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Assessment Task Cover Sheet

English Department

Assessment Title: Ethnicity in Dialogue Writing

Assessment Type & Weighting: Writing 5% Speaking and Listening 5%
Date Due:
Task Description

You will have been studying the rules of dialogue, looking at examples of dialogue occurring in a text and utilising
words other than said to describe a character’s speech. You will also have looked at texts which describe the difficulty
that foreign people face when they are learning new Australian customs.

Carlos (male) or Carla (female) has recently arrived from Italy. Plan, write and edit a dialogue (300 words) that
occurs when you explain one of the following concepts to them. Choose one of the following concepts:
 What to do when invited to a barbeque
 Ordering a meal at a restaurant
 Taking a driving lesson
 Asking for directions to a local place
You are also required to present this dialogue to an audience which can be negotiated with your teacher. See rubric
provided for allocation of grade.

Tips for a Higher Grade

* New line for a new speaker
* Use a comma to separate speech and the speaker
* Use words other than said
* Your foreign person would ask questions or could become confused. How will you simplify ideas for them in your

Marking Criteria Marks

1. Controls punctuation and dialogue conventions.
2. Consistently utilises correct words other than said.
3. Maintains an effective, chronological flow of ideas. Achieving
4. Questions asked by foreigner are answered clearly and succinctly. Well Above
5. When foreigner doesn’t understand, alternative answers are provided. Standard
6. Controls all spelling 8-10
7. Clear, flowing speech with adequate volume, pace, intonation and tone.
8. Consistent effective vibrant reading using enunciation to create a realistic “voice”.
9. Use of effective accent where required.
10. Adheres to descriptions of how characters speak.
1. Controls punctuation and dialogue conventions.
2. Often uses words other than said. Achieving
3. Chronological flow of ideas. Above
4. Questions asked by foreigner are answered clearly Standard
5. Controls most spelling
6. Clear, flowing speech with adequate volume, pace, intonation and tone. 8 - 6.5
7. Effective vibrant reading using enunciation to create a realistic “voice” although has
lapses in some areas.
8. Attempted use of accent where required.
9. Adheres to descriptions of how characters speak.
1. Mostly controls punctuation and dialogue conventions Achieving at
2. Attempts to use meaningful words other than said Standard
3. Chronological flow of ideas.
4. Questions asked by foreigner are mostly answered clearly 6.5 - 4.5
5. All simple words and some difficult words spelt correctly
6. Mostly flowing speech with adequate volume, pace, intonation and tone.
7. Attempts a realistic “voice”.
8. Attempted use of accent where required.
9. Mostly adheres to descriptions of how character’s spoken.
* If only reading to the teacher, the highest grade to be awarded is a “C”.
1. Errors in punctuation and dialogue. E.g the comma separating speech and speaker is
missing. Working
2. Only uses said to describe speech Toward
3. No chronological flow of ideas. Standard
4. Foreigner does not ask questions, merely listens to the guiding speaker
5. Most words spelt incorrectly 4.5 - 2.5
6. Inconsistent volume, pace, intonation and tone.
7. No attempt at a realistic voice; voice is monotonous.
8. No attempted accent.
9. Doesn’t follow descriptions of how characters speak.

1. Dialogue has started but is not complete.

2. Speaks too softly to be heard Not
3. Begins dialogue but doesn’t complete it. Demonstrate
4. Doesn’t follow descriptions of how characters speak. d
5. Not attempted
2.5 – 0

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