BUILDING and
making the suit. Sure he might be hearing just some strange noises that he wasn;t sure if he
was hallucinating or not but it was definitely worth it for the spiderman suit. The newer
model with his AI(Karen). It was a mix of nano-tech and his older spiderman suit.

All the pressure points of the suit had been replaced with nano tech including the spider
symbol on his chest such as the fingers, knuckles, elbows, knees AND he was able to make
the spider arms that extended from his back as well(He was very happy about that and was
going to exploit it to his FULL use). He unfortunately couldn’t make the whole thing out of
nanotech because he may be rich but he was nowhere near rich enough to make his full iron
spiderman suit.

He passed out right after that and onto the table flopped over snoring and drooling. Waking
up several hours later and he peeked at the time and saw it was pretty late at night and it was
2 AM. He must’ve passed out in the afternoon and been working on it all morning through
night and into the next day till the afternoon….oops.

To be fair he thought it had only been a few hours. He stood up and took a shaky breath,
slipping on the costume that was way too large at first before carefully patting the chest and it
recalibrated up to his size and it clung to his skin. It felt like he was placing on the suit for the
first time all over again.

He added some of his own adjustments to the suit like…claws and he made the spider legs
larger then before and he changed the mask of the suit to allow nano-tech if needed to shift
off his mouth, now knowing he had venom. He tested it out in the abandoned lab, the
nanotech shifting into the claws and back into normal finger tips and the spider legs slowly
unraveling from behind his back giving him the very nice and creepy vibe he was hoping to
scare the shit out of criminals with. He smiled deviously with glee and crawled out of the
window slipping on the mask, the eye lenses haywiring for a second before returning to

Peter crawled onto the roof and shot a web at the highest building finally, finally being able to
fly through the air again.

Chapter End Notes

AHHH i was actuals so excited to post this like i wonder if anyone noticed my very
VERY subtle foreshadowing, if anyone did, i'd love to hear theories :DDDD

as always, posting every 3 or 4 days <3333

Friendly neighborhood…what now? (Part 2)
Chapter Summary

Spiderman and Red Hood time BABY :D

Chapter Notes

ok so ive been a bit busy, I would've posted this chapter yesterday but I went out with
family to some food festival also this is a relatively short chapter and future chapters are
going to be longer(Trust me, they're in the works), I had this chapter sitting in google
docs but I myself like to keep ahead sooo yeah, next chapter will be up soon because
this is a small chapter, we're now getting into more juicier part(or well I am in my
google docs lmao).

Also WHAT THE HELL YOU GUYS LIKE- WHAT- I've gotten over 10k hits on this
thing like oh my god, you guys are crazy and I seriously love reading over your
comments :)))

Don't think there's anything that should be listed in the TW that I usually post at the end
notes but do tell me if I have missed anything...or spelt anything wrong or fucked up my
punctuation!! I don't have a beta reader soooo yuh

ANYWAYS onto the story :DDD

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jason was having a particularly shitty ass night if he was gonna be completely honest.
Everything and everyone was pissing him the fuck off and the green haze in the corner of his
vision was growing larger and larger. He got into another argument with Bruce and he
seriously needed to punch something…or someone. Point is he went on patrol to punch
something, the said something being the criminals he found.

Lucky for him, there was a drug bust going on, Tim was originally gonna have it handled but
Jason offered to take over for him saying he needed to quote on quote ‘release some steam’.
He grappled on over to the docks watching them from a ledge waiting for the perfect time to
come in before seeing something small movement in the corner of his eyes shifting through
the shadows at a fast pace close to the shipment. He leaned in closer, seeing the people in the
edges start getting taken out by something he couldn’t see properly from a distance,
thwipping them behind cargo ships and they just…disappeared somewhere for sure but they
just got pulled out of sight. He watched as the hidden shadow silently and effectively as well
might he had got rid of at least half the gang before anyone noticed.

He saw some panicking from the gang before seeing a figure from the streetlamp hop onto
the floor in the center of them all saying something before they started shooting something
out of his hand causing members to get stuck to walls and such.

Jason grinned under his mask watching the whole interaction wondering if he should hop in
or not. The person or…was that a kid? The person was very…small, child-sized almost but
his suit, he can tell from even a distance it was high quality like…batman-high quality. The
green in his vision curled at the fuckin’ mention of his name had his damn hand twitching to
his gun but he held back. Better to observe and watch what was going to happen. He needed
to know what this guy(or kid??) was like. He could tell from all the way up here that kid’s
fighting was to say in the nicest way possible…pretty shit. He had the strength and some
sixth sense?

He hopped down once everyone was out behind him with his hand resting on his holster. The
newbie turned around quickly and shot a web at him but Jason quickly leaned to the right, the
substance hitting the cargo next to him.

Peter shot a web at the person as he turned back but it missed them.

A red helmet .

Peter instantly recognized him from the night at the abandoned warehouse where he
accidentally punched a concussion into him but this guy didn’t know that! He just probably
thought he was some new guy…hopefully…Actually nevermind, he wouldn’t be too
surprised if this guy figured out who he was because as he said before and will say again for
the…5th time? The universe liked to really fuck him over hard in a new position every single

Peter glared at him through his mask, his eye lenses narrowing.

“Red Hood, what do you want?”, Peter asked.

“Just wanted to see the newbie I guess, y’know that the bats don’t really… like metas”, Red
Hood leaned on the nearest cargo.

The audacity of this man…Newbie? Like he got that he was in a new universe but in every
other aspect, that just felt wrong to say like with all the dumb shit he’s gone through. It was…
Familiar, he hadn’t been called that for a while e̶v̶e̶r̶ s̶i̶n̶c̶e̶ M̶r̶ S̶t̶ a̶r̶k̶ d̶ i̶e̶d̶ , n̶o̶ o̶ n̶e̶ c̶a̶l̶ l̶ e̶d̶
h̶ i̶m̶ ‘u̶n̶d̶ e̶r̶o̶ o̶ ’ o̶ r̶ ‘k̶i̶d̶ ’ .

