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commonly called ‘internal dialogue’ or ‘self-talk’.

This is
simply the way that you talk to yourself inside your head.

Most people are talking to themselves all day long. But

most people are talking NEGATIVELY to themselves

instead of talking POSITIVELY. Negative self-talk is, in my

opinion, one of the primary causes of low self-esteem,

giving up, and a lack of interest in even trying.

If you tell yourself something enough times, you’ll

begin to BELIEVE it. This new belief will take on a mind of its
own and start creating its own self-talk.

Most people who have negative beliefs also have

negative self-talk that creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. If

this is you, STOP RIGHT NOW.

I may be the first person that’s ever pointed this out

to you, so it might sound a little strange. Or, I might be

reminding you of something you already know. In any

event, make a commitment to yourself to start talking

positively to yourself and to be encouraging from now on.

Put it on your calendar. Send yourself e-mails. Do

whatever you have to do so you remember to be nice to

yourself when you talk to yourself.

If you’re one of those people that likes being

negative, arguing with everything, finding why things can

never work for you, and why everyone is wrong, then do

me and yourself a favor and delete this book from your

hard drive and e-mail me to ask for a refund. You’ve

Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo ©2001-2005, All

Rights Reserved

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made a choice to be negative with yourself, and I’m not

even interested in helping you see a better way. People

who have made the choice to be negative about

everything are usually playing out a drama that’s beyond

what I’m interested in addressing and probably beyond

the power of this book to change.

If, on the other hand, you are one of the people who

is willing to give new things a try and agree to begin

saying things like, “I can do something if I choose to” and

“I can change if I really want to”, then I think you will be


The key here is to begin taking a positive mindset and

talking to yourself in a positive way.

Here’s an exercise for you to do: Take out a piece of

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