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A1- Possessive / Coincidences Homework #5

Possessive / Coincidences

1. Fill in using the possessive Adjectives my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

1. I don't know the time because I can't find MY watch.

2. What's the boy's name? HIS name is Ben Scott.

3. The dog is very cute HIS name is Ben.

4. We are at school. OUR school is very nice.

5. I have a new laptop. MY laptop is white.

6. I'm from Seattle. Most of MY friends are from Seattle, too.

7. The Millers have a new car. THEIR car is blue.

8. Nick Baker has a sister. HER name is Debbie.

9. Yes, we have a dog. OUR dog is very old.

10. We cannot come on Saturday. It's MY father's birthday.

2. Fill in using possessive pronouns mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs.

A: Is this my pen?
B: No, it's mine . Yours is over there on the desk.

A: Do you really think that it was mine fault?

B: Yes, of course it yours was

A: Is this our neighbors’ dog digging in ours garden?

B: Yes, it's theirs
A: Who left that mobile phone on the shelf? Is it mine
brother's? B: Yes, I'm sure his its
A: Is this mine glass?
B: No, it's not . . It's mine.

A: Whose sunglasses are these?

B: They are I mine was looking for them for some time.

A: Is that yours car in the driveway?

B: No. ours parked on the street.

A: Linda is looking for hers keys. Are these hers?

B: Yes, theirs are
A: Someone forgot this umbrella? Is it yours brother's?
B: Yes, I think it's

A: Does that red truck belong to yours parents?

B: Yes, it's theirs
3. Reading
A. Read the following story about coincidences
B. Fill the box bellow with the definition of the words that are bold fond and
C. Create a new sentence with each new word
The Separated Twins with The Almost Identical Lives
A set of twins from Ohio who were separated at birth grew up without any
knowledge of each other's existence. They lives did however share a number of
strange similarities. They were both named James on their adoptions, they both
grew up to be police officers, and both of them married women named Linda. But
that's not all. Each had a son, one named James Allan and the other one named
James Alan, and each also had a dog named Toy. Both brothers later got divorced,
and both ended up remarrying women named Betty! (source: people)

Word Definition

Knowledge facts, Knowledge is power, when I study English

information, my knowledge increases.
and skills
acquired by a
person through
experience or

however Used to introduce You can do it however you like.

a statement that
something that has
been said

strange Something It's strange that you ask me for a motorcycle when you
unusual or are afraid of going by bike.
grew up Einer grew up in this neighborhood and is well
Is going from respected.
children to adults

married Is begin a legal She married a rich doctor.

relationship with
someone as their
husband or wife

remarrying Remarry refers to I still think the King will want to remarry.
the act
of marrying
again after a
marriage has

1. Imagine that you work for a newspaper company and you have to write an
article about the most impressive coincidence that you have seen in your life
. Use your creativity

My best friend got married last month. He and his wife thought they first met in
their twenties. A few years later they found out that their mothers were best
friends in high school. This photo was shown at their wedding and shows the
first real time they met.

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