“Thanks but you aren’t the first person to say that, what do you want?”, Peter raised an
eyebrow crossing his arms.

“Straight to the point, huh? For one, I wanna know what a kid is doing out here, that squeaky
ass voice or height ain’t doing you any favors either”, the robotic voice was staticy.

“None ya business, asshole”, Peter said sassily.

“Alrigh’ then ya little shit”, Red Hood crossed his arms before looking around the mass of
bodies, “You’re good at attacking but you’re stance at times can be real fucked up causing
you to slow down or be a bit too loud while you’re trying to be stealthy. You’re good but you
aren’t trained.”, Red Hood finished off bluntly.

Peter knew he was right…He didn’t have anyone to train him(unless you count the multiple
shitty combat videos he watched on youtube). He trained with the avengers once or twice but
he relied on his spidey sense and brute strength with a mix of putting his two brain cells
together to figure something out in the moment.
“I don’t need to be trained, I’ve gotten by just fine without it”, Peter mumbled.

Red Hood sighed, putting his hands on his hips thinking for a second, “Look kid, just think
about it? I’m not only saying this jus’ because you’re a kid, if you wanna be in the superhero
industry then you gotta be trained. If you aren’t, then you’re fucked and you’ll get killed,
trust me even people who are trained can get killed. Just….think about it?”, Red Hood asked
as his voice became slightly more quiet.

It would be good to be trained but he didn’t exactly…trust this guy considering he was a
known crime lord and then also he may or may not have given him a concussion by accident
but he didn’t have to know that (thank fucking jesus, god knows what a CRIME LORD
would do to him if he knew he had given him a concussion once).

“I’ll think about it..and I’ll tell you”, Peter said hesitantly.

Red Hood dug around in his utility belt and held a small device in his hand. It was a comm
link and Peter took it and examined it, “When you make up your mind or if you run into
trouble, just contact us through that, alright?”

“Uh sure…See you around?”, Peter started walking backwards and then shot off onto a
building pulling him up and through the air.

Peter sat on the edge of the building overlooking Gotham and pulled out the comm, he
examined it and realized something was off.

Why was it so big?

Peter’s use comms before but this? This is like larger than the average one. He traced his
finger against it finding the seam of the comm and popped it open and smirked seeing the
small little tracker located in it. He carefully plucked it out and examined it before crushing it
between his fingers.

Nuh uh, ain’t no one gonna be tracking ME.

Chapter End Notes

Hopefully the next chapter will be posted in two or 3 days, idk, I like staying
ahead(when it comes to writing fanfics , cant say the same 4 HW, shoutout to my math
teacher who I have like 6 chapter of textbook work to do and keep procrastinating

Anyways I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYEDDD this chapter(even if it was short), next
chapter coming out in the neeext, two or 3 days :))))
Chapter Summary

Peter runs into Signal again, Batfam places on their detective hats

Chapter Notes

ohhh myyy god, this chapter took so long to do because I had to edit it like a bazillion
times so I'd be satisfied with it and I can def say that I'm very satisfied with it, plot is
building in my google docs and its getting juicy there, I can say FOR SURE like

ANYWAYS I hope you guys enjoy this extra long and thick chapter, like its longer then
my average chapter(2000 words) and it's 2800 words I think to make up for my very
short last chapter, updates miiight be a bit slower considering chapters are getting longer
and I like keeping ahead :)

Anyhoo, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter :)))))

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Peter woke up feeling a bit better with himself, he went on patrol for the first time ever since
landing in this dimension. He feels useful again like he’s worth something. He lays in bed for
a while enjoying the bliss-

-Oh shit

He quickly shoots up in the web bed and quickly realizes, he told Dick he was gonna be
attending Gotham prep today…Welp, now he gotta do something about that.

He pulls out his laptop and searches up an enrollment form and reads over it. He does have
the money to enroll so he does.
And then realizes he has to do a test as well since he’s joining like mid-way in the year and
there’s a bunch of other students who want to join. He signs out using Tony Stark’s
identification as his legal guardian(it also asks for his clothing size, weirdly?) and there’s a
test he could attend today.

He quickly packs his bag and heads off to Gotham prep using google maps(which sucks at
directing him where to go) to find the damn school.

Duke was having quite a fine day. If it wasn’t for the fact his mind kept on replaying that
incident with that one kid who was passed out on the sidewalk. He kept on thinking of
whether or not that kid being on that sidewalk meant something. He was confused because
when he used his powers before to figure how the kid got there…There was nothing that
would show him how. It was just normal people walking and then bam! The kid was there! It
didn’t make sense.

Now call Duke lucky but imagine his surprise when he caught the same kid exiting out of a
bakery with a paper bag in hand with a batman backpack and holding a phone while walking
through Gotham. Bad, bad idea to walk through this area of Gotham looking so rich and with
your phone out. You were bound to get robbed. Hell, Duke went to Crime Alley once and he
got robbed almost 4 different times. In the same night as well!

He watched the kid for a while until he went into a more secluded area and hopped down
from the roof. The kid didn’t even look up from his phone and walked past him while saying,
“Glad to see you showed yourself.”

The kid was using google maps to go..somewhere, he didn’t spot where though. He just
looked in shock realizing the kid knew he was following him. Well- I mean- He was wearing
a bright yellow hero costume but he held some pride in his hiding skills and knowing a 9 year
old could spot was a hard punch to his ego.

