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Protocol Treatment

Assuming you wake up at 6:00 am

(1) When you wake up early in the morning take:
Two glasses of warm water -
• Add 2tbs full of Activated Charcoal to the first glass
• Add water full to the make the second glass of water.

(2) After about 1hr:

Take a glassful of juice comprising of -
a) Two potatoes
b) Half small size cabbage
c) Four small size carrots (optional)

Eat Breakfast after 10 minutes comprising of –

1. Carbohydrates :-Yams , Potatoes, green bananas,
With beans, lentils, peas (alkaline rich ones only)

3. Cooked vegetables: -
Managu, saga, terere, mafaki, cabbage, sukuma, celery, nderema, and
pumpkin leaf, kunde, mrenda, mto, kanzira. e.t.c
Note : Spinach avoid for treatment, blend the food if bleeding see
symptoms check below.
Note: never mix more than two veggies, never eat mixed spinach and
kales or any other veggie, eat spinach alone it has acid hinders
nutrients calcium & iron absorption.

**This do towards introducing foods after treatment of few months**

only for this condition (4)
d) Close it with a vegetable salad (cabbage, carrots, beetroot, cucumber,
and grate nicely to small fine pieces can add avocado )

5. After 2 hrs: Take minimum two glasses of warm water (Assuming that
its 10 O’clock)
6. At around 12:30, take 1 glass of warm water
7. After 10 minutes, eat lunch with Carbohydrates and proteins like at
breakfast above and Nuts milk Almonds

Note: don’t eat vegetables during lunch to avoid mixing veggies with
fruits they will ferment in the stomach causing acid formation.
Fruits to take:
 Avocados
 Pawpaw
 Straw berries
 Water melon (take alone don’t mix)

8. After 2 hrs, around 4:00 pm, take two or glasses of warm water
9. At 5:30 pm take 1 glass of warm water
10. Take a glassful of juice comprising of -
e) Two potatoes
f) Half small size cabbage
g) Four small size carrots (optional)
11. Supper should be light and not so much as the two meals breakfast and
lunch, the stomach needs to rest so it should be taken five hours before
time to sleep.
12. Must be left to sleep by 9:30 pm
- Walk after a meal
- eating small amounts of food at each meal
- Avoid eating in between meals (snacking). Eat at regular times in case
you feel an urge to eat take a glass of water will help the urge go.
- Aluminum cookware should be discarded.
- Chew your foods well slowly never eat in a hurry
- Exercise daily, walk about 30mins.
- Don’t take antacids and pain killers as aspirin.
Avoid this foods to help the body heal itself:-
- soft drinks, cocoa, chocolate
- Dairy products, fish ,milk adds HCI, meat
- Fried foods, oily saturated fats foods
- foods yeasted (cakes)n sugary foods ,
- white bread high in HCI
- Salt (irritant) take less should be added when cooking not straight
- Alcohol, salt, coffee, tea ,
- refined foods, white flour foods(lack fiber causing digestion
- avoid spinach during treatment time
- tension, irritability, nervous strain, anger or fear
- sugar increases HCI
- Don’t chew gum and don’t eat sweets
- stress worries trust in God in all things

NB: charcoal mentioned above is medicinal activated charcoal its

not any charcoal
- HCI means hydrochloric acid which needed to digest protein
hence stomach walls is protein and its destroyed by high levels of

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