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9 '
/4 By Michele Novotni, PhD

THE SOCIAL IMPACT OF ADHD CAN TAKE A TOLL, not only in personal life, but also in the workplace.
Especially in this time of job loss and uncertainty, it would benefit everyone to be mindful of
the social challenges ADHD can sometimes present in the workplace.
Many times a job is spared or someone is promoted not just be- be compared to investing money. You might decide to not
cause of their workplace performance, but rather because of their invest your money right now. You have it under your mattress.
ability to form and maintain social relationships in the workplace. You are however still investing your money. You are choosing
Fortunately, there are strategies, structures, and supports to help to invest it at zero percent interest under your mattress. Or,
mitigate many social errors and missteps. It is also equally im- if you take your hands off a wheel and choose not to steer a
portant to lead with your strengths. moving boat, you are still responsible for the direction of the
boat. If you are not actively paying attention to relationships
Lead with your strengths in the workplace, you are less likely to be doing well—espe-
Everyone has strengths. Sometimes with ADHD there is so cially with ADHD onboard.
much emphasis on what is not working well that strengths are The Relationships generally require
overlooked or placed on the backburner. What strengths do you workplace work for individuals with ADHD to
bring to social relationships? What relationship skills have people IS manage well. Challenges with fluctuat-
acknowledged either in or out of workplace in the past? Are there ing attention span, impulsivity, and (at
ways to use those strengths more in the workplace? While it is a social times) hyperactivity generally need to
important to manage your challenges, it is also important to environment. be actively managed. It is understand-
exploit and build on your strengths. able that adding these social skills to job
Try this: performance skills feels like an additional burden. However, if
Each day intentionally set out to build or improve a workplace relationships are not managed well, your job per-
relationship at work though an area of your strength. formance may not matter as much as you think.
If you are kind, find a situation to demonstrate your
kindness. If you are funny, brighten someone’s day.


Look for an opportunity to shine each day. Social Challenges in the
Play the game Workplace for People with ADHD
How many times have we heard the following remarks: “I’m not
❯ Not recognizing importance ❯ Holding others hostage
going to play the game.” “I’m just going to do my job and that
of relationships at work with lateness
should be enough.” “My work should stand on its own.”
Unfortunately, the workplace IS a social environment. Un- ❯ Impulsive emails or texts ❯ Missing subtle cues—subtext
fortunately, the “game” IS going on. And ❯ Talking too much ❯ Interrupting people
unfortunately you ARE “playing.” You while working
❯ Not talking enough
just might be playing poorly or pas- ❯ Interrupting
sively, but you are in the game. It can ❯ Oversharing on social media in conversation

16 Attention
Check out the Job Accommodation Network
for more tips on workplace accommodations:

Pause before posting Interrupting

Impulsivity can create enormous challenges If you have ADHD, you might want to share a
in the workplace. Thanks to technology, thought as soon as it comes to you. In your en-
there are now methods of passing on infor- thusiasm, you could miss the social cues that let
mation in seconds. This is not necessarily you know that sharing that information now
good for those with ADHD who are working might not be a good idea. Interrupting people
hard to navigate social relationships. If you at work is often viewed as an annoyance. Peo-
are upset, it is never a good idea to instantly ple generally try to avoid annoying people and
send an email expressing your feelings. you don’t want that to happen to you.
Try this: Try this:
Take the time to create an email but If you see someone and want to share
do not include the intended recipient’s information or if you want to go to their office,
name in the email. Write your email try to stop and ask yourself, “Is this a good
and place it in your draft file. Wait at time?” Just like you have systems like checking
least a few hours, and better yet a day, and look over the for your keys and wallet, get in the habit of checking to see if
email again. This way, in the event you inadvertently hit the person is working or socializing before interrupting them.
send, the email will not go out since there is no address Sometimes an interruption is necessary, most of the time it is not.
included. Many an email has gone out unfiltered and
Interrupting others in a conversation is a common ADHD
fractured relationships.
trait. Interrupting is also on the list of social skill errors.
When writing an email or a text, assume that it will or at While you might interrupt because you are afraid you will
least could be re-sent. It is all too easy to forward an email. In forget what you want to say, or because you get caught up
the workplace, this is very common. If you always write them in the excitement of the moment, people often feel that you
with that in mind, it may help you avoid a few landmines. are rude when you interrupt. They might feel like you don’t
Facebook is not confidential. Although Facebook is a form value what they are saying.
of social media, it is not just social and isolated from work Try this:
and work relationships. Facebook is also viewed or could be Have a notebook handy to jot down things you want to
viewed by people from your workplace, too. You don’t need say if you are on a conference call or in a meeting where
a permanent record of a fleeting thought or a private look at it wouldn’t look unusual.
your social life. That goes for Twitter too. If you must interrupt, let the person know that you don’t
Try this: want to permanently interrupt, but could they please help
Only post things on Facebook that you wouldn’t be you remember to ask them about whatever it is you want
embarrassed to have your boss or your employees see. to say. This way you are interrupting a little, but also still
Use face-to-face or phone conversations for private honoring the person who is speaking.
or personal matters.