He quickly composed himself and stood infront of the kid with his hands on his hips.
“I thought last time we met, I told you to stay put”, he frowned slightly, eyebrows creasing
slightly out of worry.

The kid just looked at him blankly before scrunching his face and saying with 0 hesitation,
“Why would I ever listen to you ? You aren’t my mom .”

Who let this sassy child out by himself?

Also Duke quickly noted he had a New York accent and stored it away in his brain. The kid
then tried again to walk past him and he tried blocking him but the kid swerved out of the
way and past him going into a park while Duke followed him flicking a tracker on him just in

“Because I’m a vigilante? And like you sorta have to..?”, Duke’s ego was slowly getting
shattered by a 9 year old .

“Says who? Are you even old enough to go to the bathroom without asking the teacher?”,
The kid snickered.

Well damn, this kid was so mean , are all kids like this? Jesus, if they were then he hoped
he’d never had kids. Duke huffed and stood in front of him and as intimidatingly as he could
and the kid just looked at him deadpan and he felt his ego wither away and fly into the

“Well, as the daytime hero, I have to protect Gotham’s civilians! And you are one of them so
infact you should listen to me.”, Duke grinned.

“So…Can I leave or what? I gotta be somewhere, and I can’t be late”, The kid raised an
eyebrow unamused. Duke shuffled on his feet slightly like seriously how was he getting
intimidated by a 9 year old ? He was Duke! The guy who started a whole gang! Who was
able to live through Zero year as a child. And he was getting intimidated by a child?
Absolutely not.
“Actually no , I still wanna know why you were passed out on the concrete in the middle of
the day?”, and why I couldn’t use my powers to figure out why was left unsaid for now.

The kid glared at him for a moment and then said bluntly, “if you don’t let me leave then I’m
gonna make you regret it”.

“Yeah right, what could a kid like you do to me?”, he smirked, crossing his arms. Big
mistake, big big mistake underestimating the kid. He swears he’s usually smarter than this.

The kid looked at him, challenging him before looking around at the fact that they were in a
park with a bunch of other young children and parents and only then did Duke realize what
he was about to do just a second too late .


oh crap

“Wait- no- no-”, in an instant all the mums were glaring at him and he swallowed hard. Well
shit. He’s usually smarter then this, in the split second he was distracted, the kid took off and
Duke really didn’t wanna stick around here anymore(or come back like ever). He shot his
grappling hook onto the nearest building and got his ass outta there.


The kid got away. Oh well, at least he got a tracker on him. He checked the tracker’s status
and it already said it was inactive and there was no signal.

Oh come on.
The little guy already found out about the tracker? And destroyed it? How..?

That little shit, Duke thought while grinning.

Peter snickered as he crushed the tiny tracker. He felt it as soon as Signal placed it on him.
He quickly headed to Gotham academy so he wouldn’t be late when he got there.

He entered and they quickly directed him to a large hall with a bunch of other students and he
slid into a seat silently waiting for the exam to begin. Within a few minutes the rest of the
remaining empty seats were filled with students and shortly after the exam began.

Peter read through the question in the reading time realizing just how easy this would be.
When writing time began, most students were going through each question in a full minute
which was average time for a normal 13 year old but Peter was a 17 year old who’s studied
with geniuses from around the world. He went through the questions quickly and was the first
person finished, he had to wait till everyone else was finished which took another hour in
which he sat in complete boredom.

The rest of the exams went the same way relatively, Peter finishing the question within 15
minutes and then waiting for another hour or 2 depending on which exam. The whole process
took 4 hours for 4 exams.

After that they finally took all the exams back and then let everyone out. Peter’s back ached
and he had the undying urge to lean back like a cat and crack his back, like sitting in a chair
for 4 hours was bound to do that, right? It was around 12 pm by that time considering they
started the exam in the butt crack of morning. He had some time to kill, he couldn’t go to the
library after telling them he was gonna start school today but he didn’t so…No library, he
decided to explore the city and find nice routes for patrol when he went out as spiderman
afterwards settling into a nice cafe with his laptop hacking into his documents and updating
them to make them look better and less prone to being found out they were fake.
Which might’ve looked strange to any random stranger but no one really cared that much
considering it was Gotham and everyone had their own issues to deal with but this was
Gotham so everyone else had their own shit to deal with.

Bruce stood in at a table with Cass, Steph, Dick and Damian with Barbara listening over
video call since she was in the clock tower at the moment(Duke was passed out due to his
day patrol and Jason simply didn’t want to come saying that Tim or Barbara could relay the
information back to him because he was quote ‘busy as fuck’).

“Alright, Peter Parker and Spiderman are the same person”, Bruce said bluntly.

“Yeah, I think we can all agree on that B. I mean a kid shows up in Gotham and has spider
powers and all of sudden we got this Spiderman guy?”, Dick adds in, he had his hand under
his chin looking at the screen with Peter and a frame of Spiderman side by side that Barbara
had gotten her hands on.

“Tim, Barbara, what do you both have on his identity?”, Bruce turns his head to face Tim.

Tim sucks in a deep breath and twitches slightly taking a sip from his coffee and even
Damian looks concerned at that before slowly saying, “Ok so like…here’s the thing…Peter
has a really well made but fake government file.”

“Like before Duke found him, he sorta…didn’t even exist”, Barbara added.

“His files are well made but there isn’t a single piece of camera footage, anything that traces
back from before Duke found Peter.”, Tim shrugged as his eye twitched.

“He sorta…just didn’t exist…Like anywhere .”, Barbara continues looking at Tim, slightly
worried by his twitching.
“It’s like…crazy! Not a single show of actual evidence that he existed before Duke found
him! His guardian? Definitely does not exist! No camera footage, no nothing, nuh uh, it’s…
impossible! No one can cover their tracks like that!”, Tim says.

