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List six process technologies used for programmable links in programmable logic
Six common process technologies for programmable links in programmable logic include
CMOS, FPGA, Antifuse Technology, SRAM, Flash Technology, and EEPROM. CMOS
offers low power consumption and high noise immunity, while FPGAs use configurable
logic blocks, interconnects, and programmable routing resources. Antifuse Technology
creates conductive paths for programming connections, while SRAM-based FPGAs can be
reprogrammed multiple times. Flash Technology retains programming even when powered
off, and EEPROM-based devices offer non-volatile configuration storage. These
technologies offer different trade-offs for performance, power consumption,
reprogrammability, and cost.
2. What does the term volatile mean in relation to PLDs and which process technology is
Volatile memory in programmable logic devices (PLDs) requires continuous power to
retain data, as it loses its stored information when power is removed. SRAM, a common
process technology, is volatile, requiring power to maintain the programmed state. Non-
volatile technologies like flash memory and EEPROM retain their programmed
3. What are two design entry methods for programming PLDs and FPGAs?
Two common design entry methods for programming PLDs and FPGAs are Hardware
Description Languages (HDLs) and Schematic Capture Tools. HDLs describe the behavior
and structure of digital circuits, allowing for high abstraction and suitable for complex
designs. Schematic capture tools provide a graphical interface for creating and connecting
digital logic elements, generating HDL code or netlists for programming.
4. Define JTAG.
JTAG is a standard for testing and debugging integrated circuits, particularly digital devices
like microprocessors, FPGAs, and Programmable Logic Devices. It was developed by the
Joint Test Action Group to address complex circuit board testing challenges. JTAG
provides a serial communication interface for accessing and controlling individual pins of
a device, enabling functions such as boundary scan testing, programming and
configuration, debugging, and in-system programming. The interface consists of
standardized pins on the device, enabling serial communication with the device. JTAG is
widely supported by hardware debugging tools and software development environments.
5. Write a VHDL description of a 3-input NOR gate.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity NOR3 is
port (
A, B, C : in std_logic;
Y : out std_logic
end NOR3;

architecture Behavioral of NOR3 is

Y <= not (A or B or C);
end Behavioral;

In this VHDL code:

- The entity `NOR3` is declared with three input ports (`A`, `B`, `C`) and one output port
(`Y`), all of type `std_logic`.
- In the architecture block `Behavioral`, the output `Y` is assigned the result of the NOR
operation on inputs `A`, `B`, and `C`. The `not` operator is used to invert the result of the
OR operation between the three inputs, effectively implementing a 3-input NOR gate
5. Write a VHDL description of an XOR gate.

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

entity XOR_gate is
port (
A, B : in std_logic;
Y : out std_logic
end XOR_gate;

architecture Behavioral of XOR_gate is

Y <= A xor B;
end Behavioral;

In this VHDL code:

- The entity `XOR_gate` is declared with two input ports (`A` and `B`) and one output port (`Y`),
all of type `std_logic`.
- In the architecture block `Behavioral`, the output `Y` is assigned the result of the XOR operation
(`xor`) between inputs `A` and `B`. This operation returns '1' (true) when the inputs are different
and '0' (false) when they are the same, effectively implementing an XOR gate functionality.

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