About Hudco

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The Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited (HUDCO) is a public sector company in
India that primarily focuses on providing financial and technical assistance for housing and urban
infrastructure projects. Here's a detailed overview of HUDCO:

1. Establishment and Ownership:

HUDCO was established on April 25, 1970, as a wholly-owned government company under the
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs in India.

It was created with the goal of promoting sustainable and equitable development in urban areas and
providing housing and infrastructure finance.

2. Objectives:

HUDCO's primary objectives include financing housing and urban infrastructure projects, providing
consultancy services for project planning and implementation, and acting as a catalyst for private
sector involvement in these sectors.

It aims to address urban development challenges and improve the living conditions of people in
urban areas.

3. Financial Assistance:

HUDCO provides financial assistance for a wide range of urban development projects, including
housing, water supply, sanitation, roads, bridges, power, transport, and more.

It extends loans to state governments, public sector undertakings, and agencies engaged in housing
and infrastructure development.

The corporation also offers loans to housing finance institutions, cooperative housing societies, and
beneficiaries of individual housing projects.

4. Project Implementation Support:

In addition to financial support, HUDCO offers project planning, design, and technical assistance to
ensure the successful execution of projects.

It also conducts training and capacity-building programs for project stakeholders.

5. Sustainable Development:

HUDCO promotes sustainable and eco-friendly development practices, encouraging the

implementation of green and energy-efficient technologies in urban infrastructure projects.

6. Credit Ratings:

HUDCO is often assigned high credit ratings due to its government backing and its role in promoting
affordable housing and urban development.

7. Social Housing Initiatives:

The corporation has a strong focus on affordable and social housing projects, working to improve the
housing conditions of economically weaker sections of society.
8. Funding Mechanisms:

HUDCO raises funds through various means, including loans from domestic and international
financial institutions, borrowing from the capital market, and government grants.

9. Awards and Recognitions:

Over the years, HUDCO has received awards and recognition for its contributions to urban
development, housing, and infrastructure financing in India.

10. Impact:

HUDCO plays a crucial role in supporting the development of urban and rural areas, contributing to
India's overall economic and social progress.


 Established on April 25, 1970.

 Wholly-owned government company under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs in
 Primarily focused on providing financial and technical assistance for housing and urban
infrastructure projects.
 Aims to promote sustainable and equitable urban development.
 Provides financial assistance for a wide range of urban development projects, including
housing, water supply, sanitation, roads, bridges, power, transport, and more.
 Offers project planning, design, and technical assistance in addition to financial support.
 Promotes green and energy-efficient technologies in urban infrastructure projects.
 Assigned high credit ratings due to its government backing.
 Strong focus on affordable and social housing projects.
 Raises funds through loans, capital market borrowing, and government grants.
 Receives awards and recognition for its contributions to urban development and housing in
 Plays a crucial role in supporting the development of urban and rural areas, contributing to
India's overall economic and social progress.

Board of Directors:

 Chairman & Managing Director, HUDCO and JS (HFA)- Shri Kuldip

Narayan (IAS)
 Director (Corporate Planning)- Shri M Nagaraj
 Director (Finance)- Shri D Guhan
 Director HUDCO and AS- Shri Satinder Pal Singh (IPS)
 Director HUDCO and JS & FA- Shri Sanjeet (IRAS)
 Independent Director- Mrs. Sabitha Bojan

 Independent Director- Dr. Ravindra Kumar Ray

 Independent Director- Shri Banshi Lal Gujar
Balance sheet: 31 st March 2022
Main Objectives:

The main objects of our Company as contained in our Memorandum of Association are:

In order to finance housing and urban development programmes, the following actions
must be taken:
 To provide long-term financing for the construction of residential homes
 To finance or carry out housing and urban development programmes throughout the
 To finance or carry out, entirely or in part, the establishment of new or satellite towns;
 To subscribe to the debentures and bonds to be issued by the State Housing (and/or
Urban Development) Boards, Improvement Trusts, Development
 To finance or undertake the setting up of industrial enterprises of building material;
 To manage the money received from the Government of India and other sources as
grants or otherwise for the purposes of financing or undertaking housing and urban
development programmes in the country.
 Establishment, promotion, assistance, collaboration, and provision of consulting services
for projects involving the design and planning of works related to Housing and Urban
Development programmes in India and Abroad
 Creating HUDCO's own mutual fund to support housing and urban development initiatives.
 Managing a venture capital fund in the housing and urban development sectors,
supporting innovations in these fields; investing in and/or subscribing to units, shares,
etc. of venture capital funds promoted by government/government agencies in the
aforementioned sectors

Financial Assitance in following Housing Projects:

 Acquisition of land and Development of plots
 Housing for EWS/LIG/MIG/HIG and other categories
 Staff Rental Housing
 Slum rehabilitation/ in-situ development/ Slum upgradation
 Repairs and Renewal
 Loans to Apex Co-operative Housing Societies
 Funding to State Governments/Urban Local Bodies for meeting its margin money
in projects pertaining to Government of India Action Plan Schemes.

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