He brings out a file and shoving it in their direction with wide eyes while slightly shaking.
Ok, Damian or Cass is gonna drug him right after this meeting. No doubts.

“And even more , guess what happened at Wayne Enterprises recently? We got this new and
highly advanced design for a ‘arc reactor’ made by guess who? Tony freakin’ Stark but Tony
Stark does not exist, oh no, no, no. Guess who actually made it? Most likely Peter! ”, Tim
slams the table breathing heavily as everyone looks at him very concerned.

“Hey Timbers-?”, Steph starts but is immediately cut off by Tim.

“No! Because I saw it with my own two eyes! I saw him making those damn government
files! I may have been hallucinating big bird but I saw that! So if he can make very well
made government files, he probably sure as shit made that damn Arc Reactor”, Tim
continued, slightly shaking from a lack of sleep.

“Language”, Both Dick and Bruce chime in, Bruce being the only one not looking concerned
about Tim and more exasperated than anything. Poor guy was gonna have gray hairs by the
end of this month.

Tim suddenly dropped onto the table right after, head first with a loud slam, everyone
whipped their heads around to see why.

“Finally, I’ve been waiting to do this”, Damian said looking down at Tim while holding an
empty needle. Tim was drugged, on the good stuff and completely passed out.

“Thank the lord, Damian. I was seriously getting concerned about him”, Steph sighed and
everyone seemed to agree with her.
“Well…anyways, at the moment, we need to find out where Peter came from. The only
people I could imagine which could possibly cover tracks this well or why Peter doesn’t
well… exist is because of the League but if he was from the league and you guys are also
saying he isn’t trained properly then…well, I genuinely am stumped. I don’t think anyone
other than the league can actually cover this kind of stuff up so well.”, Barbara continued as
Cass threw Tim over her shoulder and went quickly to place him to bed.

“Has anyone considered that maybe Peter was just living off-grid or something?”, Steph

“There still would be at least some camera footage of him coming into the city and
well..passing out. All I’ve got is the camera that first sights Peter glitching out and well…
Peter is there like magic, passed out.”, Barbara retorts.

Bruce grunted in response and Dick nudged his shoulder, “Ey! No grunting! You know the
rule! Only once per hour!”, Dick reprimanded him.

“I was thinking about talking to Peter.”, Bruce finally said instead of grunting.

Cass came back to her seat oddly fast and raised an eyebrow, “Just talking?”, she signed.

“Bruce…”, Dick started as Steph’s grin grew larger.

“Yes, Dick?”, Bruce turned to his eldest son.

“Bruce…You will not be interrogating a 13 year old child, we need to do this carefully
because this is a kid on the streets trying to fight crime without intensive training… In
Gotham ”, Dick said slowly as if talking to a child.

Bruce grunted and Dick decided to let it slide, this time since that was the best response he
would get.
“I say that we arrest the imbecile already”, Damian started and Dick sighed before turning to
Damian to explain why that was a bad idea.

That Peter kid is so gonna get adopted, Steph thought while looking at the screen of Peter
with those strangely familiar eyes. She couldn’t place where she remembered seeing them


Peter slipped out of the cafe after it closed and just sunset and hurried over to his ‘home’ so
he wouldn’t get mugged. As soon as he got home, he slipped on his suit and decided to go on
patrol, he stared at the comm that Red Hood gave him.

“Karen, can you connect this to my ear?”, Peter asked softly, holding the comm and the nano
tech shifted against his skin, slipping the comm under the suit and into his ear snuggly.

“Of course Peter, would you like to get on a line with Red Hood?”, Karen asked

“Yup, that would be nice.”, he said quickly as he crawled out of the window and it creaked as
he shut it. He’d made his choice, he’ll train with Red Hood, he’d need it anyways due to his
now smaller size which was more of a disadvantage now and his skills had become slightly
rusty. Point would be that it would be useful. He couldn’t always rely on his suit in case
something went wrong and he’d need to be prepared t̶ o̶ o̶ m̶a̶n̶y̶ b̶a̶d̶ t̶ h̶ i̶n̶g̶s̶ h̶ a̶p̶p̶e̶n̶e̶d̶
b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ h̶ e̶ w̶a̶s̶n̶’t̶ p̶r̶e̶p̶a̶r̶e̶d̶ .

The comm in his ear beeped, signaling it was connected as Peter was crawling up a building
onto the roof.

“Hello…?”, Peter asked timidly.

“Hey there, half-pint”, Red Hood and he felt something familiar like someone had called him
that recently but he couldn’t remember who. It was on the tip of his tongue.

He squawked at the nickname before yelling back, “it is not half-pint! It’s Spiderman!”.

“Yeah- Yeah, sure , alright, Spider man . If that’s what you say.”, Peter could hear the
smugness over the voice distortion and comm link which somehow made it even more
annoying. He grumbled a little before saying.

“So…About that offer…Is it still on the table?”, he heard several crashing noises over the
line before hearing Red Hood say.

“Yup, ya’ still wanna get trained?”, Peter raised an eyebrow.

“I mean yEAh”, his voice cracked. Oh god. He forgot the voice cracks.

He heard a snort from the other side of the line and he wanted to punch the Red Hood. Hard
and Again. Yeah, that would be satisfying.

“Fine then, meet me at the warehouse we busted the other night, be there in 30.”, Red hood
said curtly.

Oh boy, what did Peter just get himself into?