April 2011 17
Late again When in doubt about what to say,
Running late is common for individ
id u- asking a question about the other
als with ADHD. Time management nt iis person will usually save the day. Most
also a relationship management iss issue.
ue folks enjoy talking about themselves.
Running late is a quick way to frustrarate
ra te
Subtext and picking up social cues
and alienate relationships. It can even
ve n
It would be great if people always
cost you your job. One of my clienclients
en ts
said exactly what they meant. It is
was fired for lateness even though he
difficult enough for individuals with
was an outstanding employee. It wa was
ADHD to hear all that is said. In the
demoralizing to the team to have h himim
workplace, more often in than non-
arrive whenever he pleased.
work environments, people often
When you are late at the wor work-
drop subtle hints and clues. Office
place, others often take it person on-
speak is often dialed back due to oth-
ally. In addition to thinking that yyou ou
ers’ navigating relationships—play-
don’t take your job seriously, to them em
ing the game.
it could also means you don’t valu value
Individuals with ADHD need to
their time. Whatever you wanted d to
develop ways to not only hear what is
do was more important
po than
to yyou thahan
ha n
said, but to also pay attention to the
what they wanted to do. You are hold
ho ld-
btle clues
lu that
ha would
uld let
le them
th kknow
ing them hostage waiting for you you.
ou.. It
if what was said
sa is actually what is meant.
may also leave others picking up the the sslack. None of these
are endearing qualities for building
ng sucsuccessful
ucce relationships.
cessful rela
lationships. Try this:
Try checking
ng your understanding of a meeting or
Try this:
conversati tion with someone who seems to navigate
Redefine your concept of “on time
me.” F
For most,t, if you
relationshipsip well. Run your understanding by them
have a nine o’clock meeting you wowoul
uld aim to be at
to see if th
at is also their understanding.
the meeting at nine o’clock. Cha
nge yo
Change your targe
get to at
least ten minutes ahead. Plan to bbe at the nin
ine o’clock
nine Watch part
part of a television show that is prerecorded
meeting at eight-fifty. Bring som
om ethi
hing to do, or better
something without sound.
soun By only looking at the faces and body
yet, plan to connect with people aand
nd build rel
relationships languagege,, see
language, se what you can pick up. Replay that section
in the few minutes before the me
meeting. and checkk your
yo accuracy. Replay a few times if needed
to see what
hatt you might have missed.
If the meeting
ng involves travel,
el, ad
add d ad
additi al time
additional im to
you arrival. Allowing an eextxtra
extrara thirty mi
minutes can
your team?
Who is on your
save you in the event of a ttra
ra ffic delay.
Y ou are want to work with an ADHD coach or psy-
You may want
playying i
chologist to improve your ability to navigate relation-
Talking too much or too lilitt
the wo
ships. This would be especially important if you have
Regulating speech can ofofte
ten feel like a full-time
game.” en alerted that there are concerns about your
already been
job for individuals with A
ADHDHD. Somee have been
performancnce and need to make changes as quickly as
accused of talking too much,
uc h, w
while oth
thers for not
Th er are also a few books available as well as
possible. There
jumping in enough.
rs on
teleseminars o the topic to help.
Try this if you talk too much:
It’s difficult to build and maintain
nt ain relationships
ships if you It’s worth it
use monologues rather than dia dialogues.
ia gues. Use a vibrating
logu relatio
Good relationships in the workplace can translate into
settingg on your
y cell p phone orr watch
wa tch to cue
ue yyou every
ry more money ey for
f you and your employer—and more job
few minutes to remind you
you to stop talking.
lking. security It’s
security. ’s probably
p worth the extra time and energy
Consider askingg someone
meone you
so yo trust to pl the game well. You might even find a few
to learn to play
prompt you with a glance,
glance, pen tap or even alon
ong the way. ●
friends along A

a foot stomp if you

u are
ar headed
he over
o the line.
Michele Novotni, PhD, is the author
Try this if you don’t
do n’tt talk
lk enough: of What Does Everybody Else Know
You may want to prprep
ep lan a few in
la interesting That I Don’t? (Specialty Press, 1999).
comments to insert inn advance.
ad vance. Current
urrent A past president of the Attention Deficit
ex perien
pe ences add
events or interesting experiences d to Disorder Association, she is a psychologist
building relationships. and ADHD coach in Wayne, Pennsylvania.


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