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Name: De Leon, Jhon Carl M.

Course year and sec: Bs Forestry 1C

Experiment no___Soil texture by feel / Feel Method

Guide for the experiment:


1. 2- 3 tablespoon of soil
2. Bottle sprayer with water
3. Spoon/spatula
4. Ruler


1. Step 1 wet and knead soil

Add 2 to 3 tablespoon soil to your palm
Add water a little at a time
Knead soil/ mix the soil using spoon or spatula
2. Step 2 try to make a ball
Is it able to form a ball? if yes, continue this experiment
Is it not able to from a ball? the soil you have is sand. You can stop here the experiment
3. Step 3 does it ribbon?
Try to make a ribbon, place the ball of soil between your thumb and forefinger squeeze upward to
form ribbon to break under its own weight
Does it able to form a ball? if yes, continue the experiment
If it is no able to form a ball, the soil you have is loamy sand you can stop the experiment.
4. Step 4. How long is the soil ribbon?

Measure the ribbon that fall down under step 3.

Just choose one from option A to C base on the length of your soil ribbon

A. If the ribbon is <2.5cm is a type of loam. What type of loam you have?

Put a pinch of soil to your palm and spay it with water. Rub the soil using your forefinger and
analyze its texture.

Does it feel gritty? (like sugar) your soil is sandy loam ( you can stop the experiment here)
Or does it feel smooth? (like flour) your soil is silt loam ( you can stop the experiment here)
Or is it somewhat gritty and smooth? your soil is loam ( you can stop the experiment here)

B. If the ribbon is between 2.5- 5cm is a type of clay loam, what type of clay loam you

Put a pinch of soil to your palm and spay it with water. Rub the soil using your forefinger and
analyze its texture.

Does it feel gritty? (like sugar) your soil is sandy clay loam ( you can stop the experiment

Or does it feel smooth? (like flour) your soil is silty clay loam ( you can stop the experiment

Or is it somewhat gritty and smooth? your soil is clay loam ( you can stop the experiment

C. If the ribbon is >5 is a type of clay, what type of clay you have?

Put a pinch of soil to your palm and spay it with water. Rub the soil using your forefinger and
analyze its texture.

Does it feel gritty? (like sugar) your soil is sandy clay ( you can stop the experiment here)

Or does it feel smooth? (like flour) your soil is silty clay ( you can stop the experiment here)

Or is it somewhat gritty and smooth? your soil is clay ( you can stop the experiment here)


Course year and sec:

Experiment no_
Litmus / PH test





Litmus paper

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