Chapter End Notes

I'm hoping to get the next chapter out by in the next 3 or 4 days :)

Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter alot, I sure did enjoy making it 4 sure :DDD
Chapter 10
Chapter Summary

new chapter yall

Chapter Notes

alrr guyys imma go on hiatus for a while cuz imma need to finish reading Robin:Tim
Drake cuz the next part of my story is sorta very Tim and Peter themed and I havent
finished it sooo yuh ANYWAYS ENJOY NEW CHAPTER

Peter had 30 minutes(which wasn’t much time or at least he thought but in 30 minutes, he
had managed to stop at least 3 muggings which is…just crazy). Peter hopped onto a roof
nearby the warehouse. He wasn’t a dumbass and he sure as fuck ain’t getting kidnapped
because he trusted this Red Hood guy too much h̶ e̶ w̶a̶s̶n̶’t̶ g̶o̶ n̶n̶a̶ t̶ r̶u̶s̶t̶ a̶n̶y̶o̶ n̶e̶ a̶f̶t̶ e̶r̶
w̶h̶ a̶t̶ h̶ a̶p̶p̶e̶n̶e̶d̶ t̶ o̶ A̶u̶n̶t̶ M̶a̶y̶.

He looked around the perimeters for any trap and there was nothing(hopefully). Carefully
entering through the roof, sticking to the ceiling and with his arms twisted back sticking to
the roof so he could see what was below and drop down fast if need be and saw Red Hood
looking straight at him.

His red helmet covering up all his emotions to Peter’s displeasure. He stared back at him
tilting his head.

Oh fuck no.

What the fuck was past Jason thinking when offering to train this twerp?

Seriously, what the fuck was he thinking?

The fact he didn’t scream when he saw the kid enter through the roof like that could’ve been
enough to make him pass out if not for it reminding him of how Dick contorted his body in
disgustingly flexible ways.

The kid was crawling in on the roof looking the fuckin’ ring girl! And the half-pint had the
nerve to tilt his head like he did nothing wrong? Like he didn’t give Jason the biggest heart
attack of his life?

He has never in his life been so fuckin’ grateful that he wore a helmet or else it would’ve
been clear as the Metropolis sky that he looked like he shitted his pants.

He swallowed hard and decided to ignore the fact he may have adopted the boy version of the
ring girl but who was sticky and could shoot webs out of his wrists. He was very much
regretting for even thinking the kid was adorable at any period of time.

“Alright, kid, get down from the ceiling, ain't gonna bite”, he was so glad to have a voice
distorter and to be frank, Jason was slightly more concerned that the kid was gonna bite him

The kid hopped down onto the floor as his lenses were narrowed much more than last time.
He looked up at him and holy shit, he just realized that this kid was so tiny. Wasn’t even up to
his shoulder, doubted the kid would be up to Damian’s shoulder either and Damian was the
shortest kid in the family.

Peter was unnerved about how the man just stared at him under the mask, his fingers
twitching to web up the guy already. He was already regretting his choice.

Why did he choose to do this?

He literally gave this guy a concussion of his life that he’d probably never forget. Which like
oopsies daisy but the guy kinda deserved it for ruining his beauty sleep.

Look, in his universe, the amount of sleep he usually got was 1 or 2 hours and that was even
if he got sleep that night and coming to this universe let him catch up so screw him for rining
his sleep, he was just a tired angsty young-adult stuffed into a child’s body thrown into a new
universe so excuse me for wanting some fucking sleep. That was not his fault anyways. He
refused to take blame.

He hopped down and stared at the man feeling slightly nervous, he had his whole suit which
would be a good advantage against the man but he didn’t know the man’s ability to fight and
this guy? He was setting off his alarm bells in his stomach. It made his stomach cramp up that
made him want to hurl out all the food he just ate onto the floor. It made him want to web up
the guy to wall and interrogate him till he knew what the fuck was happening but he
wouldn’t. That wouldn’t help him whatsoever and it pissed him off the lack of control he-

And he was spiraling again.

He turned his attention back to where he was and focused on Red Hood. Red Hood walked
around him almost examining him in a way before saying, “That’s one advanced as fuck suit
y’know, kid?”

“What about it, old man?”, Peter snarked back, his lenses narrowing further as his finger
twitched, feeling the nano-tech mold into claws.
“Some pretty impressive shit for a shortstack like you”, Red Hood stopped in front of him
and that stupid red helmet was again in his view. Was it wrong to feel a strong urge to break
the damn thing so he would never have to see it again? I̶t̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶r̶e̶m̶i̶n̶d̶ e̶d̶ ̶h̶ i̶m̶ ̶t̶ o̶ o̶ ̶m̶u̶c̶h̶
̶o̶ f̶ ̶M̶r̶ ̶S̶t̶ a̶r̶k̶’̶s̶ ̶h̶ e̶l̶ m̶e̶t̶ ,̶ ̶t̶ h̶ i̶s̶ ̶w̶h̶ o̶ l̶ e̶ ̶s̶i̶t̶ u̶a̶t̶ i̶o̶ n̶ ̶r̶e̶m̶i̶n̶d̶ e̶d̶ ̶h̶ i̶m̶ ̶o̶ f̶ ̶M̶r̶ ̶S̶t̶ a̶r̶k̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶ e̶
̶f̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶d̶ e̶s̶p̶i̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶ h̶ e̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶ i̶n̶g̶.̶

“Why? You jealous with your shitty ass leather jacket?”, to be honest, Peter wasn’t sure why
he was being so rude h̶ e̶ ̶c̶o̶ u̶l̶ d̶ n̶’̶t̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶ h̶ e̶ ̶s̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶s̶i̶t̶ u̶a̶t̶ i̶o̶ n̶ ̶l̶ i̶k̶e̶ ̶h̶ e̶ ̶d̶ i̶d̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶ h̶ ̶M̶r̶ ̶S̶t̶ a̶r̶k̶,̶
̶p̶e̶o̶ p̶l̶ e̶ ̶g̶o̶ t̶ ̶h̶ u̶r̶t̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶h̶ e̶ ̶g̶o̶ t̶ ̶t̶ o̶ o̶ ̶c̶l̶ o̶ s̶e̶ ̶t̶ o̶ ̶h̶ i̶m̶.̶ ̶

“Maybe I am, maybe I’m curious how a kid like you got your hands on that kind of shit but
oh well, we’re here to train you, not interrogate you. I’ll leave that to the bats.”, somehow
even through the voice distorter, he sounded smug.

“Well let’s start? Shall we? Show me your moves, we’ll get into a basic sparring match, no
weapons.”, Red Hood said.

Peter followed him over to a training mat and Red Hood gestured with his hand for him to
strike and Peter took a running start and-

And immediately got flipped hard onto his back. Jesus christ, this was embarrassing. He
groaned softly and his pain tolerance had gotten much lower and why did his spider sense
also go down?

Wonder if the de-aging thing did that.

He quickly got up and huffed.

This is gonna be annoying…

After multiple spars which ended with Peter being embarrassed with his lack of training(and
his decreased quick senses), a couple hours of vigorous training that left Peter on the floor
panting like a dog and his muscles ached(this dude took training seriously), Red Hood got
called away for some of his own personal business and Peter left the building and rested on a
tall building.

A guilty part of him wondered if he even wanted to go back to his own universe, he lost
everyone, he didn’t have anyone b̶u̶t̶ ̶d̶ i̶d̶ ̶h̶ e̶ ̶h̶ a̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶o̶ n̶e̶ ̶h̶ e̶r̶e̶ ̶e̶i̶t̶ h̶ e̶r̶?̶ Would it even
matter at the end of the day?

His legs were off the building and he sat on the edge of the building. He watched the shitty
city beneath him, swinging his legs, Gotham was just a more emo New York if he was gonna
be honest.

Part of him regretted choosing to train with Red Hood, it reminded him too much of his past
life. T̶ o̶ o̶ ̶m̶u̶c̶h̶ ̶o̶ f̶ ̶h̶ i̶s̶ ̶t̶ i̶m̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶ h̶ ̶M̶r̶ ̶S̶t̶ a̶r̶k̶.̶ He hurt too many people, t̶ o̶ o̶ ̶m̶a̶n̶y̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶ p̶l̶ e̶
̶d̶ i̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶o̶ f̶ ̶h̶ i̶m̶. This really wasn’t a good idea getting close to anyone.

P̶e̶o̶ p̶l̶ e̶ ̶d̶ i̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶o̶ f̶ ̶h̶ i̶m̶

P̶e̶o̶ p̶l̶ e̶ ̶d̶ i̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶o̶ f̶ ̶h̶ i̶m̶

P̶e̶o̶ p̶l̶ e̶ ̶d̶ i̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶o̶ f̶ ̶h̶ i̶m̶

A̶u̶n̶t̶ ̶M̶a̶y̶ ̶d̶ i̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶o̶ f̶ ̶h̶ i̶m̶

He rubbed his face, he was just exhausted. He didn’t have time to be tired or have a pity

He stuffed it all down and stood up brushing himself off. He raised his arm and shot a web,
swinging through the city.


“Alright, Spiderman is on the 3rd avenue in Old Gotham”, Barbara said into his ear. Damian
sped through the air with his grappling hook and swung through the air. The air whipping at
his face, a familiar feeling. He landed silently on a nearby rooftop to where Spiderman was,
father was hiding within the shadows.

Damian blended into the shadows as he watched the unknown vigilante, he watched the
unknown stand and use a strand attached to his wrist to swing from the building. Damian
followed him and took a sample of his webbing and followed him.

The unknown was fast but didn’t have that specific fluidness that trained individuals had.
Damian could see that his movements were slightly rough.

Oh well, that just made everything easier for him.

Peter felt that same eeriness in his stomach that someone was watching him as he hopped
from building to building. That same feeling when Damian was watching him in the library.
He turned his head and tried to look around in the shadows but whoever they were, they were
good at hiding.

He tried to lose them off his trail but he couldn’t so he decided to stop on a tall skyscraper
with nowhere to really hide.

“Look, whoever is there better come out.”, Peter said loudly.

There was just the smallest sound of a whoosh behind Peter that he only heard due to his
heightened senses. He whipped his head behind and saw…Oh great, it was Robin. Which
meant Batman was somewhere nearby…Probably…
Wait…Isn’t Batman always with Robin?…Then why can’t my spider sense him? Maybe it’s
because this Robin is older now..?

Peter felt not very reassured at that. He whipped his head around but saw no one. Ok, maybe
Batman wasn’t here..? Somehow Peter didn’t really believe that.

“Robin.”, Peter addressed him.

“Spiderbrat”, Robin’s whiteout eye lenses narrowed as did Peter’s.

Ok, if no one stopped them within the next 5 seconds.

There was gonna be a hissy cat fight.

And not the good looking kind either.

In Peter’s defense, it was sorta mutually agreed without needing to speak words there would
be a fight.

The both lunged at each other (Peter was hissing, wow he did not know he could hiss now).
They clawed at each other's faces and Peter was especially glad for the added claws to his
suit. They kicked and punched each other, getting lost in fighting each other.

A large thump behind them both interrupted them and Robin quickly stopped glancing at the
large shadow. Peter watched as he slunked away and placed himself next to the large shadow.
Peter swallowed hard.

He slowly turned his head to face the large shadow and immediately felt like shitting his

Awww hell naw, not today.

He saw the large figure of Batman and as soon as his eyes landed on him. To say his spidey
sense went and crashed into a fucking volcano would be a damn understatement. His spidey
sense ricocheted into a HUGE ball of anxiety that decided to use him like a punching bag.

“Oh fuck…Hey there, I’m the friendly neighborhood Spiderman, Mr Batman sir..?”, Peter
said awkwardly as Batman just stared into his soul.

He swallowed and wiped his hands on his thighs before realizing he was wearing gloves and
fuck his claws were out before a soothing and familiar voice was in his ear.
“Peter, calm down, your heartbeat is racing.”, Karen said into his ear.

Peter took a deep breath in, reigning back in his anxiety, he didn’t need to be nervous, this
was just some furry guy who fought crime a̶n̶d̶ ̶c̶o̶ u̶l̶ d̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶ b̶a̶b̶l̶ y̶ ̶b̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶ h̶ e̶ ̶l̶ i̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶p̶u̶l̶ p̶ ̶o̶ u̶t̶
̶o̶ f̶ ̶h̶ i̶m̶ ̶e̶s̶p̶e̶c̶i̶a̶l̶ l̶ y̶ ̶a̶f̶t̶ e̶r̶ ̶c̶o̶ n̶s̶i̶d̶ e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶R̶e̶d̶ ̶H̶ o̶ o̶ d̶ ’̶s̶ ̶t̶ r̶a̶i̶n̶i̶n̶g̶. He grinned under his
mask(even if his eye twitched slightly after hearing Robin say (“Spiderman? More like

After a few seconds of awkward eye contact, Batman grunted out, “Language”.

Holy shit, there was no way Batman actually just said language to him.

“What business do you have in my city?”, Batman continued gruffly.

A bit straight to the point

“I’m just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman, I just help all the little guys like muggings
and helping a lady cross the road or help a cat out of the tree.”, Peter put his hands on his hips
feeling so awfully short compared to Batman, like he was up to his mid-chest, if that.

Batman grunted and watched him for a few more minutes before growling out, “We’ll be
watching you.”.

Peter raised an eyebrow and placed his hands on his hips before saying back, “ok, furry.”

Robin scowled at him and Batman brought his hands to his face and looked to the sky in
exhaustion(hopefully questioning his strange life choices) and all the intimidation from
before was gone.

“It- It’s not a fur- You know what, nevermind”, Batman started before sighing and using his
grappling hook to leave and Robin leaving with him after he glared at him one last time.

Huh, that went better then expected.

*Possibly dead body* “Womp Womp”, “Dude, you just maybe
killed a guy”
Chapter Summary

Peter gets up to his usual shenanigans

Chapter Notes

ok so I'm gonna be posting this chapter and taking an actual break because I have Eid
this week and I'm celebrating with my family, I hopefully will be posting much more in
the holidays :DDD

Bruce kept himself from sighing from the multiple of his own children yelling into his year to
leave quote ‘the poor guy alone’.

“C’mon Bruce, I thought you agreed that we don’t need you to interrogate the poor guy.”,
Dick’s voice chimed in.

“Yeah Bruce! Don’t scare the little guy off! Fuck, we know we’ve done that a bunch already,
doesn’t need you to do it too!”, Jason smugly added on.

“Bruce, I swear on my father that if you scare that poor boy off that I will leak the skateboard
incident”, Barbara narrowed her eyes looking at the screen.

Bruce was going to ask some questions, some normal questions(a big fat lie) and he was
going to not be too scary. He swears.
He listened to the multiple voices reprimanding him in his ear(he actually just didn’t want
Barbara to release the skateboard incident). He gave in to his children and decided to leave
the case in their hands. He also needed to reprimand Damian again for picking a fight. His
children were going to be the reason he had a full hair of gray, hell he was already getting
gray hairs on the occasion.

He trusted his children, they were getting so old now. He was getting old too.

He grunted in affirmation choosing to leave Peter in the care of his children. They were old
enough to handle it. He was secretly so proud of them for being able to handle such serious
cases on their own.

Peter took a stop at the (24 hour conveniently)postal office, grabbing his mail and a package
surprisingly that he was meant to pick up yesterday but he didn’t, he shuffled through it, most
of it was junk mail but when he entered back into the lab and teared his mask off his face, it
was a letter from Gotham Academy.

He sat down on his web bed and carefully tore it open, slowly opening it and grinned widely
seeing what it said.

Tony Stark, we are glad to say that your child, Peter Parker has been accepted into Gotham

And boom, another thing to do checked off his list. He grabbed the package and slowly
teared through it with his claws and it was…A full set of the uniform. It had the school
sweater, 2 slacks, 2 shirts, a tie and the school blazer. Huh, this school has the whole package,
doesn’t it?

Well it better be, considering how damn expensive it was.

It was Sunday which meant…ugh, he had to start school tomorrow but it was so late and he
had to wake up early? Oh well, guess he would buy an energy drink or some coffee.

Peter quickly gets out of his spider suit and into some soft sweats and a tank top and passes
out right before blearily placing an alarm on his phone.

Blood on his hands, dripping onto the floor as he stared at it.

“What happened..?”, Aunt May asked softly.

“Nothing happened, you’re ok, you’re ok”, Peter choked out.

“Just need to catch my breath..”, Aunt May slowly said as Peter brushed her hair, his throat
felt too tight like a barbed wire was wrapped around it.

“I’m right here, I’m right here-”, Peter looked out for an ambulance.

Aunt May’s breath slowed and Peter’s lip pursed, it was getting harder to breath.

Not again, not again, not again-

“We’re ok, just me and you..”, Peter tried reassuring her but…

Her breathing stopped as her eyes got a far away look.

No- no-

“May..? May?”

God stop- no- no- no- Not again-

“Will you please look at me? Please?”, Peter’s throat hurt, this couldn’t be happening.

“What are you doing May? Please, can’t you just wake up and talk to me..?”

No- No- No- No-

Peter gasped as he shot up in bed, heart pounding and sweat beads on his face. He sat there
for a few moments relaying what just happened…It’s been a while since he’s gotten

He peered at the time on his phone and there was still half an hour till his alarm would go off.
He laughed slightly deliriously from the dream clutching his chest. He collapsed back in the
bed and continued laughing slightly before it slowly morphed into soft crying and choked out

He laid there till the alarm went off and sat up slowly, his chest feeling hollow. He changed
and went into the lab’s bathroom and used the sink to wash his face and brush his teeth. He
couldn’t bring himself to sneak into the gym to shower so the lab sink it was.

He changed into his uniform…and then promptly realized he had no supplies to bring to
school. Man, he was so unprepared. He was gonna have to take a quick stop to the nearest
stationary shop. He checked the acceptance letter and there was a list of supplies he had to
So much to do, so early in the morning and he had a shit night of sleep as well. He got used
to having 8 hours of sleep ever since coming here, he could go to sleep late and wake up in
the afternoon. He groaned as he slipped into his kiddie shoes, he would have to buy some
proper black leather shoes later.

He went to grab his web shooters before realizing he didn’t have web shooters because he
basically was a web shooter. He shook his head and then grabbed his bag and some old
protein bars and his small notepad…This would not be enough. He would need to go to some
stationary store and buy books for all his subjects and get a stationary set…

Ugh, this was so annoying.

Cassandra had decided on having a nice morning patrol, imagine her surprise finding Peter in
a Gotham Academy uniform walking into a stationary store.

She watched from outside from a rooftop as Peter entered and out of his view so she squat
down and decided to wait for Peter to come out. She watched Peter come out with a heavier
bag after 20 minutes and start walking in the direction of Gotham Academy.

She followed him as he went into…an alley ….in a Gotham Academy uniform….

She sighed and mentally berated the boy in her head.

Doesn't everyone know that going into an alleyway was the easiest way to get robbed?

And yet…Peter was walking into an alleyway…

How can someone be so stupid but so smart at the same time?

Actually you know what, nevermind, Tim is also like that.

Cassandra watched him go in and guess what happened?

Exactly what she said would happen.

Peter just wanted to go to school. Seriously, he had a shit morning and it was like the ass
crack of dawn. This was like the 2nd time he’d been robbed and it hadn’t even been a month!

He went through an alley because he didn’t want to circle the whole street just to get to the
bus stop on the other side so through the alley it was.

He felt someone grab his backpack and throw him into a wall. First it was the hood of his
jacket and now his backpack. He groaned, looking up and glaring at the man.

He had a stupid clown mask on and was wearing a worn down black hoodie.

“C’mon dude, it’s like the asscrack of dawn, can’t we do this like..another time?”, Peter said

The robber just looked at him slightly shocked before saying, “language kid!”

Peter just looked at him, dumbfounded.

Did that- did this guy- Did this guy seriously just language him? Even though he’s literally a

“I- are you serious?”, Peter raised an eyebrow.

“Ya kiss yer’ mother with that mouth?”, the clown said.

Peter just looked at him shocked.

Holy fucking shit, he wasn’t hallucinating, he actually said that.

“Y-you’re literally robbing me-”, Peter’s jaw was hanging.

“Don’t care, yer’ a kid, ya don’t get to swear…also hand over ya cash”, the clown guy said to
him in the most serious way.

“I- what?” , Peter looked at him shocked.

“Ya heard me. Hand over yer’ cash, all your stuff”, clown guy said.

“I….what? No-! ”, Peter was really running low on funds after paying for this stupid ass
school and making his suit which included nano-tech. He was going broke…again.

The clown guy- I shit you not- just whips out a gun after telling Peter to empty his pockets
and then flipping lecturing Peter after he said a swear word like he was a 5 year old!

What the actual fuck was happening?

“Hand it over, kid”, he says.

“I- no! Wha- no!”, Peter said.

“I don’t wanna hurt ya”

This guy had already hurt him. He hurt his ego .

“I- No- I’m still not handing it over!”, Peter yelled in his squeaky voice.

Now look, Peter wasn’t sure if this guy was high or drunk . Peter wouldn't be surprised if he
was, because next thing this guy does is try to pistol whip his head. Peter barely dodges and
without even realizing it, suddenly his fangs are lodged in the guy’s arm.

He quickly let go, and then realized-

-clown guy was on the floor and not moving

-oh my god, did Peter just kill a man?


Peter gently poked him with his foot but the guy didn’t move, he poked his arm to see the
bite mark and oh- that looked nasty . He bent down to check his pulse which was there,
thankfully but the guy still wasn’t moving.

Did his fangs do that?

Wait…Can Peter paralyze people now?

Holy shit, he just paralyzed this guy.

Oh fuckity- fuck- fuck-

Since when could he do that?

Peter bit and looked around…The guy would be fine if he left him here…right? He started
slowly backing away from the clown before hearing a thump and his back hit something

He slowly looked up and- oh shit-

It was Orphan.

How did he not…notice her?

Peter swallowed and quickly fumbled out, “not my fault-”.

Orphan looked at him incredulously before saying, “I was watching the whole time.”

Peter’s jaw dropped, “And you were just watching and- gonna let me get robbed-?”

Orphan smirked and shrugged, “Maybe, anyways, I need to take this man to the hospital, stay
Did this guy really think he was actually gonna stay here? Did all vigilantes think that if they
said something that people were automatically gonna listen to them?

He watched as she quickly grabbed the body and brushed past him before shooting a
grappling hook and lifting into the air.

Huh, that was…a really fucking weird start to the day.

Peter glanced at the time on his phone. He was gonna miss his bus- He quickly sprinted to the
bus stop but by then the bus was already gone.

“Fuck me..”

Some rando who was passed out on the floor and definitely drunk grumbled, “language-”
before promptly going limp again.

Seriously, what the fuck?

If only he saw the small tracker attached to his school coat from Orphan.
End Notes


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